Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 20, 1898, Image 3

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Delicate and Lasting.
A large assortment and low
prices rule at Frys Drug Store
Holidays Are Over,
And wc are as busy as ever.
Why? Because we sell cheaper than
51b lard 45
7 pound of rolled oats 23
30 pounds rolled oats 1 00
I pound Arbuckleor Lion coETec. 10
II lbs same L 00
5 lbs lard 45
30 lb lard 85
A 1 llonr, per suck 05
Olbtfloss starch 125
0 lb Arm & Hammer soda 25
20 oz bar of soap 05
J 32 Stato st.
New Boundaries as Established by
County Court.
Wednesday's Jouunal uave the new
boundaries of li looks, Mt. Augel.
Monitor, Enyelwojd and East Salem,
as established by the Marion county
court. The new boundaries of Fair
Held, Woodburn. Hubbard, Horeb,
Elkhorn. Urletenburh, Silver Falls,
West Silverton. yublImlty,Aumsville.
Turner, Howell Prairie and Macleay
precincts are nlven belew:
The boundary of Fairiicld precinct
shall be changed so as to be as follews:
Beginning where the north boundary
line of t5 s, r3 w Intersects the right
bank of the Willamette river; thence
east to the northeast corner of sec
tion 5, In t 6 s, r2 w; thence south
five miles to the corner of sections 28,
29, 32 and 33 In t5s, r2 w; thence
west to the right bank of the Willa
mette river; ttience down the right
bank of the Wlllauiettee river to the
place of beginning. The voting place
tor said precinct shall be Fairtleid.
The boundary of Gervals precinct
shall bo changed so as to be as follews:
Beginning at corner sections 8, 9, 10
and 17 in 1 5 s, r 2 sv: thence south fol
lowing the section line live miles to
the corner of sections 4, 5, 8 and 0 In
t 0 s, r 2 w; thence east two miles to
the corner of sections 2, 3, 10 and 11
In 1 6 s, r 2 w; thence south one mile
to the corner of sections 10, 11, 14 and
15; thence east to the center of the
main channel of Lake Labislr, thencj
easterly following the center of the
main channel of Lake Lablsli and
Pudding river to the line between
sections 29 and 32 In t 5 s, r 1 w;
thence west to the lino between
ranges 1 aud 2 west at the corner of
sections 25, 30, 31 and 36; thence north
one mile to the corner to sections 10,
24, 25 and 30; thence west one-half
mile; thence north to the north line
of the John W. Baker claim; thence
west to the southeast corner of the
M. G. Folsey claim; thence north to
the northeast corner of said claim;
thence west to the southwest corner
ofThos. Roys claim; thence north
along the west Hue of said Roys'
claim to the line between sections 11
and 14 in 1 5 s, r 2 w; thence west to
the place of beginning. The voting
place for said precinct shall be Corrals-
The boundary of Woodburn precinct
shall be changed so as to be as follews:
Beginning at the corner of sections 8,
0, 10 and 17 In t 5 s, r 2 w; thence
nortti two miles to the northwest cor
ner of section 4 in 1 5 s, r 2 w; thence
east on the township line seven miles
to the northeast corner of section 4 In
t5 s, rl w; thence south to Pudding
river; thence up Pudding river to the
line between sections 20 und 32 In t 5
s, r l'w; thence west to the line be
tween ianges 1 and 2 west at the cor
ner to sections 25, 30. 31 and 30; thence
north one mile to the corner to sec
tions 10, 24, 25 and 30; thence west
one-half mile; thence north to the line
of the John W.Baker claim; thence
west to the southeast corner of the M.
G. Folsey claim; thence north to the
northeast corner of said claim; thence
west to the southwest corner of the
Thos Roys claim; thence north along
the west line of said Roys' claim to
the line between sections 11 and 14 In
t 5 s, r 2 w; thence west to the place
of beginning. The voting pla e for
said precinct shall be Woodburn.
The boundary or Hubbard precinct
shall be changed so as to beas follews:
Beginning where the line between
sections 24 and 25 in t 4 s r 1 w inter,
sects the left bank of Pudding river,
being also the southeast corner of Au
rora precinct; thence we3t about two
mites to Mill creek; thence down Mill
creek to the line running east and
west through the center of section 23
In t 4 s r 1 w; thence west about two
miles to the west line of section 29 In
t4s r lw; thence south to the south
line of t 4 s r 1 w; thence east two
miles to the corner of sections 3. 4,33
and 31; thence south to Pudding river,
thence down said Pudding river to the
place of beginning. The voting place
for said precinct shall be Hubbard.
