Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 21, 1898, Image 1

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mi , fly II Al
Iii iiiiiii Mil Hf EH a m ti
JSItif A
See Krausse Bro
They haye them at 275 Commercial st,
and you al know the record -it
has made, Just received a big
t yesterday,
Fully warranted
Almost any sort of stuff may be made to look well in the store; a
clever salesman may easily do youjup. Hut from us you can get a
pood all wool home made suit that for durability and wear cannot be
Ask to see our new stylish hats. We have the largest assortment
in the market nt up-to date goods. ,.
Furnishing yowls,
Halbrigan underwear In extra size.
Woolen underwear In all prices.
,Being Slaughtered,
Our forced sale has
We bae a few pair of those bargins In ladies' thwf, worth 13,
- for u.23. and those Oxford ties wortli fi. going for "fca pair.
Alogood toweling at 4c a yard.
A good suit of clothes for U a bult.
The prices on everything in the store reduced.
X '
A Goo dBicycle
for a low price is what the
people want, We have
The Pacific
Dont Be Deceived !
Clothing Is
Deceptive !
wjSk Vmis.
st30': ?9g$swr S'j
loVJl ' '
been a great success-
fl)WUWl itlkl Kila vu EfcUlJl f).tf
At Santiago Bay for
Gen, Shafter Will Clear
tho Woods First.
No Small Job to Land
Large a Jorce,
Thn Exact Point of Landing: Still
Kept a Secret,
Washington, June 21 It is ex
pected here that General Shatter Is
landing his troops, a work which
will require sagasity and nerve, as It
will hayo to be accomplished under
the cannon's mouth. It will require
nearly a week to land the forces. All
plans for the debarkation have been
arranged and Is expected the fleet of
transports will lie in a safe position
until Sampson has cleared the way for
a landing, a place which has been
selected hy the commanders.
The first business in order upon the
irrlval of the transports off Santiago
Is a war council between Sampson and
some of his nayal ca'pWnfuomthc one
nana, ana bimrter ana ws'htau on too
other, the purpose being to settle all
the details of the debarkation. Mean-
while the fleet of transports would lie
out at sea at least 10 miles beyond the
blockading squadron, in order to be
entirely safe from attack by the Span
ish torpedo-boats.
The work of debarking the troops Is
not to be one of hours, according to
the opinion of army oilicers. A great
deal depends upon the point selected
for the lauding. It was thought the
Aguidores, cast of Mora castle, would
be a likely landing place, in yiew of
the fact that it lias a wharf which
would be extremely useful for landing
heavy supplies and the ordinance of
the siege train.
nThe army olliclals feel confident
that Shafter will make an effort to
restore cable communication as soon
us he has landed a force, and are ex
pecting a cablegram at almost any
mument announcing the fact that he
has succeeded.
The rerort that supplies have been
reaching Havana from the soutli by
way of Batabano and a short line of
railway connecting that town with
Havana Is no news to naval officials,
who have been aware of this fact for
a long time. They are not, however,
deeply concerned over it, as it is not
believed to be the main purpose of
the campaign to cause the surrender
of the capital through the starvation
of its Inhabitants. Nevertheless, In
view of the decree to which the
practice of carrying supplies to
Havana has been extended naval
oilicers have tightened the guard
lines against South Cuba.
The-refusal of the Spanish oilicers
to exchange Hobson cause a disa
greeable feeling here. While there Is
no positive obligation upon a belli
gerent to exchange prisoners, yet It Is
the universal practice in civilized
warfare. In the case of Hobson, ills
rank aa assistant construct r, which
Tho beer that made Milwaukee
J farooua. No headache fioea with T
J this beer. But dont m . f
JHealth, Strength and Purity !
f ryHigheitaw rdfb purity I
2 at Chicago expoaltlo . J
T .P.
M, L
Local Agents,
i U apeala (or iUelf.
Is equivalent to lieutenant of the
Junior grade, shall oe the sole basis
for his exchange, yet it Is obvious to
the authorities here that the Span
iards hold him, not a? a lieutenant,
but as a popular idol of the United
States In this respect his detention
ceases to be that of prisoner
and becomes one of hostage.
of war
May Land Today.
