p I1C SGOOQL Definite Information Oregon at a Big Disadvantage Gouge of the American Book Company Shown Up Comparison of Prices in Adjoining States Union Ticket will Settle the Question. A matter for consideration during the present campaign la first, the cost of school books to the State of Ore iron, (2) the reason why we are paying nn unusuaJly high price (3) the meth ods that have been followed by the Aineilcan Book Company tha hold era of the present contract for high prices with the state (4) the remedy. The state superintendent in his last report states that there are enrolled In our public schools 87,212 children. Under even reasonable rates the cost of school books for this array of chil dren is large; but under extortionate rates, ns now prevail, the cost Is enor mous. We ore paying from twenty per cent to forty per cent more for school books and books of inferior woith in point of mental development than any other state In the Union. This will be shown. The contract made with the Ameri can Book Company by the State Board of Education went Into peration Jan uary 1st, 189S, an! is t run until January 1st, 1981. The most romark abls feature of this contract Is that the State Board of Education con tracted with the American Book Co. to furnish text books at a higher late than the company's catalogue price; ur, in other words, the Slate Board bound the school children of this state to pay a higher price for Bchool books " Cnta- De- Net Con- Per logue duct sell tract cent Name of Book. Prlce PbIbc Prlct-. Price Incrs Uarnes' First Reader V SO W 04 $0 1C SO 25 5G 23 Barnes' Second Reader 35 6 2& 40 37,93 Barries' Third Reader D0 07 f'5 -7-"0 Barnes' Fourth Reader 70 u ca S(1 33 33 Barnes' Fifth Reader 30 W 77 1 "0 -87 Barnes' Primary History U. S r'" S C2 6 2o00 Barnes' Brief History 1 1:! 8T x b0 t4ui Barnes' General History 60 lo l 4j x 7j 206S Fish's Arithmetic No. 1 '. 3 5 24 .33 45.SG Fish's Arthmetlc No. 2 C 03 52 ti5 2j-00 Maxwell's First Book In English 4 OS 31 4j o2.3a Maxwell's Introd. English Grammar.. oi 3I 4 3-XJ Maxwell's Advanced Grammar. 60 W 61 C5 -7.4j Montleth's Elementary Geography 55 09 46 6- 41.30 Montleth's Cornp. Geography 10 " 94 l " Smith's Elem. Physiology 60 07 4?' , " r bteelo's Hygienic Phys 100 " 90 110 ua AVebster's Prim. Dictionary " 4- 30;' Academic Dictionary 160 " I65 -bM There Is not a public school book of this company used In Oregon, but the patrons are bound by contract to pay more than the: American Book Co. asks the public at large for the same pub lications! Common sense tells us that the contract of this company with the state should be at figures be low the catalogue price, since contrac tors for large supplies furnish them at rates much below those asked for single ai tides. Under 'the present contract over 87,000 school children of our state are bringing a vast amount of unnecessary money as a dally trib ute to this corporation monopoly. IDAHO AND OREGON PRICES COMPARED. in 1S93 two years before the Orce Name of Book. Maxwell's Introd. Gram. Song Wave High School Dictionary . Academic Dictionary ... Comparisons of eighteen supplement ary books shows that the American Rook Co. supplies 'Us book3 to Idaho at an average per cent decrease from catalogue price, 20.72; average per cent Increase In Oregon on catalogue price, 14.11; average per cent increass In Oregon over Idaho" price, 43.17. The Idaho child pays 30 cents for Maxwell's Introductory Grammar, and the Oregon child, pays 45 cents. The Oregon child, by forwarding 40 cents to the American Book Co's Eastern publishing house will recelvo the book by mail. The postage is 6 cents, m the company receives 34 cents net, 4 cents more than Is paid by the Idaho child. The Idaho child gets the bot- Cal. Retail Price to Readers. Pupils. State. Plrbt SO 20 Second " Third 60 Fourth CO Fifth Si (15 State Speller SO 30 Urn tit "Wash. Retail Price Pupils. Franklin. $0 15 o- 32 42 55 $1 GG Columbian 0 15 Rand & McN. $U 40 83 ll 23 Brooks $0 30 Wash. Columbian $0 23 50 Geocraphy, "Rleuien..