Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 16, 1898, Image 1

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NO. 38.
Hats and Shoes
Wc offer a
ranging from $1 to $1,75, splendid hat at $1,35, Also wool hats
and neat golf caps for men and boys, Excellent
fine shoes at $1,70, $2,20, $2,35, $2,70 to $3,25 for a very
fine box calf shoe; also men's heavy shoes,
Good stylish, all wool clay worsted black suits at $7,50,
$8,15, 9,40, 10 to $11,90 for a very fine suit,
Men's and boys' all wool and wool mixed suits at very
low prices, boys' fromSl to $5,65 Men's suits Irom $3,75 to
$13 for our fine all wool suits, Call and examine these goods
and prices, Wc can save you money,
Make Room and Get Money.
"Kill Two Birds With One Stone."
Wehave too many goods for this season of the year and not
enough money. Therefore in order to reverse the condition
of things no propose to g've you the prnllt on our goods for
cash only. So come along and we will show you what a
clearance sale means. We will demonstrate the fact to you
beyond a doubt that you can buy
Or Men's Furnishing Goods
cheaper of us for the next few weeks than you ever bought
them before in your life. Try us and see that we are telling
you the truth.
lihMbte Kitchen UteTisHs
But we are going to commence the
you low prices for
Salem Special, patronize home industry
Aumsvllle 1'iour.
New Pickles, per qt
Arbuckle and Lion Coffee, perpk
ASest Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb
Good Mocha and Java coffee per lb
10 lbs Lard
5 lbs Lard
Chocolate, per lb
lOlbs. B. Wheat
lOlbs Corn Meal
C37" Try our Ho Cream Oats for mush.
Old P. O, Grocery.
6Hntnias is Over !
w:b sell
! t t
Gauss' Shears
Warranted axes, saws, wedges, pocket and table cut
lery, tin, granite and aluminum ware. . .
fine line of
Living Without Cooks
would be monotonous, while
it lasted, which would not be
long. For good culinary
results, good utensils are nec
essary. You can not miss it
on ours and the prices will
please you too.
See our Nickel Plated Coffee Ware.
Corner State ?nd Liberty sts,
Salem, Oregon,
New Year again with offering
t 25
i t t t i
i t Stoves and Ranges,
and Scissors, j j j ,
Blown Into Atoms in Cuban
The Cause of the Explosion
Havana, Feb. 16. At a quarter to
10 o'clock last evening a terrible ex
plosion took place on board the United
States battleship Maine, in Havana
uarbor. Many were Kiueu or wounded.
All the boats of the Spanish cruiser
Alfonso XIII arc assisting.
As yet the cause of the explosion Is
not annarcnt. The wounded sailors
of the Maice are unable to explain it.
It is believed that the battleship is
totally destroyed.
The explosion shook the whole city
The windows were broken in all the
houses. The correspondent ol Asso
ciated Press sajs ho has conversed
witn several or tne wounded sailors,
and understands from them that the
explosion took place while they were
asleep, so tucycan give no particulars
as to the cause.
The wildest consternation prevails
in Havana. The wharves are crowed
with thousands of people. It Is be
lieved the explosion occured in a
small powder magazine.
At a quarter of 11 o'clock what re
mains of the Maine is still burning.
Captain Slgshee and the other oul
cers have been saved.
It is estimated that over 200 of the
crew were killed, but It is impossible
yet to give exact details.
Admiral Manterola has ordered that
boats of all kinds should go to the as
sistance of the Maine and her
The Havana firemen are giving aid,
tending carefully to the wounded who
arc brought on shore. It is a terrible
General Zolana and the other gen
erals have been ordered by Captain
General Blanco to send troops to help
the Maine crew in every way possible.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press has been near the Maine in a
boat of the cruiser Alfonso XIII, and
has seen others of tne wounded, who
corroborate the statement of those
first intereviewed that they were al
ready asleep when the explosion oc
cuned. Captain SIgsbee says the explosion
occured in the bow of the vessel.
Orders were given to the olllcersto
save themselves as best they could.
The latter, who were literally thrown
from their bunks in their night cloth
ing, gave the necessary orders with
irreat self-nossesslon and bravery.
At 1:30 the Maine continues burn
ing. The first theory was that there had
been a preliminary explosion in the
Santa Barbara (magazine) of powder
or dynamite below the water.
