Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 20, 1898, Image 1

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    Hsrjr I
VOL, !
NO. 18
you can
from 50c to SI on a
pair of shoes at our
January sale. Boston
Long Boots $3 Bay
State Long Bo o t s
$2,50, Ladies' storm
rubbers 40c, First
qualities, All this month we are making a
grand clean up and saving money for our
Finest stock of shoes ever shown in
Salem to arrive soonf
Krausse Bros.
275 Commercial st,
vercoat a
Which do you want ?
TJhc purchase of cither calls for judgment In selection. The quality of
the fabric must be noted, also the workmanship, as the style of a garment
does not indicate itsiwearing qualities. Our stock of overcoats and suits
for the winter trade will stand the most rigid inspection.
All the latest fashions arc represented and every garment is made of
honest and trustworty material. If there is any pattern or shade that we do
not show it is because it is unsalable. Don't fall to see our Heavy all wool
clay worsted suits and overcoats, rrlec $10.
Last of the
Going at 60c on the dollar, The owners
of the Bankrupt Stock are determined to
make a finish, and are now taking an in
ventory and during the time, they will sell
all goods at an average of 60c on the dol
lar, Some goods a trifle above, and some
goods below, Will positively close at the
end of the month for the balance will be
sold in a lump, There remains some good
bargains in clothing, mackintoshes, dry
goods, shoes, hats, underwerr, velvets,
plushes and needles, at Friedman's Auction
House, corner State and Commercial sts.
gjartTV!.!1 .shim. m.-
yUOR !
Some Hard Work Before
The Present Administration Begin
ning to Act.
Washinuton, Jan. 20. The first of
ficial reception of the present admin
istration wus given at the White
House last evening. Two thousand
Invitations had been distributed, and
in spite of a rainy evening, everyone
who was invited appeared. There was
no crush in any part of the house dur
ing the evening.
Tha receiving party consisted of
President and Mrs McKlnlcy, Vlce
rresident and Mis. Ilobart, and the
members and ladies of the cabinet.
When the house party entered, it was
noted that Mrs. McKlnley was lean
ing on the arm of the president, re
versing the usual rule by which tho
presldeut escorts the wife of the vice
president, and the latter the mistress
of the White House.
The senate committee on foreign re
lations authorized a favorable report
on the nomination of C. P. Bryan, to
be minister of Brazil and upon Conger,
who is transferred from Brazil to
When the house convened the lead
ers on both sides were rallying their
forces, and it was apparent that the
battle over Cuba which raged yester
day was to continue today. Tho at
tendance on the floor and in the gal
leries was very large. Llnney, Re
publican, of North Carolina, from the
committee on elections, reported that
Comer had abandoned the contest
against II. G. Clayton from the third
Alabama district, and a reso'ution
was adopted declaring Clayton en
titled ti his seat.
Grout, Republican, of Vermont, re
ported the District of Columbia ap
propriation bill.
Lacey, Republican, of Iowa, asked
unanimousw consent for consideration
of a bill to extend the homestead laws
to Alaska, and grant rights to any
railroad company organized under the
laws of any state. Simpson said the
bill was too Important, and objected.
Immediately afterward the storm
broke and the battle over Cuba was
once more on.
Brucker, Democrat, of Michigan,
asked unanimous consent for the con
sideration of a resolution, which he
sent to the clerk's desk. The speaker
took occasion to examine the resolu
tion, and while doing so, Bailey, the
leader of the minority, loudly de
manded that the resolution be re
ported. The speaker thereupon dl
rected the clerk to read the resolution
which instructed the committee on
foreign affairs to report without fur
ther delay the senate Cuban belliger
ency resplutlon.
Like a Hash, Ilitt, the chairman of
the foreign affairs committee, was on
his feet with a point of order, which
the speaker promptly sustained, and
was about to recognize Hltt to call up
the diplomatic and consula appropria
tion. "One moment, please," he called,
"let us tlrst dispose of the question of
"Tho chair sustained' the point of
order," retorted the speaker testily.
'Then appeal," called Bailey across
tho hall to Brucker, and the Mlchl
gander entered an appeal from the
decision of the clnlr. All was in
stantly excitement and confusion.
Dozens of members were on their feet
demanding recognition to debate tho
appeal, but the speaker recognized
Dalzell, who moved to lay It on the
table. This cut of! debate and the
speaker put tho question. The mo
tion to lay tha appeal on tho table
was carried by a vote of 108 to 120.