Are gaining Uor rapidly.
Huslness men and Uro fil
lers carry them In vest
pocketi. ladies carry tbem
In purtei, honiekeepen keep them 111 medicine
clonti, friends recommend Uiem to friendi. Sic,
The boundary of Horeb precinct
siuiioe changed Rons to Do us lui lews:
Beginning at the northwest corner of
the section 10 In tOs, r3c; thence
cast twelve tulles to tho lino between
ranges 4 and 5 east; thence south
along range line to right bank of the
north fork of the Santiam river,
thence down to the right bank of the
river to the line cetweeu ranges 2 and
3 cast; thence north along the range
line to the place of beginning. The
voting place for said precinct shall
be Gatcsville.
The boundary of Elkhorn precinct
shall be changed so as to be as fol fel fol
eows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of section 19 In t 9 s, r J c on
the range line: thence north six miles
thence cast sx miles, to the
line between ranges 3 und 4
east; thence north to the nortti bound
ary line of Marlon county; thence
easterly along the north boundary Hue
of Marion county to the Hue between
ranges 4 and 5 east: thence south on
the range lino to the northeast cor
ner of section 24 In 1 9s, r 4 c; thence
west 12 miles to the place of begin
ning. The voting place of said pre
cinct shall be at Elkhorn.
The boundary of Breitcnbush pre
cinct shall be changed so as to be as
follews: All of Marlon couuty east
of the line between ranges 4 and 5
east. The voting place tor said pre
cinct shall be at Detroit.
The boundary of Silver Falls pre
cinct shall be changed so as to be as
follews: Beginning at the southeast
corner of section 34 In 1 8 s, r 1 e;
thence nortli one mile; thence west
three-quarters of a mile; thence north
one mile; thence west one and one
quarter miles to the southwest corner
cf section 21 in t 8 s, r 1 c; thence
north six miles to the northwest cor
ner of section 28 in 1 7 s r 1 e; thence
east to Butte creek; thence up Butte
creek to the line hetween ranges 3 and
4 cast; thence south to the northeast
corner of section 24 in t 8 s, r 3 e;
thence west six miles to the Hue be
tween ranges 2 and 3 east; thence
south three miles to the southeast
corner of 1 8 s r 2 e; thence west eight
miles to the rlace of beginning. The
voting place for said precinct shall be
at the school house in school district
No. 85.
West Silverton shall be bounded as
follews: Beginning where the territor
ial road from Silverton to Oregon
City crosses tho Ablqua; theuce down
the Ablqua to Pudding river; thence
up Puddlug river to the, south bound
ary of 1 7 s, r 1 w, thence east along
the township line to the Silverton and
Sublimity county road; thence north
erly along said road, along Main street
In Silverton, and along the territorial
road from Silverton to Oregon City to
the place of beginning. The voting
place of said precinct snail be at bii
verton. SUBLIMITY.
Sublimity precinct shall be bounded
as follews: Beginusng at the south
west corner of section 33 In t8 s r 1 w;
thence east on the township line to
the southeast corner of section 34 in t
8 s r 1 c; thence iiurth one mile;
thence west. tluee-quarters of
a mile; thence nortti one
mile; thence west one and one-fourth
miles to the sonthwest corner of sec
tion 21 In t8sr 1 e; thence north to
the northeast corner of section 5 1 8 s
r 1 e; thence west to Pudding river;
thence up Puddlug river to the line
between sections3 and 4 in 1 8 s r 1 w;
thence south to tho quarter section
corner between sections 9 and 10 In
the same township and range; thence
west one mile; thence south to the
place of beginning. The voting place
for said precinct shall be Sublimity.
The precinct now known as Lincoln
precinct shall hereafter be otllclally
designated as Aumsville precinct and
shall be bounded as follews: Begin
ning at the northwest corner of sec
tion 7 In t9 s, r 1 w; thence east one
mile; thence north one mile; thence
east one mile; thence north four
and one-half miles to the quarter sec
tion corner between sections 8 and 0
in t 8 s, r 1 w; thence west to the
line between ranges 1 ana 2 west;
thence south to the county road lead
ing from Salem to Sublimity; thence
westerly along said road to the west
line of the James Campbell donation
land claim; thence soutli to the line
between sections 12 and 13 In 1 8 s, r 2
w; thence west to the quarter sec
tion corner between sections
10 and 15 In 1 8 s, r 2 -w; thence south
six miles to the quarter section cor
nor between sections 10 and 15 Into
s, r 2 w; thence east one und one-half
miles to the corner-of sections 11, 12,
13 and 14 in 1 9 s, r 2 w; thence south
one mile; thence cast one mile; thence
north two miles to the place of be
ginning. The voting place for said
precinct shall be at Aumsville.
