Si Ffl--w 4jiHyii!!'ir?'' 1 "" 3SESW; Vi -- 7ssB?ss??a HSBfcW - . "I"; M ' .1 s: Daily Capital Journal BV HOKBR BROTHERS, THURSDAY, FEB. aj, 1898. WE'LL PRINT 'EM. Tab Journal, lias a number of let. .nn nunat.ifin nf tins Union party for and apalnst. We aim to print letters on uuwi oiuus. oumi. tlio writers abuse the editor of this .. iVo clinll nrlni, thnm all. The limnn n.irtv Is the party of free speech. There Isd'flerenccof opinions because the Silver and Reform voters havooplnlonsand are free to express them We believe In a free press and free speech. NORTH SALEM POPULISTS. The Populists "f North Salem pre cinct met at the Labor Exchange warehouse Tuesday, at 2:30. In ab sence of chairman h J. Heatty, H. K. Kyan was elected chairman, I. .1. Claik, secretary. The question of Union of Itcform forces was discussed and following resolutions wcic adepted: . , 1. We demand the free and unre stricted colnuite uf both old and silver at the present leiral ratio ol 10 to 1 without the consent of any foreign nation on earth. 2. With national paper money issued by the Ket.eral government only, without the Intervention of anj banks whatever, to be a full legal tender forall debts public and private, payable direct to the people In salar ies, pensions and for public improve ments and any and all debts and obligations, with an increase sufficient to meet the demands of Increased labor and population, till a just leycl of labor and labor products is re stored. . . , . . X Vc denounce the past admlnls trations for the destruction of the greenbacks and Issuing of an Interest bearing debt in their place and de mand that no more bonds e bsued except by special act of congre-s. 4 We demand that the government In the payment of Its obligations sliul be payable In coin. As to the kind v. money in which the debt was Hindi we denounce the present and past ad ministrations for surrounding this option to the holders of government obligations. G. Our motto should be opposition to extravagances, high taxes and high salcrlcs, olllcc making, coiuinl ulun fixing. For economy in all ar falrs of state, county, city and school. Lower taxes lower salcrlcs from gov ernor to the balllir In proportion to the wages of labor and labor products nnd the creation of no more places for pie eaters. For fait elections and equal representation of all parties at the polls. .... ,. , 0. And election of all olllcers dlrcc by tno popular vote from United States senator to the road supervisor. We demand the adoption of the init iative, referendum und imperative mandate wherever and whenover de sired by the people, and favor the ownership and control of communica tion and transportation. The primaries were called for March 12, 1 to 1 D. m- at Labor Exchange warehouse. DUTY OK PUBLIC SPIRIT. Prom An Address By Dr. E. B. An drews of Brown University. TI10 best government on earth may fall; civilization Itself may suiter eclipse. Egypt was; Athens was; Home was. Will our beloved America one dny halt in her mighty march and then droop and perish like all the republics before her' Such a question Is forced upo 1 one scanning certain unsocial and an archic tendencies these days. ou will doubtless expect mo to mention as foremost among these the lawless ness or Ignorant Immigrants. Not at all. Head and front of all our dangers in this kind Is the apathy among our best people toward social and political obligations. Wo need an Intenser spirit of co-operutlon in every thing that concerns our united life. Public Jobs, Intended to 10b us nil, wo of course ropro bate. Hut thero Is a narrow spirit In conducting legitimate business which desperately hinders tho public good. Trades unions often plan to advan tage their members, utterly regard less of the community's weal. Too few are the men and wotnou willing to engage In necess-iry general work, for which money or political profer ment does not and cannot pay. It Is a shiimo that so many of our fellow oltlzons shirk Jury duty, for Instanco, orton adding Insult to Injury by ridi culing the Jury system. Equally tho crimes of tho public- aro those who cheat the assessor or tho tax collector. '... i3iim1i (uwilitn riWllfMllllpr Unit widows, orphans and