r iff J TS ST iapM! "'" - , JSY BOVRR BROTHERS, MONDAY, JUNE ao, 1898. Brfy, One Year 3.00, In Advance DftBy, four Months $1 00. In Advance. Weekly, Ono Year $1.00, In Advance WLVER AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Wbcn the tprcsent editor or Tub journal came to Oregon In 1880 ho found tho leading Republicans were blmetalllsts, and In 1890, tho flrBt campaign wo took part lu, the party adopted a platform of free coinage at the ratio of 10 to 1, and gave Its rea sons therefor. It was a little queer to our taste, but wo got accustomed to It all the easier when a Republican congress passed tho bill to coin all the sliver then produced In tho 'United States, four and a-lialf millions a month, and President Harrison signed It. McKlnley made a speech in con gress In favor of free coinage. The uejit fall wo were in North Dakota, and found Senator Hans Urougb, a Republican, making free silver speeches, and wo uiaae argu ments there against tho Populist party, saying that the Republican party stood for bimetallism and was a free coinage party In Oregon. And this continued until 1890, when we helped make tho light for Mr. Mitchell's return to tho senate on his sllyer record. Ho encouiaged the Silver Republicans of the state to do that, and wroU, them that not for fifty elections to tho scuato would ho compromise his silver views. Then ho made his deal with Mark Ilanna and cauicto help carry Oregon on tho St, Louis platform, which ho declared was a sliver platform, and tho Repub lican parly was as good a Ellvcr party as It had ever been, and that was good enough for him. Well, tho sincere Silver Republicans did not bcflcve that, and refused to bo caught on that kind of bait, but went out like men of prlnclplo and conviction and supported Mr. Bryan opeuly, rather than bo parties to a fraud and stultify thcuiEclvcs and vomit up all that Mr. Mitchell and tho Republican party had taught them to belleyo was truo and sound on the subject of bimetallism, oven though Mr. Mltnhcll might do so, and then turn around dog-llkc and eat his own vomit ... r,n nwif.nna And tuo sincere owvci iMii'm"" and sincere ellvcr men, though they had been pledged to support him and v 1 ipp.t, him United States sonator, ic iiardlcss of party.showed Mr. Mitchell that they could not bo bartciedund sold, and neither could Iholr princi ples, and they Joined with Ula sincere gold men and saw to It that- such a double-faced fraud was not continued In the United States senate.' Now that is tho history of tho assasslna tion of sliver in tho stato of Oregon, and Its deathblow was delivered by its most loud-mouthed advocate. But ilver will havo a resurrection. IT WAS A WAR VICTORY. tLanglols,. Reporter, (Pco.):It has been said by a great political philoso pher, that, "Patriotism le the last 10. fugeofa (political) scoundrel I" and the campaign Juut closed In Oregou developed about a multitude and a half such patriots. Towards the close of tho cad'ass these latter sort practically abanoned their "sound money" nlogan und thereafter aban ioned themselves to hysterical appeals to tlie voters to hold up the hands ol lh Republican administration In the throes of u foreign -war I They dwelt with well feigned pathos upon assumption of their own manu facture that Republican defeat in Omoa euld ho accounted a rebuko to McKlntey for his war against Kftin. Their -appeals coupled with Ike MttieM&g away of the Oregon to t tfca beat of tho campaign had gP()YerUeUting Influence over the MMdt T'1 United State caonoV yowdbly togue in any war that will BO! be popular with tho American , fppple. JJt U within the memory of twy t II vlojf , that opinion to wr all hwlL Ml n. w, iMwtMt, mum sum ui nmu.a , iin.1 a MUf, k. out iwisi merit ft, waif Aw I f Urvnri' mis HiHh 9 the Mexican war consigned tho old Whig party to the sleep that knew no waking. The Federalist party was llterallj wiped from tho faco of the earth as rtho price of its antagonism to the wnr of 1812. But there was no opposition In this campaign anywhere to the war against Spain, In fact McKin!y was forced to take forward position by the clamor of Democrats and Populists against tho opposition ot Reed's House;. yet, tho war had a great Influence In favor of the Republicans in this state, lest, as stated above, a verdict ndyersa to the Republicans, should be construed as a condemna tion of the lnaugeratlon of the war at all. Therefore the Republican vic tory on Juno 0, is In no sense a decisive endorsement of the British gold standard by our people. LYMAN AND THE