There were no manifestations if ap
proval on the announcement of tho
vote. The house, on liitt's motion,
went Into committee of the whole and
resumed consideration of tho diplo
matic and consular appropriation bill.
As soon as the first paragraph was
read, Williams, Democrat, of Missis
sippi, offered an amendment directing
the president to appoint three com
missioners to proceed to Cuba and, if
possible, to negotiate a treaty of
peace, amity and commerce with the
republic of Cuba. It was ruled out of
Lewis, Democrat, of Washington,
offered an amendment providing that
to emphasize the fact that a state of
war existed In Cuba, the consul-general
at Havana bo withdrawn and
the government of Spain be notified
of the suspension of diplomatic rela
tions at that point,
Ilitt, raised a point of order, which
Hepburn, In the chair, sustained.
"I appeal from the decision of the
chair," said Lewis.
"And I make a point that the ap
peal is dilatory." exclaimed Dalzell,
Republican, of Pennsylvania.
'The chair sustains the point," de
clared Hepburn. Excitement was at
the boiling point, and Terry, Demo
crat, of Arkansas, shouted his pro pre
test: 'iCan It be possible that we have
reached a point where this side of tho
house cannot appeal from a decision
of the chair?" he called. Hepburn
desired that Terry take his seat.
Lewis found a parliamentary way of
discussing his amendment, however,
by moving a pro forma' amendment to
strike out the last word
Tho Democrats inadb frequent Inef
fectual attempts to tiniend the bill so
as to meet tho Cuban situation In
some shape, but all fell through on
points of order. ,
Chairman Ilitt, of the commlttco
on foreign affairs, made an extended
statement on the Cuban situation
during the general dobatc on the dlo
lomatlc bill. Ho reviewed the course
of the administration, its successful
demand for tho rcloa'q of American
citizens, and the protest against tho
Inhuman method of war resulting in
the removal of Weyler.r Tills showed
thcsDlrit tvhich animated the presi
dent, and what might ibe expected of
mm. ilitt spoko or tue autonomy
plan, and of the disposition of the ex
ecutive to clve it a fair trial.
He avowcdthat belligerent rights
should not aid the Insurgents' cause,
and prehaps the most dramatic portion
of his speech came when ho declared
that, "tho iusurgents Only wished for
belligerent rights in the hope and be
lief that this country would bo em
broiled In the war with Spain which
would giye them their freedom with
our triumph." He asserted that the
president must assumathe responsibil
ity of any action which mliriitovcntu
ate In war and appealed to both sides
of the chamber to patriotically sup
port the executive If such a crisis
shall come.
The debate will close at 4 o'clock to
day under the arrangement made yes
terday, and the iinal test will be made
on motion of which Williams gave no
tice yesterday, to recommit thu deplo
matlc and consular appropriation bill
with instructions to report back the
Cuban resolution as a rider.
Will Begin M nilay and Will Be a Not
able Event.
San Francisco. Jac. 20. Prepara
tions for the golden Jubilee of Califor
nia, the 50th anniversary of the dis
covery of the yellow metal, are making
rapid headway. The.ceiebratlon will
begin on Monday next and continue
most of the week, embracing many
entirely novel features, nearly cycry
county in the state contributing to
render the affair a notable event in
the annals of California.
In connection with tho Jubilee a
mining fair will be held, which prom
ises to be the most complete exposi
tion of the kind eyer known in tho
west. if
San Francisco Is already gaily dec
orated in anticipation of the coailug
carnival week, and visitors are arriv
ing in largo numbers. The governor
has declared the opening of the Ju
bilee a legal holiday, and during the
week of festivity tho public schools
will bo closecj. Seldom bofoie has
state and civic pride teen aroused to a
greater degree, and it is evident that
all former populnr demonstrations
here will beequaled If not eclipsed.
A Power in Idaho.
Pocatello, Idaho, Jan. 20. The
Pocatello Tribune publishes the fol
lowing Interview with ex-Senator
Fred Dubois on the future policy of
the Silver Republicans in Idaho and
the West:
"The plain announcement of Secre
tary Gage that tho administration in
tends to make permanent the gold
standard, retire tho greenbacks and
turn control of tho nation's currency
over to the national banks completely
vindicates the Judgment and policy of
the Silver Republicans in quitting
forever the Republican party.
After the adoption of the St. Louis
platform the rank and the Hie of the
Republicans In Idaho clung to tho
old party In the hope that it would
do something for silver. Now that
the national party has thrown off all
disguise and stands squarely and
unequivocally for gold monomctallsm,
they will follows no further. They
will ally themselves with their former
political associates and Join the silver
Republican ranks.