tho poor are surest 10 suuer irom muir iruuu . This wholesale abuse or puonc men, more than aught else, precludes us from getting the very best men Into otllco. This does not, however -and hero wo come upon another anarchic liaoit pi our nmo ruuuir iu rigut for good citizens to decline olllee. No more uoful career Is possible for good men In this age. The common thoug it ' upon this point Is wholly perverse, 1 Wo need that hosts ofthoroughly able and moral young men, well trained l pjlltical and social science, Including ethics, should set politics before them-' selves as their life work. Do not sneer , at professional politics. If only It bo or the right klud. Politics ought to bo a profession, nightly followed, lt would bo a noulo one Why should not any or us outer upon a public poslllon with a truly philanthropic thought In his heart taking tho placo to ad vance Ills community, his country and the race In vlrtuo and happiness y 1 pray for tho day to come wliou every Saul will bo among tho prophets rulers ruling and Judges Judging out of paslouato love for (J od ami for men. To Curo a CoM In One Day. 1 Tako Laiatlvo llroiiioQulnlne Tab lets all druggist refund tho money U it falls to cure. 25o. Tho nomine lias L. 11 Q. on each tablot. Ml druggist soil Dr. Mile' Nvrre riMter. UNION IN BAKER. Populists Will Unite in John C. Young'6 Home County. John 0. Young, the head of the syndicate of political brokers who are seeking to make assistant Republi cans of the People's party, has bepn turned down In Baker county, where he resides, and which Republican papers said would oppoc union In the Porull9t state convention. At a re cent meeting of the central commit tee for than county the following res olution was adopted by a vote of 13 to 0: Whereas, this committee has de cldcd that In order to achieve, at the coming state and county election, a certain victory over the political en emy of the masses the gold standard Republican party there should be a union upon the principles and candi dates of the People's, Democratic and Silver Republican parties, of this county and state, therefore belt Re solved, That the Democratic and Silver Republican partles.respectlvely of this county, he and are hereby Invited to fix upon the same date and place for holding their respective county conventions, as has been fixed upon by this committee lor the People's party.of Raker county, with a view or giving the people of each of such parties an opportunity, If they should sec proper, through their re spective conventions, of agreeing upon a ticket and a platform satisfactory to all of such refoiui forces. People's Party Convention. The People's party county conven tion, Is hereby called to meet at the Forestry hall, third story, opposite Willamette hotel, In Salem, Or., on March 10, 18'JS, at 10 o'clock a. in , for the purpose of electing thirteen dele gates to the People's party state con vention to be held In Portland, on March 23, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. in. and to nominate county candidates, and transact any other business that may lawfully come before It. And the primary conventions of said party are hereby called to meet at their usuul polling places In each and every precinct In Marlon county, on March 12, 1898, at 2 o'clock p tu. for the purpose of electing delegates to tho above named county conven tion as follews: ialem No. 1 . Salem No. 3. . South Salem. ICii'iL Salem.. . 4 Salem No. 4. 1) Yew Park.... 7 Prospect 8 North Salem.. 7 Marion 4 Aumsvllle . . 0 Stay ton 7 Iloreb fi East Sllycrton 7 Maclcay 4 Monitor 5 Oervais 8 Wood burn ... 11 Aurora i Ohampocg ... 3 Howell Prairie 5 Brictcubush . 4 Total 201 tfnglewood 0 Jelfer'-on. Turner Sublimity .... Mehuuia Garlleld WestSllvcrton Mt. Angel ... Brooks D Fairfield 2 Hubbard 3 Hutteylllo .. 5 St. Paul 0 Elk Horn 1 Sliver Falls.... 2 Salem No. 2.... 4 By order of the county central com mittee. K. L. ITiiiiiaud, Chairman. J. M. Payne, Secretary. 