m hr r 91 if , P One Dozen -OF OUR Days More FOR THE KLONDIKE. JANUARY CLEARING SA B UD. Take advantage of our special bargains in dress i?oods 50lnch English coverts, worth 51,25, for. . . 36'inch novelty suiting for 34'inch checked suiting for. , Every picr-e in stock marked down, The price sells therm CASH STORE, THE HOLVERSONS cash STOKE. Biaaest B DrcssGoods Yet offered will be given this week, I Men's Clothing. that were originally GO and 75c In a line of fancy mixtures all styles, now 45c, Corsets Broken line of corsets ranging from $1 to $2 25 Don't mls them nt 50c. Reduced to almost one-half their former prices. 1'rlccs range from $1.09 up. Men's Underwear That, cannot he equalled for quality, heavy fleeced lined Bal brlggan were 05c, now 49c, J. J.Dafrumple & 60. Reduction Sale ! Goods in All Lines Reduced, ... The celebrated II. & S. corsets re duced from SI. 25 to 00c. Other corsets reduced to 75c, 50c nnd 35c. Great reductions In the price of both ladles and gentlemen's under wear. Some lines of ladies' kid shoes far about half orlco. Look at the prices In both windows, then come In and see tho prices on mi: cuuuiein. it win pay you. Osburn's Racket Store Next door lo Albert's bank CALL A MESSENGER .... . nnd hnvo your notos mid pnoltnges doliverod, to oslloct a bill, to go on errands for you Aslc for apodal rnton on merchant' packages Clinrgos roasonablo. Bloyclo nor vloo. Ring Blue boxes or telephone 40. Lockwood Messonger Bystom, Control offloo No. 200 Commercial etreot .visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. G, Thomas, returned to Stay ton today. Geo. Weeks went to Portland this m jrnlng to -attend a Hireling of the state central committee of the People's Party. C. Marsh of the Pacific Fruit & Sup ply Company, returned this after noon from a business trip to Inde pendence, Dallas and other West Side points. Mr. and Mr. A. N. Moorcs leave tins evening ror San Francisco to at tend the Golden Jubilee. They will also visit points In Southern Cal ifornia. TheJanctt Waldorf Compiny ar rived on the morning train rrom Portland whnrn t.liov imvn w.r., ,.nn,i satisfaction. Walter MoVey is said to be a better actor than Louis James. Mrs. Dr. J.C. Smith and daughters, of Athena, who have been the guests of Dr. J. N. Smith and family, left to day for a visit with her rather, E. N. TlmilUlS. HI .IntTnr.inn. A I pa U...IM, says Athena Is a very live town. Tin: Weatheil- Hard rains day night, fair Wednesday, cast for Thursday Is occasional Tues-Foro-ralns. PERSONALS. IIOLVEKSON'H ANOI3 BALE. JANUAUY CLEAIt M. L Cliamberlaln was In Albany today. W. II. Dancey returned today from Ilarrlsburg, Geo. W. Davis has returned from Lincoln county, C. J. Olmstead was a Portland busi ness visitor today. Manager F. R. Anson was a Port land visitor toi'ay. Hon. 1). II. Looney, of Jefferson, was In tho city this afternoon. Whit Ilolmau returned this uftor- noon irom Aioany and Corvallls. It. G. Thomas or tho Club livery was at Albany on business today. Supt. and Mrs. Potter, of Chemnwa Indian school wore in tho city today. Peter Smlth.nf Sclo.was In this city today.returnliig homo on tho morning local. Miss Anna Haas went to Portland today where sho will combine business with pleasure ror several days. County Commissioner J. N, Davis, returned to Ills homo In tho north end of tho county this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W.Ross left this mom. lug foi Gilliam county, where they will make their future home. Mrs. C. O.Henlliie, who has been Collkoe Athletics. Tho next tiling prominent In college athletics Is tile annual Meld riuv moot, in tim spring. It Is much too