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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1898)
;rcfli i m Maine's Celery Compouhd is the Best Spring Medicine The World Tr makes the weak strong. We sell and recommend it. DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE, TODAY'S MARKET. Portland. April 20. Wheat vallej 94c; Walla Walla, 01c. Flour Portland, $4.30; Supcrflno $2 50 per DDL Oats White 38(j Hay Good, $11( Hops 4(ffilGc; oli 539c. J12.50 perton. . crop 4(aCc. 14lGc: Eastern Wool vuiiey, UregOD, B(C$1ZC. Mlllstulf Bran,$18; shorts, $18. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 84 ; turkeys, live, 1313$c. Eggs Oregon, 12c per doz.s Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 78c. under CO lbs,6t(a7c;siieep pelts,1015c, Onions $2.25 per sack. Butter Best dairy, 4550c; fancy creamery, C0c55c a roll. Potatoes, 3fi45c per sack. Apples 7G(a$l a box. Hoks neavy, 84.25. Mutton Weathers 4c: dressed, GJc, Beef Lltecrs, $3.50Qii; cows,i$2.50; dressed, 6i7. SALF.M MARKET. Wheat 00c. Oats 3032c. Applcs,50c in trade. nay Baled, cheat, $911. Flour In wholesale lots, $4,60; re tail $5.20. Hogs drecsed, 5Jc. Live cattle 33ic. Veal 5s. Butter Dairy 1012c; creamery, 18(a)20c. Sheep Live, 3c a lb. Wool Bcst.lG18c. Mohair 2728c nops Best 8T4c. Etfgs 8c cash. Poultry Hens, 8c; spring chickens, 1012c; ducks; 8c per lb. Farm smoked meats Baco'n, 8s; ham, 10c; shoulder, 8J(a9c. Potatoes 20c in trade. If You Wish to Be Well. You must fortify your system against attacks of disease. Your blood must be kept pure, your stomach and digestive organs in order, your ap petite 'good. Hood's Sarsaparllla is the medicine to build up, purify and enrich your blood and give strength. It creates an appetite and digestive power. Hood's Pills are the fayorito family cathartic, easy to take. m Wanted. I will buy and sell sec ond hand goods and pay the highest price and sell very reasonable. Con rad Dlllnian, 181 Commercial street, 4-27 3t As good as, should not be accepted, when you want a permanent dye. Perfection Dye has no equal. tf o. c." r.uo's STEAMER X ALTON A, leaves for Portland Monday, Vednesnday and Friday, 7 :4S a.n Quick time, regular sei vice and low rates. Dock between Stat and Court streets. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent, balem. Are You Out of Soap 1 Try our 20Ounce Star Savon At 5c a bar or 6 for 25c, The best and cheapest soap in the world, Star Grocery, JOHNSON & VANDEVERT. loo COURT ST. PHONE 20J1 UNDERTAKING, J. A. Rotan lias moved Into the old J.G. Wrltflit stand, 220 Commercial streei.and handles a full line of under taking uoods, furniture, wall paper, and mouldings. Carpets at Cost o close out. Prices on everything he lowest. Second hand goods taken """" lBOTAK. Do You Eat Cauliflower, Lettuce, Onions, Radishes, Asparagus, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Pie Plant, Green Peas, MuBtard jGreens, Sauash, In Cabbage, etc. We have them raised especially for our trade and sell none but the best, crisp and fresh at all times. M, T, RINEMAN, 127 State street. ' nrntmtiMniiwmK marioh cotfNtv Finances. Semi-Annual Statements or Cletk, sheriff and Treasurer. Semi-annual statement of the coun ty treasurer of Marlon county, Ore gon, for the six mouths ending ou the atst day of March, A. D., 1808, of mouey received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and ou what account paid eut: Indigent Soldier Fund. Amount from last report ....? 183.70 UucelpU from taxes 11G. Total .. .'. $0012.01 Paid ou warrants $284.05 Transferred to special city and school district fund 4G Cash on hand 317.03 Total 002.01 Special City and School District Fund. Amount from last report . . . .5 015.10 Received from taxes . . ... . . G,73.'20 Trausfencd from gen. fund 41.10 Transferred from general school fund Transferred from general Indigent soldier fund Sold bond for district No. 44 Received from cleik dls. 11.. Ueed from treasurer Clacka mas county 23.15 40 550.00 30.14 33.83 Total $8,007.13 Paid out to school clerks and city treasurers 7,084.45 Cash on hand 82.08 Total 8,007.13 Institute Fund. Amount from last report 33 Receipts 58 Total 01 Casu on hand tfl Amounts received: To - amount ou hand from last report, general fund. .