Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 26, 1898, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal
WEDNESDAY JAN. a6, 1898.
Respectfully Dedicated to President Haw
ley of Willamette University.
Portlnnd Oregonlati Editorial, Jan.
21, 1808,) (cub nils out.)
Evidently Not tho God Who Directs
the Mora I iJoverniucnt of tlio
Tho New York Evening Post Is
keenly sarcastic oyer the mc&iiKO sent
by llanna lu tlio president, "God
relts'iis, and the HupUDlloan party yet
llyes." Aiuuin other biting com-
ments on tins suiniu resurrucbitiii
and Ignoble application Of Juiiici
A. Gartield'H Wall feet speech, on
hearing of tho assassination or Lin
coln, whoso opening words were.
"God reigns and tho republic still
lives," tho Post pays.
There has probably seldom been an
occasion In the United States with
which God, If the general estimate ol
his character and attributes be tin
true one. had less to do than with the
llanna contest In Olilo. Thero has
Hcldom been an occasion In which, If
the general estimate of Ills character
and attributes be a true one, the devil
was mure active, lulluuutlal and sat
isfied. Titer.) lias seldom been an oc
casion In which thu vices and defects
or Human character In which he most
delights, 111 .re abounded and were
inure frull rul. Kraud, fiilooliood, cor
ruption, bribery, treachery, IndllTer
uuee to public interests and to the
character of public men, were the
leading agencies in the struggle. The
spectacle was altogether one which
tiiii!t have delighted tho liifernul re
gions. Vet when It was over, the
message wlih'li it Inspired llanna to
sjnd lu the piesldeiit was.'God reigns
and tliu Republican party tlll lives.1
This Incident, and the iipiMlutmoiit
of Savior, the exposed .swindler, to the
consulship of .Ma.aii7.as, Cuoa, lu
spite of tlio remonstrances of all thai
is best In Philadelphia, personal!)
uiado to the presided t, raises, In spite
of us, the quustlon What rellnlon Is
it that theso men proress '( They pro-
, fess some religion a good deal. The)
arc diligent In their attendance at
church, they have family prayer; they
weep tears of nloiM emotion when
they start Iroin home to take olllce lu
Washington. Hut what God Is tills
God whom they worship? It can
hardly be the Christian God, for the
struggle In Columbus was carried on
by Instrumentalities which the Chris
tian God has condemned In the
strongest terms, at sundry times and
in divers manners. Ho that the God
whoso reign It proves, according to
llanna, must have been somo other
deity. Moreover, tho offenses of
which Savior has been convicted arc,
lu all tho Christian sacred books,
- treated as excluding a man from all
fellowship In the Christian world, and
from tlio favor of Almighty God, until
lie repents and makes restitution.
Ills offense Is considerably worse
than that of Ananias, and Sappnlra.
They kept back what was their own,
by falsehood, but Saylor tried to get
wnat was not ins, oy laiseuooo.
Nevertheless, tho president, who pro
tiuiuably worships tho Raiuo God as
llanna, lias treated Saylor as If he
had committed no offense at all, and
was now oven more worthy of reward
than most citizens of tho United
Ktatcb. This considerably Increases
tlio Hi7.7.1o. It will suggest, Irresisti
bly toovcry child lu our schools tlio
Inquiry, Under that theory of tho
unseen world and of the future life
are tho ulTuIra of this nation con
ducted V Arc wo worshiping tho
same unseen power as our fathers,
and are wo living under the same
cords or morality ? Or have wo gone
back to some ancient god who de
manded worship only and cared noth
lug about conduct V
Under tho heading "What It
Means," tho .anesyllle, Ohio, Signal,
has tho following;
"llanna having won.do tho common
people realize just what It means ? It
means tlio forcing through Congress,
If possible, tho Wall street currency
bill; means tho conversion of WH),000,
000 of 11011-Interest bearing currency
Into 800.000,0X) of intcroit-bearliig
bonds. Wo hopo the people who are
now rejoicing aro prepared to pay
their share or theso bonds without
Wo sympathize wltlrmir friend Ifco
Patterson. When he was voting for
Dolph and nt the feamc time secretly
played McHrlde's card, he straddled
so wide that Portland Collcctorshlp
went between his lew.
Now let us all pull toother nnd get
Oirntncal Ike a road sunervisorsmp in
Polk county.
