Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 08, 1898, Image 3

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    Washington News.
Lawmakers Ready to Act
Champing the War Bit.
The Nation in Suspense Awaiting the
Washington, April 8. The govern
ments of Great Britain, France,
Germany, Russia, Austria and Italy
were represented at tlio White House.
Within a few minutes all the am
bassadors had been ushered into the
blue room, and the president im
mediately left his oillec and went
down to meet them.
Sir Julian Paunccfote, as represen
tative of the powers, presented the
"The undersigned, representatives
of Germany, Austria-Hungary,France,
Great Britain, Italy and Russia, arc
duly authorized in that behalf to ad
dress In the name of their respective
governments a pressing appeal to the
feelings of humanity and moderation
of the president and of the American
people In their existing differences
with Spain. They earnestly hope
that further negotiations will lead to
an agreement which, while securing
the maintenance of peace, will afford
all necessary guarantees for the re
establishment of peace in Cuba. The
powers do not doubt that the human
itarian and purely disinterested
character of this representation will
be fully recognized and appreciated by
the American people."
President McKinley replied as fol fel fol
eows: "The government of the United
States recognizes the good will which
has prompted the friendly communi-
! .AT-TONA, !
leaves for l'ortland Monday,
Wednesnday and Friday, 7 :45 a.tr
Quick time, regular nei- J
vice and low rates.
Dock between Stat
and Court streets.
Aeent. Salem.
Star Oranges,
Star Lemons and
Star Fruit
of all kinds
at the
Itar Grocery,
loo COURT ST. PHONE 202-
iTMA f 10 lbs. for 25c
BEANS 50 lbs. for $1
O 1j f Dairy, CO lbs. for 40c
vSall Stock, 50 lbs for 30c
wu" I Stock, 100 lbs. for 50c
Per gallon 30c
Q-XT444 4 S 2gallon pails,75c
byfUp 4 t2 gal. 51,40
PRUNKS) 10 lbs 25c
20 lbs 50c
fancy. )50 1bs SI
Pickles, per keg G5c
T7L4-c i Shoulder,perlb,8
JLVieaiS Hams per lb.ll 12
iarajio lbs 05c
Onion sets 5c lb
132 State street.
J. A. Rotan has moved into tho old
J,G. Wright stand, 229 Commercial
street.and handles a full line of under
taking goods, furniture, wall paper,
and mouldings.
Carpets at Cost
to close out. Prices on everything
the lowest. Second hand goods taken
in exchange. Don't miss us.
Good Butter !
We are now handling the Savage
creamery butter and will always have
same in stock. This brand of butter
took first prize at the state fair, and
its quality is guaranteed.
will soon be here and you will want
some of out White Rabbit Dye for
coloring eggs. Price 5c. per package
of eight colors.
New Goods !
We have just received anew lot of
groceries among which you will find
the follewing: A new Tillamook
cheese, White Sage honey, preferred
rtM. nrctnti ftiin lilirtrpst, and best
-. i.- . .-I. lTtnnA1 TTfiTnr'
oyster in iuo uiuifcCK.i jhw "
clams, Preferred stock sweet corn,
choice solid Pack Tomatoes, ellow
Crawford Peaches, Queen Olives,
m..n ioK1 tntnntn pntsun nncl a fresh
stock of Soda Crackers and sweet,1
oWa Innlnillnff Ttnv.nl fruit Wafers.1
Apple crisps, Lemon snaps. Ginger
snaps and Cupid Kisses.