$ 2,140.34 To amounts received from Inst report, school fund... G.335.55 To amount ou hand from taxes from sheriff, school fund 5,778.87 To amounts received from taxes from the sheriff, general fund 11,4G9.S7 Poll tax received from sher iff, general fund 275.00 Poll tax received from the assessor, general fund.... 30.00 Clerk's fees, general fund.. 2,343.30 Recorder's fees, general fund 1,407.70 Costs delinquent tax, gener al fund 17.50 II. E. Eoff, balance from hog sale, general fund. . 20 RIggs old bridge, lumber, general fund. ... 18.0G Liquor license, general fund G00.00 Received fines, school fund 42.00 Received . .mm mmnib mhmf kk ww Total (general fund) 21,G38.S7 ' Total (school fund) 12,150.42 Amounts paid eut: By amount paid on county warrants, general fund . .$10,427.01 By amount paid out on school superintendent's warrants, school fund. ...$ 3,503.50 By balance general fund, on hand 358.17 By balance school fund, on hand 8,020.77 Interest paid on county war rants, general fund . . . . 1,703.20 highest to the lowest, instructing them under no circumstances to give lufor Transfeired from , gen eral fund 41.10 Transferred from special city and school district fund, school fund 23.15 Overplus tax sales, general fund 48.31 Total (general fund) $21,G3S.87 Total (school fund) 12,150.42 Outstanding warrants . . . .98,507.34 Interest on outstanding war rants 4,899.78 Total 103,407.12 State of .Oregon, County of Marion, ss: I, G. L. Brown, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and cor rect statement of the amounts re ceived, paid out and remaining on hand, In the county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D., 180-. Witness my hand this 31st day of March, A. D., 1808. G. L. BROWN', County Treasurer. Semi-annual statement of the amount of money and warrants re ceived for taxes, and money paid to the county treasurer by tho sheriff of Marlon county, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D., 1S0S. To amount received: Taxes 1803, October 570.00 Taxes, 1804, October 1,347.05 Taxes, 1805, October 1,702.33 Taxes, 1800, October 15,140.10 November 2,402.82 December 2,017.43 January 1,011.47 March 1.80-'.00 Costs, 1804, October --50 Costs, 1S05, October 15.00 Grand total $27,400.00 To county treasurer, Oct... 18,870.07 Knrember 2,420.02 rwnmhnr 2,017.43 January March 1,011.47 1,802.00 Grand total .$27,400.00 State of Oregon, County of Marios, ss: I, F. T. Wrlghtman, sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement Is correct and Witness my hand this 25th day of April, A. D., 180S. . P. T. WniGHTMAN, Sheriff of Marion County. Semi-annual report of the county clerk 'of Marlon county, state of Ore gon, showing the amount and num ber of claims allowed by the county court of said county, for what al lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding aud unpaid, from the 1st day of Oc tober, 1807, to the 31st day of March, 1808, both inclusive. On what account allewed: Road and bridge, 224 ....$0,373.88 Pauper, 100 3,470.80 Criminal. 487 3,311.80 Special loan, Stationery, 52 1,147.07 Surveyor, 1 0.00 Court bouse and Jail, 85 ... . 3.811.3S Clerk, 18 2.000.0 Recorder. C 000.00 Sheriff, 7 2,815.03 Military, 18 375.00 Bailiff, 12 240.00 School superintendent. 10 .. .125.54 County Judge, 0 750.00 County commissioners, 17 .. 207.00 Sunervisor. 