t w DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 1 I n - I . I I I T I I SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1893. VOL. 8. NO. 6 ST THEY KRAUSSE BROS. In Spring . . . is the acceptable time to repair your house, We have some very pretty papers i ', ', which we arc offering at 25c on your wall Work guaranteed the best, UREN & HAMILTON n:bw arrivals or Exquisite patterns and bargains, Call and see them, Also an immense line of embroideries, See the different lines from 6c to 25c a yard, that will cost you double the money regular, Lots of new goods ar rived at PRIBDCDAN'S Corner State and Commercial streets, PRESNALL'S DEI 94 State street. Next Door East cf Bush's Bank, Best meals in the city for 15c. Giye us a trial, I ' r i.v-gi .. ' J J i''i.vFf J t1 1. L" The Crash Salem Special, patronize home Industry Aumsville Flour New Plckles.per qt Arbuckle and Lion Coffee, perpk Bulk Olives, per pint Lenox Soap, 9 bars Uest Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb lOlbsLard SlbsLard Chocolate, per lb lOlbs. B. Wheat lOlbs CornMeal Try our Ho Cream Oats for mush. Old P, O Gorner GOME. Our new stylish, up tcvdate are catching, People will go where they can get nice goods at popular prices, 275 Commercial street is the place? Call on us for a square deal and up-to-date shoes, RliSTAURANT ! iiaruwarc is a uuc iu mu wu la. great variety In quality and, of rr t ll I ..I.I..1. llAM (a course, in price, we Rive you uiu best to be had of everything, lou would not expect to net cheap prices on high grade goods, but wo do sell the best floods at the lowest possltle prices. For instance our JEWEL Stoves and Ranges There are no better goods made, and we can sell them at prices that would surprise you. CRAY BROS, Has Come. only 8100 10? yv; - 15c, 2for2oc Jj5 -c f t ? a HARRIETT L LAWRENCE SHOES NAVIES Of Two Nations Are Mobilizing. Five Men of War Seen Off Haitian Coast Blockade of Havana Harbor Tightly Drawn. Rio Janerio Furnishes 500 Ameri can VolunteerSi Portugal Government Has Now Notified the Spanish Flotilla to Leave the Cape de Verde Islands The Paris will Arrive at New York by the Mid dle of the Week. Washington," April 20. The great est interest today in war matters is centered in the movements of the navy. The Hying squadron is at Hampton Roads, under command of Commodore Schley, and the North Atlantic squadrons is enforcing the blockade of Cuba. At the Brooklyn navy yards arc the cruisers New Or leans and San Francisco and they may join the flying squadron today. The Marietta and the Oregon are along the Atlantic coast of South America, it is being expected that they will reach Rio Jrnerio in a few days. The dynamite cruiser Nlctbe- roy, just purchased from Brazil, is still in Rio Janeiro. The newly purchased cruiser Topeka is at sea on the way from Portsmouth to New York, and the torpedo-boat Sotners is still at Portsmouth ready for sea. The Paris, for whose safety no alarm is felt, will arrive in New York by the middle of the week, The dynamite cruiser "Vesuvius, which sailed yesterday from Newport, is believed to have gone to Key West. She carried an extra quantity of pro jectiles. The cruiser Columbia will probably sail during the night for patrol duty. The steamer Minneap olis steaming rapidly oil the coast passed Highland Light, Mass., yes terday afternoon, An Associated press telegram from San Francisco says: Within another twenty four hours three government boats will have been assigned to patrol service in and about the local harbor. Today the cutters Rush, Corwin and Grant lowered their revenue flags, and hoisted the nary ensign instead. A special from Matanzas, by way of Key West reports that tfe Dauntless a dispatch-boat of the Associated Press, steamed to the blockading squadron off Matanzas yesterday There has been no incident worth noting since the capture of the Spanish steamer Catalina and the schooners in the early morning. According to a special from Buenos Ayres" to the New York Herald: The nerald's correspondent In Rio Janeiro says that 500 Americans there have expressed a wish to go as sailors on the Nlctheroy when she 6tarts for the United States. The battalion formed by theSpaniards now includes more than 500 men. The Washington Post this morning contains the follewing: The Spanish fleet, which