Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 22, 1898, Image 3

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    """ .I4JI49PII iiWi-J"
'VimtW'W- fnWtnm-i i jiisspisspitfss. j iff JJilfflWHUilgJ
A Positive Cure for Dyspepsia.
Tills may rend as though wo were
putting it u Utile strong because It Is
generally thought by the iiinjorltv of
people that Dyspepsia In Its chronic
from Is incurable, or practically so.
But we have long "Ince shown that
Dyspepsia Is Incurable, nor Is It such
u ditllcult matter as it first appears.
The tioultlo with Dyspeptics Is
that they are continually dieting,
starvinjj themselves, or golnp to op
posite extremes or else deluging the
already over-burdered stomach with
"bitters," "after dinner mils." etc..
which Invariably increase tho diffi
culty even If In somo cases they do
give a silent temporary relief. Such
treatmeut or the stomach simply
make matters woise. What tho stom
ach wants Is a rest. Now how can the
stomach become rested, recuperated
and at the same time the body
nourished and sustained.
This is the great secret and this Is
also the secret of the uniform success
of Stuart 's Dyspepsia -Tablets. This
is a comparatively new remedy, but
its susess and popularity leaves no
doubt as to its merits.
The tablets '.rill digest tho food
anyway, regardless of condition or
The sufferer from dyspepsia acord
ing to directions Is to cat an abund
ance of good, wholesome food and use
the tablets before and after each
meal aud the result will be that the
food will be digested no matter how
bad your dyspepsia may be because
as before stated, the tablets will di
gest the food even If the stomach In
wholly Inactive. To Illustrate our
meaning plainly, If you take 1,800
grains of meat, eggs or ordinary food
and place it in a temperature of 93
degrees, and put with it one or
tuc meat or eggs almost as perrectly
as if tho meat was enclosed within
tho stomach.
The stomach may be over so weak
yet these tablets will perform the
work or digestion and the body and
bralu will bo properly nourished and
at the same time a radical, lasting
cure of dyspepsia will be made be
cause the much abused stomach win
be given, to some extent, a much
needed rest. Your druggist will tell
you that of the many remedies ad
vertised to cure dyspepsia uono of
them has given so complete and gen
eral satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets and not least in importance
in these hard times In tho fact that
they are also tho cheapest and give
the most good for tho least money.
A little book oo cause and euro of
stomach trouble sent freo by addres
sing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Bread and Uutter. That's what
we llyo by, and the one thing above
all that every man, women and child
wants Is good bread. Try Strong's
bakery and get it. 20-3t
Thirty-five years makes a eenerntion
That is "how long Adolph Fisher, of Zane -ville,
O, suffered from piles. He vas cured
by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch
Hazel halve. Stone's drug store.
Pain has no chow with Dr. MlleV Pain gills.
I O.C.T.Co's
leaves for Portland Monday, a
Wednesnday and Friday, 7 :45 a.ir
Quick time, regular fei- x
2 vice and low rates,
Dock between Stat
and Court streets. T
: Agent, Salem. 4
Arc You Out of Soap ?
Try our
20Ounce Star Savon
5c a bar or 6 for 25c,
The best and cheapest
soap in the world,
Star Grocery,
loo COURT ST. PHONE 202-
J. A. Itotan has moved iuto tho old
J.G. Wright stand, 229 Commercial
street.and handles a full line of under
taking goods, furniture, wall paper,
and mouldings.
Carpets at Cost
to close out. Prices on everything
tho lowest. Second hand goods taken"
in exchange. Don't miss us
Do You Eat
Sweet Potatoes
Pie Plant,
Green Peas,
Mustard Greens,
Cabbage, etc.
We have them raised especially for
our trade and sell none but the best,
crisp and fresh at all times.
2 State street.
New Goods !
We have Just received a new lot of
groceries among which you will find
tho follewing: A new Tillamook
cheese, White Sage honey, preferred
stock oysters (tho biggest and best
oyster in tho market.) Minced Razor
clams, Preferred stock sweet corn,
choice solid Pack Tomatoes, Yellow
Crawford Peaches, Queen Olives,
Blue label tomato catsup and a fresh
stock of Soda Crackers and sweet
cakes. Including Royal fruit wafers.