BOOK CO. It Is especially to be regretted that Lyman for stato superintendent though running far ahead, neverthe less went down in tho late polltica landslide. Tho "American Book Co." rejolces.of course, Langlols Reporter Mr, Ackcrman, the Republican can didate for state superlntcndent.strcn- unusly denied that he was In any way the representative or candidate of the American Book Co. Tho cx-rounty superintendent of schools, and County Supt. Jones of Marlon county de clared during the canvass as Republl cans that If they thought Ackcrman was an American Book Co. candidate ihoy would not support him, All the Republican papers of tho stato, and oven tho Orcgonlan, which has always fought the American Book Co, and probably always will fight it, declared that Mr. Ackerman would not become their representative if elected, Mr, Lyman as the Union candidate forced this fight and deserves credit for compelling tho Republican lctdcrs to disown tho trust and its methods. Mr. Lyman aroused interest In this question among votcra of all parties, whether Oregon Is getting as good textbooks in her public schools and and getting them as cheaply as your sister states, It remains to bo seen whether tho Republican representa tions as to Mr. Ackerman prove true or false. Tho best element of Repub licans want tho textbook business run In tho interest of the common schools, and not the schools for the bencflt of tho trust. REPUBLICAN LUCK. (East Oregonlan, Dcm:) A ljcky star has hovered oyer tho Republican party since early in 1890. .LMrst, victory came narrowly to It In tho fall of that year. In power, Its every act has been glyen strength In unexpected ways. The party passed a after a drought laid wasto tho tariff ibill. .favorlnjr wool and soon --- ranges of Australia, sheep in that country dying by thousands and thou- m 4 ,.,.,. rhnrn tuna fin In- sands. At onco there was an In creased demand for wool and better prices, and tho whole result was at tributed to tho "benellconco of the Republican tarluV'by all the shccp-ln tho United States, as well as by a large number of people. Then caiuo famine and pestilence In India and a stronger demand and a good price for wheat Inconsequence. The Republican party was given tho credit for the result. It was "such a good thing" to tho American farmer 1 This was followed by a "short crop" In all wheat growing countrles.oxcopt In the United States,- whore tho crop was novor better, Tho prlco mounted up, tho farmor pocketed largo profits, shared them generously with other peoplo,and prosperity spread from one end of tho land to tho other. The Republican's "advance agent of pros ily" at onco appe?Twd upon tho scene and, with the art of Merlin, mado the people belle vo that -It was all duo to McKlnley, the grand old Republican party und tho gold standard. When on top of this came tho war; lots of government monoy to put In circulation, and patriotism and seutl- mont woro added to luck pn the Ito publican banner, and all tho benefit flowing from the trinity were claimed astho frultsof putting Republicans only on guard. Tho result was to bo cxpcctcdt tho people In Oregon bhut both eyes and voted for Republican "wisdom," us glyen expression to tn national affairs by that party's statesmen, lnclun(ng Mark Ilanna, who paid tho full market price for u senatnrshlp re cently In Ohio. ' John TojrTW ujiPjBakor county luilDr. WIS VHIpri In It fa titlnn aa 1 Chicken Greek, Hear Wcatherby, some I I--, nil. .. t..l .. . . m , t. iv. -j. iiu uwijr wan iuui.h vveBeay, Toy was working lu tho mine, when wn iHwciiw nave way toa uiousaa of Uhh cf roeki eum daw upoa mIm, i ... Annual Sales over6,d00,00O Boxes I0B BILIOUS AHD HESV0U8 DI80BDEBS such as Wind and tain In tho Stomach. Giddiness. Fulneni ator meals. Head ache, Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flusnln of Hoat. Loss of Appetite. Oostlvoness. Blotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Bleep. Frightful Droams and all Nervous and Trombllnff Bonsatlons. THE FIB8T DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IK TWEHTT KIHDTES. Evorr BuOorer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAH'S PILLS, taken na direct ed, wlllqulcklrreatoro Females to com plete health. They promptly rcmovo obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys tem and euro sick Headache For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beocham's Pills aro Without a Rival And bar tfa LARGEST SALE ofanr Patent Medicine in the World. 