.Phone 140. 405-408 state street.
cation of the representatives of Ger
many, Austria-Hungary, France,
Great Britain, Italy and Russia, as
set forth in the address of your excel
lencies, and shares tho hope therein
expressed that the outcome of the sit
uation In Cuba may be the mainten
ance of peace between the United
States and Spain, affording necessary
guarantees for the re-establishment of
order in Cuba, so terminating the
chronic condition of disturbance there
which so aecply Injures the interests
and menaces the tranquility of the
American nation, by the character
and consequences of the struggle thus
kept up at our doors, besides shocking
Its sentiment of humanity. The gov
ernment of tho United States appre
ciates the humanitarian and disinter
ested character of the communication
now made on behalf of the powers
named, and for its part is confident
that equal appreciation will bo shown
for Its own earnest and uusclilsh en
dcavors to fulfill a duty to humanity
by ending a Mtuation, the indefinite
prolongation of which lias become In
sufferable." The call was quite brief, then the
rcprestatlves of the powers went over
to the state department and made an
official visit. The entire official suites
of attaches accompanied them. The
call evidently was by appointment,
for they were at once shown into the
diplomatic room, whero they wcro
joined by Secretary Sherman and
Assistant Secretary Day, with whom
they were closeted.
At the ambassics and legations the
representation of the joint note of the
powers was regarded as the eyent of
the day. An ambassador from one of
tho great power of continental Eu
rope, stated, that it was without par
allel In history. That it was the first
and only t'me that six great nations,
representing in the aggregate the
power of modern'Clvilizatlon had unit
ed In this solemn manner to secure the
peace of the world. This, authorita
tively stated, was a movement hlstor
leal in character and one fitting to
have occurred at the close of the 10th
Calls at various cmbamlcs showed
that the response of l'u .ident Mc
Kinley hild created the mu.st favor
able impression In foreign quarters,
The president's answer was looked
on, to some extent, as a counter-appeal
to the powers, for their co-operation
in the cause of humanity, agaiust
the intolerable condition or affairs In
Cuba. In some, diplomatic quarters,
there was a disposition to read the
Joint note "between the lines" and to
give it a suggestive character quite
beyond the mild phrases adopted.
This was not the generall accepted
view, however, and the favorable
manner of iU reception was looked
upon as a wise move at this critical
juncture, for without rejecting as an
intrustion, these foreign suggestions
were so received! as to give the
greatest promise of sympathy, rather
than opposition from the most power
ful joint Influences in the world.
There Is no longer any doubt as to
the purpose of this government with
respect to the situation in Cuba.
War, In the opinion of the adminis
tration, Is Inevitable, excepting the
unlooked-for event of surrender on the
part of Spain. The president's mes
ssage, which he had Intended to send
to congress Wednesday, has not
changed in any particular whatever,
and embodies the unanimous views of
the cabinet without the slightest var
iance. The movement to avert the
war must now come from Madrid and
must concede American demands, in
cluding an end to Spain's dominion
In Cuba. These features stand out
plainly In the trecent developements.
The six great powers of
Europe, through their representatives
here, called at the White House and
presented to President McKinley a
joint address, expressing the urgent
hope for a peaceful adjustment be
tween the United States and Spain,
to which the president replied with
unmlstakeable plainness as to the
duties and unselfish efforts of this
government to terminate the present
situation in Cuba.
Another, and probably the most
significant straw showing the finality
reached by the United States, was the
authorlatlye statement that Consul-
General Lee would leave Havana
on Saturday. This step, It Is known,
will be regarded In Spain as akin
to an overt act proceeding war, as It
will terminate the medium of official
Intercourse between the United States
and the Island.
Third and almost equally Impor
tant, was the omnlous tone of the
press advices from Madrid, where the
war feeling seems to dominate. In
stead of concessions, the opening of
prison doors and other manifestations
of peace and good will which Holy
Thursday was expected to bring forth
and more definite announcement of
action that would bring pcaco to Cuba,
the heavy guard about Minister Wood
ford's houe, the Imperative character
of his note, the war utterance of Min
ister Corrco and tho turbulence at tho
Spanish capital, left llttlo hope that
pacific counsels would prevail.
No negotiations are proceeding at
Madrid on the part of the govern
ment, but the powers of Europe are
doing their utmost to -persuade the
Spanish government to yield and
avert war. On the highest authority
it can be stated that no instructions
have been given, as yet, to Minister
Woodford, contemplating his wlth
drawal.the only step in that direction
being the determination that General
Lee shall leave Havana on Saturday.
