v WHY NOT ? Buy Your Spectacles and Eye Glasses From an experienced optician. Thcv cost nn more than elsewhere. The frames ns veil ns tholcnscs.must tit properly satisfaction. All goods warranted. A fine line of scarf pins, lace pins, long chalnsand many other novcltlcb too numerous to mention, at remarkable low prices. Watches cleaned, 75c. Mainspring, 75c. CHAS, H, HINGES, D, R, Expert optician, watchmaker and diamond setter, 2d door north of postoffice, Salem, Or, rr3 a. Sweep bean For 11 Days Only Hut 11 days for business left tn this year -and during that time we arc going to give a "CLEAN SWEEP SALE" that will make you more money than lurgsalc advertised heretofore. Do you want to make four dollars buy five dollars worth of goods? If so, attend this sale, for that will be the purchasing power of your eagles. Everything goes, no rescryes, for It Is a "CLEAN SWEEP SALE." B. P. NEPF, "The Boys' Outfitter," 297 Commercial st., Salem, N. B. No coupons given at these prices. All The Newest Perfumes, Delicate and Lasting, A large assortment and low prices rule at Frys Drug Store, MARRIED. W1NTERMUTR-WELOII. At res idence of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McCoy, on Oak street, Yew Park, at 7 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1897,Mlss Kitty Gertrude Wlntermute to tn. II. Welch both of Salem. The sernnny was parformeil by Itev J. Batfers'ix, of Li Fayette, in the presence only of the Immediate rel atives of the hub. contracting parties Mr. and Mrs. Welch will -begin linusekcentiiu Immediately and will bo "at home" after Jan. 1st. VERY GRATIFYING. The- fact that our citizens stand ready to pat ronize a tirst-class entertainment liberally, ia well demonstrated oy the large sale of seats for the Schubert Symphony club and Lady Quartetta. There is very little doubt ota full house to hear these favorite entertain ers when they appear at the opera house on January 4th, and the au dience will be composed of our best citizens. Mus. Willmah, Piono btudlo over First National and organ bank. B-tf Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarro tlteniedy sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free Sold by D . J . Fry. Karl's Clover Root Tea, tor Constipation it's the Beat and if after using Jit you don t say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by D. J. Fry. O. C-T Go's STEAMERS Altona and Ramonn leaves for Portland daily, ex cept Sunday at7 :45 a. n Quick time, regular nei vice and low rates. Dock between ! 'ate and Court streets. M. 1'. DALDW Agent, Jalem. Grocery I 100 Court st. Try oui Christmas candy. Wholesale and retail cheap, New currants, New raisins, New nuts, No old stock and close prices on everything, JOHNSON & BUTCHART We are in the market to buy Dried Prunes, Dried Apples, Green Applesv Potatoes, Onions, . OREGON FRUIT zV PRODUCE CO those bjught to glyc Kiiod e CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Exercises Planned at the Schools and Institutions. Tun Journal rejoices with all Its readers over the approaching holiday season, full of good cheer and promise of happy reunions and glft-givings. The children In thoSalem Orphan's Home will have a Christmas tree and entertainment Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to which many friends are Invited. Persons wishing to bestow presents for the cause may leave them at G. W. Johnson & Co's store as late as 11 o'clock a. m, Friday. The public schools of Salem close this afternoon forthe regular holiday vacation. There will be Christmas exercises at some of the rooms this afternoon. The program for the entertainment at the