Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 22, 1898, Image 2

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DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannie, Massaohusstts,
the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
has borne and does now -i& ,,. . on ttvnrv
bear the facsimile signature of CtfAucJi wrapper.
Thia is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper end see that it is
the kind you nave always bought, rtf y- on the
and has the signature of OlaZ&&M wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Ohas. H. Fletoher is
President. -
March 8, 1897. Q$ajC. &&4Li-rtt ,p.
Daily Capital Journal,
Complaints come la that the ap
pointment of Judges and clerks of
election by lliu county coun Is nob
satisfactory. In some Instances It is
claimed all the Judges und all tile
clerks are Mi'Kiuluy men. Evidence
Hhould be produced in support or such
charges und we believe Hie court will
consider the facta. Ins clearly con
trary to law that inoiu tliuu two Judges
or that more than one cleik should ue
of tho same party.
Salem should bccouio a Klondike
outfitting center. There is no doubt
but Micro will be nu Immuribo emlgra
tiou from tills valley lor tli Alaska
gold fields Salem Woolen Mill goodb
are sold In tho leading outlining
stores at Seattle and Portland. Some
outfitting Is dono hero at present by
several liruis at Salem and this trade
will grow. The editor of this paper
.Is satlslled tho gold mining Industry
of Alaska is a permanent one,
at lcait for ton or twenty years.
Skagwuy Is receiving over a
thousand people a week. There
will bo a city whenever tho railroad
starts from of at least 25,000 people
this year. To all outllttcrs who go
via .Seattle wo recommend tho Seattle
Woolen Mill (;o., whoso advertisement
appears In this paper. Ouo of tho
managers, Mr. G. C. Fllson, Is an old
Iowa friend who lias been hi the
Alaska on Hitting trade for three
years and his advice Is valuablo and
wo know him to bo an honest man
who will not overreach.
Salem and all Western Oregon will
losoa largo amount of surplus popula
tion and capital, both energy and en
terprise, going to tho Klondike. Mo
one can tell the effect of this move
ment upon the prosperity of our sec
tion. Tho labor left hero will prob
ably bo better employed. A full In
ronts may icsult. Families may come
hero whoso heads hayo gone to Klon
dike. Wo may got some of tho return
tido of outpouring gold. Wo shall re.
celvo our share of tho shipwrecks.
Tho problem Is an Interesting one.
Uj all means, Mr. Hondrlcks, raise
tlio Issue of honest government and
sco how nulekly your party will snow
you undor.
Independent: Wo know a lot of
gentlemen who would almost us soon
hear tho sound of Gabriel's trumpet
us tho cry of Union of tho Reform
forces of Oregon.
Mr. Porter has rendered tho county
a good service In declining tho ap
pointment as superintendent of the
twelfth, census. Mr. Porter's oloventh
census, such portion of It as 1ms been
printed, Is In evidence. Portland
John A. Carson, ono of Salem's
ablest lawyers, addressed the law
class of Wlllametto university on last
Wednesday evening. Tho address Is
Fronouucod to liuvo been voty able,
lo was not Introduced to his audi
ence by It. .1. Fleming. --Salem Inde
pendent, Tlio Hosoburg Plalndouler, edited
bv one or tho tinuless railroad com
missioners, says;
A good deal Is being said and has
been said about Republican extrava
gance In the management of the uf
fairs of the stale, Vet Oregon Is one
of tho cheapest governed Mutus of the
Murk llanim and tho president
want u special session In Ongon to
secure tho return of Mitchell. All
tho appointments have been tutulo In
tho Interest of tho Mitchell faction
so far. Mitchell Is to come out In a
letter In support of tho gold standard
In tho Orcgonluu and all oppoxltluu
to his return Is to bo withdrawn. So
Buys a little bird.
"TlomM. A. Miller, of Lebanon, In
n published letter to Hon T. T, Geer
asks a question. "Are you In favor
of paying tho national debt In both
metals?" This iiuastluii is brought
out by tho statement of Mr Uiertnut
lio was In favor of hlmotulllsui.
