MLiJJ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. vol. SALEM, OREGO-N", WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19,1898. NO, 17 BiMgWlBllil'MquiMywitfeKiiit'ltAXTuM'iLiiLWP- A FINE tf M& Wool undcrweor for men, reduced from 95c to 75c each. This is a Klondike at the price. All sizes in Children's Grey Wool Undeawear reduced to close out . Sizes 16 to 32. Children's Fleece-Lined Underwear, sizes 16 to 32, reduced to dose. It will pay you to buy at these reduced prices, Bay State Long Rubber Boots reduced io 52,75 to close out, Boston Long Rubber Boots reduced to $3,25 to close, Only a few winter goods to close them all out. I Neu) York Racktf I ilt(rVsVmsHUNflJB!rJv'X,B'l vetcoat ov Suit5 ii The purchase of either calls for judgment In selection. The quality of the fabric must be noted, also the workmanship, as the style of a garment does not Indicate itslwearing qualities. Our stock of overcoats and suits for the winter trade will stand the most rigid Inspection. All the latest fashions are represented and every garment is made of honest and trustworty material. If there Is any pattern or shade that we do not show it is because it is unsalable. Don't fail to see our heavy all wool clay worsted suits and overcoats, rrlce $10. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. Last Going at 60c on the of the Bankrupt Stock make a finish, and are Bankrupt ventory and during the time, they will sell all goods at an average of 60c on the doiV lar, Some goods a trifle above, and some goods below, Will positively close at the end of the month for the balance will be sold in a lump, There remains some good bargains in clothing, mackintoshes, dry goods, shoes, hats, underwerr, velvets, plushes and needles, at Friedman's Auction House, corner State and Commercial sts. LINE OR ff left and we want Which do you want ? of the dollar, The owners are determined now taking an to in GoilOli stock I EXCITEMENT GROWS, Cuban Administratibn Not Giving Satisfaction, BOTH PARTIES DISSATISFIED Relations Between Madrid and Ha vana Strained. New York, Jan. 19. According to the Tribune correspondent at Huvana badgering the government occupies the attention of two classes In Cuba at present. One class Is the conserva tives, who were predisposed to fault tinding. Determined to have no share in the administration of autonomy, they are now congratulating them selves. The responsibility of implant ing that system is indeed a heavy one, ana tuose wtio do not snare in It are fortunate. The other class is a new creation. Its members call themselves radical autonomists. They arc dggressive and critical. If the authorities de part from the straight path of colon ial home rule they cry "lapse" from the housetops. The amnesty such as has already been extended does not satisfy them. They demand that Wcyler and all Ills works be dlsa. vowed, and nail for reparation in indi vidual cases. They also insist on im mediate reform of variious abuses and the remoyal of the press censorship. In short, they have a program which causes them to be called both dis guised insurgents and embryo rebels It is unfortunate for the regime of autonomy that misunderstandings have arisen between Madrid and Ha vana. The opposition pretends not to know the Cuban government is. Captain-General Blanco or the auton omist cabinet. Where geuuine doubts exist they are solved satisfactorily by electing to rest rest under the author ity of General -Blanco. But tho mis understandings between thoSagasta ministry and the autonomist cabinet cannot be settled so easily. The au tonomist constitution is a comprehen sive one. It may be that its authors did not thoroughly understand their work, The control of the ludiciary was a delecate matter. The autonomist cabinet thought it had been organ ized in favor of home-rule appoint ments, but the minister of the colo nics has recently made the nomina tions of judges and magistrates. The cabinet protest. Madrid responds, re gretting the mistake, but explains that provisional autonomy did not go into effect until January 1, and these nominations, though gazetted now, were in reality made before that time. These embarassments, while annoy ing, are not of a serious nature. If autonomy was acceptable to a major ity of the people of Cuba they would not jeopardize its success. But it must be stated that the majority of the people on the island, in tiie In surgent camps or within the lines of Spanish sovereignty, arc not paying much heed to autonomy as a political system. The government, which means Captain-General Blanco, and not the autonomist capitalist, is asked what the further plans of the government are, and when they will be