A Hew York Times special says
The capture of Santiago may turn
out to be easier than was expected,
but preparations huve been made op
the assumption that the Spaniards
will make a resistance equal to thai
which would be made by the same
number of American troops holding
a like position. Hut the Spanish wly
be weaker than General Shatter and
the licet combined, while the reports
about the activity and efficiency of
the Insurgents lead army men to hope
that their assistance will bo of some
value. A
Willie there Is
not much
here concerning General Shatter and
his jirmv. thorn Is n unlvnrail desiro
to hear of his arrival and landings
Army and navy men argrcc In th
opinion that if the army reaches San
tlagoor the point at which It Is ln
tended to land before Monday, or,
even Tuesday, it done ernor- gov
well. The transports would not salll
at high speed, some of them may
have been detained, and as the fleet
would keep together In order to
offord the slowest ships tho benefit ofi
tne convoy, It Is observable that the
expedition might not reach Santiago
until tomorrow or next day. j
General Shafter was rather expected
to run ahead of the fleet and troops,
and to arrive at Santiago or Guan-
tanamo somewhat before the other
vessels, taking tho risk, which is not)
regarded as great, of meeting with
Spanish cruisers. The assumption of
naval oilicers Is that any day danger
of that kind would be reduced by
sending ouc of the convoy V2ssels
along with tho Seguncla us a guard
for the commanding general.
An oilier of tho army who has seen
a great deal of service ana who has n'
high opinion of the ability of tho
United Mates army, expresses the
opinion that the campaign against
Santiago will be a short one, and that
it will not be a show of fighting abil
ity that will give a victory to the men
under General Shafter. Although
the United States troops arc not all
properly clad, most of them havo good
shoes and all have plenty of food and
good medical attention. The case Is
different with the Spanish soldiers.
Their commissary is bad, owing to
the indifference of the oilicers to the
welfare of the men, for whom they
make no sacrifices.
Excepting garrisons usually taken
care Df, the hospatal service Is Inade
quate, and to that Indifference is at
tributed tho great mortality among
the Spanish troops. Tills oillcer said
the same conditions In dis
tricts where Spanish military habits
arc found. The United States forces
will be superior as much for the reason
that they are fed and paid as for
their greater cnergyus a race.
War department still keeps secret
exact point of landing of tho military
cxDcdltion to Santiago. It may be at
the first harbor, and it may be at tho
last, borne suggest that there Is reason
to believe that both the east and west
approaches may be utilized.
The early reports from General
.Shatter following hU landing and
observation of the situation are ex
pected to giye the department an idea
of the probable duration of the
campaign. The commander will also
Instruct the departmentos to whether
on the plans already adopted there
are enough men to do the work. If
not, a sufllclent number, whatever it
may be, will be hurried forward to
assure complete success at the earliest
possible moment.
L'wiDr. llll' Nkjivb Puutrcua for BI'INAt
WEAKNU&. AUdnuucikUMiii'emor&y
It you fall down, why just get up and
go again, and if yuu have been paying to
much for your goods, go to The Fair store
274 Commercial od 96 Court st Everyv
tiling at the lowest racket prices for spot
cash, THE FAIR,
The Conditions at Potto Rice Terrible to
New York, Juno 21 Tho Herald
published the following correspond
ence dated JL'nn Juan, Porto Rice,
Juno 0:
Provisions are very scarce, and
prices have been Increased 75 per cent
above the normal. In the interior of
the Island the conditions arc stilt
worso. No work Is being dono on tho
estates. Thousands of men aro unem
ployed, and misery and hunger arc
rife. The local currency is at a low
ebb, the rate of exchange being any
thing from 110 to 1-15 percent on gold
Since the bombardment of the city
May 12 there has been a general fccl
Ingof unrest, uneasiness and uncer
tainly as to what Is next to come,
as it Is too clearly evident that
matters will not rest long in statu
quo. Where and when thn next blow
may fall Is the all-absorbing question.
No American papers have cou.o to
hand'atcly, and it Is supposed those
that arrived nave been suppressed.
That Is true of those coming hy way
of St. Thomas. News by cable Is ut
terly unreallablc, as passed for publi
cation by the authorities, and the
only reliably information is that
which comes surrepltlously from St.