early yet to get an Insight Into the prospects of tho teams to I in mil. In rim (I..I.1 I... i,n various schools of tho state, or ccn to Know just now many schools will en- iur r.iriy indications point to re newed Interest in this event. The U. or O. undoubtedly will bo represented lllld bV a L'Oncl tn.'im. lulmr rnucnn.iliL, sum or several events, Judging rrom past experience. Whether any or the new men will dcyelop Into prl?e win ners, the spring tialnlng alone cm tell. -Eugene Guard. J'Oii Sai.i:. -Mrs. Poguo's boarding hoiiho with furniture. Call at cor ner Court and Front streets. 10 1 w A Number of Salemltes to Leave Sun day Others at a Later Date. The Klondike fever has struck Sa lem and that it Is contagious no one questions. There will be a large ex iodus from Salem during the next few weeks for Alaskan points The ma jority of those leaving expect to go direct to Dawson City and the mining region. A number, however, will lo cate In Skagway and other favorable points and engage In various business enterprises. Quite a party uf Salemltes will go Hundav and others will follow as train an they can make preparations and secure transportation. Among those who will leave Port land Sunday, the 2.7 rd Inst., via steamer Oregon, arc David Drager and Ilusell Coleman, who may decide to go Into the interior. Waiter Hendricks, Bert Jones. Chas Cravan. Levi Rainier, and A. W. MIze will also take nassaue on the "Oregon" Sunday fr Skagway, J.O. Rozorth, AdamOhmart and Jack I.pintnnn will Ip:ivp. I'nrt.lnnrl nn Voh 8th for Dawsoi City. jas. A, .Moiiiorn, tnc well-known motorman. havlnu on Tnpid.iv din. continued work, went to Portland Lodiiv to sec uboiiL fipenrlnir tho nor. cessary outfit and transportation for a trip to the "Land of Gold." He will leave shortly after the lirst of tho mouth and will be accompanied by one or two other gentlemen. Mr. I'aimcr, Hiciiard iiurford and Percy lory, all residing south of this city, are contemplating a trip to the Klondike and expect to leave during February. Henry Myers, Fred Morris, Otto Martin and Walter Jennings, nil uf Sclo, will be numbered among the "Oregon's" passengers Sunday for the Klondike. They will go direct to tne mines. The Klondike fever Is not character istic of any one locality but Instead Is general throughout the country. The rollowlng Is takco rrom the Al bany Democrat or Tuesday: "James Cochin. T. W. Prlttn. T. W. Cralk, L. E. Warner, Everett Kraemer, J. II. and W, T Foster, G. v. cox, wm. Lewis, John unger, Jas. Agec and Chris Jarstaad, came down rrom the Upper Santlam last evening and left for Portland, whore they will take the Oregon next Sunday for Al.icttfn nnil t.lin rmnna fin t.lin ait.tn steamer there will go rrom Albany for Alaska, II. J. Sower, C G. Rawllns, D. 15. Montelth, A Roenlcke, Henry Williams. W. F. PflefTer nnd .Tnlin RoIIe. one or the Albany men will probably go further than Skagway." Mr. and Mrs, "Tuck" Potter, of Turner, are visiting at the home of County Treasurer G. L. Rrown. Mr. Potter wlil leave tomorrow for Seattle where lr he Is not suited he will go on to bKaguay or Dawson City. Mr. Potter is a carpenter and shipbuilder bv occunatlon and m:iv find work nt. Seattle. F. N. Derby was In Portland Tues day afternoon where ho purchased transportation for some prospective Klondikcrs. Mr. Derby says the. "Or egon" will have a rull list or passen gers upon leaving Portland Sunday. Or the 250 cabin tickets more than a hair or the number had already been purchased yesterday and of the 350 steerage tickets a large number had also been sold. II. W. .Trine, of (llvrnpr. hn.irrlnrl the afternoon local Tor Portland, He will take nnssnirn on Mm stojimnr (lr. . 