"""T ' & , f n j fRF . V.. . Daily Capital Journal, BY H07ER BROTHERS, tbj THURSDAY, MAY 25, it&. Daily. One Tear S3.00, fa Advance Daily, Tour Moaths $LOO. fa Advance Weekly, One Year SLOO, In. Advance " UNION T'CKET. Otnie Ticket fisrersor w. ft KINO. e-Srrarr of Et&ce H. B. KIXCAID, Slate Treaawrer J. O. BOOTH. HBorem JJs- W. If. KAM8EY. Atrrwy-Genral J. L. STORY. Ifitfcte Prtater CIIAS. A. FITCH. flp, ef Pbtc Iostmethm H. 2. LT- 1IAN. CoozrftratotaaL. FVt D!trtt It. M. YKATCIL Snd DUtrtaA-G. M. DOXALDSON First Jletel Dtotrlet. jBdge E. a WAD & J4g"JO!IX A. JBFFIU5YS. Pnetto? AtlTy A. X. SOU ite-nfosr Board of J5nalfceaUej C. E WOIlDBf. Second J4!eial District. jBdar-J. W. HAMILTON. Prftnrtln? Att'r II35NRY PEN LINGER. Jr. TMrd Judicial Dtctrlet. Jrtr R. P. BOHM. Jcrtge P. If. DARCY. I'fOHMtteg Alt'y 8. L. HAYDKN. MesAtr Boar4 of Ktnallzatton J. V ROBERTSON. Jetot Senator C iraa and Marten H. L. BARK- uer. Marios County Ticket. SerwUra-CKO. W. D1MICK; L. T GBIKFITH. Rr-enlatve J AS. A. KNIGHT P. A. MYF.MS; H. L. BENTS CHAS. P. IIEIN; GEO. H. CUOISAN. Sbtrllf-PRANK W. DURBIN. Clerk KLVG L. HIBBARD. County CommUwIontr C MARSIL RecorJtr C. P. STRAIN. Asar-T. C. DAVIDSON. County School Supt VI. IL EGAN. Treasurer-C J. SIMEI1AL. Surveyor T. Cj JORY (I'eople'a). Corftntr T. L. GOLDEN. SALEM PRECINCT. JuUlec-JOIIN M. PAYNE. Constable-C. M. CHAMTON. TONGUE OR VEACH. - June fi, the people will decide Id western Oregon whether Hon. Thos. Tonjrue shall roprosent theui In con pr' m Hon. If. M. Veatch. " lUtlnare !! W'-n pnbllc men, tneriof .iMity.mni of in . i.'- n requires for tfiuuillo:. jji.ii arv w-i who liaveeo service In the Hate W Mature and both arecapableof credit ably representing the dNtrlct. Col. Jj Veatch, as he I popularly known, Is at heart and by a consist ent record a friend of the masses of o' the people. He has the Jefferson Ian doctrines well In -Hand, and Is a K xl story teller. He Is fond of a deer hunt, Is a man of simple tastes, or widower who lias raised his babies hlnself, a pioneer who has lived an open life among his neighbors, a man of temperate habits who has never tasted liquor In all his life, a man of generous instincts, who can't keep a dollar or an extra shirt if he knows a friend ncufr either. We have never heard a word said against the private life of Hon. Thos. Tongue. He Is In every way worthy as a man. As a politician his record Is made and on it he must stand. He was at one time a silver champion but has gravitaUd to the gold standard. He takes kindly to the Mark Ilanca style of politics anJ admires that great and good man. We believe he does that sincerely. Col. Hob Veatch was a 'Cleveland of fice holder but came out early f.nd positively for the Hryan democracy The two moveni'jfjH mark lbs tend ency of the t.vo men in public affalra. While Veatch Is pnpul.ir with the masses of all parties, Tongue Is not btrong with tliu puople. In 1892, Mr. Tongue was the Repub lican candidal for the state senate In Washington county and was de feated by B. JS. Huston, Democrat, by u mujorlly of 128. With one Decep tion he was the only Republican who failed tocarrthe county. In 18'Jfl Tonue was the Republican nominee fjr ongrou nan and the vote in Wustilnton county, his home, stood Tono 1510; Vituderuorg ISM; Meyers 315. The vote for prosldont stood Mc Klnley 2035; Ilryan 1607. A man is boat known at his own home and Mr. Tongue's unpopularity among the people '..'ho knov him boat has been certulnly attested In thews two elec tions. L'p hi the contrary, his oppo nent, Itobert M. Vouch, for four sue costive elections was sent to one for the other or the branches of the legis lature by the voters of Lane county, always running ut the bead of his ticket. Mr. Tougi i-IiIiiih now to be a Sound Money Republican, yet ho wrote a silver let U' id helped defeat J. N. Dolph In Mm !gllulurc of ISO.'i for United Ktilo-t Moimiur, since when Oregon has been practically unrep resented in the upptir house. FOR BVATS PRINTER. Charles A. Fitch, the Union candi date for stale printer, Is 30 years of age, a pruotleal printer uud one of the a'lo-t newfpapur men In thu state. JIo was u delegate to the Cincinnati labor conference held In May, 1801, and also n delegate to the Kt, Louis conference held tho following yoar. He served one term as ssurotary and f-vo terms as presldcut of tho Port lind Labor Council and was elected national coiumlttcotnan of