35o. at all Drug Stores, JOE LEITER. Tells The Journal How It Feels to Lose Eight Millions. As we used to know Joe Letter, of Chicago when he was a kid we thought we would Just like to know how It felt to Ioc clgijt million dol lars a day so we asked him by wire to tell us all about it. A, gre it many men know how It feels to lose eighty cents, or a pockctbook that contains the rent money, or to lose a friend who has your name on his note for a couple of hundred and hear the minister tell of all his wdd ierful virtues after bejias gone where you can't gctserylce on him. But Joe says to lose a cent a bushel on 24,000,000 bushels of wheat means jilO.000 at a Jump. It went down ten cents In ono day and .foe says he could Just feci the money going out of him like greased lightning to tho tune of 42,40O,GO0 In 24 hours, Joseph In Egypt wasn't a circum stance to this Joseph of Chicago. The famous wheat deal recorded in the scripture with the Pharaohs wasn't done on wind, but wat an actual de- llycry, in-slght, spot cash or go-hun gry affair. Captain Potlphar'si wife sympathized with Joseph in Egypt and wanted to give him a lift. But Ip the Chicago case Mrs. Letter came homo from Washington, cancelled all her engagements, pawned all her diamonds und all her daughter's dla' morula and helped her husband in tho squeeze. But It was no use, says Joe. "I dropped 88,000,000 between the last 3ay of May and that unlucky 13th of Juno." We Immediately wired smypathy.collcct,and offered to extend the One Cent Daily a month on tick to our old friend In his deep trouble, Ho wired back: "No exten sion needed. 1 never saw tho wheat, never had It; never saw the eight million, novcr had them; so 1 don't feel the loss so badly as another man would to loco his dinner or a two-bit piece." Speculation Is funny business. You make what you novcr seo. You lose what, you never had, and you own what never existed. J. HUNTLY DEFEATED. The olllcial vote of Curry county, which was received yesterday, shows that J. Iluntloy, Republican, was de feated for Joint representative from Coos and Curry counties by E. S. Platts, tho Fusion nominee. Mr. Platts received 239 votes In Curry, and 1072 In Coos, a total of 1311, Mr. Iluntley received 311 in Curry and 012 In Coes: total, 1223. Tho politi cal complexou of the 00 members will be: Republicans, senato 21; hnuso42; total CO. Fuslonlsts, senate 3; houso 17; total 20. Domocrats, Benato 2; house 1; total 3, Populist, senate 1. Fifty men and teams aro working on the Yamhill locks below LaFay otto and the contractors expeot tho work to bo finished before high water sots In in the fall. Extremely Weak Doflelent Blood Causes Loss ef Appetite and Final Break Down Hood's Sarsaparllla euros. " I lost my irppotlto and about all I lived on was lcod lemonade. My strength was U pono. I was no woakl oonld hardly eross the floor. At last I was taken very sick. Ono physiolan told me toy blood wai all gone and be gave me modiolus bat it did uot help me. I had pretty much lost all faith, in, medlolnes, but thought I would get one. bottle ot Hood's Sarsapa rill and try it. Alter taking that bottle I was much Wttt-er, and so I got two more boU!a and after taking tfcw X wo WU, bat t bo sure of H, I kept cm Uklug Hood's gartapulUa sntll I bad d in all five bottles. It h dose Basptakasle goad te m m& X wish all ay suMrlsg (tan wouU Wy K.' Mm. A. Evxbhct, W4dtharOrgoB. Xewenbei Kcwrs Sarsaparilla Is tho tttln tact the Om True BIoedForlaer. gold by all arutgtoto. fries, u U lor W. Hood's Pilk&rXJ b ' JOURNAL "X-AYS.' Look nut for a special session of the legislature, Is not. wheat shaking hands nilb silver now?. , , The Union strength In the legisla ture Isgrowlng. Was tlieOeer ratification postponed till wheat goes up ? The price of flour Is not. quickly affeotea by a fall In wheatas by a rise. Judge Burnett will do well to try the adultery case with closed doors. Is It the churches of Eugene or the saloons that arc lighting President Chapman? . - The Sheriff's books of Polk county won't need any exporting now. That fire did the Job. Patterson and Moores arc entitled to a rest. Both have gone to. their fiual reward and it Is not In good taste to speak evil of the departed. The Cottage Grove Messinger dis cusses the proposition, "where our sulphur comes from.1' From tho Re publican party, of course. E. V. Carter, cashier of the bank of Ashland.'Was elected to the legislature by the highest vote thrown for any man on thotlcket, and his Ashland vote was the highest over given to any caudldate. lie has reason to feel proud of his record as a banker. w Corvallls