Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 19, 1898, Image 2

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I! V
ft ' -.
Hood's ' '- '
Pi g'How It Is Lying Idle in the Banks.
Are gaining favor rapMlr.
IInlns men and travel
lerii carry them In Test
pnckt, lutlei rtrtr tliem
In t"irta. lionttkteprM kp ttirni In mMlclne
clcxtU, frlendj recommend them to friend. c
Daily Capital Journal
An Eastern Oregon Paper on the State
Treasury Farce.
WEDNESDAY. JAN. 19, 1898.
Oregon Has Been Discredited by
, Asking Too Much.
Important Streams and Harbors Neglected
by Trying to Iraprova Duck Streams.
All of Hltitfer Hermann's appropri
ation JotH for Improving the big
creeks and little river arc being
knocked out by the war department. 'at Salem th
'mat Kinu or ouricoiiiois pontics m
about phi) ud out,
Wnllc lie lias tried to II it.tr the
creduallty or the voters on these
fltreamVy making them believe that
the government v.ouid spend millions
on them merely because he could
lobby a bill through, harbors arc neg
lected. This kind of demagogy nnd secur
ing of undeserved appropriations In 11
rcc'flcH mtrtnur has reacted against
Oregon until the delegation from this
Btate can't get what we really need
Itlsttimpl Impus-dbU for the gov
ernment to undertake to Improve
every creek aid goose pond because It
I1.1pp.ms to bj connected with salt
witor Tho principal harbors and
navigable streams that ulfcct the
comuiisrcuand mirket for products of
11 largo pait of the state should be
under government control and Im
provement. Congressman Tongue will act wisely
If ho does not try to do too much in
the way of appropriations. If he can
dr anything for the Willamette and
Columbia and a few principal harbors,
he will havo done all that the people
of this district have a right to ex
pect. Ho will not bo so fool
ish as to promise every neigh
borhood 11 public building, nor
eyery water course an appropria
tions. If he Is continued In congress,
as he has a perfect right to expect to
be If the Republican party remains in
control of this district, ho will gain In
Inlluence In the national congress In
propirtlon as lie pursues a conser
vail vu course on this question of up
propriatlons. A congressman can do
butjittle the llrst term ho serves.
Jlut that should not prevent his pur
suing 11 couro that will Klvc him
nrcst go. stand I iii I and inllueucc in
proportion ushls ritrecr Is lengthened.
The material Interests of a fur
Western state dike Oregon demand
that a congressman so cnndusl hi in-
self as to remain in congress ten :ir
twenty years. For 0110 or .even two
terms, a member Is not worth his
While we disagree with Mr. Tongue
on soma of his political viows we can
not, In justice to the pcoplu of this
stntu, but express the hopo that he
may pursue a wise middle course and
not overwork tho ' appropriation
An Outlaw Fatally Wounded,
Wichita, Kan , Jan. 1?. A special
to tho Kuglo from Alva, O. T.
Paul Motca'.f, said to bo a refugee
from Montana, where ho has 11 sen
tonco for minder hanging over him,
was probably fatally wounded In a
desperate light with a posse of Sher
iff McGruth'a deputies. In 11 dugout
near Winchester, 'JO miles northwest
of hero. Mctcalf received n bullet
through his chest, and lies at the
Solntof deth In too county jail hero,
houltl horecovor, a requisition nwalts
him. Chief of Pollco Holmes, or
Pittsburg, Kan., gave tho local auth
orities warning or the outlaw's pros.
onco In Oklahoma. None of tho
deputies w-iotjorlously lnlurcd In tho
A oough which seems to hang
on In spite of all the remedies which
you have applied certainly needs
energetic and sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved Its effectiveness in cur
ing the trying affeotlons of the
throat and lungs, and this is th:
reason whyt the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes the wnoie sys
tem) the hypophosphites
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the Irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
IW urt you g.t SCOTT'S Emuhlon. 5 tfutjht
'nu and (uh if en tht Wtpptr.
jot. nd f i.oo, U dnifiUU.
SCOTT & UOWN.B, ChemUu, Nw Ywk
fyyf y.
