-to 5 5? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. vrt & VOL 9 iro, ? '-" SAIiETM, OREGON, THUIISDAY, JUNE 23, 1&1M, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN See Krausse Bros. They haye them at 275.Commercial st, A Goo dBicycle for a low price is what the people want, We have The Pacific and you al know the record it has made, Just received a big lot yesterday, Fully warranted mmJK SS30Sif 931 mm1 ffig nUREN & HAMILTON i-AWmaii'TTfT fiiTf! 1 Jf 1 Dont Be 'Deceived ! f A si4-- j - 1 r uwuiuia Deceptive ! " Vsft ' Almost any sort of stuff may be made to look well In the store; a clever salesman may easily do you.'up. But from us you can get a good all wool home made suit that for durability and wear caunot be beat. Ask to see our new stylish luts. We have the largest assortment) In the market nt up-to-date goods. Furnishing goods, Balbrlgan underwear In-extra sizes. Woolen underwear In all prices. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE M GO d 11 Being Slaughtered PI AT Will ii ARMY Of Invasion Landed Near Santiago. The Debarking Point First Shelled, Cabanas Bombarded to vert Attention, Di- Only'.One American Killed On Our Battleships. On Board The Associated Press dispatch-Boat Wanda, off Balquirt, June 23, noon, via Playa del Este, Guantanamo bay, Wednesday after noon, June 22. As 0 o'clock, the hour supposed to haye been fixed for com menclng the disembarkation came and passed, the expedition was In suspense, but the ships lay rocking complacently outside the little bay. About 0:15 a. m, the bombardment of the hills surrounding tho village of Juragua, some six miles off. suddenly began to di stract our attention from our affairs. Then, steam pinnaces, trailing strings of empty boats, began speeding to and fro among the trans ports, and gradually, though Jlmpre ccptlbly filling with troops. At 0:45 Cuban 6CQUts appeared west of Batciulrl, and immediately the New Orleans, Macblas, Detroit, Suwanee and Wasp began bombarding. Forty five rpuuds were fired into the bushes during tc first quarter of an hour, and many rounds from the quick-fire guns. Not a shot was fired in re sponse. At 0:45 tho lirst boatload, containing the men of the Eighth and First in fantry, started for the shore, followed by the Twenty-fifth (colored,) Tenth and-Twelfth Infantry at 10:10. Prodigious cheering from the shore, caught up by tho nearest ships and flying from vessel to vessel through tho squadron, announced the mo- memtous fact that the army had begun a landing on Cuban soil, the honor of setting the first foot on tho land falling to a detachment of the Eighth infantry, which was towed ashore by the tug Wampatuck. This Important operation thus quickly completed without loss of life or attack, the troops on land formed and moyed up and away to- quarters without confusion. A force of mounted Cubans, which ban been under the fire during the bombardment, now arrived and con gratulations were exchanged. The inhabitants of the village, assured that tho worst was over, came out, colored women and children creeping Into sight from subterranean shelters. At 11:30 a detachment of the Second Massachusetts volunteers started for the shore, and by noon probably 3000 men had landed. Other detachments were following as rapidly as tho steam aunches could bo niado available. 4 The sea was calm and tho sky clear. A cool breeze was blowing. Tho troops were in the 'highest spirits, and strains of "Yankee Doodle" were greeting every string of boats coming in. The correspondent of tho Associ ated Press, going ashoro at 1:10 p.fmj, found that tho Spaniards had 'done little wanton mischief. A round house, a locomotive, a few cars ana railway offices had been destroyed,bu tho bulk of the village was left stan ing Intact. The tiring on Jarugua Still con tinucs as this dispatch Is tiled, but it Is desultory and Is directed over the first line of hills to clear the country beyond. Phil Robinson, officially