DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. --iv. B..l4jrj$4 ',r 4f VOL. 8. -- -M-1!- - SALEM:, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE IT, lb!H, NO, T Summer OF ALL KINDS AT The mm lieu) York Racket They have fine braided bats from 25c to 80c, neat and tasty; also canvas h-.ta In Fedora shape, or square crown, cool and comfortable In their make up, also Fedora hats in latest stylo at our ordinary prices. Gloved of all kinds from 20c for a pair hopploker's glove, to a tino buck or a ladles1 gauntlet light blcyclebuck glove. Their stock of "Star-5-Star" shoes Is complete from a neat Oxford to tine chocolate or high cut, hand turned lady's shoe. Clothing, overalls, Jackets, suspenders., ladles' gent's and children's sum mer underwear In all grades. Call and save 15 to 25 per Cent, on your purchases. i " i m M n and you al know the recordjit has made, Just received a big t yesterday, Fully warranted. RUREN & HAMILTON I JBoysi I -SCllOO Just invA large special values Also clothing is complete; wc, SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE DRY GOODS 11 MTHI Being Slaughtered I Our forced sale has We have a few pair of those barglns lu ladles' shoes'" worth 3, Prolog for il.25. and those Oxford ties worth 12, going for 76c a nair. now Also good toweling at 4c a yara. A good suit of clothes for 1 n suit. Tbcprices on everything In the store reduced. FRIEDMAN'S DRV GOODS AND CLOTlUtiG STORE Corner Commrrciil and SUte Street, Salea, Oiegon OH GRIN t COMMI88IOK and shippers of green and dried fruits, ua eggs. " voHunerciaiBUWfciomieiu, wickuu, wsriiuw u A I. WAGNEB, 3sgr. Hats A Good Bicycle for a low price is what the people want, "We have The Pacific lot of Boys' Suits at our stock of men's been a great success' DRIED FRUIT CO. MERCHANTS. potatoes, beans, grain, poultry, butter S530.-B8H lhlli suits- NEWS Of Great import Expected. Shaffer's Landing Is Not Known. Sampson Will Connect Cable, Another Invading Army to .. Sail for Porto Rice. Washington June 17. The officials in the war department do not giro out any specific information as to when General Sha'fter will land in Cuba, but from certain signs of rest lessness as exhibited by them, it Is evident that they would not be sur prised to have some very important news within the next 2-1 or 30 hours, The nayal officials aro couHdent that Sampson will re-establish cable communication within that time, so news of tho American ships oil Santiago should not be longer delayed than the time required for a dispatch boat to make the run of 40 miles eastward along the coast to the shores of Guantanamo harbor, where tho cable will be working under the protection of Colonel Iluntlngton's marines. There was an exhibition of feverish activity at the war department yes terday, so pronounced as to attract attention, even in these stirring times. It was apparent that renewed efforts were making to complete tho equipment of the troops already gathered at the concentration points and that preparations arc In progress to move a number of troops; So far, howcyer, It is stated that no orders have gone out for the actual move ment, and what has been and Is being done in that direction Is merely pre paratory. The various preparations doubtless have, as their main object, the de parture of a large expedition to Porto Kico at an early date. It was confi dently stated by high officials within the last day or two that it was hoped the expedition could be rushed so as to get away within the next 10 days. Very likely definite action will fol low a conference Secretary Alger and the president will have with General Miles when he arrives there tomorrow from Tampa. The general Is better aware of the exact state of fitness of tho sroops at the Southern rendezvous points than any one else, and the president and Secretary Alger, In all probability, will bo bound by what he has to say in deciding upon the further disposition of troops. If Gen eral Miles, as is thought to bb probable recommends'a f urtherjeoaecntration of troops on the Southern seaboard, the new camp at, Jtonandlaa, Fla., will be made ready for the reception of the additional troops. The oelals haye been forehanded as to this camp, profiting by the experience gained in the establishment of the two great camps at Cblckamauga and Camp Alger, Scblit3 The beer that made Milwaukee famous, No headache goes with this beer. But don't mix. Health, Strength and Purkyl Highest award for purity at Chicago ex position, F, F Talklngtoa. M. L, Hamilton, ; MAGOIEE & TEATZ, m 7 u Local A,kbU, HraMtotofar itself.. ; Miles will also be consulted respect ing the Investment of Havana and whether It Is unwlso to undertake that before autumn, when the rainy season hat passed. What may become an Important adjunct to the expedition which steamed out of Fort Tampa Tuesday was