mobalized at the Cape Verde islands, was yesterday notified by Portugal to leave St. Vincent. An other account says. The Spanish fleet is still here, but it is reported that the vessels will sail from this Island tomorrow. The fleet is ex ceedingly formidable, including four lirst-elass cruisers, six torpedo-boats and two armed transports. Since the Cuban cables have been cut the blockade Is tightly drawn across the mouth of Havana harbor. No supplies of any sort whatever can get In. The country back of the city CAPTURED ! A great many people captured and when released were better eatlsfled than ever befpre at the low prices at THE FAIR ! store on tinware, graniteware. underwear, hosiery, gloves, trunks, valises, bats, tine goods, shoes, and IP fact anything almost that may be called for. THE FAIR, 274 Commercial street, ... I Is a desert and the Insurgents arc hoycrlng about in all directions, burning and destroying whatever there is left that is of yalue. Havana is already beginning to feel the pinch of scarcity. Unless Minister Polo and suite leave Canada within a reasonable time, the state department will In form the British government that plots hostile to the. United States are being hatched across the border. The treasury spcret service agents are now making an investigation. Hardly had Polo reached Canada be fore oUlclal and other Spaniards bo gan to arrive. Senor Dubosc, who announced his departure for Europe, hastily joined Polo. The arrival and secrecy attending the movements of the Spaniards indicated big move ments were afoot. It was reared by the administration that Spanish spies might hatch schemes to cripple our warships or destroy our fortifications and it was ecn thought that Spain may attempt to infect our southern ports with yellow fever. A change In the strategical plan arranged for Sampson's squadron now blockading Cuban ports has teen de cided on. Its execution will depend on the movement of the Spanish squadron now concentrated at Cape Verde Islands. The new arrange ment, which will go Into effect as sonn as the Spanish fleet leaves Cape Vlucentand is not reported within a reasonable period, provides for the withdrawal from the blockading squadron of six armorclads and their concentration at some central point on the Atlantic coast. The plan of the Spanish fleet is not unlikely, to proceed to New York, Boston or other important place, for the purpose of bombardment, in the hope this government will not be able to send sufliclent force to meet them before great damage is inflicted. As the matter now stands, it would greatly injure the efficiency of the blockade to withdraw some armor clads, for within a short time a host of auxiliary gunboats will be at Samp son's orders capable of handllug any thing flying the Spanish flag in the West Indies. Sampson would be assisted in New York by the swift cruisers Columbia and Minneapolis,' and -four converted American liners, which will scour the seas on the lookout for the enemy. A Hong Kong spaelal says: The first naval battle between the Span ish and American fleets Will probably be fought oil Manilla. It will almost certainly take place tomorrow or Wed nesday, at the latest. A cablegram from St. John's says that a Spanish warship lias been sighted off Bay hulls, 20 miles south of St. John's. She Is supposed to be searching for American Ashing ves sels on the banks of New Foundland. Yamhill Convention. M'Minnville, Or., April 25 The union county conyention of the demo crat's, populists and silver Republicans was held here Monday. The follow ing ticket neminated: Senator, M. E. Johnson; representa tives, L. W. Harger and C. C. Linden; county judge, n. S. Maloney; sheriff, P. n. Messner; recorder, W. T. Macy; clerk, J. E. Ilolt; treasurer, D. M. Caldwell; assessor, E. J . Wood school superintendent, G. A. Prentice; com missioner, R. L. Booth; surveyor, J. E. Snuffer; coroner; II. C. Burns. For Money. Another payment of 1898 taxes was today, made by Sheriff F. T, Wrlghtman to County Treas urer G. L. Brown, Today's turnover Is payment No. 3 and amounts to $0,120.30 South Salem Club. Goy. Fletcher will address the Bimetallic club this evening at the old school house. Music and recitations. M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I was a sufferer lor ten years trying most all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me, I used one box. It has effected a peimanent cure." As a permanent cure for piles De Witt's Witch Hazal Salve has no eqnal. Sione's drug store. Afterone trial you will use no other dye to color goods. Insist on having Perfection Dyes. tf Thirty-five years malces a Generation That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanei ville, O, suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Haze) halve. Stone's drug store. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in tbe morning as fast as you can," the drug gist recognized the household name for 'De Witt's Little Early BUers," and gwe him a bottle of these little pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. Ston's drug store. Pain hca no choir vrlth Pr. Mil' Tain 7111& All druggists sell Dr. MUoV Nerve Plaatera. SALEM, OR, CUBAN Armies Will Be Co Operated With. Gomez and Garcia to ' Receive Aid. A Spanish Officer Challenges Lee and Sigsbee. Admiral Walker Will Succeed Theo 1 dore Roosevelt, Italy the Friend of America, Her V.ews 'the Same as England The Cuba (Insurgents Will Be Supplied With ;Arms and Ammunition Important Spanish Prizes Are Captured. Washington. April 20. In order that the Cuban Insurgents may fully co-operate with the army uayy of the United States in this campaign against the Spanisli forces in Cuba, It is probable that the pacific block ade of the insular harbors will- be followed by an attempt on the part of the American forces to reach the army of General Gomez. The plan is to take one port on each I he North and South sides of the Island and from a junction with Gomez' forces at SauctI Splritus, and with General Garcia in Santiago do Cuba. Both General Lee and Captain SIgsbeo have been challenged to light a duel by a Spanish officiate. No news has been received of a reply hay ing been seen in cither case. Lieu tenant DeCarranjras' ilrst challenge was sent to General Lee and It Is rather more lengthy than the one to Captain Sigsbee. The latter stated that, in his judgment, Spinlsh ofll cials exploded the mine which blew up the Maine. Tills, Lieutenant Da Cirranzas says In his challenge, la a direct reflection upon the Honor of the nayal officers who had charge of the naval refenses of Havana. "Any man who makes such a charge on belief and on proof," the chal lenge proceeds, "is himself capable of committing tho crime. The challenge clotes as follews: "For eight days I shall await your answer at the Spanish consulate in Toronto" The challenge to General Lee was mailed on the 20th Inst., as the Span ish minister and his party were ubout to take the train, the state depart ment having furnished him his pus- ports that afternoon. It was confidently predicted last night that Admiral Walker, retired, will succeed Theodore Roosevelt as assistant secretary of the nayy. The queen regent of Spain has ad dressed telegrams to all the European sovereigns asking for aid. In her tel egram to King Humbert the queen says: "I feel It my duty to address myself to your majesty and all Eu ropean sovereigns in order to call at tention to the Incredible attitude of a government which, under the pre text of delivering people who are faithful to their mother country, is today spurning under foot the most sacred rights of Spain, us tomorrow It will spurn those of other nations." Could Not Wear Shoes, "1 was troubled with scrofula. Hud sores on uy feet, as unable to wear shoes. 1 saw advertised and read muny testimonials of cured and pro cured two bottle. By tho time I had taken them my feet were well." Thomas A. Coleman, Davidson, Oregon. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, Mailed for 2Jc. C. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough ' ure, It 'quickly cures coughs colds, bron chitis, pneumonia, attbma, and all throat and lung deseases, Stone's drug store. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure, 25c. 10-14-0m 4 O'CLOCK EDITION. LATEST WAR BULLETINS. Special to Tho Journal. Revolt In the Philippines. London, April 20. Cable advices state that it is rumored that a great uprising against Spanish authority has taken place In the Philippines. It Is said that 25,000 or 30,000 natives arc in open rebellion, and arming themselves with munitions furnished by Japan. Subscription for the Red Cross, London, April 20. Subscriptions have been opened In Paris for tho aid of the Spanish Red Cross society in taking care of Hhe wounded. 