'f DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. TQLy SALEM, OREGON, WKDJTESttAV, EABCH 10, I8U8. KOGC PE0PLES-RFMM-B1METALLIC-UNM. There arc three political conventions In session at Salem that will write a new chapter In the political his- torj cf Oregon. They represent the producers and tollers ofMaHon county, and arc three earnest Intelligent bodies of iuen. They arc remarkable for the absence of machine methods the disappearance, of bosslsm and office-seeking. The three conventions will probably agree upon platform and ticket and for the flisttlmc in history thj Republicans will meet with un united opposition. The Peoples Party. Large and Interesting County Convention K, L. Hibbard Sustained as Chairman The Organization Completed. County Chairman K. L. Illbbard called the convention to order at 10:30 a. in. Popular hall was well filled. Among the old wheel horses present were: H. P. Boise, F. A. Myers, John P. Robertson, L. W. GulssGeo. Weeks, Geo. P. Cud well, John Pate, John W. Jory, Thos. C. Jory, Chas Miller, Sr. Among new fa:cs were David Craig, I. M: Wagner, Geo. Dlmtnick, Geo. E. Allen, formerly with other parties. Mr. Illbbard read the call and stated tint the central committee had referred the question of Union to the primaries to instrcut delegates on the question of Union, and they had been so instructed. He asked that the 'Utmost fairness and considera tion be shown to all elemeuts of the party. K. L. Illbbard and Geo. Weeks were nominated for temporary chairman. Mr. Illbbard was chosen unanimous, Mr. Weeks voting for him, and he was received witii great applause, thank ing them for the expression of confi dence. II. W. Copeland and C. D. Mitchell were chosen secretaries. On motion a committee of five ou credentials was appointed as follews: Chas. Matlock, J. A Knight, B. T.. George, Geo. W. Weeks, Geo. Vedder. The convention took a recess until 11:30 a. m. AFTERNOC-JTSESSIONT : Report of the committee on creden tials read adopted. On motion of Homer Cleveland that delegates present cast vote of entire convention, The temporary organization was made permanent. A delegation from the Democratic convenilou and also one of the Silver Republicans gave notice that a con ference committee was asked on plat form. F A Myers moved that the conven tion select a conference committee of live to meet a like committee of the other two conventions and for mulate a platform. Mr. Vedder made a speech against Union In any form. The motion of Mr. Myers was adopted withgreat enthusiasm. Mr. Vedder nlone voted no. Mr. Von Beheren of Aumsvllle, moved that the convention proceed to elect a conference committee of live, Carried. LV Guiss. JM Payne, John W Jory, E C Mlnton, Jeo E Allen, G W Dimick, R P Boise, Homer Cleveland; John P Robertson. F A Myers and F S Matteson were nominated. The conventions proceeded to elect by ballot, majority to elect. Indications are that the conference committees will not get through with their work until late at night and the conventions will not conclude their work until Thursday. it The ballot on conferees resulted as follews: J W Jory 107 G W Dimick 04 RP Boise 74 II Cleveland 54 F A Myers 07 Karl's Clover Root Tea, lor Constipation t's the Best and if after using it you don't say so, teturn the package and get 'your money. Sold by D. J. Fry. DON'T t Be deceived by fhc selling out at cost schemes all over the city, but go to -hiTHE FAIR STORE and supply your wants in everything, at the lowest racket prices, Everything bought and sold for spot cash enables us to sell very low, Remember we carry most anything you need, The Fair has the best goods for the least money. 