Apple crisps, Lemon -snaps, Ginger
snaps and Cupid Kisses.
Allen Bowersox,
Phone HO. 406-408 State street
Mi i I
Local Political Changelings Threat
en Violence,
Congress Recognized Cuban Independence
While He Opposed It.
The Salem Statesman published the
statement that McKinlcy's message
was almost universally condemned by
Salem Republicans as weak and vac
illating. The Salem Republican or
gan criticised It severely. A Repub.
Hcan state official in a Salem barber
shop condemned the message and em
ployed shockingly abusive epithets
about the president. A few days later
when the nows came that McKinley
had signed the resolutions of congress
demanding the Independence of Cuba
tho Statesman reversed Its criticisms
into applause.
The state official lcaprd out of his
barber chair half shaves snd shouted,
'hurrah for the Presidentl" as a mat
ter of fact, any cool-headed person of
ordinary intelligence could see that
congress reversed the president, in de
manding that Spanish sovereignity
our Cuba cease and that tho Cubans
be given independence by intervention
of American arms. McKinley argued
In his message in a nebulous manner
against Independence and recognition.
Tno attempt of a llttlo coterie of
local partisans to make political capi
tal out of tho criticisms of tho prasi
dent's weak and vacillating attitude
on the Cucan question will fall. They
talk about resenting with violence
such criticism, and of suppressing all
criticism of his policy is nonscnlcal In
our free country. The simple fact is
McKinley handled the subject in bis
message in such an awkward and un
American manner, that an American
congress had to turn him down or turn
down the American people. It turned
down the president.
Tho Philadelphia American expres
ses the Idea exactly:
"In questions Involving our re.
latlons with foreign po v , in na
tional disputes and quarrels no true
American recognizes paity lines, all
stand .behind tho president as the
chosen representative of the nation
Jult as If all were the same party. And
so far as such questions are con
cerned all Americans arc of one party,
belong not, to a Republican
party or Democratic ot Populist party,
but to an American party, one and
all. Americans look upon the pres
ident as their chosen leader In such
affairs whether tbey favored or op
posed tils election. They fee) humili
ated when he does not stand to their
idea of what the national Interests
and honor demand just as members
of his own party would feel humili
ated if he should make grievous
blunders in the carrying out of some
domestic policy to which he is
pledged. As display of weakness in
domestic policy is felt by partisans eo
is display of weakness in foreign
policy keenly felt by all Americans,
for in -national quarrels we all are
partisans of the President, wishing
him well as tho defender of tho na
tional honor and Interests."'
The truth is the policy President
McKinley has pursued of one of faint
heartedness and indecision that has
given Spain an advantage over us by
making it possible for ber to go to the
European courts with the plea that
wo arc the aggressors, and unjust ag
gressors upon her rights, that we are
bent on forcing was as shown by our
refusal to bo satisfied by the conces
sions made by Spain even when those
concessions are all that we asked, by
our disposition to demand new con
cessions just as Spain grauts the con
cessions first asked. President Mc
Kinley, by his Indecision, his hesita
tion to asked that which tho Ameri
can people haye with great unanl
mlty demanded for months, and that
whicb alone can bring peace, has
given good ground for Spain to rest
this plea. Before the eyes of mon
archical Europe, sympathizing natur
ally with Spain, we have been made
to appear In the wrong, whereas they
should have been obliged to recognize
the disinterestedness of our motives
and the Justice of our position.
We are no less in the right in now
insisting upon the recognition ot free
Cuba as tho only basis for the settle
ment of our differences with Spain
than we would hayo been if Mr. Mc
Kinley had plainly and early made
known to Spain this demand and bad
not fallen into bungling by his In
decision aud hesitation to ask of
Spain that single concession that
could alone prevent war In the fear
that such demand would precipitate
Tt was left for congress to make
known to Spain what the president
failed to make known, namely, mat
only one concession by Spain can avert
war, and that is the surrender of
ber sovereignty over Cuba. It be
hooves us as a self-respecting people to
demand what we expect, what we are
resolved on attaining peacefully If we
can, but forcibly If we must, the in
dependence of Cuba, and cease to trifle
with the question. With nothing
short of this will the American people
be satisfied, and if Spain will not
yield this without war she must yield
it after war.
