Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 03, 1898, Image 3

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    Let mnrnvfor the Cubans. I.a"t-
year wo nil bad to pray for McKlnlcy.
Andy Gilbert promises not to take
Cornmeal Ike Into the gubernatorial
chair with him.
I ertc1 I that only Andy Gil -
Dert IS lllOliiiiuiuiiii: iui Kur.'"" --
Is not Gilbert & Patterson.
A diet growing more popular cyery
day Nebraska Populist corn meal,
slapjacks and ldst.Ore.ron salmon bel
lies. There arc oeoplc who don't enjoy
thoX Rtys, hut there don't seem to
be any other way to enable the nubile
to see through some things.
Lord and Klncald will find that
men ain't be hoest, Independent and
economical with Impunity In the Re
publican party.
T. T. Gecr has been thrown down
so many tlm,;3 by the Republican
managers that he's thinking of doing
sonic managing himself.
Tom UpdcKiad has Wen 'n con
gress twelve years, and last jcar put
u bill through to abolish fees of fed
eral court olliclals that saves Uncle
bam two millions a year. Such a man
cams his salary.
The managers of the Reform par
ties In Oregon don't want t-i be so re
luctant about permitting the people
to unite In one opposition party that
when the managers dually get ready
to let them the people won't do It.
The X Ray man thinks the way to
unite Is to unite. A whole lot or poli
ticians seem to be afraid the people
may come to thin they arc not graft
ers, but Just plain disinterested patri
ots. IToly smoke, think of T. T. Geer as
the candidate of the Mitchell Me
Bride push ! Hut they have got to
catch on to some one with some abil
ity to go before the people.
If Tom Tongue Is re-elected he will
probably be willing to allow
all the young men of this district a
chance to compete openly for the ca
dctshlps at West Point and Anapo
lis. Of course, for the present in the
Interest of the Republican party, the
places must be awarded scretly to
favorites. But that, isn't Republican
ism or Democracy. It's just plain
otllce boodling.
J. G. Pierce, editor of the Klamath
Falls Express, is Oregon's humorous
poet, and following to "Old Billy," Is
abcut ao unique as Burn's poem on
the daisy, or James Whitcomb Riley's
"Old John Henry:"
Ileyl Ole feeble where ye goin'?
'Peart' shake a limber leg
Per a hoss so ancient growl n'
Yes uv course yer got terbeg
Per more oats an' tim'thy hay,
S'pose I've got ter climb them steps
'N' give old BUI a spear er two,
Else he'd never quit, pr'hp3
But alius keep up scch a stew
Confound'st hoss I ever saw !
Maks me chase 'round fore dark
'N' bed hini.'itli a foot o' straw,
Then he's tol'ble decent hark.!
What I O, that you a groanln'
S'pose ts a thistle jnggin';
Wall, hole stlllr you 1 Can't you, eh?
Alius wuz thistles in that hay.
No, don't s'pose 'twould suit you.
Guess a weed cr two won't hurt,
'N' yer needn't think I'm goin' to
Stay out here all night 'cause dirt
N' weeds get in th' dumned ole hay,
ir.who'd git wood fcr "Mother" say?
"Only the Best"
Should be your motto, when you
need a medicine. Do not be Induced
to take any substitute when you call
for Hood's Sarsaprilla. - Experience
has proved it to be the best. It is an
honest medicine, possessing actual
and unequalled merit. Be wisd and
protlt by the experlenceof other pco-
P flood's Pills are the favorite family
catliartlc.easy to take.easy to operate.
Tor Infants and Jbildren.
fffct fe-
To Cure a Cold inOne Day.
TakeLaxattve Brow Q.u'n' Tab
lets, ill druggists reundtbe money
If It fails to cure. 2oc The genuine
has L. D. Q. on each tlet.
Altona and toonn
leaves for Portland tfl. ex
cept Sunday at7 :?'n
Quick time, recutfjwi
vice and low rates 1
Dock between -iw
and ftVffi
. ..444
100 Court stt
farta reuu. cue'
P f. . fc .. '
111 Uiif
AEfij "L" ,MK
i.i. nj
CTtfJm im i EMpTl
liew ratns,
' New nuts,
No old stock and close prices
on everything,
Rev J J Evans Preached His Initial
Sermon Y. M C A. Open Meeting.
The members of the First Christian
church extended a cordial welcome
to their new pastor. Rev. J. J. Evans.
Sunday morning when that gentlc
man preachpd his Initial sermon In
, " Jr
city on the Sunday morning overland
from Salinas, California. Key. Evans
is n young man, .ibout thirty years of
aire and linsa very pleasing appear
ance. He Is a ready and fluent
The text of the sermon, which wa
peculiarly appropriate to tho begmlng
of the year and the relations that had
Just been iwsumed between pastor and
pebole. was taken from I Samuel, lt
20: "There went with Saul an host
whose hearts God had touched."
It Is only after wo have acquired a
thorough knowledge of God that e
understand Him. Nature on every
hand tells of God and It Is only
through the bible we learn of the love,
sympathy and friendship of God. The
Ammonites of today v 1 1 1 understand
the power of God as they shall see it
manifested In the lives or Chrlstains.