the I'co 4'i party for Oregon in 1B0I. Upon becoming couvlnced that the only hope of tho Industrial mussclu America against thu gold standard, gold borjd, bink and monopoly ridden forcts united undor thu leadership a Mark Hitnjfia, Ojover Cleveland & Co., rested alooe In a anion ef free filter, intl-natteoal teak xod direct legislation force fn Orfgoo. he bstBdeed- farther ppittfln to the Cnktti sod has erer Mace done all nllhia bis tvnrer Xa marshal the Uatos rf farces to Victory. : Mr. Fitch has always Wen lifted bitDelf jn the We ef the lahorcr and producer. If be I selected, the state prfotersSJeeiIH be a asfon ef3 and a record will be made for rru ffcieocy aad ccoaomy tint will ) His re-election. . KIN C AID. WARRANTS AND THE SCHOOL LAND RING. will be far years If elected; wb will bare a great infleeace ia eoatrottlag tbe rote ht the tate Vsard of exan -f ners aod of eosnty periates4et; a bms who probaWy cae here la the eesptoy of Up Awerieas Bvk Co. sod wbo wovld fcht their baUtes If eke td; we iy that ere If oppned chaBzes la 1S1 U dees sot follow 14m t we mII not farr a mi now fnr ate riotfM4t wh fitws ctMosC' fr ihr riir Lrmtt doM. WHAT IS THE JUDICIARY F-R? t protect tbe peopV? I If Now let Me HeDuWlRiui pl tell us Jadee (Jen II. raraett erer When ever ytw find a nun fchtinK ' perfonotd a a act to protect the po KlDcaWyoa an afefy taf ' t ale agalt tbe MUieal booilars. people that that mum h either r ' He rated that wotaea taxarr? try lag to get sotwe jb ahd ba Itra'had uorirbi Voyoteat!bolelecUo disappointed w 'tut he Ims beea r- a ad knocked tbew not of their dia log to get a pall at tbe state treasury j stitatkiwal rtebfc oatll the 9rene to get through oae aalawfal Mil vrjqpan rever.-ed hlai dalai aad has beo ebad away Xm a I Wha has he ever laid a straw la the aablls freaMiry by KlweaW. jthe wayof mkb like Blsghaw, who Ftagg bts K i oca hi beaae Ki IiwaVe a hwioeK iseUii rtbi.iod aW wiia't dra a wjrraat urn U-; raf ts oa the nowlie? state treasary in fjT.r of Ftag f.-i an aaiawful Mil for pf (allet: for A' torapy General IdletwaR. Tbe la TS that all firlitiog stall b? duo at tbe slat- prlotiog odieo, yet FlagK lOsistS'Hi vettln py f--r work dMn out side of that oMce ia dear vlota tion of tar, a-xlatHi-es UteSriretar" (KJocaW lecaiwe h-: wiw't alUi FlMs'selti.. Klncikl dje tare lite c! ric f tit land ofiice collect ded fe- for IiIhi They are alljwel U luw. They an paid by rich it-.d speculators and' n objectkin Is made except by C. A. Cogswell, a Clcselancl fleo:icrat wli got a S-'.OJ sl out or the 1:65 Ifgif biVurr, and by this mm Fag;. Whether Mc'Iride coll jcted for these deeds Is not known, bo - known that tbe land clerk, under MclJn I collected thousands of dollars tor l catlrrg" land for speculators ac. charged a side fee of 1 1. A per acre foi nearly every acre told, and in one in stance sold the same piece of land or "Ua5e"flve tlme, and In many instan ces several times, making a scandal koown all over theistate. Mr. Hex Davis, the present secretary rf the Republican party In Marlon county, was one of the clerks In the ofllce and understands all about this matter. Klncald chargi s no fee for many things for which the law allows fees. Military boys receive their comrnis. slons free; so do agricultural society appointee; no fee has cyer been collec ted for a pardon or for a commission Is It'n prvm appointed to a ben evolei'iuiM. W:i -osyrr a fee has to be paid by a poor uiau KincaiJ make It free. For eyery fee collected thtic Is a receipt Issued saying that ft Is "Fees allowed by law." Morris & Whitehead carried a cass through the supreme court compelling the Issue of state warrants for all claims specifically or implied allowed by law against the state. Morris & Whitehead are very wealthy bankers of Chicago and other Eastern cities, and foreign cities. The object of this was to get Interest at 8 per cent. When this script Is Issued it is taken to the treasury where there Is over $300,000 lying idle, and the treasurer stamp" on each warrant the words "Not paid for want of funds,'' and the date. The warrant then draws In terest from that date at 8 per cent. Approximately half a million dol lars In warrants has been drawn and the state Is right now paying say 410,000 a year Interest with the state treasury groaning full of twenties. Over one hundred dollars a day Inter est. Uetwecn 6700 and 0000 state war rants have been Issued. They