Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 08, 1898, Image 3

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Spain Now Struggling,
in Cunfusion.
The Inefficiency of the Pres
ent Cabinet.
Moret Comments Despair
ingly. London, June 8. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Post lias had an in
terview with Senor Moret, formerly
minister for the colonics. He said:
"The government docs not knew
wiicre it Is going. Moreover, there Is
not a person in Spain who can fore
tell the outcome of the situation.
The government has no fixed plan. It
allows matters to follow their own
course, heedless of the ultimate con
sequences. The ship of state Is drift
ing. "Today the confusion is complete.
Tills Is concealed as well as possible,
but If the truth of the situation ever
becomes known the most serious
complications may result. The pres
ent ministers lack energy. I won't
say that they arc voiceless, because
they talk to much: but they never
act. They are absolutely impotent
and are simply trusting to chance to
get out of their troubles.
"A campaign in fayor of peace has
begun in the press, and is progressing
among the populace. I am convinced
that if a pleblslte were held, It would
be voted, even by the soldiers. The
queen regent has unjustly attacked by
Senor Castellar, who is already posing
as president of the republic, but I
much doubt his ability to stir a
movement against the regency. Tho
regency was menaced, but for some
time past a change has been taking
place, and the adversaries of the
queeu rcguiib liaye discovered the in
justice of their attacks. It Is diffi
cult to say whether the regency will
bo overturned.
"None can say nhut will happen in
a country without guldence, with a
foreign war on Its hands, and dally
fearing fresh internal complications.
If the ovei turning of the regency
does happen, it will be an immense
misfortune to Spain.
"Parllment Is divided, as well as the
ministry, who know not whether to
turn to the right or left. The affairs
of Spain are in complete disorder."
Spain's Heavy Losses.
London, June 8, A Times dispatch
says: The Spanish loss In killed,
Cure lick headache, bad &
taste In the mouth, coated 9L& 1 1 1
tongue, gas In the stomach, K III SB
dlitreis and lndlgeiUon. Do
not weaken, but have tonic effoct. 25 centi.
The onljr H1U to take trlth Uood'i Sartaparllla.
leaves for Portland Monday,
'Wednesnday and Friday, 7 145 a."5
Quick time, regular net- T
J vice and low rates, Z
Dock between Stat
and Court streets. J
Agent, Salem.
Some rare brands.
And all that goes with the
Star Grocery,
J. A. Rotan has moved into the old
J.G. Wright stand, 229 Commercial
street,and handles a full line of under
taking goods, furniture, wall paper,
and mouldings.
Carpets at Cost
to close out. Prices on everything
the lowest. Second hand goods taken
n exchange. Don't miss us
wounded and prisoners was very heavy
but the most serious feature of all for
the Spanish is the defection of hund
reds of natives. The Spaniards are
endeavoring by every means to win
oyer the rcblcs, who are attracted by
promises of pardon and high offices.
But Agulnaldo'sattractlnn Isstrongcr.
He has completely surrounded Manila
by cutting the railroads and holding
the rivers by which food had prcvl -ously
reached the city. If the city Is
not starved Into surrender the rebels
may carry it, having an increasing
number of rifles and Held guns.
Aguinaldo's treatment of Spanish
prisoners Is exemplary. Few excesses
are reported except where priests were
mutilated before belnc killed. Ad.
mlral Dewey Is not assisting the rebels
and It is probably owing to his pres
ence that Aguinaldo's forces ayold
Hobson and His Men.
With the Fleet off Santiago
de Cuba, June 3j To appreciate the
great danger of the Merrlmac expe
dition, the character of the defenses
of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba
must bo known. The entrance to
the broad and deep harbor on which
the city faces is a narrow channel
about a mile long, and each side
guarded by a bill standing almost
perpendicular!) to a height of 180 feet,
At one point the neck of this ap
proach is less than 300 feet wide and
only 5 fathoms deep, so that to
enter ships must go In one at a time.
On a bill on the eastern side of the
harbor is Moro castle, with live 24
poundcrs and two modern rapid-fire
guns, On the western hill two bat
teries "?lth modern guns are located.
At tho base of Moro castle arc several
Kins loaded with
sharpnel to, sweep
the face of tho water, and opposite Is
a similar battery.
Going around the first curve of tho
narrow cnterance Cayosmith an (Is
land, is found facing down the harbor,
with a battery of moderate guns. In
tho narrow neck of the passage are
three ro ws of mines, eacli 15 feet apart,
and the mines 16 In a row.