With God-touched hearts we cn
understand the call of GodancI answer
It. Victory will come and the Am
monites of sin and unrighteousness
must fall.
The speaker expressed a desire that
as pastor and people, that the light of
love might shine through their hearts
and Indicate to tho wcrld an associa
tion with God and that they might
re-dedicate their lives to the service
of God and victory would ret upon
their labors.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
was administered at the close of the
The open meeting at the Y. Sl.C.
A. Sunday afternoon was largely at
tended, the gymnasium and gallery
both being filled. After some gospel
songs had been rendered. Prof. Carl
Denton, accompanied on the piano by
Miss Gertrude Denton, executed a vio
lin solo In a masterful way, The
beautirul duet "Raise Me Jesus to
Thy Bosom" was as beautifully sung
by the Misses Southwlck with sweet
expression. Luke Lynn's well-trained
yoice was heard in "Flee as a Bird to
Yon Mountain" In which he displayed
marked talent as a vocalist,
Rev. W. C. Kantner delivered an
appropriate and practical address,
basing his remarks on a portion of
James 4, 14: "For What Is Your
A great many men have an errone
ous conception of this life. This life
is a mystery, Everything about us Is
a mystery. We can understand and
solve much of the mystery of this life
If we take God into cur plans. Life
In this world Is but a training school
for the future. It is only In porpor
tion as we sit at tho feet of Jesus that
we understand the mysteries of this
life. That which may seem to us to
be tho supreme success in this life, in
God's sight may proye the supremest
failure. "It Is not all of life to lire
nor death to die. "A seeming failure
here below may prove tho hlghcstsuc-
cess in the future world. Tho hlgh-6Hlft'yrnHvofiif'-1,dlUM-,'AaU:tiul
For Adyertisers.
Tun Journal has been .luietiy
sending sample copies of Its Weekly
to every tax payer on the'taxrolls for
1897 during the month of December,
Our advertisers have got the benefit
of this without extra charge, besides
our regular dally ana weekly mall
and carrier lists. What Salem paper
has done as much for advertisers?
Wage Reduction.
Manchester, N. n., Jan. 3. The
Amcskeag, Stark aud Armory cotton
manufacturing corporation will put
the notice of a 10 per cent cut, which
was posted about two weeks ago, into
effect today. The 12,000 operatives
employed by the three corporations
have decided to accept the reduction
and there will be no strike In this
Taunton, Mass., Jan 3, Notices
have been posted In tho Corr cotton
mills, In this city, that on and after
today, adduction of about 11 percent
will be made In wages. -Tho mills
employ 480 hands, who it Is thought,
will txcept the reduction.
Fall River. Mass., Jan. 1. The
spinners voted to the wage reduction,
consequently there will be no strike In
any mill.
Grocer 3, 3
The best is none too good for
our patrons,
Our prices the lowest. Try us
and be convinced,
132 State st, J
Delicate and Lasting.
A large assortment and low
prices rule at Frys Drug Store,
tn 1R97, 133 marring licenses were
Issued by the clerk of Lane county.
Tha streets of Brownsvlllc'nre now
lighted with street lamps, tho
time In the history of tho town
the streets have been so lighted.
1. P. Jolcs is in The Dalles
SlfX) In coarse gold that he took
his mlno In tyrant, county In 18
He used a rocker, and the best
work resulted In 815.
Tho receipts of tho county clerk's
oHic? in Columbia county for the year
lust ended amount to 82600. Tho
receipts for Mny were the largest,
amounting to $480.25, while the re
celpts for November were only $132 05.
The Van Pelta, In Curry county,
will have to remain In tho custody of
the sheriff until September of this
ye.tr. and the Port Orford Tribune
says this means a 10 months' board
bill for the county to settle, at the
rate of 15 a week, or $14' 0 Tor board
A distressing accident occurred last
week at Missouri Flat, Josephine
county. Fre Miller and Clarke Sav
age were piping, when a large section
of the bank fell, completely hurrying
tlio former and seriously Injuring the
latter. They were alone at the time,
but Savage, badly hurt as ho was,
managed to extricate his companion
and pack him a quarter of a mile,
where assistance was bad. Since then
It lias developed that Savage was the
worse hurt of the two.
John L. Gerhart, of Hillsboro, aged
03, was found dead on Thursdiy ntinn,
by his son. within a half mile of his
house. Mr. Gerhart had been in feeble
health ii"d lived with his son on tho
Gcrge V. Juuils place. He started
unaccompanied, AYednesday evening,
for his son-in-law's house, about a
mile distant. During the walk he
must have been taken sick, as there
was evidence of his having sat down
to rest three times. When lie failed
to return home on Thursday morulng
search was begun and the body found.
It Is supposed he suffered an attack of
asthma and died from Its effects.
A Splendid Review.
The Journal reprints Hon. n. R
Kincasd's review of tho resources of
Oregon, written for tho Now Year's
Klondike editor of tho Orcgonian.
The Secretary of State is an old news
paper man, a graceful writer, with
ability to collect facts, nrrange them
and state them in a forcible manner.
This paper Is lit to read In all the
public schools and colleges of Oregon
and wo have printed a largo edition
for those wanting them.