0 . ...v W..VU...W. -.- egtn Sunday forSkaguay. II. G. Sonneman, tho enterprising State street grocer, will on Friday be gin the work or evaporating potatoes for the Klondike trade. The work will tin dnnn nn Mm firm nf (I A Stevens near tho Insane asylum. It is quite probable that carrots, pars- nlnq. rnlihiitro nnd nt.linr vuirntnhlna will also be evaporated. This Is nurelv i venture but promises to Drove a suc cessful and a profitable one. COUNTY COURT MATTERS, Work of January Term Concluded and Adjourument Taken. At the session of the Marlon county court Tuesday afternoon everai changes were made In the boundaries of the various precincts. Changes were made affecting the boundaries of the precincts of East Salem. West Sllverton, Sublimity. Turner, Howell, Maclcay, W'oodburn, Hubbard, Fair tJeld.Geryals, Euglewood, Horeb. Elk horn, Breitenbuh and Silver Falls. The names of Lincoln and Lablsh precincts were changed to Aumsville and Brooks respecthcly. Abiqua precinct was diMdcdanda new pre cinct to be known as Mon.torwas establ Ished. The o her hal f of the orig inal precinct win ue Known as .Mount In ttifi mllnf riMltrt ic.lsminf. nt AU 1.111. UJ .Vlbl J Vl.l. Um.lJllH.IIH Vf. the nrnnertv of Marlon countv for the trun. IdllQniirl t l.i ntitnlnifttinnt et nc. v.ai icujanu tilt: ;in i"J iiju.i w ui ia- slslanU to the assessor In making such assessment, the court made an order similar to the one of last March wherein the pay of field deputies Is fixed at S3 per day each and tlio'e In the otllce at $2 per day and no mores the appointment or each deputy, to bo submitted to the court ror Its ap proval. The asfesoar will be directed to hae his assessment roll completed nnrl rendu fn tin cnlinilt tnrl fri Htn county board or equalization on or be- lure uic lusi. jtmimuy in August; me nKQpRftnr Iq nUn rnnitniinrlpd tn fnllnw the rorm or roll recommended bv llin secretary or state. W. II. Fletcher, publisher of the Weekly Independent, has entcied a protest against the court's action in selecting the Jouk.val and the Statesman as the newspapers In which to publish the county court Droceedlmrs, for the current year. Mr. Tlptnlinr tmene llld f1.tlnt nn Mm grounds Mint. Ills n.innr Iims t.lin lnnrnst circulation of any paper published In .Marion county. The protest will be beard :lt. Mm rni'ill.ir liVhrimrv tnroi Of the court. Feb. 1 0 nt 1 n. in. hn Inu been named for hearing the protest. ine conrt reconvened tuis morning tue resignation or u. II. Gilbert as constable for AiimsvUh. precinct was accepted and John Smith was ap pointed to serve the unexpired ttrm or Mr. Gilbert. Court adjourned sine die. STATE HOUSE NEW6. I - ?!? " NBVBR in the history of Salem have you been offered the bargains in Muslin iin derwear That we are offering during our sale. Buys a good full night dress. That is cheaper than you can buy the ma' 39 terial for. We are showing large lines at1 43c 47c 590 68c- 88c- $i.o8 $1.47 S These goods we are offering at actual cost, For Men 50 dozen gents neckwear in puffs and tecks, great yalucs at 50 dozen gents' neckwear in puffs and tecks, all the latest effects and colorings, Roman stripes, plaids, etc I9C 39c -0- Sboee ! Standard L'nnds 11 1, ItiwL-nt nrl.