put In force. The news from Madrid is that the plans of General Blanco's military op erations have been published and haye had a good effect. The plans have not been published. The army is in igno rance of the prospective plans. The intelligent populace has bejSnled to look for the close of the ingurrcctlon within a month, but this Is looked upon as impossible. The condition In Cuba ia viewed through 'dllferent glasses. The ru mor abouc the 'conduct of the war brings radical autonomists to the front with their series of Interrogato ries. Since the insurgents will not accept autonomy, these radicals want the government to ask Gomez and his associate chiefs what they will ac cept. The newspapers began by pumping their Inquiries into Senor Galvez, the president of the autonomist cabinet. He responded by stopping his sub scriptions. General Blanco was not a subscriber, and when the questions were turned on him that method of resentment was not open. The autonomists and reformists, who formed a fusion organization to support the government, arc also asked what their next step Is. Many think that in trying autonomy. Spain played her last card, but they were sure she would not turn trumps. The conservatives have no plans be yond picking flaws. They agree that Blanco's military policy will not bring peace. They are of one mind in denouncing the United States for forbidding a return to Weylcr's policy but they realize that the prohibition is an effective one. Some of them would go to war with the United States, in order to lose Cuba in a way that would be consistent with their Idea of Spain's honor. Back of all Is the Idea of American intervention. It can hardly be said to be longer in the background. Henceforth it must be discussed as a probability which all parties in Cuba recognize. With the insurgents it is evidently a definite purpose. To Spain's government in the Antilles it may present itself either as a refuge or a retreat. Irreconcilable Spaniards dread it. The property-owners and' the commercial classes welcome the prospect. But while this Is the feeling, It should not He misinterpreted. The conditions in Cuba will not of them selves bring about the basis of Inter vention. The Initial step must b e taken elsewhere, possible In Maddrli possibly in Washington, Demoraliz ation amounting to anarchy may continue for a long while with out either the military authority or the civil government, as represented by the autonomist cabinet, asking foreign aid to restore peace. xne growing misery or tne people leads to the hope that Intervention.' will not be Indefinitely delayed. Starvation claims Its hundreds of Victims dally. No effective and per manent relief can be given .the popu lations In Cuba until the present con ditions are reversed. Rioting Probable. Washington, Jan. 19. Senor Da Lome, the Spanish minister, received an oflloial cablegram from Ilavane stating that the city is in its normal condition without the slightest fear or any further disturbance. UNIor IN LAKE. Progress in Marion County tfryan Men for Judges and Clerks. Laiceview, Ore., Jan. 15. (Special to The Journal.) A meeting of the People's party and Democratic county central committees was held at the court House here today and a Union of Populists, Democrats and Silver Republicans was formed on county ticket without a dissenting voice. The division of the ticket is to be as follews: People's party: county Judge, clerk, treasurer and coroner. Demecratic: sheriff, commissioner, assessor, school superintendent, sur veyor. Each party will maintain a separate organization but nominate a Union ticket in a Joint convention. Following delegates were elected to the state conventiens: Peeples: S. P. Moss, A. W. Charlton, J. C. Oliver. Demecrats: Hon. B. Daly, M. T. Waters, Joseph Lane. The primaries were set for April 16, ana county convention ioi April zj. Progress for union in Marlon county has been rrade the past week. Mr. Kigdon's address to the People's party central committee was well received The People's party is practically a unit for a union county ticket. The date set for their primaries is Satur day, March 12,and county convention, Wednesday, March 10. Tho county court, at its present session, has recognized to a certain extent the request of a Union com mittee composed of D. J. Fry (Dem) Geo. W. Weeks (Pop.) and D. C. Sherman (Sil. Rep.) for tho appoint ment of a judge and clerk of election for the minority party who supported Bryan. The Bryan voters were the only party opposed to- ihe Repub licans and thus had a right to de mand one clerk and one Judge. In the presidential election in many precincts the entire board cf clerks and judges were