Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 23, 1898, Image 1

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VOL, h.
NO. 41
Hats and Shoes
We offer a
ranging from $1 to $1.75, splendid hat at $1.35, Also wool hats
and neat golf caps for men and boys. Excellent
fine shoes at 51,70, 52,20, 52,35, $2,70 to $3,25 for a very
fine box calf shoe also men's heavy shoes,
Good stylish, all wool clay worsted black suits at $7,50,
$8,15, 9,40, 10 to $11,90 for a very fine suit,
Men's and boys' all wool and wool mixed suits at very
low prices, boys' from $1 to $5,65 Men's suits from $3.75
$13 for our fine all wool suits, Call and examine these goods
and prices, We can save you money,
Make Room and Get Money,
"Kill Two Birds With One Stone."
We havn too many woods for this season of the year and net
enough money. Therefore In order to reverse the condition
of things we propose to g've you the profit on our goods for
cash only. So come along and we will show you what a
clearance sale means. We will demonstrate the fact to you
beyond a doubt that you can buy
Or Men's Furnishing Goods
cheaper of us for the next few weeks than you ever bought
them before in your life. Try us and see that we are telling
you the truth.
One week more only and the stock of
the Palace Dry Goods and Shoe Co. will be
all sold
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
at private sale then comes three days of
auction to finish,
Auction morning, afternoon and night,
Some fine things left yet to be sold at
forced sale Do not miss the last week,
S, FRIEDMAN, Ajctioneer,
n L
l. I . ' z
fine line of
We Aim to Please,
We have just received th3 most
artistic, best constructed and
. eas'est acting lino of builders'
hardware ever brought to Salem
direct from the
Yale . Towne Manufacturing
This lino Inclnrlpa lrv-!ra cnsli
'' lifts etc., and the
Yale Burglar rrool bash Locki
vine strongest ana saiesi sasn
fastener made.
Divers Hard at Work.
Slow Progrtss-The Court at Ha
vanaMore Bodies Found.
Contract Let to Float the Maine to New
York. t. '1
Havana, Feb. 23. Consul-General
Lee and members of theUnitcd States
court of inquiry on the loss of the bat
tleship Maine called upon Captain
General Blanco and Admiral Slante
rola. When these ceremonies were
ended the court returned to the
United States lighthouse tender Man
grove and resumed its session. The
divers says the majority of the bodies
left in the Maine are those of the fire
men, and many of them were 'multi
lated in the struggle for life, which
the divers say must have been fearful
It Is announced that 1G00 Spanish
regular troops arrived at Santiago de
Cuba Saturday.
The military commander of Guana
bacoa has ordered a suspension of pub
lie festivities as a mark of respect to
the Maine's dead.
More Bodies Taken Out.
The navy department received a
dispatch from Captain Slgsbce that
fourteen more bodies had been re
covered from the wreck of the Maine.
All the rcmalnB were unidentified. It
is not thought that any bodies will
be ldentilled hereafter unless by the
clothing, Aside from the effect of
the long submersion, the men still
missing were nearly all directly under
the main deck, whiohiwas blown up
and the tremendous force of the ex
plosion probably blotted scores of
them out of existence entlrly,
To Raise the Maine.
New York, Feb. 23. The Merritt
& Chapman Derrick & Wrecking
Company have signed contracts with
the government to raise the battle
ship Maine. Their most powerfnl
tug, the Monarch, now at New York,
will proceed at once to Ilavana. The
Monarch will be followed by other
tugs, and the work will be begun as
soon as possible. Two expert divers
with all necessary appliances will ac
company the Monarch.
The tug Right Ann will proceed at
once from Key West with three divers
and the wreckers' underwriters. The
mamoth tug Monarch will follow
with an equipment of 100 men.
The terms of the contract provide
for the payment of the sum of $871 a
day for the regular plant and the ad
ditional payment of $500 per day for
the use of the Monarch, while the
latter is actually employed.
An express provision Is made, that
the government may terminate the
contract at any moment. It is also
provided that the compensation shall
not exceed the sum of money ($200,000)
appropriated by congress for this pur
pose, in the recent resolution passed.
It Is also provided that if the com
panies should succeed in raising the
Maine and towing her to New York
they shall receive a bonus of $100,000.
In view of the large first cost of the
Maine, estimated at $5,000,000 and the
national desire that she be raised, as
evidenced by the prompt and unani
mous action of congress upon the joint
resolution, Secretary Long believes
that he is justified in making the
above terms with the wreckers,
though at first thought the per diem
compensation is large. It must be
borne in mind, however, he said, that
It will constitute the largest wrecking
expedition oyer equipped in this coun
try. Moreover, the wreckers express
a willingness to go to work in the
usual i way that they serve under
writers, namely, to do the wrecking
and then take the award of the
board of arbitration. This plan, how
ever, was not open to the government,
which is compelled by law to fix the
exact terms in advance.