The Republican patty Is Kivlng the
people neither "sound money" nor
an honest public administration and
wc can Drove It.
Our wonderful gold standard money
system my bo very wonderful when
11 is ruiiy organized and established,
which it Is not yet. Hut In the mean
time It Is wonderful unsatisfactory.
Jusllook at It for a moment. The
national banks ae required to keep
'.'.undreds of millions locked up to
make good their circulation. The
word national bank Is a mlnnomcr
xncy oeiter ne caned national mon
opoly. bccauc If they were truly na
tional banks Issuing a truly national
currency, It would need no gold locked
up to make It good.
Next these banks must keep locked
up vudt sums to make good, or seem
ingly good the deposits of their
customers. Yet this Is all a fallacy,
as Is shown by the fact that tho iik-i
gregate deposits In all kinds of banks
amount to more than four times all
the money In the country. When
national banks were popping and
tottering all over the northwest, it
was a purely, private banking house
at Salem that held up scores of totter
ing national monopolies. Kvcn the
Klrst national at Portland was hard
put to It to hlp In enough of money
from eastern cities to tide It over.
Thy whole present financial system
and banking system seems to bo con
structed to produce Insecurity, un
certainty and to leck up the money
and keep it from circulating. Mc
Klnley and Gago were hard hit by
benator Wolcott when he said their
views on finance were absolutely at
variance with each other. One talks
bimetallism, the other talks gold
standard. Yet with a reserve of 8100.-
000,000 gold wc arc lloatlng $(,00,000,
000 silver currency which Gi'gc says
is not money but tokens worth 10c on
the dollar until It Isredeemed In gold.
1 f we are to have the gold standard
with its full beneficent Inlluencc do
lec us have It. Let McKlnley and
Gagclijtrnioiilzo their views and let
the Republican parly havo thecour
ageof lis convictions oriel us have
free coinage of both metals and let
the devil take tho hindmost.
The worst farccof all Is the manage
ment of our state treasury, where the
people are compelled to pay 8 per cent
Interest on their own taxes. Not sat
isfied with locking up the money of
the people, tho collection or which the
treasurer was In great haste to com
pel!, and which the courts decided
must no paid at once, tiicn the same
courtdeclarcs, tho secretary of state
must Issue Interest-bearing warrants,
but the treasurer shall not cash them.
Thus the money Is locked up, but the
people pay Interest on taxes already
Tho Dalles Tlmes-Mountainccr lias
the following article on the Oregon
State Treasurer Metschan has made
his semi-annual report, showing the
balance In the state tieasury, and re
ports tho balance or unexpended funds
to be $8(17,70:1.27. This neat little
sum has been collected olf the taxpay
ers or Oregon, and locked up In the
hands of the state treasurer (presum
ably at least) while thetiite laiKivlnti
Interest on vjry near'y that amount of
outstanding warrants for current ex
penses. This Is 0110 of the legacies left by
tho was-to-have-been legislature or
18!7. Had the legislature organized
tho money collected for state taxes
would have boen returned through
the channels of trade to the people,
where It would today bo performing
Its ordinary functions, and the Inter
est charges would bo stopped. That
tho money Is not actually locked up
In the vaults or the state trcasuror,
or courso everybody understands, for
Mr. Metschan Is not, the kind or a
man to allow money to lay around
Idle, but so far as tho taxpayers are
concerned It Is Inactive., since thev
will have to nav accumulated Intnrnst,
In time.
Ilortcver had 11 legislature been
elected In 1800 with some other ob
ject In view than the election of a
United States senator, this would not
have been. At least tho general ap
propriation bill would havo been
passed, and what Is loft oyer of the
stato taxes would have been squan
dered In tho ordinary manner, so Mr.
Metschan would not have had such a
huge cash balance to havo reported,
and wo would not now bo paying In
tension a half million dollars state
debt. Oregonlans may somo day
learn that the legislature has other
functions to perform than to elect
Criticism of Washington Plan by a
Who, of Course, Claims to be the Only
Friend of the Poor Man.
(From the Dally Eugene Register.)