70 3,205.20 Insane, 30 1.40 Jury, 112 1.075.00 Coroner, 28 102.05 County treasurer, 0 .. .. .. C0Q.O0 Assessor, 24 L282.5Q Election, 1 . UtM District attorney, 29 018.10 iWHrrerroa adLD UUsi? WASmtfa JJQwdBR. OMETIHR Wm large package of tha world's bet elsanser for a nickel. Btlll greater economy In 4-pound package. AU grocers. Made only bji THE N. K. PAHinANK COMPANT, Cnlcaco, Bt, Louts, New York, Boston, raUadslpbla. Bounty, 142 308.30 Rebate, 4 20.00 Indigent soldier, 30 284.55 Legal service, 2 217.35 School examiners, 3 30.00 Stock Inspector, 1 0.00 Total amount claims al lowed and drawn, 1.G45.. 34,773.74 Outstanding unpaid county warrants on the 31st day of March, 1S08 0S,507.34 Estimated Interest accrued thereon 4,800.78 Total amount unpaid coun ty warrants 0S,5G7.34 Interest 4,800.78 State of Oregon, County of Marlon, ss: n. I, L. V. Ehlen, county clerk of the county of Marlon, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the county couit of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, 1S08, on what account the same were allowed, and, the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my ollice and In my official custody. Witness my hnnd and the seal of the county court of said county tills 20th day of April, A. D., 1803. L. V. EHLEN, County Clerk. Semi-annual summary statement of the financial condition of the coun ty of Marlon, In the state of Oregon, on the 1st day of April, A. D., 1808. Liabilities: To warrants drawn on tho comity treasurer, and out standing and unpaid 0S,507.34 To estimated amount of In terest accrued thereon .... 4,800.78 Total liabilities ?103,4G7.12 Reseurces: By funds in hands of county treasurer applicable to tho payment of county war rants 358.17 By funds In hands of county sheriff applicable to tho payment of county war rants By estimated unpaid- current taxes applicable to the pay ment of county warrants. .143,780.00 Delinquent taxes outstand ing and unpaid applicable to tho payment of county warrants 20,047.00 Total resources $105,004.23 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Road and Bridge Account. Claimant Amt. alld R. L. Swarts $ 27 00 D. S. Bentley B CO C. F. Royal 83 70 Andrew Popp 4 03 Capital Lumbering Co 8 75 J. Dupont 3 50 Joseph Kearns 7 50 G. Sommers 4 00 Gray Bras 5 G5 H. L. Earl ,.... ISO Hasken & Son 1 75 Kadahaugh & Low 4 00 Brown & Smith 15 25 B. B. JJjrrick Jr 6 40 Chas. ClagErebt 2 40 W. F. Boothby 2 40 J.I.Thompson 2 40 Ethrldse Churchill 2 00 V. T. Leach 2 00 G. W. Davis 2 00 J. E. McCoy 87 50 J. M. Watson 6 00 Court House and Jail Account F. R. Anson, rec J ?5 00 Gray Bros ICO K. is. Lamport CO Oreson Tel. & Tel. Co 5 00 Salem Water Co 13 70 L. J. Vlbbert 14 35 Sim H White 175 F. T. Whisrhtman 230 46 Pauper Acoount. Brown & Smith i A. J. Bwy ? Robert Basey s 43 1 GO 2 CO 2$ CO 4 25 G 00 5 00 23 63 B. H. Bradshaw D. S. Bentley & Co L. E. Cllne A. L. Cornwall 1. N. Davis Mrs. Jos ForUsr 62 40 lilb-rt & Patterson .., 3 50 (ray Bros 125 11. A. Gates & Co.., 4 00 T. Holverson 3 63 Hurst Fred 6 00 II. M. High 148 SO II. B. Munson 42 00 O. A. Nendall 15 10 C. Northoutt 2 00 C. II. Robertson 14 00 S taint r & Blosser 35 00 Sidney rower Co 2 85 W. G. Stanton 6 00 Salem Shoe Co 13 00 Salem Hospital 162 00 A. Tanzler & Co 8 15 W. L. Wade 8 10 Allen i Bowersox 5 00 Sbilner Drug Co 24 25 Stationary Account. Journal t 7 00 F. S. Deanborn 5n Ross E. Moores & Co 3t 01 Patlon Bros 22 55 Geo. F. Rngders 75 20 Scott & Bannan t 00 Satan Chamber of Cm -6 C6 Statesman Pub. Co 21 95 G. P. Tecrell Id 00 Criminal Account. State of Oregon va. Jos. Welcii: S. L. Hayden 15.00, Ed. N. Eies J6.70, A. C. Dtlley 2.3U. State of Oregon vs. Ed. Miller S. L. Haydi J5.00, Ed, N. Edea 6.70, A. C. Wiley J2.30. State of Oregon v. Ed. Talbot a L. Haydan J6.00, DJ. iN. Edea J3.10, A. C. Dll'ey $4.40, Geo. JL70, M. E. CUu?n tl.70, A. C. DIUey 1.H, Geo. TownsMMl $1-70. SUM f Oregon va. C. E. TUxnJ. H. MoNary JfcW, d. M. Edes $6.70, A. C. D41y tt.y. State ol Oregon va. Chaa, Anderson. & L. Haydan tt.00, Ed. N. Edes, $6.70, A. C. Dllley 12.50. Mn1HF36SSS50SP. 2Sn ill B?l State of Oregon vs. J. S. Smith. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. Staite of Oregon vs. Jas. McCarthy. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. Of. Edes $6.70, A. C. DIUey $2.30. Slata of Oregon vs. John Dally. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Bdes $6.70, A. C. Sllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Frank Harrison. -S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edee $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. Slate of Oregon vs. Jas. Lowry. S. L. Hayden $3.00, Bd. IN. Ertos $0.20, A. C. Dllley $S.40, Geo. Beobe $3.70, II. E. Claua.-n $5.70, Goo. Towns-nd $1.70, A. O. Dllley $1.50. State of Oregon vs. W. Oostello. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $6.20, A. C. Dllley $1.80. State of Oregon vs. iltary Coatello. J. H. MoNary $5.00, Ed. N. J3dcs $6.40, A. C. Dllley $1.S0. State of Oregon vs. Chas. Wilson. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edea, $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. Stats of Oregon vs. M. R. Disart. S. L. Hayden $5.00, F,d. N. Edes 20 cents, A. C. Dllly $2.30. State of Oregon vs. H. Kartell. -J. 11. aicNary $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $0.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Ed. Pastley. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. Edes 16.70, A. C Dllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Ohas. Morton. S. L. Haydm $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $6.70, A. C. DllUy $2.30, State of Oregon vs. C. Cose.-nJ. H. McNary ?;.00, Ed, N. Edes $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Thos. Logan. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edus $5.70, A. C. DUley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Thos. Kelly. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. State o Oregon vs. Harry Foster. S. 7i. Hayd-m $5.00, Ed. N. Edea $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. Geo. Smith. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edes $6.70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. ' State of Oregon v. Nelson Walters. S. L. Hayden $5.00, Ed. N. Edea $C70, A. C. Dllley $2.30. State of Oregon vs. David Headrlck. S. L. Hayden $5.00, II. A. Johnson $10.80, A. T. Wain $5.10, John Q. Wilson $1.70, J. A. Van Eaton $1.70, Major E. Down3 $1.70, Veronica Downs $1.70. Stat of Oregon vs. Jeff Tharp. -S. L. Hayden $5.00, If. A. Johnson '10 05, A. T. Wain $15.10. Deborah Gilham $5.50. Goo. Hlgglns $2.60, Dr. J. D. fchaw $1.70 State of Oregon va. Bud Statesman. S. L. Hayden $5.00, H. A. Joflinson $5.70, A. T. Wain $1.80. Stato ofl Oregon vs. J. E. Headrlck. S. L. Hayden $5.00, II. A. Johnson $1.70, A. T. Wain $5.40. State of Oregon vs. John FurglBon, John Witson and Thomas Trlng. R. C. Ramdby $5.00, T. A. Button $9.70, A. J. Ulchea $'.70, Fred (War-nock $1.50, John Ludlviska $1.50, Robert Gllmore $1.60, T, A. Hutton $1.50. S. T. Johnson $12.43, W. L. Jones $8.85, Ed. Jonii $1.00, B. Pearson $1.00, A. Miller $1.00, M. G. Coldwsll $1.00, Wm. Hale $1.00, J. L. Stelwer $1.00, (Mrs. Wm. Devany $1.D0, Bertha Devany $1.50, M. Donahue $1.C0, T. IS, Wltton $1.50. Emma Kester $1.50. . , Kester $1.5. Stato of Oregon vs John Dee, Richard Ro. Sam Janes and James Brown. W. S. Hurst $1.65, Geo. W. Fry $1.70. Stata of Oregon vs- Anson L. Long. Samuel L. Haydan, W. S. Hurst $7.C0, B. R. T. Jonea $6.35, Clarence Scheuxer $3 90, Clay Barclay $3.90, Wlllard Gar- rttt $3.90, Clyde Scheurer $ State of Oregon vs. Nick Slnnott and Frank Sawyer. W. S. Hurst $4.93, S. H. T. Jones $3.00. School Superintendent. 11. W. Jones ,..