-DAILY- CAPITAL ry rJ :U -KJNiAitar- rP-i rf i -" 3d VOL. 8. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1898. ho. m h i - .. i n , .. 2 ... ..i ati " - - ,, IF YOU ARE- LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN See Krausse They have them at and you all know the record it has'made, Just received a big lot yesterday, Fully warranted BUREN & HAMILTON m p 1 3 Longer 2 9 ll 'iLsgA y -nJ but go at once to the 2 WOOViCH MWili STORE and Ret one of those swell spring suits. They tare Jail wool and are our own home made goods. New patterns' constantly being . shown. We want to call special attention to our better grades that have been so much In favor this season. While others may pusn their cheap trash, we are going to push our finest and best goods. You want clean goods. You can get them from us. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE To Reduce Our Large Stock j ! of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, blankets, trunks, nc tions, etc., and raise money, whieh is the article we need ut present we will commence to slaughter our goods regardless of consequences, Ladies kid gloves (worth $I.3S a pair will be sold for 6oc a pair. fine aresi goon iwouu jut uu gus now for 35c a yard, Table cblb (worth 50c a ard) goes now or 35c a yard. Good towling goes now lor c a yard. Dress cambric goes now for 4c a yam, Silesia (worth I2c,) goes now for 8c a yard. Good outing flannel gees now for 4,'c a yard. Percales, 36 Inches wide, (worth iac go now for ifc a yard. Dress ginghams (worth II l-2c) goes now for 7jic a yard. Lace curtains (worth $1.30 a pair) go now for 85c a pair. Thimbles, ic each. BrCotne;belore the assortment Is broken, as etrry article will go at redneced prices, ar.d font toroe.first serred. tRIEDMAH.S DRY OOODS AND CLOTHING STORE' Corner Commercial and State Streets, Salem, Otegoo. Bros. 2753Commercial st, A Good Bicycle for a low price is what the people want, "We have The Pacific Hairpins, ic a box. Handkerchiefs, ic each Pencil tablets, Ic each. Pins, ic a paper, , Best spool twist ic, O.N.T. cotton, 3c Best sewing silk, too yards 5c. Coats needles, packages containing 35 sew jog and 7 dsrsers all for 40. Ladies' fine shoes former price $3, go now (I.35 a pair. Curdoroy skirt binding Jc a yard. Ladies Oxford ties, formerly $1.75 goes now 75c a pair. Boy's wasable soils, 65c a salt. Men's suits, a good wearer, fo $4 a suit, Men's Hats (worth il.35,) for 75c. Ladies I3 shoes goes now for ia$ a pair Our 35c neckwear goes now for 19c each. Jzt. w7 Yw A t&j Wzdr BATTLE ! Furious Conflict Is Now On. Sampson's Big Guns Do Good Work 11 The Population Seek Shelter in the 'Hills;- P01 to Rice to Be .Taken, at Once-; Spanish Spies. Cape JIaytien, June 7. Heavy lighting Is reported at the seashore near Santiago. An engagement is said to hare taken place between the American troops assisted by insur gents near Surgicdro de Agnadores a few miles east of Morro. Firing be gan early and grew warmer as the day progressed, All indications that the big guns of the- American fleet was hammering the fortifications of Aguadores and that the American forces are being landed. This Is cdn firmed by the fact that Spanish mil itary Is rushing to Agnadores, The batteries at Aguadores were recently established and" the guns are small. All the artillery that can bo spared from tho defenses of the cftyitself is being sent there, and at least 3000 men havo gone to' the front, Among them are tho marines from Cervera's ships who volunteered for service, especially requesting tho admiral to detail them for the dan gerous duty, Last night Santiago reports that the. big guns havo ceased firing. Many stragglers are coming Into