have been mostly bought by Mr.Rex Davis, secretary of stale Republican county committee In Marion county. He has been buying thcbe warrants for the bankers, Morris & Whitehead above mentioned. For many months he was In the stale house corrlders during business hours each day and as a man would coino out of the stale treasury with a warrant, he would slcp up to him and offer to buy It and In very many cases did get the warrants. Ho would pay for tlico warrants with DM Jadve Haraelt encoarage the laretferalton of the coart boae re pair fraud, or did bis ruiiag on the point of "Intent" quash tbe whole pioeeedlag? Judge Harnett has on tbe loyal rapport of Hos Bingham, but is he really In doi--mo of the full contf dence of the bar and tbe taxpayers? Tho are bard stitements to make about a candidate tor a high judicial office. Rut Judge Burnett Is a candi date of a political party. He Is an intense parttan. He Is a man who lias shown very little respect for the people when the parly machine wanted Its bidding done. He de -erve very little consideration excepl froru Mist standpoint. The people of this district should vole lor men who riys above mere parlMnn considerations In iheotllce of circuit judge. Vote lor Rolseand D'Arcyand let Mr. Burnett learn that somethlDg besides inteno party spirit Is wanted on tbe bench. fl2P no the ease as forated MR. GEER'S POVERTY. The JoDRNALdoes not agree with those Republicans who arc opposed to Geer for governor only because he has been a failure financially. It may not be Mr. Geer's want of ability as a financial manager that makes hlra un available as a tit man for the office of gcernor. Mr. Geer's unfitness grows out of his poverty of stability and want of firmness to resist the cormorant tlass who want him to be governor In order tnt they may be free to plunder the people of Oregon. The old rotten school land ring wanted Gov. Lord downed becaue he interfered with their business. Mr. Geer would enable them to open up their traffic in state lands. The state treasury downed Lord as he would not protect the gang that manipulates public money. Mr. Geer would offer no obstacle to their con tinued depredations, It Is Mr. Geer's poverty of resources in these respects that makes him an unlit man for the office of chief ex ecutive. Captuuku. A man having a big appetite was caught this unomlng In ihe act of carrying off one of George Bros. 15c meals. The task was loo great and he was captured He will ingly paid the 15 cents and enjoyed the beBt meal he oyer had. As good as, should not be accepted, when you want a permanent dye. Perfection Dye has no equal. tf The Prlnevllle Reylew says: Last Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock wo. left Prlnevllle behind a span or Chris Cohn's best trotters bound for the Warm Springs agency, to be pres ent at tho marriage of Miss Cowan (an account or which will be given next week.) There Is nothing like giving the news while it is news, KVPffirY&i&fiiFW-' lalraTaTl r7?TT7 rtrymmv 1 Ark AtMx GsSUSLXL Accordindlng to some Bound money philosophers a man ought to be in debt, paying lots of Interest und check written on different banks, but' avoiding taxes usually In the First national of Sa lem, Hon; T. P. McCornack the presi dent of that bank being also the resi dent Salem agent for the firm of bankers of Morris & Whitehead. LYMAN AND THE BOOKTRUST The Statesman Hays Mr. Lyman voted for a change of text books for Oregon schools, and voted fjr higher prlcoj books. Mr, Lyman simply voted against fastening a six year book contract upon tho people at trust prices, uud voted for what every tax-payer wants, viz., the privilege of buying what he wants In a competi tive market. J, K. GUI, tho Portland book dealer und n nromlncut Republi can, flumped Mr- Ackermun's explan ation us a fraud Intended to decnlve tho people, and showed that he Juggled the Hsu In such a manner as to mako nut that tho books he voted for were cheaper than Lyman's list, when the opposite was true. Tho Ackermau papers chargo that Tiik JomtNAL opposed a chango In ttfxtlxioks In 1801, which is true, Tiik JuuitNAf. did not want tho people to be put lo any expeiiHO whatever for changes when lh' country wus in the midst of a panic. Tub Journal does not think it nccosyury to opposo the selection of u toxtbook becauso tho American Hook Co. publishes It. That company bus &ouio books that tho people can use. Rut