274 Commercial st Salem, Democratic Party, First Gathering of the Follow ers of Jefferson, County Chairman Bayne Was Re- Elected A Full Conyention. The opera house was well filled when the Democratic county conven tion was called to order by Chairman John Payne. John Bayne and Geo. CusMter we're placed In nomination for temporary chairman. Tellers were appointed as follows. Jeff Meyers, John Chase, A Keepe acd W H Downing, when the ballot was taken with the following results: Bayne, 142; Cussiter, 03. Mr. Bayne was declared elected temporary chairman, and he addressed the convention briefly outlining the work in hand. D. J. Fry was nominated for tem porary secretary, but declined. W, E. Finzer was then chosen tempor ary secretary. Mr. Slater moved a committeeof five on credentials. Car ried. John Gray moved a like committee on permanent organization and order of business. COMMITTEES Credentials W. T. Slater O. S. West, N. Lambert, Jas. Finney, W. W. Johns. Permanent Organization J no Gray, Geo. S. Downing. Francis Feller, A. B. Hudelson, fc W. Rntmon. Adjourned to 1:30 p in. The following report from the com- mittee on permanent organization was presented and adopted. 1. We recommend that the tem porary organization lie made perma nent. 2. That a committee of three on platform bo elected to confer with the Peoples and Silyer Republican con ventions. " 3. That a committee be elected on apportionment of officers, to confer with a like committee of the People's and Silver Republican conventions. 4. That after said conference com mittee report we submit a report on orders of business. Upon motion the report was adopted. For the conference committee on platform the following nominations were made: Phillip Glover, G S Down ing. Philip Glover elected by accla mation. F N Derby moved a suspension of rules and that the chatrlappolnt a committee of five on conference for the division of offices. On a rising vote the motion was lost. A motion to proceed to elect a con ference committee of five for appor tionment of offices was adopted. The following nominations were made: 3eo Cussiter , J R Falrbank, T L Dav idsjn, F N Derby, T II Barne3, Win Goodrich, B A Nathman, II T Hayes, A A Elder, A B Hudelson. The Other Side. Rev. W. E. Copeland will lecture In Unity church on John Brown. Mr. Copeland was one of the bodyguard who protected Wendell Phillips from the Boston mob which threatened his life in consequence of his eulogy on Brown. Mr. Copeland will narrate many of the exciting lncldeut pre ceding the outbreak of the clyil war, and will give the estimate put on John Brown by the braves of "New England. Mr, Copeland especially Invites the presenceof his comrades of the Grand Army. O. F DABNBY, Proprietor, Silver Republicans. Assemble in Their First Del egate Convention, Remarkably Good Attendance of People's Money Defenders. When County Chairman Rigdon called the convention to order the old city hall was well tilled with dele gates. He brietly stated the objects of the meeting, counseling wise action on the part of the convention. D. C. Sherman was nominated for tempory chairman, and was unani mously elected. He thanked the del egates upon taking the chair, and made a short, patriotic speech. At this JunctureSaltnon Brown the son of old John Brown, entered as a delegate from Prospect precinct, and was greeted by a graud round of ap plause. ClaicnceJ. Slmcral was then made temporary secretary by unanimous vote. On motion chair appointed follow ing committee on credentials: M. S. Wilmot, G. B. Cornelius, J. R. White, G. W. Whitney, S. R. Kerr. Adjourned to 1 p. m. A 1 1 p. in. the committee on creden tials reported on delegates. Adopted. By unanimous vote Salmon Brown was invited to a seat of honor on the platform. Upon motion the following commit tee on permanent organization was appeinted: S Tomlinson, A Strong, A B George. Upon motion a committee of two was agreed upon to confer with like committees-from -the other conven tions. Geo Whitney, J S Cook and L S Brower were appointed tellers. The ballot resulted as follews: E Hofer, 82; C W Corby, 9; W E Her, 44; C P Strain, 43. There being 102 votes cast, and 52 being necessary to choice, E Hofer was declared elected. Mr. Strain moved that as Her stood next highest he was declared elected. Carried. It was further carried