Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 16, 1898, Image 2

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' I 1
Daily Capital Journal
Whether there Is a stale union
formed or not, It Is the Imperative
duty of the Reform forces In this
county to unite upon a county ticket
and give the people a chance to cut
down county salaries.
The farmers and business people
hare all been reduced to the lowest
living margins. The salaried clas
arc still receiving the pay that was
considered equitable In the boom
times, that no longer prevail and may
never return.
The cut In salaries In Marlon
county Is a proposition that Involves
no political theories It Is a practical
business proposition for the tax payer
to consider as a matter of dollars
and cents.
Salaries at present as fixed bylaw
are as follews:
County Cleric 3 2jOl
Deputies 1,800
Fees, estl mated -'500
Sheriff 3.000
Deputies 2 500
Boarding prisoners 1,000
Recorder J.zCO
Dtn titles o
Feus, estimated 1-0
Treasurer 1,1200
County judge 1,500
Fees, estimated 30
Asses-jor 0,000
Total county salaries etc !J2,200
TheJoUk.val, believes that plenty
of competent men couid be found to till
the olllces at just one-half this ex
pensc per annum. Hut that is hardlj
to be expect d as real reformers never
approximate a business proposition
The above figures have been gout
ovcrbya Republican In good stand
ing and he estlmuteUhat the work
of the beveral olllces in Marlon county
could be filled vith perfectly compet
ent men at following figures:
Cleric and deputies 3 3,000
Sheriff and deputies 3,500
recorder J.uoo
Treasurer 1,000
County Judge 1,000
Assessor 2,700
Total 813,180
Total reduction 0,020
The ubove figures are made by a
Republican ex-official, and not. b a
Populist or JJryan man. Let the Re
form parties agree on a cut like the
above, pledge their county candidates
to accept such reductions If a reform
legislature Is elected and enacts those
salaries Into law.
Under this head the Indianapolis
Monetary committee says that one of
the defects of the existing system is:
"The failure to provide the means
for a gradual and sufficient Increase
of the volume of the currency to
meet the needs of an Increasing popu
lation and an enlarging commerce."
This Is just what the Free Silver
people have maintained. Rut they
have been laughed at by the gold
bugs who claim that we have all the
money we need on which to do the
country's business. They claim that
nine tenths of the business of the
country Is done In checks, clearing
house certificates, etc, this Monetary
committee which Is composed of the
rankest.advocatcs of thegold standard,
say this Is one of the defects of our
If we have plenty of money why
did the Republican party try to get
International Illmctallism? Why
should the Republican press hull with
delight the announcement jtliat cer
tain sums of gold have Just arrived
from Europe and Klondike?
We are all glad to see money come
to the country because we know It
stimulates business, und that we
can't do business without money.
Then why not mine, coin and put in
to circulation the millions under
neath the 60II hi our own laud.
A mlddle-of-the-roader ought
make a good road supervisor.
One of the rahest acts reported is
that or Councilman E. C. Peery, of
Portland, who has resigned his office
to go to Skagway. Albany Democrat.
Ovcrat McMinnville, Rev. E. A.
Ross, the evangelist asked all those Jn
bis congregation to rise who had read
a passage In the book of Hezeklab
About a dozen arose, some of them
longtime church members. The evan
gelist said: '-Why God bless you,
there's no such book in the Bible!"
There was a mseate.flusb o'erspread
some cheeks that had been sallow for
years, and it wasn't necessary to ex
tend an invitation to sit down.
Dick Carey ain't good enough a man
to collect street taxes for the city, but
he is all right to give the grand old
party respectability and a vote.
We notice wnen Uncle Charley Mil
ler Is In town Gov. Fletcher does not
march up and down the streets bulg
ing nut his chest like a drum major.
He keeps mighty qulet.
The mlddle-of-tlip road mule Is a
stubborn animal and better be treated
Now Byrd and Chambcrlin are
sound money men; before election
they were the "Silver push," the
"Hofer push," ect. Well they are
not the bank push anyhow.
