K-i-S -S t r.I . SI- ll r i'i USBSS We Mabe Frfctxfe t - i, Blolncr linnnct. valnrx ntrinhpsfc nflrA. ' Jiy KCcpiDK our wuruuuu uuuiiu uiiuunt;. Wo'U save you $s this week on . Hosiery - , -j.'" t - Fast black, genuine 2 thread Maco, high spliced heel andMdoublc sole, best In market for 25c per pair. , -4 ' "I ,JS -., 2 thread MacQ ih tans, guarautccdlfast colors, spliced heel. and toeZ&c1 per pair. Ladles' Underwear, Vests, Jersey ribbed, high neck, long slceyes, 25o each. Vests, Jersey ribbed, low neck, short slecyes, lOaud 16c each.'' A Special Drives, Fast black hose 6c per pair. Artie summer corsets, 35c each. Ladles' -f" wrappers 48c each. Ladles' shirt waists 25c each. Ladles' ribbed yests, 6c each. dash. STORE. HOLVERSONS CASH STOKE You save about 37 12 per cent by buying your clothing during our Green T at Su 6 It's a makeroom inducement, and many have taken advantage of it, Haye you ? Look at the summer underwear wc are having such a run on at I vJ. J". DALRYmPLB Sl OO. DURBfN STILL WINS I t Horeb"Precinctulls Him 1-5 . IlllUUglll ANONYMOUS LETTERS FAILED. i f Moie Details By Precincts Sfiow Results Favor Republicans. CAX.Ii A ME33BNOBR - - - -and have your notes and packages delivered, to collect a bill, to go ou errands for you. Ask for special rates on merobants' packages. Charges reasonable. Bloyclo ser vice. Ring Blue boxes or telephone 40. Lockwood Messenger System, Central oOlce No. 280 Commercial street. A Surprising dut t i 'Best Shoes At Cut Rate Prices, OUR MONEY SAVERS. Men's "Five" Millions" $1 60 "Good as Gold" Men's 1 75 Good as Good" Boys 1 25 "Good as Gold" Youths....... 160 Ladles' Picnic shoes 1 75 Men's Congress shoes 1 00 Talblo Oil Cloth, alt kinds orly 12c a yurd. Straw and Crash Hats way down. OSBCRN'S RACKET STORE. N. J. Damon, Prop. Strawberry Depot JThc Famous Clark Seedling! SONNEMANN, Grocer, 24 State St. Telephone 61. Closing Prices,, Reduced prices on summer goods to close them out. Plain color dress ducks 10c Black and white dimities 10c Plain drehs crash, 12 yard for. . . .81.00 Salem Local Circuit Court. Judge Burnett held a short session of Department No. 1, Marlon countj circuit court, Uday. Court adjourned sine die, after having made the fol lowing erders: Cases of R- L. Sabln ys. Eliza Brooks, action for money; Mrs. R. E. Nichols vs. B. F. Drake, attachment; L. A. Lewis, ct al, vs. Southern Pacltlc Company, attach ment; Jacob Miller vs. Frank Van Wcsscnhove, ct al, attachment; Met ropolitan National Bank vs. Mattlson Bros, notion for money; N. Yano vs. S. 1 Company, damages; all continued to Juno term. Default and Judgment was entered in the following cases: W. II. Sav ago vs C A Whale; Gilbert Bros, vs O. II, Cannon and W. F. Jcnks vs O. E. Price. Other orders wcro-Uiado as follows A. N. Moores vs Ross E, Moores ct a ejectment and damages, demurrer to aow matter In reply and motion to make new matter in roply moro defi nite and certain both sustained, Continued to Juno term. Sot for Tuesday June 14, 0 a. in. Warren Simmons adm., vs U. S. Sommons, action for money, settled. Pacific Paper Co., a corporation, ys. E. II. Flagg, attachment, default and Judgment as prayed for In complaint less $30 paid, pendente lito with order to soil attained property, Florcnco Irwin vs. O. A. Whale, action for monoy, default of defend ant entered. Continued to Juno term. Tho damage caso of Carrie Hug gins vs. Jeff Tharp has been set fori p. in. Monday, Juno 13, as was also tho caso of state vs. P. Day, who Is charged with selling liquor without a license. Straw Hats, must go. Wo oircr them closo to the cost mark. t ycry f Children's Oxfords, colois, coin, toes, now Chocolate goods, $1,25 Oxfords now $1.00 91.50 Oxfords now , 1.20 $1.75 Oxfords now... .,.,.. 