that should further members be needed for this committee, that Messrs. Strain and Corby be added. The temporary organization was made permanent. A committee composed of M L Wil mot, J B Dimick and C W Corby was appointed upon motion to wait upon the other conventions and notify them of our action. The following committee was ap pointed upon apportionment of state and district delegates: J Voorhes, J M Pugh, E A Boorlck, II D Weyant, M Small. The following committee was ap pointed on precinct and county com cem mitteemen: C n Burggraf, Isaac Stevens and E. C, Baker. Adjourned until 3:30 p. ni. ELECTHIC RAILROAD MATTERS. Probable Sale of the Salem Lines Is Denied. The morning paper states that It Is almost certain that Mr. Bush will In the near future purchase the Salem streetcar and electric lighting plant. Mr. Bush was seen this morning by a Journal reporter, and while practic ally denying any knowledue of the matter, declined to be interviewed on the subject. Mr. F. R. Anson was also seen and stated that there is not now nor has there been, any negotiations, looking to thejsale of the property owned- by the Salem Light and Traction Co. to Mr. Bush or to any other persons, and that the purchase of the mortgage put on certain of the property by the Old Salem Consolidated Street Railway Co. would not carry the control of these properties without further purchasing the controlling interest In the Capital Stock of the Salem Light and Traction Co.. and also the Inter est of other private parties. A Splendid Gift. Hurlle Moore, the genial clerk at Lunn & Brooks Pharmacy was today the recipient of a box of fine Imported TIavanas from his friend G. L. L Basket. Mr. Moore's friends should call and have a social smoke. THE DELEGATES, PEOPLES' PARTY DELEGATES. Woedburn: L. W. Guiss, A. Wood, Wm. Simpson, L. Walker, J. A. Harper, J. A. Knight, G. W. Dyer, J. D. Richmoud. A. G. Bradley, Wm. Young, B. S Bonney, ' T. Broylcs, A. P. Brannager, J. V. Cook, S. Overton. Gervais Delegates t E. W. Man ning, J. D. Smith. J. L. Smith, A. Waer, B. P. Stevens, Charles II, Fitz gerald and Frank Nlbler. East Silverton W. R. Smith, Ben Davenport. Allen Shaw, j Geo. Mc Mlchaeis, J. W. Hicks, AlbertSavagc. O. G. Spirks; WcstSIlverton. K. L. Illbbard, Sol Anderson, Mert Warren, Charles Warren, A. F. Slmeral, W. J. Jerman, Wm. Jones. Englewood.-R. P. Boise Sr.. J. E. Murphy. II. B. Munson, W. II. II. Dunkle. Geo. II. Nichols, J. H.Keycs a Ashley and JJ. je. Jonrrton. ForSalcm No. 1. J. M. Payne, II. La Follett, Arthur Brock and White Yew Park. Homor Cleveland. D. A. B. A. Sliaw, J, Jiurke, Tlios. u. Jory, Blinsion, E. B. Brown, jA Smith, .JUS. JIKM, J.. U MUKMUI, South Salem. W.McGIIchrist, John Hunt, John W. Jory, C. L. Weaver, Jacob Dencer. Thos. Davidson, J.A. Colby, J, B. Parker.E, O'Flyng, J. J. Wlllard. Jeffeisnn. J. W. Pate; Chas. Mil ler, Jr; R. F. Myers, F. A. Cooper, B. F. Blackwell, A. C. tibby, Chas. Llbby, W. F. Jones. Monitor. Geo F. Bdnney, Sam Sweeney, G. W. Vedder, II. Long, Jackson White. North Salem Emery Fletcher, T. J. Clark, F. II. Neslblt, F. J. Beatty, R. R. Ryan, Z. K. Ferguson, Albert Beatty. E. C. Minton. Brooks Ralph Shepard, A. D. Baker. A. L.'Beckncra-and luddGain ard, N Rosenbaum, by T N Gainard, proxy. Macleay. Geo. Eoff, Asa Eoff, J. T. King, David Craig. norcb.-B. T. George, U. II. Udy, A.L.Gates, D. C. Smith, Geo. A. Spencer, I. K lllsey, W T. Clark. Silver Falls -J J Johnson, Sam Ar nold. Howell G W Weeks,' J A McCnnn, E Baughman, E Stephens, J A Nor wood. ' St. Paul-Clias Pellacd, T V David son, M II Conner. Aumsvllle C II Mitchell, Thos Johnson, W II n Darby. M II Spcer, D S Swank, Henry Bruer, F J Van Burcn. Hubbard J A Dimick, G W Dim ick, J A Dodge, Sublimity Ed Jacobs, Herbert Copeland, G W Merrifield, Thos. "i.. tm.