They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indi
gestion Anyway, Whether You Have
Faith in Them or Not.
of faith has a great deal to do In tho
cure of disease.
Firm belief and coniidencc in a fam
ily nhvslcian or the same confidence
and faith in a patent medicine, hayc
produced rcmarKarjie cures in all
This is especially true in nervous
troubles and no Held offers so nrolilic
a harvest for the quackand charlatan,
as the diseases arising from a weak or
run down nervous system.
Nevertheless, tlio most common of
all diseases, Indigestion and stomach
troubles, which In turn cause nervous
diseases, heart troubles, consumption
and loss of (lesh, requires something
besides faith to cure.
Mere faith will not digest your food
for you, will not glye you an appetite,
will not increase your ilesh and
strengthen your nerves and heart,
but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will
do theso things, because, they arc
composed of tlio elements of diges
tion, they contain the juices, acids
and peptones necessary to tho diges
tion and assljiiiation of all whole
some food.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will di
gest food If placed in a Jar or bottle
In water heated to 9B, degrees, and
they will do It much more affectively
when taken into the stomach after
meals, whether you hayo faith that
they will or not.
They Invigorate tho stomach, make
pure blood and strong nerves, in the
only way that nature can do It, and
that Is.from plenty orjWiiolesomo food
well digested. It is not what wo cat,
but what we digest that docs us good.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
by druggists at 50 cents for full sized
Little book on cause and cure cf
stomach troubles mailed free by ad
dressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Gauohi in
and great excitement prevailed at the corner of Ferry and
Commercial streets, Saturday afternoon when a suspicious,
though a very gentlemanly locking fellow, who had been
sauntering up and down Commercial street looking eagerly
Into nil grocery stores as If his life depended upon what he
sought, an oniccrsuupiclously arrested him as he was about to
enter the P. O. grocery store to buy a complete stock of
groceries and crockery and It la feared by the other dealers In
yalcui that ho will expose tlio fact that Ilarrltt & Lawreniic's
store Is the cheapest place on eartti to buy strictly up-to-date
Gtfristmas and New
AumsvlUe and Salem flour 91 per sack.
Citron 15c per lb.
Walnuts 5 to 10c per lb,
Flain mixed candy, 3 lbs for 25c.
Dates 10c per lb.
Itacon 10c per lb.
Fancy bacon backs 0c per lb.
New shoulder Or, per lb.
Our "Mother's Mince meat IS c oer lb. 2 for 25c.
ssie'nHNfHawwHwaHrwmw siiiman )Mr,i
jJL ""
Ilarrltt &
Toutland, Dec. 3!. WfoAa vatlej
80c: Wuiiii Wniln.lOc.
Flour Portland, $3.85; Superfine
$2.25 oer bbl. )
Oats Will US 35(a30r.
' Hay Good, $12ol3 per ton. (
Hops 5(n)14c; oiu crop 4(frtic.
WoolValley, 14a4Cc; Eastern"
Oregon, 1 2c.
Mlllstutr uran,?i;8iinris, sn.
Poultry-Chickens, nilxed,$1.75(a2
turkeys, live, 8(llf.
Eirus Orciron. 22c tier doz.
Hides Green, salted CO lbs, "(Sic
under 00 lbs,0(rf7c;sheep pelts.ltKji Oc,
Onions 80(7il oer c
Butter Be:. dairy, 30((r40c; fa cy
rcamory, &oo(nwc a roil.
Totatoes, 35c(rf45c per sack,
Apples 30(rf3oc a box.
Hnirs Heavy. $4.50.
Mutton Weatheis $3:drcssed.6d
Beef tJtecrs, $3; cows,$2.25: drespd,
Wheat 09c.
Oats 30c.
ArnlesoOWOc In trade.
Hay Baled, cheat, SU&MO.
Flour In wholesale lots, S3.S0;
tall $4.20.
Hogs tlrcscd, 41c.
Live cattle 2(f?2.
Sheep Live, 2c a lb
Wool Best. ltrtflSc.
Tlnn -l?ist. .S77)14r..
wggs- uc in casn.
Poultry Hens, 4fS6c;turkeys.Stt)lw
duck. $2.75fae: iretse. $4(u. 50
Farm smoked meats Bacon I 8fc;
hum, lie: shoulder, 7i(c.
Potatoes-20c tn.de.
Butter Dairy i2J(floc; creabery
20 to 2oc.
Cure sick licail.iclic, b.il
Lis to in tlio month, co.Ucil
tongue, ps In tho sloniach,
distress and Indigestion. Do
not weaken, but Imve tonic effect.
The only l'ills to take nlth Hood's Sarsai
Jso hut box
,9 1
to mnchlni
the bitten
to the liuirhn
It .-educq
friction I
disease, a
Insures heat
and conitl
In every
The Royal of London,
ThelHome of New Yoik,
Tbe:e two companies ate represented Jy
Gilbert Bros., and are two of the best coil
panics to Insure in in the world. The Iliine
has cash assets of over ten millions, lie
Roytl has over twelve millions.
"The Home, was formerly represented py
U. Al. uJenn and was recently purchaseuby
Gilbert Bros. , who will be pleased to mike
all renewals whennhe policies expire.
me Koyai nas Deen. represented uy uiitrt
Bros., for over fifteen years. Both companes
pay their losses promptly.
l8-lm Age
mm B9
B B J? J? J3 &?
