.1 Tlow Is tho limo when you should tako a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, give you good appetite, sound sleep, steady nerves and perfect digestion. That scrofulous taint, that skin trou ble, that liver dif F I ficul(y,thatbilious I CllCw tendency, that tired feeling, are all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give this incdiclno a fair trial and you will rcalizo its positivo merit. It is not what wo say, but what tho peoplo who arc cured say, which prwo that Hoods Sarsaparilla America's OreatcstMedl- cine. u. i. iiood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hnnrl's PHI; cnre ''lvor ills; easy to llUUUSriMS take, easy to operate. 25c BETHEL, Miss Lydla Vandervort trave a tem perance entertainment at Bethel last week. Montle Trice and Jay Wakefield are slowly recovering from their lonj? and severe Illness. Revival meetings are being held at Fruitland and much good is being ac complished. Mr. Lehman has completed his fine new house, and they expect to occupy it soon. The following young ladles: Bertha Thayer, Bessie Balllngcr, Edna Allen, Minnie Aschenbreuner, Myrtle Du Boise and Mary Bowerman have or ganized a circle for literary and social purposes. The circle meets once a week at the homes of the members. They gave n Valentine social at the home of Bessie Balllngcr. An Inter esting program and a Valentine box were features of the evening, After which a delicious luncheon was served. The following guests were Invited: The Misses Emma Pickens, Martha Bowerman, Josle Munkers, Jessie Munkers, Maude Du Boise, Mae Thayer, Lavlna Yoder, Lizzie Lapp, Lizzie Aschenbrenner, Bertha Thayer, Minnie Aschenbrenner, Edna Allen, Myrtle Du Boise, Bessie Bal llnger, Mary Bowerman. Messrs Sam Itundlctt, Walter Lehman, Rov Bal llngcr, Clarence Beaver, Jay Bower roan, Everett Millard, Ralph Bower man, Frank Allen, Sam Aschenbren ner, John King, Charles King, Walter Taylor, Frank Lapp, Lapler Ballln er, David Ebersole. Assignee's Sale. An opportunity to buy the old, established business of E. F, Osburn Stock of general merchandise. I am offering this entire stock of goods In one lot. If you anticipate going Into business, this Is your opportunity. Come and examine this stock, and make me a bid, by tho 1st of March, 1898. Jefb'euson Meyers, Assignee for E. F. Osburn. 2-18-d & w, What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and bilious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early Ris ers, the famous little pills. Stone's Drug Store. What Dr. A. E. Slater Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: .From my pef- soral knowledge, gained in cbsenirg tlieer- ect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Con timption, 1 am prepared to say it is the ott remarkable Remedy that has ever been ought to my a (tendon. It has certainly ved rrany from Consumption. Sold by D Fry After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell of Knltnersville, Pa., was cured by using a slDgle box of DcWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such us eczema, rash, pim ples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. Stone's Drue Stone. Kcrl's Clover Root Tea, lor Constipation t's the Best and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by D. J. Fry. Dont annoy others by your cough ing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Stone's Drug Store. Fc r Constipation take Karljs Clover Roo tea, the great Blood Purifier." Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by D. J. Fry CUT TO THE CORE LIMA f 10 lbs. for 25c DCAMOl 20lDS- f0r 50c BEANS (.50 lbs. for 81 O 1a. ( Dairy, 50 lbs. for 40c "OS!.! 1 Stock, 50 lbs for 30c v I Stock, 100 lbs. for. .. 50c COOKING MOLASSES, Per callon 30c Qtt-u 4 f 2 gallon pails,75c byfUp 4 2 gal, $1,40 PRUNESJIOlbs 25c V20 lbs 50c FANCY. 