Admiral Manterola believes that
the first explosion was of a grenade
that was hurled oyer the navy-yard.
The report thatCaptain SIgsbee was
woundtd Is inaccurate. Captain SIgs
bee, with other olllcers, went in a
small boat to the Ward line bteumer
City of Washington. Two officers and
more than 200 of the crew are missing.
Some of the crew who were able to
support thcmselyes by swimming
were saved by the bi ats. Six of the
wounded crew and one of the officers
have been taken to the military hos
pital by General Blanco's orders.
The secretary Is Inclined to believe
that most of the MillcerB of the Maine
were on shore at the time of the
accident, as It was sclll early in tho
night. While neither the secretary
nor Captain Dickens Ib inclined to
discuss the probable cause of the
accident, several suggestions were
yenluied. They believe that it may
haye been caubed byllre In tho bunkers
heating the bulkhead near a magazine,
or that an accident may have occurred
while inspecting high explosives for
torpedoes. Of course, this is mere
speculation; and the secretary is anx
iously awaiting a more detailed report
from Captain SIgsbee.
Later the secretary sent another
telegram to Key West, directing that
the tender Mangrove also be sent to
The Journal has been receiving
later dispatches up to 4 o'clock but
nothing final or satisfactory. Two
hundred killed and all the officers
saved was the estimate of losses at 3
Havana, Feb. 10. It is now be
lieved that nearly 300 men was killed
in the explosion on the United States
Battleship Maim: last night.
There were 351 men on cue paymas
ters list last Sunday and It Is sup
posed nearly all were on board at time
of explosion.
All olllcers are known to be sayed
except Lieutenant Jenkins and As
sistant Engineer Merritt. The caubo
of the explosion is not known and
Captain SIgsbee says lie Is not now
prepared to express an opinion.
The Spanish cruiser Alphonso XII
was anchored near the Maine and
saved 37 of the crew,
Washington, Feb. 10 The Maine
disaster Is the principal topic of con
versation in Washington.
Members of the committee on fore-
clgn relations express the opinion
that tho occurrence may result in
grave complications, unless Spain can
assure the United States that the
Spaniards had nothing te do with It.
Many express tho opinion that a tor
pedo wai exploded under the Maine.
Shakes the Dust of Washington From
His Feet.
Washinoson, Feb. 10. Senor Du
puy de Lome, ex-minister from Spain
accompanied by Mme.de Lome, their
two sons and a Spanish valet, lcft
Washington for New jYork, whence
they sail for Llyerpooli A largo dele
gation from the diplomatic corps, ac
companied by their wives, gave a
hearty au revolr at the station to
their late associate. Mine, dc Lome
carried a boquet of red roses and sev
eral baskets of flowers were carried by
tho attendants and placed in the car
occupied by the de Louie party. The
entire staff of the Spanish legation,
headed by Senor du Bosc, tho charge
d'affaires, was present.
The, President Satisfied.
New York. Feb. lO.-lThe Washing
ton correspondent of the Herald says
that the announcement from Madrid
that theSpanlsh ministry had decided
to reply in a fitting mariner to Minis
ter Woodford's representations In the
De Lome letter is highly satisfactory
to administration officials. No one
is more pleased over the; matter than
the president. He has never doubted
that Spain would repudiate the action
of its minister. His only concern has
been that the delay in closing the in
cident might lead tosomo embarrass
ment to the administration before the
Spanish government had had an op
portunity to muke a satisfactory res
ponse. Mouse Ran Into His Opn Mouth.
Pasadena, Feb. 16.-"-The Eev. J.
H. Kelly, a negro preacher, swallowed
a live mouse last night' and lived to
tell the story.
Mr. Kelly, who is pastor of the
Friendship Baptist church, had been
reading a newspaper and fell asleep
with his mouth wide 'open. As lie
was lying on his back a mouse, at
tracted by loud snores, crawled into
the wlde-ooon mouth, and squealing
and clawing continued down the food
canal Into tho stomach.
The pastor jumping to' his feet and
grasping fur breath, got on his wheel
and rode for the nearest doctor.
Eplcac brought the nioi.se up after
two hours.
Found Murdered.