the city, bearing conflicting tales. Some say the Americans arc march ing on the city, while others assert that the Spaniards are holding them at bay. Panio prevails, Tho shops arc all closed and the peoplo huddle In the houses. There has been some firing on ;the outskirts, but as yet nothing has Indicated a general at tack by the Insurgents. It Is believed, however, they will make an attack tonight. General Lcnares went to the sea front to personally direct operations. Troops have been coming in from all tho outlying -and distant stations all day. Some of them report brushes with Garcla's troops and the hospitals are filling up with wounded. It Is feared the insurgents will des troy the telegraph connection between Santiago and Guautanamo at any time and thus shut off the scena of the conflict from cable connections at Cape Ilaytlen by way of Mole St. Nicholas. It was reported that during the bombardment of Saturday evening the American troopi were landed to the westward of La Socapa and the mouth of the harbor. Ko great force Is believed to be there, however, as apparently no additional troops have been gnt In that direction. Santiago, 10 p. m. via Cape Ilaytlen. rAn alarm has been sounded Indicate ing an attack on the city by Insurgents or Americans, coming from the south east. The troopships which have sailed from Mobile and which are to re ceive reinforcements from Tampa and ..SCHLITZ.. The beer that made Milwaukee famous. No headache goes with this beer, But don't mix. Health, Strength and Purity! Highest award for purity at Chicago ex position, P, P Talklogton. M. L, Hamilton, , . MAGUIKE & TEATZ, . Local Agents, It ipsakB '-for itself, Jacksonville, will require fowcr con voys than it was originally ' intended to send with them. So long as the Terror, which tho navy department firmly believes has been destroyed, was afloat, she was a dangerous men ance to a fleet of transports'. Tho Terror's speed was 28 knots an hour, and she might hayo sunt half a dozen troopships before she could hayo been overtaken! by even the fleetest vessel In tho squadron. Thera arc still believed to be three or four Spanish vessels in the vicinity of San Juan, but they aro not of such a character as to create the slightest apprehension on the part of tho authorities here. Consequently, tho Porto Bican ex pedition will be pushed With all pos slblo speed and present indications are that by tho first of next -week' a landing will hayo been effected which will result in the pcedy capture of that Island by tho American forces. Montheal, June 7. The chief spies among Spanish agents In- North American territory, 'Carranza and Dubosc, have been arretted at tho instance of Detective Keller f, and tho funds with which tkey hayo been operating extensively are tied uphere In a bank. ' ' - VICTORIOUS INSURGENT, " Manila Outposts Driven In, -Heavy Spanish Losses - Manila, May 31, via Hong Kong, June 7. The Spanish outposts havo bceu driven In all along the lino simultaneously, and with great slaugntcr, It Is said oyer 1000 have been killed. There has been fierce hand-to-hand fighting for 70 hours, desplto tho ty phoon which Is raging. Tho violent winds and torrents of rain render the rifles of the Spanish trcops una vailing. The natlyes easily win at every step with the glashing knives. Today the insurgents hold Malabon, Taralac, and Bacoor. They are now attacking San Tamcra and Moorlatc, the suburbs of the city, which is com pletely enclosed for a distance of seven miles. A native regiment under Colonel Aguinaldo, cousin of the insurgent leader, yesterday Joined the Insur gents. The governor has Issued a despair ing proclamation, begging the insur gents to come to