Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 13, 1898, Image 3

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Bert Howard Writes an Interesting Let
ter Home,
Summit of the Chilcoot Pass, I
March 22, 1898. J
Deaii Father and the Rest:
Yours of February 22, received Bun
day. I did not know it was Sunday.
A lot of us chipped In and raised $0
to pay a man's expenses to go for our
mull at Dyca. There Is no transpor
tation for mall between Dyca and
Skagway. Yes I meet numbers of
people from Salem, 1 help them over
the pass, they work for me In return.
I ay $1 per hour. Some of the men
are pulling down $10 per day. Rates
arc going down also wages. I have
not received any Salem papers. The
mall service here is simply "terrible,
It is a rotten shame that we can not
have a better service. I have waited
three hours In line for my mall at
Dyca. I put a card in for myself Just
to see If 1 would get it and by ginger,
I never got It. It Is a big Job to
write all the details of the customs
and habits of the native Alaskan
We see more scltlshness and cussed
ness here on this trail In one day than
you would see there In a year. Such
cruelty as men manifest here Is tcr
I have seen men overloadldg their
dog teams and underfeed them and
provided no shelter for them except a
stake In the snow. Then abuse them
and whip them with mule whips, cut
ting the blood out of them because
they could not pull any more than a
few feet at a time. They use clubs
and sticks. One fellow torrowed my
cane for a minute, I did not know he
was going to use it on his dog, Itricd
to force it from him and he struck me
Avlth It. I whipped out my knife and
cut his dogs loose from his sled. STou
had ouht to see that sled go down
the mountain and dive into a snow
bank. There are several fights every
day over just such foolishness. Part
ners In camp will fall out and fight
over trivial things, for Instance,
whose, turn it Is to cook, wash dishes,
get wood, etc. There Is nothing in
the world that will briug out the
genuine cussedncss in a man
s r t rr.
W. . JL . V-U C
leaves for Portland Monday, ,
Wednesnday and Friday, 7 :4s n.u
Quick time, regular pei- 1
vice ana low rates.
4 Dock between trtat
and Court streets. J
t Agent, Salem 4
Star Oranges,
Star Lemons and
Star Frutt
of all kinds
at tho
Star Grocery,
Cabbage plants,
Onion sets
Early Ohio and
Early Rose
Seed Potatoes,
Get the best,
132 State street.
J. A. Rotan has moved iuto the old
3, G. Wright stand, 229 Commercial
street.and handles a full line of under
taking goods, furniture, wall paper,
nnrl tlinlllfl 1 DLTS.
Carpets at Cost
to close out. Prices on everything
the lowest. Second hand goods taken
in exchange. Don't miss us
m extuuufci. j, a. ROTAff.
Good Butter !
We arc now handling the Savage
creamerv butter and will always have
same In stock. THW brand of butter
took first prize at the state fair, and
Its quality is guaranteed.
New Goods !
We have Just rccolv'ed a new lot of
groceries a.fffing which you will find
the follewing: A new Tillamook
cheese, White Sage honey, preferred
stock oysters (tho biggest and best
oyster in tho market.) Minced Razor
clams, Preferred stock sweet corn,
choice solid Pack Tomatoes, fellow
Crawford Peaches, Queen Olhes,
Blue label tomato catsup and a rreslx
stock of Soda Crackers and sweet
cakes, including Royal fruit wafers.
Apple crisps, Lemon snaps. Ginger
snaps and Cupid Kisses.
Allen Bower sox,
Phone 140.
400-403 State street.
llko hardships, "bad weather and hard
work. I am wrttlng this In the sum
mit rcstuaraut. On our arrival at
Stone Ilousc wo found that all suita
ble right of ways had been staked off,
all machiues and engines shut out.
A raau by the name of Chrlstopherson
had the best and stralghtcst route.
Wo gave $1000 for the right of way.
