DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. . ,wjaC - ' -.. . ; tt vol. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 18iS. 2STO, m Mill 2 IttWj'JM KRAUSSB BROS. This is Furnished black BUREN & NEW ARRIVALS -OF Exauisite patterns and see them, Also embroideries, See the different lines from 6c to 25c a yard, that will cost you double the money regular, Lots of new goods aiv rived at FRIBDmAN' 3 Corner Slate and Commercial streets, JtnTMVSsil Removal Sale. Come in and Get Bargains BROWN St SMITH. 248 Commercial street CHRISTMAS But we are going to commence the you low prices for Salem Special, patronize borne industry Aumsvllle Flour Kew Pickles, per qt Arbuckle and Lion Coffee, per p& Kest Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb lOlbsLard SlbsLard Chocolate, per lb lOlbs. P.. Wheat lOlbs CornMeal Try our 11 o Cream Oats for mush. Old P, O Goroer THey Gome I Our new, stylish, up tcvdate are catching People will go where they can get nice goods at popular prices, 275 Commercial street is the place Call on us for a square deal and up-to-date shoes our $30i and myrtle green, HAMILTON and bargains . Call an immense line of Ilardwarc Is a line In which there is a great variety In quality and, of course, In price. We give you the best to be had of everything. You would not expect to Ret cheup pi Ices on high grade poods, but we do bell the best goods at the lowest possitle prices. For instance our JEWEL Stoves and Ranges There are no better poods made, and we can sell them at prices that would surprise you. CRAY BROS, IS OYER I New Year again with offering groceries. only 00 05 , ,. 10 15 35 30 85 45 , 25 35 25 HARRIETT L LAWRENCE SHOES aP.A.CJXDF'ICS ! PRESIDENT Important Document On the Spanish-Cuban Affair. Two Factions Are Disclosed in Congress. Some for War, Some for Peace and Some for Intervention. And the Message Has Gone to the Foieign Committee, All Responsibility Is Now Thrown Upon Congress. Washington, April 12. The fu ture relations of the lUnlted States with Spain, and to Cuba, rest with congress. What course congress will pursue cannot be foretold. The foreign relations committees of both house, now have the subject In their control ."and after due deliberation, will report to their respective branches what they consider should be the at titude of the United Stales on the grave question presented. Early ac tion by the committees is expected, but exactly when it may be looked for is not now determinable. Tiie full responsibility of the subject was placed upon congress relating to our negotiations with Spain as to the warefare in Cuba and drawing there from his personal conclusions and recommendations. He placed the trust with these werds: "The issue Is now with congress. It is a solemn responsibility. I have exhausted every effort to relieve the intolerable condition of affairs which is at our doors. Prepared to execute every ob ligation Imposed upon me, by the constitution and law, I await your action," No message in recent years, caused such widespread and Intense interest. That it dld.not create profound en- thuslaim may bo due to the fact that its main features had been accurately forecasted or to disappointment among those who wanted Cuban inde pendence and immediate reprisals upon Spain for the destruction of the Maine. For a long time a large ma jority In bcth houses have favored the recognition of the independence of Cuba, and for mnro than two years, as voiced in the reso lutions passed by congress, the recognition of bellgerency has been sought. Both of these propositions ivere antagonized In the message and consequently, in this regard, the mes sage did not accord witli the majority sentiment. The message left congress yery much at sea, because of the dls paragement In the yiews, between it and the executive, are obstacles hard to surmount, unless, as now seemi possible, congress sees its course to lean in accord with the president's recoiuendation. A declaration of war was talked of, and a declaration that the people of Cuba should be free, coupled with an authorization to the president to bring this about by armed interven tion, was suggested. It Is-well known that any proposition advanced will -be met In the senate with an amend ment declaring for the independence of the present Cubau government. Conservative senators met in the af ternoon and decided to oppose any radical measure if it should be re ported by the committee. They will oppose, by debate, the recognition of the independence of the present gov A Hot Time in the Old Town That's what there Is.in store, but don't burn your fingers on so-called bargains, closing out sales and cheap goods, Before you invest a cent, investigate our stock and low cut prices, O. F. DABNBY, THE h mm mime. ernment and a declaration of war, and will consent to action only along the lines of recommendations of the pres ident as to intervention at his discre tion. The temper of the houe could not be accurately determined, but, there, as in the senate, the proposition for Cuban independence has to be met. Any report from the commltteij on foreign affairs that does not carry this feature will bo antagonized by an amendment