2 22 d & w td Thero aro three little things which do more work than any other threo little things created they aro tho ant, the bee and DeWltt's Little IDarly Risers, the last being tho fa mous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. Stono's Drug Store. Call for Democratic Primaries and County Conventions. The Democratic Primaries for the purpose of electing delegates to the Marlon County Democratic conven tion to be held on March 10, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the opera house, Salem, Oregon, are called to meet In tho various precincts on Saturday. March 0, 1898 at 2 o'clock p. in. The apportionment of delegates of said convention from each precinct is as follows, to-wlt: Salem No. 1 ... 4 Salem No. 4.. 0 Salem No. 3.... 10 Yew Park.... 7 South Salem.. 7 Prospect .... 8 East Salem.... 3 North Salem.. 7 Englewood .... 0 Marlon 0 Jellerson 7 Aumsvllle.... 7 Turner 4 Stayton 7 Sublimity 7 Iloreb 0 Mchama 3 East Sllycrton 7 Garlleld 4 Maclcay 4 West Sllverlon 0 Monitor 5 Mt. Angel.... 9 Oervais 8 Brooks G Woodburn . . It Falrlleld 2 Aurora 2 Hubbard 3 Champocg.... 3 Buttovlllo .... 5 Howell Prairie 5 St. Paul 0 Breltonbush.. 4 Elk-Horn 1 Silver Falls.... 2 Total ... 201 Salem No. 2 . . . 4 By order of tho Marlon County Democratic CountyCentral Commit tee. John Bavnk, Chairman. Pan'l. J. Fky, Secretary, d & w td Annual Sales ovrO,000,000 Boxes TOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such os Wind and rnln In tho Btomach. Giddiness, Ftiluesi aftor meal. Head ache, Dizziness, Drowainoss. FIusuIdks of Hent. Loss of Appotlto. Ooatlvonoss. UlotohtfH on tho 8kln. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Bleep. FrUihtful Dreams and all Nervous and Tromblfuir Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL QIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Everr sufferer will uckuowleduo thorn, to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Hi;i:ciMM'M 1'II.LS, taken udlroct Oil, will ipiloklr restore Fonmloa to com pleto health. Thov promptly romoo obstructions or Irruuulnrltlea ot tho bs torn unit curo hick llcaduclif. For a Weak Stomach I ii7 paired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boochnm's Pills are Without a Rival And hat lb LARGEST SALE ufpiiyPutent Medicine) in the World, 23o. lit fth Drue Stores. VALUABLE BOOK FREE. 31 -PAGE BOOK ON HOME DRESS MAKING GIVEN TO OUR READ ERS. An Expert Dressmaker Tells How to Make Over and Re-color Old Dresses, Wraps and Other Clothing In the Lat est Styles to Look Like Mew Practical Instructions That Will Save Money in Any Home. It is astonishing how little money and work are required to make fash ionable, up-to-date gowns and wraps from last year's cast-off clothing, if only one knows how. Ilome Dress making Is a 32-page book, written by an expert dressmaker, that gives pictures of fashionable dresses, wraps, und coats for women and children, and tells just how they can be made from old garments that are faded, unfash ionable in color, or out of style. : The Journal : : has made spec- : COUPON. : lal arrangements : Send this: with the publish :with a 2-cent: ers to give the .stamp to Wells,: book free to any of : Richardson &: Its readers who ;Co., Burlington,: send the coupon :Vt., and rccelye. with a two-cent : free by mall,one: stamp to Wells, : copy of "Heme: Rlcharnson & Co., : Dressmaking. ": Burlington, Vt., The edition Isllm- Ited, and any one who wants the book should send at once. Poll County Politics A Populist Discloses the Methods of Boss Embree. Invites the Place-Hunters and Boodlers to Go Where They Belong. I would like to say to the different free silver parties of Polk county that the chairman, Mr. Embree, seems to want to keep the Democrats "hood -winked" as to what Is ROlng on. Why is he so suspicious of the Democrats, I mean the free sliver wlmr of that party, and has no fear of the Free Silver Republicans V I can't understand, unless It is the close re lation lie has with the Gold Standard Republicans at the present time, for he certainly knows that tho different free silver parties should be a Union on this issue, and we are if it was not for a few middle-of-the-road Pop ulists that persist In keeping straight in the road and aro getting all be smeared with Republican mud till after election, when they will find to their own sorrow that they were only used as tools to catch votes. When Dr. Embree called tho Polk county convention, he said ho had or ders from headquaiters to take charge of tho convention, which any yoters know, is not according to the rules, unless he was elected permanent chairman by the convention. Ho per sistently ruled out of order any mo tion that had a tendency toward do throning political "Bosslsm" the only reply was, this is my orders fioin headquarters. 