To show that It was Republicans
who criticised McKinley mosteeverely
we append a few criticism from Re
publicans and Republican papers:
Denver Pest:
President McKinley Is clinging to
tho Idea that the Spanish controversy
can be settled peacefully with a per
sistency that is only equaled by tho
faith bo had in bringing about an
international agreement on tho silver
New York Evening Sun:
And this policy, after all, leaves the
destruction of the Maine and her sail
ors to bo arbitrated.
Portland Oregenlan: "Tho course
of tho administration has been such
as to thwart tho hlghmlnded and de
liberate determination of tho Amer
ican people that Cuba shall be free.
This he has done In precisely tho way
a bad lawyer bungles his pleadtngs
and leaves his client without stand
ing In court on tho day of trial."
President McKinley was handed in
eftlgy Monday by a party of disgusted
Republicans at Elgin. ;111.
if tr"c Maine question had been han
dled with decision and firmness from
the very first, and Spain had been
forced to make amends on that Is
sue, the way out of the Cuban dlfll
culty would have been comparatively
easy. In tho gamo of diplomacy
the United States has played a
second and tuneless fiddle. Wo have
not taken our strongest position be
fore the world. But, despite tho rele
gation of the Maine outrage to the
position of an "incident," it is still
the burning question of the hour.
The (destruction of tho Maine Is the
act that will justify us in the eyes of
the world and ot history in striking
Spain down and in driving her from
America. -Oregonian, April, 21, 1898
m'kinley denounced.
The Falls City Republican club, of.
Louisville, Ky., have adopted the fol
lowing resolutiens:
"Whereas, Tho latest Information
from Washington plainly Indicates
that the nation's chief executive is
either a fraud or a coward, a traitor or
an unscrupulous trickster; therefore
be it
"Resolved, That the Falls City Re
publican club repudiates William Mc
Kinley as a Republican or an Ameri
can, and regards him as a Benedict
"Resolved, That wo condemn the
cringing attitude of Walter Evans,
our representative, and call upon him
to act with other true Americans in
avenging the murder of ournoble
dead, the victims of the Maine."
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the descased portion of tho ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remed.
les. Deafness Is caused by an InJ
flamed condition of the mucous lining
of the Eustachian Tube, When this
tube gets inflamed you have a rumbl
ing bouna or lmperiect Hearing, ana
when it is entirely closed deafness Is
the result, and unless the Inflamatlon
cm be taken out and this tubo re
stored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destoryed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which Is nothing but an Inflamed con
dition of tho mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafnes3 (caused by
catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars,
t rcfi
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
O'Sold by DrugglskSc.
Nobody need havo Neuralgia. Got Dr. lilies'
Pain Pills from druggists. "One cent a doe-"
Cottage Hotel in this city, April 20,
1898, Miss Ida M. Flnlay to B. F.
McLaughlin, Rev. Wm. Manning
WEBSTER. At Seattle, Wn Wed
nesday, April 20 1898, Mlas Gertrude
Webster, of kidney trouble.
The deceased young lady formerly
resided In this city, her parents liv
ing about seven miles south of this
city and an only sister, Miss Julia
Webster, Is making her homo with
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Kccler on Front
The remains arrived In Salem on
the Roseburg mail this morning and
at 3 p. m. were Interred In City View
cemetery, after brief funeral services
conducted by Rev. W. C. Kantner.
Where the blood loses its i
J5 intense red grows thin and &
(B watery, as irvanemia, there is
a constant ieehngf ot exhaus- &
tion, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depressed.