supporters of McKIn ley. The new list, as published else where, does not do the Bryan voters justice in some precincts. But tho county court probably did tho best they could under the circumstances. A board of election judges and clerks all of one party Is not fair, legal, de cent or just. Yet that was the actual status in many precincts. For in stance, the statement is made that the persons on as Democrats, in Salem No. 4, were both Mc Kinley supporters. The are again on as Democrats. Tills is not the Intent of the law. not bclleyc it is -the desire of the county court to violate the spirit of the law in the least particular, but they are besought to appoint certain persons under outside pressure of Re publican politicians. The straight Bryan or Silver organ ization have asked for nothing but what is fair and lawful In this matter and believe they should have had rec ognition in each precinct. We be lieve the court has uimed honestly to do this but has not entirely succeeded. Another Republican Club Meets. The Worklngmen's Republican club of Salem, held a meeting in the police court room at the city hall, Tuesday eyening when delegates were elected to the State Republican League which meets at Portland, Feburary 1. TI12 club was entitled to thirty-one dele gates. President Earl Race was named us a delegate at large and three delegates were named from each of the ten Salem precincts as follews: Salem. No. 1 W. I. Staley, W. T. Bell, r. 11. Raymond. Salem. No, 2-C. A. Bort, Goodc, M. J. Knerr. Salem, No. 3 L. P, Adams, Allison, L. b. Winters. Salem, No. 4 J. A. Evans, J. F. J E. J. P. i'ones, Aiarx savage. Prospect C, A. Murphy, S. A. Hughes, Joseph Schindler. Englewood A. E. Parker, John Veatch, W. II. Savugo. South Salem Geo. F, Mason, A. Ohmart, John Newsome. North Salem-C. W. Knox, A. M. Clough, L. R. Stlnsun. East Salem E. E. Worrlck, A. E. Strum; und Louis Folsom. Yew Park F. L. Thomson, G. R, Baker and 0. B. Irvine. A committee consisting of Messrs. C, A. Murphy, L. R. Stlnton and 11. Pohlc was named to confer with a like committee fiom the Salem Republi can c'nb with a view to receiving a reduced transportation rate. Vacancies In the olliccs of vice pres ident and treafurer were then billed by the election of A. E. Parker and P. H. Raymond, respectively. Speeches were made by Earl Race, A, E. Parker, P. II. Raymond, J. P. Fones and others Jin which 'oyalty to Republican principles as enunciated by the Republican plutform, und a de sire for harmony within tho party were discussed at length. Cj New Election Precincts Also Changes Made Boundaries in the BY THE MARION COUNTY COURT Official Description of the Precinct Lines, New A number of important were made in the election changes precincts of Marlon county which are glvcu be IOW. Tho lines of East Salem wero drawn by James Culver, the former city en gineer. ENQLEWOOU PRECINCT. The new boundaries of E iglewood precinct us tixed by the county court Tuesday areas follews: Beginning at the termination of Lib erty street in Salem, when said street Intersects North Mill Creek, thence north-easterly to Broadway street In North Salem, thence northerly along Broadway street to Market; thence easterly along Market street to Sixth street; thence northerly along Sixth street to the Salem and Brooks county road, thence northerly along said county road to the center of tho mulu ditch in Luke Lublsh; thence easterly following the center of said ditch and the main channel through the lake to where it unites with the west branch of the Pudding river: thence southerly following up the west brancli of Pudding river to tho line betweeu bections 21 und 28 In t7sr 2w, being also the center of the said county road leading from Salem through the Capital City fruit forms to the south end of Howell Prairie, thence west to the corner-of sections 28 and 29 In 1 7 s r 2w; thence south to tho southeast corner of the Zacharlah Pollard claim; thence west to the southwest corner of the Robbins' claim; thence northerly to tho south east corner or the I. Baker claim; thence westerly along the county road 'eadlug from Salem past tho asylum, to North MUL creek; thence down Mill creek to the place of beginning. The voting place for tho said preolnct shall be at Wade's store, EAST SALEM PRECINCT. Thd county court yesterday changed the boundaries of this clnct which will hereafter be as lews: Beginning at the n. e. corner of d. I.e. of A. F. Waller in 1 7 sr, also the 3 w and running thence north GO degrees west along tho old claim line to tho street east of Frlckey's addition to Salem; thence northerly along tho said street to the Salem and Asylum county read; thence easterly along said county road to