let lliciu bo supplied in open competi tion. When It comes to tho agents of tho American Hook Co. downing tlio Re publican state superintendent of schools uuJ putting up a man who Ims been atsolutely tholr tool and What modest wo man does not shrink from the examina tions and local treat ment upon whloU physicians Insist when treating weakness and . disease of the or ' frans distinctly feminist. i'or this reason thousands of women toon suf fering untold torture rather than apply to a physician for help. It Is safe to say that one-half of the women in America suffer thus in silence. It Is all unnecessary. Tbe reproductive orcans of women are directly acted upon by l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures all disease and weak, ness of those dullcata organs. It fits a wo man for the highest duties of heraex, wife hood and motherhood. If taken during the expectant period in makes baby's coming; casr ana ksic ana insures me neallli of me Id, Cancer Of the Face. Mrs.LaaraR Mfnw fSraithTiU-Ga-sars: "A satait pin pie t f a strawberry color appeared on jut cheek; it soon begtn to jnow rari-i'y. not'srhhstand ia all eflorts to 'check it- My ere became tenibly M&aBKtl, and uraa so sr lea that for quite a while I contd not tee. ine doctors 2-d I had Cancer of the mat laaligsa&t trr 'ad after - ha-st-iiX their edort wr.ii at doDg rne any goo-', ther gave bote e Wfcea in- ttutt nir rather had died from the Mate dNeae, they said I rsat die, as aerednary Caacer ws incurable. "At thi crisis. I was advised to try S.S.S., aad in a short nhtfe the Cancer began to discharge aad continued to do so lor three months, then it began to heal. I coatiaaed the medicine a while Joojjer nntil the Cancer disapp- ared en tirely. This was erera! years ago and there has been no return of the disease." A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is a blood diease, and only a Mood remedy will core it. S. S. S. 'guaranteed 'purely vegetable') is a real Mood remedy, and never fails to per ma nentlr care Cancer. Scrofula. Eczema. Rhenmatisui or any other disease of the blood. Send for oar book; on Cancer and Blood Diseases, mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The following Is the p'atf rm adople-t by the republican party cf Oregon In " "onventicn assembled, at Astoria, Thmay. April 14, 1593. ""'-, the republican voters 0f the state of Oregon, In convention assem bled, congratulate the people of the state as well as of the whole nation on the unmistakable fact that the dark cloud of adversity, which has hung like a pall over our fair land, has been dis sipated. We recognize that the return of prosperity Is due to the restoration of the republican party to power. "We are In favor of the maintenance of the present gold standard; we are unqualifiedly opposed to the free coin age of silver and to all other schemes l'oking to the debasement cf the cur rency and the repudiation of debt. We believe that the best money In the world Is none too good to be assured by the government to the laborer as the fruit of his toil and to the farmsr as the price of his crop. We condemn the continued agitation cf free silver as calculated to Jeopardise the prosper ity of the country and to shake the confidence of the people in the main tenance of a wise financial policy; we particularly condemn as unpatriotic, the efforts of the free silver agitators to array class against class and sec tion against section; we declare that the interests of all classes and of all sections of our country alike demand a sound and stable financial system. "While we deplore the imminence of war, we recognize that the country Is on the eve of a war. undertaken for the vindication of the national honor and the performance of a work dictated by every Instinct of humanity: we de clare that the administration Is en titled in this conflict to the confidence and support of the entire people. "We are firmly attached to the prin ciples of the federal constitution; we recognizo that representative govern ment Is one of these principles, and we are opposed to any change In law or constitution which will abrogate this time-honored principle. "We are In favor of retrenchment and reform In state and county mat ters. "Wo demand strict economy In pub lic affairs, and the abolition of all needless offices and commissions. "The salmon fishing Industry, so fruitful u source of revenue to the slate, should