and the -pr sperts aro that nearly all the Democrats ani nearly all the Republicans would fayor It. MESSAUE. Obedient to that precept of the con stltutlon which commands the presi dent to give from tlmo to time tho congress information of the state of the Union and to recommend to its consideration such measures as he shall deem necessary and expedient, it becomes my duty now to address your body with regard to tno grave condi tion that has arisen in the relations of the United States and Spain, by reason of the warfare that for more than three years has raged in the neighboring island of Cuba. I do so because of the intimate connection of the Cuban question with the state of our Union, and because of the grave relations which the course which Is incumbent upon the nation to adopt must needs bear to the traditional policy of our government, If it Is to accord with the precepts laid down by the founders of the Republic and re ligiously observed by succeeding ad ministrations to the present day. The present revolution Is but the successor of other similar insurrec tions which have occurcd in Cuba against the dominion of Spain, ex tending over a period of nearly half a century, each of which, during Its progress, has subjected the United States to great effort and expense In enforcing its neutrality laws caused enormous loss to American trade and commerce, caused irritation, an noyance and disturbance amoug our citizens, and by the exercise of cruel, barbarous and uncivilized practices of warfare, shocked the sensibilities and offended the humane sympathies of our people. Since tho present revolution began, In February, 1895 this country has seen the fertile domain at our thresh old ravaged by lire and sword In the course of a struggle unequaled to the history of the island, and rarely par alleled a" to the number of the com batants and the bitterness of the oontest by any revolution of modern times where a dependant people striving to be free have been opposed by the powers of a sovereign state. Our people havo beheld a onco pros perous community reduced to compar ative want, Us commerce virtually paralyzed, its exceptional productive ness diminished, its fields laid waste, Its mills in ruins and its people perishing by tens of thousands from hunger and destitution. We have felt ourselves constrained, in the observance of that strict neu trality which our laws enjoin and which the laws of nations command, to police our own waters and watch our own seaports In prevention of any unlawful act in aid of Cuba. Our trade has suffered, the capital invested by our citizens in Cuba has been largely lost, and the temper and for bearance of our people have been so sorely tried as to beget a perilous un rest among our own citizens, which has Inevitably followed Its expression from time to time in the national leg islature so that Issues wholly external to our body politic engross attention and stands Inftho way ofjiuore close devotion to domestic advancement that becomes a self-contented com monwealth, whose primal maxim has been the avoidance of all foreign en tanglements. All this must needs awaken and has Indeed aroused the utmost concern on the part of this government as well during my prede cessor's as during my own administra tion. In April, 1808, the evils from which our country suffered, the Cuban war, became so enormous that my pre decessor made an effort to bring about peace through the meditation of the government in any war that might tend to an honorable adjustment of the contest between Spain and her revolting colony on the basis of 6ome effective scheme of self-government for Cuba, under the flag and sover- FAIR ! elgntyof Spain. It failed, through tho refusal of tho Spanish govern ment then In power to consider any form of mediation or Indeed any plan ofscttlement which did not begin with the actual submission of -the Insur gents to the mother country and then only on such terms as Spain herself might see fit to grant. j The war continued unabated. Tho (resistance of Insurgents was In no wise diminished. The efforts of Spain jwore increased both by tho dispatch tot fresh levies to Cuba and by addi tions to tho horrors of the strife. Tho Jicw and Inhuman phase, happily un precedented In the modern history or civilized Christian people, the pollcj Of devastation and concentration, In auKurated by tho Captain general's ban of October 21, 1816, In tho province of Plnar del Rio, wa9 thence extended to embrace all of the island to which tho power of the Spaniards was able to reach by occupation or by military oper atlons. The pleasantry, Includ ing all dwelling In tho open agri cultural interior, were driven into tho garrison towns or isolated places held by tho Spanish troops, The raising of provisions of all kinds was inter dicted. The fields wero made waste, dwelling unrofed and tired, mill do stroyed, and In short, everything that could desolate tho land and render It unlit for human habitation or sup port was commanded by one or the other contending parties and executed by all the powers at their disposal. By the time the present adminis tration took office a year ago, recon centratlon so called