Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 03, 1898, Image 2

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Capital Journal.
TUESDAY, MAY 3, i8$8.
IMt-y, Ose Tear $3-00, la Ad-zance.
?, Tern Xontfe SI OO, in Advance.
Weekly One Tear $1X0, la Advance-
State Ticket.
Oarsruor W. n. KING,
gtcretarr of 6tai H. K. KINCAID.
fltat Treasurer J. O. BOOTH.
Supwcn JBttze-W. M. RAM3ET.
Attonwr-Genr-IJ. L. STORY.
SUU Printer OHA8. A. FITCH.
Snp. of PuMle IMtinctle H. S- LY
MASN. First trist R. M. VBATCH.
Bacond DUrtrJe-C. M. DONALDSON.
pVst Jndtetat IMrtrtet.
Judt E. C. WADE.
Pnwecntlojr Attorney A. X. SOLIS6.
Mnber Brd of EnuaBzattoa C E.
Second Judicial District.
I-rosccutlns Atfy-HENBY DEN
Third Judicial District.
Judre-K P. BOISE.
Judg-P. It D'ARCY.
Prosecuting Att'y-S. L HAYDHN.
2dmbr Board of Eauallzatten J. P.
Joint Senator
Clackamas and Marlon IL I BARK
liEY. itarton County Ticket
BKiatore-OBO. W. -OIMICK; L. C.
RwireaenUtlves JAS. A- KNIGHT;
County CommlMloner C. MARSH.
Iteeorder C. P. STRAIN.
County School Supt W. 11. EGAN.
Trearurer-C J. SIMERAI
Kurvayor T. Ci JORY (People's).
Corontr T. L. GOLDEN.
The Unioo candidates in this
leal dtetrctt carejrovlng strong with
tbe people. They are all three men
who arc right at heart with the peo
ple and hate public records to prove
District Attorney Sam L. Ilayden
has made a splendid record for econ
omy In every county. For the last
six months of I8U7 In Linn county
his bills were le&sthan 8100. lie lb
a competent, gentlemanly ofllclal and
fearlessly did his duty In compelling
an investigating of Marlon county
court house frauds.
lion. It. P. Boise and P. II. D'Arcy
for circuit JudueH are men who stand
high in tliclr profession and enjoy
the respect of all clusscs of people.
They arc men who will do lustlce and
equity to all alike.
It Is the duty of all political parties
to uphold the administration iu all
reasonable and necessary measurs to
cirry on the war.
No Bryan man, or Union Bimetal
lic Darly man, or Prohibitionist, or
Mlddle-Iloadef,who wants to be called
a true American should lay any ob
stacles In the way of President Mc
Kinlcy carrylug the Spanish war to a
successful conclusion.
After the war Is over ws can differ
qfrom the administration. We can
- .oppose It. We can defeat it. Hut
now it Is a patriotic duty to sustain
the administration at every vital
point where the honor and integrity
of our country are Involved.
Hon, -J. 0. Veness of Independence
Is reported to have had all hit
"things" packed to move to Wlnlock,
Washington. But he got word to un
pack until after tho June 'election.
Veness was again put on the Repub
lican Iciilhlatlve ticket, along with J.
M. fc'crallord, a pretty good man, but
both supposed to bo for Mitchell. An
Independence banker, whoso name wc
are foi bidden to uce clulms both for
Mitchell. Indeed It wa tho Mitchell
piish in Polk county that swung iu on
the' Peer boom, just as it did In
Marlon utid other counties, that con
trolled the convention,
A banker onco forbid Tin: Jouhnai.
to eyer mention his name again In
tbUJpapcr In connection with Vcness.
If we thought there was any crime
committed in doing it we would obey
III orders.
Wo do not wlsu iu dlsparago the
abilities of Prof, Ao'torman of Port
land, but wc uurnily believe that In
the person of Prof. Lyiuau of Astoria
be hat an opponent worthy of his best
Wc consider It rather to Mr, Ly
uian'tt credit that tho American Book
Trust-Qghtrt him,
Hon. II. S, Lyman Is a man of won
derful energy, a man of great brain
power and heart culture, a teacher, an
organizer, (a naturalist, a botanist, a
historian, a man of literary attain
ments, a mau of Ideals needed to ele
vate Oregon educational Interests.
Prof. Lyman Is liberal and tolerant
Ib his views, Ho believes In charac
ter and educational qualifications
alono s the text for employment of
teachcra, not political or religious
eplsicns. If you want to get Ore
fto schools out of tho rut of ring poll -Wc.
vote for Lyruun.
