1,1 Mirr?-'- UUi - - - " 1 -" VPsfEQS r "IjP ' tfXPjZmKm OP EMNTTOYSl Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho ays tcm effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly hcneficial in its clients, prepared only from tho most healthy and agrooahle substances, its many excollent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL uwisviUE, kt. mv york, nn TODAY'S MARKET. PonTLAND.CFcb. 23. Wheat vallet 70c; Walla Walla, 73c. Flour Portland, $3.75; Superfine $2.25 per bbl. Oats White 333Gc. Hay Good, $12(tfl3 per ton. Hops 4f)lCc; old crop 40c. Wool Valley, 14lCc; Eastern Oregon, 12c. Millstufl B;an,$17; shorts, 817. Poultry-Chickens, mixed, $2.75. turkeys, live, 10(gllc. Ei;s Oregon, 20c per doz. Hides Green, salted CO lbs, 78c. under 00 lbs,G7c;sheep pelts,1015c. Onions 80(Vi5 1 per c. Butter liebt dairy, 5500c; fancy creamery, 45c50c a roll. Potatoes, 55ti(a50 per sack. Apples 30(o3oc a box. IIous Heavy, $4. Mutton Weathcrs4c; dressed, CJc, Beet Liteers, $3; cows,$2.50; dressed, 4i(aG. SALEM MARKET, Wheat 71c. Oats 30c. Apnles.30ra;40c in trade. Hay Baled, cheat, $'JJ10 Flour In wholesale lots, 83.50; re- ban sw. o. Hogs dre'scd, 41c. Live cattle 2c. Veal 1 c. Butter Dairy 1518c; creamery, Sheep Live, 3c a lb. Wool Best, 10(3)1 8c. nops Best Bfic. EKgs-12ic In trade. Poultry Hens, 07c; turkeys.lOc. ducks; 0c per lb. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81s; ham, 10c; shoulder, 8J(a;9c. Potatoes 25c In trade. Sioo Reward, $ioo. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its statics, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh beini: a constitutional disease, requires con stitute nal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting di rectly cm the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of tho disease, and flying the patient strength by bnlld ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. i33TSold by Druggists, 75c. CUT TO THE CORE LIMA f 10 lbs. for 25c ot-aiCtoI 20 Ids. for 50c BEANS 50 lbs. for .. .. 81 C ii. ( Dairy, 50 lbs. for 40c 03lTi Stock, 50 lbs for 30c t Stock, 100 lbs. for COc COOKING MOLASSES, Per gallon 30c Sympswo PRUNES ) 10 lbs 25c t20 lbs 50c fancy. )50 lbs $1 Pickles, per keg C5c Dried peaches, fancy, Olbs 25c ftflMc? Shoulder,perlb,8J ivieais J Hams per lb(u 1,2 T airU5 lbs 45c .L,araj10 lbs 85c Lilly White Stayton Flour, per sk,85c Aumsville 05c Salem Special 00c 61b. Arm and naramet Soda 25o 01 b. Gloss Starch 25c ORANGES 10c doz.; 3 doz. 25c. LEMONS 10c doz.; 3 doz. 25c. M, T, RINEMAN 132 State street. Old Clothing Made to Look Like New AtSalom Stoara Dyeing and Cleaning Works, No. 195 Commercial streot. Orders by stage, mail cr express, will receive prompt attention. Waldemar Nelson, Prop, Brooks Local News, Horn February 15, to the wife of Sain Ramp, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. David Imlah returned from a 'Short wedding trip Tuesday nnd will begin housekeeping on Har rison Jones' farm, three nilks north of here. All their friends and neigh bors join in wishing them a happy and prosperous voyage over "life's squally sea." Our pastor, Rev. McNeil nowell, returned Saturday from Oak Grove charge, where he has been assisting Brother Sweeney, of the M. E. church, in holding meetings. He renorts three conversions and a general revival. This meetings will bo continued tills weeK, wiiti tlie assistance of Bio. Dlekman, of Salem. air. n. li. Jones returned notne on the 17th from Pendleton, Or., where ho attended a stockmen's convention. Mrs. Frank Eyans departed the 19th for Portland where she will visit for several months with her sister Mrs, Geo. Buswcll, of 1029 Cleveland, Ave. The Anti-Saloon League of this place will give a special program In theM. E. Church on March 5, con sisting of short speeches, music, songs and recitations. Everybody Invited. Mr. Caldwell of Skye, Wash., Is visiting the family of Mr. Chas. Law ton, here. Tiie lacnes or tlie w. u. T. u , pro pose to hold a silver grey contest for a medal in the near future. E. K. Shaw lias been re-appointed road supervisor, and will continue the good work already done. Mr. and Mrs. Siuead, are moving their furniture into part of the Beaty property and will soon occupy the same. Breaks the Record. Mr. Ed. Lynes of Jefferson, butchered 4 pigs that were Just 6 months and 4 days old, after being dressed their weight separately was: 200, 182. 