Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 20, 1898, Image 4

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One Dozen Days More
-op oun-
I A .
Secretary Kincaid
Writes a Hot Letter to the County
Take advantage of our special bargains in
dress goods,
50inch English cpvcrts, worth 51,25, for '. . . . 743c,
38'inch novelty suiting for
34'inch checked suiting for ,
Every piere in
The price sells
stock marked
In Reply to a Letter Charging That
Sent Out Books of Poor Quality.
Biooest Bargains
Yet offered will be given this week,
I Men's Clothing
tliat were originally GO and 75c In
a line of fiincy mixtures all
styles now 45c. .
from $1
at 50c.
line of
to $2.25
corsets ranging
Don't miss them
Reduced to almost one-half their
former prices. Prices range from
$1.0!) up.
Men's Underwear
That cannot be equalled for
quality, heavy Mcececl lined Hal
brlggan were G5c, now 40c,
Reduction Sale
Goods in
All Lines
The celebrated II. & S. corsets re
duccd.from $l.2." to 00c.
Other corsets reduced to 75c, 50c
and 35c.
Great reductions In the price of
both ladles and gentlemen's under
wear. Some lines of ladies' kid shoes for
nbout half urlce.
Look at the prices In both windows,
then come In and see the prices on
me counters, it win pay you.
Osburn's Racket Store
Next door to Albert's bank
mid hnvo your notes mid packages
. delivered, to oillect a bill, to go on
orrnuds for you. Ask for Bpoolal
rntos on merchants' pacltnges.
Charges ronsonnblo. Dioyclo ser
vice. Ring Dluo boxes or tolophoue
LooUwooci Mossonger System, Centrnl
offloo No. 200 Commercial stroot.
JANUAKY clkaii-
anci: BAI.K.
T. A. Llvesley was In Portland to
M. Kllnger was a northbound
sengcr this morning.
Attorney General O. M. Idlcman.
went to Portland today.
G.Steiner returned this morning
from a brief business visit to Portland.
Dr. W. II. Uyrd and Dr. LcoStolncr
went to Albany this morning.
Miss Bessie Sherman went to Port
land this morning to remain tho guest
of friends for one week.
Geo. Johnson left this morning for
Portland where be takes passagu Sun
day for tho Klondlko gold fields.
Henry L. I Ion son, ol Grant's ll'ass,
speaker of tho Benson bouse fo the
last legislature which failed to con
vene, was In tho city today.
anci: hah:.
Taken Under Advisement.
The concluding arguments In the
case of .1 II. and J. M. Howell against
George W. Davis & Son were heard by
Judge Fullorton In the state library,
tvuuiicsuny, anu mc cause laKun un
der advisement. The owners of the
PI oncer quarry arc. I. II. Howc'I, jan
itor of trie state house, and J. M.
Howell, malf carrier for the state
house'. They leased tho quarry to
Davis &hon In 1805. for n nerlod of
eight years. Tho suit was brought to
terminate the lease, and restrain tin.
defendants from the use of the prem
ises. The grounds alleged as the basis
of tho complaint are that Davis & Son
are getting stone from an adjacent
quarry, using a railroad switch crn
structed for the Pioneer quarry, and
soiling too stone as Pioneer quarry
stone, and that the stone Is of Infe
rior quality, and plaintiffs receive no
royalty therefrom, as provided In the
terms of the lease.
Mem: Klonuikuks. Geo. Johnson,
son of G. V. Johnson, the clothing
merchant, left this morning for tho
Klondike gold llcld. Joel Hewitt, or
Knglowood, and W. II. McOscar, of
East Sulcm are also seriously contem
plating an expedition iluto tho "frozen
Von Salk. Mrs. Pogue's hoarding
houso with furniture. Call at cor
ner Court and Front streets. 10 Jw
Interment Postponed,
At a regular meeting of Cheincketa
Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. V., Wednesday
evening, It was decided to conduct
funeral services over the remains of
H. I Drake at 2 p. m. today. This
morning, however, T. S. Ueynulds,
Noble Grand of Clicineketa Lodge, re
ceived tho following telegram from
Isaac Pratt, a brother-in-law of the
deceased residing at Itosevllle, ill.:
"Don't bury II. F. Drake till wo can
get word from his brothers in Eiston,
Mass.. I want him taken there."