It is impossible to tlnd a man who
voted for Bingham. Even Boss
Brophy boasts of voting a scratched
How would the good people who
voted for the Union schcol ticket so
unanimously on Monday like a siml
In chance to knock corrupt practices
out of our county government ?
The people will take a whack
bosslsm every chance they get.
Wc don't like Andy Gilbert's pol
itics but ho Is running the state
prison in a humane manner, and It Is
no reflection on him that a few
trusties have escaped.
The new Salem school board will
finance for the people. If they bor
row any money Tor the district all
the people will beglveu a chance.
There are a great many of Mr.
Gecr's steers In town today and If
thoy pull together they will pull
quite a load.
The only difficulty with our friend,
the Statesman, seems to be that it
lias no circulation unionc Silver peo
ple and no influence among Republicans.
Why not publish the pay roll of the
state fair, together with the wages
and service rendered? That would
disclose the cause of the $3000 deficit.
Dave Craig makes a line looking
PopulUt, whiskers and all.
Say, ain't the asylum oillclals, the
city olhclals and the county olliclals
and the state house employes a little
hoggish in gobbling up all the war
rants. The Waldo hills delegates show
their loyalty to thclrold leader, Hon,
J. B. Waldo. Waldo ribbons are numerous.
Congress Taking Steps to Aid the Families
of the Maine Victims.
Washingtox, March 10 At the
opening of the session of the house,
the speaker recognized Boutelle Rep.
Me.) chairman of the naval commit
tee, to call up a bill for relief of the
victims and survivors of the Maine
disaster. The bill provides for pay
ment to the legal heirs of those who
lust their lives the equal of twelve
months' sea pay of the deceased and !
the reimbursement to the survivors
the value of the personal effects lost,
not to exceed in amount a sum equal
to twelye months' sea pay.
Toe house agreed to consider
the bill for the relief of the legal
heirs oftheyictlms and survivors of
the Maine disaster, as soon as the
postofHce appropriation bill, which
Was taken up In the house is
out of the way.
During the general debate on the
Dcstofficebill members eagerly took
advantage of the latitude allowed, In
cemmitteeofthe whole, to discuss the
various political questions, and the
debate consequently covered a wide
range. Griggs. Democrat of Georgia,
and Walker, Republican of Massachu
setts, discussed the cotton Industry,
and Tawney. Republican of Minne
sota, member of the ways and means
committee, replied to a speech of
Johnson, Republican of Indiana, made
sjine time ago. against the advis
ability of annexing the Hawaiian
Walker said "'t was a happy day
for the republic when the Southern
members arose on the floor and spoke
of the great Industries of the South in
competition with those of the North,
It was a day he had been waiting far
since the Pilgrims landed. No sec
tion would rejoice more than the
South had entered the lists .than New
England. We shall sutler from
Southern competitions temporarily;
we may have to reduce wage3 tempor
arily; we may have to lose some de
partments of our Industry perman
ently; but we glory In this Southern
competition, because it sh.ws the
comentlngof the common country we
love so well."
The senate committee on naval af
ralrs had under consideration today a
resolution Instructing it to make an
investigation of the Maine disaster,
and decided by a vote of (J to 5 to post
pone action for the present.
The action was preceded by a sharp
exchange of words between the ad
vocates of Immediate actiou and
those who think an active Investiga
tion 6houId be deferred in-order to
permit the administration full op
portunity to press Its own Investiga
tion through the nayal board or Inquiry,
Victoria, states that Colonel T. M.
Anderson has virtually placed Skag
uay under martial law as a means
of seconding the attempts of the
better element In driving all gamb
lers and confidence men out of Skag
uay, Colonel Anderson has ordered
all saloons and dance halls closed.
Marsh field has4GC children of school
The Coollge-Van Pelt sawmill, at
Cbetco, in Curry county, the mill that
was the cause or the Coollge-Van
Pelt rued, Is advertised to be sold ror
Robert Huchman brought to Cor
vallls last Thursday 20 chlckdns, only
four of which weighd less than six
pounds dressed. The largest one
weighed 10 pounds on foot and eight
pounds dres'ed.