tho southeast cor ner of tho I. Baker D. L. C; thence southerly along the county road to the south west corner of the Robbins claim; thenco easterly along the county road to the line between sec tlors28und29in t7sr, 2 w; thence nortli to the corner of sections 20, 21, 23 and 29 in t 7 s r, 2 w; thence easterly following tho course of tho county road through the Capi tal City Fruit Farms to the west line of the C. Hagcy d. 1. c, in t7s. r. 2w ; thenco south along tho west line of the Ilagey claim to the north line of the Benjamin Walden Claim; thenco. west along tho north lino of the Walden claim to tho northwest corner of said claim; thence south along the. west lino of tho said Walden claim to the county road leading from Salem via Lien Eoll 's, which road Is laid along the nortli line of the N. Shrum claim; thence west along the county road to the line between sec tions 27 and 28 In t. 7 s. r. 2w, thonce south to the southeast corner of sec tion 33 In t. 7 s. r. 2w., thenco west one half mile; thenco south one mile; thence west one and a half mllos; thence south one mile to tho south east corner of section 7 In t. 7 s. r. 2w; thence west to tho county road lead ing from Salem to Turner; thence northerly along said county road to tho line between Simpson's Addition to Salem and the slute land; thenco nortli to the place of beginning. The voting place for said precinct shall bo at Rickey. BR00K8 PRKaiNOT, Beginning where the line between sections 20 and 35, In 1 5 a. r. 3 w Inter sects tho right bank of the Wlllametto river thence east to the corner of sections 23, 2 , 32 and 33 in 15, s. r. 2 w thenco south following tho sec tion line two miles to tho comer of sections 4, 5. 8 and 9, in 1 0, s. r. 2 w; thence east two miles to tho corner of tactions 2, 3, 10 and 11 in 1 0, s. r. 2 w; thence south ono mile; thence east to tho center of the main chan nel and ditch In Lake Lablsh, to the line between sections 25 and 20 in to, s. r. 3 w; thence north to the quarter section corner between said sections 25 and 20; thence west ono mile; thence north ono and ono-half miles to tho cornor of scotions 14, 15, 22 and. 23 In to, s. r. 3 w; thence west to tho right bank of the Willamette river; thence down the right bunk to tho place of beginning. The voting place of jald precinct shall be Brooks. MT. ANCIEC PRECINCT, Beginning on the Willamette mer idian at the norlh east corner of sec tion 12 In 1 0 sr. l.w, thence south fol lowing the meridian to Ablqua Creek; then down tho Ablqua creek to Pud ding River; thenco down Pudding river to the north boundary oftfis.r, 1 w; thenco soutli one mile; thence east one mile to the place of beginning. The yotlng place for said precinctshall be Mt. Angel. MONITO't PRECINCT. Beginlng at the Wlilnmette Merid ian of the northeast cornor of section 12 in 1 0 s r 1 w, thenco south following the meridian line to the Ablqua; thence up the Ablqua to the juoney linage on the Sllverton nnd foster county road; thence north easterly along said county road to Jack's bridge on Butte creek: thence down Butte creek to where It unites wi h Pudding river; thenco up Pud ding river to the north boundary line of 1 0 a r 1 w; thence east along the township linn to the northeast corner of section 2 in 1 0 s r 1 w, thence south one mile; thenco east ono mile to the place of betrlnnlmr. Tlin vntlnirnliir of said precinct should be at Monitor. THE PRECINCT DIVISIONS. 1 he Marlon county commissioner's court has made several changes In the precinct boundary lines and created several new election precincts. This will cause some Increased expenses for holding elections. The Journal opposed maklug any changes this year, nnd the court did not mnke as many as were nsked fur. iVn rln nnt. believe matters have been helped any by the channes made. Such changes should be more fully discussed and only made after both sides of the question have been fully presented nnd all objections or apparent taking of political advantages have been ex plained oroblvatcd. All voters should study the lines of tho new bounda ries. Big Wreck. Colfax, Cal., Jan. 10. The most disastrous train wreck ever known in tins section was caused last evening jy uiu wtsfc touna passenger tram on the Central Pacific jumping the track half a n.ilc east of Colfax. The train Is known as Pacltic Express No. 2 and carried a large number of overland passengers. As a result of the acci dent ono engineer and ono fireman were killed, a passenger seriously In jured and three other trainmen badly hurt. Two great engines draw the train over this sectloo of the moun tain road. When the train left the track the boiler cf one or the engines exploded, scalding Engineer