A giand review of the new volun
teers was held last Sunday, when
about a thousand meu swore Udell ty
to the Spanish flag. None of the
Sranlsh warships have arrived In
Porto Rice except tho torpedo-boat
Terror, which Is thought to be a
grand acquisition to thj defences.
Her sister vessel, the Furor, lies at
Martinique, according to the latest
advices. The other warships In port
arc the usual ones tho Isabella II,
Ponce dc Leon and Concha.
The armed transatlantic steamer
Alfonso Xll I lies loaded with pro
visions for Santiago or some other
Cuban port, but does not seem in
clined to gel out. She made a quick
run a few days ago to Muyague. and
'P(!I1C,! t0 " Provisions trt tho small
garrison there
Prisoners are working briskly on
the earthworks, and aro repairing and
strengthening the batteries.
Tho-appearancc of tho cruiser Yale
from her usual dally appearance on
some part of tho coast Is much com
mented upon, and tho rumor was
started on no foundation whatever
that she had been sent to the bottom
by n Spanish war vessel near some
undefined point.
No vessels have been slglitcd at sea
from any station on tho Isiund.so that
the small cotstcrs arc beginning to
follow their regular route again.
The mines at tho harbor entrance
have been laid further seaward, cov
ering all tho lines the United States
licet took during the bombardment,
which were too close In to have effect
on Moro, which lies on the flat top of
the cliff above where they wore,
Tho Islanders arc perfectly quiet;
oven politics are not discussed, There
huyo been many cases of hamstring
ing of cattle so that they have to be
killed, and the owners, having more
flesh on their hands than they can
dlupose of, have to give it uway to
the poor people tho people who did
tho mischief, In fact. This trick is
becoming ery comman, and may lead
to something more serious when peo
ple arc starving as they soon will be
The angry feeling against the
"Yankees" M extremely bitter anions
the purely Spanish party, but nothing
of the kind exists among the true is
landers, who appear to bo passively
awaiting the dcvclopcmcntt of the
war. At present tliey are cowed, but
If a competent leader was to come
forward they would rise to a man and
make short work of their oppressors
too short, it is feared, liumiuialy
speaking. The Isluml has now a pop
ulation of a mlllilon. Tho purely
lUnrinlttli nlptnrtnt. nr
count for one
IT ., ' ,. '
tenth of the whole.
Is Alive and in Good
Merritt Sails for Manila
Spanish Spies Blow Up Pow
der Mill,
Transport Ships Havo Arrived
M, Santiago.
Spanish Hirelings.
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 21. -It Is
claimed the two men who set flro to
King Powder Co's. works In Wnricn
county are emmlssarlcs of Spain,
Troop Ships Arrive,
Washinoton, Juno 21. Tho navy'
department bus received u disp&'ch
from Sampson saying that the troop
shipsarrlvcdoff Santiago yesterday.
Marines Will Be Landed.
London, Juno 21. Tho Times
prints news that Gorman and French
warships have been applied to land
marines to occupy Manila. The pica
of tho onural that lie Is
unable to resist the Insurgents is
pressed and It is thought that the
commodore will consent,
Sail Saturday,
San Fiiancisco, Juno 21. General
Merritt says ills Manila expedition
will sail Saturday.
Lieutenant Hobson and Ills Men,
Washington, Juno 21. Commodore
Watson cabled that Captaln-Gcuerul
Ulanco has been ordered not to ex
chango Hobson and his men,
It Is reported from Key West on tho
authority of several naval olllcersthat
Ulanco has notified the commander of
the American lleot that ho will here
after recognize no Hag of truce.
W. Ramsden, the Hrltlsli consul nt
Santiago, now acting for tho United
States In the negotiations with tho
Spanalrds for the exchange of Lieu
tenant Hobson and his comrades, has
suggested to the olllcluls at Washing
ton that even u random might bo paid
to becure tho prompt relenso of tho
American prisoners. Tnut Idei. was
undoubtedly expressed In cable dis
patches which passed through the
colonial authorities here, but In w'-nt
form It was shaped Is not clear.