The right of way Is worth $2000. It
Is the best place on.the pass for my
business. 1 broke my engine and
went to Sheep Camp, bought a bolt,
i and 17 Inches long which cost mo
$4, There are three blacksmith shops
and more woik than six shops could
do with two men to each shop. They
have yery few tools and small stocks of
Iron. Well I Started my engine up
the mountain. A storm arose and
became a blizzard. My ouifit was
snowed under. 1 located It from the
anchor, following down the line to my
engine, which was six feet under
snow. We could spade the snow like
sod. Our horse could walk on the
snow without a track. The telephone
line wires were covered. They had
to splice the poles. The snow was60
feet deep.
If you were here I could give you
good wages, but by the time you get
here It would be too late. There are
hundreds of men here, making very
fair wages. Eight dollars per day,
but they ayerage not much more than
expenses, cocslderlngthebad weather.
A gasoline expert came from Frisco
and said that it was to cold here for
gasolene the air was tollght.I told him
I knew a thing or two, too, I started
my gasoline engine while the themon
ator was 25 below zero. We got near
the summit, 1 got my loft ear froze
and quit. I proved to them that cold
did not effect tho gasoline. When we
started the engine It went right up
the steepest places where a horse could
not go, in fact, I believe It would
climb a tree. At the foot of the
summit there are several engines,
waiting for someone to pull them over,
The Alaskan Transportation Co. (The
Oregon Imprcement Co,,) has a gas
oline engine forty-live h. p.
There were 2000 people at the foot
of the summit to see tue and my
engine start up tho mou.u.iln. The
mountain Is about 50 degiocs. When
I started they Jcrrcd and sneered.
Soon their sneers turned to cheers.
The other day In going up the moun
tain with a trail of sleds, the strong
south wind blew my coat tall In to
govenercogs and bent the rod. I
dared not lot go the lever every
second I was drawn farther iuto the
wheels. I was not In position to shut
down. I yelled to Jim to cut, me
loose. He came with his big knife
and made my coat tailess. It was all
done In a few seconds. I hired some
men to cut a new trail near by ours
aud took about twelve hundred feet
of three quarter Inch line and streched
It on a bteep place so tho packers
could help themselves along. So wo
have our trail clear of footmen. It
stormed today very hard. We could
not work till 3 pm. We worked till
0 o'clock and took In $70 with $20 ex
penses. Wo will do fine hero If the
rush continues. The tramways have
only Just got their lines laid. They
will be able to carry any freight be
fore June 1. We only pull freight
to the summit.
Yesterday I went over to Crater
Lake. There ure many beople camp
ing on the ice. The Lake Is said to be
bottomless. The Skagway trail Is in
bad condition now, most of the travel
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
MB. O. O. BHTJLT8. of Wlnterset, Iowa,
inventor and manufacturer of
BbulU' Safety Whlffletrco Coupling,
writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. 'Two years
ago an attack of LaOrippe left me with a
weak heart. I had run down In flesh to
mere skin and bone. I could not sleep lying
down for smothering spells; frequent sharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sudden death, nothing could
Induce me to remain away from home over
night. My local physician prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and in a few days I was
able to sleep well and the pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tho
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feeling better In every way than I
have for years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the bctrt and
BoftSJLfca' -t
1 deters
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho Bys
tern effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and f overs and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro.
duccd, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, it
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
going by Dyea, it being the Bhorter
and cheaper route. Freight rates
from Dyea to Sheep Camp, fourteen
miles, are 2 cents per pound. From
thereto the scales 2 cents a pound.
From the scales to the summit Is two
cents. We haul from the scale to the
summit. We pay five cents a pound
for firewood. There Is no snow from
Dyea to the canyon. They use horses
and wagons to the mouth of the
canyon. They use sleds from there
to Sheep Camp. This Is a granlt
country. The Chlcacoot river Is about
the size of Mill creek now but In the
spring It will be a terror. The Santl
am won't be in it.
1 saw Geo. Johnson, coleman and
Draecr. I gave them $1 an hour to
help me a few hours. I hauled them
over the summitt. There Is about 250
head of horses between here and
Sheep Camp. Hay from $4 to $90 a
and sometimes t'.iere is none. I could
nut get enough for a bed.
There are two saw mills at Sheep
Camp. Lumber is from $40 to $75 a
thousand. In coming down off the
summitt the only way to get down Is
to sit down and slide to the canyon. I
have worn out four pairs of pants slid
ing down. It Is great fun. We :ome
like a shot down the 'mountain.