-i., i r ntr... -. Smith, Riley 1'hlllips. Marlon-.HGGulvl'j, M Bailey, G W Ludwlg, Frank CookFrank Libby. liartieid u u MatiocK, urant j Matlock, W II Adair, jy QO Matlock, proxy. Turner-J L Robertson, J S PrlDk, F S Matteson, W O Gantz. Salem No. 2 T L Golden to cast vote of precinct. Prospect G P Cadwell.J D nedrick. J P Robertson, B J Sharp, C A Chap man, W D Matthews, J M McAilster, A L Frazler, Jas Matthews, by L II McMahon, proxy. Horeb B T George, D C Smith and Geo Spencer,by George,5proxy, II Udy, J K Helsey, W T Clarke and A L Gates, by Heissey, proxy. Fairfield J R Broylcs, G A Dur ctte. Stay ton Sam Darby, John W Thomas, E A Wright, Chas Barr, J w Apple, utu uaroy, proxy, Jonn Taylor, T C Darby. East Salem John Estes, J A Myers, Walter Lehman, G G E Allen proxy, David Giger. Salem No 4 A dinger and II Watson. DEMOCRATIC DELEOATES. Gervais, F. A. Mangold, I. D. Smith, P. II. Fitzgerald, J.J. Hurley, n. L. Koester, George A. Mickei, H. D. Manning, u. A. jNattiman. Salem No. 1. John Brooks, Join Gray, W. T. Slater, Wm. John D'An-y. Salem No. 3. Fred SteuslofT, . Pat Fennel, E F. Osburn, Wm. II. Cook, Perry Mauzey. Seth Wade, Jefferson Myers. Web Holmes, F. J. Barr, J. L. Freeland. Salem No. 4. John Chase, O. West, J. B. Mosier, Jas. Godfrey, T. B. Walt, F. Kellogg, J. A. Bernard!, F. Neckerman, R. II. Westacott. North Salem. J. R. Falrbank, Geo. W. Emert, Wm. Goodrich, T. L. Roso, Mr. Rider, Norman McLeod, Albert Clemens. Enclewnod. Peter Fox. T. F. Walker, Ell Neil, G. O. Savage, L. W. Benjon, T. Barnes, James Vaughn, Lewis Savage, David Holmes. South Salem -W. W. Johns, W. G. Westocott, F. S Deaborn, A. I). Pet tyjohn, B. F. Hall, Dell Pettyjohn A. P. Gordon. Prospect George S. Downing, Thos Caufleld, A. D. Palmer, O. Van Patton, B. B. Colbath, Clyde Brand enburg, A. A. Miller. John Lewis. Yew Park John Bayne, W. I J. Simpson, F. N. Derby, T. L. David son, W. B. Clark, J. D. Bohanon, G II. Croisan. Turner Precinct Dr. J. W Ran som. Isaac II. Small, L O. Cavanaugh, F. Murlon Cook. Mt. Angel Nic Michel, I). Shanks, M. Palmer, J. J. Buchelt, J. W. Eb ner, Thomas Palmer. Fred Schwab. G. W. Palmer, A. L. Kavanaugh. Howell D. J, Stelner, L. Larson, R, T. McNichols, Jas. Bateson, D. O. Ross. East Salem-Frank Smith, C. W. Yaunke, Jas. Munkers. Noah Herron. Breltenbusli. J. II Dorrls, G. Saw ers,P. A. Carroll, It. L. Carrell. Iloreb.-O. II. Work, W, Fl. Bend, B. F.FulW, Theo Tltze, 0.11. Haines, Samuel Cox. Brooks Hugh G. Eldreldge, Guj Molsan. M. J. Egan, Jas Finney, Aaron Newsome. East Silverton. G. W. Cuister, IV. O Isenhart, W II Snider, Geo Morley, John Whltlock, Adolph Wonder, proxy, W II Snider, It M Ballard Charupoeg W R McKay, W T Coleman, A W Jettc, proxy by Mc Kay. Hubbard -S W Weaver, Henry Wealing. Macleay L 0 Griffith, Juhn King, Thos Kayes, R Martinson. Salem No. 2. CM Charlton, F P Talklngton, M L Hamilton, Ifran'c W Durbin. Sla ton W W Eider. E oy, Fred Rock, Al Briitgs StP.tul-Wm Murphy, F N Cole ma i. Ttios kirk, Frunk Lombard. Sublimity N Lambert, L Melcher, Cvrtis Clark, Philip Glover, Jos A Dltter, W II Downing, Frank Bull. West Silverton George Sacrey Bob Gilmore, James Madison, Chris Iscn heart, F McClalne, T J Davis. Woodburn Jas Casey, Chas Scott, Matthew McCojmick, A G Lucler, A J Cooley, Nick Miller, W E Finzer, Chas McCormtck, E W Copps, Wm Loveridge, Lee Fortune. SILVER UEPUBL1CAN DELEOATES Woodburn Jacob Vorvhees, Geo, Whitney, C.W.Corby. John Gates. F. Tomlinson, J. Harding, B.F. Live say. J. M. W. Bonney, E. W. Finzer. Yew Park J. S. Cook, Jus. Batch elor, Joshua II Smith, Jas. Webb. Salem, No. 4 Amos Strong, A. F. Mc te, C. Marsh, F. X. Hofer. Prospcct-Salmon Brown, E. L. Brlgns. D. C. Sherman, W. T. Rliidon, Wm. Jones, M. A. Butllong, M. L. ilmot. Salem. No. 1-A. S. Slippy, C. N. Churchill, I. D. Driver, Jr., G. O. Cheney. Salem No. 2 C. II. Burggraf, S. T. Richardson, A. W. Dennis, G. A. Bach. Salem No. 3-J. M. Pugh, A. B. Buren, J. M. Iluber, II. B. Draper. South Salem II. S. Jory, A. L Baker, Geo. F. Mason. Nortli Salem Jesse George, Walter Needham, D If. Weyant, W. II. Cross, John Necdhatn. Aumsvllle. L, M. Reeder. S. A. Trainer, Geo, A. Towle, and G. B. Cornelius. Monitor J. R. White, J. A. John