I Scott's Emulsion
I of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites of Lime and Soda
m is peculiarly adapted to correct
this condition. The cod-liver
oil, emulsified to an exquisite
m fineness, enters the blood direct
and feeds its every corpuscle,
giving vitality to the whole
n system, I he hypophospmtes a
$ reach the brain and nerve 5
ctatresand add their strength-
I eaing and beneficial effect.
$ If the roses have left your 1
cheeks, if you arc grovinc
5 thin and exhausted from over- y
work, or if age is beginning
I to tell, use SCOTT'S Emuf-
Ht ur you gel SCOTTS ErauUU n
7 Alldraggbu, iociadti.oa 3
t, SaTT & BOWNE. Chcmutt. Vtv Y-r JT
All the Troops Are Leaving lor the
Chicamauga, April 22. Reorgan
izing tho troops and forming tho
great urmy began In earnest today at
historic Chacamauga park. An Im
mense force of laborers were kept at
work all night long building extra
sidetracks and chutes for cavalry
horses, artillery and wagons. Tho
first regiment to reach tho rendeyous
wa? the sixth cavalry, which arrived
last night from Fort Myer. General
Brooko yislted the camp today and
mapped out tho grounds.
Spokane, April 22. Seven com
panies of tho sixteenth infautry from
Forts Sheraian, Spokane and Idaho
left at 7:30 o'clock last nl-ftit for Chic
amauga Park. It ivas tho original
intention for tho regiment to go to
New Orleans but the orders were
changed at the last moment. This
change was made because It was found
to be difficult to get camping grounds
at New Orleans with a suitable water
supply. The citizens of Spokane
presented the regiment with a hand
some flag.
Alliance Possible.
New YouK.Aprll 22. A Herald dis
patch from Washington says:
Henry White, secretary of the
American embassy in Loudon, is here
on a diplomatic mission In connection
with the relations of this government
with that of Great Britain, and tho
particular relations growing out of
tho situation between this country
and Spain. One official high in ad
ministration circles 6ald that Mr.
White Is hero In connection with tho
preparation of a new treaty between
the United States and Great Britain,
something on the line, he believed, of
the arbitration treaty which failed
last year. Ho only knew that somo
kind of negotiations were in progress,
and that Mr. White Is here In con
nection with them.
Tho only Information vouched for
In response to an Inquiry at the 6tatc
department is that Mr. White is here
In connection with affairs pending in
the embassy In London. In splto of
all this mystery there Is reason to be
lieve that he Is hero in connection
with a proposition "sounding" is the
exact diplomatic word for this gov
ernment .from Great Britain as a
new treaty, wide In Its scope as to in
clude not only an arbitration alliance
under certain circumstances, cer
tainly with nothing leis than positive
assurances of the friendship of the
British government In the present
crisis and its willingness to go to any
extent to proye this good feeling.
Pans Press Comment.
Pakis, April 22. The Republlque
Francais says:
"Sinco Europe Is powerless to re-establish
peace, to protect tho weak
against the strong and to .'obtain tho
respect for the best established rules
ot international law, let it at least
bow down before the last knights we
are to see, perhaps in this world, where
money ishsneeforth to reign."
The Times says:
"With the best will In tho world, it
is not clear how Spain could preserve
an aiom of self respect were she to
consent to the Imperious summons of
a foreign government to evacuate
Cuba. Whatever may be our verdict
as to the incapacity of Spain to govern
Cuba, we must admit that since the
armistice the United States has done
iti best to force Spain to fight."
A Man, Yes hundreds of them In
Salem, says ho Is always satisfied and
has no complaint whateyer when ho
purchases a La Corona cigar, ne Is
supporting a local industry whose
production is to be commended by Its
Herd Up.
Solomonville, Ariz, April 22.
The stage between Geronlmo and
Globe was held up about five miles
north of Geronlmo by two robber?.
They took tho registered mail and ex-
nress and robbed all the passengers.
The robbers went north. Agent Rice
of San Carlos sent Indian scouts to
take the trail. Sheriff Blrchtleld left
tojolnilu the pursuit: It is not
known how much booty the robbers
The Play. The Silyerton dra
matic club will produco the cele
brated Historical drama at the Reed
tonight. The sale of seats has been
large. Tho company U composed of
Sllverton'8 best dramatic talent and
It Is said thoy put up a good show.