Garette, Rep: "Tho next presidential campaign may be lought out on these lines. The income tax and the restriction of foreign emigra tion are two of the possible issues of the future. The Journal can say to the Salem Sentinel from experience that itiis usclets to try to shame the Republican campaign managers of this county Into paying their bills. The only thing for you todo Is to Join a "Sound money" party, Tho Republicans will have a major ity of 10 on Joint ballot In tho legisla ture next winter. Look out for another hold-up. Exchange. No Union member of tho legislature should countenance such a proposN tlon. We commend this patriotic utter ance from a Sliver Republican paper: "Whether it will bo Wm. J. Bryan or FItzhugh Leo for president in 1900 ii not the question Just now. We want to lick the Spanish under the same flag, -side by side with Republicans, Populists, Gold Bugs, and the whole combination of parties. After tho battle we can agitate politics and talk about Issues." People's Press Albany: The men who want bonds and the silver men in tho senate secra to have affected a compromise on the war revenue bill. An amendment to tho bill has passed tho senato by a vote ot 48 to 31, which directs tl)C secretary of tho treasury to coin, at the rate of $4,000,000 a month, all tho silver bullion in the treasury and to Issue silver certlflcatos against It. A provision for the Issue ot bonds was also Incorporated In measure. Roseburg Review;-. Mr. I: L. Pat terson, the new collector ot customs for Portland, was a mombcrot tho last state senate from Marlon county, and was one of John n. Mitchell's warmest supporters, assisting him In tho bitter light made in tho legisla ture for tho election of senator. Placing Gecr in tho governor's chair paved tho way fcr Patterson's ap pointment and rplleyed the "powers that bo" In tho Republican party of a very delicate manipulation which otherwise would have been necessary. ' It's unfortunate that thopeoplo of Lincoln county should bo so short sighted at this critical time, as to let tho control of our county government pass Into the hands of the Populists. Yaqulna Bay News. Tho Republicans have had control ot tho government ot Lincoln county slnco Its organization and tho bust ness has been conducted in a most unbuslncss llko manner, and instead of tho "Populist" county court being a calamity to Lincoln county, the people of Llnutcounty, who havo been undor Populist control for two years and will be for two years more at least belle vo It will bo tho greatest blessing over bestowed upon our sister by the sea. Albany Press. "A Citizen in tho Engcne Guard asks the following questions about tho State University: What's the matter with tho state, university ? Why don't tho presldent'and faculty attend tho exorcises? Why dou't tho people show Interest anymoro? Less than 60 peoplo and only three professors 'to tho class treo planting. Less than 200 at tho lecture last night to hear Irvine's excellent address. , Why did tho president's Jwlfe read a novel comtantly during Mr. Irvine's lecture ? Was that courteous ? Why are there no prominent men of tho state hero as visitors? Where U tho tho glory of tho unl verslty? Is It true as Sk ipworth said: "Col lege Is a good place for men and women It tho president is not, a liar?" "How lonir. oh! how In h turn I toyK 4HMk imir &&& MmMJm THE EXCELENCE OF SY1UP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to tho care and skill with, which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Strup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Stbdp Co. only, n knowledge of that fact will assist ono in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing of tho Cali fornia Fio. Srmn? Co. with tho medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken ing them', and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SArfrBANCUCO, ct LOUISVILLE. Kr. NKW TORE. K.T. OREGON STATE NEWS. McMlnnville expects to celebrate Fourth of July. Jloard has been reduced to $1.05 per week In the Philomath college. Tho delinquent tax list of Columbia county amounts to $12,000 this year. Seventeen pupils were awarded diplomas In tho Forest Grove schools this year. The disease, known as blackleg, has appeared among tho cattle in Uma tilla county. A new flag polo at Alsea Is 119 feot high on which a new Hag floats, bought by the citizens. L. M. Robinson, a Baker City law yer is on trial in tho county for mu tilating circuit court records. Baker City's postofllce has been raised from a,3rd,to 2nd class office, a