Turner precinct shall be bounded as
follews: Beginning lit the northwest
corner of section 8 In 1 8 s. r 2 w:
thence south one mile; thence west
one mile; thence south one
mile; thence west one mile;
thence south one-half mile;
thence west one-half mile; thence
south four and one-half miles; thence
east one mile; thence south one mile;
thence east one and one-half miles;
thence nortli one-half mile; thence
east two miles; thence north one-half
mile; thence east one-half mile;
thence north six and one-half miles
to the center of section 10 in t8s, r
2w; thence west one mile; thence
north one-half mile; thence west one
and one-half miles to the place of be
ginning. The voting place for said
precinct shall be at Turner.
Howell Prairie precinct shall be
bounded a follews: Beginning where
the county road leading from Salem
through Howell Prairie to-R. C Geer's
crosses the east branch of Pudding
river near McAlister's mill; thence
down the east branch of Pudding
river to the confluence of the east and
west branches of Pudding river;
thence up the west branch of Pudding
river to the county road leading
through the Capital City Fruit farms;
thence easterly following said road to
the west line of the U. JIugey dona
tion land claim; thence north to the
countv road leadlui: from Salem to R.
O. Geer's; thence easterlyl along said
road to the place of beglonlng.
The voting place for said precinct
shall be at Howell.
Mcleay pcrclnct Phall be bounded as.
ioiiews: ueginmngat a point in t7s,
r 2 w, where tho second line between
sction line between sections 14 and
15 lnterccts the road leading from Sa
lem to R. C. Geer's farm: thence east- j
crly along said road to the east fork,
of Pudding river! thence up said east
fork of Pudding river to the line be-i
twecn sections 3 and 4lnt8srlw;
thence to the quarter section concr j
between sections 9 and 10; thence west
to tho township line between town-j
Ships 8 3 ranges land 2 w; thence
south to the county road from i
Salem to Sublimity tliet.ee west-1
erly along said road to the west I
line of the James Campbell dona
tion land claim: thence south to the
line between sections 12 and 13 in t 8
s, r 2 w; thence west to tho quarter
section sorncr between sections 10 and
15; thence nortli to the center of sec
tion 10; thence wet one mile to the
center of section 9; thence
north to the ssutli boundary of 1 7 s, r
2 w; thence cast one-half mile; thence
north to the county road from Salem
via Len Eoff's; thence easterly along
said road to the west line of Hie Ben
jamin Walden donation land claim;
thence north to the northwest cor
ner of said claim; thence east to the
west lino of the C Hagey clalmjthenco
north to the county road from Salem
to R. C. Geer's; thence easterly to the
place of beginning. The voting place
for said precinct shall be at Macleay.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents:, I was dreadfully nervou and for
lor relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea.
tt quieted my nerves and strengthene my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble.
Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor
oughly that I rapidly regained health and
strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hartlord, Conn
Sold by D. J. Pry.
What Dr. A. E. Slater Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gen's: .From my pef-
sonai hnow jeage, gained in observing theer
ect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced
Consumption, 1 am prepared to say it is the
most remarkable Remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It has certainly
saved many from Consumption. Sold by D.
J. Fry
Pain boa no show with Dr. Mlloa' Pain P11U.
DAlbany Demecrat: In order to helD
the Alaska craze along congress has
ordered 500,000 maps of Alaska
printed at a big expense, regardless of
big deficits. Congress can make a
fool of Itself of tener than a school boy.
Catarrh invariably lead3 to consump
tion. Growiug worse and worse each
winter, those who mly upon theusual
trea nietit of sprays, washes and inhal
ing mixtures find that it is impossible
to ch ck the disease with these local
app ications which onl ' reach the sur
face. The offensive discharge increases
Rll the wkil., ami gets ilet per until it is
only a q taction of a short time when
the lun i am :iffcctc('.