The lodge decided to postpono Inter
ment of tho body until sotno word
should bo received from relatives of
the deceased In Massachusetts. The
funeral arrangements that had been
pro-arranged for 2 p. m. today were
Jcst Ut-:ci:ivi:i A line" lot of sweet
pickles at Johnson & Hutchart's, 100
Court street.
My Shoe Trade
goes merrily
on these days
Honest goods, racket prices
for cash is building up a splen
did patronage. See sonic of
the values in south window.
The Underwear
and Mackintosh
propositions has cut my line
down Immediately. 20 per
centolTon everything. Sotno
excellent values tu children's
goods yet to go. See north
The delay In getting out the Ma
rlon county tax rolls will probably re
sult in litigation multiplying the
work of the state board of equaliza
tion. The following letter on the
subject of who Is to blame was signed
by J udge Terrell and Commissioners
Watson and Davis:
"Hon. II. R. Kincaid, secretary of
state. Salem Or:
"Dkau Sin: Your attention Is re-
tnn...t.fllllv pfillnrl fn tho fnpt. Minf. t.tto
CASH bank assessment rolls heretofore sent
nut. hv vnti nrA wn tmnnrfppMv Imnnri
8TOUI3. am oaneri so inferior In nualltv. that
they are useless for any practical pur
noses, and of no value to the county.
Unless, an Improvement In quality of
paper and binding Is bad In the rolls
for 1808, the state should be saved
that expense. These useless rolls
heretofore sent out arc what have
caused the assessor of this county to
have other rolls printed and caused
the muddle In this and last year's
work of the state board of equalization."
This letter was given to the press
and published, but Secretary Kincaid
did not receive a copy addressed to
him. Hence he does not ad
dress a letter to the court but gives
out following statement:
The statement of the Marlon county
court concerning the assessment rolls
Is an impertinent falsehood. The
county J'idge gave It out for publica
tion a day before he sent a copy or it
to me. This Indicates plainly that it
was not Intended for my information
but was sent out to excuse or draw
attention from the extraordinary per
formances of his August court In
permlttlug Marlon county, for two
years In succession, t" use, at extra
and worse than useless expense to the
taxpayers, a special form of assessment
rolls instead of the regular, uniform
rolls required by law and furnished
alike by the state to each county.
That resulted In litigation and un
necessary expense to citizens and In
jury lo tne state. Arter making nu
merous other attempts -to justify or
excuse tile raiiurc or Marlon county
to comply with the law In transcrib
ing and furnishing the assessment re
turns In the time and manner pre
scribed, the county Judge now assigns
a new reason which was not thought
of before and with Is wholly false, as
the following statement of Assessor
D. D. Colfcy, published In the Salem
Statesman, Dec. 10, 1807, preves: iw
"Now 1 wish to state most empbat
Ically that 1 arranged the assessment
roll for lSOOaccordlng to my own Ideas
without consulting tiny one concern
ing the matter, and am wholly re
sponsible for the manner In which it
Is arranged and I did so because I felt
that 1 was right and I feel so yet, and
am ready to defend my position, It
matters not what clique or combina
tion opposes me."