reported. Washington, June 23, Official dlspatcnes received by Secretary Algers and Secretary Long Indicted that the landing of troops near Santi ago Is progressing most favorably, The first landing was effected at Baiguirl this morning and met with comparatively slight resistance. This was stated in a dispatch received by Secretary Alger, which, though brief, was full of news and meaning. It follews: "Playo del Ete, Juno 22. To tho Secretary of War, Washingten: Off Ralqulrl, Cuba, Juno 22. Landing at Baiqulrl this morning. Very little if any resistance. Shafter. Secretary Alger expressed himself as delighted at tho expedition with which tho landing of tho troops was being effected and with tho fact that no serious obstaclo was being offered by the enemy, IIo construed tho text of General Shaftcr's message to mean that the enemy had mado merely a nominal and ineffectual resistance by firing from tho hills at long range. Shortly after Secretary Alger re celved this dispatch, Secretary Long received a more extended cablegram from Admiral Sampson. It, too. was dated at Playa del Este, at 0:50 this evening. The text of tho dispatch, translated from the navy department cipher, Is as follews: "Landing of the army is progres sing favorably at Balquirt. There is little if any resistance. Tho New Orleans, 'Detroit, Castine. Suwanco and Wasp shelled the vicinity before the lauding. We mado a demonstra tion at Cabanas to engage the atten tion of tho enemy. The Taxes engaged the west battery for somo hours. She had one man killed. The submarine mines haye been recovered from the channel at Guantanamo. Communication by telegraph has been established at Guantanamo. Sampson." In both army and navy circles, tho Information contained In the dis patches of General Shatter and Ad miral Sampson -was received with intense satisfaction. The landing of so large a body of troops as General Shafter at present has under his com mand is a task of immense proportions A prominent official of the war de partment said tonight tho complete debarkation of the troops, animals and field guns and supplies within a week after their arrival off the Cuban coast would bo a task well accom plished. It Is probably, In tho opin ion of tho officers referred to, that only apartial landing of troops was effected today. Admiral Sampson's dispatch Indi cated that ho was carrying out bis in structions thoroughly to clear a way for the landing of tho troops. The demonstration which ho mado with tho Texas beforo Cabanas, which Is Just west of Santlago.tuay easily have tho Spaniards to suppose that a gen eral landing was to bo attempted in tho immediate viqlnlty. It was evi dent from tho text of Admiral Samp son's dispatch that a landing had ul ready been effected near Guatanarao, as ho noted that communication by telegraph had been re-established at this point and that tho channel had been cleared of sub-marlno mines. In the opinion of nayal officers, tho land ing at Guantanamo was of marines rather thtn of laud forces. Tho cable station, through which tho Amerlcau comtuauders will com municate with tho departments In this city, has been established, us shown by tho dates of tho dispatches received this evening, at Playa del Este, a small placo near tho coat and aboct 15 miles-cast of Santiago. Tho chango was made from Camy Mc- nnlln to Plava del Este that alio sta tion might bo nearer tho scene of ac-tlon. VICTORY Claimed by Dons at Santiago. On to Manila. Salem Volunteers Are Being Mustered In. Insurgent's Ovation to Dewey The Glorious Fourth, Independence Day Will Be a Rousing Time In Salem. W. S. Uuniway.Wlll Be Orator of the Day and Hon. Claud Gatch Will Preside. Liberia Wants American Pro" tection, Supplies for Dewey Will Leave San Francisco at Once. Another Opportunity for Salem Patriots to Serve Their Counrty.' The Draw Mm n m w Another excellent opportunity Is open to ublo bodied young Salem men U) KO 10 Mio I