T.ie nuporlatioe of the proper treat
ment cm tlitreloie ue reaaily appre
ciated. B'lt no good whatever can be
expsxLd Irani local applications, as
sveh treatment n.-ver did c.ire Catarrh,
ami never will. B.-ing a b.ood disease
of the moit obstinate nature, Swift's
Specific (S.S S.) is the only remedy
which can have the slightest effect upon
Catarrh. It is the only blood remedy
that goes down to the bottom of all stub
born diseases which other remedies
cannot reach.
Mrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West,
S. C, writes:
"I had such a severe case oi
Catarrh that I lost my hearing in one
ear, and part of the bone in my nose
sloughed off. 1 was constantly treated
witn sp-ays ana
washes, but each
winter the disease
seemed to have a
firmer hold on me.
I had finally been
declared incurable
when I decided to
try S. S. S. It
seemed to get right
at the seat of the
disease, and cured me permanently,
for I have had no touch of Catarib
for seven years."
The experience of Mr. Chas. A. Par,-,
of Athens, Ga., was like that of all
others who vainly seek a cure in local
treatment. He says:
"For years I suffered from a sever
case of Catarrh, the many offensive
symptoms Deiug ac
companied by severe
pains in the head. I
took several kinds of
medicines recom
mended for Catarrh,
ind used various local
implications, but they Q. 'k
:r. I was induced to
auu uv? eutv.b wumtv- -
:ake S.S. S. (Swift's
Specific) and after four months I was
perfectly well, and have never felt any
effects of the disease since."
Those who have had the first
touchof Catarrh will sire endless suf
fering by taking the right remedy at the
outset. Others who have for years
sought relief and found only disappoint
ment in local treatment will find it wise
to waste no further time 011 sprays,
washes, inhaling mixtures, etc., which
are only temporary, and cannot save
them from dreaded Consumption.
They should take a remedy which will
cure them because it can reach their
trouble. S.S.S. is the only blood reme
dy which can reach Catarrh; it promptly
gets at the very bottom of the disease,
ana cures it permanently.
S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is a real blood 1
remedy, and cures the most obstinate
cases of Catarrh, Rheumatism, Conta- j
gious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula '
and Eczema, which other so-called blood
remedies have no effect upon whatever, j
fi .Q S ta !, Anil tilivl TnmnAv (niari- '
Purely Vegetable
and contains no mercury, potash or
other dangerous mineral.
Books will be mailed free by Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
1 mrlJzL
SjHi jb hMv
Paints, Oils 'Window Glass Var
nish, and tbe most complete stock
of Brushes of all kinds in the state
Artists matorials, lime; hair; ce
ment and shingles; and tho finest
quality of grass seed.
New today advertisements four lines
or less in this column inserted three
times for 25 ct3 50 cts. n week, $1
per month. All over four lines at
same rate.
FOR SALE. A fi'e yourg buiro also a
second hand bil iard table, 2 sets ivory
balls, cues, 86 Apply J M. l'ayne's
effice, Commercial street, Salem. i-io 31
FOR SALE A fresh cow. Veiv cheap.
Address or call on C. A. Clark, four miles
west ol town, Salem, Or. 1-20311
eral good fresh milch cons,
dress Mrs. Mary Kissling,
choic of sev
Call on or ad-
Willsrd, P. O.
WORK WANTED. -Any honorable
wmk wanted. Wages no objtct, Address
"B" Journal Office. 1-18-31
PRUNING.- Fruit and oronm ntat liees,
shrubbery and hedges. First cl.ss work.
Send postal or call at residence on 'thir
teenth street,ncrth ot Marion. I. D. Ilet
tic. 1-aS 1 m
FOR SALE. -Incubator ot 300 egg
capacity In fust-class order. N, Striker,
State Reform School, Tnrner, P. O.
WANTED A good second hand crgan,
r.t once, must be in firBt-class ondition
Address A. B.C., care cf Journal. 1-1731$
FOR SALE At a bargain choice turned
office-railing and counter. Apply at Journal
office. i-io tf
FOR SALE. Two 6j gallon oil tanks.
Enquire at Harriett & Lawrence's store,
Salem, Or. 12-21 tf
FOR RENT. A good double room for one
or two gentlemen, n business pait or city.
Rent low. Inquire at 197 Commercial
street, 1 2-15 tl
The Famoiis Bears
AN(ELES4CAL., spent some time in lo6k
ing over San Francisco with a view of pur
chasing an outfit for Alaska. They then
came to Seattle and gave a liberal amount of
time to inspecting the goods of the different
outfitters in Seattle after careful considera
tion they concluded that for absolutely relia
ble goods at reasonab'e figures there was
nothing superior or equal to the Seattle
Woolen Manufacturing Company, and would
recommend all their friends going into that
country to eive this firm a call before pur
chasing elsewt ere.
signed. li. M. Marple, Ilarrp Spencer, C.