1 50 lbs $1 Pickles, per keg C5c Dried peaches, fancy, 8 lbs 25c RTo Shoulder,perlb,8J ivieais Hams pcr lbn t-2 T afrli5 lbs 45c larajK) ibs 85c Lilly White Stayton Flour, per sk,85c Aumsvllle , 05c Salem Special 00c 0 1b. Arm and Hammci Soda 25c 01 b. Gloss Starch 25c ORAKGES 10c doz.: 3 doz. 25c. LEMO'S-10c doz.; 3 doz. 25c. M, T, RINEMAN, 132 State street. AHOUT ACETYLENE GAS. Dangers Connected With Its Use Set Forth. The Progressive Age, of 2ew York, one of the best engineering author ities in this country has the following article in its issue of February 15, 1893: , ' Many recent accidents, of which two have been followed by the death of men, and others by serlou9 wounds, add to the list, already numerous, of acetylene victims, bhowing that we cannot be too careful In the handling of carbide and the generation of acct lenc. One of these accidents took plate In the6uburbs of Toulouse, In a house where a tinsmith and his helper were endeavoring to make an acetylene generator work. The apparatus burst Into pieces and tho two workmen were killed upon the spot. Another accident occurred lit Com piegne, at the works of M. Thomas, manufacturer of acetylene generators, occasioned by the Imprudence of a workman who approached the gener ator with a candle while the bell was removed for examination. The fore man had advised the two workmen with him not to approach the appar atus with any flame whatever. Dur ing some moment's absence of the foreman ono of the workman who neglected this precaution approached with a candle and paid by his life for the heedlessness, which caused the gas-holder to explode, the fragrants of which struck his head, causing death. These accidents do not differ as to origin from most of those already well known; but this is not the case with the following, produced under different circumstances, and which reveals anew danger, against which, without doubt, not sufllclent care has been taken up to the present, the danger of explosions from handling casks of carbide. . These are the facts which we find described by a contem porary jeurnal: "M. Caron, maker of bicycles at 82 Rue d'Angouleme, had received that morning a cask of carbide of calcium Intended to htinnlv the acetylene lamps used by wheelmen. He profited by thoabsence of a plumber, who was putting pipes into the shop, to open the cask. To melt the solder, instead of using the soldering iron, ue used the plumber's lamp; the contact of the flame and carbine, which was probably moist, produced the acety ip.ne gas which caused the explosion. M. Caron, who was sitting upon the cask, was burned at the upper part of his body; the workman. Alphonse Tiyat, who at this moment entered the shop, was wounded also at ttie base of his nose, on the body and chest. The explosion was not very strong and did no damage, but the wounded men were severely hurt and had to be taken to the hospital Saint Louis. The mos,t injured Is M.Caron. who this evening had not yet regained consciousness, and has, therefore, given no explanation to M. DaltrofI, commissioner of roH'O of that quarter." Thus, carbide of calcium confined In vessels Mipposed to be tight (In this case a s.- tied cask) can give off acetylene. Tuc uygrometic state of the air lias, lionce, a very great Influence upon the preservation of carbide, and If the air inclosed in a flask cause the generation of acety lene, carbide should uot bo trans ported In large cans unless there is some assurance of careful opening by the consumer. This is why I -think, and have alwaysthought so, that the use of a lighting material based upon sup plies which are costly and limited in application, Is not adapted to the wide and general use which enthus iasts haye claimed for acetylene, 13ut one can consider also as one of the reasons unfavorable to Its develop ment the precautions necessary for storace andbhlDnlnc to avoid the un pleasant smell which It gives off and the decomposition resulting from con tact with more or less moisture con tained in air. If carbide must be in closed in hermetically scaled vessels, one can readily understand the dlffilculties which will follow the shipping of large quantities of this material in a works which makes car bide on a lame scale or uses It for generating acetylene, and also upon a small scale particularly as the product is given off with extreme facility the production of acetylene requires great precautions, still more precautions, precautions always. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents:, I was dreadfully nervou and for for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthene my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A, Sweet, Hartford, Conn Sold by D. J. Fry, OASTOniA. lu a: rimili flstnr a Stop that cough. Take warning, lead to consumption, A 25c, Shiloh's Cure may saveyotr ' fe. D. J. Fry, j2 It rruy Ixitlle of Sold by He Not Deceived 1 A Couph, Horseness or Croup are not to be trifled wit Iome ofSliilo's Cure will sa ith A dose in save you muih trouble. Sold by D. J, Fry. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TisfiS- llDllt tijntuu (f ' Isra etery vujjer. Ksfe Nobody need Lave Neuralzla, Oet Dr. Miles" Pain Fills from druggists. 'One cent ado " Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, Injuries, eczema or Bkln diseases may secure instant relief by uslnt' DeWRt's Witch Hazel Salve. Great Pile remedy. Stone's DruR Store. 0i.to'X5OJ;tJLA.J wZ X-f&vtfg. Ilea tier? Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Dclaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who coidd not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly jjsxf every so-called blood , 4Jll.ltll.llli; UUU. Ulilllft mem oy uic wiioiesaie, vy uiii mey uiu noi reacn her trouble. Some ' tjf' one advised her to try S.S.S. ami afco n soon found that she had a real blood remedy tit last. She savs: "After tak ing one dozen bottles "of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying uplhepoion in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma nently lid of it." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. never fails to cure Scro'ula. Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood' I'oison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seateil blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. Uur books free upon npjMt- feS) S rntlnn. Swift rA. fek Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. IJOI HUGHES DEALER IN : GROCERIES Palnta, Oils 'Window Glass Var nish, and tbe most complete Btock of Brushes of all kinds In tho ttato Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shingles; and the finest i quality 01 grass seed. i1 A WANTED, ETC. New today advertisements lour lines or less in this column inserted three times for 25 ots, 50 eta. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rate. WANTED. A grub stake to go 1 1 Alaska, can give gilt edge rcference.correspondenc, confidential, address "A" care this office. 2-24.3t WOOD FOR SALE. A limited amount of second growth fir wocd, foi cash. Leave ordersat the steam laundry. 2 23 tf LOST.-Pair gold-bowed glasses in black case letween Piesbyterian church and Yew Park, Finder please leave at Journal office. 2-21 7t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.,-130 acres near Salem on good road, go acres under cultivation. Address "A" Journal office, 2 21 3td TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.--I will not le responsible for any debts con tracted by any other than myself. Dated Feb. 19, 1898. II Peterson, Liberty, Or. 2-21 31 1 WANTED. A partner lo work a cood paying patent in a given number of states or w ill sell an entire interest. For particu lars call on or address "11" Journal. 27 im TO EXCHANGE, Two farms in Rcgue River Valley to exchange for Willamette Valley farm property. For further particu lars address C. Journal. 2-4 irad&wj NEW ARRIVED.-A large assortment of new, decant umbrella coven just re ceived. Come and tee them. A selection of a dozen qualiti's. New is the time to have your umbrella covered. Call at L E Gardner, 228 Liberty St. I 26 im FOR RENT. A good double room for one or two gentlemen, in business pait.yfcity. Rcut low, Inquire at 197 Commercial street, 12-ie, tf VIAVI. Free illiustrated lectui Saturday, ot 23'j p. 1 to women TTT. State Insurance building, liy MRS. F. E, 2 11 ALFORD, Manager Beckn?r & Hamilton have opened up business in the line of tin-1 ntng, plumbing, sneet steel ana gaivanizea ircn w rks. Job work of all kinds in that line mide a tpecialty. Would be pleased to have a portion of 5 our trade. Estimates on all class of work furnished. Shops en Court street in alley between High and Liberty, in the rear cl liasey's reed stables, on Heck ntr's home property. 