s v-: f - ? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. V. 0 mm2&3EmMmmS VOL, 8 SALEM, OREGON, JTBLDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1897. KU,W B -W ! I PL 1 1 fPH After the Holiday Rush' Wc arc ready for business on staple lines again II FIENDSH MURDERER :a;a;try thexxzc New York -scatotor 6 Ra(k?f ! OlIWW, Strangles Jacob Weinan With a. Cloth, RAMMED IT DOWN HIS THROAT vv Hosiery and Underwear, Their cash business methods goods at bed rock racket prices, enable them to sell their "We the people" that must be re spected do ordain as follews: That any person or persons that would dare to offer for sale any clothing, either in men's, boy's or chlldrens, below our cut prices, shall be sentenced to hard labor at 25,cents a day, that they may help to support themselves and those dependent upon them. Any person knowing of any violation of this "edict" shall be rewarded with a "bone collar button" by proving the same to the satisfaction of r n n T 120 STATE STREET. g: W.J0HNS0N&C0 w AUCTION ! K Announcement Extraordinary ! The Bankrupt stock-In the Murphy Block is to be sacri ficed andyetsayed to the public, the loss to the owners only, ano those who attend the sales arc the gainers. It was expected that by throwing the Roods in the market at f extremely low Inures that the money could be realized without making a forced sale, yet we arc short tlfty-two hundred and seventy-three dollars of finishing by the lBt or January, 1808. 1 am therefore commanded by the own ers and creditors to raise the above amount by January 2.), and in obedience to the above I will make a forced sale of us much of the stock of goods as will net the amount rc- f. ' quired. The auction salo commence!) on Monday, De cember 27, at 2 o'clock p, in. shirp and contlnuea every afternoon at 2 o'clock p. ui.. and at 7:30 p. m. evenings. The merchandise consists of men's children's and youths' clothings, principally new g ods. Ladles and gents' furnishings, some dress goods, bilks, plushes, velvets, tiue Jet ornaments and trimmings laces, embroideries and Insertions, shoes, cutlery, stationary, and notions of many kinds. Remember this sale is positive. Those who attend will make liundsonip profits on their investment, !or the amount of live thousand two hundred and seventy-three dollars must be iaised. Corner State and Commercial sts, Salem, S, FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, rHSMSKWsJBBS NJeVHSJs HNirvMS MltaA Bffl-I- Good .SHvjrsJiva Point to remember in the purchase oi hard) ware.is that quality should never be sacrificed for price, Low prices with us mean no sacrifice of excellence. Any one who buys of us will certify to this fact, GRAY BROS Salem, Or, The Olive Pecker's Cook Must Pay the. Penalty. bT. LOUIS, Dec 24 A post mor- teui Was held on the remains of Jacob Weinan, who was found dead in Ills kitchen Tuesday evening, having been murdered. At the time a towel was found tightly twisted about his tntoat, but the post mortem revealed a peculiarly fiendish method the mur derers hud resorted to. Far down in the man's throat, tightly embedded In the bronchial tubes, was a wad of thick cloth, which had been wrapped with horsehair, dingers could not haye reached that far, and a stick was probably used to ram the wadding down. In 1803 a soldier at Jefferson bar racks was murdered in a similar man ner, and the similarity of the murder of Tuesday with the latter has caused excitement in police circles. Four.d Guilty. Norfolk, Va., Dec 24. "We, the jury, rind the prisoner, John Ander son, gurlty as charged in the indict ment." This is the verdict returned in the famous Olive Pecker case, the specific charge being the murder of Mate Saunders, of the bchooner Olive Pcckcj, by the cook. As the case stands, Anderson w ill have to hang. He received the verdict with appar ent indifference. was shot dead while attempting to es cape from Ills pu-suers. The murder of Rolir was entirely unprovoked, and It is thought Spclian was demented. Dynamite Explosion, San Jose, Cal., Dec. 24. Amazon Hcrnadcz, a Mexican woodchoppcr, tripped and fell, exploding giant pow dcr cartridges, which lie carried in his pocket. He was terribly mangled and will die. Pardoned, Sx Louis, Tec. 24. William -D. Burr, jr., ex-cashier of St. Louis Na tional bank, now serving a sentence, of 6 years for embezzlement of $20,000, lias been pardoned by President Mc Klnley. Frozen to Death. Little Rock, Dec. 24. From pas sengers reaching here it is learned that a party of four hunters were found frozen to deatli by tne roadside near Dawes Ureek, Newton county, Monday morning. It Is believed that they were W. Hughes, II. Dolphin, John ICrcIt and Simuel Severe, of Chicago. BLAN60 IS TOBLAME Colonel Ring Was Driven His Doom. to CARSON FILES AN ANSWER. In CAPT.