Mr. Qeer Is entitled u our sym
pathy. Ho Is struggling hard to get
ono of tlio plums on tho ltnpubjlcnn
Christmas tao and ought not to bo
Intorupted with any questions twlillc
lie's enguged lu lauding the plum.
Ono of the planks of the Omaha
convention platform was to the effect
that rnotllce holder should have a
t-eat ut u convention. That principle,
which Is a sound one for any Reform
party to adhere to, was Ignored at the
Portland meeting.
The olllce holders and party bosses
were there, but they did not have
their way. A shrewd political move
on tne pari or xur, u'Jirion, or Uiua
tllla county, uoupluscd them, to re
fer the question to the people,
whether they should form a Union or
not in the coming June election.
No populist with a particle of re
spect for the prlucples of self-government
could oppose that and It
carried. It Is to the credit of Mr.
U'Hen that he did not yoco any prox
ies against that, though ho yoted
against ithituselr. When he did vote
proxies before that he voted them as
instructed, often ugalnst himself
Chairman Young had too much re
spect for his position us head of the
state organlzi.tlo'i to neek to Inllucnco
members of the committee one way or
the other. He ruled fairly and did
not vote.
It Is slated that ha Is opposed to fu
sion with the Democratic party but
not opposed to an honorable union of
forces on the referendum und money
questions. He will Issue an address
felting forth Ins views. Ills oppon
ent In Uaker county, Senator King
had the logical side of the question
und curried the commltcc with him
Tub Jouunal believes the Populist
Slate Committee has taken honorable
grounds not detrimental to a Union of
forces. One thing Is certain, the peo
ple can get no reforms lu this state
without the support of tho ruuk and
(Ho of tho People's party voters at the
polls. The question that is not clear
is whether tho masses of tho peoples
party have such confidence in their
national and statu leaders as to follow
them or not? Do they believe In
their sincerity us reformers, or do
they distrust them ?
This Is a question for Populists to
answer for themselves. We believe
tho masses of the People's party can
be relied upon to support a sincere
reform movement In county, state or
national a If a Irs whether It be under
tuo icauorsuip or tueir own leaders or
without them.
We believe men like Young, .lory,
Holt, Luce and others at tho com
mittee meeting are not mere tricksters
in tho employ of Republican
or Democratic politicians, and
wo do not beliovo Mr. Cooper Is
or has been, The Interests of a union
and of reform have been promoted by
tho People's paity leaving Its date
for State convention March 2;i, where
Mr. Young and his committee
originally ilxed It. Tho sltuatlrn lu
fayor of a union of forces is stronger
totiiiy man it was ueroro tno I'opu
llsts met. Wo do not necessarily re
gard It as a permanent Union party.
That must bo left to tho future.
Whether the Peoplo's party shall
over endorse Mr. llryan again wo very
inucii (louut. it is certain uiey did
endorse him and gave him a grand
and loyal support
Tho demand for Union lu Oregon
grows not so much out of tho union
for Uryan and Watson last year us out
of the deplorable conditions lu which
tho people of Oregon llnd themselves
In their slato and county affairs. Tho
urgent, needof reformatory legislation
lu tho taxation and revenue laws, in
tho abuses and extravagance, In tho
purifying of our election laws, amend
ment of our school laws, and a mul
titude of other needed. reforms, makes
an union of tho Reform und Silvei
torces Imperative and Indlspenslble
to tho progress. If not tho existence of
our stale. So the Populists feel Im
pelled to a Union from within and
without. Men like Senator Holt of
Jackson and hosts of others who have
given up their lives and fortunes to
the building up or tho Peoples party
along educational lines, deplore this
dilemma. ;
Hut ihoy sco us well us wo do that a
Union of forces for the present
Is tho Inevitable tendency. Tho di
vision of the Republican party Into
factions, with the .Mitchell faction
backed by tho administration and
Mark Hanna, makes tho situation
inoro complicated still. Ono or tho
other or those factions, If not both,
will bid for tho support or tho silver
elements, and of the Populists them
selves. It is going to take the strong
est kind of a ticket and tho host
kind of an organisation to hold ono
element from going to tho Simon
Corbet t faction ami tho other from
going to the Mitchell faction.