12 30 Old Clothing Made to Look Like New At Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning , Works, No, 195 Commercial street. Orders by stage, mail cr express, will ' receive prompt attention. I Waldemar Nelson, Prop,1 Uho Dr. Miles' Neiive Puistxiis for 6PINAL WEAKN ES3. AU druggists sell 'em for S& Ftla hu bo show with Ir. Miles' Pain Flu i yr - t. gA V A !HStK , rfdK. cap Ji Wkm, iwj OA-STOULlA. Tit fe- I ' - ,. ,, iisiii snv IT) . s, VLSL HOTELS AND BOARDING. Mel 5ai?m M. FENNELL, Prop Only First Class House in the City. Rates reasonable. Sample rooms in connection Can to a'l trains and public buildings pass the door. Corne Slate and High streets. GERMAN LUNCH COUNTER Hot meals scrvediom 8 a. m. to midnight. German cooking. With Bach & Nadstanech 225 Commercial St. II. KEUGEHAUER, lotf Prop. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. W, J, HUFFMAN, WILLAMETTE Corner FetTy and .ibcrtystreets Telephone 172 Newest rigs and best horses always in readineu. fy Coast or mountain parties 1 specialty. 7 14 tf G. R. THOMAS, Proprietor of "THE CLUB" Livery and Feed Stables Comer of Liberty aiid Ferry streets. Best single and double r'gs in the city. Telephone No. 24. U 18 tf MEATS AND POULTRY. g.s. mill NEW MARKET, State street, near railroad. Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best mrats in town. a 2 Wolz Miescke, Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked me its. Lard in bulk, 9c lb. Cheapest market in town. We make it a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand. Try us. Just Reopened , Brown & Son, ofjlhe East Salem meat mar ket, have enlargedjand refitted their shop and will be pleased to see all of their old patrons and the rett of the community. Orders taken and delivered. Parents sending children may depend on having th.ir orders con scientiously tilled. 'o-4i SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY I Please notice the out in prices on tho following Sl-ts, plain 10 centi Urn er drawers 5 to 10 centi Under shirts 5 to ioccps Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 centi Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen and othei trorlc in proportion. y Flannels and other work intelligently washed by hand. COL. J. OLMSTEAD, - Proprietor E M, CR0ISAN, fDEALBR IN Farm Implements ! and Vehicles, Exclusive valley house for McCormick Binders and Mowers, Buflalo Pitts Engines and Thrashers, Spike, Disk, and Spring Tooth Harrows, Jihn Deere Steel rnd Chilled Plows. Repairs for s.11 the forego ing. McFaddeu & Pennebaker, (Successors to Ira Erb) MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding?, Etc, First door north of Salem Iron Works, Telephone 103. 2 7 3m ST1LWELL DETECTIV8 AGENCY, IM Kearny Street, Etn Francisco, Cal. To district attorney!, iherWi. attorneys at law and prhate parties: Prepared to transact all business of a confidential and intrlcaU character expeditiously and on reasonablt tormi. Correspondents all over tn wtrld. II STABLE BUSINESS CARDS. O. M. OlACK Dentist, ' Suecesser to Dr. J. M.OKeene, old White Comer. Salem, Or. Parties desirine superio operations at moderate fees in any branch are incsctiHi rcqucsi- JUST OPENED. FRANK W DURBIN FEED OF ALL KINDS, r 224 Commercial street. Bet quality an., no middle man's profits. BREWSTER & WHITE, HAY. GRAIN Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, etc. Telephone 178. 91 Court St., Salem, Or " Honest John Truss. Cures 50. Poi Cent. A new truss on a new principle. No back pressure: Dr. Stone's Drug Store, agent fr Salem Oi. . d&wi2 2 3m O. ti. LANB Merchant 'Tailor I 211 Commercial at, EPSuits $15 and upwards, Pants $3 and upwards. T- H HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Sef Thomas clockv. etc., 215 Commercial Stren' JAS. RADER. ELMER WHITE CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Moets all mail and passenger trains. Bag gage and express to all parts of the 'city Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. ETAT THE OLD TOSTOFFICE,,, A, DAGBNY, Family Wine and Liquor Store. Removed from 102 Star.e to iqg Commercial street. Bottled goods of the best quality. Grocery I A Superb Golden Blend Coffee, line cud quality 3 Pounds for 25c ; Vermont Maple Syrup In bulk, pcr gallon 75c. Flour 90a95c pcr sack, Dried peaches 7 lbs. 2jc. Dried uppies 6 lbs. 2oo. Sugar cured hams lUc. Sugar cured shoulders 8jc. Other staples In proportion. JOHNSON & VANDEVERT. 