1.35 $2.00 Oxfords uow ....... T..... 1.76 See Our Umbrellas, i beforo you buy, wc glvo you aAno steel rod, fancy handle, goodi top for $1.00, better onc9 for $1.2581.50 to $3. B. & O. CORSETS STANDARD PATTERNS Willis Bros. Co, Cash Dry Goods and Shoo Store Phone 190, Mall otdera solicited. m Blacksmith Shop. tt UNM mnWi ANt with. j, nnnv MM The second ofasorlos of entertain ments to bo glyen during commenco mcut, by the pupils of tho Wlllanietto University College of Music, was given in thq Unlvorslty chapel Tues day ovenlng, beforo a good sled au dience, Tho work of the vocalists participating was thoroughly appre ciated. The entertainment consisted of tliu presentation of tho rustic can tata entitled "Katio Dean." Tho characters woro well represented and thocostumes'weroelegant.Tho singing throughout was exceptionally good. Miss Ella Rinoman, as ICatlo Dean, tho leading character, Interpreted her rolo admirably. Miss Rlueman possesses a voice of raro sweotness and with training will become a talontcd vocalist. Blddlo McCunc, by Mrs. Roso Babcock and tho Rich Lady by Mrs, Esthor llall-McNary wero ably represented, these ladles haying reo- ognlzed ability as vocalists. J, Fred Emmctt, as tho coachman, was good as wero also II. II, neritago and W. v. Babcock In tho rales of Butler and Policeman, respectively. Prof. R. A, Heritage sustained tho role of a Jouhnal reporter admirably, In all the ontortalnuieut was a splendid success. This evening In tho university chapel will bo given tho closing re cital by tho graduating class of the Collego of music. Tho graduates are: Miss Juniata Laufman, Miss Nellie Brown, Miss Etta N. French, M lss Llrzie Aschenbrenucr, Miss AnnaD Atwood, Utsa Lclo Nlcklln, Mr Baker, Mr. Hoses Bliougo. ojuHtAjixa.. "(. IMKMYMNMMwMtfewU SDULIMtTY: Hill 3, Pederson 1, Tongue 72, Veatch 05; Clinton 1, Gecr 73, King 09, Luce 1; Dayis 1, Dunbar 74, Kln cald 09, Wakefield 1; Boise 88, Bur nqtt 78, D'Arcy 00, Hewitt 54; Robert son 00, Smith 71; Hayden 102, Irvine 05; Barkley 02, Porter 77; Adams CO, Looney 70, Dlmlck 02, Grifllth 09, Bowerman 1, Cummlngs 70; Flagg 07, Lewis 73, McCulloch 09, McCourt 72, Bunts 05, Crolsan 08, Uein 00, Knight 01, Myord 01, Baldwin 3, Coulson 2, Hurst 2. Howell 1; Illlg 1, Matsh 01, MIley 05, Durbin 100, Taylor 1, Wain G9. su.vek falls: Tongue 17, Veatch 11; Gecr 10, King 13; Dunbar 10, Klncald 13; .Booth 12, Moore 20, Boise 13, Burnett 10, D'Arcy 10, newltt 16, Robertson 13, Smith 17, nayden 14. Irvine 10. elkhekn: Hill 1, Tongue 8, Veatch 10; Geer 7, King 12; Dunbar 0, Klncald 13; Boise 9, Burnett 7, D'Arcy 8, Hewitt 5. ITayden 7, Irvine 7; Barkley 11, Porter 7; Adams 7, Looney 7, Dlmlck 10. GrlUlth II, Bowerman 0, Cook 0; Cummlngs 0, Flagg 0, Lewis 0, Mc Culloch 0, McCourt 0, Bents 11, Croisan 11, Uein 10, Knight 12, Myers 10; Marsh 11, MIley 7; Durbin 10, Wain 8. UHEITENDUSH. Hill 5, Tongue 32, Veatch 20; Clin ton 1, Gecr 33, King 32, Luce 3; Dun bar 30, Klncald 30; Boise 27, Burnett 33, D'Arcy 10, Hewitt 25; Robertson 27, Smith 32; nayden 30, Irvine 20; Barkloy 31. Porter 29; Adams 32, Looney 27. Dlmlck 22, Griffith 20, Marsh 20, MIley 30; Durbin 25, Wain 30. ST. TAUL. Hill 4, Pederson 0, Tongue 40, Veatch 79; Clinton 0. Geer 44, King 78, Luce 1; Dayis2. Dunbar 38, Klncald 78, WakQelcd 3; Bolso 71, Burnott37, D'Aarcy 70. Hewitt 23. Robertson 08, Smith 42; Hayden 85, Irvine 30; Bark loy 08, Portor 19; Adams 43. Looney 31, DimlckCO, Urifllth 70, Bowerman 1, Cook 5. GEUVAIS, Hill 5, Pcdorson 2, Tongue 80, Veatch 04; Clinton 3, Geer 89. King 00,Luce3. Davis 2, Dunbar 75, Klncald 100, Wakefield 3; Boslo 00, Burnett 59, D'Arcy 130, Hewitt 40; Robertson 98, Smith 09, Hayden 118, Irvine 62, Barkley v97, Porter 71; Adams 74, Loopy 75, Dlmlck 84, Grifllth 09, Bowerman 1, Cook 1; Lowls 75, Mc Culloch 09; McCourt 08, Bents 