$290 00 O. W. Jonea 6 00 School Examiners' Account. Lizzie Cornelius $12 00 Reoorder'a Account. C. L. MoNary T $12 00 C. W. Coffey 12 00 Leila Waiters .,., 12 00 Assessor's Account. J. E. Allison $ 3 99 F. X. Gesner 29 00 J. W. IHdbart 100 00 8. T. HObart 48 00 J. S. Richie 45 00 M. J. Connor 2S 50 J. P. Case w 27 00 Jos. B. Woodford 30 00 U. L. Morals 30 00 W. S. SlcKea 27 00 Hemry Hall 33 00 Election Account. MoFadden & Pennylbaker $ 21 00 Coroner's Account. In .the matter of the Inquwt upon the body of Gixi. W. Buff, deceased; A. M. Clouffh 30 50 J. W. Whltlock 100 8. II. Stroop 1 1 00 Claud Wolfcrd 100 Jacob Anistutz 100 LlavW iBongle 1 00 C. P. Mlnton 1 00 Vcllny Leonard 170 Josejti N. Buff 170 Honry B. MHlor 170 Chts D. Wolford 170 IJernal O. Wolford 170 (J. Simmons 1 70 Dr. A. A. Leonard 0 00 A. J. Basey 3 00 A. A. Leonard ....1 2 00 County Oammlsionra' Aaoount. J. ,N. Davis 13 00 J. M. Watson 10 W In Uie matter of seaird bids for bridge near Turntrs C P. Royal & Bon , J23J 00 J. E. McCoy ,.t 217 00 8. B. Crocker 2W 00 Borctient & Bruor 31C 00 Ordered that fold of C. I. Royal & Bon bo aecepted. In Uie mofcttr of 1 location of a county road JnT5 RU2 Wrt. Frank Webb. L. D. Smlttl and W. B Brown appolntsa vlerw to nwirt wHIhI county surveyor on jaosaay, aiii i. H98, at 10 o'fc9k, a. rn , at pa of beginning. In tha matter t (the 4 . i L 9. Amend at al.. for loi.aiKn . 1 ouwy road T 8 R 1 & 2 West. 1b. i. CondltJ oppf.ttited vttwef rn fclacd d! i L. Pound, who 4s terrnporarlly absent from the county. To meet Monday, April 23, ISPS, at 10 o'clock a. rn. In the matter of the resignation of H. E. 0borne, justice of the peace for tayton district: Resignation acv-ep.t'id and J. II. Powell is appotnted justice of tJve peace for said district. In the rmvttef of .the report of J. T. Gentry road supervisor for district No. 2S, $30.00: J. M. Ncwl of Ale, Oregon, is applnted supervisor for sold district until February 1, 1S93. In the matter of tho appointment of road Mtpprvlaor for road district No. 63. A. iDlckenson declines ito servo and John MlnMe Is appointed. In the matter of the petition of Geo. Kt-itJi et al., for location of a county road In T 9 S It 1 E 1 W.- Report of ap l inlaws filed herein Is this day seit aside and J. A. Richardson, W. W. El d r and Henry Miller ace appointed ap l" alsora to meet April ISth at lo o'clock .. m. In tibe matter of the claim of D. B. Coffey, ex-county assessor balance due on stamp aoeount: Claim ilcOO and 31.25, allowed $18.00 and $22.00. . In the matter of ithe petition of Jo seph Hviglll ct al., tor location of a dimly rond in T 5 S P. 2 W: W. H. (JooMl, James Jmlah and A. DuRette appointed viewers to meet iwlth county surveor on Thursday, April 21, 1S93, at 10 o'clock a. m. at place of beginning In tho matter of salary of county school superintendent: Tho salary of county school superintendent Is hereby fixed a $7V) tho same to take effect on the first day of July, 1S9S. In the matter ot printing (ballots for June election 189S. The court requests the county dark to ask and publish notice for sealed bids for the printing ot the ballots for June, 1S9S, election. in the matter of the claim of G. L. Brcwn, county tn'asurer, for expenses of litigation In the case of G. W. Hun eakw vs. G. L. Brown as county treas urer: Ordered that claim be allowed for $36 and no more. In the matter ot petition of A. W Mead et al., for location ot a county road In T 7 S R 3 W: Viewers report nxid second time and as recommended by said viewers the petition Is disal lowed. In Mie matter of the petition of John Hughos at al., for county aid for A. Bayless and wife: Ordered that Bayless and wife be allowed $6 per month Irani April 1, 189S, until further notice, Jean Hughos disbursing agont. In the matiter o application ot J. C. Booth et al., for county aid to L. Bren ley: Ordered that L. Bentley bo al lowed $6 p,?r morvth from April let, un til further notice, F. La Branch, dis bursing agent. In tho matter of the resignation of Ed. Gsrley, road supervisor for dis trict No. 60: Resignation accepted and John F. Daiws appointed. in the matter of the appointment of d