The price charged for this evenings
entertainment Is 25 cents to all parts
of the bouse.
Whether on pleasure bent, or busl-
noaa talrn nn AVnrtf t.r I n Jl Imttlfi Oi
Kyrup of Figs, as It acts moit pleas
antly ana eueciuauy on me wuuuys,
nver, ana oowjes. preventing iceiu,
ueaaacnes, anu oiuer mrui ui iu.
ness. For bale in 60 cent bottles by
all leading druggists. Manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Cooi-
pany only.
Surprise May be In Store.
New York, April 22. A Horald
dispatch from Washington says: '
Information or the sailing of the
fleet has been received by tho attaches
of the Spanish legation. It Is con
ceded to bo highly probable that tho
fleet will hasten across tho ocean to
Porto Rice and Cuba to prevent by
force the ousting from the Islands or
the naval and military forces of tho
Spanish government now there. On
the other hand It Is possible that tho
ships have gone to tho Canary islands
but this is considered improbable.
Spain's answer to President McKln
ley's ultimatum may take the form of
shot and shell. Her formldablo fleet
which has been mobilizing at tho
Cape Verde Islands for somo days
sailed on Wednesday from that point
for an unknown destination. Tho
fleet comprises the cruisers Oquendo,
Cristobal Colon, Infanta Maria
Teresa and VIzcaya; the torpedo-boat
destroyers Furor, Terror and Pluton,
and tho torpedo-boats Arlct, Azor and
Rayor, and pcrliars tho battle-ship
As a result of Information which
the Spanish attaches have received,
the officials aro confident that tho
battle-ship Pelayo, which was official
ly reported to havo sailed from Cadiz
on Sunday last, joined tho squadron,
and that furthermore arrangements
havo been made for tho reinforcement
of the-squadron by tho armored cruiser
Carlos V
Spain's action In collecting such a
formidable fleet utSt. Vincent has
been a subject of considerable and
anxious speculation at tho navy de
partment, and It will receive consid
erable consideration at a meeting of
the strategic board.
The Carlos V Is prohaps tho most
effective of Spain's men-of-war. She
is an armored cruiser of 0990 tons.
Her batteries consist of 20 guns. The
Pelayo, the only battlc-slilp in tho
Spanish navy of any value, was orig
inally built 12 years ago, but the
changes which have been mado In her
battery in France hayo increased her
efficiency to a great extent. Such a
fleet might bu able to dispose of
Commodore Schley's flying squadron.
Berlin Hostile.
Berlin, April 22, Tho Vosslche
Zeltung, though acknowledging the
"tragic guilt of Spain," maintains
that the United States Is morally Btlll
more culpablo by "nourishing tho
rebels for years, and by finally em
ploying the Maine disaster as a mere
pretext, and adopting violent meas
ures." "All this island is nnder the Influ
ence of a small but powerful group of
speculators, and with sugar us their
basis of policy, their interests are
dictated their purses. This Is all tho
more odious because it wears the
transparent mantle of humanity, de
votion to liberty and other high
ideals. America's policy in Cuba has
been characterized by violence and
hypocrisy, and has not a single en
nobling feature."
Tho National Zictung has an art Iclo
In a similar strain.
A Quotation. "Try all things
hold fast that which Is good." A trial
order of groceries at Branson & Co's.,
will convince you thata higher grade
of groceries Is not to bo found any
where. Quality Is tho primary con
sideration at this Salem's leading
grocery house.
lion. Jus, Simon returned to the
mctiopolis today hiving iiad business
before tho supreme court.
From Extreme Nervousness.
THAT no odo remedy can contain tbe
elements necessary to euro all diseas
es, Is a fact veil known to overyono.
Dr. Miles' Sytlcm ot Rcstorattvo Remedies
consists of koven distinctively different
preparations, each for its own purpose.