1 don't know where this is, but suppose It is chairman Young and U'Ren, or prehaps the same place that the money is coming from, to rent columns In Republican papers, to be run ns middle-of-the-road Populist and Republican mat ters You will see by this he binds you to support the Omaha and St. Louis platforms wliichj liuve not a word to say against. Readers, I want to show you this mans Inconsistency in the speech he made In the convention In Dallas, ho said: "There is not a man In this housc.but his bones and his children's bones will be rotton in tho grave bc foro wo sccuro free-silver in the United States" lie said: "Japan has gone to tho gold standard, China will follow, nnd then Mexico." Tito United States would glye us a revised national banking system bo. fore a year. Mr. Embree, I want to nsk you one question, and that is this: Docs this talk correspond with tho Omaha and St.Louls platforms?If you thluk so you must be grossly Igno rant, or clso you aro trying to deceive tho pjople. Wo will tako for cxample.a mklster who would go to his people in his con gregation aud say to them, I want you to sign a plcdgo that you will do all in your power to keep from going to hell. Of courso all would sign It. On Sunday morning he would get Into his pulpit and ask if all had signed tho pledge, they would answer In tho atllrmatlve. und thou bo would get up und preach a sermon and tell them that they and their children wcro all going to that place, from whence no traveler returns, where their largest stock In trade Is "brim stono and boss polltlcans." The con trast Is very much the same. I want to say to the People's party of Polk county, wo don't want this kind of conservatism In the party. The party, as a party, has been a' great factor in agitating aud forcing to the front the political questions uru live Issues today, such as' postal savings banks and Initiative' aud referendum, but every otllosr that ! tho party has ever been able to elect from constable to United States' senator, has been by fusion. Now to all tho voters of this county and state, what wo want to do Is to get rid ot a horde of rotten polltlcans that hare no other capabilities In tlfo than holding up county conventions or stato legisla-j turo for otllco and "boodle." j I appeal to the different freo silver parties ol Polk county, to lay down your party atllllatlon, and let us meet as a union In this tight as we did two years ago and let your minds bo broad enough nnd your arms long enough to lock with your brother, and let us go shoulder to shoulder In this tight, They may drive us Into a hole and perhaps they may plug the hole up. but in 1W0 we will dig out, and be stronger than ever, but when we realize that this Is the bowl ings of a mind that is subject toln- flnt.lnn nnrl Minf.rnntlnn brought about 1 by continual reading of HarveyScotfs (editorials on Intrinsic lvalue, we must oe liberal. 1 nope una win strike the mind of all liberal minded men, that there Is only one Issue In the fleld.and that Is this: whether we preserve our constitution, unless otherwise submitted to the people, or else let the national baner change It to suit himself without the con sent of the people, and, let us have a government of the people, and by the people and not a government of na tional bankers and trusts, by national bank presidents and trust presidents, "United we stand, dlvidewe fall." T. G. Van Oksdkl. $100 Reward, $100. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and glylng the patient strength by bntld Ing up the coustltution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprie tors have so much faith In Its curative ?owers, that they offer One Hundred Jollars for any case that It fails to Send for list of testimonials. Address, P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. gg"Sold by Druggists. 