-GENERAL'S INHUMANITY His Brutal Inhuman Course Forced Ru'z to Undertake the Mission, Eaten by Hogs, Tiff Citv, Mo., Dec. 24. -Two little children of George (Joakley, a farmer, living near here, cllmcd into a pigsty to catch one of the pigs. They were set upon by the hogs which killed and ate both children before they were found. Murderer Shot D:ad. Duiioise, Pa., Dec. 24. Stephen Spellan, who killed Michael Bohr. Robbed. Seattle, Dec. 24 Otto Miller a man who has a small fortune, was enticed Intxi the brush near the Mad ison street bridge, and after having been beaten almost to deatli by masked highwaymen, was robbed of $200. Miller is 40 years old. Ills home Is at Stayton, Or. He came to Seattle three weeks ago. Ho says that while ho Is called Miller, his real name Is Lucttlch. This Afteunoon. Remember to morrow is Christmas, and parties wanting their presents delivered should take their packages to the central oMce of the Lockwood Mes senger system this lafternoon plainly addressed with street and number, when possible, or ring the blues, or tell telephone 40 what you want. Run Ovek and Killed. Little Mose Bruley, of South Salem, had the misfortune to have his dog killed by the Electrc car on South Oomrner merclal street. Fcr Constipation take Karl s Clover Kool tea, the ereat Blood Purifier. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear ana bell. Sold b D.J. Fry Hood's Cure sick headache, bad npah tasto In the- mouth, coated KZjP I I ff tonguo, gas In tho stomach, m I a I !j dltroil and Indigestion. Do not weaken, but have tonic ctTect. 25 cent. The only I'll I to take with llood'i Saraaparilla, OuIIQnI in the Act Thousands of People Caught in the Act of Carrying Goods Away From the Fair Store, ,o:- Afterthey had paid for so well pleased that It, and all were they had visited And also with the prices and quality of goods as well as the courteous treatment by the large compitny of clerks which arc constantly busy tleln up goods which please everybody with our lowest racket prices. THE FAIR. 274 Commercial st Salem, t esirs5X5 m m it it muj - - - Down They Go ! Ou r underwear sale has suceeded beyond our SMi saugine expectations, We are going to continue it, most, At the same time we have cut the price of our inv I 'mense stock of umbrella-. 50c ones reduced to . . 25c 75c ones reduced to 50c SI 'ones reduced to 75c 51,25 ones reduced to 85c $1,50 ones reduced to , 95c i 1 1 I 3299 fUn'HMsr' -E-P New York, Dec. 24. Indignation over thrs killing of Colonel Ruiz Is Intense in Havana, says tho Herald correspondent Many blarae General lilanco, alleging tliat he forced Gen eral Ruiz to go, in spite of the lattcr's protestations .that It meant certain death. All. accounts agree that Colonel A ranguen was personally op posed to the induction of the extreme penalty, and would have saved Ruiz, but ills own life would have been sacrificed had lie done so, In opposl tlon to the oidcrsof his superiors A cablegram has been received stat ing that General Lee has been In structed by Secretary Sherman ti notify General Gomez and other rebel leaders that they need expect nt American sympathy If theycontlnuec to permit Hrlng on flags of truce General Lee says he has received nt Instructions, adding that he knew of no instance of the display by the Spaniards of a flag of truco during this war. It has never been claimed by the Spanish authorities that Colonel Rnlz was under a flag of truce, that institution being unknown to the Spanish army in Cuba, its use being Interdicted as Involving a recog nition of the Insurgents as belliger ents. Much excitement was caused on Sunday morning when a small white varship, bearing a strong resemblance to the United State's gunboat An napolis, was seen approaching the harbor. A rumor spread that an American warship was coming In, and the people became frenzied when the stranger's guns opened In a salute to the forts, many believing the city was being bombarded. It was soon ap parant that the vessel was the Ger man schoolshlp Stein, but several hours elapsed before quiet was re stored In the city. All night raging fires were ylslblo southwest of Havana, only ten miles awry.