Medford, Or., Feb. 16. An un
known man was brought to this place
early Tuesday morning, unconscious,
and died shortly after his arrival. His
head was horribly crusl,tf.-,with sev
eral deep cuts on the scalp. Vint
Beall, living near Central Point;
brought him here, having picked him
up on his porch about 2 o'clock in the
How he got there was a mystery,
but it later developed that he had
been thrown from a passing train and
had managed to make his way there,
the residence being only a bhort dis
tance from the track.
An autopsy and Inquest developed
suspicions of foul play, as a valise and
sack of clothing were found near the
railroad track, both being cut open
and the contents scattered, Also
blood waj found on his garments and
other belongings. The Jury ad
journed until Tuesday for tho devel
opment of further evidence.
No one can appreciate what bar
gains can be found at the New York
Racket,until they examine their goods
and prices. There is little trouble In
going in to see their lines. Take their
"Star 5 Star" line -of shoes for all
ages. These shoes has gained a high
reputation for quality and style. All
speak well of the durability, as well as
being pleased with the styles. They
never allow their shoes to grow old in
style on their shel ve3. Tills Is a good
time to test their shoes. 10-2d-lw
Have Arrived. Jollie Nellie Mo
Henry and her talented company haye
arrived in this city on the train and
will present tho operatic comedy "A
Night in New York." The play itself
is said to be far the best that "Jolly
Nellie" has ever hud, telling a pretty,
simple and Interesting story of New
York llfe.and teaching a golden moral
midst laughter and tears.
Large Hare West & Baker dis
play at their meat poultry market a
largo Belgalan hare ralbcd by Leon
Dividson.at Mornlngslde. The hare
weighs eight and one-half pounds
Many Men Have eyes but see not!
Have ears but hear not 1 But it re
quires only one trial of our groceries
to conyince anyone that their quality
Is unequalled. Branson & Co.
nWool yarn, wool underwear, mack
intoshes, overcoats and a number of
other winter articles arc all greatly
reduced to close out this lot, at the
New York Racket. 10-2d-lw
Don't annoy others by your cough
ing, and risk your life by neglecting a
cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. Stone's
Drug Store.
To Curtga j Cold in one day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c. 10-14-Om
PATTON. At the home of Mrs. E.
N. Cooke, at 2 p. m. t Wednesday,
February 16, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs.
E. Cooke Patton, a daughter, Lu
ella May, weight 0 pounds, All
doing well.
The happy father is tho well known
State street stationer and 1b in the
seventh heaven of delight.
Makes an Effort in the Direction of Econ
omy, Tho Salem city council was in ses
sion Tuesday evening.
The committee on ways and means
reported the following resolution.
"We, your commltteo on ways and
means, to whom was referred tho res
olution introduced by Alderman Park
hurst, which reads as follews: "Where
as, The city has been running behind
it is the senso of this council that,
the salaries of the city officers and em
ployes ishould be reduced. Being
thus instructed, beg leave to submit
tho following report.
"Being fully impressed with tho ne
cessity, as well as tho justice, of an
economical administration of the
tlnunccs of tho city, having always in
view a proper regard for sanitation,
commercial facilities, mutual protec
tion and a btrlct impartial enforce
ment of law and order, and basing our
conclusions upon tho principles of
honest compensation for honest ser
vices, wc hore to cooperate with you
In adjusting all the departments of
city government upon Judicious busl.
ness principles without waste or in
dlyious dlfcrlmlnatlon, we, therefore,
recommend the following salaries and
scale of wages for tho officers and em
ployes of the city government.
"In view of the large fees obtained
on state cases we place tho salary of
the city marshal and city recorder at
$60, each, per month,
"Chief of the lire department, per
month, $55.
"Engineer of fire department, $05.
"Night policemen, each, $55.
"Street commissioner, W0.
"Hose driver and fireman, $40.
"Hose boys. $8.
"Believing the forgoing adjustment
to be equitable and just under the
present shortage of municipal funds
we respectfully, recommend the adop
tion of the same by proper ordinance
"Very truly Hirnm Smith, A. B.
Burcn, committee."
Alderman Graham moved that the
report be adopted.
Alderman Smith called for the
ayes and noes.
Alderman Parkhurst moved to
amend that the report be referred to
the committee on ordinances.
The ayes and noes were called for
upon the amendment.
The vote was taken and resulted
as follews: Ayes Parkhurst, Law
rence, McGrew, Legg: noes Buren,
Graham, Hunt, Smith.
