Holverson's Separate Skirt Wetwre Jt received a nice line of the newest spring novelties in ladles tktrts, consisting of Ottoman platds, fogey check, storm serges, brocades, etcwell made, latest cut, very stylish MHiisive general satisfaction. The prices range from 82 to 110 each. J Pretty ti&es of Summer Dress TFabricsFrom i 7c the Yard op a. CASH STORE. 3 ! HOLVERSON'S FfK "., f New Gloves, w Tut;receivcd for the Easter - trade, "A swell line of shades in sizes from 5 1'2 to 7. We are still selling "Mignon" 'gloves at 51,00 and "Virgin" - ia"at St50, although prices have advanced, vj, jr, jdajfcyuupi'b sl co. CALL A MESSENGER - - - -and have yoar notes and packages delivered, to ccllect a bill, to go on errands for you. Ask for special rates en merchants' packages. Charges reasonable. Bicycle ser vice. Ring Blue boxes or telephone 40- . , Lockwood Messenger System, Central office No. 208 Commercial street. The Weather. The air Is tilled with song of birds and perfume or blooming orchards. Forecast for Thursday fair, and cooler. PERSONALS. Miss Carrie Paine returned today from Eugene Mis. O. P. Terrell has returned from Mehama. Prof. Z. M. Parvin returned to Al bany today. Montague Lord Is visiting Corval lis friends. Mrt. M. L. Jonei, of Brook-., re turned home today. Mrs. B.E. Ford Is visiting rela tives at Junction City, Mrs. J. A. Scllwood and children, returned today from Turner. rion. John B. Waldo and wife, were In Salem seeing friends Tuesday. Itev. Arthur Lane, of St. Louis, was the guest of Rev. J. S. White today. Hon. W. R. King loft today for his home at Baker City on the afternoon train. Editor George Humphrey, of the Review, and Constable W. L. Jones returned to Jefferson today, Walter Manning arrived in tho city today from Nicaragua, Central Amer ica, on a visit to his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Manning. Mrs. F. Oberg, of Oregon City, who has been visiting her parents. Rev. Thirty Salem Ladies who have thoroughly tested the famous While House Coffee declare it superior to any ever used by them, SONNEIYIANN, Grocer, 124Statoht. Telephone Dl. 'Hreee (Soobe ! 15c a Yard, 20 different etyles In changeable effects, cheoks und fluids. 20c a Yard, Plalu serges und mixture, 22 inches wldo, grout value. 25c a Yard, Indifferent patterns In handsome novelties, 40 Inches wide. s29ca Yard, ' fidltfercat styles 40-Inch novelty dress goods, worth 35c u yard, 50c a Yard, 8 pieces, 38- rich novelty drees goods, worth 00c a yard. $600 a Pattern, 8 yard potteriM, silk and woo), high novelty dress goods, worth W a Mlk a wool, WW U illu, Mk m. rrn fwr up tie v Blouse Waists We are showing some excellent val ues In short or blouse walnt. The newest thine in fancy plaid ginghams, lawns, percale, dimities, organdies, batistes, etc. The styles arc prettier than last season The materials are more substantial and the price more moderate. Nice waists with detached collar from 60c up. Dotted Swiss, the Very Latest 20c the Yard up, CASH STOKE Braided wire girdles, Jeweled gun-metal girdles Turquoise and cerise velvets. Latest veilings, New trimming buckles, Everything to make the new Easter gowns most attractive, and Mrs. J F. Royal, returned home today. Hugh Goodell, of this city Is the latest to leave for the northern -cold fields, nis destination Is the Copper rtlver country. Elmer D. White, of San Francinco, was in the city today, appraising tbe loss by lire of the Thos. Kay Woolen mill at Waterloo on Saturday last. Rev. J. Bowersox, of La Fayette, and Rev. U. L. Pratt, of this city, of the United Evangelical denomination, went to Portland today to attend the annual conference of their church. CITY WATER IMPROVEMEETS. The City Council Enables Some Exten sions to Be Made. At a special meeting of tbe city council last cyenlng the mayor called to order, with Councilmcn Lawrence, Legg. McGrew, Furkhurstand Gra ham present. BILLS ORDERED PAID. Miss A. M. Parker $2 00 A. II.Forxtner&Cu 1 CO Burcn& Hamilton.: 5 00 A. J. Basev 1 60 Salem T. & D. Co 7 20 Georire Tuwnscnd 2 76 J. F, Ollmore 140 J.F. Gllmore GO L. J. Vlbbert 3 03 A. W. Peebles 30 00 Buren & Hamilton 150 The ordinance extending the Salem City Water Company's franchise from thirty to iifty years was brought up and after third reading was passed with but one dissenting vote. The purpose of the extension Is to enable the water company to secure further capital for the purpose of building a crib In the sand bar oppDslte tho pres ent crib. Tills improvement will be made during low water next summer, and will consist of a crib 20x80 feet ahout, 15 feet deep, with the top be low low water. A government permit must first be secured und many other details worked out, hut President J. M. Wal lace expects to have everything In ship shape us soon as the water is low enough to begin operations, and push It through at the earliest possible day. He anticipates by Introducing this nutural filtering process to glvo Sa lem tho purest water of any city on the Pad lie const, New Notauies. Joo Haiumcrsley, Gold Hill; J. U. Colcord, Newberg: J. T, Fletcher, Gales Creek; were com missioned today. m Incorporated. The Portland Seining Co., stock $0000, to conduct all kinds of lUhlng operations, filed articles toduy. 