Here Is Evidence,
An important discovery was made
in the Maine investigation. Divers
brought up a powdor case for a 10
inch gun, which they took from that
part of the battleship which was de
stroyed by the explosion and in which
the Maine gunpowder magazine is sit
uated. The gunpowder discovered was In a
bag, and the bag was contained in a
copper case. The case was entirely
closed, but had an exterior mark as if
some hard obj ect hud struck It on the
outside; but, within, the gunpowder
Is absolutely Intact.
As the case was in a forward maga
zine, this discovery isconclusive proof
as to whether or not the magazine ex
ploded, and It is the general belief
that it did not explode; at least, the
important part of It remains intact.
Neither divcrp nor any one having
official connection with the investiga
tion Is willing to say whether r not
the magazine exploded. Any positive
declaration about the matter at this
time would bo foolishly premature.
Yet the copper case with its powder
bag Intact speaks for itself.
The case was tanen from the Maine
to the Fern and put in the gunpowder
magazine of the revenue cutter. Your
correspondent saw it.
Divers failed today to place tho
electric light apparatus inside tho
Maine, as the wire obtainable in
Ilavana is worthless for that purpose.
Tho work of the divers Is progress
ing very slowly on account of paucity
of material.
The wrecking tug Neptune is
eagerly expected from Key West. She
wl',1 bring all necessary apparatus to
ralso the big guns and esDeclally to
clear away many, largo objects and
iron pieces which are hampering the
Spanish Inquiry.
New York, Feb. 23. A dispatch
to tho World from Madrid says the
Spanish admiral commanding Hayana
telegraphed that the Spanisli official
investigation into tho catastrophe to
the Maine has terminated, and that
the first examination mado by olllcial
divers lias shown up to the present
that the disaster was accidental, and
not produced by any exterior cause.
Advised to Leave Havana,
N ew York, Feb.23. The Herald's
Ilavana special sys that Americans
have been advised by General Lee to
send their families out of Ilavana, as
tnc volunteers are anti-American and
anti-autonomy, and have been in
spired to create trouble Incase the
Maine Inquiry proves that the datas
trophe was due to design.
Boston Feb.23. There Is scarcely
doubt the British ship Asia, bound
from Manilla for this port, wa
wrecked near Nantucket during the
gales of tho past few days, and that
her entire crow of twenty men has
perished. This conclusion is not only
borne out by wreckage, consisting of
the stern of a boat, yards and other
material, which were cast ashore at
Montgomory, but Captain Ilaley, of
this city, telephones from Woodhull,
that while the tugboat E. V. Mc
Cauley, was steaming out to tho barge
Excelsior, whlchlles sunk on Hand
kerchief shoal, ho saw positive evi
dence of a large, square rigged
vessel and recovered two bodlea from
a portion of the dismantled hull.
Portland Murder.
Portland, Or., Feb. 23. Elmer
Rountrec. a coloicdplano player, in
the Richelieu saloon, was shot and
killed yesterday afternoon by Frank
Cooper, the colored proprietor of the
same saloon, Rountrec threatened to
chastise Cooper and followed him into
the rear saloon. After repeated warn
ings to Rouotree to keep away from
him Cooper drew his revolver and
shot him in the abdomen. Rountrce
died soon after being taken to tho
hospital. Cooper walked to the police
soatlon and gave himself up.
Ignatius Weds.
Minneapolis, Feb. 23. The mar
riage of Miss Marlon Olive Hanson
and Ignatius Donnelley was solem
nized at high -noon, with pomp
and ceremony. The church was filled,
and a vast crowd gathered outside to
catch a glimpse of the pretty young
bride and the distinguished groom.
The ceremony took place in the Nor
wegian Methodist church.
Big Order,
New Haven Conn., Feb. 23 The
American Ordnance Company, of
Bridgeport, Conn., has received by
telegraph froai its vice-president at
Washington an order for 40 rapid
firing six-pounder notchklss guns.
The order Is for quick delivery and
the guns will all be delivered in about
three month. The ordinance company
says It does not attach aoy significance
to the order,
Kan Into the Dock.
Havre, Feb. 23. The British ship
Andreta, from Portland, Or., via
Quecnstown, struck the dock entrance
badly damaging lie bows, and it Is
solely owing to tier water-tight bulks
that she keeps afloat.
Not Troubled Now,
"From ray childhood I have been
in poor health. When I was 10 years
old I had salt rheum on one of my
hands. I got a bottle of Hood's Sar
saparilla and before I had taken all
my hand was well. I have never
been troubled with salt rheum since."