The note of tho European powers,
presented to the prcident yesterday,
has not, in the opinion of members of
the adminlstrttion, changed tho sit
uation in the slightest degree. The
note is not regarded in any sense as a
protest against the course this gov
ernment has pursued thus far, or is
likely to adopt, to secure a stable
government in Cuba.
The senate has decided not to meet
again until Monday.
Speaking on the subject of an ap
propriation for Mobile harbor, as a
matter or defense, in the senate, Mor
gan of Alabama made a speech for
Cuba, and said ho was for a declara
tion of war, and thought there was
ample justification for such an action.
Little evidence of excitement ex
isted when tho house met at noon.
The debate on tho railway reorgani
zation bill was resumed.
Grosvennr, replying to Lentz (O.)
said a message from Leo was received
on Tuesday, and one received yester
day, which was very urgent, ne
said the second was an appeal for
Speaklne of the notes of the powers,
Grosvenor said the president's reply
putnn end without qualification to
oyer delay or Interference from the
In the speech that drew forth Gros
venor's remarks, Lentz charged that
the administration gave Lee's dis
patch as a reason for notsending In
the message, but that It was for tho
purpose of worklug on the stock
The housj committee on foreign af
fairs had Mr. Queseda, of the Cuban
Junta, before them for an hour.
Queseda was asked as to the govern
ment of the republic of Culm, which
the United States Is asked to rec
ognize, and the members say he gave
a full and satisfactory statement.
Wilmington, O., April 8. Dr. An
drew K. Martin, one of the wealthiest
and best-known men of the city, has
committed suicide by hanging. He
was the father of John C. 'Martin,
who has been on trial for his life for
the shooting of George McMillan last
October. The father brooded over
the tragedy and the incarceration of
his son In jail until it unsettled his
This Is the fifth death In six weeks,
during the trial of the Martin case,
among the Immediate relatives of
parties concerned In the matter.
Stricken With Paralyse.
Olympia, April 8. Benjamin
llarncd, treasurer of tlu grand lodge
of Washington, A.F. and A.M., had an
attack of paralysis and was uncon
scious so long a time that the physic
ians feared he would die, but he re
gained consciousness. Mr. Harred Is
about 80 years of age, and has been
treasurer of the grandModge for thirty
A cough, which seems to hang;
on in spite of all the remedies which
nmi Unv unnYtrA rArtatnlv nezAt
energetic ana sensible treatment.
ror twenty-iive years, mat stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved its effectiveness in cur
ing the trying affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason why: the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes the wnoie sys
tem; the hypophosphites
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so ettective as this;
B surs you get SCOTTS EmuUtoa. U tiut lfc
cun cd uh w( oa th wrippcr.
joe. mi 1 1.00, all dnijjUts.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmlsu, Ntw York.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, it?
many excellent qualities commend iV
to all and havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Spain Will Make No Con
sessions, The War Feeling Throughout Spain Is
Madrid, April 8. There appear to
be much mystery connected with
recent eyents. It seems that after
the regular cabinet meeting ad
journed and Premier Sagasta had
returned home, the papal nuncio,
Monslgnorc, Nava, In company with
Minister of Foreign Affairs Gullon,
arrived with a communication from
Rome. This was considered of such
importance that the other ministers
were consulted. It Is believed the
result of their deliberations was tele
graphed to Rome, whence It is to bo
cabled ta tho United States. No ex
planation lias been furnished of this
procedure, but these facts are fur
nished on official authority.
Woodford Preparing to Leave,
Madrid, April 8. Several papers
announce that Minister Wooodford
will leave Madrid today. He has
tokenup his residence at the British
A semi-olllicial note just Issued says
the cabinet adheres to all Its previous
decisions without modification and
has adopted resolutions to that effect.
The war feeling runs high.
It Is explained that decisions to
which the Spanth government ad
heres are those outlined at the last
conference between General Wood
ford and the Spanish ministers.
After the meeting of the cabinet
and Issue of the seml-ofilcial note.
previously cabled, which was regarded
as a serious announcement, there was
much excitement and bellicose talk
In the city. The cafes were crowded
with people, all eagrlly discussing
the situatlan, and generally approving
tho attitude of the cabinet. The news
papers today are very violent In their
utterances against the United States.