Some people's Ideas of political and
social reform are worthy of careful
study and some are peculiar for their
E. llorer, of the Salem Capital
Jooknal, is traveling through Wash
ington, corresponding for his paper
anu taxing pointers or wasnington
populist government. Mr. Ilofer
promises to put these budgets In such
a plebeian style that wc can all un
derstand them. Here Is one of bis
first arguments ollercd for the super
iority or Governor Roger's 10 to 1
administrations. The correspondent
"The law has also been changed to
collect a penalty of 15 per cent if
taxes become delinquent. Anyone
buying a tax title gets 15 per cent a
year interest for a deed at tho end of
three years. This compels people to
pay up or lose their property, Before
the penalty was 10 per cent. If they
could make more on their money they
did not pay their taxes."
Had all the ''gold-bug .plutocrats
grinning iiionopoiistV'SMarK iianna
trust Republicans" and "Wall street
robb rs," or the United States, com
bined to pass a law that would place
a poor laboring man under their
power, no worse law could be enacted
than this one. It Illustrates effec
tively, tho Inconsistency of the "re
form movement." A poor laborer who
liasa little home half paid for, takes
sick: or his wife and children are
sick. Ho gets behind In his work,
und caniiot pay his Itaxcs. A Seattle
or Tacoma money broker buys up the
tax title and tarter holding It three
years ne exacts 10 per cent annnni,
irom tins uniortunute victim, or
takes a deed to the property.
We are glad our Eugene friend
called cor attention to this, as wc
may bo mistaken in our statement of
the Washington plun as we only took
a rapid statement of a Seattle busi
ness man for It. Wc shall. make a
careful Inquiry Into the matter, now
that bur attention bus been called to
what mlghtsecmas an apparent In
justice to the poor mar. The Popu
list state treasurer told us at Olym
plajthat until the new revenue (was
passed last year by tho Fusion legisla
ture dellaouent taxes were practi
cally uncollectuble, and that the new
law had compelled the delinquents to
pay up so last that they had called In
Hundreds or thousands or dol
lars or warrants and put
the state credit above par
It was not, he told us, so much
tho poorer class of taxpayers who
took advantage of the old law, but tho
money sharks, bankers, speculators,
corporations and non-residents, for
whom or course the Register is not
concerned, Poor people never can
take advantage or tax laws like the
In Marion county the poorer and
middle class of taxpayers pay up first
and as soon as It Is delinquent, while
the big taxpayers take advantage of
the delays and keep the county out of
the use of the money from six mouths
to a year. Is that u just system ?
Rut wo hope to be able to furnish
spcclllc and authoritative information
uboul the Washington law and Its
actual operation. In the mean time
we beg of our editorial friend that he
judge not too hastily from thestan
polnt of purely partisan prejudice.
For Constipation take Karl s Clover Root
tei, the great lllood Purifier. Cures Head
ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face,
and makes the tead clear as a bell. Sold by
D.J. Fry
Poisoned With Trichitae
uNilks, Mich. .Jan. 19. Louis Wack,
of Clareiicevllle, killed a hog that was
diseased and ho and his wife and
seven children were poisoned with
trichinae. A 17-year-old daughter
died and It is feared the entire family
will die.
EJECT, u jj w y y V VvtvCCSOOC''S
for Infants nnd Children.
Tlie Fac-simile Signature of
Appears on Every Wrapper.
Bargains in Real Estate!
254 Commercial Street, Salem, Or.
tW Wccra agents for Canadian Pacific Railway.
For Chemawa.
Washington, Jan. 11) Senator Mc
Rrldo has olTored an amoudiiioul
which ho will try to haye made part
of the Indian appioprlatlon bill
to Increaso tho size of tho Indian
school at Choinuwa, near Salem. It
provided as follews:
For tho support or -100 pupils at
91U7iai'li per annum $(W,SX)
Steam-heating plant 15,000
Kleetrli' light tilant -i.onu
tieneral repairs and luiprove
nionUt 5,000
(ymiiaslum building and equip
uionts 1,500
Kiilargeiiiont of shops 11,000
mi- iivumuiy ouiiuing, (lining
hall and other nuco:ary
buildings , 7,000
Thoanioiulniont provides that all
work, as rar as nvlble, shall bo pvr-
fnrmedas far as practicable by tho
school carpenter and pupils.