Packers are so close together going up
that they won't let them walk down
tho trail. Some of the men are killing
themselves packing. They load
themselves so heavy that the blood
actually runs from their noses and
mouths. We have put up over eight
thousand pounds today.
Summit of the Chilcoot Pass, )
April 4, 1898. f
I write you to let you know -that I
am all O. K. You probably would bo
worried after hearing of the avalanche
and 60 many people being killed. The
number will reach from 75 to 125. I
got In one slide on the night of tho
second and was carried down tho
mountain. I scrambled along catch
ing on to a wire cable there waiting
until the slide stopped. Ono of our
men was badly brulseo by the snow
coming down op his tent, (Mr. and
Mrs. Estes' tent-) She was In the
tent, It being submerged with snow.
She was the pluckiest one of all. She
pulled out her pocket knife and cut the
tent open and stuck a shovel handle
out and was thereby located by her
husband. lie, was digging near by,
nearly frantic. She is alright now.
Most of the people were pacxed so
tight that they were bla-:k in the
face. It was a most fearful
sight, Many being mashed out of all
shapo and almost unrecognizable.
Yesterday the; dug out 15, today 22.
I don't believe they will ever And half
of the"oi. Our line was covered up,
and we pulled it oat all coyered with
blood for 200 feet. There aro many
goods here that will never be claimed.
A number of men working for the
Chilcoot Transportation Co., were
killed. Many people pass hero crying
and mourning and some are Joyful
for having missed the avalunce.
At 9:30 last Saturday night J. L
Ware, a young man of 24 years, nar
rowly escaped being stabbed to death
by Frank Williams, at Scott's sawmill
flvo miles west of Haines, both being
employes at the mill. The men got
into a dispute over some trivial matter.
Ware nearly bled to death. The mill
hands threaten to lynch Ware.
The nine-months-old child ot Charles
Seaman was found dead in bed In Nc
halem Tuesday morning. The child
had pot becaslok, and it Is thought it
died In a spasm. JIH
Dr. K. A. Winship To Deliver An Address
Berore Marion County-Teachers.
In view of the Teachers Meeting
to bo held in the First Metludlst
church In this city on Saturday of
this week, County School Superin
tendent Goe. W. Jones has Issued the
following circular pcrtaluing to Dr. E.
Wlnshtp, of New Enland who will de
liver two lectures on that occasion.
"1 wish to call your attention to a
meeting of trio teachers of Marlon
county, at Salem, April 10, 1893. The
meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. and
close with a lecture in the opening.
"Dr. Winship, ono of the best
known and most distinguished edu
cators of New England, wlllN be with
us, and will give two addresses. It Is
seldom Oregon teachers enjoy the op
portunity ot hearing such a noted
educator, and I trust nothing will
interfere with your attendance. Be
sides Dr. Winship, Pres. Campbell,
Dr, Chapman aud others will be on
the program.
"No teacher can afford to tnlss this
meeting. Be present. Urge your fel
low teachers and patrons to attend,
as this will bo the most important
educational meeting held In the state
during the year.
"Teachers of other counties aro also
Invited to attend and participate in
the exercises.
Portland. April 13. Wheat vallej
83c; Walla Walla, 81c.
FloUr Portland, $3.85; SuperDne
$2.25 per bbl.
Oats White 3839c.
Day Good, $12(512.50 per;ton.
Hops iwioc; old crop 4(aoc,
wool valley,
Oreiron. 7(d)2c.
14lGc; Eastern
Mlllstuif Bran,$17;-shorts, $17.
Poultry Chickens, mixcd,$3.5C4 ;
turkeys, live, 1313ic
Eggs Oregon.'llfJ per doz.
Hides Green, salted 60 lbs, 78c.
under CO lbs,0i7c;sheep pclts,1015c.
Onions $2.2o$2.t0 per sack.
Butter Best dairy, 4550c; fancy
creamery, 50o55c a roll.
Potatoes, 3545c per sack.
Apples 75$l a box.
Hogs Ileavy, $1.25.