"There is no room for a Republican
party In Idaho. I believe the silver
Republican is the strongest party in
Idaho. They should use their strength
for the purpose of advancing the full
restoration of silver and not for the
advancement of Individuals.
"Appearances indicate that tho sil
ver forces will combine in these West
ern states and stop fighting each other
for the oillces. What wo desire is the
accomplished factof silver restoration,
and the only way to bring this to
pass is for-the silver forces of the
country to unite "
The Japan Line Deal.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. Further
particulars regarding the agreement
recently entered Into by tho Japanese,
tho Pacific Mall and the Occidental &
Oriental Steamship Companies am
not at hand. Arrangements have
been made to bear In equal proportion
all the expenses of navigation in
curred by tho three companies, al
though the distribution of profits
shall be subject to the amount of the
receipts gained by them.
Under the agreement the Occiden
tal & Oriental and the Piclllc Mall
are each to rcdnce their number of
steamers to three, although they each
run four at present The agreement
will be carried into practice as soon
as the steamers of the Toyo Xusen
Kalsha, now being built In England,
arrive in Japan.
Insane. Constable W. L. Jones
came down from Marlon Wednesday
afternoon with Frank Nelmyer whom
he placed In the Insane asylum. Tho
unfortunate man is 35 years of age
and unmarried, His insanity is caused
by spiritualism. He threatened with
bodily harm a number of the residents
of Marlon, whom he thought to blame
for the frequent visitations of spirits,
making It necessary for his commit,
ruent to the asylum,
The Pore Article. Pure cider
vinegar at Johnson & Bulchart's, 100
Court street.
Refuse to Change Their Con
vention Date.
Refuses to Go It Alone by a Vote
of 19 to 8.
Portland, Or., Jan. 20. Chairman
Young called the meeting to order.
W. S U'Ren was selected us secretary
and Charles II. Fitch his assistant.
On calling the roll of counties, the
following were found to be repre
sented: Baker, W. R. King; Benton, Nels
W. Wheeler, J. WIngall proxy; Coo?,
W. n Hull, W. S. U'Ren proxy;
Clackamas, W. S. U'Ren; Clatsop, B.
II. Coify, S. B. Smith proxy; Colum
bin, W. A. Wood, W. S U'Ren proxy;
Grant, C S. Dustan, J. C. Luce, proxy;
Harney, O. P. Rutherford, W. It.
King proxy; Juckson, S. II. Holt;
Josephine, A. B. Axtell, W. S. U'Ren
proxy; Klamath, J. G. Griffiths. W S.
U'Ren proxy, Lincoln. Thomas Stake
ley, n. Denllngcr proxy; Lake, J. C.
Oliver, W. R. King proxy; Lane, J.
Sutherland, W. S. U'Ren proxy; Linn,
E. O. Neal; Marlon, K. L. Illhbartl;
Multnomah, A. P. Nel on; Polk. T.
V, Embree. W. S.- U'Ren prexy: Sher
man, O. P. King; Umatilla, Nathnn
Pierce, It. M. 0TBrlcn proxy; Union,
J. E. Reynolds, J. II. Chandler proxj ;
Washington. G. W. Kelly; Wasco, U.
L. Morse; Wallowa, J. A. French;
Yamhill, W. II. Klrkwood.
The following counties were not
represented: Curry, Crook, Douglas,
Gilliam, Malhuer, Morrow and Tilla
mook. J. C. Luce, of Grant; J. W. Jory, of
Marlon, national committeemen, were
present, and J. W. Marksberry, of
Jackson, the third national commit
teemen, was represented by S. II.
Holt, who held his proxy
In addition to the state committee
and Its officers, there were about -10
Populists present, including several
women, the more prominent being
Joeph Gaston, Frank Williams, of
Ashland; Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany;
Harry Watklns, of McMinnvllle; G.
II. Curry, publisher of the Observer at
La Grande; J. L. Story, of The Dalles;
L. II. McMahan, of Salem; Mrs. A. P.
Nelson and Mrs, Flora W. McKinncy,
of Portland, the latter, Mayor Pen
noyer's appointee as matron of tho
city jail.
The first matter of business brought
Itcfore the committee was the ques
tion of sustaining the action of the
executive committee in fixing tho
date of holding the state convention
in Portland on March .23.
