Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 26, 1898, Image 1

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Krausse Bros.
That are strong and good,
Highest Grade,
A Splendid Wheel
Wc have others that will
298 and 300Commercial st,
Star i Star Cedar
Just received and for sale at greatly reduced prices.
Garden sand, loam and fertilizer, best quality.
Sand delivered to all the cemeteries at cheap rates.
2 car loads of sewer pipe with connections of all kinds Just received.
Large seasoned dry body fir, $3 a cord, sawed and dellycred.
Small seasoned dry lir 82.75 a cord, sawed and dellvcre.f.
4 foot cord wood in proportion.
Also large invoice cements, lime, plaster, hair, firebrick, etc, just re
ceived. We also contract for and lay sowers at lowest rates. We respectfully
solicit a consideration of our rates before purchasing elsewhere.
Successors to Salem Improvement
w:b sell
j ) i : t t Stoves and Ranges,
Gauss' Shears and Scissors, ww
Warranted axes, saws, wedges pocket and table cut
lery, tin, granite and aluminum ware.
( '
But we'arc going to commence the
you low prices for
Salem Special, patronize homo Industry
Aumsville Flour
New Pickles, per qt.
Arbucklo and Lion Coffee, per pk
liest Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb . ,
Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb
10 lbs Lard
6 lbs Lard
Chocolate, per lb
10 lbs. B. Wheat
lOlbs Corn Meal
Try our ho Cream Oats for mush.
Old P, O Gorner
A Pro
is not
in " - svjf 1 li
1 V I B J7
Our men's vici kid
tan shoes at $2,50 is a
snap, as other dealers
ask $3,50 for one
not as good, see us
for bargains in shoes
275 Commercial st.
interest you,
Co., 319 Front and Chemeketa streets
i i
New Year again with offering
lem for Builders
only the actual figuring of the
of tilings, It is also where
mm !
and how to get the
Best value for the
Least money,
We have the most comple te and
varied assortment of
Material, Tools, etc. for the
money, quality considered,
Kincaid for Secretary of
W. M, Ramsey, of Yamhill, for
Supreme Judge.
D'Arcyand Hayden for Judge and
District Attorney.
Portland, March 20. Thero has
been great satisfaction expressed
everywhere over the apportionment of
offices when made public this morning,
and delegates of all the conventions
were eager to get to work ana put up
a ticket.
The Silver Republicans were the
nrst to begin operations Dy nominat
ing Harrison R. Kincaid for secretary
of state to succeed himself.
When notified of his nomination
Secretary Kincaid responded with the
following telegram:
Salem, Marcn 20, 1898.
To the presiding officers and members
of the Peoples, Democratic and Sil
ver .Republican State Conventions
assembled In Portland, Or:
Please accept my sincere thanks for
the nomination for re-election as sec
retary of state by three conventions,
representing the Peoples Party, the
Democratic party and the Silver Re
publican party of Oregon.
1 'trust that the confidence
reposed in me by the bimetallists
of Oregon whom you represent will
never be betrayed, The nomination
for this Important office by the unan
imous vote of three conventions com
posed of a greater number of repre
sentative men than ever assembled In
any state convention in Oregon Is a
great honor and is highly appreciated.
1 accept the nomination and if
elected will endeavor In the future as
in the past, to discharge the duties of
the office faithfully and Impartially
to the best of my ability.
The demand for the coinage of sil
ver on the equality with gold with
out waiting for the consent of foreign
nations, which has united three great
political parties in Oregon In 1808 and
will probably unite them In every
state in 1900, Is, In my opinion the
greatest Issue of the ace and Involves
the most vital Interests of tho people
of the United States and of the whole
world. II. R. Kincaid.
Tho contest oyer the governorship
waxed warm in the Populist conven
tion with a good vote for Waldo and
Hare, but Hon. W. R. King, of Baker
county, carried on tho fifth ballot.