250,000 fiancs have already been subscribed. Blanco's Big Blu.T. Madrid, April 20. Governor Gen eral Blunco cables ills home govern ment to bend no more warships to Cuban waters; that the land forces are fully udequate to protect Hayana. Forced Inactivity of the Somcrs. Falmouth, England April 20 Tho American torpedo boat Sowers has been forbidden to leave this port, rills act is an enforcement of the existing neutrality laws, Demonstrate ns. London, April 20. Great excite meut preyalls on the directs of Bar celona. All loyal Spanish citizens are taking part. Americans are being insulted wherever fouud. The French and Mexican consulates are besieged with Americans for protection. Foreign Nations Notified. Washington, April 20. Tho diplo matic representatives to foreign gov ernments were Instructed today to Inform said governments that war exists between Spain the United States. The Columbia Sails. Newport, R. I. April 20, Tho steamship Columbia left Newport tills morning unknown. Her destination is A Valuable Prize. Washinoton, April 20. Tho Pan ama captured this morning Is a three masted schooner 2,085 tons register and was built at Glasgow for Spain. Lee to Be Major-General. Washington, April 20. Gen. Leo is expected In Washington this after noon. It Is positively stated that he will he appointed a major-general. Massacre Feared in the Philippines. London, April 20. A massacre of the Spanish Is feared in tho Philip pine Islands. Landed on Cuban Coast. Key Yest, April 20. A daring landing was made on the Cuban coast this morning by Lieutenant Freemont for the purpose of ascertaining t'.io base of supplies for army purposes. Judge Day Confirmed. Washington, April 120. The sen ate has continued tho appolnment of Judge Day, to succeed John Sherman as secretary of state. The Mangrove's Big Catch, Key West, April 20, The light house tender Mangrove has captured the Spanish auxiliary cruiser Pan ama. At Aumsville. Bimetallic Union party holds a rally Friday night, April 29 at Gil bert's hall. Good speakers. Discus sion of national, state and county affairs. Candidates, voters and ladles regardless of party are Invited. Deafness Cannot Be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the deseased portion of tho car. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional rented. Ics. Deafness is caused by an In Hamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbl ing sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness Is the recult, and unless the lnllamatlon can be taken out and this tube re etored to Its normal condition, hear ing will be destoryed forever; nine cahes out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inllamed con dition of the mucous surface. Wo will giro One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free, F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 5rSold by DrugRlBtt75c, O.A.STOXII.A.., At lit- ticili 0x siriitsit u WAR Has Been Formally Declared, Judge Day Succeeds John Sherman War Revenue Bill Will Be Reported. Cuban Ports Have Already Been Blockaded. So far as Known Spain Has Made No Seizures Eight Prizes Have Been Captured by the Atlantic Squadron Full Text of the Declaration of War WarShips Hot on the Trail of Two More Spanish Steamers. Washington, April 20. Tho final declaration war by the United States on the government of Spain was made yesterday. The resolution as formu lated by the houeo foreign affairs com mittee was adopted by tho house and agreed to by tho senate yesterday afternoon. The full text of the reso lution follews: "Bo It enacted by tho senate and tho house of representatives of the United States, In congress assembled: "First, That war be and tliesamo is hereby declared to exist, and that war has existed since the 21st of April, 1808, Including Sunday, between the United States of America and the kingdom of Snain. "Second. That the Drestdent of the United States Is hereby directed and empowered to use the entlro land and naval forces of tho United States, and to call into actual service the United States militia of tho several states to such extent as may bo necessary to carry this act into effect." This resolution was mado