rum, vaiu. . -jj-vu- .dall, rccrultiDg officer of tho Eighth United States calvary; accompaniea by examining physicians, Drs. Walker and Johnson and clerks, Messrs. Wil son and Grant arrived In tho city on tho 11 o'clock train from Portland, and la now at tho armory, third floor of city hall building, engaged In mus tering applicants for sorylco in tho volunteer United States army. These recruits are a complement and will bo used to enlarge and fill tho vacan cies In the other Oregon companies. They will b0 6ent to tho front at once, will reach San Francisco by the first of next week and will go to Ma. nllp on the first expedition. Major J. C. Rutenlc has a list of 41 volunteers, who aro anxious to go Into the service. Most of these young men. however, reside In the country, and It will be found impossible to notify them of the presence, In Salem, of the regular recruiting officer. Captain Kendall wrotcSto Major Rutenlc day beforo yesterday of his Intention to come to Salem today, hut tho letter was kept In the malls until this morning. Tills may deprive a num ber of young men of an opportunity to go to Manila. Captain Kendall does not uciteve no will bo able to complete hlo work In Salem today, but may return to Portland tomorrow morning. Capt. Mlnto's company will not en list on this occasion as they desire to maintain their organization and go in a body. One of tho Mlnto company Second Lieut. Geo. W. Jones, who has Just been re-elected county sup erintendent of Marlon county, has enrolled with Major Rutenlc as a private and will go If accepted. Liberia Wants Our Protection. Washington, June 23. Thoro is a Llberlan Bishop hero urging this government to Join Great Britain In extending a Joint protectorate over Liberia. v , Terry's Rough KIders. . Cheyenne, June 23. Colonel Terry's rough riders loft horo last night enrouto for Jacksonville, Instruction Camp Established. San Francisco, Juno 23. Tho de partment has established u camp horo for tho Instruction and drilling of raw recruits, Supplies for Dewey. San Francisco, Juno 23. Two batteries of tho Third Artillery and a largo store of ammunition will bo sent with tho next Manilla oxpodltlo n .. ...Cornell Wins. New York, June 23. Cornell wins the boat race; Yule second; Harvard third. Thcro Is no longer any doubt that tho glorious Fourth of July will bo celebrated this year In Salem as It has never been beforo. Everything Indicates that It will bo a celebration on a largo scalo and that many of tho features will bo very attractive, novel and unique. Another enthusiastic meeting of tho Fourth of July committees was held Tuesday evening at the city police court room. Tho soliciting committee has raised a subscription of about-$700 and resumed Its canvass of tho city this morning. Tho Invitation committeo reported haying secured the services of the fol lowing persons to assist In tho cclc bratlen: lion. Claud Gatch, president of tho day; W. S. Duolway, orator; Mrs. 0. S. Rlcly, reader of tho Declar ation of Independence; Rev. W, C Kantner, chaplain; F. N. Derby, chief marshal; Bon F. Taylor will superintend tho firing of tho morning salute. All business men of tho city aro In vited to decorate tholr places of busi ness and to participate In tho parado. It 1 3 proposed to havo a grand parado In which the various business firms and trades will be represented. The blcyclo committeo proposo to havo a largo delegation of .wheelmen In tho procession, Tho various committees aro work ing hard and tho celebration, though undortaken at a lato hour, promises to bo ono of tho most successful over held in Oregon's Capital City. Bon P. Taylor will flro the morning salute at sunrise. Ono of tho prettiest and most novel attractions will bo a grand pyrotcch nlo display from tho Wlllametto river, thus affording thousands of dcodIo an oncortunlty to witness It from both banks and from tho big bridge. Anothor unique feature and ono that will bo sura to attract will bo the "Yew