J. O. Booth, of Grants Pass, was
nominated for state treasurer.
In tho Democratic convention Col.
R. M. Veach, of Lane county, was
nominated lor -congress, with W. D.
Bllyeu as a close second.
Salem Mas honoredwlth the nomi
nation of P. II. D'Arcy for circuit
judge and S. L. nayden for prosecut
ing attorney of the judicial district.
G. W. Doualdson, of Baker county,
was nominated by the Silver Republi
cans for congress In second district.
W. M. Ramsey, of Yamhill county,
was nominated by the Democrats for
supreme judge.
Circuit judge, second district Jap.
Hamilton; fourth district J, V.
Veach and Thos. O'Day.
For Attorney General. J. L. Storey,
of Wasco.
State printer, Chas. A. Fitch, of
State superintendent, n. S. Lyman,
of Clatsop,
United in a common cause for the sacred
purpose ofpre.-rving the principles of gov.
ernment by the whole people, in fact as well
as in name, restoring and maintaining equal,
ity, under that government, ol all classes, we,
the people's Democratic and Silver Repub
lican parties of the stale of Oregon, waving
all minor points of difference, and uniting for
the purpose of carrying out the greatest un
derlying principles upon which we are all
agreed, do make and present to the people of
this state the following declaration of prin
ife deceived by t he schng
the eitv. hut aa to
and supply your wants in everything, at the lowest
racket prices', Everything bought and sold for spot cash
enables us to sell very low, Remember we carry most
anything you need, The Fair has the best goods for
the least money,
O. F. DABNBY, Proprietor,
274 Commercial st,, Salem.
ciples, and to the cariying out ot wh'ch we
solemnly pledge each a d every candidate
upon our united ticket!
First We demand the free and unrestricted
coinage of silver and gold At the present
legal ratio of 1 6 to I, without waiting for
the conent ot foreign nations and we are
unalterably opposed to the policy of the
present Republican administration in de
manding the retirement of greenbacks, and
the turning over of the rtoney making power
of the government to the national banks, as
presented by the bill dtAwn by the Repub
lican secretary of the treasury, and indorsed
by President McKinleyl and we especially
denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to
fasten the country irrevocably and forever to
the single Oold standard. ,
We demand a national money, safe and
sound, issued by the general government
only, without 'he intervention of the banks
oi issue, to be a full legal lenaer for all
debts public and private, 'also a just, equit
able and efficient means of distribution -tired
to tbe people through the lawful disburse
ments of the government. j
We demand that the volume of circulating
medium Le speedily increued to an amount
sufficient to meet tbe demands ol tbe busi
ness and population of ihii country, and ti
restore the just level of prices of labor and
We favor such legislation as will prevent
for the future the demonetization of any
kind of legal tender money by private con
tract. We demand that the government, in pay
ment of its obligations, shall use its option
as to the kind of lawful money in which
they aro to be paid, and we. det ounce the
pre.enl and preceedinc administraitons for
surrendering this option ip the ho'ders of
government chligations, I
We deman i that there shall be no further
issue of United States interest-bearing bunds.
We demand that postal savings banks be
established by the government for the safe
deposit of tbe savings of the (people and to
fici itate exchange. '
We demand the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people.
We demand the initiative and referendum
system of law-making in its optional form,
local, state and national, and the submission
by congress of all important national questions
for an adivsory vo'e of the people, until such
time as the national constitution shall have
been amended so as to provide for direct leg
islation. e condemn as dangerous and unjust the
surrender, in all departments of the govern
ment, to tbe influence of trusts, corporations
and aggregations of wealth generally and
the packing of the highest ciurts of the land
with corporation lawyers, too ready to do
the will of their late employers, and to set
aside valid and wholesome laws passed by
the legislative departments of the states and
government, upon flimsy pretexts, at the be.
bests of such institutions.
We are opposed to government by injunc
tion. In state matte's, we demand.