puty county assessors, L. B. Geijr, Herarj" Hal, G. L. Morris, W. S. McKee, M. J. Connor, F. X. Gesner, J. P. Caso, Jos. B. Woodford, A. J. Schumaker, W. T. Bell: tVppolntments approved. In the .matter of Ithe report of L. V. Ehlen, county clerk, warrants issued on insane account during the month of .March, 1893 Approved. In ithe matter of the report ot L. V. Ehlen, county clerk, warrants! issued for salaries April 1, 1S93: Aprovcd. In the matter of John W. Smyth, jus tice of ithe poace for Champoeg district. Not acoTted. In tho matter of the application of Flynn Bros., foe peddler license: On payment of $5 cleik to Issue llclnse for six months from date ot license. In tha matter of appointment of special deputy sheriffs, B. B. Colbath and Tho?. CMcNary: Approved. Deafness Cannot Be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the deseased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional reined, les. Deafness is caused by an in llamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When thlb tube gets Inllamed you have a rumbl ing sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness is. the result, and unless the Inflaniation can be taken out and this tube re stored to Its normal condition, hear ing will be destoryed forever; nln cases out of ten arc caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inllamed con dltlon of the mucous surface. Wc will give One Hunarea Domm for any caso of Deafness (caused b) catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Kend for circulars, free. F, J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. raJ-Sold by Drugglstnc. Tlio. Gorman Conureiiatlonal Asso ciation ot Oregou and Washlnuton met In Zlon's church, Beaver Creek, In annual conference Thursday eye niru'. "HMi.rinfl closed Sunday evenlntr. Sunday morning communion Bcrvlce was held after preac'ilw,'. Bunday afternoon there was missionary ber vlce and Sunday evening closing ser vices. The Increase of lambs In TJmalUla county Is said to be over 100 per cent. 3 . I353wBiHn- mMmwM ! rjLl..;ffle'' Tie r.n- ' l say that Hit. 1 made of tough st and can stand r' thinj,', generally 1 that death is intuit: tougher stuff nml .i found in a coffin nt age when they shoul I doing their best and m useful work. It is tun enough for a man to br.i about his toughness whei he has reached a ripe old age. Tin men who live long lives are the ones who taice care 01 ineir neaiiii in yuum uuu maturity. They realize the truth of the old saying Out "a stitch in time sav' nine." Tlte ones who don't do this die off of nervous prostration, heart failure, and consumption. The best of all health-restorers am health preservers is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures 98 per cent of all cases of consumption. It wards off nervous troubles and wasting diseases. It correct all disorders of the diirestlon, invigorates the liver and restores the appetite. It fills the arteries with the pure, rich, red blood of health. It tears lowii, and carries off old, inert and naif-dead tissues and replaces them by new. It builds firm, healthy flesh. It makes the muscles strong and elastic and steadies and tones the nerves. It cures debility and weakness of every descrip tion. It is the product of the life-time exterience and study of an eminent and nt-illful sneciallst. Dr. U. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, ., u.,(T1n VI V TtintiLimlt nftnpn and ""-"' "-7 . r. . . Jme have testllieu to lis virtues, Druggists sell it. icre is nomine in me worm - iusi as oood." although avaricious dniirsdsts will " - ., . - " - .t. 1... r t. sometimes say so ior uic w.B w i'Tt&r nrofit to be made unon the in ierior article. ' fflw&&- SteFSsfii' 1 'WrtrTffT .'