Mrs. L. O. Uramley, 87 Henry St., Bt. Oath
erlnes, Ontario, writes: "For years I suf
fered from exfeme nervousness and annoy
n constipation, developing Into palpitation
and weakness of tlie heart. I was unablo to
sleep, suffered much from headache, pain In
my left side, palpitation and a constant
f eellnj of weakness and prostration. I began
using Dr. Mile Nervino, Heart euro and
Nerve and Liver I'll Is and the Anti-Pain
Fills to relieve sudden paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much Improved
and tbe pains and aches and weariness left
me. 1 then took Dr. Miles' Restorative
Tonic and am now restored to my former
good health."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Rook on dis
eases of tbe heart and
nerves free. Address,
H srrfvvw H
llatiHh A I
E I Willi MH I
roitTLAND, April 20. Wheat vallej
88c; Walla Walla, fcCe.
Flour Portland, S-1.30; Superfine
2.o0 per bbl.
Oats White 38(339o.
Hay Good, 311W12.C0 perton.
Hops iwicc; old crop 46c.
Wool Valley, 1416c; Eastern
Oregon, fcVn)12c.
Mlllstull Uran,318; shorts, 318.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 84 5
turkeys, live, 1313ic.
Eggs Oregon, 12cpcrdoz.
Hides Green, salted 60 lbs, 7(58c.
under 60 lbs,0t7c;shecp pelts,10t5c,
Onions $2.25 per sack.
Butter Best dairy, 4550c; fancy
creamery, GOcfrf'Soc a roll.
Potatoes, 3.rS45c per sack.
Apples 75fa$l a box.
Hogs ITcavy, 84.25.
Mutton Weathcis4c; dressed, Gc,
Beef IHeers. $3.60r4: cows. 32.00:
dressed, Ci(ffi7.
Wheat 77c.
Oats 3032c.
Arples,3oyf4oc In trade.
Hay Baled, cheat, $0J11.
Flour In wholesale lots, $4: re
tail 34.40.
Hogs dressed. 5jc.
LIo cattle 3Jc.
Veal 5(a03.
Butter Duiry 12lCc; creamery,
1 8(a)20c.
Sheep Live, 3c a lb.
Wool Best.l6(a18e. Mohair 2728c
Hops Best 8l4c.
Eggs- He cash.
Poultry Hens, 8c;sprlng -chickens,
10W15c; ducks; 8c per lb.
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8c;
ham, 10c; shoulder, 8J(a9c.
Potatoes 20o In trade.
Impure Blood in Spring.
This Is tho almost universal ex
perience. Diminished perspiration
during winter, rich foods und close
conlinement indoors nro some of the
causes. A good Spring Medicine, like
Ilooa's Sapwparilla, Is ncce.ssary to
purify tho blood and put tho system
In a healthy condition at this season.
Hood's Pills arc tho best family
cathartic and liver tonic.
It you want tho best when dyeing,
bo sure you get Perfection Dyes.
They do uot fade. tt
rii tie-
it ea
'7.4 .,&. eterv
eUcJUM !.
Should you
Journey by
sea or laod,
food and
W flint tli A
if bitters will
neutralize all
and keep tho
system In
Paints, Oils Window .Glass Var
nish, and tbe most cotuplete stock
of Brushes of all kinds in tho state
Artists materials, lime; hair, ce
ment and shingles; and the finest
4 nunlltv of ftnsn Heed.
New today advertisements lour lines
or Iojs in tills column Inserted threo
times for 25 eta., 50 cts. a week, $1
per mouth. All ovor four lines at
same rate.
AGENTS WANTED J.Free sample.