. Mutton Weathers 4c; dressed,- 6lc,
Beef Uteers, $3.50(a4; cows, $2.50;
dressed, 6j7.
Wheat 73c.
Oats 30c.
Apples,30(cD40c In trade.
Hay Baled, cheat, $9J.
Flour In wholesale lots, $3.50: re
tall $3.75.
Hogs drefsed, 5ic.
"Live cattle 3c
Butter Dairy 1518c; creamery,
bheep Lilve, 3jc a id.
Wool Best.l618c. Mohair 27Gj28c
Hops Best 8T4c.
Eggs- 0c cash.
Poultry Hens, 7c; turkeys 10c.
ducks; 7c per lb.
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8s;
ham, 10c; shoulder, 8ifVJ9c.
Potatoes 20c in trade.
Boston Ladies' Band Will be
seen at the opera house next Friday
night under the ausplcles of the
Second Regiment Band of this city.
The company is composed of 20 solo
artists and giyc a splendid musical
entertainment. Give our band boys a
lift next Friday night. Popular prices
25 and 50c.
You will bo pleased with tho result
when you use Perfection Dye. Ir.slst
on having them.
Thirty-five years makes a Generation
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zane-.
ville, O, suffered from piles. He was cured
by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Stone's drug store.
The color given to cloth by Perfec
tion Dves does not fade or crock. In
sist on having them, tf
M. L. Yocum, Cameron. Pa., says "I was
a sufferer for ten years trying most all kinds
of pile remedies, but without success. De
Witt's Witch Haiel Salve was recommended
to me, I used one box. It has effected a
peimancnt cure." As a permanent cure for
piles De Witt's Witch Hazal Salve has no
eqnal. Stone's drug store.
The contract for building tho gov
ernment hospital at the olletz agency
has been let to A. F. Peterson, of Cor
yallls, for $1707. He will begin work
at once, as tho bulldlig Is to bo com
pleted within 00 days after tho con
tract Is signed.
Thousands of women are cast-up dead
on the shores of life because of their own
ignorance or neglect No woman can be
free from pain, or safe from the ever-threatening
breakers of death, who neglects to
take proper care of the organs that con
stitute her womanhood. A woman who
neglects her womanly-self will be sickly,
nervous, pain-racked and fretful, and ap
proaching maternity will be a menace of the
grave. It is easy for a woman to avoid this
suffering and danger.
Wise women know that Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription is a marvelous remedy
for those troubles that make a woman's life
miserable, and fill the period of prospect
ive motherhood with fears. It is the dis
covery of an eminentand skillful specialist,
Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief con
sulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Over
90.000 women, have testified to the almost
miraculous action of this wonderful remedy.
It works directly on the organs distinctly
feminine. It makes them strong and
healthy. It cures all weakness and disease.
It prepares for wifehood and motherhood.
It insures baby's health and makes its ad
vent easy and nearly painless. Druggists
sell it. Nothing else is "just as good."
Mr. G. A. Connor of Alleghany Boring, Mont
gomery Co.. Vs.. writes. " My daughter, aged is
years, had a goitre coming on her neck and It
disfigured her very much. I am happy to say
that it has disappeared after the use of one bot
tle of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription "
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser is in plain English. Contains 1,008
pages and over 300 illustrations. If you
want a copy, paper-covered, send ji one
rent itamm. to cover the cost of mailing
only, to the World's Dispensary Medical
lasociatlon, Buffalo, N. V. If you prefer
cloth cover, send 31 stamps.
United in a common cause for the' sactcd
purpose ofprcrving the principles of gov.
eminent by the whole people, in fact as well
as in name, restoring and maintaining tqnal
ity, under that government, of all classes, we,
the people's Democratic and Silver Repub
lican parties of ihe state of Oregon, waving
all minor points of difference, and uniting for
the purpose of carrying out the greatest un
derlying principles upon. which we are all
ag.cod, do make and present to the people of
this stale the following declaration of prin
ciples, and to the carrying out of which we
solemnly pledge each a-d every candidate
upon our united ticket:
First We demand the free and unrestricted
coinage of (Uver and gold at tho present
hgal ratio of 16 to t, without waiting for
the consent ol foreign nations and we aie
unalterably opposed to the policy el the
present Republican administration In de
manding the retirement of greenbacks, and
the turning over of the money making power
of the government to the national banks, as
presented by the bill drawn by the Repub
lican secretary of the treasury, and indorsed
liy President McKinley; and we especially
denounce the avoned attempt by said bill to
fasten the country irrevocably and forever to
tho single Gold stsndard.