Park Zouaves" undor tho leadorshln of Cant. W. P. Ross. This HM sYS))tn 99 iSM9 RfffWvVsl ejCwwH sesiej eesr Wte)Wts Cinn etWS WWW ejejse- r w9w9Wv Wfw awy "Jsst sw J W AW POWDER MTU AHa KWtR CO., NIW TOM. their brightest prices and tho beat yocallsts obtainable will bo secured. It Is certain that tho people from tho neighboring towns and surround ing country aro coming to Salcni by tho thousands, to celebrate and It Is also certain that they will bo gives a big time, There will be another meetn of tho committee held tonight In tta police court room ut- tho city hall. TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Juno 23. Wheat valley 02: Walla Walla, COc. Flour Portland, 81.00; Sujperflne J2.25 per bbl. Oats White 42fa43c. 12.50 per;ton. Hay Good, $11(312.60 perltc Hops 512ic; old crop 46s Wool valley, 1415c; Eastern Oregon, 8M12c. He Spanish Claim Victory, Madrid, June 23. Report received hero of hard battlo at Santiago. Ceryeruadmlts that tlieSpanlsh wcro forced to re tiro but claims It was a Spanish victory. Ovation to American Troops. Washington, Juno 23. Off San tiago, American troops aro landing and tho Insurgonts are extending a grand reception to tho soldiers. Fifth In Rank, Washington, Juno 23 The nayy department has learned that twonty fivo steamers aro now under construc tion at Unalaska, making that fort fifth In rank In shipbuilding In tho United States. Shafter's Troops Land. Kingston, Juno 23, Five thousand or General Shaftcr's troops landed to day and tho remainder will go ashore tomorrow. and deserves 1 the trade ol all close buyers, Sec our large stock at lowest racket prices. Our forced sale has been a great success' We have a few pair of those barglnsln ladles' shoes, worth S3, going ow for 11.23. and those Oxford ties worth 12, going for 75c a pair. Also good toweling at 4c a yard. A good suit of clothes for 84 u suit. The prices on everything In the store reduced. FRIEDMAN'S DRV GOODS AND CLOTHING STOKE O. J?'m MillstutT Bran,815j17 shorts, 817. Poultry Chickens, mixed, w.eu turkeys, llvo, lU12ic lugffs urcgon, iwwiuo per uus. HidPA Green, salted CO lbs. under 00 lbs,017c;shccp pclts.lE onions 91.0U per sacK. Butter Be3t dairy, 3235c; fancy creamery 60c5Cc a roll. Potatoes, 2f35o per sack. ' nogs neavy, 84.25. Mutton Weathcrs4c;idrcsscd, 8iCi Bcof JJteors, 84; cows, 83, dressed, 67. saltcm market. Wheat'No buyers Oats 32c. Hay Baled, cheat, 880. Flour In wholesale Jots,'$4.15; re tail 81.40 nogs dressed, 5o. Llvo cattle 33lc. Veal 5o. Butter Dairy 1215c; creaawry, 18M20c. Sheep Live, 3lc a lb. . Wool Best,15o. Mohair 25o. nops Best 814o. Eggs-12o in trade. Poultry Hens, 8o; spring chlckws 12lo. "IPorm cmnlfArl mMt.CU. MAlV.n JUUUUIO 111! Ul UUi;Vi II " . itm wfcMww wr .., company will lead a band of uioro ham, 10c Bhouldor,819c, .i...!,..!, i.. m,,,., in mi.. Potatoes Now 00c, 1I1UU4WU SlillUUl villi"."" " vav.V aud patriotic costumes. Numerous trauo floats will bo in Iho parade, which will In fact bo a real pageant, with dozens or patriotic floats.and grand spectacular presenta tions. Tho blcyclo pcoplo aro making tho offort of their lives. They will all bo in line, hundred and thousands of them, with gaily decorated wheels. Large cash prizes aro being offered for tho prettiest decoruted bicycles In lino. Thcro will bo novelty races of all kinds and lots of attructho bycyclo races. Tho arrangements arc not yet com- nlcte for tho musical features, but enough has been dono to Justify tho prophecy that thoy will be of tho best, All tho bands will bo on hand with Bob Moore, of LaFvette.Ind says ifcW- for constipation he has found DeWItU LlMfci Eatly Risers to be perfect. They never grip. Try them for liomach and liver tctmbtos. Meno una aiore. r, i Thousands of personi have been cursd at piles by using DeWltt's Witch Hssel Sahw. It heals promptly and cures eczema and sit tkln diseases. It gives immediate relief. Stone Drug Store. i m Noboflr need havo Nearalgl. SetPr.Mm l'ala nib from druaahrta. 