raise of $30d-a year in salary1. The Seventh Day Adventlsts havo erected a large tont at Sheridan under tho direction 6f Elder W. C. Ward. E. S. Platts, of Curry county was elected Joint representative from Coos and Curry counties by a majority of 91 votes. A postoffloe has been established at Cascadla, Linn county, Geo, M. Gclsendorfer has been appointed post master. At amass meeting In The Dalles, Friday night no one could be found who would consent to take tho nom ination for mayor. A tlo yote between tho Union and Republican candidates for cuonty as sessor exists in Malheur county, eaoh receiving 483 votes. District Attorney T. J. Cleeton has appointed Geo. B. Dlmmtck of Ore gon City, deputy district attorney ot Clackamas county, A pension has been granted to Ben jamin M. Donaca, Lebanon, of $0 a month and to Clias. B, Spencer, of Fremont, $0 per rqonth.. George Johnson, ot Milton, drank nn ounce of cedar oil with suicidal intent the other day. Prompt medical atten tion saved him, Rev. A, S. Foster, pastor of the Med ford Presbyterian church, has ac cepted a call to Myrtle Point. The Medford church Is clear ot debt and. has added 71 new members to the roll. J. P. Cheshire, of Lebanon deeded, on last Friday, to the trustees ot MlneraliSprlngs College, at Sodayllle, property worth $3,500. The property Includes the Sodavllle hotel, The heavy run of bluebacks in the Columbia river has taxed the Astoria canenes to their utmost. Chinook salmon are now more plentiful and it is expected that a very largo seasons. run win uomaao, Drink a steeplnc of Moklo Tea peforp retiring at night, and see how soundly you will sleep and how joyously you will awake In the morning. It supplies food for the blood while you sleep, produces a clear and beauti ful complexion, aad cures constipation and sick headach,e: L,unn $ Brooks, druggist. QTILWELL nETECmVE AGENCY, 129 ( Kearny Street, San Francisco, CaL To district attorneys, sheriffs, attorneys at lftw and private parties; Prepared o transact all business ot a confidential and Intricate character expeditiously and on reasonaskS termij Correspondents all otm tto wnUL Bears U . V Kind Yoa HjH AjlofS B3D0 J. II. Wilson, f uslonlst, was elected assessor of Malheur county by a ma jority of two overU, D.ayne, Repub lican, This gives the fuslonlsts every 0 Ulcer In the county except the coroner. Ask Your Doctor .,.what effect alum hXttpon & stomach. Then make up your mimi- whether you wilhput any more low-pricebaking powder into your husband's or children's food. ... ,:, -. .ji Schilling's Best is pure cream Qf tartar and soda. Notkkif ekt. m STAMP TAXATION. Governmeit Instruction to Ffevene Col lectors. Washington. June 20. Tho fol- fowlng circular has been Issued to collectors of Internal reyer.ue: Theactbf June 13, '1898, providing stamp taxes on the documents,arllclcs 'and things enumerated In schedules A and But said act becomes operative as to such taxes on and after July 1, 1893. In view of tho public demand for Information relative to the method of affixing and conccllng satd stamps, the following lnstruc tlons are f Jrnlsbed, with the request that you give it the widest publicity possible. """ Adhesive stamps ot tho following denominations will be supplied col lectors before July 1, 1898, for sale: Documentary stamps under Schedule A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.0, 25, and 50 cents, 81, $3, $5, $10, and $50. Proprietary statips schedule B, 1, i, i, i, 1, 11, 2, '21, 4,and 5 cents. These Statnpa may be sold to any pereons, whether for use1 dr resale, and when purchased in quantities of $100 or more In value at brio time, d discount of 1 per cent is allowed. -Wherever practicable but ono stamp should be placed upon an Instrument or article, where any one stamp will denoto the tax, as few stamps as pos sible should be affixed. Proprietary stamps must bo affixed conspicuously on tho outside of the article or package and where practlca ble so that the opening of the article or package will destroy the stumps. All such starnps must be plainly can celed when aftlxed by wrlttlng or Im printing with a han 1 stamp the lni- tlals of tho party or ilrm who paid tho tax and year when affixed. Collectors should make orders at onco for proprietary and documentary stamps In quantities and of the de nomination desired for a two month's supply. Stamps for checks and drafts will bo lmprlnted;upon the paper or instruments In the cities of New York St. Louis, Atlanta and San TTranclsco, and is expected that such imprinted stamps will bo ready