-na fur cash, Nobody's bills and Interest on old accounts to pay. Take a look at some or tho value you seo lu my south w Induw. Kcry tiling marked lu plain llgurcs. Mens' heavy shoes rrom $1.15 to $1.50 that usually cost you 25c a pair more. Ludle's shoos from 00' to $J 20. You usually piy 20 porcent more. Underwear and Mackintoshes, at 20 per cent discount to clean up. WIGGINS' BAZAAR. The Performance Tonight. Lovers of high clas3 dramatic art will be delighted with Managers Pat ton's offering to their many patrons at tho opera house when Miss Janet Waldorf will present -tonight, Sher idan Knowls celebrated comedy, "Tim Hnnnhh.ipfr ' nnd nn tsimnrrrii' evening "Inunmar." will be irlven. The Great Falls Montana Leader, speaking of a recent perrormanco says: mii Luc nuiiity uispiayeu oy Janet Waldorf as "Julia" In "The Hunch back" last evening at the Grand is a fair criterion or her workjwe may ex pect within a very short time to find that young lady classed In the very ironiraiiKs orino worm's actresses. No woman has ever appeared upon tho stage InGrcat Falls whoposessed anything like the histrionic ability dlsnlaved bv Miss Waldorf Inal, nlirht Sho takes the part or Julia perfectly, lu the scenes of love, of mirth, nf nn. slon and of dlspair Jsho Is powerful. lovable or naslnnntn as Min sltmitlnn demands, and through it all she Is natural and truo to life. What more can one savor desire In an actress. "Tho Hunchback" gives scope lor her uiiouts ami sue Knows now to taice ad vantago or her opportunities It is not likely that Miss Waldorr will visit Great Falls soou again. Wo liu- agino tliat when her talent becomes butter known In Mild munlrv Inr.mr .cities and larger audiences will de mand all her time. Thoso who neglect seeing her now are undoubtedly mis sing an opportunoty. rne secretary or state has been no tified that lie is to blame because the as'iessment rolls or Marion county were not received in timo ror thu state board or equalization to act. The Marlon county court In substance says the reason why the assessment roll books rurnlshed by the state were not USed and Min roilllnr fnrma na l.iM down wers not rollowed is because or the nonr nn.il I r.v nf hlnrlin.r nf ..1,1 books as well as the material ol which they ure made On that account a now and different form was used and out of that difference lias grown all tlic trouble and litigation. skcketahy kikcaid Is preparing a reply. The books used by Marlon county cost about 835 while those furnished by tho state did not COSt $7 each, nnd linvn hnon nco.l by nearly all the counties of the state. iur. iviiicaia win repiy Thursday to uic uriciures oijuicco.wiy court NEW COKPOKATION'S. New corporations today wererormed by lilllng articles of incorporation In tl e otlice of the secretary of state as rollews: Coqullle River and Alaska Mining Co., organized by twenty or Coos county's sturdy citizen ror the pur DOSQ of bllllrllniT n Bhln nnrl nf .,,.., gating the north Pacific ocean and of mining. The Alaska Mutual Protective Association of Portland. Also the Oregon Oak Lumber Association ot Oregon city, All 'Goods During Our Clearance Sale 257 educed ! Commercial St. TROUBLED THE WRONG FARMER POTATOES FOR KLONDIKE. Tons to b: Dried at Salem for the North. Scores of driers In the Piicnf, Knnnri country are now bulsly engaged dry. lng all: kinds of vegetables for the irreat North, inri S;ilnm ii.u i caught the reyer. U. G. Sonnemann, tnc &iute street grocer, has contracted ror the Stevens dryer east or the city, and Will UPL'ln .it, nnrn nilttlnir im r---- - w-.ww ,.v.k M,. H superior article or dried potato bv the latest and best process. The potatoes are first boiled and peeled; then they are forced through a col lunder. or sieve, after which the product Is dried, and come?, out or the kiln looking very much like tine-crumbled Stone. This Ik mil. nn in ''. nmm.i screw-top cans and thus placed on the uiuinci,. 