- -otanding cane on the Toledo and Portugaleto stations, Which was about to commence grinding, was set on lire by the rebels and and com pletely destroyed. The fire caused great consternation In navana. In Sight of Havana. Havana, Dec. 24. Tho recent un fortunate mission or Colonel Ruiz to the camp of Colonel Arangucn, in this province calls attention sharply to the remarkable circumstance that a Span ish Olllccr and a messenger from the American consulate could reacli the Insurgent camp In an hourafter leav ing Havana, when the troops' have never found It, and causes sharp com ment on the military operations. The camp is a few miles from a Spanish fortress, and Its location has been known for nine months. Ruiz1 friends among the volunteers and armed lircmcn, of Havana, censure General Rlanco, and call for ven geance on the Insurgents. From their camp tho insurgonts haye sent a deli mit communication to the troops to come and take it, aig Bank Failure, Philadelphia, Dec. 21. The Chestnut Stieet National bank did not open its doors for business tills m mini:. A notice posted on tho door reads as follows "The Chestnut Stieet National bank Is closed for business and ls in the hands of na tional bank examiner." Crowds of depositors soon gathered, but there was no special excitement. The bank has had a good reputation, but it lias been known for some time that its business, and necessarily its profits have fallen off considerably. The huspension wus a great surprise, especially in view of the high stand ing of Its officers. William M, Sing- eily is Its president and Isaac Cooner vice-president. The bank was started In 1887 on a capital of $300,000 with Robert E. Pattlson us picsldont. When the lat ter look his scut as governor of Penn sylvania in '01, Singerly succeeded him as president. No statemont of the bank's liablltles could be obtained. The Chcstiut street Trust and Sav ings Fund .Company, officers of which arc Identical with those of the bank, was also closed for business. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Lazatlve IlroruoQulnlrin Tab lets all druggist refund tho money If ltfalls to cure, 25c. Tho genuine hsa L. II Q. on each tablet. A Madrid dispatch says the queen regent has signed the apoolntment of Gonzales Aunos as captain-general of Porto Rice Candla cables announces that Musslcmans attacked a caravan at Amnio and killed 123 Christians. wm&$ mik sqre Commercial st, $ss8&es 8&s( a- "; Satuj. uur Schillings' Uesl baking poVi dcr and tea. To the Complaint In a Suit in Equity ttituted Against Him by Fleming. Attorney Jo'.in A. Carson, against whom a suit In equity was recently Instituted In the Marlon County Cir cuit court by his former law partner, Attorney R. J. Fleming, made an swer to the complaint late Thursday afternoon. In his answer Mr. Carson denies every allegation In the com plaint and makes some further state ments. The answer states that the plaintiff. Fleming has been engaged in the practice of law In this city since May 1889 and "that In or about the month of June, 181)4, tho plaintiff became possessed of a certificate of admission to the bar of the state of Oregon which licensed him to practice the profession of an attorney and coun selor at law so fur as his ability and natural talents and want of education and training would permit him." Attorney Carson also alleges In his answer that the plaintiff Fleming, misrepresented himself as a capitalist "In order to Induce the defendant to take the said Fleming Into the de fendant's otlice, as hereinafter stated, represented to the defendant that he. he said Fleming and his relatives, residing somewhere In the western. xirtlon of the slate of iNebraska. voukl furnish sufficient capital to in orporulo .and organize n mortgage oai. -o'iipany upon the security of r--al estate within the state of Oregon, and that he would ;be able to accom illsh the organization of said mort age loan i company within