Hackettso severely that ho died soon after. Hackett'a fireman, C. F. Brown, was also badly scalded und crushed. Fireman Light ner, on tho second engine, was crushed to death and Engineer O. C. Brown, cut and bruised about the head. An invalid lady passenger, rid ing in tho baggage car, sustained In ternal Injuries, the extent of which huvc not yet been determined. II. Stevens was also hurt internally and received serious spinal Injuries. Soon after tho cars left tho track the mail car caught lire and was burned The killed arc; Engineer Don A Hackett and fire mnn Llghtncr. Tho wounded are: Engineer C.C. Brown, badly Injured about the head; Fireman C. F. Brown badly scalded nnd crushed; Mall Clerk Stevens, back hurt and Injured Inter nally: an (rivalled lady in baggage car, injured Internally Notice. Receelved.this 18th day of Jnnuary, A. D. 1808. from Sopha E. King, clerk of Silver Bell Circle No. 43, ono thou sand dollars (1,000) In full amount of Beneliclary certificate Issued to Mrs. Lydla Wright by the Pacific Circle, Women of Woodcraft. Dan'l Perry Wriuht, Sam'l M. Wright, W. C. Barker, Guardian for minors. Clearance Sale Every Article Reduced. Remnants' Remnants Remnants On Friday we inaugurate our annual inventory remnant sale. Prices cutjonehalf intV?o tor one day only, Pontine Percales, In dainty stripes nnd figures, special 01c We can give you 11 two clap kid glove in blacks, tuns, browns ami reds, Extra heavy, 75c. Children's fur sets. Just a few left. Special reductions In tills line. Prices range from $1.50 to $2.50. It. & i. Corsets at prices that will BurprUejou. We arc closing out our entire line of this make. Wo Invito inspection. See our corner window, this will give you au Idea ot what we are doing inside. This only illustrates a few cf the many bargains shown In this department. JOS. MEYERS & SONS. 278280 TELEPHONE NO, 0. Tba Rorl U the highest grade baling powder kaown. Actaal tetta show it goea one third farther tbaq any other braad. POWDER Absolutely Pure aovAi nniKa fowot a eo., tw vosk. JOURNAL "X-RAYS." State finances-paying 8 percent in terest on all stato taxes, while tho money lies Idle! School finances paying 7 percent Interest on all school taxes paid for each current yearl Paying six and eight per cent on nil our bonded school debt, and act ually paying seven per cent on tho money collected each year for current expenses, Is a little steep. Bobbs "You can say what you like about advertising, but I can tell you It lias repaid mo threefold " Dobbs "Why what did you ad vertise?" Bobbs "About four years ago I put an ad., in the paper for a type writer. I now have a wife and two children." Small men of smaller minds that's correct. The waj one of the Hanna organs answers the charge that Hanna and other U. S. Senators now use money to consummlnate their election to tho Senate, Is by alleging that only small men of smaller minds dare make the charge and that In this evil day even Lincoln or Washington would bo charged with bribery if they were to bo put under like conditions. The question Is whether tho men who bow down to tho money nowers and crawl on their knees before such ig norant, immoral, corrupt plutocrats as Hanna just becauso of their wealth are, competent td Judge us to who arc tho men of small mluds. Men of small minds usually think all other men are of small minds and that they themselves are tho large minded men. Who are the true men? Tho men who have minds and prin ciples of their own. Who do not grovel and crawl and bow down to tho money power? Winch Is the real man? Tho one who sells his vote to Hanna for $10,000 or the one who says "my yote la my own and cannnot bo purchased." Would Lincoln or Washington say that the $10,000 man Is the true man? To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 25c. The genuino has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Be Not Deceived I A Couph, Horseness or Croup are not to be In fled with. A dose in rme ofShilo's Curo will save you much touble. Sold by D. J. Fry. Men's Mackintoshes, celebrated Duck Brand, warranted: Tan wool box-coats, special $0.10. Double breasted, all wool black box coat, special $10. Black all wool, tricot durk plaid lining, special $0.50. You should take advantage of our great sale of children's clothing. Re member one-Oftli off on entire line nothing reserved, Special prices provall.throughoutour entire line of clothing and gent's furnishings. If you are thinking of purchasing a suit or top coat we would bo glad to huve you look ua through no trouble to show goods. Fine laundried Madras and Percale shirts. Two collars and ono pair cuffs, regu lar $1 values to close, 05c. Commercial st corner Court at,