$0 CO Advanced 1 20 $1 80 Mental Arltli Calif. Written ArltU. State Primary 80 25 Advanced 60 $0 75 Grammar Revised Language Lessons.. $0 30 Grammar 5 Adyanced $0 85 History State Primary Advanced $0 00 Physiolagy State Primary Advanced $0 oo 80 73 Reed's $0 45 75 $1 20 Ellis eo 60 $0 40 80 81 20 Graphic doz $0 G5 Copy Boole v' State Civics 0 55 33 Information and price lists may ba obtained by any one directly from the stata superintendents of the above btates. Any one wishing to Inveetl gate this matter Independently should get such Information at once from them. 1HE LAW PROVIDING SCHOOL BOOKS IN THESE STATES. In California the bocks are publish ed by the state. Though publlshlnj tnr a limited market, the state seems Ma tn rfva batter prices than the American Book Co. can Btve In Or con. It has been suggested that Ore- son might buv the plates of the Cali SEARCHLIGHT. than the American Book Co. will mail to any address from Us publishing liousos In New York, Cincinnati or Chicago, a Barnes First Header for 20 crnts tha catalogue price and to pay a postage of 4 cents. This leaves tin company It cents for the book, but our State Board of Education con tacted that our school patrons should pay 25 cents for every First Reader; 9 cents more than the company's pub lished price demands, or about 47 per cent more for a First Reader delivered over the cuunter in Oiegon than the net ssltlng prica of the book. In px amtnlng the schedule of this com pany's published catalogued prices of all school books and comparing the same with the State Board of Educa tion's contract price, the same dis ci Imlnation is found against us. A more unjust school book contract can not ba found In the Union. That the fullest information may be had on the nubjoct tht catalogue and contract prices of seme t our best known school bosks are here glvwi. The cat alogue prices ara from tha csmpany's published prices and tha contract prices are from tha public recoids filed In tha slate superintendent's office, Sa lem. Thay are authentic beyond ques tien: gtn contract tha American Book Co. mad a a contract to furnish school text books to the patrons of I ho public schools. The Idaho chlldie.i use 22 American Book Co. public .tlons that are used by the Oregon pupils. There is a great difference in the prices paid in Idaho and in Oregon. Eveiy .-ctiool book purchased for the Idaho child is at a price less than the cata logue price, while, as has been shown, for every Oregon child the American Book Co. Is paid more for Its publica tions than the price In its catalogue The following tabulated form taken from the American Book Co'3 caca logue and from the official statements of the superintendent of Idaho and Oregon is given, embracing seme of the best known boeks: Catalogue Idaho Oregon Prlco Price Price , $0 40 $0 30 $0 45 .. , 65 52 75 93 78 105 1 50 1 20 1 65 tom flguies. Ho can shake hands across the Imaginary line thut divides the two states and say to his Oregon brother, "My dictionary cost 78 cents; what did yours cost?" The little Ore gunlan's reply would be, "Mine, for reasons I am unable to state, cost $1.0;." This Is a discrimination in Idaho's favor on a school dictionary of 27 cents. To show that Idaho Is not the only stata enjoying better prlcps than Ore gon, the following compailson of prices of school text books of tha common grade of California, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana and Oregon is given: Idaho, Prlco to Pupils. Mont. Mall Price to Pupils. Stiukney's. JO 24 32 40 50 GO $2 (K! Modern Oregon. Ret i II Price to Pup-llo. Barnes $0 25 4' 55 80 1 1,0 $.1 00 Wui-ti 80 20 Monteitn $0 115 1 25 81 80 $0 15 $0 20 Rand & McN. $0 48 $0 50 1 00 $1 43 28 Idaho. 