97, Crolsan 123, Hoin 03; Knight 112, Myors 91, Baldwin 4, Coulson 2, Hurst 5, Howell 1, Durbin 110, Tay lor 4, Wain 05. MAIIION, Hill 10, Pederson 7, Tongue 30, Veatch 30; Clinton 4, Geer 37, King 34, Luco 7, Davis 5, Dunbar 35, Kln cald 33, Wakefield 7; Bolso 32, Bur nott 41, D'Arcy 27, Howltt 25; Rob ortson30, Smith 30; Hayden 42, Irvine 31, Barkloy 33, Porter 31. NOItTlI SALEM, Hill 3, Pederson 6, Tongue 120, Veatch 03, Gecr 130, King 101; Dun bar 124, Klncald 105, Wakefield 1; Bolso 80, Burnett 141, D'Arcy 87, Hewitt 83, Hayden 102, lrylno 103; Barkloy 90, Porter 118; Illlg 7, Marsh 98, MIley 110: Durbin 105, Taylor 8, Wain 111. ENQLEWOOD. Hill 12, Pedorson 11, Tongue 153, i mmm Veatch 139; Clinton 8, GceOlOO, King 14B. IjIica 3: ltntn Itn Rnrnnt.t. 1R1. I D'Arcy 120. Hewitt 102: Robertson 149, Smith 142; Uaydcn 155, Ir7ino 130; Barkley 139, Porter 155; Adams 147, Looney 162, Dlmlck 142, Griffith 140, Bowerman 10,Cook 8; Durbin 161, Taylor ll, Wain 137. YEW PAKK. II 111 10, Pederson 12, Tongue 138, Veatch 108; Clinton 9, Geer 138, King 113, Luce 0; Day Is 10, Dunbar 120, Klncald 124, Wakefield 4; Boise 102, Burnett 160. D'Arcy 115, Hewitt 80; Robertson 115, Smith 135; Hayden 127 lrylno 119; Barkley 114, Porter 130; Adams 120. Looney 140, Dimick 107, Grlfflth 120, Bowerman 0, Cook 10, Cummlngs 133, Flagg 127, Lewis 133, McCulloch 131, McCourt 125, Bents 111, Croisan 100, Hcln 108, Knight 110, Meyers 100, Baldwin 13, Vanfleet 10; Coulson 13, Hurst 14, Howell 13; Illlg 13, Marsh 115, MIley 125; Durbin 119, Taylor 13, Wain 133. HOKEB. Hill 2, Tongue 29, Veatch 01; Geer 32, King 59, Luce 2; Boise 49. Bur nett 35, D'Arcy 53,Hcwitt 17; Hayden 02, Irvine 29; County ticket about same. This, without Horcb and Chain -poeg, leaves Wain but seven behind. Rcllablo word received from Cham poeg stated Wain had a majority of one, Durbin has six only for a lead without Horeb. Wm. Sullivan arrived with the vote from Horeb this morning. It gives Durbin 59, Taylor 1, Wain 30. Thevotethen would stand: Durbin 2,820 Wain 2,813 Durbln's plurality without Champocg 30 MABION COUNTY TOTAL. The following totals, on state and congrssslonal tickets, arc taken from the reports nt hand In this efllce: CONGRESSMAN. Hill 131 Pederson 109 Tongue 3,191 Veatch 2,449 GOVERNOR. Clinton 05 Gecr 3,171 King 2,615 Luco...! 66 SECRETARY OF STATE. Davis 137 Dunbar 2,972 Klncald 2,720 Wakefield 69 TREASURER. Booth 2,468 Moore 3,134 Sears 101 Votaw 75 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUC TION. Ackerman 2,985 Erueric 200 Hosmer 101 Lyman ,2,537 STATE PRINTER. Fitch 2,397 Grace 187 Leeds 2,080 McDaulel 100 JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. nacklcman 105 Moore 2,930 Ramsey. . .. 2,375 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Blackburn 2,937 Bright 117 Story 2,392 SHERIFF. Durbin 2,790 Wain 2.783 SAM HAYDEN ELECTED. naydon's yote is not yet final. He loses Tillamook by 230, carries Linn by about 200, Polk by 52, ne is very closo In Yamhill, and carries Marlon by about 400. So far as counted Hon. n. L. Bark loy has a majority of 100 oyer L. L. Porter for Joint senator, in Clackamas county. It Is not believed that his majority In Clackamas will overcome the majority against him in Marion. Judge Bolso's friends are hopeful that he may pull up to the winning place on tho ticket. CANVASSING BOARD Tho board for canvassing tho vote of tho county Is composed of Justice II. A, Johnson, of Salem, Justice nays, of Woodburn, and a deputy clerk, J. B. F. Giesy. The work was begun at 1 o'clock and will consum6 soveral days. Ow ing to tho close majority of Mr. Dur bin for sheriff the board has deemed REPORT imwwmannpo Of Reina Mercides De' struQtion. . . : London Papers Deny Forces Were Repulsed. Five Spanish Sailors and 29 Marines