-'v--'. TSKASWXn mM 'OT my'iS&i mM 'JH3'AJIt ' "ffiONlN& MAbS &&SY" l7fiAROll 1 M535 HAKES GOLIiRS AND GUFFS STIFF AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT ONE POUND OF THIS STAHCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. T"E r MMDIMiSTD PDHQrO U,U,I lUUIIIWlall Ut ' s.Keokuk,Iowa. NewHaven,Conn. Mm COPYRIGHTED SliiniMMtii WW rtii imiiiiwi 11 mwiii i m . n m m iiiiw i ii u m TUU starch Is prepared on scientific principles I ,iU (iiiiiui(jicjs It rpstnma nld sxpenenco in lancy lannncring, Batumi wbltcnefts end imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. It la tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, nlum or any other subsLanco Injnrlons to linen ond can bo used oven for a baby powdor. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. Wood Wanted The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the furnish ingg of wood, to be delivered al the power house, until 6 p, m May 10, 1898, Bidders must state t 1, The grade oi wood, 2, Number of cords, 3, Price per cord delivered 4, When wood was cut, 5, Where the wood was cut, F. R-. ANSON. Receiver HUGHES,! IJOI l! DEALER : GROCERIES: Paints, Oils Window '.Glass Var uisli, and tbo most complete stock of Brushes of all kinds In the state Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shlnglos; and the finest tj quaUty ot grass seed. VsTrsssJBsaNSsjrvKsiuBjRNB WANTED, ETC Hew today advertisements lour Hues or less in this column inserted three times for 23 cts., 50 cts. a week, $1 per month All over four lines at snrao rate. COOK WANTED.r-A middle aged woman for cook. Apply at Home restaur ant. S-2 3' FOR SALB -Elegant Upright piano, In use rlx months, will sell at half cost to effect immediate sale. Apply room 7, Willamette hotel. S' 31 MEN WANTED, To slash forty acres of b and cut 150 cords of wood. Inquire rt room 13. over iluih's bank. 5 a 3t M D ELLIS,-n8 Court street, Kackst coodsofall kinds, licware a specialty, Money saved on every purchase. 5 2 iw WANTED r-tty Old Establihed House-- High grade man or woman, 01 gooa cnurcn stsnding, to act as manager here and do office v.ork and correseondence at their home, liusiness already built up and ei tablnhcd here, Salarv $900. Enclose addressed stamped envelope for onr terms to A, 1'. Eldtr, General Manager, 189 Michigan Ave. Chicago. 11'. si' " SCREEN DC-ORB AND WINDOWS. Good screen door Si, including hardware, Jobbina piomptly attended to. Fencing of all kinds. Poultry fences 35c and up ward per rod. Morley lr Patrick 56 Bute street, Phone 12. J.3t To all whom it may Concern. .Notice is hereby pivn that I will not be re pon. sible for any debts or contracts mabe by my son. Clavton Kanioro.r-Dr, J. W. Ran. som. 4281m FOR RENT. SALE OR TRADE-Stsck farm 20 miles from Salem, Terms to suit if you aie the right party. Inquire of Geo. Griswold, 55 State street, .Salem, 4-8-lm. PLANS WANTED,-Deiens for 6 room school house. Hie lioird of Directors ot District No. 8, of Coos county, Oregon, a. Coquille Cily, will receive plans and speclfl cations, tor a 6 room, 2 story school house, with basement, modem healing ond ren tllating appllances.brick foundation,so con. structcd that 2 rooms may be opened into one for assembly, alto so that two (2) more rooms may ue uuui onto name wnen neeas demand, Ihe six rooms to accomodate 300 pupils, in single seats. House comttucted of iir and cedar, Price of house finished not to exceed 4.5 Plans, estimates, and terms to be submitted on or before May 1st 1898 rights received to reject any or all plans, Correspondence solicited for pur chase cf school district notes for erection of above house. District to be taxed f 1 500 annually for purpose of paying said oblications. lust levy now in hards of sheriff for collection. Dated Coqullle City, Oregon, April IS, 1898, Geo. T, lioutell, School District Clerk. O JZfST OZtZA. 