.Several earn 535 weekly cash. I'. O
f?7l, New York. it
PALMISTRY.r-Know your fate and for
tune, comult Mini) Eldora scientific palmist
sitUfaitionr. I.adles only, 363 Capital st,
narthwent tower. 4 16 im
farm 20 miles from Salem, Terms to suit
If you aie the right party. Inquire of
Geo. GrlswoUl, 55 State street, .Salem,
the Perfection stove pipe holder. It is
guaranteed to hoi J the pipe In the chimney
and is cheaper than wire and pails and
cannot be seen after tt Is put on. Manfg'd
by Gtis-Aold & Chate 55 Slate street,
Salem, Or. Agents wanted. 3-26 I m
TO BXCHANOB-For farm property, a
good home place of 5 acres. One mile
from state house on car line. Good build
ings with plenty of tree and vine fruit. If
this interests you give description of your
property. Address T. II Journal office,
3-31 im
FTJIi-Llfe of Frances E. Willard," pub
lished under the auspices and indorssu by
the W, C.T. U. the only official book,
prepared by Anna Gorden, for 2r yrars
Miss Willard'i secretary, beautifully it.
lustrated; only ti, tremendous demand,
bonanza for agents, superb book, liberal
commissions, credit given, freight paid,
write miick for outfit and terms. The
Dominion Company, Authorized Distribut
ers, Uept, K, 250 Dearborn st. Chicago,
3-3Q 3Jt
WOOD FOR SALE, A limited amount
of second growth fir wood, for cash. Leave
oulenat the steam laundry. 2 33 tf
I'liAWfcJ WAirxiiu-uengns for b room
school house. '1 lie hoard of Directors o
Dmtiict No 8, of Coos county, Oregon, at
t, oquiue city, win receive plans and speclti.
cations, for a 6 roo-n, 2 story school house,
with basemen, modern heating and ?en
lilatine applianccs.brick foundation, so con
structed tnat 2 rooms iray be opened into
one for assembly, also so that two (2) more
rooms may be built onto house when needs
demand, Hie six rooms to accomodate 300
pupils, in sinoie scats. House conducted
ill, In single teats.
of hr and cedar. I'tice of house finished not
to exceed $4,500. Plans, esitnutes, and
terms to be submitted on or before May lit
1898 rights reserved to reject any or all
plans. Correspondence solicited lor pur -
chate cf school district -notes for erection
01 above bouse. Ulitrtct to be taxed)
(1500 annually for purpose of paying Mid
obligations, first levy now In hards
of shoiiff for collection. Dated Coauille
City, Oregon, April IS, l&)8, Geo, T,
Uoutell, bch. ol DUtrlct Clerk,
! J01 IGffij
V fFi? fBBi isiL
Both tho method, and results -when
Syrup of FiiM is taken ; it is pleasant
aud refreshing to tho trtsto, and acts
gently yot promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowols, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitua
constipation. Syrup of Figs is th"
only remedy of its kind over pro
duccd, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
hcalthyand agroeablo substances, iu
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
byrup of Fics is for salo in CO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand -will pro
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Es S, Lamport,
Saddlery, . .
Make a specialty of
Carnage Trimming!
Bring in your old harness and
Exohango for now.
Prices Always the Lowest,
Highest price paid IN CASH for old
iron, brass, epper: lead: zlne: eto
101 Court st. Salem, Or
. 4 7 tf
Jf BiThomas Tuthill,
and Assaj er,
Offlco with Salem Gas Light Ca,
No 4 Chemeketat P.O.Box X,
Salem, Oregon. Prompt return of ore
Bamplna. General analytical work.
McFadden 6. Pcnncbaker
(Successors to Ira Erh)
Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Moulding?, Etc.
First door north of Salem Iron Works.
Telephone 105. 2 7 3m
Free Illustrated lectuie to women every
Saturday, at z:y p. m. State Insurance
building, by
1 1 Manager
A cow truss on n new
principle A perfect
support to oil who
are ruptured,
dr. stones Dn.ua
Salem, Or
They Offer $.00.00.
For Any Case of Nervous or Sexual
WeaknesJiln Men Thoy Treat
and Fall to Cure.
No fake cure, but a scientific treatment ad.
mlntttered by physicians in good standing,
and specialties ln their line. The State
Medical Company cures Lost Vitality, Ner
vous Sexual Weakness, and restores Life Force
in old and young men. 'Ihey will guarantee
to cure you or forfeit J loo should they fall,
where their medicines are taken according to
directions. No money required in advance,
Deposit the money with your banker to be
paid to them when you are curednot becaus
The Stale Medical Company Is an incorpor
ated company wllh a capital stock of $250,.