We demand a national money, safs and
sound, issued by the general government
only, without the intervention of the banks
ol issue, to be a full legal tender for all
debts, public and private, also a ju-t, equit-
au'e ana emcient means 01 distribution lircct
ti tho people through the lawful disburse
ments of the government.
tVe demand that the volume of circulating
medium be speedily increased to an amount
sufficient to meet the demands of the busi
nessi aud population of this country, and to
restore the just level of prices of labor and
We favor such legislation as will prevent
for the future the demonetisation of any
kind of legal tender money by private con
tract. We demand that the government, in pay
ment of its tbligations shall use its option
as to the kind of lawful money in which
they are ts be paid, and we derounce the
present and preceeuing administrations for
surrendering this option to the holders ol
govcrrment obligations,
We deman that there shall be no further
issue of United States interest-b;aring bonds
We demand that postal savings banks be
established by the government for the saf
deposit of the savings of the people and t
fsci itate exchange.
We demand the election of United State
senators by direct vote of the people.
We demand the initiative and referendum
system of law-making in it' optional form
local, state and national, and the submission
by congress of all important national question.',
for an adivsory voe of the people, until sucl'
time as the national constitution shall hav(
been amended so as to provide for direct leg
islation. We condemn as dangerous and unjust the
surrender, in all departments of the govern
ment, to t-e influence of trusts, corporations
and aggregations of wenlth generally and
th packing of the highest courts of the land
with corpora. ion lawers, too ;eady to do
the will of their late empl yers, and to ret
aside valid and wholeome laws passed by
the legisiaiivn departments of the states and
government, upon flimsy pretexts, at the be
hests of such institutions.
We are opposed to government by Injunc
tion. In state matte's, we demand.'
A simple and well-guarded legislation
A more equitable mode of appointing judges
of election.
Stringent laws to regulate the operation of
fish traps, fish wheels and nil fishing gear in
the waters within the jurisdiction of the
We denounce an condemn the corrupt and
estravagant Republican legislative assemblies,
and charge that the Republican party, in its
eagerness for the spoils of office, ins become
diided into waning factions, so that it is In
capable ot government as exemplified by the
condition existing in the office of the state
treasurer, there being at this time more than
$500,000 therein wrung from tho people by
the process of taxation, while sta'e warrants
are stamped "Not paid for want of funds."
We demand that all districts and county
officers be placed upon salaries commensur
ate with the duties to be performed by thru
Iuasmuch as railroads and other corporate
property U rot bearing its proportion of tax
atlon, we demand that such property shall
bear its just and equal share 01 the expenses
of government.
In the Spring.
Aurora, Or., April 1, 1898. The
wonderful popularity of Hood's Sar
saparilla as a spring medlclnB is due
to Its peculiar power to purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood. Mrs. G.
W. Yergen of this place says that she
has taken Hood's Sarsaparllia as u
spring medicine, and finds that It
builds up hcrsyRtcm, purities Iter blood
and relieves the miserable feeling she
has in the spring.
Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cat. To
district attorneys, sheriffs, attorneys at
law and private parties: Prepared to transact
all business of a confidential and Intricate
character expeditiously and on rcasonabl
terms. Correspondents all over ths world-
For Infants and Children.
51s fie- 0
5 wsjjn.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up
in the morning as fast as you can," the drug
gist recognized the household name for ''De
Witt's Little Early 1U ers," and give him a
bottle of these little pills for constinition,
sick headache, liver and stomach troubles.