1 .i... sirtwui syff-McAii $ u Or, Miles' lalnl'llla. "One cent n doss." ljoUr.Mlc' HrnvnI'tulBTrjiafor BPINAL i.u -' m. si sm l-ioaa a 1 si nHAitioi mAii um fA isa., -i wjj th u uitm9M nv vim mi swr IN fa mmtmmmmmmmm Ifc II I I I I I I M m BPWBWWMi'iinnri 1- fca BTirri irt w AND NICE NEW , WW.W im whh iiiuu YfiJt uafu uDujcaioui inniaai ltnnnnnd inmmor drssoa to thotr a n Vnjh lMy1 ihiii r-m rw ife tt Iaai Jf BfThomas Tuthill, AnalyticaljChcmist and Assaj er. OXoo with Salem Gas Light Co, No 4 Choraekctn Bt P. O.Box 2, Salem, Oregon. Prompt' (return of ore samples. General. analytical work. E S, Lamportf Harness and Saddlery . . Makea specialty of Carriage Trimming! Bring in your old Ezohange for new. harness and Prices Always the Lowest, SALEM, OR. REMOVED ! BECKNER & HAMILTON lave removod their tinning 'and plumb lng business to 324 Commerolal street opposite Stato Insuranoe building. The leading implement house of the Willamette valley, The best is cheapest BAIN WAGONS. Racine buggies and hacks. Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators, Monitor & Tiger drills and seeders. Planttt Jr. dnlls and culttvators. McCormtck binders, mowers and rakes John Deere plows and harrows Powell engine and thrashers. Repairs kep: In slock for all the above mentioned goods. BFor sale by E NL CROISAN, SALEM, OS, W, B. WATEOBTJIIY, Manager. Old Clothing Made to Look Like New At Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning WorUa, No, 193 Commsrolal street. Orders by stage, mall cr express, will reoelvo prompt attention. Waldemar Nelson, Prop 1 CAXMb .. n m JH. dentist, SaccesserJ to Dr. J. M. Ke, eM WW Corner, SalTn, Orj Prtle AfMnf mBertar operations at moderate feei tmy kitik e In especial request. HAY. ORAIISL Shorts, ohop, flour, mill feed, ete. Telephone 178. 91 Courtfal., Salem, Or'r O. H. LAISEB Merchant Tailor ! 211 Commercial at, tarBulta $15 and upwards, Pants $3 and upwards. .nri Print Shop CONOVT3R does the finest work x makes the lowest prices, At DEARBORN'S book store, re, i SAIiBM STEAM LAUNDRY! PleasenoUce the"out In prices on the following Sbrts, plain 10 cents Unatr drawers. 5 to ioceat Under shirt 5 to Iooeet Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cenu'perj dozen and othei worlc in proportion. ryFIannols and other work Intelligently washed by hand. COL. J. OLMSTBAD, . Proprietor HOTELS AND BOARDING. M.J FBNNBLIi, Prop- Duly First Class House In the City. Rates reasonable. Sample rooms in connection. Can to al trains and public buildings pus the door. Come State and High streets. GERMAN LUNCH COUNTER Hot meals servedfiom 8 a.m. to midnight. German cooking. WitWBach & Nadstanech 226 Commercial St. H. NEUGEDAUER. I9tf l"op HALF WAY HOUSE. Mild drinks. Cigars and tobacco Meals served. Lodging, Costello Placet North Salem. 4 21 im M. JFEICHTINGER, Prop. MEATS AND POULTRY. u. wmm NEW MARKET, f State street, near railroad j Freshest and best meats. I My patrons say I keep the beat meats in town. 2 2 Wolz Miescke, Dealers In all kinds of fresh salt and smoked meats. Lard In bulk,'9c a lb. Cheapest market In tovrn. We make It a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand. Try us. SHOP RE-OPENED. Brown & Son, of the East Salem meat mar ket, have enlargedjand refitted their shop and will be pleased to see all of their old patrons and the rest of the community. Orders taken and delivered. Parents sending children may depend on having their orders con scientlously filled. "Mil MCROW k STBTJBLOrF, Butchers and Packers COLD STORAGE MEATS, Best stock, best service and lowest pricss 316 Commercial st. OFFICE, C1TV HALL' For water service apply at ottec. Bills payable monthly In advance. Make complaints at the office. JAS. RADER, ELMER WHITE CAPITAL 'CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall sad pwsangsr trakss. Bag gage and express to all parts T tk kv Prompt service. Telsybeste We. 7a. McFaddn L Poo!nikw., (Socctssofs to Ii a I?r-b ) 38r MANUFACTURKXS OF 5ashf Doors, Blinds, IVooli rf,Efc. First door north of Sakiu Iroa Ws Telepnon 105. 7 Mvmaamm Satan water Co., m i a