2J Art,
across (he contient and the pleasurB of eucRl.have en are - J
a trip Is creatlv enhanced by a railway ser-l : 7?-.pleMr .V. 1... -.... ..i.-
vice, whicn includes comior', saiety,courteovs
treatment and fast time. Theso are the foui
most prominent features of the Northern
Pacific Rai'road and the features of which
its patrons always cheeifully testify. All
information as to terms, connections, etc.,
will be cheerfule y furnished, and tickets to
all points east w'll be provided by Thomas,
Watt & Co., a66 Commercial Street, Salem.
Trains leave Portland 11 0. m.
Trains arrive Portland 5 p. m.
The Home Bakery
Headquarters for Christmas candies and
holiday supplies. Best Boston Brown Bread,
pies, cakes, cookies, etc , in th e city. Leave
orders early,
G. A. BACK, Propiietor,
No. 227 Commercial street.
Beckn?p 5
have opened up business in the line of tin.
ning, plumbing, sheet steel and galvanized
ircn works. Job work of all kinds in that
line made a specialty. Would be pleased
to have a portion of your trade. Estimates on
all class of work furnished. Shops en Court
street in alley between High and Liberty, in
the rear cf Basey's Feed stables, on Beck,
ner's home property. 12 30
the M I
Year Cash Prices,
Hotel 5al?m.
TYt rEKWELIs, Prop
Only FW Clss Houe In the City. Rte
reasonable, Sample rooms In connection.
Cars to a'l trnlns and public buildings pass
the door. Come State and High streets.
Hot meMs served fiom 8 a. m. to midnight.
Getman cookipg.
WithJHach & Nadstanech ai5 Commtrcial
totf Prop.
Corner Ferry and '.iucrtyjstrects?
Telephrne 172
Newest rigs and best horses
always in readine'J,
R7"Coast or amntain partlet specially.
1 4 t'
Proprietor of THIS ;CLU3"J
s Livery and
recci otaDies,
Corner of Liberty ai.l Fe-ry "tree's.
Best single an 1 double rigs in the city.
Telephone No. 24. II 18 tf
State street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meats in town. 2 2
Wok Miescke,
Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked
metis. Lard in bulk, 9c a lb. Cheapest market
in town. We make it a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Just Reopened.
""" . J i-i..t-l-iTrT,iCfSvi.. .wWmh-
and the reit of the community. Orders taken
and deliwred. Parents sending children
may depend on having ihrlr orders con
scientiously tilled. 'o-tl
ind Umbrella Repair Simp
(ST To arrite this week large stock ts
brellk .upphes.
Hoi man blo-.k, 22S Liberty st.
I and Vehicles
Exclusive valley house for McCormick
Binders and Mowers, Budalo Pitts Engines
and Thrashers, fepike, Disk, and Spring
Tooth Harrows, Jchn Deere Meel and
Chilled, Plows. Repairs lor til 'the forego
ing. 0(1
tsronicc In city nail..
Irrigation hours 6 to 8 a. m andfi
too in the evening.
All Irrigation bills ror tho summer
will be duo and payable tho 1st of
Street sprinkling thiouglilawn hose
positively prohibited.
No dcduetlon for Inlcatlon during
absence unless water is cutoff the
entire premises.
Nn nllnwanco made for nart cf sea
6on as more water Is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn than Judicious
use for the entire season.
Salkm Wateh Co.
of America.
Tlio Original Order of Woodcraft.
An organization of the members by
tho member and for tho members.
Its territory Is conlined to tho north
went states out of which all cities of
200,000 population are excluded.
Highest numbers icf assessments in
luuiiranco at oko w uas rwvercccea
3X0 per year. Itccord for JW7, 2,-
000 members and ten agwumcHf.
Arerago ago 35 years. Amount of la
suranco In force 600,000,000, 1'or
more doflnate information see small
folders or apply to
Pepuey Head Consul, with Derby &
Co., il Commercial street, Baleui
em water Co
C. ti. niAOK
Fi-c-ewr to Dr. J. M. Keen, old White
Comer, Salem, Or. Parties desiring snperio
operations at modetale fees in e.ny bialrcli are
iiicili-iui request.
224 Commercial street, lie"', quality atd
no miaaie man's pronts.
BRJ3W3XBR & WHiU'il,
, Doalers Jn ,
Shorti, chop, flour, mill faed, eto.
Telephone 178.
91 Courtis'., Salem, Or,
Tn largo and smnll quantities, nt n great
Vnraln. Inquire of Bofer Bron cart
' urnjL Salem. Or. dXwil
XTTl ffl 1 TT
Jti OvmtTchl ft.. tmTi Mr
"TSuils f I upwards. I'annJ. r'wands'.slj
Makes a sp"lalty of fine repair work, Ke'
rhnna rlocVi., ere. a,t' ornmerclal trrri
Express and Tfansfef
Mrets all mall'and passenger trains.'' Bag
(age and express to all parts, of the, city
I'rompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Family Wine and Lieuor Store
stre .1. Bottled goods of the best quality
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in orices
on the. fc Ho wingi
Starts, plain IO cents
Unaer drawers 5 to loceru
Under shirts 5 to Io cents
Socks, per pair .....3 cents
uandkercmeis 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen
and other work In proportion.