Under all these circumstances tho
People's party has done tho wise
thing to favor Union of forces. Wo
trust and oellovo that t hoi r state con
vention will boa stiong body of men
and that the oillro-holding element
will not bo sent us delegates. That
Is a sound doctrine, for tho Democrats
UtuVgllvor Rwpublloans us well.
A Draw.
Portland, Jan. 22. The twenty
round content between Billy Elmer,
of Kan Francisco and Pick case, of
Seattle, at the Olympic Athletic club
last night was stopped In the second
rouud by the police.
Under the articles of agreement tho
fight was to be a draw In case the po
lice Intefered before the twenty
rounds had been fought. Referee
Jack Lafferty therefore declared the
tight a draw. Although the fight was
declared a draw, Case particularly
had Elmer knocked out and would
have finished him before the round
closed and the police hud kept their
hands off.
Case started In to force tho fighting
and In the first round knocked Elmer
down twice. In the second round
Case put his arms through the ropes
twice and three times sent him kdmwI-
ingto the floor with right und left
swings on thejaw.
Elmer was longer In the reach than
Case, but the Seattle man could hit
him whenever ho pleased.
Monument, .
IlAnTKORD, Conn., Jan. 22. A
movement has been started In this
city by a number of prominent G A.
K. men towards a suitable monument
over tho remains of Henry Clay Work,
author of "Marching Through
Georgia," "Nlccdeuius"und other wur
lyrics, und whose grave Is unmarked
by any distinguishing tablet. Mid
dletowu, Conn., was the birthplace of
the author, but the greater part of his
life was spent in thlscity.and he died
herein 1884.
Miner's Conference.
Chicago, Jan. 22. The Joint scale
committee i eported to the Interstate
Joint convention of coal miners nnd
operators yesterday afternoon that
the committee was unable to agree
upon any of the questions voted upon.
ii was movcu mat tno report t ac
cepted, and the proposition will be
taken up by the convention and
vcntlon and considered. The princi
pal feature is tue 0-oent basis for
competitive Held screen coal.
Labor Market Glutted.
Tacoma, Jan. 22. There is at pres
ent a glut in the labor market at
Juneau, Dyea and Skagway. More
worklngmen than there are Jobs for
have gone to those towns, with the
result that wages are coming down,
and many men are eating up their
supplies and earning nothing. When
a good fall of snow conies, followed by
a freeze, the -Ituatlon will be good,
for then the carrying of supplies over
Chllcoot and White passes will begin
In earnest and eycry man there can
get work.
Killed a Teacher.
Ann, 111., Jan. 22. John McGowan,
a young teacher In A lexunder county,
bus dcld from injuries indicted by two
pupils, Henry und Scott Jordan, 10
and 20 years old, respectively. The
Jordan boys did not like an order
made by McGowan, and disobeyed It.
This resulted in n whipping by the
teacher. Later the boys waylaid the
leacuer and gave mm a ratal beating.
An Outrage,
Pakis, Jun 22, An ubomlnable
outrage has been perpetrated near
Severn lo Chateau. Three youths as
saulted a servant girl and laid her un
conscious on the railway track in
front of an approaching train. Both
of her legs were severed. Her screams
brought assistance All three of the
perpetrators of tho outrage are under
Strong Resolution Adopted by tho Wood
burn Grange,
The following resolution has been
adoDted by Woodburn Grange:
"Whereas. The Hunsaker man
damus suit, restraining the county
treasurer rrom paying certain war
runts that hid been drawn In favoi
of P'jgh & Gray, has beeu decided in
favor of complainant, and
v.uereas, The county court airuosi
Immediately ordered a warrant fori
$1900 to be drawn o pay said L'ugh&j
Gray, thereby acknowledging that
they had allowed too much fur their
services In repairing the cout house;
"Whereas, Competent and exper
ienced builders have examined the
work done by Pugh & Gray, and say
that It. could bo done equally as well
for not. to exceed $500; therefore b3 it
"Resolved, That it Is our opinion
that our county commissioners are
equally as guilty or extravagance (if
not moral turpitude) In the manage
ment of our county business as Is the
county Judge."