London, April 8. A special dis
patch from Madrid says the ambas
sador of France, Russia, Germany and
Italy, waited together this evening
upon Senor Gullon, the foreign min
ister, and presented a joint tiote In
the Interest of peace. Senor Gullon,
replying, declared, according to the
dispatch, that members of the
Spanish cabinet were unanimous In
considering that Spain "had reached
the limit of international policy In
concecdlng the demands, and allow
ing the pretention of the United
Berlin, April 8. The Madrid cor
respondent ol Cologne Cazettc says, j
The papers of the American consu- j
late have already been entrusted to
the care of the British consulate. At
midnight the pope made fresh confi
dential representations to the Spanish
government, and a second cabinet
council was held. But the reply was
to the effect that the popo's Interven
tion had come too late as a decision
had already been arrived at.
New York. April 8. -A dispatch to
the World from Madrid says:
Distinguished Spanish generals and
some members of the cabinet have
waited upon the queen to protest
against the surrendering of Spanish
rights In Cuba. There la visible ag
itation lu Military and naval circles
SfStw "'Til YUrnMnwr, 8WMfa; r-
In Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol
ttnd other places, where are large gar
risons and arsenal?.
Tiie feeling among military men is
so strong that at the council of min
isters the heads of tho military and
marine departments, General Corrco
and Admiral Bcimejo, will join Count
Xlqulna and Senor Gallon, in making
strong objections to granting further
concessions to the United States.
Premier Sagata, according to his
custom, will try to conciliate the ob
jectors In his cabinet, his Intention
being to endeavor to keep all his pres
ent colleagues until the cortcs meets.
Weyler, with his military and po
litical following, and Soaor lloblcdo
have been very active lately In criti
cising the conduct of Sagasta witii
reference to Cuba and the Spanish re
lations with the United States.
Dies Suddenly.
Chakleston, W. Va., April 8
Margaret Mather, the actress, played
the death scene In the fourth act of
Cymbelinc. She collapsed and was
carried oil stage in an unconscious
condition and neyer regained con
sclouscss. She died at 7 p. m. of con
vulsions, caused by acute Bright's
Puget Sound Protection.
WasuiNOTON, April 8 Acting Se
cretary Roosevelt told Rcprebentatlvo
Lewis referring to a petition for the
protection of Puget soud from priva
teers in the event of war, ho would
station the monad nock at Puget sound
the Montrerey at San Francisco and
the Philadelphia, now being repaired
Marc Island to patrol between Lower
California and Puget sound, together
with the revenue cutters.
The Waldrof Company in "Ingomar the
Barbarian' ' Coming,
The distinguished actrlce, Miss
Janet Waldrof, and her superb com
pany will present that clabslcal drama
"ingomar tho Barbarian,' to the
theater-goers of Salem, Saturday
evening, April 9, and the finest per
formance of the season Is anticipated.
In the range of the drama there Is no
play that appeals so thoroughly and
completely.to all classes and conditions
of theater-goes as Mary Loyel's cele
brated dramatization of "Ingomar the
Barbarian." Pure in tone, lofty in
conception, uoble in sentiment, it
runs the entire gamut of our better
nature, touching the tendcrest chords
of the human heart, arousing the
highest sympathy for our fellowman
and admiration for heroic scll-sacrl-hce.
Though cast In the early days or
legendary lore, the -tale Is as simple
as a domestic story of today, and the
jeplura, tho tunic and the toga of
ancient .times might be exchanged
for the modern customes of the
presen day without losing its effect
hencc the secret of its success. No
problem Is sought to be solved, no
theory to be exploited, frbut a simple
tale of human love, with its sorrows
and Its jeys: a domestic picture of
humble lite with Its sunshine and its
shadows. The one intensified by its
contrast with tlis other.