181 and 174 pounds, They were Poland China breed and fattened on corn. This breaks the record for hog raising In Oregon so far as we have heard. Not Troubled Now, "From my childhood I have been In poor health. When I was 10 years old I had salt rheum on one of my hands. I got a bottle of Hood's Sar saparilla and be'ore 1 had taken all my hand was well. I have never been troubled with salt rheum since." Mrs. Bertha Reid, Baker City, Oregon, nood's Pills are easy to take. Cure Indigestion, headache. After years of untold sutfering from piles, B. W. Pursell of Knltnersvlllc, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DeWltt's Whch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such us eczema, rash, pim ples and obstinate sores are readily ! cured by this famous remedy. Stone's Drug stone. What Dr. A. E. Slater Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gems: From my pef sonal knowledge, gained in obseivirg theer ect of your Shiloh's Cure in cises of advanced Consumption, I am prepare' : say it is the most remarkable Remedy ilu has ever been brought to my attention. I. lias certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by D J. Fry HE Assignee's Sale. An opportunity to buy the old, established business of E. F. Osburn Stock of general merchandise. I am offering this entire stock of goods in one lot. If you anticipate going Into business, this is your opportunity. Come and examine this stock, and make me a bid, by the 1st of March, 1898. Jefferson Meyers, Assignee for E. F. Osburn. 2-18-d & w. Stop that cough. Take warning, lead to consumption. A 25c, Shiloh's Cure may save you" fe. D. J. Fry. It may bottle ol Sold by What pleasure is there In life with a headache, constipation and bilious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early Ris ers, the famous little pills. Stone's Drug store. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents:, I was dreadfully uotvou and for (or relief took your Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. It quieted my nerves and strencthene m tf, whole Nervous System. I was troubled wi Constipation. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your lea soon cleansed my system so thor oughly that I rapidly regained health and strengtn. Mrs. . A. sweet, iiaruora, v-onn Sold by D. J. Fry. OASTORIA. Ji: ise- elaili clgsitare of " Is ea 5J2&&W "" There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and DeWltt's Little Early Rl6ers, tho last being the. ra nious little pills for stomach and liver troubles. Stone's Drug Store. CASTOR For Infants and Children. Tlirit- ilalli tf(31tUt Ires trerj Tijper. m&i Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Great Pile remedy. Stone's Store. Drug O-A-STOXULA.. I'.EilJ rffUtttt Be Not Deceived l A Couph, Horseness or Croup are not to be trifled with, A dose in Iome ofShilo's Cure will save you much troubte. Sold by D. J. Fry. m ' Do nt annoy others by y our cough ing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all tbroat and lung troubles. Stone's Drug Store. Z&? Qca&x7-&!cA44i NEWS FROM FROZEN NORTH. The 4Overdue Elder Arrived Safely at Nanaimo. Nanatmo, B. C, Feb. 22. The overdue steamship Geo. W. Elder, of the Portland-Alaska line, has arrived here on her down trip with all well on board. Scurvy Prevalent, Victoria, Feb. 23. Advices from Dawson under date of January 18, say that scurvy bus developed umong the miners to such an extent that there are now 17 cases In the public hospital. It is estimated that there are from 13 to"15 cases in priyate cabins. Pre cautionary measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the malady. Just From Stewart River. Victoria, Feb. 23. J. W. Beal. a mining expert of Uew York, arrived here from Skagway. He has been up the Stewart rlyer, which he says Is practically an unknown stream. He and