A simple and well-guarded icgistiation
A more equitable mode of appointing judges
of election.
Stringent laws to regulate the operation of
fish traps, fish wheels and all fishing gear in
the watcs within the jurisdiction of the
We denounce and "condemn the corrupt and
extravagant Republican legislative assemblies,
and charge that the Republican party, in its
eagerness for the spoils of office, has become
divided into warring factions, so that it is in
capable ot government as exemplified by the
condition existing in the office of the state
treasurer, there being at this time more than
$500,000 therein wrung from tbe people by
the process of taxation, while state warrants
are stamped "Not paid for want of funds."
We demand that all districts and county
officers be placed upon salaries commensur
ate with the duties to be performed by them.
Iuasmuch as railroads and o ther corporate
property is not bearing its proportion of tax
ation, we demand that such property shall
bear its just and equal share of the expenses
of government.
Evangelical Conference,
The annual conference of the
Evangelical church of the Oregon
conference will oe held at the Evan
gelical church at Seventeenth and
Chemeketa, beginning on April 28,
and will hold one week. Tho con
ference will bo presided over by Bishop
Wm. Horn, ot Cleveland. O. This
conference will be a great benefit to
this church In Salem, bringing the
members In touch with all tho
preachers of this church In the Oregon
There wlll.be preaching each aay
and general conference work will bo
attended to. The local committees
In charge promise a big time for all
church people of this denomination.
Two Ueouisitions. Governor
Wi P. Lord today issued two requisi
tions on governors of adjoining states.
One was on the governor of Washing
ton for one Hoffman, who Is wanted
at Astoria for larceny from a ware
house. Sheriff Jas. D. Hare has been
named to accompany tho prisoner to
Astoria. The-other requisition was
upon Governor Budd of California
forO. J. Melvin, now In jail at San
Francisco. Melvin is wanted In
Portland for tho forging of a contract,
Properly used "Perfection"' dyes
are superior. Insist on haying "Per
fection" Dyes, for sale by all drug
stores. tf
out at cost scheriies all over
The Union Parly
Presents a Platform That Is
Plain and Unequivocal
The Time Has Come In Oregon for a
New Deal and a Clean One.
Editorial Correspondence
Portland, March 20. The confer
ence on apportionment of the state
ticket, of tho Silver forces, was pro
longed as that over platform and I
fear was not able to reach as harmoni
ous a conclusion. That Is natural,
because on the platform conference,
men who contended fairly for princi
ples finally reached perfect harmony,
while In conferences over the distri
bution of official honors, personality
would lead to discord. But I say this
was Inevitable. There was a
full quota of Democrats,
Populist", and some Silver
Republicans hereiaspirlng to palces
IT they should bo given their party to
1111, Any allotment or arrange
ment could not bo perfectly
satisfactory. Yet all the candidates
knew that just such thing might re
sult as that In the NhulUu 11 c'.r .party
might lose this office or be given that,
so they were prepared for It.
On the platform conference tho
fight was to keep down the size ot It,
to inject puro principle only, to make
It absolutely plain, straight-forward
and unmistakable as to meaning. We
fought 11 hours and thirty minutes
tc keep the Union platform free from
demagogery, Injustice and buncombe.
I can say on behalf of the Silver Re
publicans that we asked for nothing
in the platform but a clear ennuncla
tion on bimetallism, national treasury
currency, the referendum and re
trenchment in expenses. There was
enough folly proposed to sink the war
ship Maine but It was all knocked out
In committee.
The three conventions unani
mously adopted the platforms, except
In the Populist party 10 mlddle-of-the
roadcrs walked out and organized a
party of their own just as wo knew
they would do. When It rame to the
point for their little state convention
to put up a ticket and unfurl Its flag
My ifriend John C. Young was uu
easy, proposed delay, thought It ad
visable to wait and see what the
Republicans would do, etc. It's tho
same old game. Well we shall see.