75c. Still Undecided.- It is not yet positively known by whom the Maine was destrojed, but the people of Salem have long since concluded that George Bros, serve the best 15 cent meal in this city. A Fkateknal Visit. A delegation or local Woodmen consisting princi pally of the olllcers and degree team of Salem camp No 118, P J. W. W.. went to Woodburn this afternoon where tonight they will conduct the Initiation cermonles for French Prairie Camp, there being a number of candi dates to be initiated. A large num ber went down on the afternoon train while several went by priyate convey ance. The enjoyable lime anticipated will no doubt be haplly realized. THE MODERN WAY Commends itself to tho well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without un pleasant after effects use the dcllght Tul liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by California Fig Syrup Company. Whooping cough Is the most dis tressing malady; but Its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Stone's Drug Store. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Take lets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 2oc. T. e genuine has L. B.Q.on each tablet". We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no plcasanter or better way to do It than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventative of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Stone's Drug Store. Bimetallic Clubs. The Lincoln Bimetallic Union club will meet Saturday February 20 at 7:30 o'clock in the Peason school building on Tiventy-tirst street. All friends 01 tne union arc coraiaiiv inviieci. M. L. Wilmot, Pros. Tho Englewood Bimetallic Union was organized on Saturday night with forty members enrolled. Following olllcers were elected, J. E. Murphy, president; II. D. Munson, secretary. The club has rented tho Lincoln Wade hall and will meet each batur day night. Manv a buisness man whn is envied bv ills ns. . . sociates and acquaint- ances as a lucky lel low" (.tands but a step from the crave. He lias purchased success at the cot of health. For everv step forward in wealth be has taken two backward in health. Now that lie has al most achieved his ambition as a money-Ret-ter, he is standing ou the verge of his grave. Just one more big business strain just one more step uacicwaru in health ana he will step into his grave. No man has the right to gain motley at the expense of health. H owes something to wife and children some thing to himself He may have health i-sily I)r Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes men and women strong and well. It wards off disease. It makes pure blood, solid flesh, and strong nerves. When the arteries are filled with rich, pure blood, a man doe-n't easily break down or get sick. He can stand almost any amount of work or strain. The "Ootden Medical Discoverv" corrects the all-embracing disorders that cause all manner of disease. It corrects dis. orders of the digestion, irregularities of the bowels, aud impure blood. DruggUts sell it, "I was afflicted with pimples and boils, and runniug tores oa face ami neck," writes Robert S, Wert, of No 615 Galloway Ave , Columbus, Ohio. " Nothing did me auy good. I took Dr 1'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets: before I had taken four bottles I was cured " Kvery family should have Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. The book was cheap at $1.50 its regular price. Now, for a limited time, it may be had for nothing, at one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, will procure you the book in strong paper covers, post-paid. Or you can have the book in elegant cloth hinding, for 10 ccnU extra; ,tl cents in 11. World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo. 1! Y , :. W Jv M?,9J AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 1 OUR JUMTT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannts, Massachusetts, was ihe originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA the same that has borne end Joes now stf ' ?