Mr. ColTey originated the special
form in Marion county, us he emphat
ically states, not because the paper or
the oinding of the books furnished by
the state did not suit blm, but for the
nolo reason that he wanted a d liferent
form. 'lis successor In otllce, Assessor
J. W. Hobart, used, the same form for
the same reason last year, because be
believed It was more convenient. The
county court sanctioned or permitted
Assessors Colley & II jbart to use this
special form instead of the form rec
ommended by the State Board of
Equalization and a majority of the
assessors or the state and adopted and
sent out by the secretary of state, In
books ruled, printed and bound alike,
to every county excepting Multnomah
which requires books of different
character, neither the assessors nor
tho county court were Influenced In
the slightest degree by the quality of
the paper or the binding of the books
furnished by tho state or pretended to
oo so influenced when they adonted
auiucreut form.
By permitting that special form to
be tis;d the court aud perhaps In fact
the judge Is responsible for all the
lawsuits, expense and troublo that
has resulted from It up to this time
or may result from It hereafter lu
suits now; pending.
When tho disgraceful proceedings
of the county court in several nutters
Is recalled matters which greatly af
fect tho Integrity aud competency of
Judge Terrell It perhaps will create
no wonder that Judge Terrell allows
himself to be made a stool-pigeon and
feels no compunction at making a
statement he knows U bo false.
An Employe or D. H. Looney at Jeffer
son, Proves Himself a Rascal.
Hon. D, H. Looney, of Jefferson,
wlucamc to thlsclty Wednesday, re
ceived a telegram about noon today
from Constable V L. Jones, of Jef
ferson requesting hliu to be at the
north bound Itoseburg mall for a
short Interview.
A fnrm lmnd. pinnlnved bv Mr.
He Loonpv. went, to Jpfferson Wednesday
afternoon and presented an order at
Jones Si Smith's store for 8.10 In
money and several articles of clothing.
The man, who was known by Mr.
Looney as "Arthur,'' took the south
bound California overland last even
ing. This aroused the suspicion of the
Jefferson olllccrs, who this morning
Investigated the case and concluded
that the order was a for;ery.
It Is the supposition of the officers
that the man left the train at Albany
and took passage on a river steamboat
for Portland
Constable Jones passed through
thlsclty on the afternoon local aud
will probably apprehend and arrest
his man In Portland.
The man has been In the employ of
Mr. Looney since fair time. Ills
home is on the Columbia river a few
miles below Portland He Is about 22
years of age
Mr. Looney was anything but
pleased with the general appearance
or the man and was looking for an
other man to take his place.
A few weeks ago the man asked Mr.
Looney for some money with which
to purchase a few articles,
but not having the change,Mr.Looney
maueoutan order on Jones totjiuitii,
of Jefferson, for the desired goods.
This was the manner in which the
farm hand obtained Mr. Looney's
signature, and In the absccne of his
emp oyer, thought It a favorable time
to commit the crime, which lie had
undoubtedly premeditated.
the history of Salem have you been offered the bargains in
That we are offering during our sale,
Buys a good full night dress. That is cheaper than you can buy the ma'
terial for, We are showing large lines atl
The Hunchback.
The Janet Waldorf Company gave
Salem a most enjoyable night at the
Peed with their presentation of "The
Hunchback," melodrama of the period
of Charles the First in England. The
company Is composed of modest, plain
quiet people, yet of more than aver
age ability. The play began promptly
at 8:20 and there were no distressing
waits between the acts. The or
chestra has made progress and for the
number of pieces cannot be excelled
on the coast. The play was concluded
at 10:20, giving theatre goers ample
time to catch cars In all directions.
If all plays were begun on time, and
produced with such nromntnuss and
such careful pieparation, twice
as many people would attend
The leading parts elicited
several encores which were
highly deserved. Mr. Crawford
as "Clifford" exceils In careful acting
and faithful Interpretation. Mr. Mc-
vay as tne 'iJunohback"far surpasses
the average, and is the equal of
Keen's "Richard." Ada Dow Currier
is a splendid foil as the woman with
designs to Miss Waldorf's "Julia," all
natural emotion and sentiment. This
actress Is a very pleasing person In
every way, not so much as a stage
beauty, but as a lady of charming
naturalness of manner yet possessed of
the accomplishments of culture and
the art of her profession.
