Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 13, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 9
ko, m
y . -
Value Is the True
Goods may be cheap and worthless, or they may be of
good value, from having been bought and sold at close profits,
2? Neu) York Rack?!
offers all their goods in accordance with the last statement,
They have a heavy stock of
Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Star 5 Star shoes, all sizes, Summer underwear for ladies,
gents and children, Gloycs of all kinds for ladies and gents,
Shirts, white, colored, and work shirts, Bull breeches, the best
make in the city at the price. Overalls in abundance, Jackets(
a splendid coat of bull breeches make at 90c,
This is
Furnished black
Tne man who would look well, wear well made clothes,
is in a heap of trouble at this season of the year,
Come to our store, We have the' goods, We have the
styles. v7e have the prices, We have just what you want,
A Good Oregon Made All Wool Suit!
Mothers, remember our boys' 35c stockings for 25c,
The best made,
r i
Exquisite patterns and bargains, Call
and see them, Also an immense line of
embroideries, See the different lines from
6c to 25c a yard, that will cost you double
the money regular, Lots of new goods aiv
rived at
Corner State and Commercial streets,
Test of Cheapness'
our $30
and myrtle green,
Up to His Knees
In Trouble,
Hardware Is a line Id which there is
a ureal variety in quality and, of
course, In price. We give you the
best to be had of everything. You
would not expect to get cheap prices
on high grade goods, but we dn sell
the best goods at the lowest possible
prices. For instance our
Stoves and Ranges
There are no better goods made, and
we can sell them at prices that would
surprise you.
Congress Orders the Presi
dent to Declare War,
Spain Also Declares Imme
diate Action for War.
To Intervene at Once Is the
Democrats and Republicans
Cannot Agree,
Special to the Journal.
Washington, April 13. A special
from the capitol says: Congress has
Voted that the president declare war.
Washington, April 13.-Spaln re
fuses the right of the United States
to Intervention In Cuban matters.
All communications between Spain
and America are cut off and the
Spanish cabinet has ordered the gov
ernment to make immediate prepara
tions for war
Tiie Spanish fleet has been ordered
to leave Porto Rice to loin the fleet
at Capo Verde Islands.
Washington D. C. April 13, The
flying squadron left for the South at
2 p. m. under sealed orders.
Washington' April, 13, 6 p. m.
Resolution in congress to authorize
the presedent to declare war. Mem
bers are engaged in a rough and tum
ble oyer the question of adoption.
Reed has lost all control oyer the
regular order. It was agreed to take
40 minutes for discussion. The
mejee continues, with epithets, hats
and books flying indiscriminately.
Washington, April 13.-. Mr. Ding
ley, chairman of the committee on
ways and means, said positively that
a vote will be taken on the Cuban
question this evening.
Speaker Reed refused to say whether
or not the committee on rules had de
cided to close all debates and. force a
vote. Rut the fact that Dingley
made such a positive assertion is ex
cellent evidence that an agreement
upon a programme has been reached.
It appears that the bone of conten
among the Republican members of
the committee is the word "indepen
dent." There is but one man at pres
ent who opposed the use of that vord,
ana his reason is that if in future it
should ever be deemed wise to take
steps towards the annexation of the
Island, this word "Independent" In
the resolution might be brought up to
embarasj this country. Rut it Is gen
orally understood that an arrange
ment Is assured which will result in
securing the unanimous endorsement
of the Democratic members. Armed
intervention is assured. Armed in
tervention means war, and war means
the freedom of Cuba. Whether the
officers of the 60-called Republic now
alleged to be in ofilce will remain Id
control after the new Republic It cre
ated and recognized, is an open ques -tlon,
but It Is scarcely within the
bounds of probability that anything
can now arise to induce congress to
change its program to the extent of
declaring for the recognition of the
A Hot Time in
That's what there & in store, but don't burn your fingers
on so-called bargains, closing out sales and cheap goods, Before
you invest a cent, investigate our stock and low cut prices,
Cuban Republic. There is mere prob
ability that the outcome may be an
nexation; in fact, the annexation sen
timent seems to be growing in
More Delay Possible.
Wasuinuton, April 13. Resolution
In congress authorizing the president
to deal with the Cuban questions,
have been presented. The resolution
agreed to by a majority of the Re
publican members of the house com
mittee on foreign affairs is said to
open with a noble preamble arraign
ing Spain for barbarities in Cuba and
demanding atonement for the destruc
tion of the Maine.
The resolution declares that Cuba
should be free and independent; the
president Is authorized to intervene
at.ODce and stop the war In Cuba,
to the end that Its people shall be se
cured a free government of their own,
and he Is empowered to use the whole
power of our land and naval forces
to carry out the spirit of the resolu
tion. These resolutions met the approyal
of Republican members of the house,
except they want the words "and in
dependent" inserted after the word
"free" in tho resolution relating to
the government to be established on
the island. If this is not put in by
the committee, a motion to have It
inserted will be made ou the floor.