5 Flannels v d other work in
telligently -washed by handj
Col. T Olmsted Prop
No more Coffin Mononljes In Salem.
256 Commercial street;
Has just added a full and complete
line of uoiiins, casKeis, ltoucs ana
e very thliit'pretalnl ng to tho under
taking business. Embalming a
tmecialty. Needs no recommendation
its he has practiced his profession In
Salem for 15 years and that will speak
ror iteir, 1 amo curry a run una 01
furniture, carpets, wallpaper, mould'
Imrs. Prices to lit tho hard times.
Call and tie convinced, Phone at
store No, 10.), at hoiioo No. 1U1,
I llbuetc.
I have just fitted out antudio
proper, and am prepared to tea oh
the piano or organ to ohildrencv
adults. My method for children
la the newest and beat. A oer
Ufloato granted from tbe West,
tern Couservetory, whoso Inter
state system I represent Stu
dio over First National bank and
at 376 Church st.
Or-eoron Ait tiaht
X $3.50 to $6 50. X
Only full line of this home
Stovesset; up and repaired promptly,
Tiunera aad Stovedealws, 140 SUte st
t Bt Thomas Tuthill
Analytical CiwmitK
win w 'imm
M .V-Mm w
OSoa with Saleaa Qu Ltbt Comer
No 4 Cbemeketa sUest P. O, Box X,
Salem, Orafoa. Prompt return of ore
amp!, flaitfal aalirUaal work, il&w
1 .1 liTi fiTT 1 XT'TiiTi 1 TT AT
board of trustee ot th OtwOlf
lruxuit! Anyu,mluvlti maXmSTTSZl
oiuem, Uregan, for ,x niontrM nan.
June JO, i, the following suppites:
LltV 1IUI1.I.4.
2000 yds,
Pequt A Sueetlng:,
UXW yds. FtKiuot A Sheetlns, 34 tn.
WJ yds. Periuot A Sheeting. M Wnached.J
klcAhl --"..0 "V .....
:sjU0 yds. Mariners' Otilpe Shirting Amos
Keaff. w yds. Canton Flannel Nashua 7CXX
JW yds. A. C. A. Ticking, 33 in.
?& -"J8- 1Jlue Uen-HiK. 'oa Amoskoae.
1M0 yds. Crush, aii-aclied, lit 111., as uer
sample. v
M vds. Crash, checked, 18 In., as per
Ht yds. While Table oil cloth, a r
w yu. uonuneniai CheckeJ Flannel.
per Knmple.
70i yds. Calico, flrren. fionl T.irVt. to.i
Jl In., as per sample.
l&W yds. Calico, 11. InJIso Blue, SI tn..
as per Knmple.
1(W) yds. Calico, American black and
wlute, Z$ In., as per simple.
SOU yds. Mattrea.i TlcKln, a per rample
10 doz. MiUtrea Hlndlng, ai, per xample.
1 dux. Men's Cotton bocks. No. 101, nt
por sample.
15 doz. ladles' Cotton Hose, V.ack, n
Pt samp'e. .
3 doz. ("nrnpla. ulim bV.r. 9lu !. -.-r.
26-3, tkhi, 3J-6, 3i-4, lis per rampie.
x wua. ouoin-iiuera, a4 per f'lnipie.
Zt dOZ. iltnV lsilldlllir. II A M Mn Ifl
as per sample. ...
11 uoz. in.mDies, s-4, 9-1, 10-1, as per sam
ple. i a. Cross Pants Buttons, as pr sam
ple. l O. Cross Tearl Buttons, smoked, 4
hole-v 11m s 21, as per sample,
1U Cross Packs Pins, F. 3J4 Kagla, as
per simple.
3 Uro Dupti-x Safety Pins, NO. 3, ns
3 Crji.8 L)unlix Snfetv Pln. Mn. 9 n
imr R.mnla '
110 l'apers Needles, Sharp, Mltwards,
j-C), 6-2U. 7-6J; ns par Kampie.
IW) 1V. Llvtrpool Salt. ,
STOi lbs. Bice. No. 1 Island.
4W lb. C-rn Starch, Oswego.
24(1 lbs. Closi Starch. KlnirMnl'a. 1 1H
iw ion. ininn ttarcn
m lb. Soila, A. nnj II. or ScMlllnjV
3U0 lbs. Cream T.Ttnr. Pnlcnr'. nr 9i.htl.
line's. Z Ih. boxet.
z.o ids. Pearl Barley, 23 lb boxes.
40 doz. Oyster, Cove, Field's No. 2.
4(1 doz. Com. (.'.mni.l. V..U i..iw "Vt
. 50 lbs. Blulnrj, Nuemberff, In balls, L.
& A.
160 lbs. Macaroni. In S lb. boxes "White."
40 lbs. Vermlce'li In 8 lb. boxrm
41) lb. Stearic Wnx Candlex, 14 oz.
COO lb. Sal Soda,
B0 Cross Vulean Snftv Mnlfhw. na nr
uj ids. iiecswa-:, common, as per sample.