83 81 33 Bradbury SO 30 Mont. Walsh 80 30 05 35 Oreu'on. FiRh 80 35 G5 $1 00 Maxwell's $0 45 45 65 81 55 Barnes $0 65 1 00 $0 54 $0 05 Reed's 80 40 03 $0 30 $1 03 Barues 81 00 Kellok'b' $0 40 80 80 G5 1 00 S&S 80 55 I 10 $0 75 $1 20 Graphic doz 81 65 Spenserian doz $0 77 $0 GO $0 06 McCleary's Pctcrman's 81 00 80 65 fornia books and publish at much less cost than we are now paying. In Washington the books are sup plied under stringent state regulations. In Idaho they are purchased direct by a member of the State Book Com mission and supplied to thu schools, In Montana, by a law adopted lesi than two years ago, a text book com mission was created, consisting of su perintendent of public Instruction, at torney general, president of the uni versity, president of the agricultural college, and three public school teach ers appelated by the governor, which selects books under certain restrictions and supplies them free to the schools $0 15 25 35 45 00 $1 80 at the option of the districts. Of this the state suix-rintendont says: "We h.tvo solved the school book problem In Montana." In Orreon our text books are selpcted for periods of six years by the county school superintendents, 32 In number. and 9 members of the state board of examiners, on prices obtained by the state board of education, consisting of governor, secretary of state, and superintendent of public Instruction. Assuming that the state superintend ent follows the example of past super intendents and limits the number tif ihe board of examiners to 9, it Is a plain proposition that If the state su perlntenJeiit Is 1n alliance with the American Book Co., or any other book trust, the 9 members would be corpor ate monopoly voters. We have 32 county superintendents in the stat and ii mrmbprs of the board of ex aminers, making 41 votes to be used in thu adoption of text books. A ma jority of votes elects. If the Ameri can Book Co. has the 9 members of the board of examiners under control, It will require but 13 more to make up the desired majority. This plain as sumption and supposition have arisen in the slate and the outrageous school book contract which the supporters of our public schools ate compelled to meet was saddled on the state by methods suggested above, January 1st, 1833. THE REMEDY. Vote only for men who are known by record or by pledge to oppow this contract with the American Book Co. and who will use all the power of the law to provide our schools with as good books, at as low cost, ns can be had In any state of the Union. Our candidates are irreproachable on this proposition, their position Is known, and they will If elected, gua'd the Interests of the schools. The next book election occurs in 1900, under a state superintendent and secretary of state and governor to be chosen at the coining election. Work and work hard for their elec tion; be unceasing in your efforts; let no opportunity pass by for bringing this great question before our people. K2TA otefor J. H Ackerman, Republi can can d date for State School Superin tendent, is a vote for the American Book Co. His record as County Superin tendent of Multnomah County absoluely proves this. Deafness Cannot Be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the deseasetl portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remed' ies. Deafness Is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous llnlnc of the Eustachian Tube, When tills lube irets Inilained you have a rumbl ing bound or Imperfect hear I rip. and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the lnilamation can be taken out and this tube re stored to Its normal condition, hear ing will be destoryed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surf-ice. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnes3 (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. (STSold by DrugIsti..?"1. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the Urm of Churchill & Burroughs has dis solved by mutual consent. T. S. Bur roughs will continue the business, and will collect all bills and pay all claims or ttie oici urui. C. N. CuurtcniLL, 5 7 3m T. S. Burroughs. After one trial you will use no other dye to color goods. Insist on having Perfection Dyes. tf The humin machine starts but once and stops but once. You can keep it going long est by using DeWitt's Little Earlly Risers the famous little pills forconstipation and all ttomach and livei troubles. Stone Drug Store. FLOWERS.