000, and their guarantee is worth 100 cents
on ihe dollar. Their treatment is truly a
Magical Ticatment, and may be taken at
home under their directions, or they will pay
railruul fare and hotel bills to all who prefer
to go to iieadnuttters, 11 they I all to cure.
i This Company does not supply rnythlog
I free; they charge a reasonable price it tahe
I effect a cure, ar.d nothing if they don't, do,
I they will tell you exactly what it will sent
) before you take it.
Full information on request. Wrlle today,
siAli, w.ui' 7U- iu.
Suite 914 KamageDlk
Omaha, Neb
Um Dr. Mll
Neiivh I'lastccs Tor BPINAL
Ait arussiausoii etu loraw
Or. Miles' (sin Pills, "Ouo oent a JocH
O. jH. CflAOK
Sacoesser to Dr. J. M. Kswsm, & WWt
Corner, Salem, Or. Parti etarittac MSMfit
operations at saoderfrte feeaji aajr fcrsMli
in esp&cinl ieQttcitr
Shorts, cbop, Soar, mill teed, ot.
Telephone 178.
91 Coart'ai., 8alw, Or.
o. h. LAJttie
Merchant Tailor!
211 Commercial t,
EEPSulbj 5i; aiiri upwards,
Pauta $3 and apwArda.
I Art $
J Print I
t ou X
fc. l ss. A A 4 4 M
v-UlUP i i i i i i ii
CONOVBR does tbe 'finest
work t makes the lowest
1 At DEARBORN'S book store.
PleasonotJoo tho"cut In prloes
on the following
Slfjts, plain 10 ceflta
Unuer drawers 5 to locecU
Under shirts .5 to 10 eecU
Socks, per pair 3 ceate
Handkerchiefs I cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 ceatl
Sheets and pillow slips 24 centsper doses
and othev work in proportion.
ty Flannels and other work intelligently
washed by hand.
COIi. J, OLMSTEAD, . Proprietor
Mofel 5al?m.
Duly First Class House in the City. Rates
esonable. Sample rooms In connection.
Can to a'l trains and public buildings pass
the door, Corne Slate and High streets.
Hot meals served'ftom 8n.ni, to midnight.
German cooking.
With'Dach & Nadstnnech 326 Commercial
IQlf .Prop.
Mild drinks.
Cigars and tobacco.
Meals served.
Costello Placet North Salem.
4 21 im feSM. IFEICHTINGER, Prop.
G.S. IDHffl
State street, near railroad.- Freshest and
best meats. I My patrons say I keep the best
meats in town. a2E
Wok Miescke,
Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked
mens. Lard In bulk,;oc a lb. Cheapest market
In town. We make it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Drown & Son, ofjthe East Salem meat mar.
ket, have enlargedfand refitted their shop and
will be pleased to see all ot their old patrons
and the rett of the community. Orders taken
and delivered. Parents sending children
may depend on having their orders con
sclentiomly tilled. o-4it
Butchers and Packers
Ilest stock, best service and lowest prlcss
316 Coffvmercial tt.
For water set y!cc apply at oficc. Bills
payable monthly kj advc. Make
complaints at the office.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail d iu
gage and esprsss to all parts f tk stir
lrnmnl Mrvie T1aaI,a.. -
Tskpkesn Ws. y.
oid ci
Ma&feLMk Like
At Satetn sHenna Bysteg Mtd O
Works, Ho. IN Oomwttslsl
Orders by , mtail w msyrsss, will
luoeivH proNific wttnttott.
WaWemar Netaon, Prop
Kearny Street, Ban KrattoUoo, OaL Tw
district attorneys, stierlUs, sUetnftTS X
Jaw and private rarttes-l'repMsd to trssssst
all butlnvia ol a eonlMentlal 4 intrtosSr
character expodltVoutly a4
terras, Correiponswnts all