Whiskey on Hoard,
T.uuma, Wash., Jan, lO.-Customs
olllcers seiit'il several hottles and
doinljiihns of whl-koy last night hid
den awn) In various parts of tho
Mentuer KuMillo, iimWouj tu hor de
parture for Alaska. No reMsUinoo
was iiuiilo ui tho search and no owner
oliiliutMl any of tho voutUcutiHl stuff
harmony or 1
lr. MIW I'ulu I'll I. "Onu roul n thwtv
lulu ho uotJiow with Dr, Mllm I'ulu IMIU.
woman's life depends
upon the perfect ac
cordance of her mental
with her nhvsical
hehifj. All the
emotions of love
and marriage and
motherhood have
physical attributes
in the delicate
special organism
of her sex. If
these intricate
functions are dis
turbed by weak
ness and disease
her whole nature
is out of tune. More women's lives are
made discordant and full of suffering
from tills one cause than there Is any
need of. These delicate complaints are
not u necessity of womanhood, nor is it
necessary for modest women to undergo
the repugnant nnd generally useless
methods of treatment so common with
All fonns of "female complaint" are
At ul M 111.. 1bb m.ft 1 -.f ...li f
iuicm uic uuij uuiuriii, Bcicmmc way
by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
which reaches the internal source of the
trouble; purifies, heals, strengthens ami
cures radically and permanently. It is
the only medicine of the kind devised by
nn educated and skilled specialist in wo
men's diseases for the sole purpose of
curing this one class of diseases.
" 1 cm 11 not nay too much Tor Dr Pierr' Fror
lie I'rocriiitlon," write Mlu CUrm lulrd. of
llr(lccrt, Montgomery Co.. IVun't J ftt it
ray ditty to w)' to all norncn who may be ulTcr
itilt from any tllieae of the womb that It it the
brl medicine flu earth for them to use. 1 cannot
proUe it too hijlily for the Hood it did me If I
any ouc doubt thu give them my name and
book, "Common Sense M
contains information of utmost value to
women. A paper-bound copy will be I
sent free If you send a I one-cent statu jh
to my the cost of ntailimr onlv. Ad-
I dress World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Ilufftdo, N. Y. For handsome,
cloth-bound copy, send 10 stamps extra.
2600 acre grain'and s'.ock farm three miles
from railroad runiry water, good tprings
aad fair buildings. This is the best bargain in
the Willamette valley. Price onl) $6.50 per
332 acres, two and one-half n.iles northwest
of Amity 2J0 acres under cultivation; all
fenced; 2 houses and 2 barns; 'annly orchard;
level land running wtter Piice $28.00 per
690 acres adjoining Marion station a fine
stok farm 90 acres under cultivation first
class family orchard good house; 2 good
barns tprings and running water nil for S12
per acre.
3u acres, 3 miles ncrth of Scio, 2 miles
from Shelburg at the crosr'fg of the O C &
ERR and S P R R. 150 acres in cultivatien:
good house and barn; all under fencel family
erchard: good springs and running wa'cr.Price
100 acres 4 miles southwest of Turner 10
acres in cultivation; 30 acres in pasture good
houso andbarn 3 springs; 7 acres of prunes.
Only $25. per acre.
71 acres one-half mile 10m Minto, 20 acres
in cultivation good house and barn; runlng
water. Price $1300.
20 acres of fine land 3 miles south all in
"ood cuit'vation for $750,
TO TRADE.320 acres inUmatilla county
for improved Salem property.
TO TRADE... 1S5 aerei on the Alsea for
city of Salem property, improved or unim
A fine iciidence property inside, cheap,
call for prices.
House anl 3 acres of ground in subinbs o
city cheap. $700.
A good new house of 9 rooms for Slooo.
$150 cash, balance J8. per month.
House and lot in Yew Park at a
List your house and farm for rent or for tale
with us.