3-r.r -
With s Cuban ribbon in his button
faok. $ad m the uuthor of Ui only
$ -
Cuban resolutions In J be li legis
lature, Hon. Will H. King, of Baker
county goes marchlrg oo to the' gor
ernortblp. This young man Is tbe most inde
pendent caodidateever before tbe peo
ple of Oregon. He Is of the stubborn
material, oot managed by tbe bosses
Oi iuj par. Or vjf au covtaOS.
lie will Dot be ran by the Simon
crowd, tbe Mitchell crowd, the Fen
ooyer pub, or any combination, lie
has tbe ability, tbe character, the
record and tbe integrity to make tbe
Oregon of tbe future a grand execu
tive. It is time tbe present eeoeration In
Oregon were recognized.
OneOrrille T.Porter who Is running
what is called a Mitchell Republican
paperat Albany is raging and raTing
because tbU paper stated that it was
unbecoming for a man to abo?c Gov.
Lord, Ilarrey Scott and others when
be was himself under indictment for
robbing tbe government in an Alaska
collectors!! i p.
Of course, John II. Mitchell came
to his rescue and nad proceedings
against him squelched.
We have Lever h.id tbat done yet in
our behalf a ad therefore cannot Im
agine bow it feels to bare fcucli a
thing thrown up to a person.
Mr. Porter is a fair specimen brick
of the sort tbat Mltcbellism has im
posed upon the long suffering people
of Oregon.
Commodore Dewey has undoubt
edly suniC the Spanish fleet In the
Philippines. Commodore Schley will
undoubtedly sink tbeSpanish fleet In
the Atlantic if he gets with I u gut.
shot. The Spanish monarchy is doomed
to be degraded to a fourth rate power
and to lose Cuba.
Tbe Spanisb monarchy will be sus
tained by the Catholic church of
Spain, just as it would sustain any
form of government In that country.
But the Catholics of the rest of Eu
rope and of our country and the new
world have no use for the rotten in
competent "toothless old she wolf."
There are monarchies in Europe,
however, that are plotting to uphold
May the last vestige of the yellow
flag ofSpaln.be swept from the seas
of the world, Is the prayer of every
friend of liberty,
The people of Marlon county will
do well to consider the merits of the
Uolon ticket. It is made up of in
telligent, competent, solvent citizens.
"Solvent" means men who pay their
bills and who If their accounts were
squared would not be bankrupt. They
arc men who pay their own campaign
expenses and who If they are elected
will not bo mortgaged to some boss
or ring.
TakeC. Marsh, tho Silver Repub
lican for county commissioner on the
Union ticket: If elected ho won't have
to scheme to get u rakc-oll on Utile
jobs to pay tils grocery bills; such a
man can do something for the people.
Ills back Is not broken before he eyer
takes the oath of olllcc,
One of the men on tho Union legis
lative ticket who Is entitled to the
vote of every Union man, and who
will receive not a few Republican
votes In Marlon county, Is Chan. P.
Ileln, of Aumsvllle.
This popular young man Is not only
u successful business man but Is carry
ing on a 300 acre farm successfully.
Mr. Ileln Is of German parentage,
born In 1850, The family first settled
In New York state, and canto to Ore
gon In tho year 1881. They settled at
Aumsvlllo where Charles has lived
and done business ever since. Por
several years ho was.the"ylllago black
smith," but eight years ago, ho quit
his trado and entered into mercantile
uslness. When Mr. lit in came .o
i. no convention which gave him the
nomination he hud no Intention of
asking for a place .on tho ticket. In
his case, the olllcc sought tho mau,
and when his namo was mentioned, it
swept tho convention llko wildfire,
and ho was nominated on tho first
Mr. Heln gayo his llrst voto for
James A. Garfield, but has ever pIiico
been a constant Democrat. Mr. Ileln
is a very popular young man, Ho Is
greatly esteemed In tho county In
which ho lives for his honest, manly
and upright conduct In dealing with
tho people. Eyery ono who is ac
quainted with him, no matter, whut
his politics Is, holds him in iho high
est esteem, and In his own vicinity
he will poll moro than Ills party voto.
That ho will bo triumphantly
elected admits of little doubt.
IN Suctions. Tho northbound Cal
ifornia overland passed through Sa
lcm thlsmorning in two sections. Tho
llrst train consisted of thn baggage
and mall cars with thrco d,iy uoaohos,
reaching Salem ut 7:i0 o'clock. Tho
second becllon consisting of two day
coaches ana several sleepers reached
this city about 7:45 u. iu.
Beware of " cheap " bak
ing powdars. Alum makes
good mudicine but bad food.
Ask our doctor,
Aoy man can afford to be a Bepub -llcan
at 25 cents on the dollar out of
the treasury.
IWular Jotjhnal advertisers are as
h nil- reliable business people whose
word is as good at their bond.