We have a Brent deal of sympathy
for the petty criminals who occupy
our jails. Hut It don't follow that
wb' in Ust respect tlio big successful
thieves who ought to occupy them.
Washington. .Inn. 22. Land Com
missioner Hermann today transmit
ted a letter to tho senate opposing an
extension or tno Cleveland forestry
reservation order. This applies largely
to On-iron and Washington. It will
almost certainly be allowed to expire
March I, and will open lU.OOO.OOOacres
of laud to settlement.
That "letter" will do tlio business.
It has dune it before. Dinger lias
saved that land for the settlers many
a time. Ho must be governor or sen
ator. Col. Dunne, of Portland wasa Mitch
ell Republican, but ho was not in the
push nt Salem last winter. Of course,
lie will name some ' f Ike Patterson's
strikers in Marlon county for his sub
Mr. Gccr, can now come out openly
ior governor, as no is no longer a can
didate for tho Custom Houe.
uotli tho method and result when
Nelson Janes, a prominent sheep
man, died at. his home In Hentinor on
I Sunday night.
The main beet sugnr factory build-'
lng In La Grande Is to lie 8x100 feet
: two dories high, architectural steel
J will be employed In the frame work.
Hobos stole Mr. II. W. Hnrdrunn'
trunk while on the depot platform at
Arlington. The trunk was after
wards ro-jnd. broken open the con
tents taken,
Mrs. P, M. Johnson, a native ofi
Illinois, and for20yearsa resident of j
uorvaiiis, died at her nome .iinnuay
nlivlif .f il..t,-..-r...nti.tt,i.ili K WJ1S
. aged -14.
... 1 1 .. . A a aa ma A nearfe
no SAMUEL P TCHtH. OT nyannis, ma.Bu.u"
lh' orieinator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the
has borne end Joes now
on every
Twenty-seven thousand feet
loirs were railed oy
from Hoonevllle Island.
will be cut up by
General Debility
and Loss of Flesh
Scott's Emuhion has been the
standard remedy for nearly a
quarter of a century. Physicians
readily admit that they obtain re
sults from It that they cannot get
from any other flesh-forming food.
There are many other prepara
tions on the market that pretend
to do what
docs, but they fail to perform it.
The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil
made into a delightful cream, skill
fully blended with the Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda, which
are such valuable tonics,
makes this preparation an
ideal one and checks the
wasting tendency, and the
fiatlent almost Immediate
y commences to put on
flesh and gain a strength
which surprises them.
IU iui you tt SCOTT'S EreultlM. U Out ttu
n n4 Uh i on Hit rrrr.
joe mi Ii.do, tl Jrujjlitv
SCOTT A HOVVNK, Ciuwlns Nw Yk.
Ho far we have not heard of a
Young Men's Republican club headed
by a boy under 60. Tho Republican
party Is not a kindergarten.
Thero will be so few laboring men
left In the country, that It may pay
better to go to work soon than to be a
doctor, lawyer, editor, merchant, or
oycu to steal.
A Portland man who has been offer
ing to sell a hair block alongside the
X-ltay man ftirftiOO, now that city
water and sidewalks are built asks
WO, That's what Improvements to
olio man docs for uuyother man's
Those I'ops lu Linn county have no
debts, the lowest lax levy lu the state,
and tticir whole assessment bill for
18M was only $U:i38 as against $3001
and $:wi)S for two proceeding years by
Republicans. Of course, the Hepub
Means were sound money men, and
sound money always comes high.
Of the forty reindeers Imported by
Uncle Sam, (Alger, Mciiiide, etal) to
relieve the starving (?) Klundlkers
only fifteen arrived in New York city
alive, and tho Democrat will wager a
pound of babbit metal that not one of
them will ever sec Dawson city. This
was the greatest fool business of the
nineteenth century. Albany Democrat.
It takes a firstclass business man to
run tho Salem Waterworks, Electric
Light Plant or Woolen Mills, but to
handle tho public school system any
second-hand politician is good enough.
10 gods, where is tue puoiic pride in
our schools 'i
An Albany paper says a Salem lady
recently became so excited over an In
door game of basetiall that she de
molished tho chair on which she had
been sitting.
Whatever John C. Young, People's
party state chairman did, he never
contributed to the pence" and harmony
or tho Republican pirty lu Oregon,
and he's' the one man tho Republicans
havo real cause to fear.