Ston's drug store.
i m ' ""
It Is a great leap from the old fashioned
doses of bice-mass and naubeous physics to
the plesant little pills known a De Witt's
Little Early Risers. Tl.ey cure constipation,
sick headache and billiousnesi. Stone's drug
A torpid liver robs you of ambition and
vuins your health. De Wilt's Little Early
Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipation
and all st mach and liver troubles. Stone's
drug store,
n -i
To Curp a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
tablets. All druggists refund tho
money If It falUto cure. 26c. 10-14 0m
All droggIaUiBein)r7MiwNorvc7piaaiX!rh.
Or. Miles' Iain Pllhu "One cent a, doge."
Children like It, it saves their lives. We
mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croups, bronchitis,
grippe, and all throat and lung f troubles.
Stone's drug store.
I l ! -
The fanner, the mechanic and the bicycle
riders are lisble to expect cuts and t raises,
De Witt's Hazel Salve is the best ihisg to
keep on hand. It heals quickly, aud is a well
known cure for (lies, Stone's drug store,
i i
You will never know tho satlsfan.
tlon of dyeing until you use Perfec
tion uvea, 'rucy are uninani auu
permanent and easy to use. Be sure
you get them, tf
Til fu
ndi! J CUIUS
Results or the Test In Varions Forms
of Dyspepsia.
Chronio Indigestion or dyspepsia
while a very common trouble, has for
some tlmo been looked upon by able
physicians as a serious thlug,and that
no time should bo lost In treating It
properly at tho start, because recent
researches have shown that the most
serious, fatal and lncurahlo diseases
have their origin In simple dyspepsia
or Indigestion.
Diabetes Is simply one form of
indigestion, tho sugar and starchy
food uot being assimilated Uy the di
gestive organs. Iti Brlght's disease
the albumen Is not properly assimi
lated. While consumption and dyspepsia
are twin diseases, and It is beyond
question that dyspepsia makes a fer
tile soil fur the seeds of consumption.
But the trouble has been to find a
remedy that could be depended upon
to cure dyspepsia, as It Is notoriously
obstinate aud difficult to cure.
This has been the question which
has puzzled physiclnns and dyspeptics
alike, until the question was solved
three j ears ago by the appearance of a
new dyspepsia cure In the medical
world kuown as Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, which It was claimed was as
a certain, rcllablo cure forcvery form
of stomach trouble.
i'hyslclans however, would not ac
cept such statements without first
giving the new remedy many tests
and carefully observing results.
For three years tho remedy has been
thoroughly tested In every section of
the country and with surprising and
satisfactory results.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be
honestly claimed to be uspccllllc, a
radical lasllng cure for indigestion in
the various inrms of nclil dyspepsia
or sou' luit.ycii gas or wlr d on stum
uch, tc tii tic t blie, in clui.! fulhii'ss nr
pressure artur eating nod sltnlhii
symptutis resulting from disordered
digestion. St nail's Dyspepsia Tab
lets were not placed before the public
until this three years' trial left no
doubt as to tholr viiluo and they have
recently been olui.ed in the trade and
can be found on sulo at all druggists at
the nominal price of SO cents prr pack
age. No extravagant claims arc made for
the rctucdy. It will not cure rheu
matism, pr.eunionlu, typhoid fever
nor anything but just what It Is
claimed to cure and thatlscvmy form
of stomach trouble.
No dieting is necessary, good wholo
some food and plenty of it and you
may rest assured that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets will digest It.
Druggists claim for It that it Is a
pleasure to recommend It to dyspep
tics, becauso it glycs such universal
Little book on stomach diseases
sent free by addressing Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich. 4-11-13-10
How a man is
stomach and
liyer aro de
ranged. He
shrinks from
tasks that de
light tho
healthy. Tho
bitters renews
regularity and
dispels tho
gloom of
tot STOMACr-1 fr
Prescription Files.
All prescriptions compounded at
Geo. Caskett's drug store are now In
our posesslon, persons wishing any re
filled are assured that tho samo will
receive the most careful attention.
Our usual cash discount will bo de
ducted from tho price formerly
Thanking our many friends fur past
favors, we remain, very respectfully,
Dan'l J. Fry, Salem Or. 4 4 lmo
Thousands of suffer! rs from grippe have
been restored to health by One Minute Cough
ure. It quickly cures coughs colds, bron
'hitfs, pneumonia, astl ma, and all throat and
lung descales. Stone's drug store.