a few months thereafter, and certainly within a year, and the defendant re lying upon said representations and the plaintiff's ability to perform the same, agreed to and with the plaint iff to take plaintiff Into tho said office to attend to the business of the said mcrchactlle collections, under the supervision and direction of the defendant, and that out of the net proceeds derlyed therefrom tho plain tiff should recelye one-third and the defendant should receive the other two-thirds, and It was further agreed that the p'ulntlff should have no in terest whatever In the other business then or at any time thereafter to be conducted by the defendant or to bo brought into his office; nor In the said library and f urnlturo and fixtures In such office belonging to said defend ant, and for tho sake of convenience In the service and acceptance of pro cess and pleadings it was agreed that tl'o plaintiff and defendant should use the name of Carson & Fleming, but it was distinctly understood and agreed at all times between the plaintiff and defendant that there was not a part nership existing between them." Tn Ilia nnsivnr MinrfofttnMitrir. fnpf.hni states that In or about the year 1805, the plaintiff, Fleming, explained that owing "to the stringency in the money market" ho had been unablo to raise sufficient funds to organise md Incorporate the proposed mort gage loan company bu asserted "that it was his Intention to continue his fforts to accomplish tho organization f said proposed company, and tho de fendant permitted the plaintiff to re main in his office and the plaintiff did remain In the defendant's ofllco there after indefinitely and without any agreement other than that herein be fore stated " Mr. Carson further charges that the plaintiff, Fleming, withdrew $400 or thereabouts "fiom the funds belong ing to the defendant and had lavished the same upon a certain woman who was not employed In the olllcc of this defendant, nor In any way con nected with h office, and that he spent large sums of money In buying presents for said woman, to-wit: a typewriter, and gold watch, opal rings, etc., etc., and had continued tils uttcntlsm. to her In such an open, notorious and shameless man ner to cause public comment derog atory to his standing as a citizen and business man; and the plaintiff had also cecretly and without the knowl edge or consent of the def endant sup plied tliQ satno woman with furniture and other office supplies, from and out of the offlco of thU defendant, and that ho had In partsupported and maintained the said woman and her family out the funds and p.-operty of this defendant, without hlsknowledgo or consent, and lb addition to tho scandalous conduct, aforesaid the plaintiff had, without the knowledge or consent of the defendant, engaged in tho odious business of a tax sale broker In Marlon county, and ho had, against the will and without the con sent of defendant, spent a great amount of tlmo In and about the said business of buying tax titles, and the plaintiff by his scandalous and Infam ous conduct aforesaid made It intoler able for the defendant to retain him longer In his said office, und on or about the 28th of November, 1807. this defendant requested the plaintiff to withdraw from said ofllco and in a few days thereafter tho plaintiff voluntarily dellvorod to tho defend ant tho keys then In possession of said plaintiff und removed from the defendant's safe Huch private papers as then belonged to tho plaintiff exclusively." Defendant further charges tho plaintiff with having withdrawn from general office account, by check, il,40fl or thereabouts "over and above the amount to which he was entitled and owing to the fact that the plain tiff kept the cash book belonging lo said olllcc lua negligent, Incompetent and Ignorant manner It U Impossible for the defendant ul lh.li time lo state definitely how much mora 'than said last mentioned sum the pUlutlll has wrongfully withdrawn from the de fendant," The answer also 'States that the plaintiff rcmoytd from tho defend ant's office on or about November 28, 1897. nil papers and documents belong ing to himself and his clients. Attorney Carson also alleges that the plaintiff "wrongfully and fraud en tly carried away certain books of account belonging to defendant, al leges that