Bill Taylor who was relied on by
tb'e Mitchell push to "fix" Dare Crate,
Is to bare a place at the pen under
"Governor" Geer.
Daniel Webster was not only a bl
metallist but declared tbat gold and
silver both together would not supply
an adequate volume of currency. lie
Mid we mast also have paper.
The Macleay Republican orators
canabuwTuE Jocrsal hayseed ora
tor but they can't meet bis nuures as
to-tbe bimetallic price level prior to
1873 being twice as bigb as under tbe
gold standard.
Wcare going to uphold McKlnley's
war policy even to supporting all
financial measures of tbe administra
tion, even though we have to gulp
hard to swallow a dose of ungodly
gold bonds.
It Is noticeable that noce of tbe
Republican orators want to tackle tbe
proposition, why for eighty years
prior to 1673 tbe bimetallic level of
prices In tbe markets of the world
was twice as high as since sliver was
demonetized. The reason is they
That walking millinery shop, the
Hon. Wattle Tooze, of Woodburn.can
talk tbe ribbons all off himself, but he
can't prove that prices of products
Mere not higner under bimetallsm
prior to 1873 than under what the
Astoria platform Is pleased to call
"the existing gold standard."
With Republican defaulting trea-
urernln Clatsop aod Klamath, with
-Xpert report showing deficiencies in
Marlon county, with the city ofSa-
,cm compromising with a 'busted Re
publican bank, t is a little cheeky
for Bob Hendricks to say the candi
dates on the Union ticketare not re
sponsible to anyone.
We sec by the Port Orford Tribune,
that E. S. Platts, formerly of the
Capital Clt, has been nominated for
the office of joint representative on
the Union ticket. Mr, Plaits has
long been in favor of Reform, and is a
young man of more than ordinary
ability, No mistake was made in
selecting him for tbe place. He will
be a great Improvement on some of
the g. o. p, members sent from tbat
Illlhee In the days of yore.
Nod Looney will be known as "the
butter senator." He has an Inside
null with the asylum management by
which begets a fancy price for butter
the year round, tithe asylum man
accra had to buy their cow butter in
the open market like the rest of us
we might not get first class dairy but
ter for 10 cents a pound. We'd have
to pay 20 and the dairy farmers
wouldn't have to sell for 10 cents a
pound and take It in trade.
Some Wakrants Dkawn. At a
regular meeting of the board of Di
rectors iorncuooi uisiricL no. z-i iiem
Monday evening the following bills
were ordered paid by warrant: P. S
Dearborn, &5.50; S. W. Thompson &
Co , $0 50; Statesman, $3; Gray Bros.,
$2,80; John Hughes $0 65. The April
pay roll for teachers and janitors ag
gregating $2,188.50 was audited and
ordered paid by warrants. City Su
perintendent Geo. A. Peebles sub
mitted his report for the month of
April reluttvo to tho attendance and
general condition of the various
chools of the city whereupon ad
ournment was taken.
Siiouluek Dislocated. As a re
sult of a kick from ono of his cows
Sunday evening Rev. Wm. Robinson,
who resides on the Garden Road suf
fered a dislocation of the left shoul
der. It u
Prescription Piles.
All prescriptions compounded at
Geo, Baskett's drug store are now in
our nosesslon, persons wishing any re
filled are assured thut the same will
receive the most careful attention.
Our usual cash discount will bo de
ducted from tho price formerly
Thanklnir our many friends fur past
favors, we remain, very respectfully,
Dan'l J. Pry, Salem Or. 4 4 lmo
Acket't EnglUh Remedy U beyond quet
ion the greateil nf alt modern tcmediea. It
will cure a cough or cold immediately or
money bisk.
Aflerono trial you will uso no other
dyo to color goods. Insist on having
Perfection Dyes. tf
For Infants and Children,
A young man by tho name of
Lynn, of Yumhlll county, chopped
off a finger with an axo lust Monday
while attempting to cut off the end of
a stick,
Tho UalUton warehouse, containing
10,000 bushel: of wheat, was burned
on Friday night. There was no lnsu
rauco and tho tiro was tho act of an
At D.illas 11 company of 62 men had
been diluted Saturday und elected
V. 1. Flsk, captain. Tho company
will bo drilled unl ready for tho sec
ond call, If made.
At uoon, Tiiurt-aay, at canyonyuie,
whllo Mrs. Lennlo Cardwcll was
washing, her clothes caught tiro from
th stove, burning her fearfully about
tho back and urine. Her chances for
recovery are doubtful.
Tho first embargo of Chinamen ar
rived at La Grande Thursday to take
care of the auiiar beet contracts with
tho rariucr. Tiicy are tocato for me
crop from tho tlmu It Is planted un
til it Is harvested and loaded into tho
wagons, at 81-16 por ton. Of the 3500
acres, ttiey have contracted to take
care ot about 3000 ucres.