Were Killed. SAVE LABOR ' Why work this warm weather when you can buy made-up gatv ments at the prices we are offering them, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; Manila People Hungry. London, June 8. A News corre spondent sends report of great dls tress In Manila owing to shortage of provisions, News in England. London, June 8. The report of the repulse of American forces while trying to land at Santiago is denied by a Times special. One Less. Madrid, June 8. It Is officially ad mitted that the Spanish warship Rena Mercides was sunk at Santiago Mon day. Five sailors and 29 marines on deck were killed. Another Account. Washington, June-8. Reina Mer cides is the name of the Spanish torpedo boat destroyer sunk Monday night at Santiago. Five sailors and 29 marines wero killed. Warship at Manila. Victoria, B. C, June 8. The steamer Empress of Japan brings news of the arrival at Manila of five addi tional warships. SPECIAL SALtf! Underwear, Underwear ! Muslin Underwear, Ribbed Vests, Extra Values, Great Reductions' ilQUHgr 257 Com mercial St. The Bargain House of Salem, Torpedo Boat Sunk. Washington, June 8. The West Indian papers are publishing that the Spanish torpedo boat destroyer sank Monday night of! Santiago. Alaskan Steamer Sunk, Victoria, B. 0., Juno 8. New steam wheel steamer was wrecked while on the way to Stlckeen rlyer Alaska. Signed by the President. Washington, June 8. The bill for the removal of all political disabilities arising from the civil war Is now a law, President McKlnley haying for mally approved It. Reported Repulse. London, Juno 8. The correspond ent of the Times, at Havana says jthe Americans attempted to land at Aguadores, but wero repulsed. CITY COUNCIL, DEAD-LOCK. It best to risk tho contesting candi dates to have representatives present at the canvass, aud Mr. Durbin has named Messrs, F. N, Derby and W. T. Rlgdon, Rex W, Davis was present for Mr. Wain when tho ballots wero being counted. Mrs. Ogle's kindergarten in the Congregational church will close Fri day, probably with a picnic for tho llttlo ones. Miss Myrtle Dayis of McCoy, who was with Mrs. Ogle two years, will probably conduct the school for llttleones this fall at the same place. Or. Mllo' Fain Fills. "One cent doae." Wiggins' Bazaar, Packet Prices. An actual saving of from 10 to 20 per cent on nearly cvory item you purchase. Of courso thero aro a few things excepted HkoO. N. T, cotton, black cat hoo, otc. Thcso aro tho samo prlco tho couutry over. Shoes, underwear, ihoslory, notions, glassware, kltchcnware. overalls, overshlrts, at lowest .rackot prices. Speaking of Wheels, Silk flags Another lot hand. 17o or 20c attached wheel, Bicycle w'lurlagig, The Latest FacW8c. Coma and see. Just at to your Wo doubled our last year's sales somo weeks ago, and aro pushing on to hotter tilings and by tho way we've only gold 13 $30 wheels tills wholo season, That speaks well for tho class of trado wo handle, The Stearns is the S50 Wheel of Salem, If you doubt it uso your eyes. It's not in tho same class as the common $50 wheel, Another next week. No Quoram Owing to Non-Attendance of Members, Last evening was the time for tho regular session of the city council, but owing to the non-attendance of Messrs. nunt, Graham and Smith no quoram could be secured, as Mr. Buren is absent from the state. The last regular meeting was thwarted in the samo manner, and the reason given by the absenting members is that the business of the city is not being con ducted in a business-like manner. Somo claims against the city are coming up for allowance which these gentlemen claim aro not valid, for the reason that they were contracted In an Irregular manner. At the last meeting held a resolu tion was passed empowering tho street committee to contract