B. Duryea, Paul Tyion, Ernest White.
No better endorsement is reauired and a
will strengthen the above statement.
TUKING COMPANY are Pioneer manufac
urers and know the wants of Alaska miner.
They have the only Woolen Mill and Clothing
Factory in the City. They make their own
goods into KLONDIKE CLOTHING fcr
men an1 women to order without extra ex
pense to purchaser. Their factory is running
day and night and all orders are filled
Seattle Woolen Mfg 0
"Home Manufacturers,"
Salesrooms, 11 19 First Avenue und Cor.
Vesler Way & Occidental Av.
Write for Outfitting L'sts.
1.14-wm-j p-i
it oa
But we arc Roinif to conimcncq the
you low prices for
Salem Special, patronize home industry
Aumsville Flour
New Pickles, per qt
Arbuckle and Lion Uoflee, per pk
Best Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb .
Good Mocha and Java colfcc per lb
5 lbs Lard
Chocolate, per lb
10 lbs. B. Wheat
lOlbs Corn Meal
Try our Ho Cream Oats.
Old P, O, Grocery.
11110, i
IN i
Clauss' Shears, Scissors Razors.
They are fully warranted,
K3TAlso a complete stock ht table and pocket cutlery and carvers.
guaranteed lo cure all nervous dlseaKt, sugM Weav "irjr, Lot of
lirain rower, Jieauacne, watriulncn, itt Ma 11000, wnuy I!mt
slom, Nervousness, Ml drains, loss of power la Central. Organs of
cither aex, caused by or-exertloi, youthful errors, ex'c. lv use of
tobacco, opium or stimulants,
;auuy. 111 uccaruca in
ilv. Can tJe carried In
prepaid, circular J'ree. 6ol
Manufactured bv th 1'rau
"'12 Co., tlutrlbutiu agents,
For sale b D,
100 Court st,
Coffee Bargain iii
A Superb Golden Blend Roast
Coffee, fine cup quality only
10c; a Pound, t i i t
The best for
the money cycr
Oregon Airtight
X jp3.50 to $6 50.
full line of this home
Stove-i Botup aud repaired promptly,
Tinners a.id Stovcdealcrs, ltCStato st'
Special Offer.
1 Do you understand the advantage of taking
the Inter-State University Course ofMuiical
If not, investigate it at once. It is operat
ing in twenty-five states now, and as the
representative for the state of Orecon I am
prepared to make ycu a special discount for
me ursi oi.v muii i no 01 1090.
Call at Studio over First National Bank and
get special terms.
I, Bi Thomas Tuthill,
Analytical Chemist
and Assa er.
031c3 with Salem GnsLight Corner
No 4 Chemeketa street P. O.BoxX,
Salem, Oregon. Prompt return of ore
amplro. General analytical work.
Old Clothing
Made to Cook Like New
At Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning
Works. No. 195 Commercial street.
Orders hv Rtnrn. mall cr exnreaa. will
receive prompt attention.
waldemar INelson, frop,
Tor Infants and Children.
lit fie-
Dr. Mllea' Nerve Plaatora 25c. at all drugtUU.
All druggists soil Dr. Miles' Norvo Plasters.
is Over !
New Year again with offering
only U5
$1 00
- ms ms ym
-eft V ,
4rV t
Ity minor lr. IVku'm
Yrlluw Notve I'KU.
This 'vniieijul remedr
which lead to Infirmity, Co
jtnnttou 01
vc pocitei. ji.ooper uox. r
vet rweket. J1.00 per box, f - 1j, by mall
aZcUi ?.
... viikuiai ,-jre, ouiuiirniiuillXKllli. Aisiuril.l -JDDUtnrr
eilicinc Co., T iris Prance. . aue-Dari
Third aud Yambl,l6 "a tUuJ "'
J.' FRY, Salerrii
Hole! Salem.
Only First Class House in the City. Rates
re. sonable. Sample rooms In connection
Can to aU trains and public buildings pais
the door. Corne State and High street.
Hot mealsservedfiom 8 a. m. to midnight.
German cooking.
With'Hach & Nadstanech 226 Commercial
iQtf Prop.
Corner Kerry and Mbertyjttreets
Telephone 172
Newest rigs and best horsea
. always in readineu.
rp"Coast or mountain parties specialty,
7 4 tf
Proprietor of THE uCLUB"j
Livery and
t Feed Stables
Corner of Liberty at.d Ferry streets.