his companions, reached McQucs ten creek, 125 miles from the mouth of the river, but failed to make a piy Ing strike. They started on the return trip on December 3. with 18 Inches of snow on the ground and tho thermometer registering 72 degrees below zero. Continuous snow storms, Intense cold and dllllculty of making their way made the trip more than usually severe, even In those regions. Once two of the men, who were lu the lead breaking the trail, fell through the Ice and were rescued only with great dllllculty. Nine and a naif days were occupied in making 35Jrnles. Beal says they found bars on the Stewart very rich in flour gold, easily saved, bub In the various gulches and streams they prospected nothing was obtained except light Hake gold, which It is almost impossible to save without quick sliver. The Stewart river enters the Yukon about 08 miles above Dawson City. Nearly Tipped Over Tacoma, Feb. 23. The steamer Queen had an exciting voyage on her last trip north, according to a letter recelyed by Mrs. La Selle from Miss Lydla natch, a passenger on the Queen to Dyca. The steamer was supposed to carry 550 to 600 passen gers, but Miss Hatch was Informed and believed that there were 911 aboard. The captain and crew were new to the Queen and seemingly did not know how to handle either so large a steamer or such a crowd. Tho table service was poor, tips being necessary to secure oven sliglit atten tions. The Jam was frightful, the second class passengers monopolizing the public cabin so far as possible and devoting their cuerglc3 to vaudeville songs. All this was not a circumstance compared with the situation when the Queen grounded In Wrangel nar rows after the breaking of a rope con necting the sttcrlng gear and rudder. As tho tide went out the steamer listed. She nearly turned over, Miss natch being informed that had she gone ovjjr two inches farther the wa ter would have reached the fire box aud three Inches more would have tipped her over. The dishes slid off the tables and from 0 p. in., when the first table was through, until mid night theservlng of dinner was sus pended, The scene aboarJ was inde scribable. Miss Hatch and her friends took a position on the upper deck, where they had to bang on to the rigging to prevent falling off. About midnight the tide turned. Later the Queen backed off and flcated, anchor ing until daylight. Two mules were killed outright. Tho mlx-upof the horses, dogs, freight and steerage passengers was frightful, some of the animals having to bo hauled out from under freight. The Lynn canal towns are described as cold, cheerless, desolate and more or less tough, particularly Skagway. The writer advises friends going to AlasKa to go first class, saying that io. fare then ie none too good. Congressional News. Washington, Feb. 23. A bill to increase the artillery by two regi ments passed the senate by a vote of 52 to 4. The senate passed a resolution di recting the committee on naval affairs to ascertain if a ship, to be equal to any in the world and to be named tho George Washington, can be built wltliln one year in the United States shipyards. in the house. Tho house refused to adjourn oyer Washington's birthday, and took up the sundry civil appropriation bill. The general debate is to close at 5. m. Under the latitude allowed in the general debate of an appropriation bill. Representative Johnsan, Repub lican, of Indiana, created somewhat or a sensation oy a speecu opposing Hawaiian annexation. Frank Lawrence Smith and George A. Stewart, of Roseburg have been ar rested and are charged with murder ing Peter Nelson in a box car, They are in jail without ball. The broonibandle factory Is fur nishing broom handles by the car load for a Portland Arm. Humor of Pensions. The Louisville Courier Journal has) this: The files of the pcusiou bureau are doubtless rich in such letters as the following, which Is preserved In Jthe department, and which is addressed to tho "Prcsedent of Pensencrs": ' "1 let you no 1 wor treto I by a root and crb doctor he give me running milk weed for a running soar no a vale iff my clam Is lotide 1 