terms, and now he is arranging to remove all tho Spanish population inside tho old walled city, no is filling the moats and testing tho drawbridges and placing strong guards on the principal streets, and artillery along tho walls. All the other troops are camping in the suburbs. The weather Is terrific. Later It now appears that tho rockets yesterday were not signals to the natives, but a warning from the German codsulate of the approach of tho typhoon, issued for the benefit of ships In ttie harbor. I yisitcd Cavltc without the Span lards knowing It, and lourd there 107 wounded and 50 prlsonors, among tho latter six Spanish officers. All wero well treated, Chief Aguinaldo, in tho course of an Interview, has said that the in surgents are eager to make an at tack on Manila forthwith, but that Admiral Dewey refuses to "allow hodes of passionate serai-savages to storm a civilized metropolis." Admiral Dewey wants to wait the arrival of tho American troops. In the meantime the insurgents hayo been forbidden to cross the Motate river, seven miles south of Manila. Otherwise the Petrel will be stationed there to bombard them. The volunteers smelt powder yes terday. An officer was killed and three wounded. They retired rapidly One German resident has enlisted with the volunteers. "Admiral Dewey reports that the Insurgents fhave been actively en gaged within the province of Cavite during the past week until they have won several victories, taken prisoner about 1800 men and 60 officers of b'ganUh troops, not native, The arsenal at Caylte has been prepared for occupation by the United States troops on their arrival on transports," S, C. Parker. Sharon. Wis., writesv-"! are tried DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Sal re for tcbing piles and it always stops them tn two minutes. I consider DeWitt' Witch Hate 1 Salre the greatest pile cure ca the markct'C Stone Drag Store. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a hosldve guarantee. Cores heart-burn, raislog oft he food disUeas after eating or any form of dyspepsia Ose little tablet gives im mediate relief. 5c and and 50c. ELECTION Oregon is a Doubtful - State McKlnley and'Go.d Staifdard Endorsed, T Union Party- Made-a.Strong ' .Pulllfor Victory.' V "" ' ,f " ' " r '1 in 1 On " Partial -Returns. ..Republicans, " ', ' Claim tffd State, " - " jj t- ..,. ..,t ... . ' T1 -m . .V. .. , .. , v j . Kincaid'andlLyman Running( Ahead '" '" ol 'State-Ticket.. ,-, -"'"'j" 4 i ' The,, Prohibitionists and' Middle-Roaders' - PolledjTheir IJsual Vote. ' ' I - 1 1 s III rOHTLANT) . ESTIMATES', .MOND'AV 1 NiailT.' ' " ' ' " Tho Republicans swept the' slate and have .elected tho cntlro ''state ticket. Geer (Rep.) for" governor will not have less than 5,000;plurallty and It would not bo surprising If it reaches 10.0D0 when tho yotes are all counted. Returns from couutles whtoh went strongly for Bryan In 1800 show large Republican' gains. Tho Republicans will have a majority In tho legislature, which will Insuro the election of a Republican United States senator to fill the vacancy now existing from this state. M. A. Moody (Rap.) Is elected conH gressman in the second district by at least 2,000 and his plurality may bo much larger. Tongue (Rep.) Is undoubtedly re elected tocongrcss In the first district, though by a smaller plurality than that glycu Moody In tho second. W. S. Muboo (regular Rep.) has been elected mayor of Portland by a plur ality of moro than 1.000 und the cntlro Republican legislative tlckot of this county has been successful with the possible exception of statu senator, the contest between Simon and W. T. Hume for that office being very close; Win. Frazler (rep) Is elected sheriff, and