The costumes of tho company are
very rich and comnlele. and Miss Wni.
dorf gowns beautifully. Her figure
has the splendid elasticity that comes
from a pure and correct life, a devo
tion to high Ideals and freedom from
The company plays "Ingomar" to
night, and which McVay and Wal
dorf take the leading parts, It Is a
long time since our little city has
seen better actors than this company
and all who can do so should see
68c 88c $i.o8 $1.47
43c 47 59C(
These goods we are offering at actual cost,
T" II T 50 dozen pents neckwear in puffs and tccks, great
ror Men vaat .
50 dozen gents' neckwear in puffs and tccks, all the latest effects and colorings,
Roman stripes, plaids, etc
All Goods Reduced !
During Our Clearance Sale.
Commercial St
-Wheat vallei
Ladies' Rubbers
Storms and sandals,
now lu.
TO Commercial street.
All sizes
Great Sale
January bargain seaason now lu full swing. Tho best time In all the
year to buy.
J ACK Id's- At otto-half usual prices sitnc good numbers left. Every one
tut up-to-dato, stylish garment, at prices to suit you
DUKSS GOODS IDo a yard, -10 Inch novelties, roguhr (Vic values 2to a
yard-nil wool noveltlos regular 15o and 10c values. Prices tequced on
all dress goods, line blacks included.
UU ltllKU HOOTo.-Mon's long rubber boots 2.75. Men's women's and
children's shoes all reduced.
1IKAVY UNDKUWKAU.-We hayo reduced prlcoson all winter utulurwcur.
Call and not a barguln.
OLOTII 1NG. $10 suits now IV, $".60 suits now W: men's J3 60 wool pants now
$2.75. A few good values lu children's stilus at bargain prices.
Reduced prices on nearly everything In tho store. Cull and styo money.
A Cat IIunteii A man who re
sides on tho Wallace road near the
bridge, In West Salem, Polk county,
had quito an experience the other
higiit. Having some Hue ducks and
chickens aud having been pestered of
late with varmints, concluded to
watch. Ono night last week, bearing
a noise near his chicken roost, he
went to the door with a light and
soon he beheld tho glowing eyes of a
tine wild cut. which at that time, ac
cording to bis statement to his wife,
had glarlug eyes that were as large as
saucers and measured fully ten feet.
Calling to his wire to bring his gun
and to hold the light behind him, as
he had him well in sight, leveling the
gun. with steady ncrvo and eyes
straight on thebeast.ho tired. Know
lug be had killed It, he decided to
take no risk and told his wlfo In tho
morning ho would get It. Visions of
bounty for scalps lloated beforo him.
1 A Unit ono hour after a little, tiny
I pot kittcii camo limping into the
room, un tits wire rcmarKtog mm it
1 walked and acted stran.rc, an exatnl
nation was mado and the poor
Uuion Bimetallic Club.
AtMacleay hall last evening the
cmzensot tnat precinct organized a
Union Bimetallic club. A good at
tendance was had, considering the
stormy night, and the club will soon
number lifty mhmbers. The follow
I ng olllccrs were elected: ProsWnn t.
Geo. Allen; Vice-President, C. J.
Slmineral; Secretary, W. V. Hurst;
Treasurer. L. S. Urower.
It Is expected to bold meetings
frequently, with good speaking and
Probate Court.
The will of Miss Eliza U. Wallace,
who died at Water's Park. Perks
county. Pa., on the 12th of December
last, leaving an estate In this county,
valued at about $3,000 was admitted
10 probate Wednesday afternoon. In
tho will which was executed Oct. 20,
1897, decedent named II. P. Wallace,
of Portland, as executor, and that
gentleman has tiled a bond for $10,000
with P. W. Power, A. O. Condlt and
C. A. Park as sureties.
n Labor Exchange Ball.