- Our bedding plants now ready. Aster, Verbena, Stock,Petuuia, Salvia, etc. Finest stock, lowest prices . GILLTNOHAM, 314 Summer st. 5-7 2w d $w "One Minuto Cough Cure is the best prep, paration I have ever sold or usedand I cannot ay to much in its praise. L. M. Kennon Marchant, Ode!, Ga. Stone Drug Stcre. The Cuban question and political issues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers from piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. Stone Drag Sures. Thry Did It. They probably felt they could not be happy in any other way so the Maccabees of the World, at Albany, have tiled artleies of Incor poration with the secretary of state. It you want the best when dyeing, bo buie you got Perfection Dyes They do not fade. tf At Four Score. Restores Health. U: NCLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and taxcouector, Deverly, Mass., who has passed tho BOtb life mile stone, says: "Dr. Miles' Restoratlvo Nervine, has done ft great deal of good. I suffered foryeara from sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up in tho mora ine, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden, A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I had tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought It no use. But It gavo ma restful sleep, a good appetite and restored mo to energetic health. It Is a grand good medicine, and I will gladly write, anyone inquiring, full particulars of my sat isfactory experience," Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MIXES MEDICAL CO.. Elkbut, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine K sV Of f Mfns 9 pWwvin j mp ft flftj oraa SB W HtMsUh sfl More Union Meetings, Speakers forlPeople's-Democratic-Silver-Republlcan Cause. Two of the State Officials From Washing ton Where Union Has Been Tried. The very clllclent and energetic Union state committee announce the following additional appointments for the Oregon campaign: Cyclone Davis will speak at Silverton, Saturday, May 21, at 130 p. m and at Salem at 7i30 p, m same date, tl JUDGE WM. S. CHOWELL. Grants Pass, May 20, 1:30 p. ru. Eugene, May 21, 7:30 p. in. Albany, May 23, 7:30 p. m. Salem, May 24, 7:30 p. ui. Oregon City, May 25, 7:30 p. m. Hlllsboro, May 20, 7:30 p. m. McMlnnvllle, May 27, 7:30 p Dallas, May 28, 7:30 p. m. Corvallls, May 30, 7:30 p. w. Itoscburg, May 31, 7:30 p. ru. ui. id HON. ROUERT BRIDGES Commissioner of Public Lands Suite of Washington and HON. OHAS. G. HEIFNEK Insurance Commissioner State of Washington will address the people of the State of Oregon on the poll 1 1 cal issue of the day in behalf of the Union ticket at the following times and places: Portland, Saturday, May 28, 8 p. m, Oregon City, Monday.May 30, 8 p. m. Woodbnrn, Tuesday, May 31, 2 p. m. Salem, Tuesday, May 31, 8 p. in. The Dalles, Wednesday, June 1, 8 p. m. Pendleton, Thursday, Junc2, 8 p. m. La Grande, Friday, June 3, 8 p. m. Baker City, Saturday, June 4, 8 p.m. HON. JOHN M. GEARIN will address the people of Oregon on the political issues of the day In be half of the Union ticket at the fol lowing times and places: The Dalles, Monday, May 23, 8 p. m. Pendleton, Tuesday, May 24, 8 p. in. La Grand, Wednesday, May 25, 8 p. m. Baker City, Thursday, May 20,8 p. m. Eugene, Monday, May 30, 8 p. m. Albany, Tuesday, May 31, 8 p. m. Silyerton, Wednesday, June 1, 8 p. m. Geryats, Thursday, June 2, 8 p. ui. McMlnnvllle, Friday, June 3, 8 p.m. Portland, Saturday, June 4, 8 p.m. lions. R. M. Veatch, aud Geo. No land will speak at the following Mmes and places. LINCOLN COUNTY, Toledo, Friday, May 20, 8. p. in. SUetz, Saturday May 21, 2. p. m. .Newport, Saturday May 21, 8. p. BENTON COUNTY. Corvallls, Monday May 23, 8. p. m. ru. HON. GEO. CHAMBERLAIN. Corvallls, Monday, May 23, 8 p. m. Lebanon, Tuesday, May 24, 2 p. in. Albany, Tuesday, May 24, 8 p. m. Sclo, Wednesday, May 25, 2 p. m, Jefferson, Wednesday, May 25,8 p. m, KING AND SOVEREION. Their Itinerary Arranged for Two Weeks. Senator W. E. Kng, tho Union candidate for governor, spoke at Jleppner Saturday night. Ho will re turn at once and he and J. R. Sover eign will sneak at Medford at 1:30 p. m. on Monday. Their Itinerary lias been arranged as follews: McMlnnvllle. Mav 18. 