W. M. Cako (antl-Slnton) Is no doubt elected county Judge. At 11:30 p. m. Chairman Steel, of the stato Republican central commit tee, gave out tho follewing: "The Republicans have carried the State by at least 0,000 plurality, the county and city ticket In Portland, certainly the second congressional district and probably the Urst,though returns areo slow from the first (1U drlct that a posltlvo announcement cannot be made." Tillamook, June 7. Eight pre cincts glvo Geer 201, King 137, Tongue 283, Vcakjli 131, Maxwell, for repre sedative, 278, Luce (Dcm) 183. CLACKAMAS. Incomplete returns from four out of thirty-six precincts give: For gov ernor, Gccr2i0, King 110; secretary of state: Dunbar 231, Klncald 143;treav urer: Moore 237, Booth 115; Superin tendent: Ackcrman 230, Lyman 110; stato printer: Leeds 218, Fitch 171; supreme Judge: Moore 237, Ramsey 134;attorney-general: Blackburn 210, Story 131; cengress: Tonguo 227, Veatch 129; circuit Judge: MrBrlde 221, Hare 130; prosecuting atterney: Clceton 107, Koland 81; board of equal izatlen: Smith 144, Barlow 09; Joint senater: Porter 215, Barkley 148; sen sen aeor: BrownellSW, U'Ren 107, - YAMHILL. North and South McMlnnvllIc, Baker Creek and Falrlawn give King 172, Geer 185, Veatch 151, Tongue 162. The vote Is hair counted. The county is In doubt. LANK. Only three precincts have reported np to 1 p. in,: Geer 202, King 203, Dunbar 200KI ncald 257, O. H. Moore 274, Booth 203, F. A. Moore 241, Ram sey 216, Tongue 243, Veatch 200, Ack crman 247, Lyman' 205, Leeds 238, Fl ten IDS. The count shows Indica tions that the Republicans will get all on tho state, congressional and judi cial ticket, except secretary of state. SHERMAN. -3h1erinaniceunty, as far an rcpu,tcd gives zoz majority ror Moody., )r DENTON. i f Complete and Incomplete returns from six precincts give; A ,w f. Governor Geer 385, King,.2rl0.. .Congressman Tonguo, 3g,. Veatch ' Joint senator, Benton and Lincoln Daly 302. - Joint representative fla Via, ,379, Clark 242. .. , , . . Roprcscntatlyc-iNIchols, 47, ,Ualo 281. , . , In,pne, precinct jnKalamath county ,ln which 251 votes were cast, 100 have Mill. yf J I, been counted, as follews: t Geer 93,Vliog 70, Dunbar ,D1, Kln cajtjl 7,2, p. JS.'Mqorp 124,,' Booth 43, Ackerman 88, Lyman p4, Fitch 05, 1 .in j. . r r keeds 84, Moore 00, Ramsey ,0, Black burn 85, Storey 04, Tongue 07. Veatch 0.0. No other returns have been re cP)vcdv ' t Present Indications aro that Geer and Moody havo carried the county .1 .in' if. j by a small majority, Tho other can didates on tho state ticket arc run- 1 ' 1 nlng a little behind them. Klncald 1 l Ml may hayo a small majority. Returns aro coming In slowly, , Moody's ma jority Is estimated to bo 150. , Each precinct, Including Pondlc- 11 ton, heard from, report as follews: Governor, Geer 430, W. R; 'King 240, J. C. Luce 8, II.-M, Clinton 12; Secretary of State. Dunbar, 400, Ivlh cald 245, WakcIIcld 7, Dayis 11; Treas urer, Mooro 411, Booth 241, Scars 34, Votaw II, UOUOLAS. The returns from four precincts arc as follows; Governor, Geer 104, King 250; secre tary of state, Dunbar 103, Klncald 255; state treasurer, Booth 215, Moore 100; superintendent of public Instruction, Ackerman 200, Lyman 214; stato printer, Fitch 239, Leeds 190; supremo court justice, Mooro 191, Ramsoy 247; attorney-general, Black burn 101, Story 240; congressman, Tonguo 181; Veatch 270; Judgo second district, namllton 270, Woodcock 184; district attorney, Brown 231, Dentin- ger 105. ohant, A report from John Day, Grunt county, gives Geer 07, King 22; Dun- bir 78, Klncald 22; Moody 09, and Donaldson 2(1. JOSEPHINE. Out of a totulof' 781 votes cast In the three Grants Puss precincts, at midnight. 