Soscthtog About tbe Bright
Bays ani
Gals ta Yew Park.
Principal J. S.Graham and his fire
assistants lo the Park public school
are doing nod work with about 240
bright children.
The ladles who teach grades below
tbe sixth, which is taught by ex
rnunty Superintendent Graham, hold
positions as follews: Miss til I a Welch,
fifth (Trade; Miss Cora LltcbSeld,
fourth; Mrs. Earl Race, third; Miss
Carrie Shumaker, second; Miss Ella
Pohle, first.
Tbe boys and girls In tbe highest
grade, completion nf which, almost
qualifies them to teach under the Ore
iron law, are as follews: Herbert
Gamble, Roy McDowell. Ert Smith,
Wallace Riddel!, Roy West, Charles
Lane, Meta Klein, Edna Goodhue,
Nellie Van Patten, Alta Savage, May
Savage, Mabel Yautes, Emma Sanner,
Grace Carter, Grace Spaulding, Ida
Mrs Earl race surprised tbe chil
dren in her room by havlne on the
desk of eaeb pupil a May basket Mon
day morning.
Details of Dewey's Battle.
New York, May 3. A dispatch to
the Herald from London says:
The Asiatic squadron of tbe United
States, Commodore Dewey command
ing, on Sunday engaged and com
pletely defeated tbe Asiatic squadron
of Spiin In tbe horbor of Manila, In
tbe Pbillipplne islands. Ail tbe news
of the great naval battle thus far is
coming from Spanisb sources. This
sboffs conclusively that Manila has
not yet been taken by the American
forces, and tbat tbe cable lines are
still under tbe control of Wpain.
From tbe fact that even tbe ad
vices received from Madrid show tbat
American warships fared the best,
there Is hardly any doubt that when
complete details are obtained it will
be learned that It was a crushing de
feat for Spain
Reports of the battle thus far are
coming in piecemeal. Durlngthetwo
engagements that took place, Commo
dore Montejo, commanding the Span
ieh fleet, lost three of his largest
ships. Ills rJagsbip, the steel cruiser
Relna Christina and the armored
cruiser Castllla were burned, and the
Don Juan de Austria were blown up.
Sovcral other vessels were badly dam
aged. One report adds that several
other ships were sunk by their com
manders to prevent their falling into
the bands of the Americans.
There was a heavy loss of life
among the Spanish. Captain Darzo,
commanding the Relna Christina,
was killed. Commodore Montejo,
commanding the fleet, shifted hi?
flag from the Relna Christina to the
Isle de Cuba, a much smaller steel
protected cruiser, just before the
Christina sank.
The blowing up the Don Juan de
Austria was attended by a great loss
of life among the crew, her com
mander also being killed.
Comomdore Dewey'ssquadron, leav
ing Subig bay, a few miles from Man
ila, about 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon, proceeded toward Manila. Un
der cover of darkness be entered the
harbor of Manila, the batteries loca
ted there announcing his arrival.
Both fleets lined up for battle about
daybreak about 5 o clock this morn
ing. The guns of tbe American war
ships began firing on the fortress of
Cavlte and the arsenal of Manila.
Under tbe protection of the guns of
tbcbe forts the Spanish warships
opened fire on the American fleet.
sounded with the roar of guns, the
crashing of steel and timber?, the
shrieks and groans of the wounded.
Thick clouds of smoke ut times al
most obscured the opposing fleets
from each other.
A well directed shot reached the
iron cruiser Don Juan do Austria, a
vessel of 1100 tons. A terrific explo
sion followed and the ship was blown
All the time during the first en
gagement the American ships were
under way. their maneuvering being
intended to render tbe markmanslup
of the Spanish gunners less effective.
The American squadron, about 0
o'clock, drew off to the west side of
the bay and took refuge behind some
forelgu shipping. The ships had evi
dently suffered considerable damage.
After some hasty repairs they re
turned to the conflict.
During this engagement the guns
of Cavlte maintained u steady and
stronger lire upon Commodore Dew
ey'.i ships than in the first encounter,
but the American guns were being
used with telling effect. As tho
smoke lifted it was seen that the
flagship Relna Christina was on tire.
Tho vessel was completely burned.
In the Interval between the two
engagements Commodore Montejo
moved his flag from the Christiana to
the smaller cruiser Isle de Cuba. To
tho fact that ho made this change
he doubtless owes his life.