The Itelna Mercedes lies at the foot
of Cayosmith, partly dismantled, but
having her four torpedo tu n-a loaded
and facing down the channel. About
half way up the. channel on. the
eastern bank Is the Erstella, with sev
eral smooth-boro guns, and this was
tho menacing hole of death into which
Lieutenant Hobson and his men .ven
tured with the Merrlmac.
Troops Embarking at Tampa
Chicago, June 8. A Tampa dis
patch from a reliable correspondent
of the Chicago Daily News, says the
work of loading transports, horse3
guns, ammunition, stores, equipment
and medical supplies for the first great
Invasion of the Spanish West Indies is
almost completed, and before many
hours General Shatter's corps, tho
Fifth, is expected to sail away. Its
destination is known only to a few,
and may not be given out till the
fleetof transports with its convoy of
war Is well on Its way to Cuba.
Rate War.
New York, June 8. A big cut in
Klondike rates is announced by the
West Shore and NIckle Plate roads.
These roads have put in force a new
through, second-class passenger rate
of $25 from this city to Seattle, as
against the previous rate of 893,75.
This is the first time -the Vanderbllt
roads have taken part in the North
west passenger rate war, which the
Canadian Pacific began.
Not Sailed.
San Francisco, June 8. The Mon
terey and Brutus are still In harbor.
Both vessels are ready for sail. It Is
probable the Monterey is waiting ad
vices from Washington In reply to
telegrams brought by the steamer
Belglc, which arrived from the Orient
and JTonoluIu.
Too High a Geer.
An exchange says: Carl Hodes of
Coryallis wanted a bicycle that would
knock out all the bicyclists in the
country, and we suppose to make the
trip to Albany on the path In about
20 minutes, so he ordered a machine
with 124-gear. It came, and he could
hardly make It naylgate. lie would
need the muscles of a Sandow. Tie
has changed his opinion about high
gears, though he may have the name
of having the highest geared wheel in
Dr. Price of Cresco, Iowa, left today
for Portland, after a nice visit in Sa
lem. He Is delighted with our climate
and strawberries, and says he would
like to come here to live. lie says
Fry's drugstore finished In Japanese
Mahogany and plate glass is the Imost
perfect equipped and finest retail store
be has ever seen, and be is a lifelong
Iks fed Yn Raw Unit BsjjU
Just as
as Scotfs and we sell It much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the dWrist when Scotfs
Emulsion Is called tor. This shows
that the druggets themselves regard
Of Cod-Liw.F OJJ ro;tfi H(,nr.
phites of Lime and Soda as .the
sianoaro, ana the purchaser who
desires to procure the "standard"
because he knows it has been of
untold henrfft. finT4 .f fn M.
instant think of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"Just as good" for & stand
ard preparation twenty
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
Be ittre you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See
mat tne man and fish are on the wrapper.
50c. and ti.oo, all druggist.
SCOTT & BQWNE. Chemists, New York.
Western Oregon Crop Report.
The weekly crop bulletin sent out
by the bureau at Portland says:
The chauge In the weather was
most opportune. Tho cool weather
retarded and checked tho growth of
corn and beans, it delayed haylnR and
the ripening of strawberries and cher
ries. Wheat on lowlands was turning
yellow. The clear, warm weather has
changed all this. Strawberries and
cherries arc now ripening rapidly.
Haying has commenced and will bo
come general during the week; the
hay crop promises to be unusually
large, Fall and winter sown wheat
Is heading, The .spring sown wheat
crop Is In much better condition than
usual and presents better prospects.
Oats are In excellent condition.
In some sections hopyards are being
plowed up, owing to tho poor pros
pects. The missing hills is an unus
ual condition, which has seriously In
jured the crop.
The prune crop will be the largest
on record in the State. Some growers
are making arrangements to make
prune brandy, thus utilizing that por
tion of their crop which can not bo
dried. Apples, pears, cherries, and
quinces will yield enormously. Inthe
peach districts, the peach crop is ex
cellent. Grapes are making a healthy
and rapid growth.
Tho vegatable crop is excellent.
Green peas for table use are plenti
ful. Early jplanted ipotatoes are In
bloom. All vegetables are making a
rapid -growth.
Fasturcago is good and stock is in
prime condition. Except hops, not a
single product has been adversely re
ported; and with tho same exception,
all are reported to be In a most sat
isfactory condition.