the' military balloon equipment prepared under the direction of Gen eral Grcely, of tho signal office. It was In charge of Captain Maxficld, an ex perienced officer of the corps, who will supervise all operations connected with tho use of the airship. Practical steps will be taken by the war department In a few days looking to the payment of the claims' of the several states and territories for ex. penses incurred by them in tho subsistence and maintenance of tho volunteers prior to their mustorlng nto the service ot tho United States. It has been determined to refer . all such claims to a board, consisting of army officers, designated by tho secre tary of war. According to Adjutant-General Cor bin, the number of troops left at Tampa is In the neighborhood of 23, 000. This Includes tho portion ot the Fourth corps, remaining at Mobile, which is regarded as a substation of the Tampa camp. At Jacksonville it is estimated by the adjutant-general there are about 9000 men. This would make the entire strength ot the force most eligibly located for embarkation for Porto Blco 32,000 men. Llttlo doubt is harbored that out of this it would bo possible to organize by the tlnie tho other preparations for the expedition are completed an army of 25,000 men thoroughly equipped. Latest official returns show tho following as the composition ot tho Fourth army corps, commanded by M;Jor-gencral Coppinger, which Is ex pected to tfiko part in tho movement on Porto Rfco. At Mobllo First division, com manded by Brigadier -General Kcwan, five regiments; thoFrstand Second Texas, First and Second Louisiana and First Alabama. At Tampa Second division, com manded by Brigadier-General Snyder, pine regiments; tho Eleventh and Eighteenth regular infantry; First district of Columbia, Second New York, Fifth Maryland, Third Penn sylvania, One Hundred and Fifty seventh Indiana, First Ohio, First Illinois, also the Third division, commanded by , Brlaadlcr -General Henry, six regiments aud cavalry and artillery detachments; Fifth Ohio, First Florida, Forty-second Michigan Sixty-ninth New York, Third Ohio and Second Georgia; a provisional cayalry brigade made up of tho Fifth regular cavalry detachments from the Second, Third and Sixth and Fourth troops of tho First volunteer cavalry, six batteries of light artillery, C and F from the Third, B and F from the Fourth, and D and F from the Fifth, two batteries of heavy artlller, M and K, from the Fifth, At Lakeland Detachments' ot the First and Tenth regular cavalry. One dsvislon of the Seventh corps under General Lee, at Jacksonville, has been organized. The second is commanded by Brigadier-General Arnold, and mado up as follows; First North Carolina, Second Illi nois, Second New Jersey, First Wis consin, Fiftieth Iowa.Fourth Illinois, Second and Fourth Virginia, The provisional division to accom pany General Shatter and commanded by Brigadier-General Snyder, was Intended to bo tho division of the Seventh, but has now been attached to the Fourth corps under General Coppinger. The Third division of General Lee's corps has not yet been formed, but the Second Mississippi regiment hat been ordered to Jackson ville and It will enter that division, The Cuban question and political Usaes sink into intipgnlficance with the nun who niters from lies. De Witt's Witch lisze 1 Stive cores piles. StoeeDrngStcres. It you fall down, go again, and if you much for your goods, go to The Fair ttpre 274 Commercial and 96 Court it Every thing at the lowest racket prices for spot cash, THEFATR. O. P. DABNEY. DARING . Blockade Run ner Leaves T Kingston With a Stock of Provisions Cargo Destined for. Blanco's Troops. No News Received from Sampson oi; Dewey! Kingston, Jamaica, Juno 17. The Spanish stcamerFurlslmaConccpcion loaded wlth'.food for Manzanlllo,lcft Kingston at 2 o'clock yesterday taking a westerly course. The colonial authorities Ignored the protests of the United States consul general as not .based on sufficient evidence, and gave tho ship her clearance. Tho Purisltna Concepciun arrived at Kingston in tho latter part of May, from Manzanlllo, with o Spanish commis sariat officer in disguise, seeking supplies. Sho had already on board a largo amount, which had been obtalnld elsewhere. But at Kingston shdbegan at once to tako on flour, corn and rice, purchasing In all 2800 bags of corn, from Jamaican merchants. . The, colonial authorities were Informed by her owners that clearance papers would bo asked foran unblock aded Cuban port, like 'Manzanlllo. The United States consul aiade rep resentations to the government of the Islands against tho vessel, and a careful Inquiry was instituted, tho authorities promising that It Dr. Dent could furnish specific proof that her captain intended to run for a blockaded port, they would refuse to allow her to load, An attempt was then mado by