had been effec tive over the better part of four cen tral and western provinces. Santa Clara, Mantanzas, Havana and Pinar del Rio. The agricultural population, to tho estimated number of 30,000 or more was herded within the towns or their Immediate vicinity, dcpilyed of all the means of support, rendered destitute of shelter, left poorly clad and exposed to the most unsatisfactory conditions. As the scarcity of food Increased with the devastation of the depeopled areas of production, destitution and want became misery and staryatlon. Month by month the death rate In creased at un' alarming ratio, and by March, 1808, according to conservative estimates from official Spanish sources the mortality among the rcconcentra dos from starvation and tho descases thereto Incident exceeded 60 per cent um of the total number. 'No practi cal relief was accorded to the desti tute. Tho overburdened towns, al ready suffering from the general dearth, could give no aid. So-called zones of cultivation, established within the Immediate area of effec tive military control, about the cities nnd fortified camps, proved Illusion ary as a remedy for the suffering. The unfortunates, being for the most part women and children, with aged and helpless men, enfeebled by disease and hunger, could not have tilled the soil without tools, seeds or shelter, for their own support or for tho sup ply of tho cities. Reconcentratlon adopted avowedly as a war measure, to cut off the re sources of the insurgents, worked its predestined result. As I said In my message of last December, it Is not civilized warfare; it was extermination and the only peace It could beget was that of the wilderness and the grave. Meanwhile tho military situation in the island had undergone a noticeable change. The extraordinary activity that characterized the second year of the war, when the Ingurgents Invaded even the hitherto unharmed fields of Plnar del llto and carried hayou and destitution up to the walls of the cilynf Havana itself, had relapsed into a dogged struggle In the central and eastern provinces. The Spanish army regained a measure of control In Plnar del Rio and parts of Havana, but under tho existing conditions of the rural country, without immediate improvement of their productive sit uation. Even thus partially restricted, the revolutionists held their own, and their submission, put forward by Spain as the essential and sole basis of peace, seemed as far distant as ut the outset In this state of affairs my adminis tration found Itself confronted with the grave problem of Its duty. My message of last December reviewed the situation and detailed the steps to be taken with a view of relieving the acutcness and opening the way to some form of honorable settlement. The assassination of the prime min ister, Canovas, led to a change of gov ernment in Spain. The former ad ministration, which pledged subjuga tion without concession, gave place to that of a more liberal party, commit ted long in advance to a policy of re form involving tho wider principle of home rule for Cuba and Porto Rice, Tho overtures of this government, made through our envoy, General Woodford, and looking to an Immed iate amelioration of the condition ot the Island, although not accepted to the extent of admitted mediation In any shape, were met by assurances that home rule In an advanced phase should bo forthwith offered to Cuba, without waiting for the war to end, and that more humane methods should thenceforth prevail In tho con? duct of hostilities. Incidentally with these declaro tlons the new government of lipain continued and completed the policy already begun by Its predecessor of testifying friendly regard for this na tion by releasing American citizens held under one charge or another con nected with the Insurrection, so that, by the end ot November, not a single person entitled In any way to our na tional protection, remained In a Spanish prison. While theso negotiations were in progress the Increasing destitution of the unfortunate rcconcentrados and the alarming mortality among them claimed earnest attention. The suc cess which had attended tho limited measure of relief extended to the suf fering American citizens among them by tho Judicious expendltures,tbrough tho consular agencies, of the money appropriated expressly for their suc cor by the Joint resolution approved May 24, 1897, prompted tho humane extension of a similar scheme to that great body of sufferers. On tho 24th of December I caused to bo lusued nn appeal to tho American people, Invit ing contributions In money or In kind for the succor of tho starving suffer ers In Cuba. Following this, on the 8th of Janu ary, was a similar public announce ment of tho formation of a central Cuba relief committee which had its headquarters In New York City, com posed of nieiiioers representing the. nation il Red Uur-a ami the religious and bu uiuv-elements of thecummun ity. Tnecfforia .,f that committee have been untiring and have accom plished much, Arrangements for- free transportation to Cuba havo greatly aided the charitable work. The president of tho American Red Cross and rcprebcutatlvesof othor con tributary oiganizations