The Porter mil! property, together
with the Coos river branch, Includ
ing railraod, logging camp, etc, was
sold at sheriff's sale, In Coos county,
last Wednesday. The highest and
best bid was $44,300. This amount
was bid by Mr. Adams, on behair of
Joseph Simon, the plaintiff named In
the foreclosure suit.
Vandran Bros., of Albany, received
last Saturday from George Roop, at
Gilroy Hot Springs, Cil., nine pairs
or Calirornla valley quail. They were
shipped ror breeding purposes In ex
change ror Chinese pheasants shipped
to him. The quail are a trifle "mailer
than those native In Oregon, and are
a little lighter in color.
The little 3 year-old daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ballanee, resid
ing about three miles east or Long
Creek, met Its death In a most shock
ing .manner late last evening. The
llttlegirl It is thought set tire to her
clothes by puttlug wood In the stove.
The rather was away rrom home. Ho
arrlyed home, but too late, the child
had died. The child suffered intense
Adjourned Until Friday,
It was nearly 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon when tlio argument nt the
motion to dismiss the petition in the
"dopot carcase" was completed. The
caso was tnken under advisement by
Judge Hewitt, when hu adjourned
court until 0 a, in. Friday, when the
receivership caso of R. J. Fleming
vsJ. A. Carson will bo tnken up.
Prior to adjournment the following
docket entry was made In the fore
closure suitor Win. Schroder ct al,
vs Thurston Grim et al: Motion
allowed and decree granted foreclos
ing mortgage- and directing the salo
of the premises und proceeds to be ap
plied, ttrst, to thn payment of costs
und disbursements and expenses of
sale; second, to payment of defend -nut's
tax claim; third, to plaintiff's
ulaiiu and tlio overplus to Grim.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxutlvo Hroino Quinine
tauiois. aii .urtiggists reiunu uie
money If It falls to cure. 23c, 10-1 1 om
It is to be regretted that out of 205
names Mr. Bingham claimed to ha'-o
on his petition ouly 101 voted for lilm.
If Tjik JouitNAi had not opposed him
as he says, he would not have received
uny votes at all.
The teachers will not get any fifty
cent dollars rrom Chambcrlin and
Byrd, says the Statesman tills morn
ing. No nor any rrce photographs.
There will be a hot time In the old
town tonight.
Dee Not Fear the Cold.
"I suffered every spring and rail
for reyeral years with a severe cold.
Two years ago 1 began taking
Hood's SuraparUltt. and it bjilt mo
up so that I have had no add since.
I heartily recommend Hood's Sarsa
parllla." ., .., ,.. Ciias. Woods,
Box 112, West Seattle, Washington.
Hood's Pills are ti.o only pills to
take with Hood's Sarsiiniirllln. Hum
nil liver Ills.
Verily, tho office (.ecketh the man,
three county county conventions in
town and no candidates for onlcc.
What's the matter?
U es
w ,u mi aiier uinneri
prevent distress, aid diges
tion, cure constipation,
rurely iMiuble: da not erlt
or nut ivslu. SoM u. til dnueists.
vrejwuwl only ej C. 1. llwd A Co, LoIL JUss.
In the Hands or Viplantes,
Victoria, B. C, March 1Q. The
steamer Islander, which arrived rrom
Alaska, brings news that the law
abiding citizens or Skagway and the
military hays stopped all gamblers,
and bunco and sure-thing men
haye been ordered to leave
town, P. C. Bean, a miner, was mur
dered on Wednesday last, several
miles rrom Skagway; $300 was found
on his body In a belt, together with
$33.50 and a in Iner's license secured at
Victoria, In -his pockets. It Is .sup
posed the murdeier's object was rob-
Dcry, out mat he was started away
before he roqld pilfer tlie corpse. The
murderer was not captured. IJean
was rrom Williams, California.
The steamer Corona has been floated
and Is now at Ckeena awaiting the
tug Lome, which has gone to bring
lteridown. The Coronas boiler is
The steamer Del Norte was passed
In Wrangel Narrows, ashore, but the
Islander did not go near enough to
ascertain the extent or the damage.
The largo bark, discharging at
Skagway, ran ashore during a gale on
Thursday last, but was not seriously
damaged; it was thought that she
would be lloated at high tide.