-?, on ev8ry bear the' facsimile signature of C&S&ZZti wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper end see that it is tho kind you have always bought, r yS" " and has the signature of Ct-Z760cA4 wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is Hanh 's, H97. qJ- - ' VMTAUN f. . . DERBY Bargains in 254 Commercial fWWecra agents for Caaadiaa Pacific Railway, FARM. PROPERTY 22000 acre grainjand s'.ock farm three miles rom railroad runing witer, good spring? aad fair buildings. This is the best bargain in the Willamette valley. Price only $6.50 per acre. 332 acres, two and one-halt miles northwest of Amity 24oJacres under cultivation; all fenced; 2 houses and 2 barns; family orchard; level land running water. Price $28.00 per acre. 690 acres adjoining Marion station a fine stock farm 90 acres unde; cultivation first class family orchard good house; 2 good barns springs and running water all for $t2t per acre. 3iu acres 3 miles north of Scio, 2 miles from Shelburg at the of the O C & ERR and S P R R. 150 acres in cultivatien: good house and barn; all under fence! family erchard: good springs and running water.I'rice $3200. 100 acres 4 miles southwest of Turner; 70 acres in cultivation; 30 acres in pasture good houss and barn 3 springs; 7 acres of prunes. Only $23. per acre. 71 acres one-half mile rom Minto. 20 aero Jf B,Thomas Tuthill, Analytical Chemist and Assa cr. Oaica with Salem Gas Light Co, No 4 Chemeketa street P. O.Box X, Salem, Oregon. Prompt return of ore saruplP3. General analytical work. Going to Klondike. No, not eveiybody. Some will travel east ward and they will want the best of modem conveniences. It is not generally known that the Northern Pacific railway pre fides for its second-class tourist passengers all the comr ns usually accorded first-class trafic, but such is the fact. Easy, upholstered coaches, fine berths and all homelike sur roundings. No change of cars and no lay over betvveenPotland and theMississippi river. Passengers fumUhed thiir tickets right here in Salem. For full particulars see Thomas, Watt & Co., 266 Commercial street, they will sare you money. o trains daily between Portland and P Sound. When Going East Use a first-class line in trrveling between Minneapolis, St, Paul aud Chicago, and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and chair cars in service. The Dining cars are opcrat.-d in the inter est of its patrons, the rrost elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carts. To obtain first-class serice your ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Milwtukee For full information call nn rm. , - wm, ucl ticket ageut or write JAS'C. POND. q. 1 i. ".n S i1 Genal Agent 246 Stark Street Portland Or. MURRAY THT NEW YORK C'TY. & Real Estate! Street, Salem, Or. in cultivation good house and barn; iruning water. Piice $1300, 20 acres of fine land 3 miles south." all in ood cultivation for $750. TO TRADE.--)20 acres inUmatilla count) for improved Sale.n property. TO TRADE ..185 aeres on the Alsea for city of Salem;property, improved or umm roved. CITY PROPERTY A fine residence property inside, cheap, call for prices. House anl 3 acres of ground in sulmibs o city cheap. $700. A pood new house of 9 rooms for $1000. $150 cash, balance $8. per month. House and lot in Yew Park at a bargain a $S.oo List your house and farm for rent or for tale with us. We sell tickets on theCtnadian Pacific rail oad at $5.00 to $7,00 less to eastern points. . TAKE THE. Candian Pacific R,R. And Soo Pacific Line TO Minneapolis St. Paul ' Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New York . . Boston and a'l points east and southeast. Cheapest lates, best service and accommo dations. Through tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, n i r,"oront0' Montreal, lioston and lortland, Me., without change, Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Repress ine of steamships to Japan and China. Ue fastest and finest bh!ps on the Pacific ocean. Shortest r.nd best rou,e to the onent. Canadian Australian S.S. Co. To Honolulu, Fiji and Australia The shoricst route to the colonies. I' or rates, folders and any information call nn or address, F. N. DERBY & CO., Agetts, Salem, Or. . , W. B. GREER, Agent, M6 Third street. Portland, Or. rv . , E J- COYLE, "istucl Passenger Agent, Vancouver, B C , ME A WSfilM AJA7 TABLETS POSITIVELY CtTlit ;,rr"l- """'""-FBI! 