Do tho voters of tho Silver Ilopub
Ucau, Populist and Democrat parties
In Oregon wish to strengthen the
hands of their friends in congress'
Thu only way they can do so Is to elect
two congressmen and a senator to till
places now occupied by men who vote
ovory time for perpetuation of the
gold standard. Kugono Guard. Yes,
and elect some man who can hold the
job without making himself ridiculous
begging appropriations,
Syrup of Fhja is taken ; it is pleasant 5"H W.
uu ru.resiuug 10 uio tasio, and acta 1enU)ll county, lo Mission Londlnir,
Hyi'j juMuiiijmj on mc iviuners, , last week They
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlio sys- . Forsyth Pros.
torn effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Svruti of Ficra is tlio
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ccpLiblo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in CO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not acccptany
People overlooked the Importance
of permanently bcnefHn! effects and
were satisfied with tranelryit action;
but now that It Is generally known
that Syrup of Fins will permanently
overcome habitual constipation, well
Informed people will not buy other
laxatives, which act ror a time, but
finally Injure the system.
K. W. Haines or Forest Grove has
purchased the ('tanner bank building
nnd will, In a few days, open a bank.
Frank Kane, who was cashier o( the
Planner bunk, will be cashier. Mr. )
Haines paid 2G00 for the building.
The school directors of Coqullle.
Olty, In Coos county, have decided In
favor or building and furnlshlnir a
JG000 school house this year. A tax
or SlfiOOa year will be levied on the
property or the dlstiict until the
schoolhoue Is paid ror.
I Mrs. Z.onth Ilouser. wire of the newly
, elected United States marshal, died In
j Pendleton, at 10:30 o'clock lastSatur- j
; day night. She was stricken with a:
(Second attack of paralysis at 8:30
o'clock In the morning, and lingered j
in convulsions until she died.
Leonard Granstrom, son or City
Engineer Granstrom. or McMlnnville,
died suddenly Monday morning, or
Inllamatl' 11 or the bowels. He was
married about two years airo and left
a young widow. He acted In the
capacity of assistant engineer. He
was BccmliiKly in good health on
rtfr t s7r
h,r n,a fsfi.xtmh signature of UlaStt4MCM6 wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper end see that it is
the kind you have always bought, s-tf yJT2--iS' "
and has tho signature of OZajffleWc&M wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletoher is
March 8, 1897. QS. &&- T.
thi eiHTAua ? Mwftiur arnccr. ncw York citt.
Karl' Clover Koot Tea, lor Constipation
it's the llest nd if after using it you don't
lay so, return the package and get your
money. Sold by D. J. Fry.
He Not Deceived I A Couph. Horsenessor
Croup aro not to be trilled with. A dose in
rme ofSMlo's Curo will save you mu h
ouble. Sold by D. J. Fry.
Slop that cough. Take warning. It rruy
lead to consumption. A 25c, bottle of
Sliiloh's Cme may save yoc- ' fe. Sold by
D. J. Fry.
What Dr. A. E. Slater Says.
Hufhalo, N. V. Gen:-Ftnm my pef
sor.al know ledge, gained In obteivirp. ilie er
ect ol your Shiloli's Cure In cases of advanced
Consumption, I am prepared to say It is the
most remarkable Kerned' that has ever been
brought lo my attention. It has certainly
saved many from Consumption. Sold by D.
I. fry
Rattle Creek, Michigan, Sanitarium
Health Foods, for salo by Sirs. M. T.
Schoettle, 121 Cottage St., Salem, Or.
To Cure a .Cold in one day
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab
lablets. All druggists refund the
money If It falls to cure. 2oc. 10-14-Ciu
IHUn haa no chow with Dr. Miles rain Pills.
Dr. Miles' Ncrvo Piasters ttc. at alldrugfUU.
Regarded as a Duty.
"I lost my appetite and became
weak At last I was taken very sick.
My attention was called to Hood's
Sarsaparilla and I took a iMUt'e and It
made mo feel better. I have taken
five bottles and am now well. 1 feel
It my duty to tell what Hood's Sarsa
parilla has done." Mns. A. Kvkusen,
Weddcrburn, Or.
Hood's Pills are the favorite fam
ily cathartic. Easy to take, easy to
operate. 2So.
J. N. Roberts, or Myrtle Point, has
fitted up a small boat belonging to G.
iv. aiewari is &ons, wun a hand
power propeller. The motive power
will be supplied by either one or two
persons, the mechanism operating the
11-lncti propeller being very slmlllar
to that used on n railroad velocipede.