A song that has been sung by poets
from the creation of the world, and Is
ever new, a melody, that never lulls
upon the ear but it grows more beau
tiful as time rolls on. Such is the
story of'lngomar the Barbarian, "and
such are the plays that honor and up
hold the stage, sustaining the drama
as a factor in our civilization, uplift
ing the people by their influence and
shedding lustre on the men and
women who by nature, tenipermeat
and ability arc capable of represent
ing them. Reserved seats now on sale
at 70 and 50c.
Ubo Ur. Miles' Neuvb FL&BTEtia for SPINAL
WEAKNESS. All Uruculsts Bull "eta for25r
From Extreme Nervousness,
THAT no one remedy can contain the
elements necessary to euro all diseas
es, U a. fact troll known to ororyone.
Dr. Miles' SytUm of Itostoratlvo Comedies
consists of seven distinctively different
preparations, each for Its own purpose.
Mm. L. C. Ilramley, 37 Henry Bt., St. Cath
erines, Ontario, writes! 'Tor years I suf
fered from extreme nervousness and annoy
ing constipation, developing Ju to palpitation
and weakness of tho heart. I was unablo to
sleep, suffered much from headache, pain In
my left side, palpitation and a constant
feeling ot weakness and prostration, I began
using Dr. Miles' Norvlno, Heart Cure and
Nerro and Liver I'll Is and tho Anti-Pain
P11U to rellove sudden paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much Improved
and the pains and aches and weariness left
me. I then took Dr. Miles' Restorative
Tonic and am now restored to my former
good health." j
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Bopk on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DK. MILES MEDICAL 00., Elkhart, Ind-
sw nooiuru a 1
&, HenlthjB
Regarding Remedies for Dyspepsia and
The national dlsca of Americans
Is Indigestion or in Its chronic
form, dyspepsia, and for the very
icason that It Is so common many
people neglect taking proper treat
ment for what they consider trilling
stomach trouble, when as a matter of
fact, Indigestion lays the foundation
ror many itcuraolo diseases. No per
son with a vigorous, healthy stomocii
will fall a victim to consrmptlon.
Many kidney diseases and heart
troubles date tholr beclnnluc from
poor digestion; thin, nervous people
are really so because their stomachs
are out, or gear: weary, languid, faded
out women owe their condition to
imperfect digestion.
When nearly every person you meet
Is aflllcted with weak dltrestlon It Is
not surprising that nearly every secret
patent, medicine on tiie market claims
to be a cure for dyspepsia, as well as a
score of other troubles, when in fact,
as Dr. Werthlcr says, there is but one
genuine dyspepsia cure which Is per
fectly safe and reliable, and moreover,
this remedy Is not a patent medicine,
but it is a scientific combination of
pure pepsin (freo from animal matter),
vegetable ccnccs, fruit, salts and
bismuth. It is sold by druggists
under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets. No extravagant claims are
made for them, but for indigestion or
any stomach trouble, Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets are far ahead of any
remedy yet discovered. They act on
the food eaten.no dieting Is necessary,
simply eat all the wholesome food you
want and these tablets will digest it.
A cure results, because all the stom
ach needs la a rest, which Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets glye by doing the
work of digestion.
Druggists sell these tablets nt 50c
per package. Little book on stomach
dlseaso and testimonials sent free by
addressing Stuart Co., chemists,
Marshall, Mich, 4 0-8
Health and a
clear conscience
often go hand in
hand. Physical
vih v'Gor improves
the moral fibre.
House the
stomach, liver
and kidneys with
the Bitters and
half the battle
of life is won,
New today advertisements tour lines
or less in this column Inserted thrco
times for 25 eta., 50 cts. a vvcok, $1
per month. All ovor four lines at
samo rate.
farm 20 miles from Salem. Terms to suit
if you aie the right party. Inquire of
Geo. Grisvvold, 55 State street, .Salem.
If an y man lias been benefitted by No to
bac will kindly drop a card stating the same
it will greatly oblige W. C.T. U. sunt.
Narcotic, Free Reading Uocm, Salem, Or.