all of Hip olllcc furniture, library, safe, typewriter etc, with the exception of one set of book", viz: American dectshms and American Reports of the probable value of $300 and In which the plaintiff holds a one third Interest. Mr. Carson concludes his unsw;ras follews: That In the early fall of tho present year the plaintiff, realizing that he was unable to practlco the profession of law successfully, by reason of his Ignorance and Incompetence, decided to go to the gold mines In Alaska In the following winter or spring, and so mo of-tlio acquaintance s of the said plaintiff informed this defendant theicof, and thereupon thfs defendant Inquired of the plaintiff concerning the truth of tho matters aforesaid, whereupon the plaintiff Informed the defendant that he had considered the mattpr and was at that time unde cided, and about that time the de fendant applied to the owner of the budding " herein tho defendant's offices wore and are HtuatedTor more reasonable terms of renting than those he had hitherto given, nnd In order to obtain said terms this defen dant agreed to rent "aid offices for the period or two years then next ensu Ing, and thereupon the lease was ex ecuted between said owner and this defendant; but the defendant shows to the court that he had an olllco In said building and was practicing life profession as an attorney and coun selor at law long before the plaintiff over came to the state of Oregon, and at no time did the plaintiff haye any Interest In the liao of the office oc cupied by the defendant, nor in Ills llbtary, furniture, safe, typewriter, nor the law practlco of tho defendant, except In the matter of mercantile collections as aforesaid," "That after the happening of all the matters aforesaid, and upon the date when the plaintiff left the office of this defendant and surrendered to defendant the said keys tho plaintiff then stated that all matters of busi ness between himself and the defend ant had been settled, anl that he had been fully paid; but ho now brings this present suit and endeavors thereby to force tins defendant to purchase pj.ice from him and from no other purpose. That the acts und matters stated In this further und separate answer aro the same pretended acts and matters set forth In plaintiff's complaint as the foundation of his alleged cause of suit against tno defendant." "Wherefore, tho defendant havlncr full answered plaintiff's complaint do- June raands a decree dismissing tho same, and that the defendant recover judgment against the plaintiff for the snm of $1,400, or such further sum as many be found due to the defendant upon nn accounting being taken, and that tho defendant recover his costs und disbursements herein." The defendant has retained counsel D'Arcy & Richardson, Bigger and Geo. G Hiiighara, Holmes and Tllmun Ford are neysfor Mr. Fleming. 0L0 LANE COUNTY Follows the Wake of Yam- for Union. ORGANIZATION IS COMPLETE And Will Probably Sweep Lane County Next Year, Eugene, Or., Dec. 24. The county central committees of tha Democratic and populist parties met here seper ately yesterday, ard each appointed a committee of five to confer with the executive committee of union forces, which was appointed at the union convention held last July, to try to effect a union or nil free silver and reform forces. The Joint committee organized by electing Hon. A. S. Pat terson chairman, and Hon. II. D. Norton secretary. The following resolution was i read and aiopted by tho conference com niittec: "Wc, the under-signed, the Demo cratic and PopulNt committees ap pointed to confer with the union ex ecutive committee, hereby endorse and recommend u union of nil be lievers In tho free coinage of silver at 16 to 1; the Initiative, referendum and Imperative mandate, upon the plan as proposed and adopted by the A lbany convention, and Lane county convention held thereunder, except as to primary nominations, and wc also advise that each party organlzstlon bo maintained." The above resolution was then adopted by tho conference committee of each party separately and referred back to tho central committee of tho Democratic and Populist parties, and was adopted unanimously by each. It was also tho sense of the confer ence committee that Chairman J. G. Stevenson, of tin Union executive commltteo; Chairman