To Curea ,Cold in one day
Take Laxative Bromp Qulnlno Tab
tablets. All druggists rerund the
money If It falls to cure. 25c. 10-14-0m
Perfection Dyes arc easy to use, and
the colors are permaucnt to washing
and sunlight. Be sure you get them.
Palnta, OHa Winaoy! QaaiVat
nlab, and tbe most coiapleto stock
of Brushes of all klndn hi the state
Aitiata materials, lime; hair; ce
ment and shingles; and the flnost
quality of grass seed.
The leading implement house
of the VViUamcMc valley,
The best is cheapest
Racine buggies and hacks.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators,
Monitor & Tiger drills and seeders,
1'Janttt Jr. dnlk and cultivators.
McCcrnick binders, mower and rakes.
John Deer plows und harrows,
ell enztne and thrrsheri.
Rcjiairs kep; In stock for all ' the above
mentioned poodi.
For sale by
UwATmBURV, Maaas.r.
New today advertisements Jour linen
or less In this column inserted tlireo
Umea for 23 eta, CO c. a weak, SI
per month. All over four lines at
same rate.
HORSE PASTURE Good pasturage f r
horses, with plenty of good running water,
grass and shelter. Nine miles uth of
halem. Inqu're of II T. Mann, MJncy
WAM11D ,-A cirl to do ireneral house
work. A erman gill preltrcd, apply at
376 High st. 411 3t
TO EXCHANGE.- 160 acres four miles
from Salem for Dttkota or N 'brftska land,
too ceres under ."cultivation, fenced aud
well wateied, good buildings Addtess
''A'llournal. 4 11 3
supplies. Country work. $Joo talat)
and lib:ral c.cmmlsibns. R O. Evans &
Company. Chicego. 4 9 6t
fJ2 00 weekly &el in r M-fiultv n'ti.c n-
tumes. toilet articles, ami rwnt rusinmor.
double thcl valnc in hunls me -.resents:
exclusive territery: simple cutfit free. Lease
Soap Co.. Cincinnati, O.
iarm 20 miies irom aaicm. terms to sutl
if you aie the right party. Inquire ol
Geo. Uriswohl, SS State street, halem.
- , a. o-im.
the Perfection stove pipe holder. It is
Guaranteed to hoi 1 ihe pipe in the chimney
and is chenper than wire and nails and
cannot be seen after it is put on Manfg'd
by Griswold & Chase 55 Slate street,
Silem, Or Agents wanted. 3-26 1 m
TO EXCHANGE-For farm property, a
good home place of 5 acre. One mile
Irom state homo on car line. Good build
ings wilh plenty o! tree and vine fruit. If
this intticst. y u give description of your
property. Address T. II Journal office.
3 tm
FOR RENT - A goid do ible room for one
or two geiitiLvnen, 'n business pait oftity.
Kit .1 jw. livijire at 197 Commercial
12-te. tl
FUL-Life of Frances E. Willard," pub
lished under the auspices and indorssd by
the W. C. T. U. the only official book,
prepared by Anna Gorden. for at yars
Miss Wlllard'i secretary, beautifully il
lustrated; only $z, tremendous demand,
, bonanza for agents, superb book, liberal
commissions, credit given, freight paid,
write quick for outfit and terms. The
Domk'on Company, Authorized Distribut
ers, Dept. 8, 256 Dearborn st. Chicago.
3-30 3 it
WOOD FOR SALE. A limited amount
of second giowth fir wocd, for cash. Leave
orders at t.le steam laundry. 2 23 tf
Hieheat price paid IN CASH for old
Iron, 1 rnsa, epper: lead: zlnoi eto.
u. a. ttiutiAitua
101 Court st. Salem, Or.
Hule Wing Sang Co,
Fancy Goods, screens, ornaments,
bambo gooda, ladies' underwear,
oveialls, at bottom prices,
112 Court strict. Salem, Oregon
Jf BThomas Tuthill,
Analytical -Chemisl
and Assaj er,
Oaioo with Salem Gas Light Ca,
No 4 Chcmeketa street P. O. Box X,
Salem., Oregon, Prompt return ofoto
sample. General analytical work.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains, liar;,
cage and express to all parts of the city
Prompt service. Telephone No, 70.