Tho cruiser Castllla, next to the
flagship the largest and most power
eiful of the Spanish squadron, was
uUo burned. Tho cruiser Don Au
tonlade Ulloa and the Mendano were
badly damaged In this latter en
counter. Thut tho American squadron re
ceived severe dam aire in the engage
ment cannot bo doubted. Early re
ports had it that live of Commodore
Dewey's ships hud been sunk. Later
adyices from Madrid put the number
at two. There were undoubtedly
heavy losses in men on both sides.
Ouo apparently trustworty source say
the Spaniards hud 500 killed and 700
wounded. Trusty details of tho
American loss of life will hardly be
obtainable until Commodore Dewey
has taken Mamllaor has sent a vessel
with dispatches to Hong Kong.
By nourishing
evory part of
your Bystctn
with blood mado pure by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then you
vvlll have ncrvo, mental, bodily and
In the Spring
dJgcstlvo strength. Then you need not
fear discaso, becauso your system will
readily resist scrofulous tendencies
and attacks of illness. Then you will
know Uie nbsoluto intrinsio merit of
Sarsaparilla t&Z2
clue. All drujgitU. fi, ilx for la, rrepared
only by a I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills T&pWnd
0? m
,, T t--'-,.. lckl.rflL. fJi
Mrs.Lar.-r 'TSS&i
says: 'A.r:..r np.e o a ffJ
color arr-----. . , my .J-... sees
began to tr?w rpKllTt DrtTrftJisUtHl-
to c'je'A it- My
eye fcecrua teniMy
inftomctL and was so
t voilea lhatforqnite
o wbi!e I caK not
r?. Tf Hoctora
aid I bad Cancer of
lb; most malignant
trpe, and after ex
hatiag their efforts
without dome me
iv anv sfood. thev eave
np the cas as hope'esa. When in-
formed tint nr father had die! from
the anie tl sease, tbey sa-d I ainst die, ,
ing an nr:i-
as here-1 arv Canre-r -r s incr'-a,'!e. 'decosnee the stowed attempt Dy said, bill to
"At this cmts. I was advised to try fasten the country irrerocably and forever to
S.S.S.,amiiBanort while the Cancer : the single Gold standard,
began to Jiacharge awl continued to do i We demand a national money, safj and
soor -- OTonths. then it began to soend, issaed by the general government
heal. I continued tbe medicine a while ' only, witboat the interTcntien of the banks
lonKernnt.I tUeCati-er disappeared en- of issae, to be a fall legal lender for all
tirelv. Tl. - va ' c-al vears ago and I debts public and private, aUwajtm, eqtm
there has-been no return o'f the disease." able and efficient means of d.stnbution direct
jT t T-j. f T" J " -bep0?16 tbroegh tbe lawful disbarse
A. Heal .DiOOCl K.Cm6ClV- mentsofthe government.
Cancer is a blood diease. and on'y a medium be speedily iccressed to an arnoant
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S. jagdent to meet the demands of the bosi
'guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real ness 2xA population of this country, and to
Mood remedy, aad never laiis to per-1 tatote tbe jast level or prices of labor and
nanently enre Career, Scrofula, Eczema, ' production.
Khemnatisrn or anv other dieae of tbe We favor such legislation as will prevent
blood. Send for our books forthe future the demonetization of any
on Cancer
and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Bone 1
How A. Cooper Had
Healed After 35
i Rotten
CHEOALIS, wash., April 9, 1333.
Dr. J. F. Cook, Salem, Or:
1 received your letter and was glad ,
to hear from you. You want to kaow
hnw mv lei? is eettincr alontr. It is i
all right; the flesh Is grow ing out over I
the Shin bone and is turning White,
i "-SA A , &ci
It is POt Straight yet, but I think it j tor an aaivsory vo-e oiine people, until sucn
will be as straight as the other leg , t,cie Ae nauonal cocsntuticn shall haw
r, hen warm weather comes on. I can , been amended so as to provide for direct leg
work most of the time. The other -on. ...
doctors told me 1 could never be 1 e condemn as dangerous and unjust the
cured without splitting it and scrap- ". 'n ?" departments of the govern
ing the bone, but they are mistaken. "Z'&jlTZJ
It s getting well without cuttlnc or
scraping, so they do not know as much
as they tboueht they did, but you are
all rieht, for you have done Just what
you said you could do.
I will answer
any questions you ask
Very truly yours,
about my leg.
, Cooper.
301 Liberty
Dr. Cook's office
street, Salem,
Thirty-five years makes a ceneration
Tbat is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zane
ville, O, suffered from piles. He was cured
by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Stone's drug store.
You can make old clothes look like
new, and remain so as far as color is
concerned by using Perfection Dve.
But be sure you get them. tf
To Cure a Cold sin One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c. 10-14-Cm
,, T ,. ,. n ,.t
M. L. Vocum. Cameron, Pa., says "I was
. .nHrr f, ,n , .,vi,r mr,t nil VinrW
of pile remedies, but without success. Del
..... . -.. I .... ... .uv.. ..