Joint county bridges to the amount of J200 without bids or authority from tl.i council. When this resolution wi. voted upon Messrs Buren and Smlt walked out from behind the bar ano reruscd to yote, but It waj carried with Hunt and Graham voting no. Thefo men arc earnestly endeavor ing to work In the luteret8 of the city, as they see it, but many citizens aro of thcoplnirn that they nhould either utlend tho meetings of tho council and thero uso their best efforts for success, or resign their positions and let the people deal with the matter. TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, June 7. Wheat vallej 83: Walla Walla, 84c. Flour Portland, . $4.75; Superfine $2.50 per bbl. Oats Will to 3839c. Hay Good, $11(212.50 per ton. Hops 410cj old crop 40c. Wool Valley, 1415c; Eastern Oregon, 812c. Millstuff Bran,$17; shorts, $17. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 turkeys, live, 1213c. Eggs Oregon, 13(14c per doz. under 60 lbs,C7c;sheep pelts,1015c, Onions $2.25 per sack. Butter Best dairy, 25(3)30c; fancy creamery, 50c55c a roll. Potatoes, 3545c per sack. Hogs Heavy, $4.25. Mutton Weathers 4c; dressed, 0c, Beef Steers, $3.504; cows, $2.50: dressed, 6j7. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 68c. Oats 35W37c. Hay Baled, cheat, $10. Flour In wholesale lots, $4.70: re tall $6. Hogs dressed, 51c. Live cattle 33c. Veal 53, Butter Dairy 1012c; creamery. 180J20C. Sheep Live. 31c a lb. Wool Best,15c. Mohair 2728c Hops Best 814c. . Eggs 12c in trade. Poultry Hens, 6c; spring chickens 121c; ducks;Cc per lb. Farm smoked meats Bacon, ham, 10c; shoulder, 8J9c. Potatoes 15Ta)18c in ca-jh.. Our Reduction Si Has been a success beyond anything we could haye hoped for. Still tho good work goes on. We want your money. You want our goods. Think of it. You can buy a good Not Troubled Now. "From my childhood 1 have been In poor health and my skin was yellow. When I was 10 years old I had salt rheum on one of my hands. I got a bottle of Hood's Saroaparllla and be fore I had taken all of it my hand was well. I havo never been troubled with salt rheum since." Mrs. Bertha Reid, Baker fill v. fir. Hyod's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, headache. Suit from us for A better one for , ... A fine dress suit for 7,00 Any $20 suit for $3.50 5,00 to 9.50 . 15,00 Boys and children's suits. Wo have a largo selection, that we will sell regardless of cost, hats, furnisning good, all down to the bottom price. In fact, everything goes at the cheapest price during this reduction sale, W. JOHNSON & CO. 120 STATE ST. FROM A SUFFERER. Bone S, C. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writesv-"I ive tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for "ling piles and it always stops them in two i n ites. I consider DeWitt's "Witch Haiel v the greatest pile cure on the matket.'5 ')rug Store. Aokei's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a hositive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising uu uc iwu msircis aucr eating or any rorm of dyspepsia 1 One little tablet gives im mediate relief. s att& "d 50c. How A. Cooper Had a Rotten Healed After 35 Years, CnEHALis, "Wash., April 9, 1398. Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or: 1 received your letter and was glad to hear from you. You w mt to know how my leg is getting along. It is all right; the liesh is grow lag out over the shin bone and is turning white. It is not straight yet, but I think it will be as straight as tho nr.hnr Ipit when warm weather comes on; I can work most of the time, The other uociors tola mo 1 could never be cured without splitting it and scrap ing the bone, but they are mistaken. It is getting well without cuttlnc or scraping, so they do not know as much as they thought they