Robert Clow, or tho Democratic county central com mittee, and Chairman John Suther land, of tho Populist county central committee, will conduct tho campaign In Lane county. Nominations .will bo made In a Union convention to be called by tho three chairmen under the Union party organization, Thus all free silver men will swing Into line and will sweep old Lane county by a handsome mpjorlty ' neJt as his U. J. W. II. attor- A Put Is dispatch says that the French ciuImt Pascal sailed for China. The Pascal Is it second-class cruiser. A cable fiom Victoria, Labnan says: The Sikhs police force attack ing the stronghold of the Insurgents at Mutsullnji has been forced to re tire. Adjutant Jones and six Sikhs were killed. in view of dlMiuletlng ncwh from Crete, two Fiench cruisers Inyo been ready to sail for the Island ut a moment's notice, Commenting upon the Kulo Cliou affair, tliu As.thl sajs the action of the Germans In Inning seized Kaio Cliou on the pretext of tho murder of mgsslonarics Is outrageous. A dispatch from Home says fiatat a meeting of the Itullan cabinet today It was decided lo dlcpnteh u squadron to Chinese water, Sixteen poisons were killed In a pit at Durmund by un explosion of lire damp. The steamship China fiom Yoko lioma via Honolulu says: At an ex tiaordlnury meeting of the Japanese cabina, lUron Slslil, the foreign min ister, laid before the ministers all the reports lie had received from the Jap ancso minlsicrs In foreign countries relative to thosclziiro of-KuloChou by Germany. Commenting upon Hie strained re lations between RufsIu and Japan over the Corean question, tho Chinese papers report that the Jupaneso army Is full of Russian spies, disguised as Japanese, and that the Russian army Is being tampered with by Japanese emissaries, who arc doing all thoy can to stir up dissatisfaction among them. According to tho Chinese papers, Nlceroy Chang Chitkung has Issued a proclamation exhorting his people to be more friendly to foreigners. Holiday Excursion Ratjj, It lias b"en arranged by the () C. & K. 11. 11 Co. to make a holiday ex cursion rate of 1 1-5 faro for r uind trip tickets good between ull il)t points Tho tli-to'n will lie on sal am will he good going from Decem ber 23 toiltf Inclusive, und to return January 4, 1893. J. 0. Mayo, Kupt. River Division. SUNDAY SERVICES. UNITY Ciicnx'ii. Services at 10:30 u. m. und 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. E. Copelana paster. Sub ject of morning seamon' "Tho Christ mas Message." Order for tho song service on Sunday night. EVANOELIOAL CIIOItCH. Corner Seventeenth and Chemeketa streets, Ezra Mauror pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m, O. T. Doty super intendent. Preaching at 11 u. tn, by Rey. Frank Culver. Junior Y. P. A. at 3 p. m. Y. P. A. at 0:45 p. m. Xmns sermon at 7:30. Special singing they the blood and Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, as cannot reacli tho seat of disease. Catarrh is a or constitutional disease. in order to cure It you must take in ternal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the be6t physicians In this country for years, und Is a reg ular prescription. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimony, free. F. G. Cheney, & Co., Prop3., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Excursion Rates, The steamers Altona und Ramona leave dully for Independence Portland and way landings one and one-fifth faro for round trip tickets on sale, 23rd to 28th inclusive, good, returning until January 4. 18 tf Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will not bo responsible for uny debts con tracted on toy account, except by myscir In person. Dated ntSuiem,OregGn,thl5 November 10, 1897. 12 17 2w RUBEN LEE. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and svrett breath secured with Hlii'oh's Cttarro tlteruedy told on n guarantee. Nasal injector fres Sold by D. J. K.y. Karl'i Clover Koot Tea, lor Corutipation it's the Best and if after using 'it you don't lay so, return the package and get your money. Sold by D. J. Fry. iToUi ,iWJM U o fcra'X'OX-ia-ucv.. vf$ Tfe BavaI 1a tka hlrnhf t tttmd --"- DMk4f IHWI. ACtUN tMMHlOW K MM Hirst fiirtfcar ifcaa itsWr -"-- WV W WWW WWW ssB sjiMI WWWW SFnssp It Km ncvu AKMfi fot3. rv W S-SISSSJ1SSSSB-'P-T sJUTpvsvS MrV f