The resolution is an erroror a mis
take as no expert has been found to
nut the cost of that work below $1200.
The court paid too much but to say It
could be done for $500 is to put It too
low. The coin t has been denounced
by meetings in vurious parts of the
county and by Republican assem
blages. Still we do not believe in
understating the truth and the facts.
In open competition the work could
be done for alyiut 1200 to $1500. But
the work itself was not neces
sary. Ed. J.
From Capt. Mahoney,
Under date of January IS, 1898,
Captain E. P. Mahoney, representing
himself to bo of the Cuban army and
who visited this city, several weeks
ago, writesacommuiilcation In which
he attempts to derend himself from
tlie article published In the Oregon
Ian shortly after his departure in
which he was denounced as an Impos
tor etc. Speaking or the article in
the Portland paper he says: "If It was
not for the holy cause of Cuba's free
dom the Oregonian would hear from
me in a fur more distinct vindication
than In writing. This slandering ar
ticle Is uncalled for and its corres
pondent in Salem is a liar und I defy
him to prove otherwise. It shows
his sawdust patriotism as an Amer
ican citizen towards the patriots of
Cuba In their gallant struggle for
President Barnaby, of llartsvilto College, Survives a Serious Illness
Through the Aid of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
ti,. TTorfrrlll CoHeee. situated at nart
rllle. Indiana, was founded years ago in the
Threat of the United Brethren Church,
when the state was mostly a wilderness, an
colleges were scarce. The collece Is well
known throughout the country, former stu
dents having gone into all parts of the world.
A reporter recently called at this famous
eat of learning and was shown into the room
of the President, Prof. Alvin P. Barnaby.
When last seen by the reporter Prof. Barn
aby was in delicate health. To-day he was
apparently in the best of health. In re
sponse to un inquiry the professor said :
"Oh, yes, I am much better than for some
time. 1 am now in perfect health; but my
reoorery was brought about in rather a
peculiar way."
"Tell me about it," said the reporter.
"Well, to begin at tho beginning," said
the professor, " I studied too hard when at
school, endeavoring to educate myself for
the profession'. After completing the com
mon course I came here, uutl graduated from
the theological course. I entered the min
istry, aud accepted the charge of a United
Brethren Church at a small place in Kent
From the JL-publican, aiumbv lad.
County Mien. Being or an amumous na
ture, 1 applied myself diligently to my work
and studies. In time I noticed that my
health was failing. My tronb e was in. i
gestion, and this with other troubles brought
on nervousness.
"My phvMVinn prescribed for me for some
time, aud "advised me to take a change ot
climate. I did a he requested and was some
improved, boon after, I came here ns pro-fes-or
in physics and chemistry, and later
was financial agent of this college. The
chanse nereed with me, and for aw hile my
health was better, but my duties were heavy,
and again I found my trouble returning.
This time it was more severe nnd in the
winter I became completely prostrated. I
tried various medicines and dlllrrent physi
cians. Finally, I was able to retain to my
duties. I.Bst spring I was elected president
of the college. Atrain I had considerable
work, and the trouble, which had not been
entirely cured, beenn to allect me, and last
fall I collapsed. I had dillerent doctor", but
none did me any good. Professor Bowman,
who is profeor of natural science, told me
of his experience with Ir. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People nnd urged me to give
them a trial, because they had benefited him
in a similar case, and I concluded to try
them. , ,
" The first box helped me, and the second
gave great relief, such as I had never ex
perienced from the treatment of any physi
cian. After using six boxes of the medicine
I was entirely cured. To-day I am perfectly
well. I feel better and stronger than for
years. I certainly recommend this medi
cine." To allay all doubt Prof. Barnaby cheer
fully made an affidavit before
Lyman J. Sci'Dm:n, Xotan PulUc.
D-r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are
sold by all dealers, or will be tent postpaid on
receipt of price. V) cents a box. or six boxes
for $2.50 ftliev are never mM in bulk or by
the 100). br aildressine I)r Williams' Medicin
I Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Millions Bequeathed.