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended
to me. I used one box. It has effected a
peimanent cure." As a permanent cure for
piles De Witt's Witch Hazal Salve has no
eqnal. Sfone's drug store.
To Curtja jCold in one day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
tcblots. All druggists refund the
money If It falls to cure. 25c. 10-14-6m
Union Political Meetings.
At West Salem Monday night, Thos'
Harlan and Gov. Fletcher.
At Enger Thursday night, non. n.
L. Barkley und E. nofer.
Wednesday, Macleay, Hon. John A.
Smith and Hon, John Neal, of Linn
. m m m
It is a great leap from the old fashioned
doses of blue-mass and nauseous physic to
the nlesant little pills known as U-i Witt's
Little Early Risers. They cure constipation,
sick headache and billiousuess. Stone's drug
Twenty-four ounces of bread for a
nickel at Strong'b bakery, whllej
ULiiurs utuy btiu n uuuees lur tuu
same money. 29-3t
Acker's E-,cHdi Remedy Will Stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the worst
cold in twelve hoars, or nnney unied ,
25c and 5Cc.
Children like it, it saves their lives. We
mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croups, bronchitis,
grippe, and all throat and lung f troubles.
Stone's drug store.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe have
been restored to heftlth by One Minute Cough
ure. It quickly cures coughs colds, bron
chitis, pneumonia , asthma, and all throat and
lung deseaies, Stone's drug store.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up
in the morning as fast as you can," the druj
gut recognised the household name for ''De
Witt's Little Early libers." and cve him a
bottle nf these little pills for constipillon,
sick heartache, liver and stomach troubles,
baton's drug store.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
mins your health. Dc Witt's Little Early
Risers clcane the liver, cure constipation
and all st inach and liver troubles. Stone's
drug Mote.
More bread and better bread for
a nickel at Strong's bakery than at
any other place in the city. 203t
The farmer, the mecbauic and the bicycle
riders are liable to expect cuts and bruises.
De Witt's Hazel Salve is the best thing to
keep on hand. It heals quickly, aud is a well
kntwn cure for piles. Stone's drug store.
Removed. Dr. W. D. Jeffries has
moved his onlce to 310 Commercial
street, over Fry's new drug store.
First stairway norm 01 post otnee,
20 lm
To Cute a Cold in One Day.
Take Lszatlve UromoQulnlne Tab
lots all druggist rotund tho monoy
If Itfalls to cure, 25c,
VLrjiiimiijLitiViiJ-' tiewiW'1
Union platform. 1
United in a common caaie for the uctcd
penxxe of -.t-amg the principle, of gjv.
ersrattx by the whole people, in fact a wel
u in bfbc, leMorifig asd maiMaiotng equl-,
Hy, eoder that goTerun-tnt, cl all classes, we,
the people' Democratic aad Silrtr Repub
lican parties of the state of Oregon, waving
tauwr pawns m awcieucc, "" umuug tor
the Ft.rroiecarryir.g oat tbe greatest on
derive principles -,5m whkh we are all
...i,-Vl-.fc. 3Tj A-,, to(ne ,,! of
llHtie wtewi declaration of rna-
ciples, asd to the carrticg oat of which we
toieiBsly pledge eacb and erery canawite ;
Bpcn oar armed ticket:
First We deraaid the free and antestneted ,
coinage of lilrer and goM at tbe present
legal ratio of 16 to I, witboat waiting for
the consent of foreign nations and we are .
nnaiterably opposed to the policy rf the
present Repabltcan administration in de-,
raandlr.5 the retirement of greenbacks, aad
the tarnine over of the moner mkine newer '
cf the raveranent to the national banks, as'
presented by the bill drawn by the Kepeb-,
bean secretary of the uvasary, and indorsed
Yy President McKinley; and we especially I
lund of legal tender money by piivate con
We demand that the government, in pay
ment of its obligations shall use its option
as to tbe kind of lawful money in which
they are to be paid, and e denounce the
pre-rat and preceedinr administraitons for
surrendering this option to the holders of
goremment obligations,
We deman tbat there shall be no further
issue of United States interest-bearing bunds.
We demand that postal savings banks be
established by tbe government for tbe safe
deposit 01 tse sanccs of tbe oeoDle and to
fici'itate exchange.
We demand the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people.
We demand the initiative and reterendum
svitem of law-makinz in its optional form,
local, state and national, and the submission
by congress of ail important national questions
: X:f'r,Z.i,"h": :J;. "i ii 1
pai. ihe ih'?i c" I'fl
with corpora. ion iawsers, too ready to do
the will of their late employers, and to set
aside valid and wholeome laws passed by
the legislative departments of the states and
government, upon flimsy pretexts, at the be
hests of such institutions.