44-laek novelty draw tjwMto, vrortU art UUihm-1 ww. I WtiMt - to wu-e tooww; " WILL1S BROS. S CO WILL R. KINO AT SALEM. The Senator From Baker County Well Received at the' Capital. Senator King of Baker county, was given a most hearty and cordial re ception atSalem, Tuesday. He could not go two blocks on tbe streets In less than three hours. It was a con tinuous ovation from personal friends of all parties. Mr. King really came tto Salem to complete the proper lillng of the state ticket of tbe Silver andReform forces, and this was satisfactorily completed before he did any visiting. ne was Introduced to hundreds of Salem people In the afternoon and his time was taken with other lawyers untlf a late hour at night considering the law points raised about filing tbe nominations. He was unable to at tend the South Salem Bimetallic club meeting for that reason. Mr. King will be In Salem again, when the campaign is more fully en tered upon, and the intention is to meet a many people Jas possible loan Informal manner. The Statesman Ignored the presence of Hon. Will R. King In this city. He was not even "given the cuilomary courtesy of a personal item. The Re publican managers do not like the way King Is received by all classes of people and hardly know what to do to check the tidal wave of good will and friendly feeling shown toward tbe young leader from east of ithe moun tains. Tbe Man From Ireland. William C. Dayles, tbe famous Irish story teller with Jerome's Her ald Square comedians in their latest laughing success, "A Jay Iff New York," is without doubt one of the fastest talkers today on the American stage. It is impossible for him to talk slow; nature timed him to go sixty miles an hour, and be is always strictly true to time, ne is always In nigh spirits, always traveling at a break neck pace, and be tumbles one good 6lory on top of another so quickly that you arc always wondering what is coming next. Then too he has a pecular appreciation of things funny he has humor that takes hold of small things be will work round on trlylal points that other people would pass unnoticed, and he will dwell upon and develop that point until what was originally a side Issue, turns out to be an immense big joke. Opera bouse tomorrow night. Prof. Bernard. Mesmerist and Mental -Tclepathlst late of Paris, France, will stay In the city for a few days. The many cures performed by this man are miracles or tue .Nine teenth century. Prof. Bernard offers 8500 dollars to any person which he can not of paralysis, rheumatlsm,neu ralgla, stuttering, blinduess, alcohol and tobacco habits, all chronic and nervous diseases. Prof. Bernard can be consulted at the Willamette, be tween 9 a. m. and 8. p. m. 4-13-lm m Prof. Bernard. The great mes merist and ; electric brotoglst, will lecture and glvo practical exhibitions In mesmerism, mental telepathy, hypnotism and explain spiritualism at Forester's hall, corner Commercial and Ferry, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday evenings at 0 p. m. Admis sion free, reserved seats 10 and IPC. Nominations Filed. Tho nomi nees for state officers by the Peoples party, stale and district conventions. including those endorsed und ratified as nominees of the Union, were tiled today and the filing accepted for tbe official ballot. It the mlddle-roaders go on the ticket it will have to be by petition of 250 voters. i m i ii ii Postponed. Mrs. Wlllman an nounces the postponment of her "Pupils Musical .Evening" to Tues day evening the 10th, so as not to conflict with the entertainment of the Salem Band on the 15th Inst. Admis sion 25c Fine Remitted. The tine and leu prlsonment Imposed on J. A. Archl- bull of Junction City frr unlawfully killing a Chinese pheasant, was to day remitted by Governor Lord. fl Great. Sale The Osburn Racket Store is colour like hot cakes, and rare bargains are being made dully. No reserve every thing must go, und the prices are tbo lowesi over Known, Next door lo Albert's bank. Very reipectfully. N. J, DAMON. Belts, An luimenso assortment of all the late effects in best leather belts all colors, styles und qualities. We liuye belts at 17o good as you ottcn pay 25o for. Come und see, Big Drive in Envelopes, XXX white 5 and 6 3-4. 50 for 6c. 25c box 1-4 thousand. , tl a thousand vr hllo they last. That Great 3c Tablet Still leads the van for school use. Big stock on hand. 120 leaves, packet sle. 3c. Kutwer D4U4, marines, base bans, BjfwrWittK at tctet, price for WIGGINS' JOURNAL "X-RAYS.M McKInley was a dlsappointment- Geo. H. numnhrey, the X Ray art-. 