Chicago, Jan. 21. A Columbus'
Indiana, special to tho Record says:
A Colorado miner's estate of $25,00u,
000 has been bequeathed to Bartholo
mew county heirs. The vast fortune
was left by lmblay Clark to her de
scendants, and George Clark and
Mario Hook, who reside near this city
tire probably tho only ones living.
French Warship.
Paris. Jan. 22, Order lias been re
ceived at Cherbourg and Toulon, re
spectively, to Immediately prepare tho
battleshlgs Urulx and Vauban to re
Inforcc tho French squadron In the
far East. The ships wl 1 sail on Jan
uary 21. Admiral Doha union t has
been appointed commander-in-chief
of the French squadron In tho far
Better Than Klondike Gold.
Is health and strength gained by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparllla, the great
blood purl tier. It fortifies the whole
system and gives you such strength
that nervous troubles cease, and work
which seemed wearing and laborious,
becomes easy and Is cheerfully per
formed. It has done this for others,
It will for you.
Hood's pills arc the best family
cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, re
liable, sure.
Labor Exchange Ball.
On Friday night Jan, 28, Salem
Labor kxehange will give one of its
popular c'unces. Good music, refresh
ments und good management. Tick
ets 50c, Checks taken.
J. E. Murphy,
21 td Manager.
Fcr Constipation take Karl s Clover Root
tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Head
ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face,
and makes the I'.ead clear as a bell. Sold by
D.J. Fry
It Brings Perfect Manhood to
The Greatest Discovery ofAthe Famous
Physicians' Institute,
(Gratuitously, gladly sent to all men-whoeed it and who will write for it
A large percentage of the men of today are sadly In need of the right
kind of medical treatment for the weakness peculiar to men. Many cases are
due to early vices, others to excesses, while many of the cases are due to
overwork, worry and general nervous debility. Jt matters not, however,
what the cause may have been, the fact still remains that they all require
proper medical attenUon IMMEDIATELY.
Write us at once, giving a description of your case, and tvo will preparr
you a course of treatment specially adapted to your condition, and SEND
IT TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FKEE, in plain sealed package. We can givo
full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body,
stop all drains and losses, and restore you to PERFECT MANHOOD. Fail
ure Is impossible with our method. We have thousands of testimonials
from all over the world.
Physicians' Institute, Chicage: BLANCHAKD. VJnsh. Atnrph r- ,mr
nearly finished my course of treatment and llnd
For Salk. Sirs. Pogue's hoarding
house witti furniture. Call at cor
ner Court and Front streets. 19 1 w
Ih-. Miles' Pain P11U, "Ouo cent a data."
TTlien Ttaby
comes he is a
king, unless it's
a gin ; then she
is a queen ; but
some kings anil
queens ore the
unliappiest of
mortals. How
will it be with
'it . J' IHaKc
Hie nappy and
successful the
mother ought to
endow this little
sovereign with a
cheerful mind
nnd sturdy, ro
bust constitution.
But she cannot fulfill
this maternal obliga
tion unless her own
health is at its best
when the infant monarch arrives.
Prospective mothers are wonderfully
itreiigtheneil and maintained in hotly
and mind by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. Taken ns early as possible
during the expectnut time it imparts
health ami vigor to the entire system and
clastic power anil endurance to the deli
enle organism bpvcially concerned. It
shortens confinement ; frees deliver'
from all danger and from most of its
pain ; gives recuperative energy to the
inouier ami insures a Healthy supply ot
nourishment for the child.
Any special weakness or disease of the
feminine organism is completely cured
by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
Is the only medicine for woman prepared
bv a regularly graduated and experienced
phvsici.iu ami specialist.
Mr. Kocc Vauovrr. or Koblnton Ctk. rike
Co.. Ky , wrttM " 1 with to cue. my thinkt
to on fir the s"oJ I have trctlvnl from your
' Hvurlte 1'reK-i (ption ' I hure urd it at dUTrr
eut time for thrUst five rara, mt alwty with
the ino.1 srtifiu trult. Ilut the KteMrH
poovl rlcd from the Fvorlt l'ttct(lioii
atuut four monlhs i;ovr)irn my Un bh
wtn totu l aiaicteil with 'child-Wt few
luttrad of tending fter a doctor I ucd the rre
Ktipllon and win cuted. A ldy friend of mine
w itmllitly attlictnl ml nt after the doctor
ud look ld munlSe jW rfiJ, I am j yri
old. wliihufuundt. the mother of fitchUdrea.
ad am enjoytoi the bel of health,"
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Lazatlve UromoQuininc Tab
lets all druggist refund the money
If ltfails to cure. 23c. The genuine
uas u. 15 1,. on eucu taoict.