No arrangement has yet been made
for regulating debate on the report,
but the impression prevails that there
will be some talk, extending over a
day or more.
The senate has prepared a diff
erent resolution; so conclusive action
could come today, since a conference
will be necessary to put the measure
Into shape for the president's approyal.
War Funds.
Washington, April 13. Tho ways
and means committee are busy pre
paring to furnish the .sinews of war.
During the afternoon It was in ses
sion, and a plan for the levying of
war taxes was mapped out. The bill
Is to be drawn up at once.
The subject of the bill, which is to
be presented and passed just as soon
as the resolution meaning war is
made tomorrow by the action of con
gress and the signature of the presi
dent, is to raise from $125,000,000 to
$150,000,000 this year. This, the com
mittee thinks, will bo sufficient for a
Profittlng by experience of the extra
session, the bill Is to bo so modified
that speculators cannot profit through
It. The Internal reyenue fees, which
are tho most comprehensive In tlie
measure, are to bo so drawn that all
stocks now on hand will be taxed, as
well as future imports. It is tho in
tention to raise money In all direc
tions, and nothing Is to escape.
The most Important feature of the
proposed measure is the new taxes
which arc laid. On tea the tax Is to
be 10 cents a pound; on coffee, 3 cents
per pound; on spices, 10 cents per
pound. The tax on beer is to be
raised $1 per barrel. The Internal
revenue features are based on the
schedules of 1860. The greatest
amount of money, outside of the rev
enue from beer, is expected to be
raised t fn stamps, These stamj a
will go on every conceivable manner
and kind of commercial, financial and
legal paper, and range from 2 cents to
$1, The exceptions not in the sched
ule, at present, are conveyances, life
insurance policies and leases, but they
will, It lsthought.be added. CD
aThe committee has decided that all
te'egraph and express money orders
shall be taxed. The amounts of such
taxes bad not yet been agreed upon.
The committee lias further decided
that all proprietary medicines shall
be placed upon the Internal revenue
Mist. Such taxes would extend to
the Old Town,
even professions and to all buslncs3
General Lee Met the President Would
Not Cajole.
Wasuinuton, April 13. Official
circles hero are agog with gossip re
garding the character of the inter
view between President McKlnley
and General FItzhugh Lee. Accord
ing tp report, the two gentlemen had
averystormy Interview,
Tho general, when he emerged
from tho white house, with flushed
and angry face, declined to discuss
the subject of the conversation which
had occurred between tho prcsldcn t
and himself.
Several facts as to the meeting be
tween these two men can bo vouched
for. One Is that, when in a closed
room, a vehement voice was heard,
and Its possessor was talking rapidly
and apparently with great heat
When the door closed as Lee left,
some one remaining in tho room re
marked: "If we can't keep Lee quiet, he Is
likely to make a great deal of trouble
in congress,"
General Leo, according to reports,
resents the suggestions made to him
that he temper his remarks in public
and private, and that tho administra
tion would appreciate any effort on
his part to uphold Its "conservative"
policy. The report further says that
Lee quickly resented this suggestion
as either a reflection upon his Intelli
gence, his discretion or his patriot
Ism, and an Illuminating conversation
Is said to have occured.
As forcastcd in these dispatches,
the administration desired to ex
tinguish the general upon his arrival
in Washington. Elklns remarked.
"If wchold congress for two days,
we have got It licked."
The plan he and his lieutenants
contemplated involved the cajoling
of General Lee Into a serene frame of
mind, which would enable him to view
the Cuban situation and the .destruc
tion of the Maine with the equan
imity so characteristic of the presi
dent and his chosen advisers.
It was thought that Lee, because
he had been retained In office by Mc
Klnley, might feel a certain delicacy
In expressing views opposed to Jthe
Elklns felt that, If Leo would net
make "Inflammatory" statements
before tho senate and house commit
tees on foreign affairs and to such
representatives and senators as he
might meet personally, congress could
be "held sufficiently long to "lick it."
It seems that Lee is a diplomat In
Havana only, and it is said that when
tho suggestion was made him to keep
quiet he lost his temper. It is also
said that ho strongly objected to the
position In which ho was put by Mc
Klnley in causing the message to be
delayed Troni Wednesday of last week
until Monday, Leo's friends say that
this puts him in an entirely false
light; that he was given the impres
sion thatMcKinlcy was going to send
a warlike message, denunciatory of
iilanco, and based in this respect
upon Lee's statement.
The general friends also say that
the messages received from tho state
department arc of such character that
no other auswci than that he made
was possible! that, when asked if lie
could hold himself responsible for the
safety of all Americans, he could not
answer, "No."