have gen eraliy visited Cua and co-operated with the consul-general and tho local authorities to make effective distri bution to the relief collected through the efforts of tho central commllte. Nearly $200,000 in money und supplies has reached tho sufferers, and more Is forthcoming. Tho supplies are ad mitted duty .free and tho transpor tation to the .Interor has been ar ranged bo that tho relief necessarily confined to Havana and tho larger citits is now. extended through most, If not all, of the towns wliero suffer ing exists. Thousands ot lives have nlready been saved. Tho necessity for a change In the condition of the rcconcentrados la recognized by the Spanish government Within a few days past tho orders of General Weyler have been re voked, the rcconcentrados arc, It Is said, to bo permitted to return to their homes, and aided to resume tho self supporting pursuits of peace; public works havo been started to give them employment and a sum ot $000,000 has been appropriated for their relief. The worK in Cuba is of such a na ture that, short or subjugation or ex termination, a final military victory for the other side seems impracticable. The alternative lies in the physical exhaustion of the ono or the other party, or perhaps both, a condition which in effect ended the ten years' war by tho truce of Sun Juan. The prospect of such a protraction and conclusion of the present strife Is a contingency hardly to bo contemplated with cquunlmity by tho civilized world, and least of all by the United States, affected and objected as wo arc deeply and Intlmatoly by Its yery existence. Realizing this, it appeared to be my duty, in a spirit ot truo friendliness, no less to Spain than to tho Cubans, who nave so much to lose by the pro longation of tho struggle, to seek to bring about an immediate termina tion of the war. To this end I sub mitted, on the 27th ultimo, as a re sult of much representation and cor respondence through the United States minister at Madrid, proposi tions to tho Spanish government looking for an armistice until Octo ber 1, for the negotiation of peace with the good offices of the president. In addition, I usked the immediate revocation of the order ot reconcentra tlon, so as to permit tho people to re turn to their farms und tho needy to be relived with provisions and sup plies by tho United Stutcs, co-oporut-ing with tho Spanish authorities so as to afford full relief. The reply of the Spanish cabinet was received on the night ot theSlst ultimo. It offers, as the means to bring about peuco In Cuba to contlde tho preparation thereof to the Insular department, inasmuch us the concurrence of that body would be necessary to establish a final result, it belng,however, under stood by the powers reserved by the constitution to the central govern ment are not lessened or diminished. As tho Cuban parliament docs nut meet until the 4th of May next, the Spanish government would not object for Its part, to accept at onco u sus pension of hostilities If asked for by the insurgents through the general-In-chief, to whom It would pertain such cases todetermlne tho duration and conditions of tho armistice, The proposition submitted by Gen eral Woodford und tho renlv of the Spanish government were boJi in the form or brier memoranda, tne texts of which aro before mentioned und substantially In the language above given. The function of tho Cuban parliament in the matter of preparing placound the mannerof doing so arc not explained In the Spanish memor andum. but from General Woodford's exp anatory notes of preliminary dis cussion preccdlci the final conference It Is understood that tho Spanish government stands ready to give the insular congress iuu power to settle the tenuB of ncace with the Insurg ents, whether by direct negotiation or indirectly by tue means or legisla tion does not appear. With this last overture In the direction of Immed iate ncico and its d saDnelutlni: re ception by Spain, tho executive was qrougntto tuoenu oi ms cnoris. In my annual uiessago of December lait I said: "Of the untried measures there ro main Recognition of tho Insurgents as belligerents, recognition of tho In dependence of Cuba and Intervention to ena tno war uy imposing a rational compromise between the contestants, or intervention In favor of ono or tho other party. I speak not ot forcible I annexation.for that cannot bo thought i of. That, by our codoot morality. 1 would lie criminal aggression." 