The mayor otcd aje, thus carrying
the amendment.
The original motion, as amended,
was not put before tho council, how
ever, and the matter therefore Is not
In the hands of tho ordlnnnco com
mittee, but lies on the tabic.
bills allowed,
The committee on accounts and
current expenses reported tho follow
ing bills and recommeuded tho pay
ment of the same.
Salem Con. St. Ry Co $453 00
Ladd & Bush 3 00
A.II. Forstner 175
Statesman Pub. Co 2 03
F. S. Dearborn 3 85
R. II. Prlco 25
Salem Gas Co 27 00
Salem Water Co 01 48
A. J. Basey 3 00
Knox & Murphy 7 05
Salem Gas Co 0 30
A. W. Peebles 36 00
Harry Ilutton 5 00
Patton Bros 4 30
Gilbert & Patterson 100
John Hughes 5 15
Cooper Bros 2 00
Cap. Lumb. Co 117 41
The committee on streets reported
In favor of renting the upper story of
the city hall to the National Guard at
$50 a mnth. Bids will bo receiyed
for the Improvements needed.
Tho applications of C. N Lake, G.
W. Stlmpson and A. E. Dageny for
6aloon licenses were referred to the
committee on licenses.
O. D. Ilutton, Geo. Townsend and
Bert Low were elected special police
without pay.
Communications of F. It. Anson
was read showing averago cost of elec
tric lighting in cities of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho to be $9 85 a
month for 20CD candle power a re lights,
$10 48 where steam poffcr is used.
An ordinance was introduced au
thorizing the Electric company to
build a track on Trade street, from
Liberty street cast to tho alley, and
onto the company's property, to han
dle wood. It was referred to tho or
dlnadce committee after the second
Union at Woodburn.
In response to a call by the three
chairmen of Woodburn precinct a
goodly number of enthusiastic citi
zens met in Beach's Hall Monday.
House called to order.
The first business transacted was
by the Silver Republicans electing
Geo. Whitney precinct chairman.
Next was tho presentation of the
rolls with tho declaration of princi
ples; the three rolls were signed either
as ollver Republicans, Silver Demo
crats or Populists the principles be
ing the same In each.
After this there were speeches and
experiences both Intercstiog and
U3eful In behalf of reform, to the
end that, Justice shall reign, and peo
ple bo converted to tho principles of
union, and to sign cither roll as their
choice preferred, after which they
adjourned to meet in the samo place
Tuesday evening Feb. 23, with a gen
cral Invitation to all who desire to
better their condition.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, B. W. Pursell of Knltnersvllle,
Pa., was cured by using a single box
of DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin
dlscabcs such us eczema, rash, pim
ples and obstinate sores are readily
cured by this famous remedy. Stone's
Drug Stone,
Creat Crowd
At the Union Revival Last Night.
Miller Captur-s the People by Song and
Last night was a breezy meeting.
Promptly at 7:30 things turned Ioofo
with choir loft full of happy song
sters tuey began "wnereiie Lcuus.i'ii
Follow." and how they dldslng. Then
said the evangelist, tell us what stood
in your way of becoming a Christian.
Quickly tho responses came; pride,
fear of man, fear I could not bold out,
my will, cards, dancing, puro mean
ness, Indifferences, whisky, bad temper
pure cursedness. One man said con
trariness. Areynumarricd,sald Miller.
(Laughter.) Fully forty had thus
answered, dozens on their feet at
once. That will do, said tho leader,
now you see wo aro not natural
born saints, but sinners and
have fumcthlng to overcome
then came a song, "Wonderful Sa
vlor," which fairly captured the audi
ence. Then according to announce
ment tho jury was called and was
seated in a row before tho speaker.
"Gentlemen," said Mr. Miller, "You
are to decide the greatest question
that ever confronted mortal man. Wo
don't want yuur verdict to bo influ
enced by your prejudice r feeling
either way, but according to the eyl
Idence given."
Then tho witnesses were put on the
sturid and testimony given. Prophsey,
Angels, God the Father, friends, na
ture, enemies, devils and death, all
testified positively to tho Divinity of
Jesus Christ, and that He is man's
only hope of eternal life. The unani
mous verdict was like that of Peter,
"He is tho Christ."