2 doz. CiMhiip, Skinner ft Londen.
100 lbs. Zante Currents In 20 lb, boxes,
100 lbs. U U Halslns, 20 lb. boxes. "
fiOO ln. Knrtl nmpltnra 'V 'V ninr. nr
less delivered ns nnulred.
500 lha. hfat n.iitl.tv (Irfrnn fnM pmhw
Cheese, more or less, delivered na re.
15000 lbs. Ornniliiitol Snirnr. Amnrlran
20000 lbs. Rxtra C Suirnr, American Ite
flnery. C0O0 lbs. Cota lllea Coffee, nji nep im.
P' .. -
uim ins. .lava uorree, ns per wimp'e.
300 Iba. Mocha Coffee, ns per raropX
1D0O lbs. Chicory, ns ner sample
tnot.i.riD oats, etc.
1500 lbs. Oat Meal, tn barrels.
8000 lbs. rtolled Oats. In btrre's
4000 lbs. Cracked Wheat. In barret',
800 lbs Cream Wheat. In barrels,
lono lbs. Homtny, smn'i, In barels.
1000 lbs. Hominy, l.irire. In barrels.
1000 lbs. Corn Meal, Yellow, In barrels.
800 bbl. No. 1 Flnnr. mnrfl nr leaa ,1n.
ltvered ns required.
40 bbl. No. l Crnhnni, more or less, de
livered as required.
Et00 lbs. Ftnlmntl nep WM1r mnrn n. lfiaa
delivered as required, without heads.
m i'iA i a.
GOO lbs. beef ner dnv. more or leaa. dellv.
ered as required, equal parts fore and
hind quarters.
200 lbs. Mutton, more or less, delivered
ns required, cqunl parts fore nn-t hind
10 doz. Coffee Cuns. W. C wars. A -
10 doz. Saucers. W. a vare. an
15 doz. pinner Plates, W. J. ware, as
per sample.
uoz. soup puttes, w. Q. ware, as per
8 do.!. Pie Plates, W. a. ware, as per
i aoz. pitcners, 1 pil., W. a. ware, as
per sample.
6 doz. Bakers, 12 In., W, a. ware, as per
10 doz. Bakers, 10 in., W, d. ware, as
per samnle.
B doz. Bakers, 7 In., W. O. wnre. us rer
wb.wm..'ajuw,Bi',l I U.w ITIU'g, HS'yeri
i uoz. Bugnr nowis, w. u. ware, as per
3 doz. Syrup Pitchers, as per sample,
15 doz. Class Tumblers, as per sample.
2 doz. Salt Shakers, ns per sample,
2500 lbs. Net Savon best standard soap.
1500 Cakes Ivory soap.
600 Cakes Peerless Kitchen soap.
180 Cakes Toilet Flder Flswer soa.
2500 lbs. Battle Ax.
1000 lbs, O. K. Durham, 2 oz, packages.
150 cal. Turpentine In 5 buI, cans.
700 lbs. Chloride I.lme.
200 1 lb. Cakes Paratlln, as per sample.
3 Vi Cross Diamond Dyes, bright Rreen,
t gross, cardinal red, 1 gross, orange .
seal brown, M, black, "4, navy blue, Vi.
4 doz. Stop Handles, ait per sample.
2 doz. Paraflln handles, na per sample.
300 Pipes and Stems, Shaker, as per sam
ple, 1 doz. Wash Boards, Red Cross, as per
sample. v
10 doz. Combs, dressing, ns per sample.
12 doz. Iron Handle Knives, as per sam
ple. E doz. Dust Pans, as ner snmnle.
2 doz. Qranltu Iron Wash Pans, as per
2 doz. Granite Iron Pitchers, 1 gat., aa
per sample.
1 doz. Time Menaure. its ner aamnle.
3 doz. Shoe Blacking, Mason's, as per
12 doz. Bath Brick, ns per sample.
1 doz. Stovu Polish, ltlslng Sun.
12 doz. papers Carpet Tacks, 8 oz.
150 lbs. Axle Crease.
23 doz. No. 1 best broom, as per sample.
3 doz. Dust Brushes, 7 B., as per sample.
5 doz. Scrub Brushes, as per sampla
1000 iral. Pure Cider Vlnezur. 40 grs.,
bidder to submit sample,
3000 gals. Syrup, bidder to submit sam-
M pre. Ladles' Shoes; size, 3-1, 4-20, 5-25,
J-25, 7-10, 8-6, as per sample.
CO prs. Men's Boots; size 6-6, 7-6, 8-20,
9-22, 10-6, as per snmple.
5000 lbs. Dried Prunes: bidder to submit
Dmicn APPr.TCfl.
4000 lbs. Dried Apples; bidder to submit
1000 lbs. Dried Peaches; bidder to submit
6000 lbs. Beans, No. t Navy, as per
4 gross Falcon PeiiH D.
2 gross London Incandescent No. 4, M,
2 irros fllllatfs Na. 431.
2 jrrosH dllott's No. COl, K. F. Double
2 gross Lead Pencils. Dickens. No. 1010.
6 qts. Black Ink. Stafford's or Sanford's.