The report also says that Leo was
indignant at the treatment of his
correspondence with the state do.
partment. It seems to his friends
that telegrams sent to congress were
culled, apparently fur the purpose of
making out the Cubans as bad as
the Spanish. The portions elim
inated, It Is declared, proved tho ad
ministration to bo as disingcnous
with congress and the public as It has
been with his best friends. Not only
Lee, but all the Cuban consuls seem
to think they have been basely used In
this connection.
Delinquent-Taxes. Today Shrill
F T. Wrlghtmau turned over to
County Treasures O. L. Urown $022.02
In delinquent taxes for the year 1600.
That amount Is to be credited to the
following funds: Polls. $0; City of
Salem, $88.70; School District, No 24,
$07.03; City of Woodburn, 835; School
District No,103.tl.50;City of Stay ton.
$98; School District ho. 4, $5.03;
School District 25, $21.10. State
county and 6tato school, $461.87,
The dispatches today Indicate that
congress has taken positive action in
the direction of armed intervention.
The result will be a great gain for
the cause of .the oppressed Cubans
and a corresponding victory oyer the
This Is virtually a declaration of
war and all loyers of liberty can re
joice that at last the sunlight of free
dom Is breaking through the clouds of
oppression and Cuba shall bo given
her Independence . That tho
action of congress will be backed up
and sustained by tho American people
none can doubt.
Tho president's too conservative
messegc has no doubt shocked
congress into nctlou. Tho repre
sentatives of a freo people whoso
hearts hayo long since beat warmly
for Cuba could not do otherwise. They
could not face their constltutcnts on
a record of dilatory cowardico such
as was outlined by McKlnley in his
The result of delay would have been
fatal to tho administration and would
have disrupted congress and have
overthrown Speaker Rted and the Ile
publlcan leaders In both hauses. Now
that a start has been made there will
be no letting up until Cuba shall be
freo from the Spanish yoke. The re
sult will show that Spain will decline
the gage or battle and this exhibi
tion of our moral courage will go far
to settle the wholo mat te.
Gomez Ready to Co-operate With Amer
icans. New York, April 13.-Chief Officer
Frank Crosslin, of the British steamer
Aloedcne, which has just arnyed
from Mati.nzas, said:
"When an American army reaches1
Cuba the people will flock to Its ranks.
All Cubans want Is a surety to help
abd they will rise In a body. They
were won by the magnificent gifts of
clothing and food, and long for Amer
ican Interfencc, many of them wish
ing Cuba to become part of the States.
"The Spanish soldiers are nmong
the weakest specimens of humanity
that could be found-anywhere and the
most dissatisfied lot. Most of them
are boys who are poorly clothcd,poor)y
fed, never paid and homesick all the
time. Desertions aro frequent.
"TheCubins are pinning their faith
on the United States and waiting for
a signal to rise In thousands. They
could under no circumstances be
brought to fight against tho United
States, junta or no junta. To this
country they look for their liberty."
From the deck of the vessel, ho said,
every night conflagrations could be
seen In every direction outside of Ila
yana and Matanzas, caused by the
burning of crops and plantation build
ings. Ono of the engineers of the steamer
Saratoga, whicn has Just arrived from
the south coast of Cuba, said:
"Around Manzanlllo tho skies were
aglow at night with the fires of blaz
ing plantations. Tho misery in the
towns Is dreadful. No sooner does a
ship tie up than there Is a crowd of
poor creatures around begging for
food. The feeling against Americins
is very bitter among the Spanish part
of tho population."
"If som'ethlng is not dono boon,' in
terjected a younger engineer, "the
life of an American sailor in uny of
the South American countries will bo
unbearable. They all eay with a
grln't'Amerlcanosall bluff; big meuth:
all talk; no fight.'
In Cuba the average Spanalrds be
lieve there will be no'troublo in whip
ping the United States. They Ihlnk
the-Maine wits the llnest ship that tho
United States had, and they say ithey
will serve tho rest as the Maine was
Callxto Garcia has passed the troche
and ho and Gomez, with some 18,000
troops, aro now marching westward.
The insurgents arc recruiting in all
sections, and from good authority it
is ascertained that Gomez promises to
liavo from 25,000 to 30,000 troops be
hind Havana to aid In reducing it.
The letter added that tho Spanish
officers there were greatly worried
oyer tho news of Gomez' approach;
that troops had been called into Ila
vana, and that much work was being
done throwing up new earthworks Jn
the tear of the city.
, . Will Fighta
San Francisco, April 13,-Sharkey
and Jeffries are matched to light tn
'Frljctf, in May, "
Mitciell Faction Are in the
Two Republican Congressional
Conventions at Astoria.