How A. Cooper Had a Rotten Bone
Healed After 35 Years.
Chehalis, Wash., April 0, 1398.
Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or:
1 received your letter and was glad
to hear from you. You want to know
how my leg is getting along. It Is
all right; the Hesh Is growing out over
the ship bone and Is turning white,
it Is not straight yet, but I think It
will be as straight as the other leg
when warm weather comes on. I can
work most of tho time. Tho other
doctors told mo 1 could never bo
cured without splitting it and scrap
ing the bone, but they are mistaken.
It Is getting well without cutting or
scraping, so they do not know as much
as they thought they did, butyouaro
all right, for you huye done lint what
you said you could do. I will answer
any questions you ask about my leg.
Very truly yours,
A. Cooper.
Dr. Cook's office is at 301 Liberty
street, Salem.
S. M. Geary. Pierson, Mich., vfritei-"De-Witt's
Wi'ch Hazel Salve is curing more pilei
here than all other remedies combined. It
cures eczema and all other skin dUeases."
Stone Drug Store.
The Blue Mountain Telephone
Company will finish its lino to Burns
Extremely Weak
Deficient Blood Causes Loss of
Appetite and Final Break Down
Hood's Sarsaparllla cures.
' I lost my ffppetite and about all I lived
on was iced lemonade. My strength waa
all gone. I km to weak I could hardly
cross the floor. At last I was taken very
sick. One pbyslolan told me my blood
was all gone and be gave ma medicine but
it did not help me. I bad pretty much
lost all faith in medicines, but thought I
would get one bottle ol Hood's Saraapa
rilla and try it. After taking that bottle
I was ranch better, and to I got two more
bottlee and after taking them I tru well,
but to be sure ot it, I kept on tkJg
Hood's Sarsaparllla until I bad Med is
all five bottles. It baa done unspeakable
good to me and I wish all my suffering
sisters would try it." Mas. A. Evkmet,
Wedderburn, Oregon. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Faruter.
Bold by all dressUU. Prise, l; sU for ta.
m,i Dillo o tasteless, saUfct Je
nCKKl S PUIS ate. lift ilfmnrirf- at
Telia Of What Their Order' Offers to Do
for Humanity,
Editor Jeurnal: Thinking that
the work of the W. O. T. U. or Baleni
Is not brought to tho notice of the
public enough, I write this letter,
feeling that there are many people" In
Salem who will 1 glad to know of tho'
work wc are doing. It Is a well
known fact that we keep open a free
reading room In a comfortable room
on Court street, near Liberty, a room
that Is open to all alike. Both men
and women are welcomed on equal
terms, whero If you wish to
read you will find tho dally
papers among which no
not.ee Xvcnlng Telegram and Tue
Capital Journal which are do
nated free of charge. Many weeklies,
Including Oregon State Journal,
Times Mountaineer, Blue Mountain
Eagle, Union Signal and others
equally as good, butwc have not the
list before us to name from, besides
the papers and magazines, tho library
contains many good books. This
room is supported by sucb men as
Mr. Albert, Mr. Gllbert.Mr, Wiggins,
Mr, Ilolycrson, and many others
whose names would be glad to pub
Itsli, any time that space would per
mit. The members of the Union arc
also self sacrificing and by private
contribution and also by work In so
cials, entertainments, etc. .succeed In
keeping open to tho Salem public ono
place when one may step in and read
or rest, as the days go by. Besides,
this the Union keep up regular ser
vices every Sunday at 4 o'clock. These
meeting are addressed by various
pastors of this city, or speakers from
abroad, who aro visiting this city.
Good music is always furnished. All
creeds and kinds of people aro made
welcome. The wish of the Union
being, that anyono may attend
Gospel Temperance serylce regardless
of clothes of occupation. And an
one whether a member or not, who
wishes to aid this cause are gladly re
ceived. We are working together for
the upbuilding ot mankind, the sor
row laden, tho sin sick, those who
have burdens to bear, we are trying to
help you, No one can bave it to say
that they came to this room and did
not receive a cordial bandshake and
God bless you. Next Sunday at this
hour, In the hall on Court street, tho
meeting will be a testimony meeting
and all persons who have been blessed
by the religion of Christ, especially
through tho W. O. T. U are invited
to be present noxt Sunday.
These are only two of very many
departments of work In the ,W,C.T.U
At an other time I will tell you ot
some of the other dopartments.for tho
present this is enough,
A Member.
Portland, Juno 7. Wheat
83; Walla Walla, 84c.