1 I Continued on third page STI1 READY TO HELP Insurgents Willing to Fight Under Old Glory WILL MARCH ON .HAVANA McKinlev's Message Is a Waste of Words, Jacksonville Fla April 12 Tho Cuban Junta hero received a very Im portant letter from General Gomez lately, via Key West. While its con tents havo been guarded very care fully and the main portion of It tent on to the Now York Junta's office, yet It is ascertained tjiat It brings the news that Gomez Is nronarlnir toco- opcrato with tho United States forces In case of war In un attack upon Ha vana. Callxto Garcia has passed tho tro chu aud ho and Gomez, with some 18,000 troops, are now marching west ward and townid Havaua. Tho In surgents are recruiting In all sections and frL m good authority it is ascer tained bhut Gomez has promised to havo from 25,000 to 30,000 troops be hind Havana to uid in reducing it. Tho letter added that tho Spanlsli of ficers thcro wero greatly worried over the news of Gomez's approach and mau troops uaa ocen caned into Ha vana and that much work was bolng done In throwing up earthworks in tho rear of tho city and otherwiso strengthening tho forts of tho city. Tho Insurgents, the dispatch said, hailed with joy tho Intervention of the United States and that their ranks were being rapidly increased daily. Gomez and tho United States aro now In closo touch and tho nows of the dcclararlon of war, will he carried to him by means of tprlvato signals without loss of tlmo 60 that ho could movo with knowledge of where tho United States forces were and what they were doing. tTho cam paign Is arranged between them, ac cording to this authority. New Yonis, April 12, Tho follow ing lsan extract from a letter written to Consul Barker, United States rep resentative at Santiago do Cuba, by Maximo Gomez, and will be presented to President MoKlnloy, "Ono year ago wo received a pro posal from Spain to agrco to an arm istice. Wo .efused then, as wo ro tuso now. Tho rainy season will soon bo at hand, and Spalns troops would like an-armlstlco until it li oyer Wo shall throw away no advantage, On the other hand, 1 am anxious that hostilities shall cease, but It muBt bo for all tlmo. If Spain agrees to leave Cuba, taking her Hag with her, I um willing to agrco to an armistice to last until October 1, when the loyal Cubans shall come Into their own. "Please tell Pro3ldent McKlnley this for mo. Tell him too, that I am writing this at tho direction of the Cuban provisional government, with which they may treat directly should they so desire." How the Message Was Received, Washington, April 12. Tho most significant utteranco on the subject of tho message was that of Senator For uker, Republican, from tho president's own stuto and a member ot tho com mittee on foreign relations. Ho said: "I have no patience with tho mes sage and you can say so," The reading ot the messago in the house was greotcd with scattering ap plause from tho Republican sldo und grons from tho Democratic side. The gallarlcs mado no demonstration. The messago waB referred to tho com mittee on foreign affairs without de m OOD TASTE IN DRESS flpp ifi! ill (OOyBltMTfO ' IOflOB MtUUttflktlllMMt JOSEPH MEYERS L SONS. 278280 TBUBPHOHS KO, X. ltas Roynl I tl-9 hi(riict ara Mfoff LiHmn. Actual test lww K MM third furtfcer t&M oy hr4. POWDER Ahsetottiy rare ROYAL BAKINO POWDta CO., KEW VOWC. bate, and tho house proceeded with tho District of Columbia buslsess. Tho houso commltteo on rcreign af fairs was In session an hour this, morning, but reached no conclusion us to tho form or subject-matter of tho resolution which will bo reported. Tho commltteo will hold another meeting tomorrow morning.' Tho houso Republicans who were In tho movement for aggressive action nro to meet to decide upon a plan of action. THE MESSAGE. Almost Universally Condemned as a Weak Document. , The almost universal verdict at Salomon McKinley's message is, "a. very weak affair I" It has caused great disappointment to Republi cans. His treatment of tho blowing up ot tho Maine Is entirely inadequate. Coming from tho head ot the admsn Istratlon that sent tho Ill-fated vessel into that murderous harbor, the mes sago is an Inadequate treatment of what amounts to a real cause for war. It wounds the patrlotlo sentiment ot Americans. For killing three German citizens and destroying ono warehouse Ger many demanded and secured repara tion within 30 hours. Had tho Maine been under tho flag of any other first class power a naval force would have demauded reparation or the evacua tion of Havana before this. President MoKlnloy has been known in political matters, to bo a weak man surrounded by weak men of second rato ability. But his weakness in taking a position on a great critical occasion had noycr been fully demon strated. There remains llttlo doubt that ho has utterly failed to rise to tho requirements of tho occasion. Pkof. Scott Coming. Remember Mrs. Wlllman's "Pupil's Musical Evening." Frldav night, tho 15th Inst, at tho studio over the First National bank, at 8 p. in. There will bo a very select program of solos, d uos, quartets and vocal numbers. Prof. Scott, tho eminent director of tho head conservatory at Kansas City, will give a short musical talk, and placo tho Salem students la touch wlta the great work of the national work. Admission 25c. OAiSTOIUA. ZCwfSgST M THT TjS nothing but good sens applied to your clothes, or, we'll say, good judgment in picking out your clothier. If you wear Hart, Schaffner & Marx guaranteed clothes you'll be in good taste, in perfect fashion and money in pocket beside. H. S. & M. clothes fit perfectly, wear bet ter and keep in shape longer than any other clothes we know of. They are sold by the leading fashionable cloth ier in every large cRy ki America. HART, OHAFPHtR ft MAMC OUARANTUO OCOTHtfM. Commercial st, ftmt Curt a mi QYit 1J t 41 "". t v . 1 o -t- "'ij"' " - - insure" u-mmrffmmf - ----- vm w-'