"" Friday night Jan. 28, Salem
Labor Exchange will give one of its
popular dances. Good music, refresh
ments and good management. Tlik.
etsWV, checks taken.
J. E. MlTltPHY.
21 td Manager.
Attention Woodmen. lie sure
and attend lodge on Friday night and
hear the lecirebyDr. D. A. Paine,
superintendent of the asylum.on" Re
serve Fund " All Woodmen are In
terested liy order of O. L. Dar'i
C. C.
Poktland. Jan. 20.
7:ic: Walla Walla, 71c.
Flour Portland, $3.8o; Superfine,
Oats White353Cc.
Hay Good, $12()13 per ton.
Hops -otolOc; old crop 4Ca0c.
Wool Valley, 14(jl(5cf Eastern
Oregon, 12c.
Mlllstuff Bran,817; shorts, $17.
Poultry-Chickens, mixed, $3(53.50;
turkeys, live, 8(aUc,
Eggs Oregon 18c per doz.
Hides Green, salted GO lbs, 77Jc.
under GO lbs,G(ii7c;sheep pelts,10(rt)15c.
Onions 80(a$l per c.
Butter Best dairy, 30((M0c; fancy
icaiuui j , iwcio' uuu u roil,
c, Potatoes, 45c(a"o3c per sack.
Apples 303oo a box.
Hogs Heavy, $1.50.
Mutton Weatheis $3;dressed. 5c.
Beef Dteers, $3; cows,$2.25; dressed,
Wheat 67c.
Appes.2o3oc In trade.
Hay Baled, cheat, $'JI0.
Flour In wholesale lots, $3.80: re
tail $4.00.
Hogs dresed, 4Jc.
Live cattle 2(S2.
.Butter Dairy ' 1518c; creamery,
Sheep Live, 2c a lb.
Wool Best. l(M18c.
Hops -Best 8(aT4c.
Eggs- 15c In trade.
Poultry Hens, tic:
ducksjCc per lb; geese, $4i'?$5
larm smoked meats Bacon,
ham, 10c; shoulder, 8(a!)c.'
Potatoes 25c In trade.
PATTON BROS., Managers. Thone 59.
Immense Success !
v v" S s
A Big Hit !
Farewell Performance Tonight of the
Janet Waldorf Co J
The Barbarian,
50c-rh,WnV-S'"?llcl1lostra'c! Orchestra Parquet, 50c; Parquet,
t)t)c, b irst balcony, ,m; Second balcony, 50c; Gallery, 23c.
Better Than Klondike Gold.
Is health and strength gained by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparllla, the great
blood puri tier. It fortihes the whole
system and gives you such strength
that nervous troubles cease, and work
which seemed wearing and laborious,
uvtuiui-s c.isj- ana is cneeriuiiy per-
luiuiL-u. xi uas uonc tuts lor
it will for you.
Hood's pills are the best family
cathartic and llyer tonic. Gentle, re
liable, sure.
I -.
I r
10c: S. l--JT
si2:i Ssrwi E
d 3fr
A Common Dishpan
Is not a thing of
beauty but It is a
necessity. We have
them in all sizes, also
teakettles, brass ket
tles, granite kettles,
etc., etc.
Also a full line of
stoves, tinware and
house furnishing
gLg Corner State and'Liberty sts.
JS- balem, Oregon,
Safety in Buying Seeds.
There is no other way to measure
the value of seed than by the value of
the crop. A good crop simply cannot
come from poor seed. Second-rate
Ppds will u-nctn .l lj
'n .'.'''kwd fertilizer, and K"od labor, and
-"-l the crop wont ray expenses. Now as
mc iinu-ucai larmer cannot afford to
othprs !. Y' "'""" "u lamny wis 1
oiuers,ito ,ul.,ko tl expression nf n,Mr
thanks to all the kind friends and
neighbors whoso kindly assisted them
during the sickness and burial of
their darling boy, Edward William
Salem, Or., Jan. 20.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
wo iiL,azat,V0 15ro'"oUulnine Tab-
i?.,f,!nlt!ruw'st refun, H'e money
If itfalls to cure. 25c. The genuine
bas L. B Q. on each tablet?