Mrs. Bertha Reio,
Baker City, Oregon,
nood's PI1U are easy to take. Cure
Indigestion, headache.
Criminal News.
The Confession of a Thief Solves a
Bier Mystiy,
Daring Robbery on the Santa Fe Clew
to the Bandits.
Chicago, Feb. 23. Tho mystery
surrounding tho robbery of the
Texcs & Southern railroad ticket
otllccs at Phoenix, Ariz.,. a month -ago,
at which time $8000 worth of tickets
and $700 in money were taken, was
solved today by tho arrest and con.
fesslon of Charles Collins. Collins Im
plicated J. W. Waterman, who is also
under arrest. Tho robbery was a
peculiarly daring one. The ticket
office In tho htartof the city was
entered about midnight and the safe
and a strong box of tho company were
wrecked with dynamite. So great
was the force of tho explosion that
one side of the depot was completely
wrecked, but before tho police arrived
the robbers had escaped. They were
traced to Chicago where they were
Dallas, Tex., Feb. 22. An excit
ing acconnt has been telegraphed of a
daring robbery committee on the
Santa Fe railroad. It appears as
though the passengers in the sleeping
car were aroused in the middle of the
night to answer tho Importunate de
mand of "Your money or your life 1"
The money was forthcoming at once,
and estimates made show that the
robbers managed to get away with
about $2000 worth of valuables. The
railroad dectlves are sure that they
have a clue and they state that it will
not be long before they have the dur
ing highwaymen under arrest.
Lynchers in Trouble.
Indianapolis, Feb, 23. After
months of waiting for the local au
thorities of Ripley county to Indict the
men who lynched Clifford Gordon,
Lyle Levy, Bert Andrews, William
Jenkins and Heury Schuttor, at Ver
sailles, in September, the state today
began tho work itself: Arrests will
be made as fast as tho accused can bo
O. II. Hughes, superintendent of
the county Iniirmary, has been ar
rested upon information sworn to by
Governor Mount. While the state Is
expected to show that he was in the
mob and therefore guilty of murder
ing the live prisoners, the warrant
charges him with the murder of
Henry Schutcr. Another warrant
lias been sworn out for the arrest of
Archibald Wright, against whose life
an attempt wa3 made 10 days ago.
He left soon after and is supposed to
be in Chicago. It If believed that he
has agreed to turn state's evidence.
Postmaster and His Child Killed
Charleston, o. C, Feb. 22. A
special from Lake City, fj. C Says:
Postuias:er Baker, a negro, and his
child were -shot to death and their
bodies cremated. It is said that a mob
numbering several hundred- sur
rounded Baker's house, where tho
postofficeis kept, set fire to the build
ing and opened with their guns upon
Baker was killed and his wife, his
two daughters and one son worn ser
iously wounded, The woman had a
baby in her arms, and she said that
tho ball that passed through her arm
passed through tho baby, killing it,
and it fell to the ground. Tho house
was then fired and ttioso who were
able to run ran out, but the cremated
bodies of Baker and his child were
found in the ruins yesterday morning.
All tho wounded are maimed for life.
The two girls may lose their arms.
All of the mail matter was totally
destroyed. There Is no clew to the
composition of the mob.
About 1 o'clock the mob sneaked to
the postmaster's cabin, which was
also used for the postofflce, and fired
It. The crackling flames aroused tho
family, which rushed out. Immed
iately a volley of lead poured into the
Baker was among the first to fall
dead. Ills wife, who was holding a
young baby to her breast, had a rifle
ball pass through her hand. It after
ward burled Itself In the child, killing
it Instantly.
Two daughters and a small son were
shot, but they may live. The mother
was seriously wounded.
Betoro the shooting ceased, the
building was covered with flames, and
the bodies of Baker and his child
could not be dragged out. In the
morning they were found charred
almost beyond recognition.
The injured children fled for safety,
but they were not lntcrf erred with
after the murder.
All mall in the ostofflce was
It Is claimed that Baker was neyer
a resident of tho town and that he was
lazy, ignorant and insultlngj-to lady
patrons at tho postofflce.
Petitions were sent to the postmaster-general
to have the man re
moved, but nothing was over done
about it. Tho petition was signed by
200 business men of Lake City.
The murder has been reported to
the authorities in Washington.
Baker was appointed postmaster
three months ago. Lake City has 500
inhabitants. Tho negro population in
that vicinity is large.
After the first assault three months
ago, Baker moved his family Into the
house on the outskirts of town, whero
ho established hlspostofllcc.
Tillman and McLaughlin, and Con
gressman Norton had asked the postmaster-general
to remove Baker be
cause of his color, but the request was
All mall matter was destroyed. The
coroner's Jury which was impanelled,
viewed the charred remains, then It
adjourned till Saturday.