be fostered, and to that one! we favor state aid In the .artificial propagation of salmon, and their dis tribution In the waters of the state. "We reaffirm our allegiance to the principles of the republican party of the United States, an enunciated hv tho republican convention In St, Louis in 1S3G. "We denounce the fusion party of Oregon as an aggregation of spoils men, who are ready to subordinate principles to offices. Each of the par ties to this compact Is willing to stul tify Itself and form alliances with ele ments which It has heretofore de nounced aa dangerous and unfit to be Intrusted with power; we declare that good government cannot come from such an alliance." chl dlsi clan, an eminent and The " Favorite Prescription " is the uate SDK diseases of women. Dr. Plerc is, and has discovery of a regularly graduated rthyal ful specialist in skill! been for thirty years, chief consulting phy sician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N Y Ills "Favorite Prescription " does away with all necessity for distasteful examinations or local treat ment. It corrects distressing and painful displacements and Irregularities, and cures where doctors fail. Dr. PisrcVs Common Sens Medical Ad vltar not only tells you how to get well when you are 111, but now to stay wll when you are well, It contains i,oos pages and over wo illustrations. Over a million wo men have copy. A new edition is j ust out. Tbe reader may have a paper-covered copy absolutely prick, by sending i one-cent stamps, to cover the cost of mailing only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Aisocla. tlon, at Duifalo, K. Y. If you prefer a fine French cloth binding, embossed, send lo cents extra, 31 ccuu In all. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrah that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo.O. ho uie unuersignea, Having Known I' J. Cheney for the lest 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligations made by their llrm. West & Traux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo.O., Waldlng Klnnan & Mar- ym, wuoicsaie Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Dissolution Notice, Notice Is hereby given that tho llrm or Churchill & Burroughs has dis solved by mutual consent. T. S. Bur roughs win continue the business, and will collect all bills and pay all claims of the old llrm. O. K. CiiunuiiiLL, 71m t. S. Burroughs. S. C. Parker, SharoD, Wis., writes'. "I have tried DeWitt's Witch Hstel Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutei. I consider DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve the greatest pile cure en the markeL'6 atone Drug Store, UNION PLATFORM The feMewfng Is the ptatform adorn ed by the Peptes. Democratic end jlrer RepaMcaa parties assembled Is state eaaveatloas at Portland. Merer-B-K, mi: United In a emsan cause for me sacred purpose preserving the prin ciples of government by the whale pee pfe. in fact as weN as In name, restor ing and maintaining equality, nuder 1 hut rsnrsnxiii, of all clashes, we. the People's Denwratte and Klver Repab- Mcan parties of the state vt Oregon. waiving all minor points of dlfferonee; and anJting for the purpose of carrying jut the great underlying principles jr-on which we are alt agreed, do make and present to tbe people of this state the following declaration of principles, aad to the carrying oat of which we solemnly pledge each and every candi date upon oar suited ticket: First We demand the free and unre stricted coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of IS to I. with oet waiting for the consent ef foreign nations; and we are unalterably op posed to the policy of tbe present re publican administration In demanding the retirement of greenbacks, and the turning over of tbe money-making power of the government to the na tional banks as presented by the bill drawn by the republican secretary of the treasury, and Indorsed by Pres dent McKinley; and we especially de nounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the country Irrevocably and forever to the sinele cokl standard. We demand a national money, safe and sound, issued by the general gov ernment only, without the Intervention of banks of Issue, to be a full legal tender for ati debts public and private, also a Just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the peo lo through the lawful disbursements of the government. We demand that