To Be IIefokmkd Leo Ulrich
aged 15 yeais, has heen committed to
tho reform school. Leo was formerly
an lumatoof tho orphans home but
for several months past has been mak
ing his home with Mr. aud Mrs, C. A.
Whale In this city.
grace, Archbishop AV. II. Gros, of
Portland. Is In the city to remain oyer
Sunday. Following high mass at 10: ISO
h. m. tomorrow a class numbering
about forty will bo continued and in
the evening the urcnblshop will de
liver a short address.
Sirs. I have
u. umerenc man. i cannot llnd ivnnk pnnm'h in nmior. nn.t uv.
press the deep gratitude I feel towards you. Your treatment is simply won
uerful. I am perfectly cured, and thank you a hundred times and will
ic.i juu mi x possimy can. May God bless you and your work.
r,u . , , . . Yours truly, C. E. P.
Physicians' Institute. Chicage: LOTEX, La June 19, 1896.
My Dear Friends. Please accept my thanks for the kindness you have
on A Yr , , u entirely stoppeu ana vigor has returned. I
w. . iv. ma uener man i nave been for 15 years. I
oajiie inun. ah my rrlends when they meet me say
doing? Never saw a man come out like von."
nu0,, . T . , Ever your friend, M. P. C.
Physicians' Institute: ttavama v r, V -.c
nonllmnl ,..!. .- .. . ----"'"-'-' ""-'.
.-...... .i nlalL lo t.xpress my neartreit thanks
.; iicaiiuwiu curing tne last two weeks that I took
iiiiiu-urerneni was remarkable. I
...w miinih JUU1 lllMlllITin. 1 V frinflfla n A nil r.mfn.l j. . t
general appearance. Hoping that you may ever prosper, I re-
Vftlire clnnnitnl,.
nf lmlln 1. .. . . . --"" "'iC.,.
uiiiiiiui icLici.i it i ii 1 1 iv nn mo in mix i,i.niu
nil ,., i .,.,- . .-- ' " '" "ul uuamess
"it i . expressions of permanently cured
"""b i" ua, unu remember that we are not only
liuii in pvprv wnv i, ... t ,. . . . - -
makM B, Xm",7'' "e,t;?.? iar5Sll.e-? Mtt8 in America that
,:;; --...., vm, pc.vu.uj AXiu njskvuuh diseases,
.v.. ttvoLiiti- uu nieuicine, which is
ment lu my
do not feel like the
"What have you been
for the result of
your treatment the
have had no emissions or other symptoms
ofllce, and
men. Do not delay
a lespunsible Instftu-
always plainly sealed.
Inclose 6 cents
wyv. wu masonic Tempie. CHICAGO. ILL.
uuii weekly jjinkuk. Sunday as
usual we will serve our chicken din
ner. Like all of our week day meals,
ourSuuday dinner gives universal
satisfaction. Geoiioe linos.
Wants a Divohce. Cora Whorley
hus brought suit against Abert
II, Whorley. They were married in
1880 and in 1894 nlulntlir was deserted
by the defendant. John II. Scott Is
uttorney for Mrs. Whorley.
IIiuiiKit Like and Divine Heal
ing Meeting at Mrs. Hart's, 455 Com
mercial street, 3 p. m., Sunday.
m i
To -(Cure a Cold in One Day.
Tnko Laxative liroiuo Quinine Take
lets. All druggUts refund tho money
if It falls to cure. 25c. The genuine
has L. H.Q.on each tablet.
6Hritina Is Over I
Suecesser to Dr. I. M.'-Keene, old White
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring supeno
operations at moderate fees in any branch are
in espccinl request.
r 22.1 Commercial street. Bet quality an.
no middle man's profits.