With this boat Messrs. Stewart hope
to deliver the malls dally between
Myrtle Point and Coqullle City in
three hours.
How's Tins !
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall'sCatarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props. To
ledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and llnanclally
able to carry out an obligation made
by their llrm.
West & Traux, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
Wnldlng. Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces or the system
Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold by al
Druggists. Testimonials free.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Uromo (juinlue Take
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it rails to cure. 25c. The genuine
has L. 11.0 on each tablet.
AH druggists sell Dr. Miles' Norvo Plasters.
Thomas Urown. who has a contract
ror the construction ot a dam and
hatchery Tor steelhead salmon on the
Clackamas, was in the city today. Ho
stated that a rack and dam have been
built, and there Is a good run or tlsh.
Tho people don'tl want any olllce
seekers or cheap-John polltlcans elec
ted school dlrectorsithls year. Tlioy
want tirst class men.
JCow or course, something must be
given Cornmeal Ike. Tho Republican
parly can't exist unless both lie and
Andy aro lu olllce. That might as
well bo understood.
Men who can't afford to take any
ordinary ofileo can atlord to serve the
public school system.
It begins to look as though Pete
D'Arcy might be Invited to assume
Judicial honors.
The Year Just Closed Shows a Great
Saving In Linn County.
County Judge Geo. I). llarton, an
old Iowa Sliver Republican, who has
become the head or the Llnn county
Populist administration, scuds us tho
following statement about the cost of
assessment In Linn county,
juoei: hauton's Statement.
The present county assessor, Mr.
Statlord, completed his tirst yoar's
services as such oillccr, January 1,
181)8, and below we give a table repre
senting the exact cost of assessing
Linn county for the three eonsecut vo
years, viz: isiw. lsiw, 1897. iMr. Staf
ford has been a very elllclent, careful.
energetic oillccr, .and In all things
aimed to use the greatest economy
compatlablo with superior service In
performing his duties. Although
atllllatlng with u different political
party than tho majority of tho county
court, their oillclal relations have
been of tho most agreeable and
pleasant character.
cost or thi: asskssou's office.
Jan. 1, 181)5 to Jan, 1, 180(1 ...fciSDS 50
Jan. l,18!Xi toJan.l, 1897,... 3001 00
Jan. 1, 1S97 to Jan. 1, 1893.... 2333 00
Tho aboye showing Is very pleasing
to Mr. Stafford and the county court,
and should bo especially gratifying to
tlio tax.payers of Llnn county. It
will bo remeinlvred that the expense
or 1805 to 1SIMI was wholly contracted
under a Republican county court and
assessor, and the first six months of
the veur lS'Hl whs tbn siitiin rwirirr. nnH
assessor, and tlio ratio of expense was , fort is distasteful and brines scant results.
relatively absolutely tho same as tho j The trouble usually starts with the diees-
prevlous year. i Hon. Too much brain work takes ttef l.tl
On July 0. IS90, a Populist court! blood from stomach to head and retards
was Invested with authority and were 'the stomach's work. The bodv is not
enabled to materially reduce Hie ex-! fed. The nerves rebel. Sleep becomes
pensoor the assessor's olllce ror tre a stranger, ixws of appetite is followett
balance or tho year, so that tho sa.v! by loss of flesh and all for the want of
Disease mattes a man just as helpless
as if he were tied with ropes. Weary
lassitude makes his muscles useless slug
pish circulation of impure blood fills his
onun wun useless cloirjnnjr matter, lif.
uver the . the right medicine at the rigljt time,
ir, 1S07, ' Pierce? Golden Medical Discovery
ry is for
It Is argued that ins no salary at
taches, the people can't have a first
cass business man on tho school
board. Of course, a second-class
business matt or no businessman at
all can easily afford to take tho nlacc
and Is thou privileged to make all outi
ot it lie can. A man good enough to
In ii nulilsit ti'hru I ilinntnr U l'iuu!
tuioiigh to hold anv iiitleuin the uift i mg to tre county was M'7 ov
.. Hi,. u...,.i.. i cost of IHIl'i. nnd the last, von
.. ..v i-v.'i.u. ...i., i. .:.:...' ...I...1... . r.j. .. ,v.:.i7.-: . ;.... . :. ,'...: i. :.i :...,.:..