for delivery be fore July 1. All orders for such stamps will be made through collectors' and forwarded to the stamp agent at the place where such stamps are im printed. If necessary the two-cen documentary stamp may be used on bank checks, drafts, etc. Private dies for printing proprietary 6tamps will be prepared and furnished to such proprietors as desire them and comply with the provisions of section 9 of tho act of June 13, 1898. All designs lor dies and applications for stamps must be submitted to this offlco through collectors. All engrav ings will bo done by the government at tho expense of proprietors, and de posits to coyer cost of dies and the price of stamps, not less than 2000 at one time, must be mdde before the stamps will boprinted.' "Manufacturers of proprietary arti cles will bo required to use the general proprietary stamps until stamps can be furnished them from their designs Collectors will retain applications for private dlos and stamps therefrom under regulations prescribing meth ods and means ot securing the same are iesucd. The regulations relative to the stamp provisions of the revenue act, approved the 13th Inst., will be issued and distributed In a few days. How a This 1 We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward tor auy case ot Catarrah that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo.O, We the undersigned, having known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West & Traux. Wholesale Druggist, To'-dn, O., Waldlng Kinnan & Mar yln v holesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hair- ('itarrh Cure Is taken lntern alb, in! i'U directly upon the blood and umcu-13 surfaces of the system. Price, Ik, per bpttle. Sold by all Drugglbls. Testimonials free. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. Iko Kind Yoh Have Always Bought J9 ' Bears the S7x sTsi . ' Signature of lf7Z-tGUc6i&i W. G. Trine, trainer for the U. of O, team was presented with a gold redal In recognition qf faithful work In-putting the U.oTCF. teakTu condition to ffln the Intercollegiate cup. : ill ct r .t . U-m C X ' " " --" ' ' ' 1 1 - 1 - M"WWlMISjj jH BTm vfliii. iiH isiB 1111111H A flA sl siiV isH for Infants The Kind You toe Always Bought -. BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF THC CCNTAun COMPANY, TT Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Company, WILLAMETTE KIVKR STEAMER "AL BANY" This company Is now giving an exceptional service wi'.h the steamer Albany, plying be tween Corvallis, Salem and Portland and all river points, and is tunning closely on the fol lowing time sched o DOWN RIVER. Saturdays,! Tuesdays and Thursdays. Leaves Corvahis 630 a. m. Leaves Salem, io.3u a.m, Arrive Portland at 5 p. m. UP RIVER. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridajs. Leaves Portland 6 a. m. Leaves Salem 330 p. m. Arrives Corvallis il.-2op, m, The Albany has been elegantly furnished (or the season of 1898, and includes among its fittings a new piano of fine tone. Close connection is made by the Albany with C. and E. trains for summer camping grounds in the Cascade range and for the famous Newport resort and surf baths on Ya. qulria bay. C mcction is had Yaquina nith s.eamships 'or 5an Francisco. The C. and E, Co's alrm dock, to which h,as recently bem added a vaith g rtv m and effice, is located at the foo' of Mate sheet. G. MFRTZ. Agent. Salem. EDWIN BTONE, Manager, When Going East Use a first-class line in traveling between Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, sni the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair kcarsJ in service. The Dining cars'are operated In theiinter est of its patrons, the irost elegant service ever inaugurated, Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first-class senlce your , ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. for all connections at Chicago and Milwaukee For eastern points, tjcketfull information call on r nearest ticket agent or write JAS. C. POND, General Pass. AgentMillwaukee'. Or JAS. A- CLOCK, General Agent Wis. Stark Street Portland Or. Oregon Short Lin e. -VTHEr- Quickest,! 