1st of the Jefferson Review, Is In town today. Of course, Claud Gatch Is down at Astoria whooping up T.T.Geer for governor. n ..liinnllnl.ll..n-iilh mnnil- I niniiiKU"""",v" J"- mental failure of the age McKInley message on Cuba, The enlarged one cent dally thinks it ha9 more ReDUblican subscrioers than any Republican paper at Salem Jt would never aoio pay lawyers i really do anything for the taxpayers. Our Populist county treasurer ought It would never do to pay lawyers to to know better. Such a thine as cutting tbe 20,000 a year umbilical cord between Hon. Phil Metschan of Brandenburg and our state government is not to be dreamed of by the Republican .party. It's a cold day when Geo. Grab Binubam don't ring in a 10 per cest bill for collecting taxes for tbe county that would be collected anyhow. The X-Kay man minus ne can guarantee the old soldiers immunity from any slams at this Republican state conyeatlon. They are too badly needed thisyear. Now that the Cubans hae practi cally whipped Spain it Is proper for Gage, Hanna et al to demand that tbe U. 8. intervene and compel Ithe Cu bans to buy their own country. By the way, who's putting up for ; T. T. Geer's expenses this spring, traveling all oyer the state? John Q. , Wilson. John G. Wright, Tom Slmms, M. L. Chamberlain and W. F.Boothby wouldn't do such a thing. The Geer boom did not spring spontaneously out of tbe soil free gratis. It was carefully fostered and mustered into existence, and it will be seen who furnished the capital later on. The band was out, the streets were f ull of Jpeople rejoicing, parading and ratifying over the wonderful outburst of Americanism and magnifi cent display of backbone In McKin ley's message in a horn. John Daly of Corvallis was In town yesterday. He says Prest. Gatch is doing splendid work for the college. He Is a gentleman, a scholar, and has sense enough to keep out of re ligious and political controverles so far. It was really liberal of the A. P. A. managers to grab only NINE of the places on the Republican county ticket. Tho wonderful prosperity of the people is so great that they will not object to being taxed fortheparty machine campaign management, the expenses of keeping up tbe A. P. A. organization, and the salaries of the officials besides. The Republican state convention will probably suit even the fastidious tastes of the immaculate Bob, who edits the Statesman. Thcro will not bs many "bull farmers" like Geo. Dlmlck In that body. The bull whack ers and cow punchers are not sweet scented enough to associate with men of as fine cloth as the gentleman Bob of the Statesman, Bob Hendricks Is at Astoria. He is one of the leading Republican mana gers and undoubtedly forgot to leaye word with his young men at Salem to show the Union candidate for gover nor the proper courtesies due from an opposition paper. The young men of the Statesman bear King no 111 will, and did not intentionally ignore his vlsit:to the Capital City. Salem Statesman on McKlnley's message: 'There was palpable disappoint ment noticeable everywhere, and while party opinion was expressed with reserve and an evident desire to make the best of the situation, still men of all classes, In politics and out without carping at the president or distorting his motives, exhibited a want of satisfaction that was almost unanimous. A Salem dlspatchsays State Treas urer Metschan does not disapprove of McKlnley's Invertebrate Cuban mes sage Mr. Metschan has never been knowu to disapprove of anything. He is one of those sort of persons who would not have disapproved of the crucifixion of our Saylour had he been The Stearns at $50, By tho way have you noticed wnat a lot of "Yellow fellows" are peram bulating Salem these daya. Easy enough tc see where the pop ular trudo Is going at that price. Fact Is there never his been such valuo put Into wheels as this season, and E. O. Stearns & Co., met the pop ular demand squarely by putting tliolr best efforts Into the people's wheel at (50. No such other at $50. No better at any price. Occasionally an over zealous com petitor Is foolish enough to try to run down Stearns' quality, but It usually reacts the other way. Our many sales are evidence eneugh: Customers are posted these days. Stcarne ChainkM $125, You'll Botlce one In constant usa on Salem's streets these days, other lines, Biicicesi wheels shown at W0, tU and 40. Got style as well as quality. BAZAAR ! in Jerusalem but would have declared it was done according to due form of law. The coneresslonal convention that renominated Hon. Tom Tongue, con gratulates blm as follews: "for se curing the continuance of the work of improving Yaqulna harbor; the con struction of the locks In the Yamhill , river; the improvement of the Upper wm-impttp. and looking to the fur- il.or Imnrnvpment of COOS D3V. Co- nn.1 ii-r - - qaille, Tillamook, Sluslaw and other 1 Oretron harbors; the purchase by the 'government nf tbe locks at Oregon ' city; securing liberal pensions for tbe soldiers of the late war; furthering the measure to reimburse the Indian War Veterans for their looses In lay- mg ine louuuauuu u. i... .".