2 lbs. Fluid Ext. Nucls Vom. P. D. & Co,
1 lb. Fluid Ext Colomba. P. D. Sc Co.
U ral. Witch Hazel DUL R.. I. D. &. Co
1 lb. Fluid Heni'ira for svmn. I. I). & Co.
U lb, Fluid Bay laurel (Cone.) P. D. &
toJ Pll. Iron Carb. (Blaud's). P. D. Co.
1 doz. Coaes.ni Cordial. I'. D x Co.
5 gal. Cone. Water of Ammonia In glass
container. Mall.
10 lbs. Acid Carbolic (Cold Lable). Mall.
2 oz. iccsorcin. aiaii.
50 lbs, aiycerlne Pure. Colgate tc Co.
50 lbs, Suits, Epsom.
50 lbs. Flax Beed Meal.
50 lbs. Vaseline, Cheseborough's.
33 lbs. Chloral Hydrate (Cryst). Seller-
& lbs. Potassium Bromide (QranO Mall.
yt iu. iouoiorrn. lien, oc r.
U ID. Arid Oxalic.
H doz. lbs. Milk of Magnesia. C. II.
4 doz. Em. Cod Liver Oil Oarge). C II.
yi aoi. ids. AJluscpiia oaap. junrioum m.
i doz. Syrintes, No. 1. Davidson's.
1 doz. Syringes, No. 2. Davidson's.
4 doz. I 'lantern Porous. Alleoek's.
2 , doz. Bromo-Scltzer (small), Erner
U, 'doz. Bromo-Setzer (largv). Ewer-
U doz. Vln Tonlqut Marlanl,
1 doz. Llstsrtne, Lambert,
I doz. OlyoozoneL 1 lb. bot. Marchanda,
1000 Mtaralnv No. 2. J. W. Hro.
looo Ho.111 Salicylate. B r, J. W. Bro,
100 Cecatns MAi, r. Jtjr,
1 lb. Antl(lo
Ml llvrwl. Tali. No.
400 Hypo. Tab. No, m. 3. W,
hii llirw Tali. Nn. SI J. W.
l Kilo. Add. Horle Po, Bqulbb.
1 K1I0. AC14 -Jttrumo j-u. "mii
vn aramma A?ia nauoyncv ru.
tt Iflln K.rri Pvri)llOIDhsll.
4 Kilo. 8oda St Polas f rL Bqull
i u-lln lr.a ArwIJltn. f4atlllitu.
4 K.U PotaM,. Iodide lriH) tfaiuibtM.
0 g, uljboiial. Bar, .
tH tit KMftt Ihstnh M t . mm
itrV " naqM. ta t m, em.
2 fb. Oil oSs$t7rWii 5rr
' Flntc ' vmnw mw ino
J" lb. Tnt
. ID. W .IHrtarsrcen; r.ffhn rink
m.bmw m. ion
1 crOM Via hi ''Ml i a .-
..... Tm, a v
TV, r At
No. IS
1 OerraM
a - "- 1-
4 doz Medlotn iu...' - - , .
W. T. inn "' """ rV. '
2 doz. Ointment Po, s.t w,.
B. W. T.4 Co. L " '
lie Co Abrk9t Cot,. ." B-
Lee'c8 Abrt clo. f, . 9.
c2 lbs. Absorbent Colton, 1 e'je tt
i1"-.Water. Bottles Rufatw tannen
No. 3. 3-duart. J. K. lo CoT w"r''
Plasters (black), J. ji' Le c.
it S2 t'?2Sf & AV4 svM ;m,.
I k St ItJ! .
3a.ih.b-uSl2? Wfixi3k5i
Fi"i i:. nttnncri "i lnCfl.
IS J.U i!?c,n.,4a fncn black pipe.1
5?)TfLt?f l trch Wet' ntpe. r
3S Jenkins valve discs inch.
n,?.UttM 8Crew b0,ts for COtumbus -UTifc
2 Whistle valves 1W Inch fintia.
ers' stov? Soldering and Plumb-
,a v .. TINNING.
SOxV "" a b'ck' shcct ,ron
30xo.hecU No' U B1"1"1 l"'Bt T"
iM"'iets No' M 8!lvnlzeJ sheet iroa
50x9& e!" N' "-'n'wi heet iron
CO bushels, ehnrcoal. .
101 lbs. solder H nnd'tt.
2 boxes I. X. menlo redlpped r oHnit tin
VXZS. j.
t bundle 63 lbs. of No. 7 brteht wire.
1000 eich tinned rivets 1 lb.. 2 lb., V
lb., an I 3 lb.
... ,t , HAnnWATtR
100 lbs. each Bunlen hnrs sh.s, wed
urn. No. 2. hind. No. 3 hind, Nj. 4 h ml,
and No. S hind.
BIL.,h- ejeh Brp.Vn tW horro s'icoj
medium No. 2 h'nl. No. 2 frcnt No. 3
hind. No. 3 front. No. 4 hind an1 No. 4
fO ft ea-h t'ft rtet V,xH pm.1 sjU lnrh.
and Inch! oolaBon 8teel H V4 . .
tR 'v." S!L fjnwe'i 'i-r-e shoe nails
No. S. No. R. No. 7 ant No s.