100 Court st. AX3oods for Gold Huntcrs.JV Are You Going to fllas Some of your friends are, if Cou are not Say to them Seatlle is tbe place to outfit. Seattle Woolen Mfg Co Alask Are Pioneer manufacturers of clothing. Have their own mill and clothing factory. Complete outfits on hand and made to order. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Salesrooms, 11 19 First Avenue und Cor. Yesler Way & Occidental Av, Write for Outfitting Lists. SEATTLE, WASH. i-l4-wm& p-i A Map of the United States. Send me 15 cents In btumps and 1 will mall you a map of the United States, three feet four Inches wide by four feet long. Printed In six colors, mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, Important town und railroad In the United States. A. C. SHELDON, Genaral Agent, Portland, Or, ff (a? jKQgQI NOMINATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS, Direct Nominations by the People Should Be Made. Fill out a ticket after reading over the list. Persons who have been named In tho press as candidates: 3EO. G. BINGIIAM, JOHN ,NEWSOME, M. L. CHAMBERLAIN, GEO. W. DAVIS, A. I. WAGNER, W. II. I1YRD, TIIOS. SIMS, p. W. STEUSLOFF, C. M. EPPLEY, E. H. ANDERSON. ARCHIE CROSBY, A. F. M'ATEE, MRS. AMELIA SCRIBER MILLER, Others can be named by citizens and no doubt will be. AU friends of tho public schools and of truo economy for the taxpayers re Invited to nominate two candidates for school directors to bo chosen at the March election. Fill out tho blanks below, sign your name and send tho same to this olllcc. These ballots will be opened and counted by a disinter ested committee and tho result made known in time enough before election. Cutout these ballots and got expressions front as many laal votors as possible. For director five years . 1., For director ono year Naino Street No. or location In district. . . . Most Thrilling -0 A MILE Strange Adventures on the Yukon, Mr. Stanley Is the Iwld prospector who recently returned from the Klondike district U $112,00.) made in four months, and owns claims worth sixteen millions. His is the capu vatmg story of a brave man, and not only replete with authentic information for ths crowd northward bound gold hunters. but also filled with adventures of the most thrilling character. Fully illustrated with views taken on the spot. Altogether an unique book. Bound lo havn an enormous sale. We give here a few chapter headings picked up at random, among twenty-three, in the TADLE OF CONTENTS. CHAP. I. -A Littlo Personal Bioeraphy-.Leaving Seattle, March 8, 1896 Foimlrtg a partnership on Board Ship We Reach Juneau On the Ocean on a Fishing Craft- -Shipwrecked at Berner's BayA miraculous Escape, CHAP. IIDyea at tho Foot or Chilkoot Pass, Packing One' GoodsSleds and Snow Shoe Camping in the Snow, From the "Stone House" to "Pleasant Camp" "Double Tripp'ii,", Climbing to the "Summit"-7ooo Feet Up a Wall of Kock C atfr Lake, A Precipitous DescentLake Lindeman at Last! CHAP. IIL Dangers and Hardships of Chilkoot Past Graphic D scription of T. II. Corey, who crossed It July, 1897 Exactions of the Indian Carrierits Buying an Indian Maiden.for 5 Boat Building on the Lakes The 1 lainest Food I'ajtes Splendid. CHAP, VII ,-The first news of the Klondyke "Strike"- Old Indun tho News Bearer Reaching Sixty-Mile Post A Storm on the Yukon Two claims takd by My Partners on Bonanza Creek--We Locate Two More on then Unknown EIDorado Creek Plenty of Gold, But No Supplier Down the Yukon After Food A Tereiblo Jam of Ice Fires. CHAP, IX. The Birth of a New City Joe Ladue Locates Dawson, September 1,1896, Grows tosoco Inhabitants as if by Magic, What It Costs to Live There, One Thousand Precious Dgs, Wages