It was also recalled tliut when
Colonel Cortojo, confined at FortSMc
Phcrson, Oa,, was exchanged, It was
strictly on the basic of his rank, with
out consideration of the Incidental
fact most luiportunt to General
Jilanco. thatCorteJo was a close rela
tion of the former captaln-gouoral.
The naval olllcluls attach no Im
portance In the half-masting of the
flag over Moro castle after the recent
bombardment as Indicting that Hob
son and his associates had porlshed.
Moro Ik being t.parcd to protect
Hobjou, and moreover it Is hardly
supposed that tho .Spanish lijg would
be lowered out of consideration for an
American Wish. It Is the usualj pn.o.
tlcc of warfare that Hobson and tho
Americans would be removed to a
placoof safety instead of danger, for
a prisoner of war U ontltlcd undor
civilized usage to protection ngalnnt
undue exposure or burnh treatment.
The putting forward of prisoners us a
shield Is a relic of barbarism.
As a rule, the placon wlioio prittui
onem arc conllncd arc where hoxpltals
exist; iiore tho work of art, Winnie,
ciiurchu4 and charitable liutltutlon
aro located, i designated by a yellow
tag, and commander do llipir bet to
protect thoMj point as sacred. If
Hobson U kept at Moro cither Ui on
sure protection for that place or to
expo h u) to danger, lis ad to lie
a breach of tho rule of civilised war
Committee Soliciting Funds to Carry Out
the Celebration.
Monday afternoon tho committee
named to solicit subscriptions for a
local Fourth of July celebration,
thinking the business men were not
responding very liberally, decided to
abandon the tusk and declared the
proposed celebration off. Later in
tho day, however, the committee re
sumed Its labors and was again at
work today. About $400 has been
subscribed and tho colouration Is now
Monday evening the hoad commit
tee held a meeting at tho city pollco
court room and sub-commlttces were
appointed as follews:
Honorary committee Mttyor J. A.
Rlohardson, Chief Justice P. A.
Moore, Associate J usticcs, C. E. wol
vcrton and U S. Uean, Dr. D. A.
Paine, Hon. P. II. D'Arcy, Hon. J. J.
Murphy, H. J. Hendricks.
On parade Hon F. E. Hodgkln,
Dr, E A. Pierce, Circuit Judge G. II.
Burnett and E. O. Patton.
On Invltation-C. II. Lane, P. II.
Raymond. Ed. N. Edes.
On printing C. D. Gabrlolson,
Henry Myers, Dr. J. C. Grllllth.
On sports Jefferson Myers, Hal D.
Patton and Fred Steusloff,
On tiro works Frank Dearborn, E.
C. Patton, John KrausMi.
On Young Amerlcla-Prof. G. A,
Peebles, Capt. J. C. Ross, Prof. W. C.
Crawford, Prof. A, W. Long, Miss
Margaret J. Cospcr, Mrs, E. II. Flagg,
Mrs. II. 0, Mcysr, Miss Alice Kirk
and Miss Mae Boise.
On decorations Mrs. F.E.Hodgkln,
Mrs. OlivoS. England, Mrs. Ray Gil
bert, Mrs. It. H. Fleming, Miss Callsta
Moore, Miss HodMin, Miss Polilo.
On bicycle sport Max Huron,
Fred Wiggins. Otto Wilson, Perry
Card, (3. Smith, Monroe Nye, James
On Music Scott Hozorth, Pror. R.
A. Heritage, Pror. E. W. Tllson.
Another meeting will bo held this
ovening when dollnlto stops toward a
celebration will be tiueu.
Letter a Little Lighter,
Ohicaoo, June 21. Moro throatcu-
Ing clouds nro gathering for Letter.
Slneo the announcement of Letter's
withdrawal f i out tho deal tho price of
cash wheat has declined 10 cents.
This it is asserted in tho -Post means
another ..$1,000,001) within n week,
which tho elder Loltor will npparant
ly havo to pay.
Hobson Well,
Wabiiinuton, Juno 21. General
Shatter reached Santiago this after
noon. He says Sampson and his men
are In Moro Castle and all aro well,
J. M. Hamilton of Corvullis Is In
tho city. Ho was In tho same com
pany In the Union army with J. 11.