PolytechnlcschooUsas follews: Song By school "The Fairy's Address".Louise Croulse Hurrah lor Santa Claus... Three boys Candle drill Miss Lockley's girls Two little stockings., ..Fernle Hitter Christmas Eve Ralph Cronlse Song Miss Lockley's class Experience of a Xmas stocking.. Cady Scott Dialogue Three girls The Christmas Dull .. ..Eva Smith Hall to Christmas .. ..Three boys A Letter to Santa (Jlaus..izauonstaoie Song Mis.s Bushnell's class Merry Christmas ... Frank Newcombe Santa Claus' Reindeer Miss Lockley's boys At the Lincoln school there will be exercise In some of the rooms but no formal exercises by the whole school. The school is doing hard work In the common branches and observed Thanksgiving day. The next day relebrated will probably be Arbor day. borne nice additions have been made to the school library, nearly a complete set of Walter Scott's works, Prof. Yodcr donating two handsome vol umes, and other teachers helping out in the same direction. Monmouth O. S. N. Notes. School will dismiss Thursday noon for the holidays The work of putting baths In the gymnasium is progressing rapidly. The Juniors were defeated in the game of football last Saturday. Score 8 too. Thursday afternoon there will be exercises and a Christmas tree In each room of the Training department. There are 20 teachers In the Train ing department besides four critic teachers and au enrollment at pres ent, of about 250 pupils, The teach ers meet each eveneng and discuss the work In the different grades, The entertainment given by the Sub-Normal dl',.slon, .Tuesday, was a complete success. All the essays were well rendered, Mr. II. D. Mc Donald, president of the clas, ap peared In full dress uniform, and in lilt essay gave his hearers a good idea of the dally life of a soldier in the United States barracks. Soon after the holidays the societies and classes will choose (persons to represent them In the local oratorical contest. Later, in the local contest one will bo relected to represent the school in the state oratorical contest. W..U. Dcbatohs. The preliminary debate between the six candidates at Willamette university for a place in the Intercollegiate idebate between the local university and theUnlverslty of Oregon, to take place Friday even ing, January 14, In this city, was held in the Phllodorlan ball Wednesday cyenlng. The successful contestants are Mattle .Beatty, Hal G. nihbard and Bert E. Ilaney. By previous agreement the young orators spoke only ten minutes, and there were no rebuttal speeches and'no decision ns to sides, only the choice ot speakers be ing made by the judges Re.v, W. V. Kantner, Prof. F S. Dunn aud W. C. Ilawley served us Judges. From the fact that the subject discussed was the same that will be debated with the U. of O., there was no audience admitted besides the judges. What Dr. A. E. Slater Says. Buffalo. N. V. Gents: J"rrm my per gonal knowledge, gained in observing tbe cf. ect of your bluloh" Cuie in cues of advanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable Remedy that has cur been brought to my attention. It hat certainly saved many from Consumption, Sold by D. I. Fry du FROM STAYTON, Mlp Pear' Ifntis'in, was visiting In Salem lust week, the laiust of Mis Rile Thutiius. Mis. M Y. IMloley has been quite ill during the p.tstweek but is slowly recoyeilng. Mrs. Magrs rcftiriied home last Tuesday a flora prolonged visit with hur daughter Mrt. Woodlngton of Sll- Veftoii. Mr. Needem returned to Stayton hut Tuetdu) after a two weeks stay in Salem. Mr. Morey, the popular butcher of our little town, droycout of town last Saturday with his family for a weeks