st on, E. R. Seeley, 0. P. Strain Macleay. C. J. Simmeral, L. S. Brower, L. S. Sarder, D. J. Miller. Englewood. Geo, Hilton, J. E. McCoy, Capftlu D. C. Howard, A, F. Chase. Brietenbush Joe Peasley. Mt. Angel. II. Kavanaugh, Paul Fox, A. Klinger. Gervais W. B. Brown, V. Wattler, Conard Bllen. Champoeg. J. G Ebcrhard, B. F. Eberhard, J. N. Eddy. APPORTIONMENT OP DELEGATES. en s B W w "8 COUNTIES. Baker Benton' Clackamas .. Clatsop , Columbia ... Coos Crook Curry Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney . .. Jackson Josephine ... ICIamath . Lake Lane Lincoln Linn s -5 10 0 5 7 4 10 0 14 7 5 3 5 4 3 4 3 2 5 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 5 3 0 3 p i 3 11 5 3 3 01 11 4 3 o 5 4 0 10 12 0 4 3 7 3 3 14 11 4 0 10 4 11 Malheur Marlon . ... Morrow Multnomah Polk Shemian Tillamook... Umatilla ..., Union , Wallowa . . Wasco Washington Yamhill ... 4 13 4 18 3 33 23 0 3 4 8 3 3 4 3 3 6 r. 3 4 4 4 0 0 11 12 4 8 U 10 210 208 131 Free Social. At the Congrega tional church this evening. A musical and litcraryiprogram has been arrang ed. Every body is Invited to attend. Don't lulfls this treat. All parties having photos unsettled for at Miss Sperry's gallery will please scttlo for same before April 1, as the gallery will bo rented to others on that day. Musical at Asylum. Mrs. II. B. Holland and Prof. Scoble sing tumor row evening to the Inmates of tho in sane asylum by Invitation from Dr. Paine. m ' Rara Avis. Allen Rhodes, tho taxidcrmlbt today received a white robin, which was captured near Jeffer son. This rare bird is an albino, and one of the very few ever seen on this coast. A Repetition. "Tho Messiah" will be repeated, by request, at the M. E. church, Friday evening. Reserved scats for 25 cents at Dearborn's. Removal Sale, J. A. Rotan Is re moving his furniture and undertaking business Into the store building known as the J. G. Wright pioneer grocery. Mr. Rotan has a largo as sortment of furniture In which ho Is giving grand bargains. Cull and ex. amine his stock. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, Injuries, eczema or skin dlbcases may secure instant relief by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Great Pile remedy. Stone's Drug Store. M O E g 3 3 THREE CUBANS SHOT. Executed by Order of Secret Court Martlal. New York, March 16. The Herald's Havana correspondent says the killing of Colonel Alvarez- Lieutenant-Colonel Vicente Nunez and Major Espinosa was by Order of Gen eral Roberto Rcrmudez, commanding the Insurgent forces In bantu Clara province. They had decided to sur render and accept autonomy. Mem bers of their forces were ready to sur render. Tills was learned by Bermudez who held a secret court-martial and it was decided to shoot the trio. As the officers left camp to ride to tlio town of La Espcrauza they were fired on by the insurgents acd were fairly riddled with bullets. Several engagements arc officially reported in Plnar del Rio, Havana, Matanzas and Santa Clara provinces. General Blanco has sent an official cable to tue minister or war, con gratulating Generals Pando and Varo del Reyes for their successful opera tions against the rebels at Sierra Maestru, Palma, Sarlano de Palama , Ajuacata la Esperanza and round tho Camaroncs river, by Caya, Cabo Cruz and the Cauto river, on March 7, 8, 0, 10 and 11. These spirited engage ments resulted In Spanish victories with Insignificant losses for the loyal troops. Havana papers anuounco without comment that the battle-ship Iowa will pay a friendly visit to Havana Plans are being arranged for a pa triotic performance at the Tacon theater on March 10, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the pur chase of a battle-ship to he presented in the name of citizens of Havana to Spain. Subscriptions are being made with enthusiasm. Fourteen boxes for one performance wero sold tor 10Q centimes each. Single scats were sold at prices averaging 40 centimes. Fred crick Berndcz. tho Austrian consul at Havana, paid tho