The vessels at Skagway on Thurs
day last were the George W. Elder,
Rosalie, Cleveland, Lucille, Canada,
Shirley and what Is left of tlio White-
law. The Lucille was discharging tho
supplies of tho government relief ex
pedition, which since her departure
has been abandoned.
Alex McLaln, a business man or
Skagway, was sandbagged In front of
his house Sunday night by an un
known footpad. Tlio Skagway cltl
Izcns raised 3700 for a hospital rund In
four hours. The sandbagging or
Alexauder McLain brought to a head
the reeling against the gamblers, the
committee or 101, which was formed
at the time or the Mofinrth nmi
Rowrn murders, decided to force
matters. They therefore held a meet
ing, the result or which was a notifi
cation to all Kiublers to leaye town
within tho next day. The gamblers,
upon receipt or this notice, held a
meeting too, nrtcr which they posted
in front of a disreputable place the
! r Mowing netice:
j "We the people or Skaguay, are run
I nlng this town, and all those that
don't like It can go to II ."
Skattlg, Wash., March 10. D.ivld
cts.iuu,K"ort u' i-aiuurnia, wno arrived
nru last nignt rrom skaguay, via
The oyster supper given .by the
young men or the neighborhood, at
the hall on Wednesday evening, was
a very pleasant affair and all enjoyed
The young ladies' Literary society
held at the home or Mrs. J. B. Waldo,
Invited the young men Into their so
ciety on Friday evening and they were
highly entertained. Lunch being
berved at 1 1 o'clock by Mre. Waldo.
All went home happy.
The primaries held here on Satur
day were very quiet. The sentiment
beingunanimous for Union.
The pupils or Macleay school dis
trict, by the assistance or the board
or directors, have employed Pror. J. J.
Kraps, as moderator to preside over
them for the ensuing three months,
at a salary or $45, per month.
The rarmers are all done seeding,
and their growing crops never looked
better. They are living in hope of
good crops and high prices.
Mr. Sam Hlllman has opened a
blacksmith shop in Dan Humphries'
old shop, and is a welcome comer by
all as a shop was much needed here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tull, of Barlow, are
upon a visit to her mother, Mrs. E
Diamond Dyes Make Beautiful and Bril
liant Colors Which Will Not Fade So
Simple That Even a Child Can Use
Them Successfully For Twenty Years
the Standard Home Dyes.
Don't wear a faded gown.
Don't look shabby simply because
you can not afford to buy a new dress j
It Is not necessary to wear clothing!
that Is faded and shabby because you
have no money to buy more. With one
or two packages of Diamond Dyes that
cost only ten cents, the old dress can
be dyed a fashionable and beautiful
color and made to look like new. Thou,
sands or women will have spring
dresses this year that cannot be told
from new, but which have cost them
only a trifle the result of coloring over
their old materials with Diamond
Diamond Dyes arc so simple and
easy to use that even a child can, by
following their plain directions, get
fast and beautiful colors. They will
not fade, crock, or wash out, and are
the only package dyes that have stood
the test of years or ue. Do not risk
your goods with imitations or the
Copies for Sale at Low Price in Large
The speech ot Congressman Towne,
the great tree sdlver orator, can be
had at The Journal, office in any
quantity for circulation. Papers con
taining it can be had at the low price
or 1 cent each in a quanity of not less
than 2o copies. Send in your orders
early and have this great speech doing
missionary work. It Is the best effort
or one of the greatest orators of the
land. tf
Arter years or untold suffering trou.
piles, B. W. Pursell of Knltner-ville.
Pa., was cured by using a single bo
or DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. Skic
diseases such as eczema, rash, Dim
pies and obstinate sores are readilj
cured by thlsramous remedy. Stone'.'
Drug Stone.
Another Cut.
Commencing March 11 tie follow
ing rates will apply via Huntington
nnd the Oregon Short line, Kansis,
City to Sioux City inclusive: First
class, $20; second class, $10. To Chi
cago, first class $31.50; second class,
$21.50. To New York, $40; second
class, $30. To St. Louis, tirst, class,
827.W); second class $17 50. To Chey
enne, Denver, Colorado Springs and
Pueblo, first class, $40: second class.