- ealth, and granting them pensions, and, generally, their faithful labors in in.? the foundation of the common promoting the best interests of the 1 people of this district and of the state and nation at large " Deafness Cannot Be Cured, by local applications, as they canno reach the deseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitutional remed. lino TViifnoca is pniivH hv an In flamed condition or tbe mucous lining nf the Eustachian Tube. When this i tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbl inrr ciiinri nr Imiwrfw.t, hearinc and ' wiion it u entlrelv closed deafness Is -,, nrt lin,p the lnflamatlon can be taken out and this tube re stared to Its normal condition, hear ing orlll ho nVstni-vwl ferever: nine caes out of ten are caused by catarrh, which 1? nothing but an inflamed con ditlon of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O. gSold by Druggists, 75c. Cm Dr. Miles' Nertc PuisrrBS tor SPINAL WEAKNESS. AlldrncglstagelPemforgkT INFORMATION "WANTED. Amanda Schnll, Lancaster, Missouri, widow of Elhdge Schull would like to learn the ad dress of her brother-in.law. Joseph Schull formerly of Kirltsvillc. Missouri. 4 U Sw If the Doctor gives you a prescription for rued iclne, you want to have It hlled by some reliable party. So when you want glasses, we make a specialty of fitting them, and have done so for years. We have established a reputation as a tellable house In this direc tion, and we have the confidence of the public. Promptnes, Accuracy, Reasonable Prices That's our System, CHARLES H. HINGES, D. R., Expert Optician, Second door north of postofflce. Reed's Opera House. TATTON BROS., Managers. Phone 59. One Night Only, Thursday, April 14, Wm, Jerome's Herald Square Comedians, Presenting the great laughing success Jay in NeuJ. York An entertainment In three parts, by Wm. Jerome, author of "Town Topics." Jerome's Parodies. Maude Nugent's Songs. Davis' Funny Stories. Harry Taf fs Whistle. Entire lower floor 60c. First balcony fiOc. Balance of gallery 25c. Seats now selling. Reed's Opera House TATTOM BROS, Managers. The Musical Event ! One Night Only I Friday, April 15, Boston Ladies' Band ! Under auspices of t t i i Second Regiment Band, 20 Soloists vv20 Grand Street Parade at Noon. Entire lower floor 60o. First balcony (J0c Iinlanco of gallery 25c. Scats now ou sale. ' HEIR X Thursday, Friday and Saturday, A SPECIAL SALE DRESS - U 1C,r.r Vitne f Jg CVefy JfteCe OI W We will only mention a few of the many bargains wc arc offering i H A7n 45inch all wool black brocades, New designs, Good weight, worth 75c, 11 33c Finc Ufle of ncw mixtuf cs' 38"inchcs widC( latcst coIorin2Si 55c Lar2c assortment of ncw boucle effects very pretty. m 47c Efcg3111 linc of raiscd 38 20c 38"incn henriettas in all shades, m 53c All wool 46inch serges all shades. vat oft W 23c 40inch heavy serges changeable shades, A Handsome suitings in dress vt m If, Commercial St R S, Lamport, Harness and Saddlery. . . Make a specialty of Carriage Trimming! Bring in your old harness and Exchange for new. Prices Always the Lowest, SALEM, OR. The fabrics are 257 INrT matter how extraordinary your shape we any tailor can make We have the greatest line of spring suitings ever brought t this city and if you'll OUR PRICE TH1B Salem, Oregon. CHAS- GOODS TWqc- Goods 111 the HOUSe KedUCed UfeSS OOQb 111 Uic cWccls Jn a11 shac3cs lengths all reduced, 3 ALB 3 DAYS. f J r f9 Count On This ! . o Prices shall be at least as low here as nnywhere else In town, now much ower they may be depends. Holding up here aud there a bargain article is one thing, keeping an entire stock of clothing of the highest level of qual lty and assortment, and the lower leyel of prices Is another. Men's Business Suits S5, 56, $7,50, $8, $10, $12,50, S15, We bought the suits In large quanities. We positively offer them for 25 per cent jess mouey mau utuur uuuiuis. ima tuui Diimjr mi v.,.- - an impossibility, you neyer saw such good sultsjfor so little money. Come 10 and we will show them to yju, G.W. JOHNS io is the price for which you can select a dsome. and Serviceable iimj from an aggregation of over - ioo Patterns absolutely pure wool to your measure. call in you will convince yourselves 1 B, STE1M k fl) Popular One S, "iRIBLY, Manager ., . mmM' -:e: ON & CO, and fast colors, and flc will fit you as well a( IOQ5BST, - Price Hatters and Clothier SlIH Mill tA v f r K . 5,