4 7 M
LAU1ES. I have a food line of spring
millinerv which I would like youto call and
see. Miss Smith, State st, between
Liberty and High. 4 6 31
HORSE PASTURE., Uoop pasturage
for horses, with plenty of good running
water, grass and shelter. Nine miles
t'souih of Salem. Inquire of II. T.Sidney,
Sidney P. O. 4 6 3t
SPECIAL MEETING. -,A special meet
ing of the members of branch No. 108, L.
V.. wiU be he d in Exchange hall, on Satur
day, Ap il 9, at 2 p. m. to cosider the
quostion of incorporating as a stock nstocia.
lion All members are requested to at
tend. Frederic Locklcy, secretary, 4 1 iw)
(lie Perfection stove pipe holder. It is
guaranteed to hold the nipe in the chimney
and is cheuper than wire and nails and
cannot be seen after it is put on. Manfg'd
by Giis-AoUl & Chase 55 Slate street,
Silcni, Or Agents wanted. 3-26 1 m
TO EXCHANQEr-160 ceres in Josephine
county. Southern Oregon, plenty Iruit, good
house, tarn and outbuildings, for property
in or near Salem. For further particulars
call 1 r add 1 ess G. M. Journal oflice.
TO LXCHANGE-For farm property, a
good home place of 5 acres. One mile
Irom state liouso on car line. Good build
ings with plenty of iree and vine fruit. If
llns intueitu yi u give description of your
procrly. Address T. II Journal office.
3-21 im
WOOD FOR SALE. A limited amount
of second giowth fir wotd, foi cash. Leave
orders at tlm steam laundry. 2 23 tf
FOR RENT A good double room for one
or two gentlemen, in business pait of city.
Kateidow, Inquire at 197 Commercial
street. I2-H tf
FUL Life of Frances K. Wiliard," pub
lished under the auspices and indorssd by
the W. C. T. U- the only ofllcial book,
prepared by Anna Gorden, for 2r y;ars
Miss Willard't secretary, beautifully il.
Iu-lrated; only 2, tremendous demand,
bonanza for ogents, superb book, liberal
commissions, credit given, freight paid,
write quick for outfit and terms, Ihe
Dominion Company, Authorized Distribut
ers, Dept, 8, 250 Deaibom st Chicago,
3-3o 3 't
JERSEY . A flrstclas thoroughbred, regis
tered Jersy bull for service. Drown & son.
Last Salem meat market 3-10 d & w Im
A new truss on n new
principle, A perfect
support to all who
are ruptured,
Salem - Or
4 0 3m
S flr 'feTk Vr,v-' tC
But we are going to coininonco tho Now Year again with offering
you low pr ccs for groceries.
Hnlem Special, patronize Home Industry only , 00
Aumsvlllo Flour n.i
New Plcklfis.perqt.
Arbuckioantl Lion Coffee, porpk
nest Mocha and Java Coifee, per lb
Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb
10 lbs Lard
5 lbs Lard ,
uuocoiate, per lb
lulus, u, wneat
I01b3 Corn Meal
Try our lio Cream Oats for mush.
Old P, O Gorner
j f mm, i
Paints, Oils Window,' Glass Vnr
niah, and tbo most complete stock
of Brushes of all kinds In the state
Artists materials, lime; hair; ce
ment and shingles; nud tho finest
Aft J
Print I
CONOVER does tho finest
work a makes the lowest
prices, T
T A TT ATnr.r,HTci 1 , .
Please notice the cut In prices
011 the following
Sb'rts, plain 10 cents
Unaer drawers 5 to locenu
Under shirts 5 to Ioccp'j
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs ...., i cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cent
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents perj dozen
and othei worlc in proportion.
Ep-Flaunela and other work Intelligently
washed by hand.
COL. J. OLMSTEAD, . Proprietor
flofel Salem.
Only First Class House in the City. Rates
reasonable. Sample rooms in connection.
Car to al trains and public buildings pass
the door. Come Slate and High streets.
Hot meals servediom 8a.ni, to midnight.
German cooking.