Old Clothing
Made to Look Like New
AtBaloru Steam Dyeing and Cleaning
Works, No, 195 Commerolal street.
Orders by stago, mail cr express, will
roccivo prompt attention.
Waldemar Nelson Prop
McFaddcn & Penncbaker
(Successors to Ira Krli)
Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Moulding?, Etc,
First door north of Faltm Iron Works
Telephone 105. 27 3m
Dj, J, F. Cook.tlio bntanlcnl Bpcclul
Ut, cures all kinds of clironlu disease,
after1 all other sclioola liayo failed,
such as cancer, tuition), gravel, kidney
troubles, bone diseases, &c, without
tho aid of tlio knife or plasters or
Doisons, and with no pain to the
patient whatever.
was foruicily of Omaha, now perman
ently Jccatcd at bulcin,und Is a (tradu
aUs and holds In his possession a dt
ploma from a legally chartered college
of Chicago. lie cures all kinds of
chronlo diseases.
Consultation free.
301 Noi th Liberty street.
Ijm If In ij for unfiaru.&.
dltctiirgot, InrUuimtileim,
IrrlntlgiK or t;tcrIM
til luueout lutuiLntJi
1'atukia. snl not mt" '
lTHlEUltVtUlfla. u "I Jwlsonu",
LCifcSKItUOtHI " "7 ruirjll.
sV .. 'I .ssssss? iP tilt lit r.latn AS-Av.iu.a
cr seut tu wtn wrsrfoi
I'MHH, lw
I.UI, or iwlllM. Si-...
7 aiprra. iftiuim. u
MUl va rr(Wv.
I rfdssssstk
I Assss t-'l'l'-ssl
I BH ft U Kiwm.
I liv
I ssss.. w. 0. km
-Tfc 1 Hi
Siicccsser to Dr. J. M. Kee, WMw
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties iekir g fctuwfc r
operations at moderate fee i y bra a
in especial rejuest '
eborta, chop, flour, rill feed, ee.
Telephone 178.
91 Court st Salem, Or
o. h:. lmb
Merchant Tailor!
211 Commercial t,
lySiiIts $13 and upward?,
Fauta 3 and upwarcu.
Makes a SDfialtv of fine repair work. . Sees
Thomas clocks., etc., 315 Commercial Street
. A ..j. , '
CONOVER does the finest
work 1 makes the lowest
At uua.niivtu a Dcotc store,
.. . ...
Please notice the out In pribes
on the following
St"ts, plain 1 . j 10 cents
Unuer drawers 5 to 10 cento
Under shirts ., ...5 to looetU
Socks, per pair i3,cenU
Handkerchiefs t cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per docen
and othct work in proportion.
"Flannels and other 'work intelligently
wasnea by nana.
COL. J. OLMSTBA3D, . Proprietor
Hotel Salm
Duly First Class House in the City. Rates
reasonable. Sample rooms in connection.
Can to all trains and public buildings pass
the door. Come State and High streets.
Hot meals served'fiom 8 a. m. to midnight.
German cooking.
With?Uach & Nadstanech 326 Commercial
9tf .Prop.
(State street, near railroad; Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
treats in town. 3 2
Wolz Miescke,
Dealers In all kinds or fresh salt and smoked
meats. Lard in bulk,;oc a lb. Cheapest market
In tosrn. We make it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try ui.
lliown & Son, of;the East Salem meat mar
kit, have enlargedjand refitted their shop and
will be pleased to see all ol their old patrons
and the rest of tbe community. Order taken
and delivered. Parents sending children
may depend on having tboir orders con
scieniiousiy mica. 'o-4l
Butchers and Packers
Best stock, best service .and lowest prke.
310 Commercial at.
office, crry hall
For water service apply at oifce.. Bills
payable monthly In advance. Make
complaints at the office.
wHiort to alt wbe
ara rsftosi,
r or
Lave rewtov Mr tinning surf
ins busbttM to 324 CommmttUi
oppeatta Etote Iiwb
Salem water Co,
J3v. -