ylstt In Salem with relatives. Mrs. Cros li M,lll lying very 111 at her home near Center street. Harry Ilenllnelshome from Salem after a two months absenco spent In Salem, Dallas and Geryals. Staytnn's library Is now complete and should be an addition that the citizens of the town would be proud of and make every effort to keep with them, the books, consisting of fifty nicely bound yolunins by standard authors, are changed every three mouths. Miss Nora Crabtrec who lias been spending the winter in Sodayllle & attending the Mineral Spring college Is expected home this week to spend tiie holldujs with her parents. Dr. Derbjshlre was called to Mill City and Gates last Thuisday on a professional visit. Miss Maud Wortley, of Stayton Is very ill at the home of her sllter, Mrs. Rows, In Gate". Mr. Dell Balsley, who Is a student ut the Capital Business college in Sa lem, will spend the holidays at home with his parents. Miss Tempest Dunlyan returned to her home for i he holidays last Tues day after a two months absence. A pleasant time is anticipated by the young people of our little town upon Christmas eve, when the opera house will be given over to those who care to Indulge in the pleasure of a mask ball. Stayton was very unfortunate last Friday In losing one of her fairest daughters. In the person of Miss Louie Tlllock, who left for San Francisco, via Portland, where she spent several days visiting with relatives and friends, then continuing her journey on direct to San Francisco where she expects to remain with an aunt until spring. Louie will be greatly missed by her large circle of friends in Stay- ton who will anxiously await news of her speedy return. It is rumorad that the young men of the Athelltic club will have a pub lic Christmas tree at the hall Christ mas night. The Misses Balsleys will give an Informal reception In honor of their brother Mr. Delbert Ralsley of Salem, upon the eve of December 27, at their home upon Sixth street, Invitation will be Issuea" at an early date. Miss Obic Stayton, Is expected home for the holidays. Excursion Rates, Tiie steamers Altona and Ramona leave dully for Independence Portland and way landings one and one-fifth fare for round trip tickets on sale, 23rd to 28th inclusive, good, returning until Janbary 4. 18 tf For Infants and Children. Th fic tions Ices Try vrat;:r. Slttitnro 01 U Stop that cough. Take warning, lead to consumption. A 2?c., Shiioh's Cu e may save jour life. D. J. Fry. It may bottle of Sold by To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Lazatlve BromoQulnlne Tab lets all druggist refund the money if itfails to cure. 25c. The genuine lisa L. B Q. on each tablet- Fcr Constipation take Karl s Clover Root tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Head ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a'bell. Sold by D.J. Fry- To Cure a Cold in one day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 25c. 10-14-6m Oii.STOni.. ii lit- Italia ef enters of li ca M&&X erer; To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money U It fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. and great excitement prevailed at tiie corner of .berry and Commercial street9, Saturday afternoon when a suspicious, though a very gentlemanly locking fellow, who had been sauntering up and down Commercial street looking eagerly Into all grocery stores as If his life depended upon what he sought, an officer suspiciously arrested lilrn as lie was about to enter the V. O. grocery store to buy a complete stock of groceries and crockery and It Is feared by the other dealers In Salem that ho will expose the fact that Harrltt & Lawrence's store Is the cheapest place on eartn to buy 'Strictly up-to-date groceries. Christmas and New AumsvIIle and Salem flour $1 per sack. Citron 15c per lb. Walnuts 5 to 10c per lb, i'lain mixed candy, 3 lbs for 25c. Dttes 10c per lb. Uacnti 10c pr lb, Fancy hie . Sicks I)'.