8 n.tntForest Grove. May 10, 1:30 p. m: Hlllsboro, Mar 10 8 n. m: Oreiron Cltv. Mav 20: Portland, May 21. "Cyclone" Davis, tho Texas Ponu- llst. arrived Saturday morning and will begin the campaign at once, td Dates lor the Joint Canvass in Marion County, Saturday, May 21st Turner, 10 a. m.J Mai ion, 2 p. m.; Jefferson, 8 p. m. Monday, May 23d Aumsvllle, 10 in.; Sublimity, 2 p. m.; Stayton, 8 p. Tuesday. Mav 24th Detroit, 8 p. Wednesday, May 25th Gates, 10 in.; Mill City, 2 p. m.; Mehama, S p. Thursday, May 2Cth Victor Point, P. m., Silverton, 8 p. m. Friday, May 27th Scott's Mills, 10 a. in.; Monitor, 3 p. m.; Ml. Angel, 8 p. m. Saturday, May 28th Gervais, 10 a. m.; Woodburn, 2 p. m. Tuesday, May 31st St. Paul, 10 a. m.: Champoeg, 2 p. m.; Buttevllle, S p. m. Wednesday, June 1st Aurora, 10 a. m.; Hubbard, 2 p. m.; Brooks, 8 p. m. Thursday, June 2d Howell, 10 a, in.; Macleay, 2 p. in. Friday, June 3d East Salem, 2 p. m.; Salem, 8 p. m. Union Meetings, Detroit, E, Hofer, Friday evening. Gates, TS, Ilofer, Saturday evening, More Union Meetings, T, C. Jury und others will speak at the Madison school bouse on May 10 at 6 p. ru. J. B. Dlmlck will speak at Stayton on May 28 at 8 r. m. You can make old clothes look like new, and remain so as far as color Is concerned by using Perfection Dye. But be sure you get them, tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Rft- SlMlll C&c: Itn siny ifutort H Use Dr. MUm' Ny Puumeaa r or SPINAL YEAKNtm AUdrwwtoUftell'etuforafet A Hundred Reasons. Can lv given tvliy Stunri'x Dvspep rlaTableti rc llio 1xt. Hud iiiiwt, ef fectual euro for every form of ludlgeHllou. They are In Tablet form which re. tains the good nuulltlrs Indolinitely. while liquid preparations become stale und u?l('-f wIMi uge. They arc convenient, can be carried In the pocket and taken when needed. They lire uleas.int to the litsle. After each meal dissolve nmwir two of them In the mouth and, mingling with the food, they constitutive diges tive, absolutely sare for the most, scu satlvo stomach. They digest the food before It has time to ferment, thus preventing the formation of gas and keeping the oioou pure anil rrce from the poison ous products of fermented, half diges ted loud. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the complexion clear by keeping the blood pure. They Increase flesh ty digesting flesh forming foods Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the only remedy designed especially for the cure of stomach troubles and nothing else. One disease, one remedy, the suc cessful physician or todjy is the spec ialist, the successful medicine Is the medicine prepared especially for one disease. A whole package taken atone time would not hurt you, but would simply be a waste of good material. Oyer six thousand men und women In the state ol Michigan have been cured of In llgcstlnn and dyspepsia by the use or Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Sold by all druggists ut 50 cents per packages. FROM A SUFFERER. How A. Cooper Had a Rotten Bone Healed After 35 Years. Chehalis, Wash., April 0, 1393. Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or: 1 received your letter and was glad to hear from you. Yon want to k-iow how my leg Is gcttltur alonir. It is all right; t he ilesh is growing out nvei the shin bone and Is turning white. It Is not straight yet, but I tolnk I. will be as straight as the other leu when warm weather comes on. I cat' work tnobt of the time. The "thei doctors told me 1 could never lie cured without splitting It and scrap ing the bone, but they are mistaken. It is getting well without cutting or scraping, so they do not know us much us they thought they did, but you are all right, for you have done Just what you said you could do. I will answer any questions you ask about my leg. Very truly yours, A. Cooper. Dr. Cook's ollice is atj 301 Liberty street, Salem. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the dru? cist recognized the household name for "De Witt's Little Early Risers," and g-we him a bottle of thef f little pills for constipation, sckbeadaclit, liver and stomach troubles, ton's drug store. Eemoved. Dr. "VV. D. Jeffries has moved his ollice to 310 Commercial street, over Fry's new drujr store. First stairway north of post ollice. 4 20 lm Team Wanted A span of ponies for light drivers. Inquire of F. F Carey, with Lewis, Stayer & Mitchell' Co., Salem. 