her owners to change her register. A well-known Kingston merchant agreed to tako a bill ot sale, register ing her as a British owner, but he withdrew, when tho government pointed out tho liability he would Incur if she violated the neutrality law. Another attempt to obtain a reglscr of ownership was made, this time through an Irresponsible clerk, but tho government refused his proposal unless he should fortify It with a bond with two resident surletlcs for the full value of the ship. There has never been tho least doubt In the mind of Mr. Dent that tho supplies and provisions, though loaded nomin ally for an unblnckadcd port, are destined ultimately for General Blanco's troops. There la little likeli hood that 6ho will reach her destinat ion, aj Admiral Sampson Is fully aware of her plans, and has probably detailed a fast auxiliary cruiser to capture her, and the Spanish o4er, Lieutenant-Commander JoaquIuHou tague, who Is understood to have left Kingston with her. The captain aud officers of the aux illary cruiser Yosemltc, formerly the El Bio, feel foolish and aro thoroughly vexed, as the Ypsemite approached Port Royal about 6 o'clock she passed a large steamer going out. No at why just get up and have been paying to tempt was made to ascertain her name but on arrival it was thoPurlslm& Conception. The Yoscmlto. with anether Amer ican cruher, had beed especially warned about this steamer, as sho would be a rich prize. Sho Is said to hayo $100,000 in gold on board. Iler cargo ot food and mcdlclno Is destined ultimitely forClcnfuegosand Havana, It Is by no means 'certain that. tho Prairio formerly tho El Sol, will catch her, though tho Pratrlo was yesterday evening in tho courso the Purislma Concepolon was taking this morning, Washington, Juno 17, In the way of acutual events there was little to record yesterday. No word came from Sampson at Santiago or rroni Dewey, at Manila. This lackot afflrmatlvo news from tho respective 6eats of war gave rise to do apprehension. The officials are resting secure In the belief ithat the marines at Quanta namo can easily maintain themselves until tho troops arrive, and the worst that can be feared at Manila Is not harm to Dewey but to tho Spanish in the city. Tho war department has begun an Investigation into tho state of prepar edness of the troops at Tampa, Mo bllo and Jacksonville, with a ylow to selecting tho regiments for tho Porto lllcan force, but It Is by no means certain that nil tliu commands for that enterprise will bo taken from camps. In fa:t,ll seems assured that sclcctluns of rpeclul'y well equipped and trained rcgltuents from thovcamps at C'hlckamuuga ind Washington will bo made In organizing tho now expe dition. There Is some reason to suppose that a portion of tho forco left at Tampa may yet bo sent to Santiago as a Second division of General Shatter's army, CUP OF COLD WATEP, Strange Qlft of an Englishman to United States. Washinqton, Juno 17. lion, James F, Mcllnc, assistant United States treasurer, has received through Speaker Reed a letter from IIuuio Elliott, of Manchester. England, en closing a postal order for 10 shillings, 0 pence. In tho courso of his letter Mr. Elliott says: "Will you- kindly accept half a guinea asa very small token of a great regard for tho United States in Us present high and righteous enterprise? It may furnish a cup of cold water to some member of your army or navy, bravely contending In tho Interest of humaplty and Justice. "May I venturo to add that this sluiplo offering docs not spring alto gether from a new-born scntltuont. When last year wo celebrated tho di amond Jubllco of our beloved queen, behind my pulpit platform wcro grouped three flags the royal British standard In tho center, whllo on the side huug tho union Jack and on tho other the Stars and Stripes. Tho explanation Is simple. Wo felt that In tho United States whlthor so many loved ones had gone, countless hearts of kith and kin wcro beating In sympathy with ourown. Moreover, It seems almost Impossible for us to regard the Stars and Stripes like tho emblem of any other nation as out- and-out a foreign flag. Had It not been so regarded by us, It could not have occupied the position It did on the august and memorablo occaslou 1 have referred to, "May God bless, protect and prosper l,ho United States." In his respoeoMr, Mellnesays: "Be pleased to accept the assurance that your generous expression of sym pathy are received with jthe feelings they naturally Inspire, coming as-tboy do from the near kin of a great ipart of tho population of this country," Meet at Denver. Nkvt Yowc, Juno 17. Tho dele gates from the federated clubs of New York, New Jersey and New England will leave here, bound for the bien nial convention of women clubs In Denver, Five hundred thousand American women are repretented by their (klegates at this