1'0a Mat m, Mt" Mold Tea positively cures stck Headache, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful , drink. Removes all eruptions of the skla, i producing a perfect cofcplexiou, or money re- j funded. 35 cents and 50 cents. Luna A ' Drools, druggists ; Asari&o llWKM YW Witt VHfi FROM A SUFFERKR. How Bohc Uncle- Sam Is Ready And 0 are we. wbea It ccmes to GARDEN H081T LAWN MOWERS LAWN SPRINKLERS GARDEN TOOLS WHEELBARROWS SCYTHES, ETO, GRAY BROS Will Plntsh Today. Thorccriiltingoaicer, Capt. Kendall will complete his work In Salem today and with the quota that Salem Is en titled to under this call, twenty-flye men, go to Portland tonight. At 3 o'clock seventeen successful oppll cantshd been examined and accepted. By ualngextra efforts Malor Retenlc ucceededIn notifying nearly all the 41 volu&teers, who reside la the coun try an4'raany of them are coming. In this afternoon, CASTOR I A For Infants and GMUrta. Tki M Ym Have Always Ntf Bears tho lgntwo of Corner State Salem, Or. and Liberty streets. A. Cooper Had a Rotten Healed 1 After 35 Yean. Chkiialib, WubIi., April 0, 1303. Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or: , 1 received your letter and was glad to hear from you. You want to know how my leg Is getting along. It Is all right; the flesh is growing out over the shin bono and Is turning white, it Is not straight yet, but I think It will be as straight as the other leg when wiirm weather comes on. I can work most of tho time. Tho other doctors told mo I could novor bo cured wlthoutspllttlng It and scrap In? the bone, but thev aro mistaken It Is gettlBU well without cutting or scrnnlnir. sothfiv do not know as much asthey thought they did, butyouaro all right, for you haydone lint what you said you could do. I will answer any questions you ask about my leg. Very truly yours, A. Coopek. Dr. Cook's office (is at) 301 Liberty street, Salem, Qualify Is Oil? Capstone! If younro Inafmonoy-maklng mood como here. Our river of bargains flows steadily 00. A bombardment still going on In our Shirt wal8t department, at prlcM that appeal to your pur. Shirt Waists New Today Changeable Taffeta Umbrellas, the long looked for lino has arrived. Values iinuurpuBsed, $ 3,50 and $5.00, ztm (ITIUVEIX DCTECTIVK JUJESCT. w O Kearar Biret,enFrneUeo, UL To district attorneys, sherlBs, attorneys at law and prlU partles:-l'rpaed to transact alt business of a confidential and intricate character exwdlltouilr and on reaonsJ verms. Correspondents all o Calf for Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there a1 refunds on hand applicable to the psyewnt of all warrants of the City of Salem, ekrd on or before June 30, 1800, drawn upon the general fund. Please prssent said warrants for pay incut atthoLadd&i Uuh bank, as Interest on the same will ceae from t tin riat nf this DOtiaC. A, A. Lee, City Treasurer. Salem, June 10, im, 0 18 10t Pique Puff Tics, Tho swell tie for ladles' wear, 25c, New Gloves, EJNew bluss, new greys, new modes, wo and three clasp, $1,00, $1,25, $150 New Silk Win yourfbattles sgalatt dbease by acting promptly. Use Minute duces iuuaedlats mmta. I It McrettU ccswaasptlaa. it HnUbe PfosBfX relief, Couzh Cuie Pro- When taken early Aad l latter stages btotx Drs Stew. For skirts, cerise, new and grey, the yard and Wool Mmnmos blue, purple f jcSjLaJLvr The Closing Out of Our Spring Suite, Has been indeed a success, continue our War on Price. $6,85, $7,85, $8,25, up for HART, 80HAFPNEB k MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINO. The bett Ready-tcvwear Clothes in America, The Rosclk Outing Hats In blue, pearl, brown, cardinal Drown, iusl riant lor wrteftiin. stores would say 91, as, our prk New Cuban atul America Bag BtHrtia. ,Ow Amertaea Cuban IUj for 65c and $125, JOSEPH MEYERS L 278290 CeMtgsl at, mmm THIXFHOHM WO, J.) 3i or f aOs SON CsKt at J, E 4VBCi owavcUI and UiU &M-PUu'. Vvca (SAjSLsaBJMftSaaS mvB-lSmmKm IEMS