Limn, the well known Salem druglst.
Hamilton gave away tho fact that
his Salem Comrade has an army
record to bo proud of in fact was
promoted for bravery.
Senator-elect Kuykeudall and hold
over Senator Drlvor, both ot Lane
county, urrived on tho same train to
day. Dr. Driver will allow tho light
of hlselll.lng Inlluenco to beam on
the Salem hog for a short time.
Nobody pocdliavo Neuralgia. Get Dr. Mile
t'aln 1'ilU from druggUH. "One con t a doa"
2&6 I
278260 Commercial at
gmwrmotm mo. a.
'tim s
He Hoy! Ut Hm Mftiest jr tta9 H
fwrwrT Ww wrf r rWfc
tovu um rowotn co ht yodk.
Circuit Court Proceeding,
E.nnd B, Mason, Jointly Indicted
for selling beer to M, Schanback, a
minor, were given a trial before Judge"
Burnett, thiamomlng and acquitted
of the charge. They wore defended
by Attorney John A. Carson, District;
Attorneys. L. Einydcn and Deputy
J. II, McNary, appearing for the state,
The jury consisted of Godfrey Dental,
Jcsobtclvcr, Earl Race, 0. Hurtling,
G. Gist, Richard Walker, Charley
Canr.on, Hurvoy Tay,lor,Byron Denny,
H.J. Miller, J. ,R. Jordan and J.
Tho case of State ys. B. Mason
charged with permitting a minor to
remain In ills saloon, went to trial at
1:30 o'clock this afternoon,
Tho regular lifit of Jurymen having
boon exhausted In selecting Jury tp try
tho case of State vs. E. and 11, Mason
this morning, a special vtnlrc of ten
men were summoned via: Ell Burk
holder, Ben Col bath, Jno. Stanton, O.
Green. C. J. Slmeral, W. II, Howard,
J. fl. Craig, T. F. Walker, Ilcnrj
Kccnc, and Herman ochcllberg.
Entries made by Judge II. II.
Hewitt since lust report closed aro us
E. P. McCornack, trustee, vs, Salem
Consolidated Street Railway Co., re
ceivership: ordered that tho transfer
by rccelvor bo confirmed; receiver's
final account allowed and approved,
and tho receiver discharged.
Samuel Heltshu et nl, vs. W. E.
HawKlns ot ol., receivership; con
tempt proceedings against R. J.
Flem.ng 'dismissed on stipulation.
Final n'ecount of receiver approved
and allowed, and tho receiver dis
charged. After making above entries Judge
Hewitt adjourned court until 2 p, m,
Tuesday Juno 28.
St aw Hnts,
Crash hats, sullom for women and
children at tho New York Racket.
Call and save inonoy. 21-ld lw
Eats Almost Anything.
"I was u sufferer from Indigestion
and could scarcely eat anything
without suffering great distress. I
was slso troubled with headaches. 1
began taking Hood'fl Hursaparllla and
Ithas helped me wonderfully. I can
now cat almost anything I wish
without distress."
MUs. Anna Study,
Sylvan, Washington.
Hood's Pills arc tho favorite family
cathartic. Easy to t&tce, easy to
operate. 25c.
B. C, illankt, of Lw!ylllc, Tejiw, write
tlmi one bat of DeWilt'i Wltcn Ill Stlvt
was w rth I50.00 to him. It cared bit pile
of ten year tnnillri. Ha nJrUcs otbets to
it. It cure eczema, tkin dlvtute and o
tlnate nre, Htom Drug JJfcrc,
T of doors r ht ioon art
passed more pfatanily in
light, cool, seasonnMt ctoihet,
such as our Linen Cratfe r MjjM,
unlincd Worsted Sute. AH ih
objections to such Mriit vanith
when you get them ( th Hart,
Schiffner & Marx make.
H. S. & M. SUMME
Their Linen Suits arc aN spatial
ly shrunk and wilt tot ki shape
when worn and wahd; Our
prices are mens nothing com
pared to the comfort yWII fai
in being well tad comforiaUy
dressed for tin M waaihor.
l r
:,: i.y
te--t---iiiTrtffmH' - il