Dealers in
Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, etc.
Telephone 178.
91 Court si., Salem,
" Honest John
Cures 50, Per Cent.
A new'truss on a new
principle! No back
pressure: Dr. Stone's
Drug Store, agent f)r
Salem Oi.
d&wI2 2 3m
Tn large and small quantities, at a great
bargain. Inquire of Hofer Bros., car
-urnal Salem. Or. d&wtf
O. K. LAN.
Merchant ;TaiIor !
211 Commercial st,
results $15 and upwards,
Pants $3 and upwards.
Makes a sppialty of fine repair work, Sef.h
Thomas clock, etc.. 215 Commercial Strcnt
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail and passenger trains,
gage and express to all parts of the
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Family Wine and
Liquor Store,
Removed from 102 State to 199 Commercial
street. Ilottled goods of the hest quality.
Wallace Warehouse !
Storage at reasonable rr tes. Apply to
w is tht time to have vnur i;u r.:i..
1 . t. . """ tuiiir
i . ' H'i gooasnape and made proof
against insects. San Jose scale, woolly aphis
and fungus removed, and trees made healthy
by scientific methods. Arfvi r,. ",?.
!to Richards & Sim- ,. V:L "r.K.7
Salem. r ' "6" "tect'
Tin t .
c .,. ko.,,1,. LU commence tne .New Year again with offerlnir
VOU low nr mo fnr nm..u. h "m urn-ring
Salem Special, patronize home industry only . "
Aumsville Flour
New Pickles, per qt '.'.
Arbucklo aud Lion Coffee, perpk ''
Hest Mocha and Java Coffee. Der lh
j x-OilJUi..
r!,l 11 I... i --.., ,,.. iu.,,
,0 ",". ' "" anu juva couce per lb.
10 lbs Lard
5 lbs Lard
Chocolate, per lb. ... "..
lOlbs. II. Wheat
10 lbs Corn Meal
Try our Ho Cream Oats!
Old P. Q, Grocery.
,81 00
atedo2 "
. - 'ti uiy wnnn lmtra
promptly dleivere . A trial
-"0 Front ail
all lengths
Cfcemeketa streof
Successors to
v V
Karl' Clover Root Tea, lor Constipation
it's the Hest and if after using it you don't
say so, return the package and get your
money. Sold by D. J. Fry.
He Not Deceived I A Coup h, Horscness or
Croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in
rme ofShilo's Cure will save you mu.h
ouble. Sold by D. J. Fry.
To Cure a Cold in one day
Take Laxative Hroino Quinine Tab
litbiets. All druggists refund the
money If It falls to cure. 23c. 10-M-tim
Pain has no show with Pr. Ullea ruin PUU,
$&&&is "
Clauss' Sheafs, Scissors and Raz
They arc fully warranted,
(STAlso a completo stock of table and pocket cutlery and can-
...vi, ium.iv mm carvers.
it uinv rt - --
Vtllow .wv: IT..'
6"o'tAtealtncrT0u.d:Scasn .,,,, .f& '. 'ul reitd.
J ?hi.erTOttSDris.ul draln. fcwof i. v?r Ji';.h00v hi:y iW
Jcn?vUp?"'nJ??'. t Ye4 to I.ESr.'L '". of
DrrM.J"7ir;:"',.a"iP'rt-. n.,V.".' P-woor
' OD p-r b-
KiSSii'SSKw frh -.w-ri L5A' .. J by.'
For sale bj D. J, FRY, Salem,
Beckn?p 5
iron wi rks. Inh nn.i. n i fc"',auea
meet in alley between High .iX&rSfa
Salem Steam Laundrv
Sk-.ts, plain 5
Iin-, J. ' IOcenta
.....5 to 10 ceptt.
5 ' locepts
...3 cents
...I cent
Sheets and nilinu.Y:' '.' ' r 3 cent
hworfinJrr,a. Uper dMeB
Hanncls M d other work in
telhgently cashed by hand
Col. I, Olmsted Prop
uimtr orawers.
unaer sairts..
Socks. Der nflir
I Ilandkerchiof.-
Silk handkerchiefs' '.'.'.