11(11111 nia tlllillll IIIIMUI U lUIIUIISb ic uiau miu is IUMI1U noil mill WIUMIV.
ft iwiimli' niinrf llm oviwn w.w fur- ' It is for the man uhoie ilifcstion iiemts
........ ..,..., ..... .-.,-.....-. ....w .... , - --. " . .
liior reduced to 8.j;is, or a net wiving neip nu wnose nerves ana oram are
nf il(Cl nvr lSKrt iinrt tMIO.'ifl nvnr iwjf , overworked. It is the greatest of all
lOlAV ...l.(..l. 1....MM ...... K ....... A..l.l.. tntll Vft IH.H.....1..I 0KA...0 ,. (.A ..A..W
lfH-, IMUII iillltU Jl'fir U3 I'lllirvir t. . .u iimuci nua, ao.uia lu w; JUUI
under a Republican court. I trouble, the "Golden Medical Discovery"
Wo venture tho statement, wlilch will cure it. It cures by making the
will doubtless bo verified by every blootl pure, rich and plenty, and by fur
jwrsou familiar with tho work, that! msliing food for nerve and brain. Noth
roll of IS07 is more complete and ao- , lng has ever been found to equal it, but
curate than any assessment made In dishonest druggets sometimes trj to
Llnn iMiinty for years. i nwKe pu believe that something more
As those aro times when the tax-i prohuble to uieia is ust as good." Do
iwyors doniand rigid economy by i n?t be deceived. Get wliat task for.
Iliolr sernints in conducting the affairs cfSSSSSoM uS , SSSer fS etth'r the
N, tUUir llltll'. Iio.ul lf lull llrlltt I ,
,-...., w,.. -.v. "ttiitniv,
prunes. A Saloui grocor otTors lino i
ones at two cents a pound. Ho
vertlsos lu this paper.
ad- (
President Haw ley should road
Orvgnnhin, Statesman and other
publican paimrs Iwforo ho write
iiiiiro rosoluilons
oulogitltig Mark
Rliioiuati. the Saloiu grweor, soils
the filial Preach and Ita'lan iirunos
at twu foiitMi iwuiid. SoimtorCortwtt
nor any other mtlllwmlre need go
hungry In Orogou.
Of the PUhllO, l.ltm county Invites a dutlcorplesumarilfr. Sick ua Ntlou hed-
I icnoinu munuuue or otnrr uu are uuc o con-
iininiutiMfiin nf t li.i .t ..r In., .idi.-w
nrJ i.lllnn far 1 fill? u II h ntl,r nnnf l.w !l'i- ! Vxutt't rictuot IVHrts cure con
if ii ...... w...v. v-.v.- Hinauoa promwiy tea ptrraanrniiy,
l HIV iVllV nu .mu,
Wlv is J ncrraicratlv. DruevisU
NvXtloj cb u juit the same."
Bargains in Real Estate!
254 Commercial Street, Salem, Or.
sC-Wccra agents for Canadian Pacific Railway,
2600 acre grain and s'.ock farm," three miles
rom railroad runiry water, good springs
aad fair buildings. This is the best bargain in
the Willamette valley. Prico only J6.50 per
332 acres, two and one-hall rr.iles northwest
of Amity 24oacres under cultivation; all
fenced; 2 houses ami 2 barns; family orchard;
level land running water. Price $28.00 per
690 acres adjoining Marion station a fine
stock farm 90 acres under cultivation first'
class family orchard good house; 2 good
bams springs and running water all for $12,
per acre.
3uacres,'3 miles north of Scio, 2 miles
from Shelburg at the crosMig of tha O C &
E R R and SPR R. 150 acres in cultivatien:
good house and barn; all under fence! lamily
erchard: good springs and running wa'er.I'rice
loo acres 4 miles southwest of Turner 10
acres in cultivation; 30 acres in pasture good
houss and barn 3 springs; 7 acres of prunes.
Only $25. per acre.
71 acres one-half mile torn Minto. 20 aero
in cultivation good house and barn; .runing
water. Price S1300.
20 acres ol line land 3 miles soulh all in
'ood cult vationfor $750,
TO TRADE. . 120 acres inUmatilla county
for improved Salem property.
TO TRADE 1S5 aeres on the Alsea for
city ol Sa'em.property, improved or unim
A fine residence property inside, cheap,
call for prices.
nouie am 3 acres 01 ground in suburbs 0
city cheap. $700.