'JIB SI-.. tn, , Impo'fiic hiwtlM j-.Bse.e-e ,1 1 ifcto,-. Lttet ital.iy in old or ,onn.? .. . ' Ai33:t, f'uu:"''r6!uJ), buineMormur.ii, t Limlnih r " insanity und Consjmptlt.-, ,i ....- 'TSiv;"-4'.r,"n?a nill-ZVtZVl MUrurs':'?,',oJss.MnFroal.ti aja.v pEDY CO" L?rMf Vi" "VA"". ". a utrDorn ?, For sale hy I), J FRV dmgrUt.Salcm Or VIUC4fV U CURE YOURSELF I I'ig U for unnaturn, hwhargw, incainuntiwaj irritauon ur ulwratioai l ruutou membraa" .kv)f not w iruu :il(b. Ml or roiMnom, om ujr DrurcUla. "r nt in plain wrapptr l MPrcM PHPld,P MAD m iiiu:i YiV-iV' ltj "l,,! 0lSin TlIB O. C.T.Co's STEAMERS Altona and Ramonn leaves for Portland daily, ex cept Sunday a!7 -45 a. a Quick time, regular nei vice and low rates. Dock between 5t tc and Court streets. l P TIAT nUJtXT 8 ... X. U.IUU.,1, J, Arjent, ialem. ($ 3a2x&faaKS ".iJi? TO THE EAST GIVE! THE CHOILb Two Transcontinental Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis it Paul and ben. ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastern citirf. For full details call on or address BOISE & DARKER agents, Salsm, tiOregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock, Portland, Dec 28, Jan. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, Feb 1,6, 11, 16, 21, 26. Fare Cabin, tl2.oo; steerage,$8 WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-Steamer Ruth for I'ottland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Io a. m. For Corvallis, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 p. m. Steamer Elmore fore's Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:45 a. m. Transfers to street car line at Oregon City if the steamers are delayed there. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing, ton, California or the east. Connecting made at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines. Call on G. AL Powers, agent, foot Trade street. ! W. II. HURLBURT. , Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or. Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Company YAQUINA BAY ROUTE.' Connecting at YatK'ina Bay with the Sa Francisco & Yaquina Bay Steamship Co. STEAMSHIP "PRESIDENT," 3ails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisce: Cabin, to', steerage, $6. Round trip, good 60 days, $17. To Coos Bay cabin $8; steerage $6. To Humboldt Bay aad Port Orford, cabin $10: steerage $8. RIVER DIVISION ..-earner '-Albany" between Portland and Co.-vallis, through witeout lay-over. Leaving Corvallis 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays, Tnursdays and oundays leaves Portland, Yamhill street dock, 600 a, m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . EDWIN STONE, Manager, f. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. Ccrvallis.Or C. G. COKER, Agent. Salem. easTand south VIA THE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY. 6:00 I" M 8:30 P M 7--4S A M Lv...!Portland. ,.Ar (9:30 1 710 (8:00 AM Lv. ...Satem ....Lv 10 AM Ar. San Francisco. Lv 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal station! bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsev, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEDURG MAIL, , DAILY. 830 AM) Lv. . . nyooA M Lv... 520 pm) Ar... .Portland . Salem... .Ar Lv Lv (4.'3pM J 2 ooP M (7.-30 AM .Roseburg. Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail tiains daily except Sunday. 730 am) Lv. .Portland.. Arl 550 PM 1215 P M f Ar Corvnllis Lvf 1. -oS PM At. Albnnv nnrl rfrvnllio mnnm-t with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. J 4.'5opm)'Lv ... Portland.... Ar) 825 A M 730 P M S- Lr. . . McMinnviile Lv Y 550 A M 8:30 pm) Arj Independence Lv) 450 AM Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtain?! from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Ajcnt Salem, R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. II. MARKHAM. G. F. & P. A. Portland Oregon Short Line! VTHEU- Quickest, n B&N safest, Cheapest Line for all points' East and southeast. FREE reclining chair cars, Pullman palace sleeping car,'and upholstered tourist sleep ing cars on all through trains. BOISE & BARKER, Agent Salem, Or C. O. TERRY, traveling Passenger Agent, 124 3d stree Portland, Or. W. E. COMAN, General Agent.