We are opposed to government by injunc
tion. In state matters, ne demand.'
A simple and well-guarded registi alien
A more equitable mode of appointing judges
Strineent laws to resulate the operation of
nsn traps, nsn wceeis and all nsmng gear in
he waters within the jurisdiction of tie
We denounce an condemn the corrupt and
extravagant Republican legislative assemblies,
and charge tbat tbe Republican party, in its
eagerness for the st oils of office, his become
dhided into warrirg factions, o that it is in
capable ot government as exemplified by tbe
condition existing in the office of tbe state
treasurer, there being at this time more than
$500,000 therein wrung from the people by
the Drocess of taxation, while state warrant;
! are stamped "Net paid for want of funds."
e demand tLat all distnets and county
en. , ,. . . . "...
".- " I"""" u. Ba.a.m MJUluieyuur
ate with the duties to be terformed by them,
Iuasmuch as railroads and other corporate
property is not bearing its proportion of tax
ation, we demand that such property shall
bear its just and equaljshare of tbe expenses
of govemment.
Whether on pleasure bent, or busi
ness, take on every trip a bottle of
Syrup of Figs, as it acts moit pleas
antly and effectually on the kidneys
liver, and bowles, preventing levers,
headaches, and other forms of sick
ness. Fort-ale in 50 cent bottles by
all leading druggists. Manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Com
pany only.
Dates for R. M, Veatch.
The Marlon county Union commit
tee nnnounces following dates for
Col. Robert M. Veatch, Union nom
inee for congress accompanied by
non. M. A. Miller of Lebanon;
Gates, May 5. 7.30 p. m.
Stayton, May 0, 7:30 p. in.
Oervals, May 7, 2 p. m.
Mt. Angel, May 7, 7:30 p. m.
Local committee to take charge of
the meetings. d&w
It you want the best when dyeing,
be sure you get Perfection Dyes.
They do not fade. tf
A new truss on a new
principle. A perfect
suppott to all who
aro ruptured,
Salem, - Or
Cost over $100,000 to publish.
Nearly 200 full-pare Masterpieces of Our
Savior and the Mother.by Gieat Masters.
A psrsual of this superb work is like taking
a tour through all the art galleries of Europe.
A glance at these xnatchlesr, thrilling
pictures brings tears to the eyes of eeryone.
Christain men and women pa) ing for
homes taking from three to ten orders daily.
sells itself so beautiful when peepi: see
it they want it.I
Selling rapidly all the way from tbe Klon'
dike to Kio Janeiro. Keer sold in tbl
t rritory.
Published a year and in its twe th edi
tion. Tresses running day and night call and
see it.
Ge: sole mansgemeut of large field and
100 agenta and you have a fortune, Salary
$900 to man or woman good church standing
to act as manuger and correspondent here.
Call on or address A. P. T. Elder, Man
ager Subacription Department, 189, Michigan
Avenue. Chicago, III. ; 11m
LM IM f 2 itr linnitHMi
dltchartM, Indsmaisiloaa.
I irriuiiout or ulcrnlonj
ut ibucoui nitmbr,
lAlnlM. and niii ulrf
IwEuilCHiaifuCo. e"t r roiwuoai.
Mold by UruBsUla,
or wot In plain wrmrrxt
yr eiprcw, prepaid, tor
C-rssisr wot ea WmC
lHloiBiiiiri.o WBm
aWtw - JmwW
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannh, Massachusetts
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tfia seme
that has borne and does now jj? sr$ . JT on Mr
bear the facsimile signature of C&a&jfflcZZcZcAt wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTOhIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it i,
the kind you have always bought, tf Z7--is on iha
and has the signature of OZa&ffiStfc&M wrap.
per. No one hae authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletohtr it
President. j( j
March 8, 1397. Q&&J&-Ttx,ii,
T ojirrAun ,tHLMX mi iTiin, cm.
. . DERBU CO. .
Bargains in Real Estate;
254 Commercial
V e are agentsfor Canadian Pacific Railvay,
Wehaveagocd summer resot hotel and
feed barn for sale in the town of Walport. in
Lincoln county, on the Alsea Bay for $1000,
half cash. Ila'ance good property, or will
lease for a term of one year. Ill health
reason for sale or lease,
2600 acre grain and stock farm three miles
rom railroad, runirg water, good springs
aad fair buildings. This is the best bargain in
the Willamette valley. Price only $6.50 per
332 acres, two and one-half miles northwest
of Amity 24oacres under cultivation; all
fenced; 2 houses and 2 bams; family orchard;
level land running water. Price f 2S.00 per
690 acres adjoining Marion station a fine
stock farm 90 acres under cultivation first
class family orchard good house; 2 good
barns springs and running water all for $12,.
per acre.
tio acres . miles ncrth of Scio, 2 miles
from Sbelburg at the crosr "g of the O C &
K K P and P H ti ten apT.s in rntlivjtinn!