We sell tickets on theC nadian Pacific rail
road at $5.00 to $7.00 less to eastern points,
Four blocks from Lincoln schocl house,
fine residence half-block in Salem with
priwle e of enclosing half of street, city rater
fine fruit trees, if sold within three months
for S300. A bargain' as it commands beau.n
bargiin a
rui view .
ffe i a'
rtjjy o .A o r jziiL 111 irssiiiatv-ra; h
1 li i
Altona and Famonn
leaves for Portland daily, ex
cept Sunday at7 :45 a- "'
Quick time, regular cei
ice ami low rates.
Dock between I 'ate
and Court streets.
Acent. jalem.
So more Coflln Monoplics in Salem.
256jCommcrcial street,
Has Just added a full and complete
line of Collins Caskets, Hobos and
evcrythlngpretaining to the under
taking business. Embalming a
specialty. Needs no recommendation
as he lias practiced ills profession in
Salem for 15 years and that will speak
for Itself. I also carry a full line of
furniture, carpets, wallpaper, mould
inr PrifPutn fit the hard times.
rnii nnd hf convinced. Phone at
store No, 103, at house Mo. 194.
The Royal of London,
The Home of New York
The.e two companies ate nprssented by
Gilbert Uros.. and are two of the best com
panies to insure in in the world. The Home
has cash assets of over ten millions. The
RovU has over twelve millions.
"The Home was formerly represented by
C. M. Glenn and was recently purch.istd by
Gilbert Ilros. , who will he pleased to make
all renewals when the policies expire.
The Royal has been represented b Gilb rt
Bros., for oer fifteen years, llcth companies
pay their losses promptly.
28-lm Agents.
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis at Paul and Den.
ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to
eastern citift.
For full details call on or address
agents, Salem, Oregon,
Portland San Francisco.
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portlanl
Dec 28, Jan. 2, 7. 12, 17, 22, 27, Keb'
1,6, II, 16, 21, 26,
Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, $2.50.
Ruth for Portland Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 10 a. m. For Corvallis, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 3 p. m. Steamer
Elmore for? 1 r.land Tuesday, Thursday ant
Saturday at 6:45 a. m.
Transfers to street car line at Oregon City
if the steamers are delayed there. Round
trip tickets to all points in Oregon. Washing,
ton, California or the east. Connecting
made at Portland with all rail, ocean and
river lines. Call on G. M. Powers, agent,
foot Trade street.
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or.
are headquarters for them,
and all work connected
with the business.
214 Commarcia
Notice isherebv civen that there are funds
on hand applicable to the payment of all war
rants of the city of Salem, endorsed on or be
fore lune 6. 1806. drawn unnn rhp fronprnl
fund. Please present said warrants for pay
ment at Ladd & Hush bwk. as interest on
same will cease from the dale of this notice.
A. A. LEE,
Citv Treasurer.
Sa em, Dec. 28, 1S97. 1 S lot
Kay Woolen
To Stockholders of the Thos,
fhf regular annual meeting of stockholders
ot tnis company will be held at their office
on luesday, January 18, iSoS, at 2 o'clock p
rn, lot the purpose of electing directors for
me ensuing year.
1 s 3v Secretary
Southern Pacific Co
6:00 P M
745 A M
Lv.. 'Portland.
8:30 r m Lv. . . . Satem
1 710 1
San Francisco. Lv ( 800 r m
Above tnuns stop at all principal statiom
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion
Jetierbon, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Ilalsey,
ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Cresweil
Cottage Grove, Drnin, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Roseburg to Ashland inclusive.
830 A
520 P
Lv ...Portland
Lv.... Salem....
Ar ...Roseburg.
(4 -'30
2 OO;
sleeper and second-chun
sleeping cars attached to all through trains
Mail tlains daily except Sunday.
730 A M
1215 r M
f Ar
Arl 550 pm
Lv) 1.-05 m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of the O. C. & E. Ry.
43O P
7--3 p
8:30 r
Ml Lv
m Lr .
m) Ar
... Portland.... Ar
. McMinnville Lv
Independence Lv
825 A M
J 825 .
5--5 -)
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
Sailing dates on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and
LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtain?!