State Convention on Thursday May
Repeat the Dose,
Simom faction Want a Gold Stand
ard Congressman
Special to theVeurnal:
Astoria, April 13 The Republi
can delegate to the state convention
which "meets here April 14, have
nearly all arrived and there Is a very
large attendance. Tho Lincoln and
Mitchell delegations from Multnomah
county aro both hero In full force and
excitement is running very high. It Is
probable that a truce vlll be patched
up in tho state convention and both
factions unite on Gcer for governor
and division of the rest of tho ticket.
district convertion splits.
Astoria, April 13, 10 a. m. The
second district Republican conven
tion split at tho very start. Cha. n,
Carey, the Mltchelllto chairman, rcc.
ognlzed Tattcrson, of Grant county,
for temporary chairman and declared
him elected. Tho Simon faction to
tho number of 10S arose and left the
hall, leaving only 02 delegates In tho
Mitchell convention which will pro
ceed to nominate Congressman Ellis.
may be carried into tho state couven
tlon tomorrow and if so will result In
two state tickets. The question of
endorsing tbo policy of tho MoKlnley
administration Is also putting tbo Re
publicans In a very critical position.
It is probablo that as a matter of
party policy Goyernor Lord's adminis
tration as well as McKlnloy's will be
endorccd. The former has more
friends than tho latter.
Contrrcslonal convention of Second
district had and Is still having all
kinds of fun with itself.
The two factions started to hold a
convention in tho same hall and both
are practically in session.
Tho Mitchell faction has adjourned
until Friday, whllo the others are
still holding down the hall but doing
From present appearances both
Moody and Ellis will receivo nomina
tions for tho two conventions, and
that will ensure tho election of C. M.
Donaldson, Silver Republican.
(ill pj
hrnL ,Jf
BJVtlMTU miH .
IHhi fill
Ll V) OJVtlMTU 111!
Tti tvwr.juuwrt
lbs Royal I the highest tm tiM pw4r
koonn. Actl testa shew K. t "
Ulird further tfesa y e4fcer krsli I
Absolutely nira
An Explanation,
O. D. Hutton, chief of tho Salem
Firo Department takes exception to
the local Item In Tuesday evening's
Journal relating to the Rlely board
ing house fire. Chief Jlutton says the
fire was out when tho fire department
reached the scene and It Wr.s wholly
fool-hardy to turn any water on the
building at all as It would only dam.
ago the contents of tho building.
With a "Rabcock Extinguisher," Mr.
Elutton succeeded in putting out tbo
Incipient blazo before the department
arrived. In the absence of any lire
alarm system it Is certainly remark
able with what accuracy a hro Is lo
cated In this city and how expedit
iously tho runs aro made, All In all
for a fire department, whose hose-men
receive but 310 per month, tho Salem
department renders very efficient and
creditable service.
Mr. Bryan Will Speak.
Washington, D, 0 April 13. The
National Association of Democratic
Clubs will tonight observe the birth
day of Thomas Jefferson with a sub
scription dihncr,whlch in nearly every
respect will bo a repetition of the fa
mous dinner had hero a year ago.
Tho yearly dlnnors of this organiza
tion aro nmontr tho most ImDortant
events of tho kind held In tho capital,
and judging from arrangements, mat
tonight will bo no exception. From
a national point of view the affair
will bo of more than usual Interest, as
It will likely bo a reflection of tho
sentiments of tho party leaders who
will gather around the board. As
was tho case last year, Mr. Brjan
will bo the principal speaker.
The Depot Car. Tho Salem & Sub
urban street Railway Company today
placed car "No. 18" on Its depot divis
ion. "No. 18" is an open car and Is a
beauty, having Just been turned out of
the company's car-shops, on East
Stato street. This "palace" cs.r will
be operated continually, on this dlv
Uion during favorablo weather. Tho
car Is a credit to the company and
Its construction emphasizes tho .first
class workmanship that Is characteris
tic of tho corporation owning and
operating lb.
Do You Know That Dr,Winship,
ono of New England's most dlctln
tlngulshed educators will dlscourso
twice to Salem audiences next Satur
day, April 10. Exercises to bo held at
tho First M. E. church. Come and
"Will Wed. G. O. Bchaum and
Harriett V. IIowo today received a
marriage llconso from County Clerk
L. V. Ehlen.
Local Educational meetings havo
been held at various places In Marlon
county during tho winter. On next
Saturday, April 10, sucli a meeting is
to bo held In Salem, at tho First M. E.
church. The public is cordially in
vited to attend.
ut keep down the price"
that's our platform for
1898. It has taken careful se
lection and close buying to do
what we are doing this season.
The finest suits, top coats and
furnishing goods in America, the
best styles from the leading
makers and values that surpass
our best efforts of other years
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Guaran
teed Clothing is sold here for
the price of ordinary goods.
Commercial at, crotr Cort
t- -v