gathering, New York city sloaettBd represen tatives from 79 wouab'k clubs, The party will stop la Mveral clttee. They will he la Whlotoa today, where they will have as audience with President Hekialey. Head quarter la Washlngtoa will be la the Ebbltt house, Oa the return trip the party will vllt OiMba, Ch!co, Clevekwi utd otber elUes. STARVE The U. S. Troops in Manila. Gunboat Texas Bad ly Injured. Captain cExchanges Prisoners Third Expedition to Manila Sail June 22. Soldiers Are Starving. Manila, via Hong Kong Juno 17. Tho food supplies aro aro exhausted. The United States soldiers havo had notnlng to cat for 30 hours. Verge of Starvation. Seattle, June 17. A Yokohama steamer, just In, reports that Manila Is on tho vcrgo ot starvation. Tho citizens aro terror stricken and aio hourly expecting a bombardment. A rolgn of terror Is on. Texas Disabled, WABiimaTON, Juno 17. Tho Texas was disabled In nttacklng Fort Cor- manara. Exchanging Prlsloners, DTavana, Juno 17. The Captain of tho Monitor Is hero for tho exchange ot Prisoners. It Is believed that Hob son will bo exchanged at once. Ordered to Start. , San) Fiunoisuo, Juno 17. Tho third Manila Expedition has been ordered to Rail Juno 25. Victorious Insurgents. Manila, via lions Kong, Juno 17. Goneral Pena and 1000 Spanish sol diers surrounded to tho Insurgents at Santa Cruz, Similar surrenders havo occurred at othor places on tho Islands, Tho Insurgents proposo to for a ropubllo under tho Instruction and protection ot tho Americans. Burning Villages, Cettinjk, Montenegro, Juno 17 Tho Turks havo renewed the work of burning villages. Firing continues on both sides throughout tho whole of tho Boratio district. RIGHT IN IT I OUR LOW PJIIOES .being such a delightful combination, with the splendid values and varieties shown by us, that we aro beating all previous achievements. This proves to us that our methods aro correct, Shirt Waists Cut to Close , i ', , ? i ; 1803 styles, no back numbers, all newest designs. They're right, andthey'ro sunshines. 42c, 60c, 79c, 8Sc up, Diets Skirts, Spaal Prices, t t ' Ourentlrd line of ladles, dress skirts at tempting prices, New lines for selection. Skirts at. 98c, $1,12 o $8,98, Shadow Organdie i i This season's newest summer fab. rlcs cut to closo at 12ic Muslin Underwear Ladle' Llnglrle, at special tempt ing prices for tho week. Summer Shirts Everything Is right here. 25, 39, 50, 75c to $4,50 Salem's Greatest Store( JOSEPH MEYERS &. SdS. 278280 CMWMNitI tt, o,ij tsB 4m UsSsWtSISsv sWsMta httMM0 AgiiJg trvvsB vTrsp stfBrF s p s isAdi ias as g POWDER AfcMlsiltly rStf oyi smbm remtn uo., fcrw yomc FORGED STATE WARRANT. Reward May Be Offered for a X-cfwWiMq Ex-State Officer, Olympia, Wash., Jun 17 Aftr the announcement of the extensive Is suance of forged stat a warrants, al leged to be tho work of ex-Deputy State Auditor Evans, various atorlee of hit. whereabouts gained currency. None, however, seem to have any foundation In fact. One was that ha bad gone to Alaska, A reward of 4500 will doubtless be offered for his apprehension. The state treasurer has paid thrco warrantsof the stHa number, aggregating 82064.3d, of which ammountsome ono must needs sarly lose two. thirds, or 31376.36. Thcso seem to be tho only bogus war. rants Issued during Auditor Grimes' administration, and it was after cashing these that Stato Treasurer Young first gained an Intimation that forged warrants wero in circula tion. Gloom in Madrid. London, Juno 17. Tho Madrid correspondent of tho Times say: Tho nowB from Manila Is most unfavorable and has.mado a cor responding Impression. Sorlous mis givings aro felt rcgardlngitho fate ot General Monot,at tho head of a strong column ot troops operating some dlstanco from tho coast. It Is said that many foreign resident's, with tholr families and yaluablev have taken xcfugo on board British', Frehch and Gorman warships, whllo others have left for China and Japan. !l Most of tho papors express a fear that tho noxt news will bo of the fall of Manila. Tho whole question in tho eyes of tho Spaniards U whether Admiral Dewey will not prevent Agulnalda from pushing hostilities against Manila until the American reinforcements arrive, since other wise it is supposed ho will have to allow European waf vessels to co operato In tho difficulty of maintain ing order and saving Manila from the oxecsscs of tho Insurgents, OASTORIA. Bust ta ,? ItM Kind VwiHwWwBg Bffth! Jl Kind Yw Hw Hum Kgutw or HART, SOHAPFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OUTHIMO- Save $2,50 to $5,00 on Every suit By dealing with us aad bar uA satisfaction of wearlatr Um Wat ready to wear clothe la Asmrtoq Suits, Cut t to Close Out $6,85, $7,65, $8,25 u Summer Neckwtar Beautiful ww Madras uii hmm string and bows by tfca far 15 anl 25 ctota , Ber 0 5,10, 15 J 26c. CsKart yLtf j- '-' IF. fc- . Jwsr 1 "M-K t