Flour Portland, 84.76; Superllno
sz.ou per nni.
Hay Good, 3110
IIops 410c; ol
J12.50 per ton.
crop ifcbdC.
wool vai
alley, 14l5c; Eastern
Oregon, &Ytfl2c.
Mlllstufl Bran,$17;shorts, $17.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
turkeys, live, 1213c.
Eggs Oregon, 13f14c per doz.
Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 78c.
under 60 lbs,61(7c;shcep pelts,1015c,
Onloos 82.25 per sack.
Butter Best dairy, 2530c; fancy
creamery, G0c55c a roll.
Potatoes, 3545c per sack.
Hogs Heavy, 84.25.
Mutton Weathers 4c: dressed, 01c,
Beef Steers, 83.504; cows, 82.60;
dressed, 0i7.
Wheat C8c
Oats 35M37C.
Hay Baled, cheat, 810.
Flour In wholesale lots, 84.70: re
tail 85.
Hogs drcrscd, 61c.
Live cattle 33Jc
Veal 5s.
Butter Dairy 1012c; creamery,
Sheep Live, 3c a lb.
Wool Best,16c. Mohair 27W28c
Hops Best 814c.
Eggs-121c in trade,
Poultry Hens, 6c; spring chickens
121c; duck8;6o per lb.
Farm smoked meats Bacon,
fcam, lOe; shoulder, 80c
Potatoes 16(318c In caih..
Not Troubled Now,
"From my childhood 1 have been In
poor health and my skin was yellow.
When I was 10 years old I bad salt
rheum on one of my hands. I got a
bottle ot Hood's Saroaparilla ana be
fore I bad taken all ot It my hand
was well. I have never been troubled
with salt rheum since."
Mrs. Bertha Rkid,
Baker City, Or.
Hyod's Pills are easy to take, easy
to operate. Cure Indigestion, head
ache. S, C. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writesv-"I
ire tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for
tching piles and it always stops them in two
minutes. I consider DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Sal to the greatest pile cure en tbe market's
atone untg More.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold oa a
hositive guarantee. Cures heart-barn, raising
oft be food diitrtu after eating or any form
ofdrspep1 One little tablet girts im.
mediate relief, 15c and and 50c,
Moki Tea positively cures sick headache,
indigestion and constipation. A delightful
drink. Removes all eruptions of tbe skin,
producing a perfect complexion, or money re
landed. 25 cents and 50 cents.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity ot the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tho California Fio Svnur
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
.all tho Importance of purchasing tho
true and original remedy. As the
genulno Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho California Fio Srnur Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one In avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of the Cali
fornia. Fio Stoop Co. with tho medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuino Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of tho Company a guaranty
of tho cxcellonco of Its remedy. It is
far ia advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without Irritating or weaken
ing them, and it docs not grlpo nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, pleaso remember tho namo of
the Company
ZZZ For the Ladles.
Tho American Queen salutes its
readers for the montli Of Juno with
an unusually Interesting issue, con
taining articles of war interest, and
from a woman's standpoint showing
how war affects them ai,d their duty
and heroism on the battlctield. Cuba
and tho reconccntrados, too, come in
for n sharo In these articles. "A
Sailors Knot, and How it Was Cut,''
by Frank R.Stockton; "Itobin nood,'
by Barry Pain; "A Child's Story." by
Sophie Herbert; and remarks aud
criticisms by Marguerite Merington,
holds tho Action department up to Its
excellent standing. Tho departments,
which have become such a pleasing
feature in The American Queen, aro
conducted, a asuul, by authorities in
each particular line, and aro as fol
lews: Fashions, by Abby Undcrwod;
Household by Bertha Banner; Cook
ing, by Katharine Rolston Fischer;
Embroidery, by Emma Haywood;
Lacemaklng, by Mary E, Bradford;
Beauty and Toilet, by Mary Easton;
Women and Their Work, by M. E. J.
Kclley, Besides this synopsis of
matter The American Queen tccniR
with other interesting articles. Tho
colored corer. representing tho Bed
Cross nurse, is by the daughter of
Bret narte. Presented to tho trade
by J, J. Dalrymplo & Co., Salem, Or.
Sedgwick Emergency Corps
Tho members of Sedgwick Relief U.
No. il.rnd other loyal women met
Tuesday afternoon for purpose of or
ganizing a society to aid the boys who
have gone to tho front, and their fam
ilies at home who may need our assis
tance. This organization is to bo
known as Sedgwick Emergency Corps.