400 ft. of H lne" rimd No-wav Ir-ti
100 ft. e'ch of B-K 4. 7-16. and H
Inch nund Norwsv Iron,
Mil?4 a"1 Hx? In'hea (lit Vnrwa.v Iron.
11 each tlr holla l.'fiiia: ni urvit
Ineh. ;1 '
la jha Mch rutn-s.M 14 nni a; nh,
1 flat bnataed f)'e 1 neh
6 fist m'll bastard (l'a 12 'neK
3 half ronnd hat,"'1 1's 12 lnh.
2 eirh flat mill flVs 4. 6. S. and JO Inch.
1 ftt'l slie 'ace lesi,r 'ke ini'i,
.") ft. manllla ro-e 'S Inch tn dlam.
1 croas No. 103 br'irht w're screw eve'.
t esrh turning gotirra V., s(, 1, JM npd
PA Inch Butchera, or as rood.
Pantries may Ve s'en the romn'
sary of the asy'"T rim m'ft ta 'rt
ncorlHnce with simn'es. and b-t In o-t-r-Insl
packnires. n-hen nis-itble O'her
thlnPT belntr eonil nrHclea rf n-fl-rnn
production o- manufacture r-'H b" "Iven
preference, Pelve- 0' iinrli will be
required wVn n'ten dnys" notice of ae
eentnnoe of bit. Faeh bid rnust "Include
all the Items and totals In full, with the
exception of flour, meat and fish. Vouch
er will rnt be Issued until the bidder has
completed his contract, A copy of thu
advertisement must accompany each bid,
and the name of the elans of stinplles b;
tnacriuea on ine envelope. Auaiting ot
fleers are prohibited from connrmlnje ac
counts of purchase when the advertise
rtent does not contain a full dtscrlptlori
of, tho nrtlcles to be purchased. Each
bidder wBI he rcqulrpA to furnish with. htV
hid a certified check In an amount equal
to ten per. cent of his bid fsive that for
flour the cheek Is to be for 3300. for Bleat
3260, for flsh 375), payable to the order of
tha board to be returned In case his bid
l rejected or his proposal compiled -with.
The right to reject any and all bids is re
served. Bids will be openl at theKov
ernor's office at 2-30 o'clock p. nv, Tuea
day, Jnuuary 4. 1898.
n. r, KiNCAib.
Board of Trustees O. S. I. A.
By W. S. DUNNIWAY, Secretary ot tbe
aro headquartars'fbr them,
and all work connected
with tbe buaineaa.
214 Coamerctal'at
"The Light of the World
Cost over $100,000 tn publish. Con
tains nearly 200 full-page engravings
ot our Savior, by tbe great musters.
Uvery picture Is reproduced from some
famous paintings. Agents, are taking
from three to twenty orders per day
Tlio book i8 60 beautiful that when
peoplo pco It they want It. The
Irermlturre, Prado.l Ufflrl. Plttl
Vatican, National of London.Natlonal
or Uerlln, Belyldere and other cele
brated Eurppean Kailcrl have placed
their greatest apd raws treasures at
our disposal that Uwy wight be en
prttved for this superb work. ''FIRST
EYES" says one. "Ckared $160 first
week's work with M book," says
another. "Some hHfh grade man or
womuo should scchw the agency here
utonco. says every editor, "as $500
can soon to made taking orders for
it." Nearly 10,Q! expended on new
plates for edition ewilng from press
Also a man or wown of good church
BtundlngconeccBr position of Man
ager and Corrcspe4eut of this terri
tory, J.o devote ajl'lils tlrao to eniploy
ipg and drllllBg'agents and cor
responding with Um. Address for
full particulars JA." P. T. ELPER
Publisher. 278 Jkhlgan Avenue
Chicago. 111. d 12 01m
NowUth?timetkijwr little famir
crcharlputingoodkffBd made prwf
sgainit ltuecu, SJfl Kale, wool'y aehia
nd fungu nmoved.SwJ Hef " bea.lmy
by ct-nilfic metho4ir'AdTtce free Appy
to Richards & Stty, 2o Jligh .
Salem. ""'
7" ids. DincKsm in- eoii. nXf S'mnle.)
B0 each Norwav enrr'ie" bMts" Uxt.
'..i.wii.4.' 5-16x2. ?-ifxl. Wit K lfx.
S'H. S42W 4rr 4t4 nfl M'ln,.s '
MHoo4 John ft
Bn A oaaj aar Hi
r? Bfef i
il l - ..- - Wf
i&Pmm b.iJL wtiy
irnkmi amah g
4 pmf 4MA AIHJW0.!? Mim Wtt
A Be. 7'rl ' SjutSaHP'3HiB9V " 4K
fajmr w . . wa ' ifw e"vrrM"tl!lii? Jn
B SV. -SZ-4W t?" mm -i.. ' m w ib" A- .
t4t-aP9gJr'" ' 2T JR w mt7mav nk
nrw Jk,.iKar.HTut.MiT iwuMb mat. u aua-
BZXBa: Ws&",tf..s!i-JJ?r iPtlS. m i
KhaT rj. 4 -c;st lAh, flfiKav ,M I
i n
'"gltiWWlW IMIIIMWi iQHiiiiiim 1 -
n j-i....... r