01 r. oiu veils mis mauo some successrui experiments, and will no doubt be able to turnout a superior commercial artlclo Mr. Sonnemann has orders for all that one dryer can turn out. This kind of spuds sell at 20 cents a nnunrl In S'pnttln -inrl r,ti.,.. outfitting points, and rorms a large portion or every Kloudlker's stock or provisions. One Indian Shot and Killed and Anctner Wounded. Walla Walla, Wn., Jan. 10.- ttri. ,nas )ust been received rrom Wallulaora shooting affray, which occurred near that place Tuesday afternoon. From the meager partlc ulars received, it appears that, about 5 o clock last evening, Indian Jim, accompanied by his son and several other Indians, went to the farm of William F. De Long, with whom they had had trouble, and uiul'il'u 11 1 in m vnfiirn t m r ....!. rtr- rhey tlireatened to burn his house mm tuiiiiiiut otuer aepredatlotis. De Long went Into the house, got a gun, and, In order to protect himself and property, shot and killed Indian Jim's son and wounded another Indian. When the other Indians saw their companions were -shot, they hurried away. The report or the shooting soon reached Walluta, and caused createxcltenmnt. .-i in.ih n,.i.i... for Mm n, ,T, "'...." "',?"','" "K Indians! ' "' "h iu""k Slieriir Elllngsworth and Deputy United States Marshal J. B. Wilson were notified or the shooting at last night, and will leave early this morning for the scene. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. l'ATTON I1UOS., Managers. Phone 59. 0:- THE SOCIAL EVENT. Two Nights Only, Commencing on Wednesday, January 19, DovwCurrier Presents Mrs, Ada Janei Waldorf. Wednesday-Hunchb ack." Thui sdav'ngomar." fLAUCi Uli-.I'llll'KS- And Strong Supporting Company, COcFlrst iMlconv.Mc-Second balenn'nn'-quet, 50c; Parquet, J "v, uuihii. .i.11- yoo Commercial street. Second Annual Clearance Sale, 0- Our auiiiia clcaraiico sulo Is how lu full blast, this tho bolst time of thu year to buy. The unusual prices make Everything in the. store reduced in :e: .in. a1 v' t tU)ll?.'"lu '; contract Khk1 llko SUuidanl patterns oweptetl. .1 VMH!U "J.'iT 05'cltyrs goods, 10 Inches wide. I. ..A .i.U.l.)"l.loa!ll,fu, nml a11 wol ""titles worth 'X and 10c. f'i $ VAM,AL": W'tX) " 'u)os. latest stylo loos. . A !U7;lr,s,, l 0,nt luco curtains, regular SI (X) valuos. I.8?rt..VM,u ."tvy fleeoo lined huso, U'Bulur20o valuos. JAOlvhiy-At hall price. : 00 ones now $J..W. and soon. I6.00 onos now ti.oO, AOliNlViBTANDAUl) I'ATTKUNS -host and cheapiaU miL,L,IS EROS. &, OO 02 Coumierclal street. The.cashtfrygcwxisjand shoivyiuuse. A l:v Suit. A. J. Baoy and Mary 11. Wlllard, co-executors of tho hist will and testament of J. J. Basey deceased, have Instituted forelosuro proceedings against Benjamin VInecko et al. Judgment Is usKed for $SO0, with Interest nt 10 percent from June 10. 1 fell I: $1(100 in taxes with interest at to percent rrom Jan. 18, 18U3, and $100 as special attorneys fees. Maln tllTs alo Usk that a mortgage on 70 5 rpirp 'acres in i as r aw ua rorecioseu r1 -'' i The ntununt claimed to bo duo Is al lodged to be the balance on a note for saw ovecuted April 23, 1890 and upon which tho Interest was paid up to Juno 10, 1801. BORN. SNOW. At the family home In Highland, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Snow a son. Missionary Maltreated. buiji.lv, Jan. 10. A telegram re ceived here from Canton says that xr Ger,1iin, missionary named Momeyer.belonglng to the Nam Jung, has been robbed and wounded near a Place called i.nm rimn ti, ji patch adds that tneChlne'sn imn." on the Intervention nr tim n ! COnSUl at Clinton, tolmrrnnl.n .!. oillcers to take tho measures neces sary to investigate the matter. DIED. l.OI.VHKRO.N'S ANOK HALK. January cliK' OASTOH1A. I Hslli 7 rtru " NohoJT neA Laru Ncurljtl. Oct Dr. Milt iu i ins iiamu urutfguim. 