- per lb New shoulder l per lb. Our Mother's Mince meat 15 c per lb, 2 for 25o Fancy boiled elder for mlnce pies, 25c per qt, rriU&LuwreoG Old P, O, TODAY'S MARKET. Portland. Dec 23 Wheat valley 78c: WhIIh Walla, 70c i.Ji. Flour Portland. $.1.80; Supcrtine, rs zti pet DDL Oats-Whllc HXrf.lfio. Hay Good, $12(a 13 per ton. Heps -b(gUc;uiUuiun-l(g(ic. Wool Valley. 140ilGc: Eastern Oregon, 12c, Mlllstuir Han,$l7; snorts, $n. Poultry-Chickens. iiilxed,$l,7tVn2 50: l u r Keys, live, lu(rillr. Eggs Oregon, 2o per doz. Hides Green, wilted GO lbs, 77Jc. under 00 lbs,CiQi7r;shecp peltslOlCc. Onions 80(rf!!fl per c Butter Best dairy, 30C?40c; fancy reamcry, 60c(S5."c a roll. Potatoes, 3oK&15c per sack. Apples 30;t3c a box. Hous Heavy, $4.50. Mutton WeatheiB$3;d reused, 5c. Beef Utcers, $3; cows,$2.25; dressed, SALUM MARKET. Wheat b8c. Oats, 27(a3c. Arnles.2o((i30cln trade. Hay Baled, cheat, $U($10. Flour In wholesale lots. $3.80: re tail $4.20. Hogs dressed, 5c. Live cattle 2(321. Sheep Live, 2c a lb. Wool Best. 12c. Hops -Best 10rai3c. Eggs- 25c trade. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81s; nam, nc; snouldcr, 7l(auc. Potatoes 20c trade. Butter Dairy t2J15c; creamery. 20 to 23c. He Not Deceivedl A Couph. llorseness cr Croup are not to be trifled with, A dose in rme ofShilo's Curo will save you mu li touble. Sold by D. J. Fry. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted on my account .except by mysel f in person. Dated atSalem,Oregon,thls November 10, 1697. 12 17 2w RUBEN LEE HUGHES DEALER IN : GROCERIES: Fainta, Oila Window Glasa Var nish, and tbe most complete stoclc of Brushes of all kinds in the state Artists materials, lime; hair; oo ment and shingles; and the Guest quality of grass seed. WANTED, ETC. New today advertisements tour lines or -Hess in this column Inserted three times for 25 cts, 50 cts. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at same rate. FOR SALE. Two 6o gallon oil tanks. Enquire at Harriett & Lawrence's store. Salem, Or. 12-21 tl FOR RENT. A good double room for one or two gentlemen, in business pait olcity. Kent low, Inquire at 197 Commercial street, 12-ie, tl MONEY TO LOAN negotiated by C. Commercial street. .Real estate and loans Marsh, office No. 21.5 2-1 4 tl WANTED. Growers having onion sets to ten arc requested 10 leyic sample ana casn price at this office. 12-14 If FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE And notarial woik call on K. K. Ryan at 156 8 State street, old Armory building Terms reasonable. WANTED--Uy Old Established House High Grade Man or Woman, good Chuich standing, willing to learn our business then to act as Manager and State Correspondent here. Salary I900, Enclose sellt-addres-sed envelope to A. T. Elder, General Manager, Box X, care Daily Journal. b 12 6 im WANTED Reliable younc man. cr woman, bteacl errp party. Barr Bro's.-us loyment, for right state street, salem. Orrgon . WANTED Reliable young woman. Steady employment, man, hi for rieht emp 118: party. Barr Bro's Oregon. State street, Salem, i2-l-2m MISS GERTRUDE ROBERTS Sten ographer and typwriter. All classes of work handled with dispatch Office in Gray block, with Sherman, Condit & Park, Salem, Telephone 14. 11 26 im ROOMS TO RENT-,Nicely furnished rooms, near stale I ouse, for gentlemen. Terms leascnable. Inquire at 276 Stale street 11-23 "II FOR RENT.