60.5 votes had licen counted. Including the vote of three outside precincts out of 13, tho fallowing are the results: Clinton 14, Geer 229, King 202, Luce 13, Davis 10, Dunbar 209, Klncald 212, Wakefield 31, Booth 142, O. S, Mooro 170, Scars 20, Votaw 7, Ackerman 210, Emcric 15, Hosiuer 15, Lyman 208, Fitch 188, Grace 32, Leeds 220, Mc Danlels 14, Ilackenuan 10, F, A. Mooro 100, Ramsey 224, Blackburn 213, Sher man 18, Story 2.33, Hill 23, Pedcrscu 16, Tonguo 211, Veatch 200. The chairman of the Union com mittee 'concedes all except a few minor ofllccs to the Reinibllcans. Tho yote on the state ticket will bo close. LANE. This precinct cast 638 votes, One half aro counted. King 0, Klncald 30, Veatch 20, Booth 10, Ackerman 16, II inlltori 25 ahead. The legislative ticket Is about oven at this time. Tho gains favor the Union ticket. WALLOWA. No definite returns have been re eclved from Wallowa county, but partial returns Indicate large Rcpubl can gains. YAMHILL. North and South McMlnnvllIc, Baker Creek and Falrlawn give King 172, Ocer 165, Veatch 161, Tonguo 102, The vote Is half counted. Thocounty is in doubt. Nearly one-half tho MoMlnnvllle vote has been counted. Mixed tic kets were roUd. Indications point to the division of county ofUecs be tween Republicans and Unions. The total vote in the four MoMlnnvllle precincts 1713. Tongue 178, Veatch 193, Geer 180. King 200, Moore 104, Ramsey 226, WABUINQTON, , Out of 120 votes counted Cornelius ' ' ft r ' . .. gives Geer 52, King 61, Dunbar 67,- Klncald 62, Booth 65, Moore 55, Ram- sey , co, Ackerman oi, . tiyman ozr Fitch and Leeds each 63, . Blackpurn 55, Story 55. tonguo aosLveatcliga.cJi, received CO. it Columbia precinct gives tho silver ticket about 40 majority, with the Pi I r f -ir except Ion of Tongue, who --ran even with Veatch. -,.-. ,t The two Illllsboro precincts, with 100 more votes tocount, give Gccr'144, King 1$',: Dunbar" D,, KJnc'ald 120, Booth 117J iVlnorc 111, Moore (supreme judge) 140, Ramsey 120, Ackerman 133, Lyman 114, Fitch 109, Leeds 134, B.ackburri"i3Vstory 119, Tonguo 1G4, Veatch 108. Tlie coutnty ticket Is running close. Tho full vote of West Cedar creek t . i . precjnet Is Geer 93, King 62; Tonguo 99, Veatch 50. Tho vote Indicates Republican gains (n tho county. In the two Union precincts and partial returns up to midnight were: j- , Geer 227J King 124, Luco 9, Clinton 4, Moo'dy 203, Donaldson 124, Courtney 10, Ingalls 6. - I'QLK. Eola precinct, c Qllnton 4, Geer 85. King 104 Luco 3; Dunbar 85, Kln cald 103; Ackerman 80, Lyman 102; Tonguo 85, Veatch 05,, Hill 4, Pcdor son 3; Bolso 74. Burnett 102, D'Arcy 78. HowlttOl; Ilaydcn 113, Irvino 78; Justlco W. Putnam 80, A.Vcrcler l"07; Representative, Embrco 4, Gregg 00, Scafford DO, Stakely 2, Stump 92, J. A, Vonass 80. THIItD JUDICLVL D1BTUIOT. The Indications ,aro that tho present judge, Geo. II. Burncttt Is retained, Rep., and P. A. D'Arcy, Union, has carried Marlon, by 300 and has prob ably also carried the dlsti let. ,S. L. Ilaydcn has probably cai rlerf Mailon county and tho district by safe majorities. Nino precincts In Linn county bhow that Hewitt Is running behind the tlckot. How's This I Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrah that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CirENEY &Co. Props., Tolcdo.O. Wo tho undersigned, having known F. J. Cheney for tlio last 15 years, and bollovo him ncrfcrtlv honorable In all business transactions und financially ablo to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West fc Traux, Wholesalo Druggist, Toledo. O , Walcllng Klnnan & Mar Yin, Wholesalo Druggists Toledo, O. lull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c, per bottlo. Sold by all DriitrL'IstH. Tnstlmnnliilts fivn. S. M. Geary. Pierson, Mich., writes i-."De- Witt's Wl'ch IUiel Slve ll curing more pllis here thin all other rvmediei combined. It cures eczema and all other ikln dltcnes," Stone Drug Store. Consolidated. Ullrcy & Wcsta- cott who formerly ran Independent livery .stables of their own havo con solidated and wlli horcaftcr bo found In the livery business at tho Red Front livery barn at 104 Commercial street. 