Rest slnele and double Hes in the city.
Telephone No. 24. 11 18 tf
State street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
treats in town. 2 2
Wok Miescke,
Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked
mots. Lard in bulk, 9c a lb. Cheapest market
In tOR-n. We make it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Just Reopened
Iltown & Son, of the East Salem meat mar
ket, have enlarged and refitted their shop and
will be pleased to see all ol their old patrons
and the rci.t of the community. Orders taken
and delivered. Parents sending children
may depend on having their orders con
scientiously filled. "Mil
Implement !
and Vehicles,
Exclusive valley house for McCormick
Hinders and Mowers, lluflnlo Pitts Engines
and Thrashers, bpike. Disk, and Snrinc
Tooth Harrows, Jihn Deere fcteel and
Chilled Plows. Repairs lor kll 'the forego,
egrOlllce In City Hull..
Irrigation liouis (ltu8u. in and ft
toO In the evening.
All Irrigation bills for tlio auiMner
will be due und payable the 1st of
Street sprinkling UnouKlilawn hose
positively prohibited.
No deduction for Irrigation. during
absence unless water is cut oil the
entire premises.
No ullownnco made for part tl sea
son as more water Is needed to bring
out a neglcotcd lawn than judicious
use for the entire season.
Salem Water Co.
Ui JHg-lJ for unnsturu.
alactiarges, loflsniuistluaa,
lirlutioiis ur ulcrrstluaj,
ut mucous tueiubraa'w
'iiiimi, ana uol iwuL.
grut or poisonous.
Hold by DrarolsU.
or sent 111 plain wrHt
"euttr ssut cu rixiwai.
cm Water Co.
JwTr itf-iTB
TA lu 1 u4tr.
MgfW UurDll
i73Jf st u tuuwrt.
B Trriiau iuU4loa.
k.B r-kfflwuiTi n IfeSKfifl
v, 1. 1. jjF
O. ti. niAOKi
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, old White
Comer, Salem, Or. Parties desiring Mi peri o
operations at moderate feet in any branch are
In esrcial request.
FEED OF All kinds.
224 Commercial street. llet quality an.,
no middle man's profits.
r-Dealera n .
Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, etc.
Telephone 178.
91 Court St., Salem, Or
" Honest John
Truss.' i
Cures 50. Per Cent.
A new truss on a new
principle. No back
pressure: Dr. Stone's
Drug Store, agent fjr
Salem Oi.
d&wI2 2 3m
In largo nnd small quantities, at n great
bargain. Inquire of Hofer Bros., car
irmrnal Salem. Or. d&wtf
Merchant -Tailor I
211 Commercial at,
iy Suits $15 and upwards,
Pants $3 and upwards.
Makes a spwlalty of fine repair work, Seth
Thomas cloclu. etc.. aij Commercial Strent
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains. Bag
gage and express to all parts of the city
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Family Wino and Liquor Store
Rt lored from 102 State to 199 Commercia
stre.t. Bottled gooJs of the best quality.
Wallace Warehouse!
Storage at reasonable rates. Apply to
w is the time to have your little family
or arl put In good shape and made proof
aga'nst insects. San Jose scale, woolly aphis
and fungus removed, and trees mado healthy
by scientific methods. Advice free. Apply
to Richards & Sllpey, 201 High street,
Heavy and light trucking in covered truck .
caiefully done. Coal and dry wood wwej
all lengths promptly dleivere . A trial
D. S. 11ENTLEY;& Co.,
Successors to Salem" Imp, o., Front and
Chemeketa street, ' C
Phone 30,
Beckn?p 5
have opened up business In the line of tin
nlng, plumbing, sheet steel and galvanized
Irtn wi rks. Job work of all kinds in lhat
line nude a specialty. Would be pleased
o have a portion of your trade. Estimates on;
all class ol work furnished. Shops en Court
street in alley between High and Liberty, in
the rear cf liasey's Feed stables, on lieck
net's home property. 1230
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in oriccs
on the following!
Skirts, plain iocenti
Unuer drawers , 5toiocert
Undershirts.., 5toioccp'j
Socks, per pair , 3 centa
Handkerchiefs I cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cunts
Sheets and pillow slips 2. cents per dozen
and othci work in proportion.
Flannels t d other work in
telli gently v ashed by hand
Col, T, Olnisted Prop
i ,