-Good office room on floodlighted and heated, rates low at outnal office, grouiwl Iniuite tf RIGHT IN TOWN.--Any one wanlini drain tile in small fr large quantities can get them right here in town. Call at Journal office tf The Home Bakery Headquarters for Christmas candies and holiday supplios. Best Boston Brown Bread, pies, cakes, cookies, etc , in the city. Leae orders early, G. A. HACK. Proprietor, No. 227 Commercial street,HH m m Year Cash Prices, Grocery. HOTELS AND BOARDING. Hotel 5al?rR. M. rENITBLL, Prop- Only Fust Clsss Houe in the City. Rte reasonable. Sample rooms in connection Can lo a'l trains and public buildings pus ihedoir. Corne Slate and High streets. GERMAN LUNCH COUNTER Hot meals terved fiom 8 a. m. to midnight Herman rooklt'C With;i!ath & Nailstanech 6 Commercial II. JvEUGEBAUER, lotf Prop, LIVERY AND FEED BTABLEa w, T HUFFMAN, WILLAMETTE u Corner Ferry and Telephone .ibertvtreets 172 Newest rigs and best always in readineu. horses pyCoast or mountain parties - specialty. 74 t' O. R, THOMAS,' Proprietor of THE ;CLUB", Livery and i Feed Stables, Corner of Liberty at.d Feiry streets. Dest single and double rigs in the city Telephone No. 24. II 18 I MEATS AND POULTRY. g.s. nuimn NEW MARKET, J State street, near railroad. Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats in town. 3 2 Wolz Miescke, Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked me ts. Lard in bulk, 9c a lb. Cheapest market in town. We make it a Specialty to keep all kind of Sausage on hand. Try us. Just Reopened, Blown & Son, of the East Salem meat mar ket, have enlarged and retitted their sbop ana will be pleased to see all of their old patrons and the rett of the community. Orders taken and delivered. Parents sending children may depend on having thir orders con scientiously filled. o-4n aud Umbrella Repair Shop L, E. GARDNER, iy'1'0 arrive this weeklarge block brellh oupphes. Holman block, 228 Liberty St. E , M,CR0ISAN, DEALER IN Farm implements I and Vehicles, Exclusive valley house for McCormick Binders and Mowers, Buflnlo Pitts Engines and Thiashers, J-piUe, Dikk, and Spring Tooth Harrows, Ji hn Deere Meel and Chilled Flows. Repairs for (.11 the forego in". Salem Water Co. 3"0ftlce in City Hall.. Irrigation Hours 0tii8u. m and 5 to!) in the cyenlng. All Irrigation bills for the summer will be due and payable the 1st of July. Street sprinkling through lawn hose positively prohibited. No deduction for Irrigation during absence unless water Is cut oil the entire premises. No allowance made for part c sea ton as more water Is needed to bring out a neglected lawn than Judicious use for the entire season. Salem Wateu Co. Modern Woodmen of America. The Original Order of Woodcraft. An organization of the members by the members and for the members. Jta territory Is conllned to the north west states out of which all pities of 200,000 population are excluded. Highest numbers of assessments in any one year has been eleven. Cost of Insurance ut age 40 has neyer exceeded W.&0 per year. Record for 18U7, 270, 000 members and ten assessments. Average age 35 years, Amount of In surance In force 000,000,000. For more dellnate Information see small folders or apply to W. E. Pockson. Deouey Head Consul, with Derby. & Co., 2M Commercial street, Salem Oregon. W STABLE dIu T ILl BUSIHBMI CARDB. O. H. mAOK dentist, Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Vhitt Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring tupetio operations at modtfute feet in any branch an in esptcial request. JUST OPENED. FRANK W DURBIN FEED OP ALL KINDS. 