did, butyouare all right, for you haye done Ju3t what you said you could do. I will answer any questions you ask about my leg, Very truly yours, A. Cooper. Dr. Cook's office is at 301 Liberty street, Salem, Captain Pierce Exonerated. San Francisco, June 8, Captala O. F. Bolles and J. K. Bulger, local lnspecters of steam vessels, have ex onerated Captain Pierce, of the (tor ona, of all blame for tho loss of the steamer Corona off Lewis island, January 23. Tho weather was cloud and the ship chart Indicated seven fathoms of water at the place where she struck a rock while being steered by a pilot. Moki Tea positively cures sitk A DIED. lot of $10 Victors due aUm- WIGGINS' BAZAAR ! DAY. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Munson, in North Salem, Tuesday. Juno 7, 1893, Mr. Mary Elizabeth Day, aged 80 years, of paralysis. The deceased leaves one son and one daughter, vlr: Mr. Day, of this city, and'Mrs. J. W, Carr, of California. The funeral was held at 11 a. m., today, Rev, T. n. Lloyd Jofllclatlng. Burial was had In Leo Mission cemetery. indigestion and constipation drink. Kemovts all eruptions of producing a perfect complexiou, or money re. iuuucu. zj cents una 50 headache, delightful the skin. cents. S. M. Geary. Pierson, Mich., writes: "De Witt's Wi'ch Haiel Salve is curinc mere piles here than all other roniedles combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases." Stone Drug Store. Card of Thanks, The undersigned wishes to extend his slncerest thanks to the friends and fire department who bo kindly as sisted during the misfortune of our lumu burning on Tuesday, O. P. Dadney, Dissolution Notice, Notice Is hereby uiven that the firm of Churchill & Burroughs has dis solved by mutual consent. T. S. Bur roughs will continue the business, and will collect all bills and pay all claims of the old firm. 0. H, Churchill, 7lm T. S. Burroughs. Consolidated, TJUrcy & Westa cott who formerly ran Independent livery stables of their own have con solidated and will hereafter be found in the livery business at the Red Front llyery barn at 104 Commercial Btret. 5-10-lmo Experience is the best teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds orcroun. Should it fail to rive immliari relief money refunded. 25 cents and 50 cents. How's This I We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for auy caso of Catarrah that can not be cured by nail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cueney & Co. Props., Toledo.O. We lllO undorslpnnfl. lmvlmr Irnnwn F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorablo In all business transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligations made by their firm. rv.7.: A JS"a. "UVJ? L"nuKK'. S. C. P. Tones, Milesburg, Pa., write.:-."! have used Dewitt's Litlle Early Risers nl and must say I have never used any pills d"' ing forty years of house keeping that p such satisfactory results as a lixatire or cathartic. Stone Dru Store. 1 ?tCTACfs . aa III 1 l ll I !! F GLASSES ioieco. O , Waldlng Klnnan & Mar rln. Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern ally, actlnir mucous surfaces iy and Price, 75c, Druggists. directly upon tho blood laces or tne system. per bottle. Sold by all Testimonials free. Itl i CASTOR 1 A For Infants and CMldrea. Tie Kind You Have Always Bwght Bears the Signature of Adjusting spectacles to suit arl0QJ conditions of sight and making lenses and frames to order A SPECIALTY Spectacles from 2oo to 81. .. Made to order from 82 to 87, accord ing to kind of frame and lenses. Eyes Tested Free! Occullsts prescriptions, careful at- SFZIS "ZT!Lf0 ryjs tention given. . ,..jnc,mv Frames repairea anamauo- new. Lenses duplicated. Charges reasonable. CHARLES H. HINGES. D. Expert optician. , drBj Between nostofllce & ' " J store.