War Preparations in Pennsylvania.
Piuladelpaia, Feb. 23. Mnjor
General Snowden, commander of the
national guard of Pennsylvania, has
Issued general orders to every ofllcei
In the state to recruit his cotusrand
up to the full quota required by law.
Tho orders were lsued five duys ago
with Instrucnionsthut they kept a
profound secret. The ofllcers wcro in
structed to have their meD ready to
march fully armed and equipped at 24
hours' notice.
Assignee's Sale.
An opportunity to buy tho eld,
established business of E. F. Osburn
Stock of general merchandise. I am
offering this entire stock of good in
one lot. If you anticipate going into
business, this is your opportunity.
Come aud examine this stock, and
make me a bid, by tho 1st of March,
Jefferson Meyers,
Assignee for E. F. Osburn.
2-18-d & w.
What pleasure is there in life with
a headache, constipation and bilious
ness? Thousands experience them
v ho could become perfectly healthy
by using Do Witt's Little Earlv Ris
ers, tho famous little pills. Stone's
Drug Store.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents:. I was dreadfully nervou and for
for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea.
It quieted my nerves and strengthene my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble.
Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor
oughly that I rapidly regained health and
strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hartford, Conn
Sold by D. J. Fry.
Ue Not Deceivedl A Coujh, Ilorseness or
Croup aro not to be trifled with, A dose in
Iome ofShilo's Cum will save vnu much
trouble. Sold by D. T. Fry.
No. 19.
Boys Stocking.
Guaranteed to outwear any other stocking in the market a full Op
line of sizes Just received. Price.. .V
Our store is Just nrw budding
from the foremost
NEW dress goods.
NEW silks.
NEW wash goods.
NEW ribbons.
NEW laces.
NEW embroideries.
NEW skirts.
NEW outings.
NEW hosiery.
NEW linens.
NEW waists.
NEW collars and cuffs,
NEW tics.
NEW white goods.
W, B. Corsets The pink of perfection Threo newest shapes in tho short
corset just received,
Tha Royal U the highest grade baking powder
kaoira. Actael teata ehow it goea oaa-
tMfd farther than any other brand.
AkiBluteh Pure
royal tuana rewocn CO., new ironic
Leading Autonomists Said to Be Ne
gotiating for It.
Madrid, Feb. 23. A gloomy tono
pervades political circles on the re
port of a split in the Cuban ministry.
The autonomists, Sonar Gubcru and
Senor Amblard are, it is believed,
really treating with tho Insurgents In
the direction of Independence for
Cuba. Senor Govln, the Cuban secre
tary of tho interior, Is accused of
treason by tho Imparcial, which pub
lishes a facsimile of a letter from
Senor Govln to a friend, in which tho
former says:
"How could you think that Sagas ta,
a man inferior to Canovas.aud liberal
only In namc.has inspired my uttitudo
and not my Ideas and sentiments as a
Cuban? McKlnley, as well as Cuba,
will determine whether I am a Span
iard. Long live our country -and
liberty 1"
The Imparcial adds that It pre
dicted a weak ministry in Cuba, and
warned Senor Morct, tho Spanish
colonial minister, of what was likely
to bo tho outcome of his autonomy
It Is now acting collector Fox, since
Monday morning at Astoria.
Farmers Institutes are being held
in the Grande Rondo Valley.
A large band of elks were seen ut
Wllber, about 70 in number.
William Riley, of Baker City, rup
tured a small artery In his left leg
last Saturday, and lost th-eo or four
quarts of blood before uurgical aid
was secured.
M. B. -Bclicu, an old Coos county
Elonccr, died ut the homo of his son,
i. D, Bellcu, at Enchanted prairlo,
nn the 13th Inst., at the ago of 85
J. B. Stowcll.a pioneer of 1851, died
at his homo in Eugene Sunday oven
log, aged 71 years.
Stop that cough. Take warning. It may
lead to consumption. A 3$c., bottle of
Shlloh's Cure may save'yov- ' fe. Sold by
D- J- Fry. ts&Vs
Quadruple Knee.
Reinforced Toes,
Heel and Instep,
forth with the newest creations
lincsiof the world.
Your choice of soma lata
Qf nobby and up-to-dato
nfuria, dcu center winuow.
A vnrv low nrlcn nlncfttl
Qf on somo $1.25 and $1.60
I'lUllUIOli 011111,3 HI U1U5U
out. See center window.
pairs for
Why pay more ? Those full fash
ioned seamless socks.
Samples of Mackinaw clothing -special
orders taken. Save 20
Commercial st,, corner Court st