'IQD cent dow," DRAKE In this city, at 4:20 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1898. B. F. Drake, nged 73 years, of chronic kidney and bladder troubles. Tho doeeiised nnsn nnllvi nf Mi sacliusetts where he was boru Juh 13, 1SJ5. Hccamoto Oregon in the .oV settling at Oregon City. In 1850 he removed to Salem and established the Salem Iron Works lu partnership with John Watsou. Two years later he becainesolo owner, but In 1864 M:i Inlnorl In t Im hn.'lnnc- I... John 11. Moores which partnership continued for rour years since which time Mr. Drako has conducted tho btlSlniN4 lint II nnrlv In TY-ifnuttva.. it !..-. he was obliged to transrerthe property Into the handsor A. N. Bush. Deceased was a member or Chemek- eta Lodge No. 1, I.OO. R, under whoso aiKpices the runoral will be conducted. The details of the funeral will bo determined upon nt the regu lar meeting of tho lodgo tonight. Slop that cough Tale warning. Ii may . .lo consun'Pton. A JJc , bottle of bhiloh'jCuemiysare) ' fe Said by D.J. Fry. Populist Committee Meeting. Poktlanu, Jan. 19 The Ponulist State Centr.il r-nn.n.i.f :"Ilu'.,?t afternoon. The members riUnnL motion to change date of state con tention, out, no action was taken,! TODAY'S MARKET. -v.tvTV.AnNw ,a70--Wlicat vallei Jc; alla alia, 71c. 2.10Uerrifb0Ltland' $3,85; SuPrHne, Oats White35 (a3(5c. Hay-Good, 31213 per ton. ...n? -ralGc;old crop 4(a0c OrSriS!"0'' ,4I8c EdStern Mlllsturi-Bran,$17; shorts, $17. .uS?nS:ScV,u,xed' &' r.iikrs urcL'fin. IK- nn. ,in. ""-Oreen, salted 00 lbs, under GO lbs.0JCa7c;sheep pelts.l Butter-Best, dairy, 30CM0c; fancv reamery, 50c(.i55c a foil. ' Cy a Potatoes, -JScfjnooo per sack Apples-30(a:Sc a box. Hoirs Ileavy, $4.50. ita&i ' " """i a; oressea, .. SALEM MAJtlfET. Wheat 67c. Oats 30c. Apples.25(r35c in trade. Hay Baled, cheat, $9iruiio. taU M.00. w,10lQ!,alc ,Sw. M-S0: re- Ilogs-dre'sed, 4c. LUo cattle 2fe'J,. ButfprnTUu-ii... aiJi. ' WVH,ci "eamery, . A Common Dishpan Is not a thing of beauty but it Is a necessity. We have them in all sizes, also teakettles, brass ket tles, granite kettles, etc., etc. Also a full line of stoves, tinware and house furnishing goods GRAY BROS, Corner State and Liberty sts, Salem, Oregon. 10c: 8s: g7ic. 3150. Sheep Lic, 2c a lb. Wool Best. IKalge. Hops -Best S((il4c. Eggs- 15c In trade. roultry-IIens, Oc; turkeys, ducks;0c per lb; geese, $i(a$j. i.",,n-fl!,,"!!!!?.,..niS?srIl'con, ........ .v, auuuiuur, suave. Potutoes-23c in trade Better Than Klondike Gold. Is health and strength -.Mined by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, the treat Wood purlHer. It fortlhes the whole systeiu and gives you ,uch strength hinh ou Vroubl.es cease- antl w"rk f'.nia1co,I1t,a"",""' ! Hood's pills are the cathartic and liyer tonic liable, sure. best family . Oontlc, re- Tkansfeu a deed T ..., .i.r. '",, '.'.""A .Utea Irom ej lair 50.30 acres In to s r 2w. with S? ' oration of $3,000, was today tiled with County Hecorder P. W. Wator, A mortL'iiirB fn. inn ..!'! V.alors- day. ,so niea t0 Watch Pumnc- it lVM"cU:n:sc.r,"vERSOSS r,u 2 CATOIUA 'mdUmei& MY SUCCESS Is No Secret. The reason Is plain. I Kve flrst class work and goods to match, and as for price I give the best value for the money in the city. The daily increase in the ont.eni iinA Is evident of the satisfaction given. Remember my work hall warranto. Consultatlo i and eyes tested free. Practical Optician. CHARLES n. HINGES. D. R. 303 Commercial street, second dnor north of postoQlce, Salem, Or. KNrS.q.NA?.,7ILAPTH1sfor BPINAL WX -) i'r -Whiwn iani-ir "- ' - - , ... .- . .w- -m. .,,1, .-g,--.