can voato weth a f re conchants." ,.,. That letter discloses! the key to tho whole pension evil. It is a " fre conr chants" with which the pensioners arc supposed to vote that causes the politicians to fall over each other In throwing open the vaults of the treas ury to them. The "fro conchants" of voters that can be bought with pub lic funds Is regarded a fine investment by those who are in the business of getting votes, There are two letters from examin ing "physicians," tiled to secure pen slons nnd "fro conchants" for npplU cants: "Yours received I treted Wm. Akens after he cum hoatn from the surtis for polypup in his nose and R inning boar In bis pastur Joint. Tlie polypup cum from tho nito are and esposur. The wounds cum from the clckof a hoars." No. 2 reads: " certify 1 treted the t.ed sojer fum 18888 to Datefoamerly his stumlk tube was Joined to his nervous system but now It are rotted off cosing grato expectorating and hard of breth." The cry for free silver yestrday was not and tomorrow may not be, but the clamor for "fre conchants is always with us. A baby boy, 10 days old, was left in the yestlbule of tho Presbyterian church at La Grande, Sunday night. Tho child's continued crying led to his discovery. He was wiupned In a blanket, belug dressed in clean and good clothing. A note purporting to be from his father, stating that the mother .vus dead and he could not take care of the child without a home. A request was made that the child be taken care of, as tho father was going to Klondike, For Constipation take Karls Clover Roo tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on. the face and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by D..J. Fry Whooping cough is the most dis tressing malady; but Its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Stone's Drug Store. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Take lets. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure, 25c. Tho genuine has L. B.Q.on each tablet ' We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no plcasanter or better way to do It than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventative of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Stone's Drug Store. K. N. Staehr, of Forest Jrove, has became totally blind. At Four Scere: Dr. Miles' Nervlno Restores Health. DNOLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who bos passed tho 60th llfo mtlo stone, says: "Dr. Miles' Itestoratlvo Nervlno has dono a. great deal of good. I suffered for years from sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble Would feel weary and used up In tho morn ins, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I bad tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought It no use. But It gavo mo restful sleep, a good appetite and restored mo to energetic health. It Is a grand good medicine, and I will gladly writs anyone inquiring, full partlcnlarsof my sat isfactory experience." Dr. Miles' Ilemedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, 2fl!Z'?ii . mites Nerving t5!9tore , Health; DE. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. To our best health Is the first requisite The stomach, liver and bowels renovated by the bitters gives full control of all our ' faculties Hitters P CELEBRATED 0 INTENSE SUFFERING From Dyspepsia and ach Trouble. Stom- Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cured. A New Discovery, But Not a Patent Medicine. Dr. Redwell relates an interesting account of what he considers a re markable cure of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by tho uo of the new discovery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. He says: The patient was a man who had suffered to my knowledge for years with dyspepsia. Everything he ate seemed to sour and creato acid nnd gasses In the stomach; he had pains like rheumatism In the back, shoulder blades and limbs, fullncs and distress after eating, poor appetite and loss of llesh; the heart became effected, causing palpitation at night. 