Paid Unskilled Labor-A Bolstroua But Orderly Crowd. CHAP. XL Watching the Neighbors" Claims-El Dorado Creek, the Richest Placer Mine in the World, Charles Myer's Banner Pan of $8000 Great Difficulty to Get Help E n at $15 per day Our 4000 Feet of Placer Grouud Worth $i6,S75,ooo-.IIundrcd8 o vene Claims Will sh w Up Next season. Sent postpaid to any address for 25c, Silver coin or money order. WONDERFUL MEDiCINE FREE ! PROMPTLY SENT TO 4EVERY MAN WHO NEEDS A GENERAL BRACING UP. It Brings Perfect Manhood to AIM The GreatestiDiscovcry ofthe Famous Physicians' Institute, OF CHICAGO ILL. tSrUrutultously, gludly sent to all men who need It and who will writo.for it A large percentage of the men of today are sadly in need of the right kind of medical treatment for the weakness peculiar to men. Many cases are due to early vices, others to excesses, while, many of the cases are duo to overwork, worry and general nervous debility. It matters not, however, what tho cause may have been, the faot still remains that they all require proper medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Write us at once, giving a description of your case, and wo will proparr you a courso of treatment specially adapted to your condition, and SEND IT TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE, In plain sealed package. We can glvo Cull strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body, stop all drains and losses, and restore you to PERFECT MANHOOD. Fail ure is Impossible with our method. We have thousands of testimonials from all over the world. BEAD WIIAT THESE PATIENTS BAY Physicians' Institute, Chicage: BLANCHAKD, Wash, March 2, i896. Dear Sirs. I have nearly finished my course of treatment and And myself a different man. I cannot find words enough to praise and ex press the deep gratitude I feel towards you. Your treatment Is simply won derful. I am perfectly cured, and thank you a hundred times and will help you all I possibly can. Hay Qod bless you and your work. Yours truly, C. E. P. Physicians' Institute: LOTEX, La., June 19, 1896. My Dear Friends. Please accept my thanks for the kindness you have done mo. Losses havo entirely stopped and vigor has returned. I am all O. K. I am better than I have been for 15 years. I do not feel like the same man. Alt my friends when they meet me say, "What have you been doing? Never saw a man come out like you," Ever your friend, 31, P. C. Physicians' Institute, Chicage: HAVANA. N. D., Jan. 29, 1895. Gentlemen. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for tln result of. my treatment. During the loot two weeks that I took your treatment tho Improvement was remarkable. I have hod no emissions or other symptoms since taking your medicine. My friends are all surprised at the improve ment In my general appearance. Hoping that you may ever prosper, I re main, Yours sincerely. Hundreds of similar letters are daw on file In our business ofllce, and all are bona fide expressions of pernanently cured men. Do not delay writing to us, and remember that we aro not only a responsible Institu tion In every way, but ours Is the largest medical Institute In America that makes a specialty ot SEXUAL- AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Inclose 0 cents for postage on medicine, which Is always plainly sealed, PHYSICIANS' INSTITUTE, Dept. 2005 Masqnlc Temple, CHICAGO, ILL MANHOOD RESTORED ifoarnnteed to cure alt ntrvous diseases, such aa Weo'k tl..tM l..- r4.l4.t.A alom, KervousnrM, Ul drains, loti?f puwer 111 General. Organs of either aex, earned by OTer-exertloi, youthful error, cx- live ute of tobacco, opium or (timulanU, which lead to Infirmity, Cop jmpttonor Iciauity, Can be carried In vet pocket. Ji.oo per box, - Ij.Uymall prepaid. Circular Free, Bold ly all drutreUti. Atkibril.t conoother Manufactured by tr" Feau Medicine Co., t iria Prance. f.aue-Oaru. ruz Co., dUtributhif agents. Third and VamhUB" "oHtuuJ "- For sale b D. J, FRY, Salem, Tale of the Year, OF GOLD. Hy imlBfr Dr. IVhu'n Yellow MPi've I'KIN. This jj"lriful remedy 1 jiory, 1,0,9 of xx,, xlir.y Ktuls- UJl.l.f.t1.M. rt. u tin. i.; 'Ml li it II -l v : - v