5-10-ltno Salem's Greatest Storefs Values This Store Keeps Faith With the People and so it Grows and Prospers, Ginghams, In largo and small checks and plaids, newest colorings, tho yard 10c, Bouclc Stripe, Wash goods, nnn nt this spring's newest lovely designs, the yard 9c, Organdie Imperials Ono of this gcison'H nmv dainty sheer fabrics, llnrnl nml conven tional designs, the yard 10c, Silkahne, Persian and novelty pn'ttorn ru'N nblo for curtains, drrnratlvp pur pows, cushions, etc, tho yard 10, 1212, 15c, Shirt Wa'sts, Sunshine line perfect fitting. A big assortment 50c, 75c to $2, New Sslk Ribbons, All silk pretty designs and colors, the yard 25c, AscottsPuff, Satin ties for ladles, yory swell, each 50c, and $1. JOSEPH MEYERS. Jc SONS. 27820 Cssflintrstal tt, Mr Cmrt TSCSFBOMTB HO, 1. .. F9 ROM M WW fe?ftt4Sf flH MMRf rftn mi m WdH POWDER AfeMttwy Pnr IrOVM. lAXlM POWDCH CO., fctW VOM. Old Polk County Rolls Up a Splendid Union 1 Victory. County Ticket, Pepresentativcs and Judi 1.3.. cial Ticket. Dallas, Juno 7. Old Polk scoured a splendid victory for tho Union ticket, electing' the cntlro county and representative ticket by majorities of from thrco to two hundred, except assessor """an d superintendent of schools. Tho sheriff and tStump for representative go In by three each, all precincts heard from.. Burnett and D'Arcy lead for judges. Ilaydcn fordlstrlct attorney has a o"d ma jority. County Chairman Jo. Sltley Is tcojignitulatod on all sides for his splondld tight. TODAY'S MARKKT. Portland, June 7. Wheat vallej 83: Walla Wnlln, 84c. Flour Portland, 81.75; Supcrilno $2.60 per bbl. UaLS WIllMJUBMJUC. Eastern Oregon, 812c. MIllBtufl Bran,817;shorts, 817. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 83.00 turkoys, live, 12M1.1c. Eggs Oregon, I3(i)14e per doz. macs ureen. saiwu uu ius, under 00 lbs,0J(t7cjshccp pclts.U niaos ureen, saiusu uu ids, 7(oc. unions vzrxt per sacK. llllrorl(na. rliilrv 9.VjS.inn. fnnitv creamery, 60c55c a roll. Potatoes, 3645c per sack. TTncra.rTnnvv fti Fi Mutton Weathers Ic; dressed, CJc, Beer Utcors, 83.50(rf4; cows, 82.60; dressed 0l7, SALt.M mauket. Wheatr-08c. Oats 35fa137c. nay Baled, cheat, 810. Flour In wholesalo lots, 84.70: re tail 85. Hogs drcFScd, 5Jc. Live cattle 33Je. Veal 53. Butter Dairy 1012e: creamery, 16(jtf20c. OIIUUII JJ1VU, 0C II 1U. Wool Best,15c. Mohair TTnns.rUnt. fVHilin. 2728c Eggs-12io in trade. Poultry Hens, 0c; spring chlcke ns mc, uucks;uo per in. Farm smoked meats Bacon, ham, 10c; shoulder, 8iuc. Potatoes 16foI8c tn caih.. Or. Mllea' l'aln TI1U. "One cent n dooa." Moreen Skirting. Beautiful now shade Corlse, Car dinal, Heliotrope, and Gray. The yard 65c You're Eeasy, You easy fellows, who have bceen paying funcy prices to your cloth-lers-and tailors, can Save $2.50 to $5 By dealing with us and have the satisfaction of wearing the bed ready to wear clothes in America HART. 80HAFFNER MARX. QUAHAHTEEO OLOTHtHO. nay Good, anwi-.ou per ton lfona IfYdluc: old nron 4(ntlc. Wool Vallov. 14ra)15c: Money Back, If you say so. We're not arrafU of that money back proposition. If we'ro not you shoulden't be. Special Sale of Men's Clothing Wduust unload; you mm Suits $6.75, $8,95 And upward. "Weeii U joatr Jjrtgr,, elothes at 4? Jer'i