the volume of circu lating medium be speedily increased to in amount sufficient to meet the de mands of the business and population t this tountry, and to restore the Just level of prices of labor and production. We favor such legislation as will pre vent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal tender money b piWate contract. We demand that the government. In payment ot its obligations, shall use Its option as to tbe kind of lawful money In which they are to be paid. ana we denounce the present and pro ceeding administrations for surrender ing this oDtion to the holders of gov ernment obligations. We demand that there shall be no further Issue of United States Interest bearing bonds. We demand that postal savinirs banks he established by the eovernrnent for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange. We demand the election of United states senators by direct vote of the People. We demand the initiative and refer endum system of law-making in its optional form, local, state and national, and the submission by congress of all Important national questions for an ad visory vote of the people, until such time as the national constitution shall have been amended so as to nrovldefor direct legislation. We condemn aa daneerous ami iin. Just the surrender. In all departments of the government, to the Influence of trusts, corporations and agcrecations of wealth generally; and the packing of me nigne3t courts of the land with cor poration lawyers, too ready to do the win or their late employers, and to set aside valid and wholesome laws passed Dy tne legislative departments of the states and government, upon flimsy pretexts, ut the behests of such insti tutions, We are opposed to government by injunction. In state matters, we demand: A simple and well-guarded registra tion law. A mere enultable mode of nnnnlniint- Judges of election. . Stringent laws to regulate the opera tion of fish traps, fish wheels and all fishing gear In the waters within tho Jurisdiction of the state. We denounce and condemn the cor rupt and extravagant republican legis lative assemblies, and charca that the republican party. In Its eagerness for the spoils of office, has become divldod into warring factions, so that it la In. capable of government as exemplified by the condition existing in the office 01 tne state treasurer, there being at this time more than J500,000 therein wruns from the people by the process of taxation, while state warrants are stamped "Not paid for want of funds." We demand that all district and county officers bo placed upon salaries commensurate with the duties to be performed by them. Inasmuch as railroad and other cor porate property Is not bearing Its pro portion of taxation, we demand that such property shall bear Its Just and equal share of the expenses of govern-ment. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING LS THE COURTS OL'R RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AM) PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hysnnis, Massachu setts, was the originator cf "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now Liar sjjf sVj . " the facsimile signature of (-0? c&ieAtfr; This is the original CASTORIA" which has been used In the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it ia the kind you hare a ways bought frf on the and has ihe signature of (-&&, cucUiit, wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher ia President. we ccrrg ccuMiiT, tr aa.ui sixcrr, nu ion cm. Brr3mE33 CAS "1111$ uremic. ..lV7' P'rdeslZi on every wrapper. Tendoattml.'.:ift,e! ,ggrct. eia. 'w,0syVJ ! s Art , it i: x Print Shop, concvrjR prices, u -3 tY I. SSSI nukM .v ! -" M'C iJlS HI DEALER : GROCERIES Paints. Oils Window GLssb Var nish, and tbe most complete stock of Brashes of all kinds In the state Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shingles; and the finest quality oi grass seed. WANTED. ETC .ullto, ' m 1 2 71 1 m ' 1 fai i The leading implement house of the Willamette valley, At DEAF.B02W . . 'WOttim HfH, O. H.LAHl Merchant Tail 211 EySults $15 and Coraaerciai, opwarii, New today advertisements tour lines or less in this column Inserted three times for 25 eta, 50 cts. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rate. FOR SALE OR RENT.-Will 1 11 cr rent the Keeley building. Call at lumber yard near depot. J. C. Goodalt. GIRL WANTED.