WitWDach & Nadstanech 226 Commercial
-igtr rrop.
g.s. f mm
State street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meats in town. 2 2
Wolz Miescke,
Dealers In all kinds of fresh salt and smoked
meals. Lard in bulk, '9c a lb. Cheapest market
In town. We make it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Biown & Son, oTlhe East Salem meat mar
ket, have enlargedjaml refitted their shop and
will be pleased to see all ol their old patrons
and the rctt of the community. Orders taken
and delivered. Parents sending children
may depend on having th'ir orders con
scientlously filled. 'o-4il
Butchers and Packers,
Rest stock, best scrv'ce and lowest prices.
31C Commercial st.
office, crry hall
For water seiv'.ce apply nt off.ee. Bills
payable monthly in advance. Make
complaints at the office.
A M'tuiftUtv rrimary, hetondary or
Tertlury Wood Poison permanently cured
in ij; to 35 das. You can be
treated at home for the same price
under samo guaranty. If you prefer to come
here we will contract to pay the railroad faro
and hotel bills, and no charge, if we fall to
cure. If you have taken mercury, Iodide
po.ash, and still have aches and pains. Mucous
Patches in mouth, Soic, Throat, Pimples, Con.
per Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the
body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it is this
Secondary Wood Poison wo guatantee to cure.
We sollct the most cbstlnate cases and chal
lenge the world for n case e cannot euro.
This disease has always dallied the skill of
Ihe most eminent physicians. (500,000 cap
ital behind our uncondllonal guaronty. Ab
solute proofs tent sealed en application. Ad
dress Cook Remedy Go,, 159, Masonic
Ttmple, Chicago. Ill, 3 7eod&w
;., 45
, , 25
.,,, 35
Successer to Dr. J. M. Keeae, oUL WWte
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring swerler
operations at moderate fees la aay branch. He
n espesial request. ;.
Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, eto.
Telephone 178.
91 Court st., Salem, Or.
Merchant Tailor!
211 Commercial nt,
CiTSuits $15 and upwards,
Pants $3 and upwards.
Makes a spwlalty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clock, etc., 2 IS Commercial Street
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail and passenger train. Bag.
gage and express to all parts of the city
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Old Clothing
Made to Look Like New
At Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning
Works, No, 195 Commercial street.
Orders by stage, mall cr express, will
receive prompt attention.
Valdcmar Nelson, Prop
McFadden 6. Pennebaker
(Successors to Ira Erh)
Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
First door north of Salem Iron Works.
Telephone 105. 27 3m
The leading implement house
of the Willamette valley,
The best is cheapest
Racine buggies and hacks.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators,'
Monitor & Tiger drills and seeders.
1'lanett Jr. drills and cultivaters,
McCornick binders, mowers and rakes.
I fohn Deer plows nnd harrows,
Kusscll engine and thrashers.
Repairs kep: in stock for all the above
mentioned goods.
For sale by
W. S. WATBRBURY, Manager.
Free illiustratod lectute to women every
Saturday, at 230 p. m. State Insurance
building, by
2 11 Manager
Huie Wing Sang Co.
Fancy Goods, screens, ornaments,
bambo goods, ladies' underwear,
oveialls, at bottom prices,
112 Court street. Salem, Oregon
Dr. J. F. Cook.tho botanical special
ist, cures all kinds of chronic diseases,
after all otlier selinnln lmvn foliar
audi as cancer, tumors, gravel, kidney
biuuuics, uuuu uiseuses, CCC, WltUOUt
tho aid of tlio knife or plasters or
poisons, and with no pain to tlio
patient whatever.
was formeily of Omaha, now perman
ently located at Baloiu.and Is a gradu
ate untl holds In his possession a di
ploma from a legally chartered colleco
of Chicago. Ho cures all kinds of
chronic diseases.
Consultation freo.
301 Koith Liberty street.
J, B,Thomas Tuthill,
Analytical .Chemist
and Assaj er.
Offlce with Solera aasLigat Ca,
No 4 ChomeUeta street P. O.Box X,
Salem, Oregon, Prompt return ef er
samplfjB, Qeaeral analytical work.
) nve removed their tinning and rlrmV-
Uig business to 324 Coaimercial atrMt
oppoalte State Ituurnnce buUdiu.
y ,&""" '"