$30. Travel via the i hrougli car line
on these rates. Cheaper than staying
at uome.
Inquire of Boise &Barker, agents,
270 Commercial street.
A Union Of reform forces may be
effected In the coming political cam
paign but all smorkers or the 10 cent
La Corona rejoice In a union of
genuine pleasure and satisfaction.
That accounts for its remarkable
KIGIITLINGER. At the homo in
South Salem, March 15, 1S9S, to
Mr. and .Mrs. U. G. Klghtllnger, a
that arc not very robust need a
warming;, building; and fat-forming-food
something; to be used for two
or three months In the fall that
they may not suffer from cold,
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hvpophos-
phites of Lime and Soda supplies
exactly what they want. They
will thrive, jrow strong- and be
well all winter on this splendid food
tonic. Nearly all of them become
very fond ox it. ror adults who
are not very strong, a
course of treatment with
the Emulsion for a couple
of months in the fall will
put them through the
winter in first-class con
dition. Ask your doctor
about this.
Wanted Agents To take orders
for an entirely pew article or excel
lent merit, This Is a splendid oppor
tunity for good workers; to such we
extend an Invitation to investigate.
Barr Bros. & Co. 118 State street, Sa
lem, Or. 3-15-3t
Reduced Fares.
All delegates, alternates nnrl nmv-
les attending Party State convention
in Portland on March 23d, can ob
tain reduced railroad rare. They
should take a receipt from their local
ticket ngent for the tare paid, and on
presenting that with the spprprre'e
certificate ot attendance on the accn-
yenuon tue agent in Purtland will
sell a return ticket over the Southern
Pacific Ry., lines for one-third, and
oyer the O. It. & N. lines for onp-flrth
the equal fare. This certificate must
be presented within 48 hours after the
adjournment or the Convention, tf
What pleasure is there In life with
a headache, constipation and bilious
ness? Thousands experience them
who could become perfectly healthy
by using De Witt's Little Early Ris
ers, the ramous little pills. Stone's
Drug Store.
PoRTLAND.March 1C Wheat vallej
79c: Walla Walla, 70c.
Flour Portland, $3.85; Suporllne
12 25 per bbl.
Hay Good, SVAa 12.50 per'ton.
I lops -Ms 10c; old crop 4(aflc.
Wool " alley, 14(jtlGc; Eastern
Oregon, 12c.
MIIIstulT Bran.310; shorts, $20.
Poultry-Chickens, mixed, $4I.6C.
turkeys, live, 11 (a 12c.
Eggs Oregon, 10c per doz.
Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 7fJifSc.
under 00 lbs0K3"c;sheep pel ts,l 0Qf oc.
Onions-SO(a$l per c
Butter Bess dairy, S540c; fancy
creamery, 50c(rt55c a roll.
Potatoes, 40(a50c per sack.
Apples 40(ao0c a box.
Hogs Heavy, $4.
Mutton Weathers4c; dressed, GJc,
Beef lUeers. $3: cows.$2.50: dressed,
Wheat bic.
Oats 30c.
AppIes.:j(Xtt40cin trade.
Hay Baled, cheat. a001.
Flour In wholesale lots, $3.50: re
tall $3.75.
Hogs drcscd, 5c.
Live cattle 2K3c.
Veal 13.
Butter Dairy 15lSc; creamery,
Sheep Live, 3jc a lb.
Wool Best. l((ilSc.
Hops Best 8(af4c.
Eggs- 8c cash.
Poultry Huns, G(a7c; turkeys 10c.
ducks;0c per lb.
Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8s;
ham, 10c: shoulder, SKfiOc.
Potatoes 23c In trade.
Convicts Re-Captured.
Aoout 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon,
C. F. Moore aud Geo. Betz, the two
trusty convicts who deliberately
walked away from the state peniten
tiary Saturday evening, were captured
at Canby by A, F. Will, of Aurora
and Deputy Marshall D. It. Dliuick,
of Canby. The men were returned to
tills city on the overland last night
and immediately reincarcerated In the
reformitory rrom which the had
only so recently escaped. When ar
rested the men were attired in rubber
overcoats. Upon removing theli
closely buttoned coats, the regulation
prison garb "as disclosed, and the
u-picioiis of their cuptors as to the
men's lUcuutj proved well-founded.