HL'IUIM) TnHAY. Plinornl cnrvl.-oj
. . - -.-. v . uiiiLt: Limt ipsrintr cnana r nri ..
ih ir 1 1111 nnmifitc nr it ii' 1 ipiil'a unci t ,-..-. ...j v uuu iiiii.il.
r.-ij L .. .. ..Y, .' A.' r. ;.'' ."" ?'v whether t hev are tru u. nnt,, cn,7 lc? "5. Gai mood I'
ufiu 111 1 in' 11,111 iii i.ui'iiHiKciu Liooge ..nil nlo.in Hti,j,t.. .'. . u ache, .Nrnousness
Sol.. I. o O. P. In the Ilolman m",dv c'"', .tan ft0"??0" that the and makes ?he tSd
iniiiiti..,. -,i o ,'..il- ti.i f,-., oniy saie way to buy seeds s to sivir r 1 i.-.. ' u
Interment was had in thoI.O.O. F. i ?J ?JIR . na,ue "M has ' '
cetneterv. :. ""7 " ,'v'""",vf '" W1C pusi. une
great seea nouse or.u.M. Perry & Co
of Detroit, Mich., has sold seeds all
over the United States nnrt p.,n,i..
proved to be the ternblo wild cat and
had to suffer for sins nover committed.
Was Goinq To Klondike. A
prospective Klondlker called at George
Bras rist.uirant this noon and ordered
0110 of ttiotr celebrated 15 cent meal.
1 she afterwards expressed himself.
kitten he had "oue square meal" If he never
enjoys another.
ComiKTT And Fltzslmmons may
meet again but 111 the meantime the
Extra OuAUTV.-Tte 'Golden . populai 5-cent cigar called "Our
Blend" Is the name of an extra uual- Champion" and made by A. Iluckens
It.v nf rnlT,, tinlm? sold liv Johnson .fc toltl continues to pffocLlvelv k-nrwU-
TAT T .T .T TTOJ X fiO iButchart at' lOOCVurt street, 10 cents out all would-be-competltlvo nlckle
-- " " -"- " - - . - iutr lwmnd.
aj2 Comuiurolul street. Tho,casli:dryt,'oods;anrt shoo house,
per pound.
Fcr Constipation take Karl s Clover Kool
uriher. Cures Head.
Eruptions on the face,
clear aaa'bell. Sold by
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
i, ake. ka,xati ve Urotuo Quinine Take
, ..' . ,, druK'ts refund tho money
if it falls to cure. 25c. The genuine
i V on each tablet.
has L.
iur tiie last, lorty-iwo yoara, and the
steady growth of the buslnoss is a
sure Indication that Ferry seeds bave
given satisfaction. Ferry's Seed An
nual lor 1SDS, a standard guide for
farmer and gardeners, containing
much valuable Information, Is sent
free to persons writing for It.
Dr. Mile' Pain mils, "One cent a dose."
i..TPV!?C0l,h.- Take warning. It may
S,niT.'."BraP"on- A 25C. bottle 61
D. J. fry ' )H" lt- SoU b'
M its. Willman, t'mno and nwin
studio ovorrstNatlonKnk. r,:tf
: A.STonxa..
hlySTZZT ' ',
WBllSlteffR rLisK3 for SPINAI,
w tAUNEiS. AH drusBista seU ttatot
Afe Improving.
Sols my watch-jewelry and clock
repair department. I am making
room for my spring and summer
noeities, so will clean out mv entire
ratuer than exchange
line for cost
Call and See,
Watches cleaned
M.'lln Snrlnrrc
The leading watcuni'n&r'nnMVinn
and diamond setter
. . .75o
300 Commercial street, second door
north of postofllce, Salem, Or.