In accor dance with a recomenendatlon made by tho president, engrafted In a mes sage sent to congress yesterday morn ing. The message was ilrst adopted by the house and then by tho senate. Aside from the passage by congress of tho declaration of war, tho most Im portant development of the day at the capital was the tendering and accep tance of the resignation from the cabinet of Secretary of Stato Sher man. Judgo Day was at onco ap pointed to till tho vacancy. At the war department It was announced that the goyernors of the various states of the Union would bo notified regarding tho quota of volunteers to bo required from each, and the points of assemblage, Salem's Greatest Store Still Leads A Store With a Characterp . nERE ARE FACTS. HERE ARE FIGURES. YOUR SATISFACTION OUR BEST REWARD. Business upon a business basis Is what tho public demands Our storo Is evldenco of the success of up-to-date Twentieth Century Merchandising -a progressive store, constantly forg ing ahead, and In spite of big claims, humbug advertising and assertions of others wo are demonstrating dally that values such as olTcred here ure not linduble elsewhere Priestly's Figured Blacks, UNDER THE KNIFE, NOVELTIES CUT TO $1,50 Figured Arlmures, Sollels, Serges. Granites, etc, etc. We say to move them. StOO values now 83 c, 85c values now 72c. Our loss your gain. Ladies' Hosiery 15c value, fast black, full regular made beamless; a wonder. Sco our center window. For tills week we 10 cents a pair, Chatelaine Purses: big new line lust enened: Shopping bags and pocket books. 25. 40, 5Qc to $3,50, JOSEPH MEYERS k SONS. 278280 TXtiSPHOMB XO. 1) The Royal I th highest grade bafcifff pewoVr known. Actual tests show K goea oao- Utlrd further than any ether breed. TV POWDER Absolutely Pure BOYt MKIN9 POWMH CO., NEW YOIW. The only progress made In congress yesterday on the various other war measures pending, was the passage by the senate of the naval bill. The war revenue bill, It Is announced, will bo reported today and pass tho house some tlmn this week. Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Herald sent the fol- lawlng special last night. Hawaiian annexation which would not be ac complished In times of peace is moro than a probabllty now that war Is on. It is learned that a great effort Is to bo made next week to procure the ratlticitlun of the treaty annex, ing the Hawaiian islands to tho United States. Secret sessions are to begin early in the week, probably tomorrow, for this purpose. At last uccounts there were 55 votos In the senate assured for tho treaty, less than required. Senator Davis believes now that some of the original opponents of tho treaty have been made to appreciate tho strategic value of the Island, In view of the pending war with Spain. There is no longer any danger of ob jection from Japan to the annexation propostlon, for It Is said that there Is already a tacit understanding be tween the United States and Japan whereby the latter country will event ually bo given control of tho Phil ippines in return for certain assist ance during tho war, tho character of which will soon become apparent. Continued on third page. A Full Fokce, Tho Salem Woolen mills are being operated in all of the departments, a full force being employed night and day. By reason of the recent destruction by (Ire of tho Waterloo mill, double work has been thrust on tho local mill and Its capacity Is taxed. Several orders that had not been filled by tho Waterloo mill are being attended to by tho Salem mill. Mr, Kay was seen this morning and when asked as to whether or not the Waterloo mill would bo reconstructed, replied that while In all probability tho plant at that place would, somo time be re placed, It would not bo reconstructed In the Immediate future. Late Hours. Clarke Smith, aSa lem youth, was this morning given twenty days for keeping late hours, but sentence was suspended pending his good behavior. e. Both DisoiiAnaED. Upon motion of District Attorney Charles Smith and Tina Brown, tho youthfnl pair that was ariestcd Sunday morning on a churgo or lewd cohabitation, were this afternoon discharged. HIGH-CLASS THE COKE. $1,25 Fancies, the lino shown you is un surpassed, Many now weaves to tro at New Vestee Suits, New TwcvPiece Suits Special Offerings This Week Commercial tt, cow wt C,