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket .Tent,
R. KOEIJLER, Manager.
C. II. MARKHAV G. F. & P. A. Portland
1 made happier still by a pleasant t'lp
across the contient nnd the pleasure of buch
a tri.u-greatly enhanced by a railway ser
vice, which includes comfort, safety.courteoi's
treatment and fast time. These are th fnnr
11.0,1 proii.iiiMU features of the Northern
I acific Kai'roJd and tbe features of whirl,
palrnii, alas rlipc fnll,, i,.;r.. n
information as to terms, -cmnections, etc ,
will be cheerful y furnished, and tickets to
Watt l o.. 266 Commercial Street, halem
1 rams leave Portland 11 n. m.
Trains arrive Portland 5 p. m.
Pierce's thousand-page, illustrated
leilicat AUviscr." 1
don't know
Pa says he
"Oh George 1 I
wn.it to ao. 1 in sure,
ui never consent 10 my marry
Itg a man as extravagant a nu
are. He says you never ' v
anvthingbut that exnensive 1 .or
Hcidsieck Tobacco."
The new five-cent piece of
'Expensive? Why, the old
mans luh.nd the time?. The
sue of the plug hi's been in
creased 40 per cent. Piper Hcid
sieck is really the cheapest to
nacco on the market."
MU. I W 6rtf finft- MaTTTKrTTrgg3flirg3
Eastern R. K. Company
Connecting at Yaqyina Bay with the Sa
rrancisco & Yaquina Hay Steamship Co.
3ails from Yaauina everv 8 rlnirc for ;
Francisco, Coos Bay, Poit Orford, Trinidad
and Humbolt Bay.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to Sao
trancisce: Cabin, J8; steerage, $6.
Kound trip, good 60 days, J 17.
To Loos Bay cabin $8; steerage $6.
To Humboldt Bay aad Port Orford, cabin
ioj steerage $8.
..-earner '-Albany" between Portland and
W.-vallis, through witeput lay-over. Leaving
Lorvalhseyo a. m. Tuesdays, Tnursdays and
Sundays leaves Portland, Yamhill street
Fdda MndayS' Wednesdays and
J. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division.
C.G.COKER. Agent. Salem.'
Ccrvallis, Or
The buffet
es vi.t 7
' cent, larger than the old fivc-cent rjieo
at to IT
VV ?,!. I'M ' any Price'atd he largest pla
s f "Ucrca for nve cents. r'"
g ol r..t, r..Vrcdfo jg
nn t Ia. Tl. i 1 . .
' I 1 ".""ur"l(in'S.Sf. Paill-t'hlrviirn
full (MrrL.t T h""T ''"""'K.oeauu
tablesttnu a writinL- diir iii.lelS??:
Orecion Short Line I
,n?f uSt most dir' route
riv. 5 n Co,rad. Kansas, Missouri
ruer and all southern and eastern points.
Look at tt e time:
Portland to.New York, iM days.
Poitland to Chicago, 3 days.
ortlandtoSt. Louis y days.
Port and to Denver. 2 days.
Portland to Salt Lake, 1 W.
f t V , ' "B cna,r cars.
Lpholstered tourist sleeping cars
I ullman palace sleeping cats.
--..-.. juiutuiars regard nr rales
cards, etc.. call nn . .jj" rales
C 0AgTnt alem0r
veling Passenger Agent. PorS, Or.
General Agent.
nd frr.,. .iu ..-. 1, A.
- """wuui.usisaa. iu.
n'l A-nt, Portland, Or.
a.-u;: mz a man
1 .- 2 cr i aj.'' "'Lr ""W and fnUU
-. 1- U.i V ' lll"'"r na Con,jm,,llBn ft
? aiect;r6M! "2L?,?,,y' imp-o..
upua ftvir ti. .v "y.auomeri xall.
aw ItnirtVi."'".? ticn" rr irkM
A I A r'T'i" -"1M
J " .'t'-MiiDY CO.
' " 1 .lJ,VK iSfifl J Tablet.. Th",
lObY CO.. wSLSsi,
For Sa!i atlSdiem ur. bv 0 J FRY