5-0-tf Consolidated Ullrcy & Westa cott who formerly ran Independent iivery siaoies or nieir own nave con solidated and wlh hereafter be found In the livery business at the lied Front llyery barn at 104 Commercial street. 5-10- lmo As good as, should not be accepted, when you want a permanent dye. Perfection Dye has no equal. tf Drink a steeping of Mokio Tea pefor lellring at niclit, and see how soundly you will sleep and how joyously ou will awake in the morning. It supplies food for the blooJ while you sleep, produces a clear and beami ful complexion, aad cures con stipation and sick headache. Insane. Today C. Caspcrsn, of Morrow county, aged 40 years, was committed to the asylum, Sick headache ab'olutely and permanently cured by using Moi.i Tea. A pleasant heib drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you est, sleep, work and happy. Sat I faction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 5- Late to bed and early to rise prepares a man for his home in the ikies. Early to bed and a Litt'e Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and Witer. Stone Drug Store. I O.C.T Co's I STEAMER ALTON A. leaves for Tortland Monday, Wednesnday and Friday, 7 :45 a.m Quick time, regular tei vice and low rates. Dock between Stat and Court streets. M. P. BALDWIN, i Apent. Salem - Are You Out of Soap 1 Try our 20Ounce Star Savon At 5cja bar or 6 for 25c, The best and cheapest soap in the world. Star Grocery, JOHNSON loo COUK r ST. & VANDEVERT. I'HONE 202- UNDERTAKING, J. A. Rotan has moved Into the old J, G. Wrlirht stand, 220 Commercial street.and handles a full line of under taklnjf Koods, furniture, wall paper, and moulding. Carpets at Cost to close out. Prices on everything the lowest. Bccond hand goods taken Id exchange. Don't mUa tin J. A. ItOTAN. U I J 4 T'JXif. i U.ate Ticket CSwernor aV. It. KINO. Secretary of State II. It. KINCAID. Stste Treasurer J. O. BOOTH, fluprsim Judge W. At. RAMSEY. . 'jmey-Oeneral J. L. STORY. Ptwte Printer OHAS. A. FITCH. Sup. of Public Instruction II. S. LY. MAN. Congressional., First Difltrict-R. M. VEATCH. Second District C. M. DONALDSON. First Judicial Dlstrlot. Judge E. C. WADE. Judge-JOHN A. JEFFREYS. Prosecuting Attorney A. N. SOLISS. Mumher Bnard of Equalization C. E. WOllDEN. Second Judicial District. Judge-0. W. HAMILTON. Prosecuting Atl'y HENRY DEN LINO ER, Jr. Third Judicial District. Judge R. P. BOISE. Judge P. II. D'ARCY. Prosecuting Att'y S. L. JHAYDEN. Mcmoer Board of Equalization J. P. ROBERTSON. Joint Senator pi-, tmas and Alarlon H. L. BARK- EY. Marlon County Ticket. Senators GEO. W. D1M1CK; L. C. GRIFFITH. Representatives JAS. -A.. KNIGHT; F. A. MYERS; H. L. BENTS; CHAS. F. IIEIN; GEO. H. CROISAN. Sheriff FRANK W. DURBIN. Cleric KING I.. HIBBARD. County Commissioner C. MARSH. Recorder C. P. STRAIN. Assessor T. C. DAVIDSON. County School Supt W. H. EGAN. Treasurer C. J. S1MERAL. Surveyor T. C JORY (People's). Coroner T, L. GOLDEN. SALEM PRECINCT. Justlce-JOilN M. PAYNE. Coiiftunlo-U. M. CUAltL'iON. When Nature Nee s :islsl:itiue it may be best ti 'i;"tiei- it iiMiuiiitly, but, one sli.tilo reiiieiiiin'r to u-e even the uiosl eel teiiu'diei imlv when needed. per Tin ocst mid 1 hum, simple aud Kcntli remedy l the- Syrilp of Fins, miuiii me 11 led by the California FiK Com 1.IUJ. The Dangers of Spring. Which arise from Impurities In tlie blood aud a depicted condition urn) bo entirely averted by Hood's Sur sanarllla. This k'reat medicine cures ui I sprint,' humors, bolls, eruption and sores by enriching and vitalizing tho blood, It overcomes that tired feeling and elves vitality and vigor. Hood's Pills cures naueRa, sick headache, and all liver ills. Price 26 cents. OA&TOZUCA. it fie- ilalli tfgutut, V.TJTILWELL DETECTIVE AGENCY, 128 l Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cat To district attorneys, sheriffs, attorneys at law and private parties: Prepared to transact all business of a confidential and intrlcato character expeditiously and on reasonable terms. Correspondents all oyer the world. v DEALER IN : GROCERIES Paints, Oils Window (Glass Vor nlsh, and tbo most complete stoolt of Brushes of all kinds In the state Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shine! es ; and tho finest H quality of grass seod. WvJVJsiJrSBSrssWasBs1 WANTED, ETC Mew tocuty advertisements tour lines or less in this column inserted three times for 23 cts SO cts. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines st same rate. PRINTER WANTED,At on'e. Must have had at least three years experience. Address ,,V" care Journal office, 5201! A BINDER FOR BALE -Or trade. In quire of F. K. Anderson in Friedman's store, corner State and Commercial street. 5 20 31 FOR TRADE. 200 acres of line land in Jackson county, new buildings about 60 acres under cnltivatlon, balance easily cleared. Living water, clear of encuni. brance. Unlimited stock range juninp place, Y, mile to school To trade f r a good farm in the Willamette Valley, Also land to trade for a first-class .draft s'tall'on, Muse tie well bred sound, good disposition and mint welch 1700 lbs., and over,, For particulars addres, C, C. Gilchrist, Cen tral l'oinr, Or. 5 I76d-w AGENTS WAHlBU ror "War with Spmn," including battles on sea and UnA , C01 tains all about armies, navies, foits and warships of both nations and graphic story of Ihe great viewy of the gallant Dewey, tells everything about Sampson, Schley, FItzhug lee and leading commanders, by Hoc James Kankln Young, the interpid leader for Cuba libre in the halls of Con gress. The greatest war book published, 600 large pages, loo superb illustrations, many in richest colors. lias large colored maps, Biceeit book, blithest commissions. lowest price, only (1,75 each subscriber receives grand Sl.oo piemlum free. De mind enormous, harvests for agents, 31) days credit, freight paid, outfit free. Write to day. Address, ihe National book Concern, Dept. 15,356 Dearborn street, Chicago. 5-'3-3t NOTICE r All persons wanting cemetery lots repaired or concrete walls built, be fore contracting with other uariies would do well to see Uotiannonfc Simpson. They are prepared lo build all kinds of concrete walls till short notice Thcr can be found st residence corner Lincoln and Coramer cial street- BINDER FOR SALE ..A good sccdn'a hind Osborne binder , in good repair, at a bargain. InanlreolC, I, Ceiger, on the Henry Btllt farm, near Asylum farm, 53.imf WANTED.r-ly Old EsUblibed House, high grade man or woman, o( good clurch standi rg.to act as manager here und do have work and correseondence at their home. Business already built up and es tablished here, Salary 900, Enclose a ddreised stamped envelope for ocr crms to A. I'.Eldi-r, General Manager. 189 Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. 5 t lm To all whom It may Coneein.-Noilo is bcreby men that I wilt pot be re on stuic iur any ucwi cr contracts mane by my son, Clayton Uanom.I)r J v nan SOtll, 43lm uervssTNassrsBsrNVara SI HDGHES Modern Treatment of t Consumption Jg The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written t By luny eminent .n.mencan S physicians, says: "Cod-liver $ oil has done more for the con- sumptive than all other rcme- I dies put together." It also f jj says: "Thehypophosphites fof lime and soda are regarded by many English observers as specifics for consumption." 2 Scotfs Emulsion t contains the best cod-liver oil & In a partially digested form, combined with the Hypopfios- phties of Lime and Soda. This remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, is in w exact accord with the latest v views of the medical profession. $ dc sure you get SCOTT'S ;J Emulsion. $ All druggUts; 50c and $1.00. 3 SCOTT & DOWNE. Ch.mhti. M.ur VnrV W 6eee4 The leading implement house of the Willamette valley, "XTi'T n BAIN WAGONS. Racine bupgies and hacks, Buffalo Pitts'Harrows and Cultivators, Monitor & Tiger drills and seeders. Plan tt Jr d-lr ard cultivators. McOormick blnd-rs mowers and rakes John Deere pluwt and harrows tussell engine and thrashers. KcpMrs kep in stock for all the above mentioned goods. 