Mr. W. S. U'Ren moved as an
amendment that the date be changed
to February 23, in which he was sup
ported by the members from Jactaon
and Lincoln counties. Tho claim
was made that by fixing tho date to
February 23, it would bo a practical
announcement to tho people that the
Populists of Oregon did not want any
fusion with tho Democrats. After
a discussion of neurly two hours the
motion of U'Ren was lost, by a vote
of 10 to8.
Mr, U'Ren then Introduced a reso
lullon arraigning the fusion move
ment in general, and brought out a
discussion covering a wide field, nut
confined to tho subect, but fusion
was discussed in every pfiase. When
the matter was Introduced, Denllngcr
of Lincoln moved that It bo referred
to a cornmltteo of county chairmen,
who had had experience with fusion,
which wus not agreed to; Ingall, of
Benton, next moved to Indefinitely
Sostpone the matter, which was voted
O'Brien of Umalllla moved as a
substitute that the question of an al
liance with tho anti-Republican forces
of Oregon bo discussed by tho Pop
ulists in their clubs and conventions,
and that delegates to the state con
vention be instructed tovoto for or
against fusion, and If for fusion, upon
what terms.
A discussion followed and tlic res
olution of U'Ren was voted down, by
a vote of 0 to 0, many refusing to cast
a ballot either way. Tho subittltuto
wus then uuoptcu by practically a un
animous vote.
The evening session was held with
open doors, and a Populist love feast
followed for two hours. Tho only
business of importance transacted
was a rearrangement of tho appor
tionment of delegates, giving each
county two delegates at largo and one
for each 300 votes cast for Bryan und
Watson in 1800, or tho major faction
Dole to Be Entertained.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Arrangements
arc rapidly completing for the recep
tion und entertainment of President
Dole, of Hawaii, who Is expected to
arrive In Chicago Saturday. General
Brooke, It Is said will receive orders
for the United States troops at Fort
Sheridan to meet Dole on his arrival
In Chicago and act as an escort to the
hotel. A guard of honor with the
compliments of the stull olllcers will
also be detailed to wait on President
Dole while In the city und to escort
him to the train Sunday. From Chi
cago It Is tho Intention or the govern
ment representatives to take Presi
dent Dole direct to Washington on a
special train.
Nobody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. Wiles'
Pain 11 1 U from druKRlU.'One cent a doe
White & Jacobs Vs. State Board of Equal
ization. A second suit In which validity of
the proceedings of tho late state
board of equalization arc questioned,
was today instituted In the Marlon
cdunty circuit court, White &
Jacobs, a merchandise firm of Jack
sonville,' Jackson county, are plaintiffs
in the suit, and the members of tire
board of equalization, George A.
Jackson, county clerk for Jackson
county; Jackson county, a coropra
tion, and Secretary orStuto Il.lt.
Kincald arc defendants.
Attorney E A. Reames, of the firm
of Colvlg & Reames, of Jacksonville,
arrived in this city on the morning
overland and this afternoon filed the
complaint with County Clerk L. V,
The direct cause for this suit was
tho action of the stato board of equal
ization in raising the assessment on
merchandise and stock In trade in
Jackson county, 50 per cent. The
merchants or Jactson county have
effected a combination and propose
to prevent the entering up of the 50
percent Increase en the assessment
Judge Geo. II. Burnett, of Depart
ment No. 1, Marlon county circuit
court, today Issued the following writ
of review:
White & Jacobs vs. A.C, Auldon,
Whereas, It manifestly appears to
George II. Burnett, one of tho Judges
of the ciicuit court of the State of
Oiegou, for Marlon county that In at
tempting to equalize between tho
several counties of the said state, the
defendants, A. C. Auldon,ct al, us the
prete. ded state board Qf equaliza
tion, of the State or Oregon, and that
body styled "The State Board of
Equalization," bus exceeded Its Juris
diction, und exercised Judicial func
tions erroneously, und to the Injury
of tho substantial rights of
the plaintiffs herein, now
therefore in tho name of the state of
Oregon, you the said A. C. Auldon ct
al arc hereby commanded to
return this writ to Department No.
2. of tho circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Marion county, and not
elsewhoro on or before March 7, 1808,
having annexed thereto a certified
copy of nil tho records and proceedings
of tho said protended state board of
cquallzatian for Oregon which pro
ceedings were begun on the 7th day of
December 1897, together with a certi
fied copy of all minutes, or other
entries made or noted upon any
of tho books or records kept at tho
said session, that tho samo may bo
reviewed by the said circuit court,
and you tho said George A. Jackson,
county clerk for Jackson county, Ore
gon, and tho said Jackson county,
Oregon, its officers and agents aro
hereby required to desist from further
proceedings in tho matter heroin
sought to bo reviewed, und partic
ularly to desist and refrain from en
tering upon tho records for Jackson
county, Oregon, any changes mado or
attempted to bo mado in the valua
tions of assessable property for Jack
son county, Oregon. Witness the
hand of L. V. Ehlen, county clerk,
Marlon county, Oregon, with the seal
of said court attached.