It Is not to conflict In any way witli
the Capital Emergency clubs but to
aid them In the good work,
The national president W. R. C
before war was declared, promised
President McKlnloy that W. R. O.
would if needed give their aid; and
now true to her promise has Issued
general orders to cycry corps In the
United States, theso, in answer trxtlio
orders are organizing ali oyer tho
The following officers were elected:
Pres.Mrs. Southwlck; S. V. Pro.
Mrs. Wands, J. V. Prcs. Mrs. Ella
KyunjiSec. Mrs. Lotta Dickey, trcas.
Mrs. Rose. Directors, Mrs. Fair
banks, Mrs. Crossan, Mrs. Smith, Mrs.
Flagg, and Mrs. Bailey.
The next meeting will he held in A.
O. U. W. hall 4 p. in. Friday.
All loyal men and women uro Inyl
ted to be present at this meeting, and
join in the work,
How's This I
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrali that
can not be cured by Hall's Catarrli
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo.O,
We the undersigned, having Known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to curry out any obligations
made by their firm.
West & Traux. Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo. O., Warning Kinnan & Mar
yln. Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrli Cure Is taken Intern
ally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 76c, per bottle. Bold by all
Druggists, Testimonials free.
For Infants and Children.
Vm Ktad You Have Always Bwght
Bears tho
Signature of
15 Kearny Street, Ban Francisco, CaL To
district attornes, sheriffs, attorneys at
law and prlrate parties :-I'rpared to transact
all business o( a confidential and intricate
character expeditiously nd 011 reatonabU
Unas. Corrcipondents all over tbe world.
S. Ctl. Jones, Mlletbcrg. I'a., writo.-."I
have nsed Dcwllt's Utile Early KUers and
and must say I have never used any pills dur
ing forty years of house keeping that gave
such satisfactory results as a laxative or
cathartic. Stone Drug Stoic,
3POR. DEX7X&3EI Bra cx
Paints and Oils,
Superior Stoves and Ranges, and
Good Fishing Tackle, go to
256 Commercial st,
The Crash
Salem Special
Aumsyiiio -riour
New Plckles.per qt ,
Arbucklo and Lion Coffee, perpk
Bulk Olives, per pint
Lenox Soap, 9 bars
Best Mocha and Java Coffee, cer lb
Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb... 'r... ..i .?.... 1H. ,(l"'.... 30
lOlbsLard ....; ?.... I.A...-: .. 86
5 lbs Lard ??.!!.V!H! X..!!.!! 45
Chocolate, per lb 25
lOlbs. ii. Wheat ,;;;,; 35
lOlbs Corn Meal 25
Try our Ho Cream Oats for mush.
Standard Bicycles of lb? - World I
Columbia, chainlcss 1. 1" . S . . St. v. !f. $125
Colombia, chain wheel i .... . ?r. ....... 75
Hartford, regular or special 5Q
Vedette 49, 35
Jacl. and Jill (JQ
All made by the Pope Manufacturing Co,
Quality and prices guaranteed,
04 State street, Noxt Door East of Bush's Bank,
Best meals in the city for 15c. Giyc us a trial
Dissolution Notice.
Notico Is horoby (riven that tho
firm of Churchill & Burroughs has dis
solved by mutual consent. T. S. Bur
roughs will continue tho business, and
will collect all bills and pay all claims
of the old Urni.
O. N. CiiunoniLL,
7 Ira T. S. Buitnouaiis.
Conbolidatkd, Dllrey & Westa
cott who formerly ran Independent
livery Btables of their own have con
solidated and wlh hereafter bo found
in the livery business at tho Red
Front livery barn at 104 Commercial
street. 6-10-lmo
Vnilinr. It the luiit teacher. Ui Asker'l
English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds
or croup, auuuiu u iu tu kivb tmiubui.ii.
rollef money tefunded, 25 cents and 50 cents.
vacation Is
ono of tho es
tablished custoiuw of
our country.
Remove all
dyspcptlo and
with the
bitters that
your brief
respite from
labor may
proyo a
The largest implement house
of the Willamette valley,
Racine buggies and hacks,
Buffalo PittsHarrow$
and Cultivators,
Monitor & Tiger drills and seeder.
1'laoett Jr. drills'and cultirators,
McCormlck binders, mowers and rakes
John Deere plows and barrows
Kuucll enirlne and thrashers.
Repairs kept in stock for fill the abovo
mentionea eooas.