I good house and barn; all under fence! family
erchard: good springs and running water. t'nee
100 acres 4 miles southwest of Turner.' 70
acres in cultivation; 30 acres in pasture good
house and barn 3 springs; 7 acres of prunes.
Only $25. per acre.
It Brings Perfect
The Greatest Discovery of the Famous
Physicians' Intitute,
tSTUratuitously, gladly sent to all men who need it and who will write fori
A large percentage of tbe men of today are sadly In need of the rlfit
kind of medical treatment for the weakness peculiar to men. Many cases n
due to early vices, others to excesses, while many of the cases are duett
overwork, worry and general nervous debility. It matters not, howero,
what the cause may have been, the fact still remains that they all reijoir
proper medical attention IMMEDIATELY.
Write us at once, giving a description of your case, and we will prepsrr
you a course ot treatment specially adapted to your condition, and SE.NT
IT TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE, In plain sealed package. We can -
full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the bodfi
stop all drains and losses, and restore you to PERFECT MANHOOD. Fit I
ure Is impossible with our method. We have thousands of testimonUJ
from all over the world.
Physicians' Institute, Chicage: BLANCHARD, Wash. March 2s, -8-,t
Dear Sirs. I have nearly finished my course of treatment and to!
myself a different man. I cannot find words enough to praise and w
Dress the deep cratltude I feel towards you. Your trMtment is almnly wos-
derful. I am perfectly cured, and
help you all I possibly can. May
Physicians' Institute:
My Dear Friends. Please accept ray thanks for the kindness you h'
done me. Losses have entirely stopped and vigor has returned. I
ail O. K. I am better than I have been for 15 years. I do not feel like ti
same man. All my friends when they meet me cay "What have you W
doing? Never saw a man come out like you."
Ev;r vim trlend, M. P. -Physicians'
Institute, Chicage: HAVANA.. N D., Jan. 29, IS
Gentlemen. I wish to express ray heartf't thank? 'or the result
my treatment. During the last two wele thit 1 100V tour treatment tM
improvement was remarkable. I have had no cmlsslone or other symptom1
since taking your medicine. My friends art all surprised at the lmprorf j
ment in my general appearance Horlnii that vo may ever prosper, 1
main. Tours sincere!.
Hundreds of similar letters ar tw m ut. n our business office, ul
an are bona Sde expressions of twiiiiiHr 1 v cured men. Do not otw
writing to c . end Mmfmbsr that ira uto nr,t nni o- nonnn,lhlii lnstltl'
tlon in every wav. nut ours is the la
makes a speolilrv if EXLTA.L AND
for postag in m1d';ln, which 's
guaranteed to cure all nerroai diseases, such as Weak 'Vmory , Lo
ralo lAjwer, Headache, WaLrluluess, Loat Ma'ibooo, Kbiiy 2
aions, Nerrousncis. Ul drains, loss nt power ia General. v Orsa0 J
jiiucr kx, cautcu py OTcr-eaenios, --ouinmi errors, tx-T:re."S
tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Coi umptunjj
B re nan
SrusCo. dutributL,isgcnts. Third aud VtmhU Zf
Street, Salem, Or,
71 acres one-half mile torn Minto. 20icrs
in cultivation good house and barn; rem
water. Trice $1300,
20 acres of fine land 3 miles south. all
cod cultivation for 1 750.
TO TRADE.-32o acres inUmatilla conn!'
for improved Salem property.
TO TRADE 1S5 acres on theAlseiti
city of Salem property, improved or ja!r
A fine residence property ,'inside, chop,
call for prices.
House anl 3 acres of groundin suburb
city cheap. $700.
A good new house of 9 rooms'oV $1000.
$150 cash, balance $8; per month.
House and lot in Yew Park at a bargtisi
List your house and farm for rent or forjult 1
with us.
We sell cickets on the Canadian Pacific nJ I
oad at JS .00 to $7.00 le ts to eastern pn
Manhood to
thank you a hundred times and 0
Ood bless you and your work.
Yours truly. C. E. P.
LOTEX. La.. June 19. 189t
rcen medical institute In America &
always plainly sealed.
2005 Mas onto Temple, CHICAGO,--1
. v"uue uirica in Test pocaet. ji.ooptr Dox, r - si J rz.
L Circular Free. Sold hy all drurarfsts. Ait fur it t ;enootH
Eacturedby tf Pean Medicine Co., Y iris Prance. i-aue-Ps