- Giod wages for a cempe ent gill lo do housework. Call wlh references at 335 Capiial street. SJS3 WANTED.-To trade gcod fir lumber at Berry sawmills for lour hones suited let pack animals, or for good milch cows. Address Frank ferkett Derroit Or. 5-24-lw BAIN WAGONS, Racine baggies and hacks. Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators, Monitor & Tiger drills and seeders. PUnett Jr. dnlls'atd cultivators. McCormick binders, mowtrs and rales John Deere plows and hairos Russell engi r.e and thrasreri. Repairs kep: in stock for all the rbov. menuoned goods. For sale by Prt83Sd BRi:wsTEawSr HAY, GRAi OUOIU- cnop, Goar.caifc Telephone i;8. 91 Coart st,Bal. ?a Ulll 1 OFFICE, CITY Hiu, For water serr:ce apply payable monthly inJ " complaints at the oSce. kAIJER. P TUT. PPHTQAM ,'" utK- aQ -r Atj. vwiii, , CAPITAL Crrv cT:rf'iExPressanc3TfaJ 1 Meets all mail and aw -.l . T. " " -jj-iji. -uu unless 10 an puts cf J HfAmnf cin TVt..i ... "1 '. ovtiikk. a c W. S. WATRBTJRY r.farager. SECOND HAND GOODS Go to Odds & Ends for new second hand goods at H. M. Var. Avery's, 181 Commercial street, Salem, Or. 5.21-lm d&w FOUND, On Commercial siteet Silurday a letter containing a rroney or er for a small sum. Letter addrczs?d to Mvra A White Salem Or. Same can te had at this office by paying lor this notine. S-3 3- PRINTER WANTED At once. Must have had at least three years experience. Address "W" care Journal office. 5 20 tf Does Not Fear the Cold. "I suffered every spring and fall for several years with a severe cold. Two years ago 1 bean taklDK Hood's barsaparllla and It built rue up so that I have had no cold since. I heartily recommend flood's Sarsanar-Illa, ClIAS. Wnnno Box 112, West Seattle, Wash Hood's Pills are .the only pills to take with Hood's b'arsaparllla. Cur all liver ills. AGENTS W ANTED For "War With Spain," including battles on s:a and lan-3. CoLtains all about armies, navies, forts and warships of both nations and graphic story of the great victoy of the gallant Dewey; telb everything about Sampson, Schley,, Fitzhug Lee and leading commanders,, by Hoc. James Rankin Young, the interpia leader for Cuba libre in the halls of Con gress. The greatest war book published, 600 large pages, too superb illustrations, many in richest colors. Has laree colored maps. Biggest book, highest commissions, 1 lowest pnee, only 11.75 each subscriber receives grand $1.00 premium fr"e. De mand enormous, harvests for agents, 30 days credit, freight paid, outfit .free. Write to. day. Address,The National Book Concern, DeP' '5.356 Dearborn street, Chicago. 5-'3-3Q mj.no.ti All persons wanting cemetery lots repaired or concrete walls built, be fore contracting with other parties would do well to see Uohannon fe Simpson, They are prepared lo build all kinds of concrete walls on short notice. They can be found at residence comer Lincoln and Commer cial street- REMOVED BECKNER & HAMiLTON 1 ave removed their tinning and plumb lug bit ness to 324 Commercial street opposite State Insurance building. Telephone N. ;o. SiLEM i STEAM LAUNDfl I Pleasenotico the-'ent tnprkjj I uu LUU lOUOWUJ Sb.tsj plain Ji"5" ."m 58 'Under shirts IA IT 't.fa" I ."I rrcf 1S rrnar"Mcf. Handkerchiefs wv -. vkxawmwuv, silk handkerchiefs I Sheets and pillow slips 24 cotrj 1 u witiw "Ulfc IU piuJJUUIGD. , EP"Flannela and rther work l washed by hand. , COL. J. OLMSTEAD. Jf B,Thomas Tut! Analytical .Chemist and Assa er. E. S, Lamport, Harness and Saddlery. . . Make'a specialty of Carriage Trimming! Bring in your old Exchange for new. harness and Office with SalemlQas Iit. No 4 Chemeketa St P.O.! Salem, Oregon. Prompt ,Mtsn I sample. General analytical 1 Prices Always the Lowest, SALEM OR. BINDER FOR SALB...A good second handOsbo.-ne binder, in good repair, at a bargain. InqnireoiC. J. Geiger, on the Henry Belli farm, near Asylum farm. 5-'3-'mt waniiaj.r-Br Old Establihed House---high grade man or woman, of good church standi cg.lo act as manager here und do have work and correseondence at their home. Business already built up and es tablished here. Salary $900. Enclose addressed stamped envelope for onr terms to A. P.Eldtr, General Manager. 