A good new' house of 9 rooms for $1000.
$150 cash, balance $S. per month.
House and lot in Yew Park at a bargain a
List your house and farm for rent or for tale
with us.
Wescll tickets on theCinadian Pacific rail
road at $5.00 to $7.00 less to eastern points.
Four blocks from Lincoln schocl house,
fine residence half-block in Salem with
piivile e of enclosing half of street, city 'ater
fine fruit trees, if sold within three months
lor 5300. A bargaitas it commands beau.ti
lul view.
IJellL) II
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis Bt Paul and ben.
ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to
eastern ciliri.
For full dltails call on or address
agents, Salem, Oregon,
Portland San Francisco.
Steamers leave Atnsworth dock, Portlani,
Dec. 28, Jan. 2, 7. 12, 17, 22, 27, Feb
1,6, II, 16, 21, 26,
Fare Cabin, $8; steerage,$I2.oo.
Ruth for Portland Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 10 a. m . For Corvallis, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 3 p. m. Steamer
Elmore for,? r.land Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 0:45 a. m.
Transfers to street car line ai uregon iity
if the steamers are delayed there. Round
trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing
ton. California or the east. .Connecting
made at Portland with all rail, ocean and
river lines. Call on O. AL l'owers, agent,
foot Trade street.
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or.
Southern Pacific Co
6:00 P M
8:30 P M
. .'1'ortland. ..Ar
...Satem ....Lv
San Francisco. Lv
Above trains stop at all principal station?
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion
Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shodds, Halsey,
Ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
830 A Ml Lv.
1 7.'.
30 P M
OO.'P tl
30 A M
1100 A m Lv.... Salem....
520 P Ml Ar ...Roseburg.
Pullman bufiet sleeper and second-class
sleeping cars attached to all through trains
Mail tlains daily except Sunday.
7V30 a
Ml Lv...
m Ar...
, Portland..
Art 550 PM
L,v) ic
05 PM
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of the O. C. & E. Ry.
450 P. Ml Lv ... Portland.... Ar) 8:25
730P MVLr... McMinnville Lv5.'So
8:30 pm) Ar Independence Lv) 450
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
Sailing dates on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and
LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtainM
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket A2ent,
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
C. H. MARKHA1U, G. F. & P. A. Portland
' It's no use; I've tried doiens of places and it' i
set rrocxl tobarrn fnr fli r-.,.. ' ,u "
to get good tobacco for five cents." ' ' ' "mW 'P"sible
JudRcsofgood tobacco everywhere arc
their praise of
m HOB yiglr 2
t : i t. ., . . .
i nut umy me Dcst ctiewmic tolr o
uui. ouitc uic icccm increase
nearly half a larie arain a
biggest piece of goodtobacc
unanimous in
nK wJt,ar0,r, the market
tleul,l, ,t ,MK,.,tivHytji 2
Eastern R. R. Company
Connecting at Yaa.'ina liay with the Sa
Irancisco & Yaquina llay Steamship Co.
3iils from Yaauina evprv K .tin! rnr c
Francisco, Coos llay, Port Orford, Trinidad
and Humbolt Bay.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
h?ri.es,'.J0Utebetween the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Allvinv n nnin, ,...,...
J Francisce: Cabin, 8: steeraee. i6.
Kound trip, good 60 days, 117.
Io Coos Bay cabin 8; steerage 6.
Io Humboldt Bay aad Port Orford, cabin
Jloj steerage J8.
.earner Albany" between Portland and
uo.-va is, through witeout lay-over. Leaving
Lorvallis6:3o a. m. Tuesdays, Tnurslays and
oundays leaves Portland, Yamhill street
Wda sa"mMnday3' Wednesdays and
I. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division.
r r rniTi. . Ccrvallis, Or
C. G. COKER, Agent. Salem.
Oreffon Short Line I
, -THE-
Line for all 1
East and soutljeast.
.1,!- mi,,(fcluircars' oilman palce
i?LM.n.g . ?a upholstered tourist! sleep.
-E on 1111 tnrough trains.
Agent Salem, Or.
traMlin. r. C (X TERRY,
fizgig' AEent' "4 id street
Oeneral Agent.
nntri.a.BHM Nol.l br n.ni.i.
rjmmf '" u; in
Vf,f 'utraiiiMJj W
or wnl lu pl.tn wrapper.
t! mui ua riMM,
x.v f imr