Wo have contended for a straight
platform of prlnclplo, for Union and
harmony, for a ticket composed of
men of character, ability and cleanli
ness, which Is next to Godliness. We
want to cut loose from the corruption
of the past and let the incorruptible
put on Incorruptlon. Wo don't want
tho new Union party connected up
with either of tho Republican fac
tions and the legislative struggle.
We cannot entirely rid ourselves of
the rottenness of thepast.No more can
the Republicans. But there Is an op.
portunlty to get some new men to the
front and do sometlng for the causo of
the people and good govcrnmnnt. In
the Union or thc-party organization
It Is not so easy for the grafters and
boodler? to get contrjl as In a one
party machine. We do not have to
accept a bad nominee or a corrupt
campaign manager ut tho hands ot
either party to the contract. With
this thought in mind let us hope for
After a hard day's work on appor
tioning the officers, the joint com
mittee of nlnorora each party mudo
tho following satisfactory division;
Populists Governor, state printer
supcrtendant of public Instructions
and attorney general.
Democrats State treasurer, su
preme judge and congressman first
Silver RepublicansSecretary of
state and congressman, second dis
trict. i
Taken Suddenly III. Yesterday
while driving in Salem Mrs. I. M.
Wagner, who llyes south ot town, was
taken suddenly 111 with an attack ot
pneumonia. She was driven to her
daughter's, Mrs, Monroe Nye, of Yew
Park, where a doctor was summoned
and at last report was resting qulto
easily. A speedy recovery Is anxiously
awaited by her many friends and rela
tives. Probably a "Gold Bug," -Friday
afternoon, during the temporary ab
sence of Dr. J. C. Griffith from his
ofllco In tho Dalrymple bulldlng,6omo
sneak thief carried away two small
boxes otgold filling and a dentist's
nlckle plated piugger. There Is no
clew to the guilty party.
War Inevitable.
The Spanish Acknowledge
That it Cannot Be Averted,
Secretary Long Secures Twelve More
New York, March 20. A Herald
Washington special says:
By direction ot President McKin
ley, Secretary Long spent 31,000,000
Thursday In thn purchase of 12 speedy
yachts and seagoing tugs, which will
be converted Into torpedo-boat des
troyers and pickctboats.
In directing the purchase of yachts
aud tugs President McKlnloy was
guided by the Information showing
that the Spanish torpedo-boat flotilla
has sailed from the Canaries for
Porto Rice.
Before this Information came to
hand, the authorities wero not willing
to pay the high prices for tugs and
yachts inspected for purchaso by the
board, but the necessity of improvis
ing a fleet to offset that which Spain
Is sending to Porto Rice was so appar
ent that the picslddit authorized that
the negotiations bo closed and the
vessels purchased without further de
lay. Serrttary Long at once tele
graphed Captain Rogers, and received
a telegram announcing that tho bar
gains ha'd been closed and that tho
vessels would bo turned over to tho
government at tbe Brooklyn navy
Considerable secrecy is maintained
by tho officials as to the names' ot the
vessels purchased, and the price paid
for each, but Is known that only four
tugs have been bought, while eight
yachts have been secured, .
LoNDON.March 20. Lleutcnaut
Commander Colwell, United States
naval attache here, has brought for
tho United States government a first
class torpedo boat built at Schlchau
for Germany. She Is ready to sail.
The cruisers San Fanclsco and New
Orleans wcro expected to sail for tho
United States, but they will probably
postpone their departure, as they may
be unable to complete the loading of
Waterford, March 20. Tho Span
ish torpedo-boat destroyer Audaz ar
rived here with her bows stove In and
her stem twisted completely round
from about ten feet from the stern.
San Francisco, March 20. A now
12-inch gun with carriage, to bo
located at tho Presidio, has arrived,
and will bo mounted at once. When
It Is In position tho Presidio can
claim tho honor ot haying la working
order the first disappearing 12-inch
gun In the United States. It Is tho
Continued on fifth page
Astonishing Money-Saving Sale
Dteee (Boobs.