1 Safest, Cheapest Line for all poinlsEEast and southeast. FREE reclining'chair cars, Pullman palace sleeping cars, and upholstered tourist sleep ing cars on alllthrough trains. BOISE & BARKER, Agent Salem, Or . C. O. TERRY, Traveling Passenger Agent W. E. COMAN, Generar Agent; 124 Third Street. Portland, Or: Tie Northern Pacific Railroad still contlnuesltho popular route for eastern travel and now that spring Is opening up It becomes more so than ever. The pleasant and com fortable accommodations furnished passengers aro proverbial and need no mentlon.Ttie quick time made,vlthout change of cars is universally known. The road traverses the most magnifi cent belt of country In tho world, every mllo furnishing constant scen ery attractive and interesting, so that the traveler goes through wlths out fatigue and reaches the journey's end without realizing distance. All hrough Washlngton.Idaho, Montaana Dakota, Nebraska and tho other states, the eye Is feasted with scenes pleasing and impressive, while no sand storm, suffocating atmosphere or other demoralizing discomforts are met with. For tickets and lull par ticulars call on TnoMAS, WATT & CO. Salem, Or., Agents 200 Miles shorter and a whole half day qulokor than any other line to Omaha, Kan sas city, bU Louis and all other 1hiee routes east via Dnvpr. St, Paul, and Billings, Mont. Tickets at CO east via Omaha, you can ston off and see tue Trans-Mlsslsslppl exposition A P SlflMTlTW -- uui-u.., vjen-j agent, Portland lOr, and Child ren. MUy TnCET. HCWVORK CITY. TO THE EAST GIVES 1HE CHOIO OF Two Transcontinental Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis StPaul and Den. vnt Omaha anrf Ksot CAtv I .... eaitem citi't Foi full ditaiU call oror nddress ROI' E & BARKER agents, talent. Oregon OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers lcie Aimworh dock, Tortlina April 28, May 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 21 at t8 3 Varc Cabin, $12.00; steerage.SS. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-,Stsamei Ruth for Portland M01 y, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a. m. Fcr Corvallis, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p. m. Steamer Elmore for r viand Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:15 a. m. Transfers to street car line at Oregon City if the steamers are delayed there. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing, ton, California or the east. Connecting made at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines. Call on G. M. Powers, agent, foot Trade street. W. H. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. EAST AND SOUTH VIA FHE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern (Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:00 P M SI m) Lv...;i'ortland. ..Ar Lv. ...Satem ....Lv Ar. San Francisco. Lv (9i3AM 8;25 P 7--4S A 8.'oo p u Above trains stop at all principal station! bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL, , DAILY. 830 A M 1 Lv. . 1055 AMJ-Lv.. 520 pm) Ar.. .Portland ..Ar (4:30PM .Salem.... Ly-i 50.-PU .Roseburg.. Lt (7,'30A Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through train. WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALUSt Mail tiains daily except Sunday. 730 AMI Lx.. 1215 PMJ Ar.. ..Portland.. ArlS.'SoPU .Corvallis.. Lv ioSFM At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. a:ko p m ) Lv. . . .Portland .Ar) 8:25 AM !Lv)-5:5oA W Lv) 4-"SQ AM 730 P m V Lr. . . .McMinnville 8:30 PMJAr Independence Direct connections at San Francisco wili Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for )APAN AND CHINA Sailing dates on application Retesand tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALUA, can be obtaioH from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent Salem. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. G. F. &P. A. Portland TAKE THE Candian Pacific R.R. And Soo Pacific Line TO Minneapolis St. Paul jj Chicago , Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto - New York Boston and all points east and southeast. Cheapest rates, bestsertice and acccsano dations Through tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, Boston ana Portland, Me., without change, Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Empress ine of steamships to Japan and China. The fastest and finest ships on the PaciM ocean. Shortest and best route to tM orient. 3 Caoadian Australian S. S. ft. To Honolulu, FijiJ and Australia Ti shortest route to the colonies. n . For rates, folders and any infoiroatum can on or address, , F.N, DERBY &CO., Agents, Salem, W W. B. GREER, Agent, 146 Third street. Portland, W E.J. COYLE, Disttlcl Passenger Agent, Vancouver, B U MADE MEAMAN AJAX TABUiiar"i-ir1- , Lt lbuiSood otlwrItiie H fiSL t n man fn. iuJ V-bOUHCM OT 7" taUnin tin., lh.li rJ,?S;arC; lieifona effect a Cft,UB ,?S0TiuJar h... cured Uwu.indi and wU I con son. ," AJAX VpMEDV CO.. ni 0JL&R rs&fi for5alelnSalemOc.,bfD.J FRY"!"'1 - "v - , ij.