highest prlco for a box. It Is believed that ho would nob have taken this step without the con sent of his government. Ills action has atti acted considerable comment and is considered significant. The Herald's Havana correspond ent glVcs details of the attack on the navana-Matanzas train by soldiers belonging to General Betancourt's army. - Two men were slightly wounded. One was George Barnuin, a British subject, who lived for some years in Savannah, fla. Tho other was the civil secretary of Matanzas, Mr. Barnum, who was with his wife, had been stopping forsomo days In Havana, and today went to Matanzas to investigate tho condition of tho rcconcentrados. Mrs. Barnum devoted much of her time to relief work. The train was attacked lira!) while running between Jaruco and Sun Miguel, but the guerrillas were re pulsed by soldiers in the armored car next to the enu'lne. Between San Mlgueland Campo Florida tho train was attacked by another band, which New and Attractive Features Turquoise Dotted VeilingThe newest veiling out in white and black grounds, 25c and 35c, New BeltszSome striking new novelties shown in this line, Qualities lOp to 75c j we show a fine kid belt, leather covered- buckle for 15c, DRESS GOODS! $1,00 Qualities, $1,25 Qualities, $1,50 Qualities, Ribbons s t j Newest Plaids, Newest Stripes, 10c to 75c. Moire sashes $ Fringed) three yards in length, the latest... $2.75. Trimmings t i Newest designs, Newest colorings. Newest collection, 5c to $5, Cerise and Cornflower waists. The very swell novelties, just received, JOSEPH MEYERS & SONS. 278x280 TELEPHONE NO. X TIm Royal I Um fclgtiest grade baking powder bow. Acta I testa afcow It goa oao- iMrd farther Hun any oUer brand. prr POWDER Ahsehltrly Pure ROYAL MUCINS POWWK CO., XtW Y0K. was quickly driven off by the hard work of the Spanish soldiers, Some bullets passed through tho passenger cars. One struck Mr. Barnum In the left shoulder, Inflicting a flesh wound. When the arrived in Havana ho was taken to the Hotel Bclot, where his wound was attended to by a physician of the American consulate. Pursuing parties Immediately departed after the Insurgents, who made oil toward Talialtc hills. Wreckers have recovered ono of the battle-ship Maine's six pound guns, and will proceed to take up tho six-inch rifles In a few days. Ono body was found a mass of bones and clothing. . The Harbor of Savannah Savannah, Gn., March 10. War de partment is unboubtcdly taking every precaution for the defense of Savannah harbor. Arrangements are being made to send battery F, of tho Fourth artillery, in command of Captain Tay lor, from Fort Riley, Kan. This Is a battery of light artillery, which will go Into camp hero and remain under or ders to assist In tho defense of Savan nah. A battery of heavy artillery will also be sent to take charge of the fortifica tions at Tybeo island. Tho Tybeo fortifications are not completed yet, but It Is understood only a little work is required to put them in condition, New Church Organized. Rev. C. E. Kllewor returned from Albany where ho had becu oyer Sun dayand organized a German Baptist church of eighteen members, being the result of two years work, no preaches at, Albany ono Sunday in each month. Ills work Is prospering. He has also organized a German Sun day school in the same field, with over thirty scholars. Tlio German Baptist church and Its pastors aro missionary workers. Tho Albany church Is tho second ono organized by tho Baptist society during tho tlnn Rev. Kliower has had work In charge. Is It the Intention to rebuild tho entire city hall piece meal. Dr. Miles' Nerro Plasters 33a at-ull druggists. Special Lines, Special Prices New Gordon hats 1 1 ; Warranted and recom mended by us, the best hat in Salem $3,00 H, S, M, Clothing ? Every suit guaranteed a big new line just opened, Suits, crackavjacks at $5, $8,50, $10, JPants sale Slaughter going on in this line. Big reductions, 89c sfttjL..CJe5' Commercial st corner Court st t i i ! I r -fcJMlJHMJIaW Si