1 gave hlni powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to r.o pur nose. As nn cxncrlinenr. T finnllv bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia xaoiets at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost Im mediate relief was given and after he had used four boxes ho was to all appearand fully cured. There was no more ncldlty or sour watery rMngs, no bloating aftei meals, the appetite was vigorous and ho has gained between 10 and 12 pounds In weight of solid, healthy lies 11. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are advertised and 60ld In drug stores yet I consider them a most val uable addition to any physician's line of remedies, as they are perfectly harmless and can bo given to children or Invalids or In any condition or the stomach with perfect safety, being harmless and coutalnlng nothing but vegetable aud fruit essences pure pep sin and Golden Seal, Without any question they are the safest, most effective euro for (n1ltK.' 'tion, biliousness, constipation and all derangements 01 the stomach how ever slight or severe. btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druggists everywhere at fifty cents for full sized package. OASTOHIA, Tit ue- , Unila djaitirs li ea ?&&JUM J&r- MsjsNBsaarsBsvs' IdS, DEALER m : GROCERIES: Paluts, Oils Window Glass Vox nish, and tbo most complete stock of Brushes of all ldnds iu the state Artists materials, lime; hair; ce ment aud shineles: and tho finest aunlitv of cross seed. 1 WANTED. ETC. New today advertisements lour lines or less in this oolumu Inserted three times for 25 ots., 50 cts, a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rato. WOOD FOR SALE. A limited amount of second giowth fir wood, foi cash. Leave orders at tliB steam laundry. a 23 tf LOST.-I'alr gold-bowed glasses in black case letween I'lesbytenan churcn and Yew Tark, Finder please leave at Journal office. 2-21 3t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE r-130 acres, near Silem on good road. 90 teres under cultivation. Address "A" Journal ' office, 2 21 31 H TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-I will not he respcnsible for any debts con tracted by any other than myself. Dated Feb. 19, 1898. II. Petenon, Liberty, Or. 2-21 3U WANTED. A partner lo work a good paying patent In a given number 01 states or will sell an entire interest. For particu lars call on or address "II" Journal. 27 im TO EXCHANGE, Two farms In Rogue River Valley to exchange for Willamette Valley farm ptoperty. For further particu lars address C Journal. 2.4 im d&w4 NEW ARRIvED.--A large assortment of new, e'egant umbrella covers just re ceived. Come and see them, A selection of a dozen qualities. Now is the time to have your umbrella covered. Call at L E Gardner, 228 Liberty St. I 26 im FOR RENT. A good double room for ono or two gentlerren, n business part of city. Rent low, Irqjire at 197 Commercial street, 12-IS tf VIAVI. Free illiustrated lectin e to women jTT Saturday, at 2,'3 p, m. State Insurance building, by MRS. F. E. ALFORD, 2 11 Manager Becko?p & Hamilton have opened up Luiiness in the line of tin ning, plumbing, sheet steel and galvanized !.. uf rts Inti unrlf nf fill Limit in that line nude a specialty. Would be pleated to have a portion of your trade Estimates on all class of work furn'uhed. Shops en Court street in alley between High and Liberty, in the rearcT lJasey's Feed stables, on lieck ncj'shoroe property, 1230 6C I HOTELS AND BOARDINO. Hotel 5al?ER. M. rENNELL, Prop Only First Class House In the City. Rates reasonable. Sample rooms in connection. l. art to a'l trains ana public buildings pass the door. Come State and High streets. GERMAN LUNCH COUNTER Hot meals served fiom 8 a.m. tomidnteht German cookine. With Hach & Nadstanech 326 Commercial St. II. NEUGEBAUER, iotf Prop. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, W, J, HUFFMAN, WILLAMETTE Comer Ferry and Mbertystreets Telephone 17a Newest rigs and best horses always In readlneu. (SrCoaBt or mountain parties 1 specialty, 714 tf G. R. THOMAS, Proprietor of '-THE CLUB" Livery and ' ' ' Feed Stables Ccine- of Liberty aiM Ferry streets. Pot single and double r'gs in the city. Telephone No. 24. n 18 tf MEATS AND POULTRY. g.s. mini NEW MARKET, 'State street, near railroad 1 Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best treats in town, a a Wolz Miescke, Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked me -is. Lard in bulk, 9c a lb. Cheapest market in to en. We make it a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand. Try us. Just ReoDehed . Drown & Son,,ofthe East Salem meat mar ket, have enlargedfand refitted their shop and will be pleased to see all oi their old patrons and the rett of the community. Orders taken and delivered. Parents sending children may depend on having their,1 orders con sclentlously tilled. '0-411 8ALEM STEAM LAUNDRY I Ploaso notice tho out in prioes on tho following Slvts, plain 10 centa Unuer drawers 5 to iocenU Under shirts 5 to 10 cents Socks, per pair 3 cent I landkerclucfs I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 centl Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doien tml othei worlc in proportion. tVFlannels and other work intelligently washed by hand. COL J. OLMBTEAD. . Proprietor E M, CROISAN, (DEALER IN Farm Implements ! and Vehicles, Exclusive valley house for McCormick Hinders and Mowers, Duflalo Pitts Engines and Thrashers, Spike, Disk, and Spring Tooth Harrows, J'hn Deere Steel ana Chilled Plows, Repairs for ill the forego ing. McFadden & Pcnnebaker, (Successors to Ira Erh) MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. First aoor north of Salim Iron Works, Telephone 105. 3 7 3m STILVfELL DETECTIV AOBNCrT, M Kearny Street, Ban Francisco, Cai. To district attorneys, sheriffs, attorneya at law and private parties: Prepared to transact c.11 business of a confidential and intricate character expeditiously and on reasonable terms. Correspondents all over tho world. ME STABLE BUSDXM5B CARDS. O. Jei. ffiACK tDentist, ' ilvte tf. O T ILr ISLT.m. 1J tit.!.. Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superio operations at moderate fees in any branch are In especial request. JUST OPENED. FRANK W DURBIN FEED OF ALL KINDS. T324 Commercial street. Ben quality an no middle man's profits. BREWSTER & WHITE, HAY, GRAIN Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, eto. Telephone 178. 91 Court at., Salem, Or " Honest John Truss. Cures 50. Per Cent. A new truss on a new principle. No b a' c k pressure: Dr. Stone's Drug Store, agent fr Salem Oi. d&w2 2 3m O. H. LANB Merchant :TaiIorI 21X Cnmmorrtnl nt- G?Sults $15 and upwards, Pants 93 and upwards. L H HAAS, MATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a sp-(alty of fine repair work, Sett Thomas clocks, etc., 215 Commercial Strent JAS. RADER. ELMER WHITE CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Mr nil mftll on r necnrrai tnin. T ftrifre mrt rvnrci tn all rtiro f tU : Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.' t3"AT THE OLD TOSTOFFICE.l A. DAGENY, Family Wine and Liquor Store. Removed from tn2 Static fn inn Pnmni.rntnl street., Bottled goods of the best quality. ,i, Grocery! A Superb Golden Blend CoUeo, lino cud quullfcy 3 Pounds for 25c, , ; Vermont Maple Syrup in bulk, per gallon 75c, Flour 90a95c per sack, Dried peaches 7 lbs. 25u. Dried apples 0 lbs. 25c. Sugar cured barns llic. SuRar cured shoulders 8Jc. Other staples In proportion. JOHNSON & VANDEVERT. 100 Court St. iGoods for Gold -Hunters Arc You Going to Some of your friends are, If Xou are not Say to them Seattle is the place to outfit. Seattle Woolen Mfg Co . Are Pioneer manufacturers of Alask clothing. Have (heir own mill and clothing factory, Comp'ete outfits on hand and made to order. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.- Salesrooms, I no First Avenue und Cor. Yesler Way & Occidental Av. Write for Outfitting Lists. SEATTLE, WASH. l-!4-wm& p-i A Map of the United States, Bend mo 5 cents In stamps nnd 1 will mall you a map of ihu United States, three feet four Inches wldo by four feet, lotitf. Printed In six colors, mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, Important town und railroad In tho United States. A. C. SHELDON, Genaral Agent, 1'ortland, Or, Y) Alaska? LI .!