Thu Fairest Woman In town as
well as her associates appreciate the
high grade of groceries always on sale
nt Branson & Co.'s. When ordering an
article ithe knows she will recelyo the
very best to be had.
Clearance Sale
Every Article Reduced.
Remnants Remnants Remnants
On Friday wc inaugurate our annual inventory-
remnant sale. Prices cutjonehalf mtwo
lor one day only,
Pontliic Percales, In dulnty stripes
und figures, special 01c.
We cun give you a two clap kid
glove in blacks, tuns, browns und reds,
Extru hcuvy, 7rc.
Children's fur sets. Just u few left.
Special reductions in tills line. Prices
range from $1.50 to $2.50.
It, &. Corsets at prices that will
surprise you. We ure closing out our
entire line of this make. Wo Invite
See our corner window, this will
give you an Idea of what we uro doing
Inside. This only illustrates u few of
tho many bargains thown In this department.
The Royal la the highest grade baking powder
keowe. Actual testa show it goes one-
tfefrd fertter than any other bread.
Absolutely Pure
roym. unwi rowsts CO., t.rw York.
Expects No Mercy.
Chicago, Jan. 20. The alleged wife
murderer, Chris Merry, even before
his dofedso could be presented to tho
Jury, gave up apparently all hope of
escaping tho gallows. Before the
court opened ho broke Into ono of
bis fearful cursing spells, acting like
a wild man.
"Pratt," exclaimed Merry to his at-'", -'
torney, will you go with mo to the
gallows? No priest, no minister for
me: 1 want you. I'd rather see you
walk with mo to tho scaffold than
any holy hypocrite."
Attorney Pratt tried to reason with
Meiry, but the prisoner yelled volley
nfter volley of curses on his dead wife
and the police.
jt won't conress," no yelicu. "What
for? That Jury will hang mo no
matter what I say."
Counsel for Smith, who Is on trial
with Merry for complicity In tho
murder, sprang a surprise today by
moving that Smith's case be taken
from the Jury, on tho ground that no
eyidence connecting Smith with the
murder had been Introduced. The
motion wus overruled. The dcreneo
put witnesses on the stand today to
attempt to proye Merry Insane.
Merry himself llatly refused to go on
tho witness stand.
Tho case of Merry and Smith will
goto tho Jury tomorrow. Smith ex
pects morcy.
"Tho Jury wlli;iiang me," Merry re
peatedSmany times today. He feared
the cross-examination, ne said tc-
"I don't know who killed Polly; I
did not sco her, have neycr seen lior
s I nco between 4 and 5 o'clock on Fri
day afternoon, November 18."
"Why not go on tho stand and toll
your story to the Jury?" urged Colonel
Dayldson, one of the counsel. "Yot .
cannot hurt yourself and you may
benefit yourself."
Murry shook his head, declaring It
was useless for him to say a word.
Physician Arrested.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. Dr. Ar
thur nerbort Orpon, nllas Arthur
Herbert, was arrested by Deputy
United States Marshal Gallingcr In
tho Btcerago of the stcamor Australia
upon her arrival from Honolulu, on n
warrant charging him with the
murder of Susan McCallum, In tho
city of Auckland, December 25, 1897.
Ha Is alleged to havn performed a
criminal operation upon the woman.
To Cure a Cold in one day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
1 ablets. All druggists refund the
money if It falls to cure. 25c. 10-14-5m
Men's Macklntoslies, celebrated
Duck Brund, warranted:
Tan wool box-coats, special $0.10.
Double breasted, nil wool black box
coat, special $10.
Black ull wool, tricot dark plaid
lining, special $0.50.
You should take advantage of our
great sale of children's clothing. Re
member ono-IJfth off on entire line
niithlng reserved.
Special prices prevail. throughout our
cntlro lino of clothing und gent's
furnishings. If you aro thinking of
purchasing a suit or top coat wo
would be glud to have you look us
through no trouble to show goods.
Fine laundried Madras and Percale
Two collars and one pair cuffs, regu
lar $1 values to close, 05c,
Commercial st corner Curt st