How's Thi I
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
gard foi an cae ol Catarrh that can
not be cured u Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney kV Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned hae known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and linanciallv
able to carry out any obligations made
by the firm.
West jc TitAC.x.wholcsale Druggist,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kin-nan & Nauvin,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure us taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. Testimonials sent free. Price
75c per bott e. Sold by all druggist.
There are three little things which
do more work than any other three
little things created they are the
ant, the bee and DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the last being the fa
mous little pills for stomach and liver
troubles, btoue's Drue Store.
Both tho method and results ttU
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is j)leaMci
and rcfrohing to tlio taste, and act,
gently yet promptly on the Kidner.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the srj
tern effectually, dispels colds, heai
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tlt
only remedy of its kind ever pro.
duced, pleasing to the Uisto and at
ccpUible to the stomach, prompt j
its action and truly beneficial hit,
effects, prepared only from the mos
healthy and agreeable substances, fe
many excellent qualities commends
to all and have made it the moj
popular remcay Known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 5
cent bottles by all leading dn
gists. Any reliable druggist -irt
may not have it on hand will pr
euro it, promptly ior any one wti
wishes to try it. Do not accept ap
suusuuue. I
blcod it
lie isot Ueceivedl A Coupb, Horseness or
yruup are not to oe inued with. A dose in
lome olbhilo's Cure will say jou mu.h
irouoie. oom ny u. j. Fry.
For Constipation take Karl s Clover Roo
tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Head
ache, Nrrvousness, Eruptions on the face
and makes the bead clear as a bell. Sold by
D. J. Fry '
To Cure a Cold in one day
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab
tablets. All druggists refund the
money If it rails to cure. 25c. 10-14-Om
What Dr. A. E. Slater Says.
Buffalo, X. V Gen-K-Fmm my per.
sonal knonledye, gained in observing theer
ftct of your fahiloh s Cure in cases of advanced
Consumption, 1 am prepared to say it is the
most remarkable Kerned;- that has ever been
brought to ray attention. It has certainly
nved many from Consumption. Sold by l
J. Fry
Stop that cough. Take warning,
lead to consumption. A 25c,,
Shiloh's Luremay save 50U- fe'
D. J. Fry. 3
It ma)
bottle of
Sold by
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
For a im
of pure bloal
vitalize the !
currents witll
nervousness 1
removed by j
They Offer $lool
For Any Case of Nervous or Sejl
weakness in Men They Treat I
nud Fail to Cure. 1
Xo fake cure, but a scientific treatment!
ministered by physicians in good standi
and specialties in their line. The
.Medical Company cures Lost Vitality,
vous "exual Weakness, and restores Life I
in old and oung men. They will guar
tocureou cr forfeit Si 00 should they
uheie their medicines are taken accordbjH
directions. No money required in adrfl
Deposit the m ney nil our banker
paid to them uhtn jou arecLred notbtil
ine stat: .Medica' Company is an incordH
ated company wt h a capital stock of 1
000, anrt their guarantee is worth 100 1
on the dollar. I heir treatment is tnl
Magical Tiealment, and may be tikel
home under their directions, or they will J
rauro.a lareana Hotel Lulls to all whoj
i" uo 10 neaanuarters. 11 tnev an to tl
1 h s Company does not suddIv i nni
freenliey tharce a reasonable oricc if
eflect a cure, and nothing if they don1!,!
wcy wm icu you exactly wliat it will
btfore)ou take it.
Full infoimation on request. Write te:
Suit- 914 Ramage Blk Omaha, !
We are anxious to do a little good
In this world and can think or no
pleasanter or better way to do It than
by recommending One Minute Uough
Cure as a preventative or pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds,
ytone's Drug Store.