What will you do with Illm, shouted
the leader to the great throng, will
you accept Him, If so, rise to
your feet, Quickly up leaped
a man of 50, throwing his hand high.
Softly the choir begun "Almost per
suaded" while others stood up. At
0 the audience were permitted to re
tire. An after meeting was held al
most filling tho entire church. It was
an unusual night of power, many
lingered till 10:30 in prayer. One said,
"I tell you this looks liko business, 1
never heard such an airay of evidence
on the Divinity of Christ."
One strange peculiarity of Evange
list Miller is, there Is nothing stereo
typed about his ways, no two meet
ings are alike, one never knows what
is coming next.
This evening by request he will sing
"Tho Trundle Bed" and "Hand writ
on the Wall." SubJect,Tho Red Light.
To Go To Corvallib. Rev, Isaac
Peart and F. A. Alexander, who hayo
been In this city for tho past few
days, rcturnol to Corvallls this morn
ing. The object and purpo'o of these
uentlemcn's visit to Salem was to se
cure tho services of E. F. Miller, tho
singing evangelist for a week's ser
vices lu Corvallls.beglnnlng Saturday
of this week. The gentlemen were
successful In making arrangements
with tne evangelist wiio closes ms
work here Friday night, going to
Coryallis Saturday morning.
Stop that cough. Take warning. It may
lead to consumption. A 2JC, bottle of
Shiloh's Cure may save yoc ' fe. Sold by
D. J. Fry.
Are now in force at Salem's greatest store,
The newest of the new this sea
sou's creations, at special prices.
Ladies Wrappers
In bright new flannelettes cut to
close out. Special
68c to $175 each,
Idcalean Cloth,
A ni.v napped fabric; would bo
cheap at 8c,
Our price per yard 5c,
Best Vicugna Flannelette
In new attractive patterns, our
W, B. Corsets, the leading American corset in new sliepcs
just received, Ask to see them,
New Spring Dress Skirts.
See corner window.
278280 Commercial a,, corner Court st
Tke Royal la tka Mgfcait grade baking powder
fcaowa- Actual tetta abow it g oa
tMrd farther Uaa any other bread.
Publisher's Announcement.
Look out for The Journal trade
edition Saturday. It will be a doublo
number, containing about twenty col
umns of descriptive sketches of Salem
business men and enterprises. All
matter ordered In tho 5000 Trade
Edition will go into The Daily and
Weekly Editions besides. A splen
did advertising opportunity is thus
Notices of religious services on Sun
day free must bo at tho ofllco Satur
day at 10 o'clock.
All notices of entertainments by re
ligious, Boclal, fraternal, charltablc.or
political entertainments half price 5c
Journal advertisers always offer
the lowest bargains and want tho
trade of all classes of people.
The crowded condition of our col
umns made It Impossible to print S.
M. Stock's new ad Tuesday. Their
linen sale In this issun will interest
housewives searching for bargains.
The stock of clothing carried by tho
Now York Racket, Is of the best qual
ity, price considered, in the city.
Look over their clay worsted nil wool,
and wool and wool mixed suits for
men, boys and youths. These goods
have been selected with care, and ore
sold at very close prices. Call and
see them. 10-2d-lw
If ra
?&&dtM ""
T. A. LIvcsloy tho hopbuyer, was In
Portland today. Mr. Llvesley reports
tho hop market exceedingly quiet,
but very fow sales are now being
made. Ills firm however In the past
week has purchased about 200 bales
from four parties paying from 7 to 10
cents per pound therefor.
fit lis-
Wheat 70c.
Oats 30c.
Apples,3040c in trado.
Hay Baled, cheat, $9110.
Flour In wholesalo lots, $3.50 re
tail $3.75.
nogs drccscd, 41c.
Live cattle 2c.
Veal 4 s.
Butter Dairy 15l!c; crcamory,
Sheep Live, 3c a lb.
Men's Neckwear,
Wo have just opened n grand line
of now and nobby neckwear,
yalues from GOoto $1, ,
Our Price 39c,
Why Pay More
Have you seen those seamless
socks, tho greatest values shown,
Two pairs for 25c,
Advance Shipment
of some cholco now French Or
gandies and Trevillo Fucconas,
tho lovely fabric forsprlng.
New Taffeta Silks,
In nowest shades and extra lino
At 75c,
t i
" ;l
-il HMh-11- " " -ftM,