A great display or tho now and leally hlgh.class fabrics for spring '08, your
pick and choice of entire lino. Among the correct weaves aro
pebble cLorns
All at Astonishing Prices,
All at Special Prices
25 Dozen
Sunshine Shirt Waists,
Second shipment just received
from 60c to $2 eacb. Perfect Ut
ters, correct styles.
Lace Stripe,
Fino organdie waist should be
sold for $1,25 each. Perfect dt
ters, correct stylesjthey go for
75 cents,
On ladles' lingerie gowns, corset
covers, chemsc, drawers, etc.,
two sales-ladles to servo you.
Green and Cardinal,
Three rlasp real kid gloves just
arrived warranted
Surprise sale Best table oil
278280 Commercial s corner Court st
Tbo Royal Is tha highest grade baling powder
fcaow. Actual teeta show It goea oao-
tWrd farther thaa any other bread.
Abselutely Pure
koyu audita nHD to., nm yomc
Qui Work.
San Francisco Examiner, March 24:
John W. World, cnmmcdlan and
backer of tho ''Town Topics" Com
pany, and Miss Beatrice Ilastlngs.the
Bremlero danseuso of tho "1492"
ompany, met for the first time on
Monday evening. Fourteen hours
later they wero man and wife.
They claim It was a case of lovo at
first Bi(jht. They never saw one
another until Sunday night. The lady
on that evening attended tho closing
performance of Town Topics at tho
California theater. World was pointed
out to her In tho lobby of tho theater
before tho curtain was raised and
Immediately sho began to feel tho
most Intense Interest in tho commo
dlan. While he was on the stage sho
did not onuo take her eves off of him.
Sho occupied a box and World had not
ocen many minutes oeiore tue iooo
lights when ho observed her.
Tho next evening, by request, they
met, through sumo friends, at tho
Baldwin Hotdl. Four hours later he
offered his heart aud his hand. Sho
uccepted, and before parting that eve
ning they decided to be married the
following day. They breakfasted to
gether and then Inytted several friends
to attend tho ceremony. Knowing
they had only met the previous even
ing the invited guests thought at first
tliut they wero joking, Mrs. W. II.
Mack, P. J. Kennedy, Charles E. Gra
ham, Miss Sadie Girad and Sol Man
helmer consented to accompany them
to tho city hall, expecting somo ludi
crous climax to tho supposed Joke.
But when the party reached tho hall
they found to their amazement that
the comedian and the dancer wero very
much In earnest. A license was se
cured and tbo services of Justice ot
tho Peace Carroll wero solicited. Sher
iff Whclan put his private office at
their disposal for tho ceremony. Whon
tho knot was tied thobrldo and groom
walked down to the Baldwin.
Mrs. World has loft "1402" and will
join "Town Topics." Sho Is from
Now York and has been on tho stago
two seasons. Her real name Is Bea
trice Rothchlld.
To Death.
Spokane. Wn., March, 26. Miss
Amelia Olson, a domestic, aged 35
years was struck by a trolly car at
second and Lincoln streets. Sho wa3
thrown beneath tho trucks, dragged
fifty feet and killed. It was necessary
to lift tho car to romovo her mangled
remains. Sho was partly deaf and
failed to hear tho-motorman's warn
ing. Rambler wheels tho finest on
earth, E. F. Parkhurst agent 3-23-tf
1 ( (: I J (
Tho largest and cheapest lino
shown on tho coast, seeing Is
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Guaranteed clothing, ovcry suit
wananted best and sola tho
lowest. New suits, new over
coats. Art in Dress,
Just received, Free for tho
New Collars,
Other stores ask 15c, and some
timed more. You never saw
their equal.
10 ccn ts
We alsocont?l