180 Michigan Ave. Chicago, Hi. s t Irg io an whom it may Concern. .Notice is hereby piven that I will not V. t r. sible for any debts or contracts mabe by mv -w, w;ium jyuumhqm ut, j, yy. itan som. - -r 1m 1 1 j j "HONEST JOHN TRUSS A new truss on a new principle. A perfect support to all who are ruptured, DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE, Salem, - Or 4m8 HOTELS AND BOi Hole! Sal? M.; FENNELL Prop , Dnly First Class House in the Cr; reasonable. Sample rooms ia 1 Cars to a'l trains and public bmliiidj the door. Come State and Higl 1 Capital Soap Works. Running at full blast and making best of laundry and toilet soaps. Be sure to call for the Salem brand when ou want nood gooas fc A. V, ANDEREGG, Manager. Salem's Stkkkts May uot bo so line for wheeling, for a lone time, as at present, iryou don't own a wheel rent one of those new ones at Sroat & WIUou's and enjoy these evenings. 23 2t Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising ott he food ilistreti after eating or any form of dyipepiiaj One little tablet gives 1m mediate relief. 25c and and 50c. lou can make old clothes look like now, un1 r main so as fur ns color Is concernoa hy uslnj; Perfection Dve. Hut bo sure you tjet tlioui. tf The Play LaSl Njeht A pretty emotional Irish melo drama, Aline the Rose of Klllarney, was presented at Reed's opera bouse last night to a largo and appreciative audience. It was one of tbe most meritorious performances of the week and one in which the versatility of tbe various artists was given ample play. Tbe Illustrated songs and the excel lent music of the orchestra continue to bo much admired. Si Perkins tbe prlnclDle drama of tbe company and for which most of the members were engaged sneclallv tn ninv win given tonight. When Nature Needs assistance It may bo best to render It promptly, but one should remember to use even tbe most per fect remedies only when needed. The best and most Blmnla snri nti remedy Is tbe Syrup of Figs, manu factured by the California Fur Com. pany. Social Dance. Y. Ill bo given at lTowel ball Mon day evening May 30. Music by Cooby Bros, Tickets 25 cents. . J .- it L' J DAVENionT, uJt' Manager o.A.roxi.x 0antU Bifaatsro ef Tin Hind Yw Haw Atari BwgU z. r ! O.C.T.Co's I i STEAtJER t I ALTON A. T ,JeavM tot Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday . 7 e V.n- Cmlck time, regular seV- i vice and low rates. Dock between ?tat and Court streets. M. P. BALDWIN, Li...... Agent, Salem. J J Are You Out of Soap ? Try our 20Ounce Star Savon At5c'aJbaror 6 for 25c, The best and cheapest soap in the world, Star1 Grocery, Farmers, Notice. Go to Wolz & Mlescke to sell your They pay the highest market prices. xj. commercial, Salem, w 5-18 4t GERMAN LUNCH COU Hot meals servedjfiom 8 a.m. toe uerman cooking. With Bach & Nadstanech 235 1 H. NEUCEBll lotf HALF II 1 Mild drinks. Cigars and tobacco Meals served. Tvlmnir I n.A1ln tll. Knrllt aleffl. t-iuicuu ' . - :.v.,.TTV:t,l 4 21 im M rt'"1'"""J UNDERTAKING. i ATVrR,ot;an Uas moved into tho old etV?nfVriB,hb l,and' -9 Commercial street.and handles a full line of under- i,nfr Ks furnlture, wall paper, and mouldings. Carpets at Cost tp close out. Prices on everything the lowest. Second hand goods taken Q exchange. Don't miss us J. A. ROTAN. MEATS AND FOOLTK1 M UU G.S. II NEW MARK re.... tf n.ir railroad " best meats. My patrons say I kl , meats in town. JOHNSON& loo COURT, ST. VANDBVERT. PHONE 202- MADE ME A MAN ajax taulets K)srrivEr.Y conr t Abow ana other Vzceaitt wSf lailT ,toi. Lt Vltahla o ft w ioan mS ment and aitM.t. . r. n.i trZT-i l.?le?.l"tt llnprp 7 Si.?,'. "llhoundnd ul Sure t6o. (v. Bit. J Wolz Mic Dealers in all kinds of fresh t"l meats. Lard in bulk,;oc a lhCtoH i . ut .i.. ;i jn-iilrf '1 iu iuku, tie ims --r kind of Sansare on hand. TlJ 8T1UVELL DETECTIVE AGENCY, ui Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cat To district attorneyf, sheriffs, attorneys at law and prltate partles:-rrepared to transact all business of a confidential and Intricate . v.v. juU10U,lr na on rcuonabl terms. Correspondents all over the world. aiffsss Li'-j'rxoT w.p isrsste For sale in Salem Or., byD. J. FRY drugglu CURE YflURSPirr Um ni u tor unnalurN &omS2S 1W OurutMl W T1 nm n i -a SHOP RE-OPEt t . e f ,K Fust Salt' ket, have enlarged and refi" will be pleased to see all oItb and the rest of the community. mnA .i.v-.. Piirrnts senoif . A. J .... V.mncr their f UM. UtMUU VM MW.-to scientiously foiled. irm..u j.uo. Pa.Ti.-.VnaTot lF iTHtEuMCHOreiiCa. " or poUonoui kCIeillTI.O.HBi Hola T llranbu. or sent in pUU wrPPr. 11.7ft. M-CROW & STBTJS Butchers and Pac COLD STORAGE MEAT Best stock, best service and to! I rWwM,j 316 Commerce MM llll III iili