224 Commercial street. Bet quality and bo middle man's profits. BREWSTER & WHITE, .Dealers in, HAY. GRAIN. Shorts, chop, flour, mill feed, etc Telephone 178. 91 Court St.. Salem, Or. Drain Tiling, Tn large and small quantities, at a great bargain. Inquire of Hofer Bros carr nurnal, Salem. Or; d&wtf C. H. LANE, lt Commercial st., Salem Or -y Suits Ji upwards. Pants! rpwands, I. M HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a spwlalty of fine repair woik, So ("nomas clock,., etc., 215 Commercial Qtrct JAS. RADER. ELMER WHITF. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer COMPANY,! Meets all mail and. passenger trains. Bag gage and express to all parts of (he city Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. 'AT THE OLD POSTOFFICE. A. DAGENY, Family fine and Liquor Store Rt loved from 102 State to loo Commercia stre .t. Bottled goods of the best quality. Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the fcllowingt Shrts, plain 10 cent' Unuer drawers 5 to locerti Under shirts 5 to locen'J Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs. , . . , 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cenH Sheets and.plllow slips 24 cents per dozen and othei work in proportion. Flannels v d other work in telbgently -washed by handj Col, T, Olmsted Prop No more Coffin Monoplles In Salem. J. A. ROTAN 256 Commercial street Has just added a full and complete line of Collins, Caskets, llobes and everythingprctalnlng to the under taking business. Embalming a specialty. Needs no recommendation an he has practiced his profession In Salem for 15 years and that will speak for itself, I also carry a full line of furniture, carpets, wallpaper, mould ings. Prices to Ut the hard times. Call and bo convinced. Phono at store No, 103, at houeo No. 104. ; ; '.dibasic. IJhave just fitted out aatucUo proper, and am prepared to teaob tbe piano or organ, to ohildrenc; nuuiboi my tuobuuu tut minuipu Is the newest and best. A cer tiflcate granted from the West tern Conservatory, whose Inter state system I represent Btu dlo over First National bank and at 376 Church st. 2 MRS. FRANK WLI.MAN, GREAT HEATERS I Oregon Airtight Stovee C 3.50 to $6 50. X Only full line of this home manufacture, , Stove;set up'nd repaired promptly, STHINDR,& BfOaBBR, Tinners and Stovedalera,140 State st' I, B( Thomas Tuthilli AnalyticalJ-CheraUv . and Assaj er. O.lloi with, Salem Qat.IJGUt.jCo., , o No ' Chcmcketa a'.root.. f. OBax Jr Balcm, Oresou. Prompt return, oiurq auiples.- Ooueral analytical worli-cclw MERCHANTTAIIl BIDS FOR ASYLUM SUPPLIES, The board of trustees of the OrMoti State Insane Aaylum iurltps sealed pro posals for furnlHtung at the asylum near Balein, Oregon, for , six months ending June SO, ltot, the following supplies: Day ooous. 2000 yds. Pequot A ShceUng, 45 lo. brovrn. , too) yds. Pequot A Sheeting-, 86 in,, Drown. 600 Jrd. Pequot A Sheetlnjr, 9-1 bleached, SOU yds. Lonsdale A bheellng, Sb In., bleachwl. 2SUU yds. Mariners' Stripe Shirting Amos keap:. STiOu yds. Canton Flannel Nashua XXX hrowll. 30U yds. A. C. A. Ticking, 3 In. 1(XX) yd. Blue Denims H ox Amoskeag. 1500 yds. Crash, Iileached, 18 In., ns per sample. . ,SU0 yds. Crash, checked, 18 In., as per sample. 144 yds. White Table ol) cloth, as per sample. iW yds. Continental Checked Flannel, as per sample. 700 yds. Calico, Ort-en, 8eal, Turkey lied, 31 In., as per sample. 10W yds. Calico, B. Indigo Blue, 33 In., ns per cample. lOuo yds. Calico, American black and white, 28 In., as per sample. 800 yds. Mattress Ticking, as per sample. 10 doz. Mattress Dlndlng, as per samp!. 125 doz. Men's Cotton Bocks, No. 101, as Pt sample, IS dis. .Ladles Cotton Hose, black, as per sa.nple. , 3 doz. Corsets, sizes 21-6, 23-4, 24-3, 23-6. 