For sale by
kave removed tbeir;tkii; 'and plumb,
lnj btulatM to 324 CoBU&McJjd tiet
opposite SUto Inwa IwiBrHoap
Has Come,
tl S
,. ... ....."...' 10
16c, 2for26o
Uncle Sam
Is Ready
And so aro we, when It comes to
Cornor Stato and Llborty strcots,
Salem, Or.
The best is cheapest
E S, Lamport,
Make a specialty of
Carnage Trimming J
Bring hi your' old hnrneaa and
Exolinngo for now.
Prices Always the Lowest,
Salem on,
A new truss on n now
principle A perfeot
auppcrt to nil who
nro ruptured,
Salem, - Or
Capital Soap Works.
Running at full blast and making best
of laundry and toilet totpt. He sure to csll
for the .Salem brand when jou want good
Cost over $100,000 to publish.
Nearly 200 f ull-page Masterpieces of Our
Savior and the Mother.by Great Masters,
A prrsual of this superb work is like taking
a tour through all the art galleries of Europe.
A glance at these matchless, thrilling
pictures brings lean to tne eyes 01 everyone.
Christsln men and women paying for
homes taking from three to ten orders daily.
Sells llselT vso beautiful when people see
It ther wast It.
Selling rapidly all the way from the Klon
dike to Hlo Janeiro. Never sold In M
Published sjycar and In its twentieth edi
Prase running day and night call and
se It.
Get sole manaeemeut oflarze field sad
too agents and you have a fortune, Salary
(900 to man or woman good cbuich standisg
to act as manuger ana correspondent neie.
Call oa or address A.I'. T. Elder, Man.
ager Subacrlplloa Department, 1B9, Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, III, 5 1 im
I op vines ono. fwwani wujj wuj bwj
O. JH. mAOK'
a ... ry, T u'iruu u Wlh
Comer, Salem, Orj Parties deaktag tar
operation at moderate fees ia sjr feramet sue
In especial reqaett.
5 -A
Shop, taut i$
COXOVBX does tkeftaeat
war k a makes the lowest
prices, ,r
X At DEARBORN'S book store,
Merchant Tailor!
211 Commercial st,
E7Snlts $15 and upwards, ri
Pants $3 and upwards.
Shorts, c&ep, Sour, mill feed, etc;
Telephone 178.
91 Cbarfst., Salem, Or
For water service apply at office. lWs
payable monthly in advance'. Make
complaints at the office.
Express'and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger traits. Bag.
gage and express to all parts of the city
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
PleaseoUce the out In prioes
,011 the following
Sh'rU, plain 10 cents
Unucr drawers....,..,, 5 to locentt
Under shirts 5 to 10 certs
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs , t cent
Silk handkerchiefs .' 3 centi
Sheets and pillow slips 34 cents'per) dozen
and othet worlc in proportion.
tyFlnnnols and othnr work intelligently
washed by hand.
COL. J. OLMSTBAD, . (Proprietor
Jf BThomas TuthilL
Analytical Chemist
and A.ssa) en
Offloo with SnloiDjaas Light Co,
No 4 Chemeketa St P. O.Box X,
Balem, Oregon. Prompt' (return of ore
samples. General, analytical work.
Hotel Salem.
M.; raNNDLL,:Prop?
Dnly First Class House In the Olty. Rate
reasonable. Sample rooms in connection.
Can to all trains and public buildings pas
the door. Come Slate and High streets.
Mild drinks.
Cigars and tobacco
Meals served,
toitello flacei North Salem.
4i im M. IFKlCimNOEK. Prop.
fState street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best a
meats in town. a j
Wolz Mescke,
Dealers In all kind of fresh salt and MHelced
meats. Lard In bulk.Jgc a lb. Cheapest mark t
In town. We make It a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us,
Drown ft Son, of the East Salem meat mar
ket, bave enlarged and refitted tkelr abeo awi
will be pleased to see all 0! their olil patroM
ami the rest of (be community. Orders takes
and delivered. Parent sending cU14ra
may depend on having their od em
scientlously filled. '-4ii
wcrow k wsrnmojarr,
Butchers and Packers
Bart stock, Utt fcvk s4 Wwett pist
..I'm vie lor 1
IrrluUua ur
Ikitliil. uJ
aui or otQjoa.
-. vw WW. p.
9T mi HI
vu iwi U-m
JHV 0mmmA V
Vsl wtuxs witaMtgJt
vssa. u...h