Dress k'akinu Parlors. Mrs. L
I Campbell has opened dressmaking
pirlors at 333 Liberty street, she is
i ronarea 10 ao an kinds of fashionable
r'u'ssiuaklng at reasonable prices. Sat-i-lactlon
guaranteed. 3 5 lm
Whooping cough is the most dis
tressing maladyi but It duration can
be cut short hy the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, which Is also the best
known remedy for croup nnd all lung
and bronchial troubles. Stone's Drug
A hPtCIALTY Primary, Secondari
leruary Blood Poison permanently:
in 13 to 35 aa.s. You can
treated at home for the same
under same guaranty. If you Lrefer tod
here we will contract to pay the railroaJl
uhu uoiei Dins, anil no charge, 11 we
turo. n ou nave taken mercurv. 10
potash, and still have nches and pains, Mcj
fatches in mouth, Soie Throat. Pimples.fl
per Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part c
body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, itul
ockuuuary 11100a roison wo guatanteetoq
we solict the most cbstinate cases and d
lenge the world for a case we cannot 1
this disease has always baffled the ski
the most eminent physicians. $300,000 j
uai uenina our uncondtionat guaranty,
solute proofs tent sealed en application.
"i.aa .uuk jemeuy UO., IsQ4 311i
irmple, Chicago III, 3 7-1
JLILm Aevraum )., It'allln.
orr. Impotent?. Kleegletoncti, ele-'il
v: auuM ana oioer "law, uii
CmiOUB. TKeii ntilrLlii nttd J
ietcre Lost iuLij la old or jomui
... u ..u. ,ur Biuur, Duuneta or dp
l.hml.iK.r-M.'a "."" "P" wniira
-- '..-.o. ucn iw. cinws lmmAtllatli I
S.t ,,S? RS" .P w BB w Tre aU other tel:
h.;.?.i,.i"" .11 J-??n"! J XttDimi.
-z , ' " .rmrfc " ou cents per d&
sli m-kM (mil treatment for 2.So fir
A 1 a v vpeTi ffl? V rfL:- o rrlci Olrtolsr
not meuy CO.,
For sale in Salem Or.,by D. J TRY druji
B sur you set SCOTT'S. EniuUion. Stt Uu. the
eu oJ Csn tr 00 the wrapper.
All draggbu; yx, snj fi.oo.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chcmbu, Nw York.
To Cure a Cold in rn n
Take Laxative BromoQulnlne'Tab
ts all drutrirlst rofurvi iim .
If Itfalls to cure. 25c, The genuine
uua u. 11 v m eacu lauiet.
Dont annoy others by your cough
ing, and risk your life by neirlectlnu n
cold. One Mtuute Cough Cure cures
tuuKus, turns, croup, grippe and all
throat and luug troubles. Stone's
B. C. O. SHUITS, of Tfinterset, Iowa,
mveiuor ana manufacturer nf
Shults' Safety Vfhlffletrpn rvinniin I
vrrltcaof Dr. Miles' IlMrtnnr iTre- ! I
SO an attack of LaOrlppe left me with a
weak heart, I had run down la flesh to
mere skin and bone. I could not sleep lyln
(Jon for smotierins spells; frequent f haro
dartlna llns and palpitation caused a con.
stant fear of sudden death, notidng could
Induce me to remain away from home over
?.1ht:Mr locaI Physician prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and in a few days I was
.Uiwwwpweu nnq. tho pains gradually
essened, and finally ceased. I reduced the
tho doses, having gained fifteen tun.i nH
am now feeling better In every way than I
M.w.w, JCOIS. I
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug-
gists under a positive I
guarantee, first bottle
Deneflu or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Audresa.
Othwell detective agency,
lJ Kearny Street, Ban Frafcclsco, Cat
district attorneys, sheriffs, attorne;
law and private parties- Prepared to tran
all business of a confidential and Intn
character expeditiously and on reason
terms. Correspondents all over the world
For Infants and Children.
HK r- 'flssssi
ssWN '-.an.. Xsl H
B , . 1.
B-IU2Ei Cura3 2 entire
lectoraiikl "
su rracopi .h
DB, MILE3 MEDICAL OOiHkhart, lad.
$ ft VwaSTSST-
wb-M vn:-