4,For sale by E M,CR0ISAN, SALEM, OH, W. S. WATEHBURV, Manager. REMOVED DECKNER & HAMILTON have removed their Miming and plumb, lug business to 324 Commercial street opposite Btato Inauranco building. The best is cheapest E S, Lampor t Harness and Saddlery .. Make a specialty of Carriage Trimming! Bring hi your old Exohango for new. harness and Prices Always the Lowest, SALEM OR. McFadden & Pcnnebaker (Successors to Ira Erl) MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doops, Blinds, Moulding?, Etc, Pist ooor north of Salem Iron Works. Telephone 105. a 7 3m- "HONEST JOHN" TRUSS A new truss on a new principle. A perfeot support to all who tire ruptured. DR STONE'S DRUG STORE, Salem, - Or 4mr0 THE LIGDT OF TUB WORLD OR, OUR SAVIOR IN ART. Cost over H 00,000 to publish. Nearly 200 full page Masterpieces of Our Savior and the Motber.by Great Masters, A psrsual of Ibis superb work Is like taking a tour through all Ihe art galleries of Europe. A glance at these matchlesr, thrilling pictures brings tears to the eyes of everyone. Chrlstaln men and women paying for homes taking from three 10 ten orders daily. Sells itself sto beautiful when peopls see It they want it. Selling rapidly all the way from the Klon dike lo Rio Janeiro. Never sold in tbi territory . I'ublitlied a year and In Us twentieth edi tion. Presses running day end night call and Me It. Get wle mansgemeut of large field and 100 agents and you have a rtune, Sa'ary $900 to man or woman grod cl uich standing to act at msnuger and correspondent beie. Call 00 or address A. l T. Eldr, Man. sger Subscription Department, 189, Michigan Avenue, Chicago, III, 5 1 ita CURE Y0URSEL1 IrriUUoii ur ulcerilii-iji sjf iniieniis hii.iiil.i.n jPr.M.u i.bia. fainUM, d. uul 1v iTHttiiSlCMMieillV). l'"l or fuUouum, Hold by OruKSUta, pr ul lo Ulii wrtpM, It cipru. iriMiij, oi I'lrcatW Mbt vu ruiiwwv, !' yjci so si no -HUH MNNMMHH BtmaONM OAMM, O. M. 01A.01C gentiat . Sneceuen to Dr. J, M. Keetie, eW WWi Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring myricr operations at moderate fetj4i MjrkaMk a In especial reqvest. V Art Print Shop r CONOVER does the finest wr k a makes the lowest " prloes, X X At DEARBORN'S book store, " o. h:. lanb Merchant Tailor! 2U Commercial tit, BfSulta $15 and upwards, Pants $3 aud upward. BRrrWSTER & (WHITE!, HAY. GRAIN Shorts, chop, flour, mill foed, eta. Telephone 178. " 91 Court st Salem, Or OFFICE, CITY HALL For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. Make complaints at the office. JAS. RADER. ELMER WHITE CAPITAL 'CITY Expf ess'and Transfer Meets all mail and nassenrer trains. Bar gage ana express to an parts ot the city rrompt service. Telephone No. .70. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY! Pleasefiotice tho'cut in prices on the following SWrts, plain 10 cents Unuer drawers. , 5 to IocenU Under shirts 5 to loeeota Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs , , 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs , 3 cesti Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents'per dozen and other work in proportion. BTFlannela and other work intelligently washed by hand. COL. J. OLMSTEAD, . Proprietor B,Thomas Tuthill, Analytical .Chemist anrl A. Assaj cr , Offlce with Salem;Gaa Light Co, No 4 Chemeketa St P. O.Boz X, Salem, Oregon. Prompt , return of ore samptas. General analytical work. HOTELS AND BOARDING. Hotel 5ai?nt. fit; FBNNELL,Prop Duly First Class House In the City. Rate reasonable. Sample rooms in connection. Can to a'l trains and public buildings pan the door. Come State and High streets. GERMAN LUNCH COUNTER Hot meals served;fiom 8 a. m. to midnight. German cooking. WltbJBach & Nadstanech aa6 Commercial St. II. NEUGEDAUER, .Prop. IQtf HALF I AI HOUSE. Mild drinks. Cigars and tobacco Meals torved. Lodging, Costello Place: North Salem. 4 a im M. IFEICHTINGER. Irop. MEATS AND TOXTUSKX , G.S. FIEIRG! N EW MARKET, JState 'street, near railroad 1 Freshest sad best meats. IMy patraas say I ksep the bsst treats la town. 3ag Wolz Miescke, Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt aad moled mesls. Lard la balk, a lb. Cheapest mrket la town. We make It a Specialty tab? all kind of Satmge ea tta4. Try u. SHOP RE-OPENED. Brown & Sob, oTib Kaet Sabca m ket.haveeBlrjHd fU1 tswlr 1 will be p:af to m all && OA w i ? e tbe rrnriTTiiti C4 aad deliver!. Panats swtaW KUsttloaily filUd. -4n MCCHOW k vnowLorr, Butchers and Packers COLD STORAGE MEATS, Best stock, best Stvlc aad lowtt ytht 316 CommefcU Salem Iter Co.,