26-3, 29-4, 30-6, 32-4. as per sample. 15 doz. Suspenders, as per sample. 24 doz. Stay Binding, ft & W No. 10, ao per sample. 6 doz. Thimbles, 8-4, 9-1, 10-1, as per sam ple. 2 O. (3 roe ji Pants Buttons, as per sam ple. 1 O. Gross Tearl Buttons, smoked, 4 holes, lines 24, as per sample,. 10 Cross Packs Pins, F. 3V4 Eagle, as per sample. ' 3 Gross Duplex Safety Pins, No. 3, as xr sampl. 3 Gross Duplex Safety Pins, No. 2, as per sample. 140 Papers Needles, Sharps, Mllwords, S-61, 0-20, 7-60, as per sample. 1SOO0 lbs. Liverpool Salt. 3000 lbs. Ulce, No. 1 Island. 400 lbi. Corn Starch, Oswego. 240 lbs. aioss Starch, Klngford's, 1 lb packages. 160 lbs. China Starch. 480 lbs. Soda, A. and II. or Schilling's Best. 300 lbs. Cream Tartar. Folger's or Schil ling's, 25 lb. boxes. 2S0 lbs. Pearl Barley, 23 lb boxes. 40 doz. Oysters, Cove, Field's No. 2. 40 doz. Corn, Canned, White Lily "New Crop." SO lbs. Bluing, Nuernberg, In balls, L. & A. 1C0 lbs. Macaroni, In 8 lb. boxes "White." 40 lbs. Vermicelli In 8 lb. boxes. 40 lbs. Stearic Wax Candles, 14 oz. 600 lbs. Sil Soda. M Gross Vulcan Safety Matches, as per sample, M lbs. Beoswax, common, as per sample, 2 doz. Catsup, Skinner & linden. 100 lbs. Zante Currents in 20 lb. boxes. 100 lbs. I I Halslns, 20 lb. boxes. 600 lbs. Soda Crackers XXX more or less dellveied as required. ,m ,t CHEESC. 600 lbs. best quality Oregon full cream cheese, more or less, delivered as re quired. SUdAIt. 15000 lbs. Granulated Sugar, American Hennery. 20000 lbs. Extra C. Sugar, American B.e flrtery. . COFFEE. .6000 lbs. Costa Ilica Coffee, as per sam ple. 600 lbs. Java Coffee, as per sample. 300 lbs. Mocha Coffee, as per famp'o. 1500 lbs. Chicory, as per snmple. ., ,L nOLL-ED OATS. ETC. 1500 lbs. Oat Meal, In barrels. 8000 lbs. Rolled Oats. In barrels 4000 lbs. Cracked Wheat. In barrels: 800 lbK. Cream Wheat, in barrels. 1000 lbs. Hominy, small. In barrels. 223 ,,b" Hominy, large, in barrels. 1000 lbs. Corn Steal, Yellovv. In barrels. . FLOUR. 800 bbl. No. 1 Flour, more or less, de livered as required. 40 bbl. No. 1 Graham, more or less, de livered as required. FISH BOO lbs. Salmon per week, more or less, delivered as required, without heads. , ,t MEATS. 600 lbs, beef per day, more or less, deliv ered an required, equal parts fore and hind quarters. 200 lbs. Mutton, more or less, delivered as required, equal parts fore and hind quarters. ., . CROCKERY. 10 doz. Coffee Cups, W. G. ware, as per sample. 10 doz. Saucers, W. Q vare, as per samples, 15 doz. Dinner Plates, W. v ware, as per sample. 8 doz. Soup Plates, W. a. ware, as per sample. 8 1 do.:. -Pie Plates, W. Q. ware, as per sample. 2 doz. Pitchers, 1 gal., W. Q. ware, as per sample. 6 doz. Bakers, 12 In., W. G. ware, as per sample. 10 doz. Bakers, 10 In., W. G. ware, as per sample. i B doz. Bakers, 7 In., W. Q. ware, as per sample. 20 doz. Soup Bowls, W. G. wore, as per samples. 1 doz. Sugar Bowls, W. G. ware, as per sample. 3 doz. Syrup Pitchers, as per sample, IS doz. Glass Tumblers, as per sample, 2 doz. Salt Shakers, as per sample. - . SOAPS. 2500 lbs. Net Savon best standard soap. 1 1500 Cakes Ivory map. 1 600 Cakes Peerless Kitchen soap. 180 Cakes ToiUt Elder Flower soap. TOBACCO. 2500 lbs. DntUii Ax? 1000 lbs O. K. Durham, 2 oz. packages. OILS AND TURPENTINE. 150 gal. Turpentine. In 5 gal. cans. 700 lbs. Chloride Lime. 200 1 lb. Cakes Parallln, as per sample. 3 U Gross Diamond Dyes, bright green, l gross, cardinal red, 1 gross, orange seal brown, W, black, W. navy blue U. M ., MISCELLANEOUS. 4 doz. stop Handles, aa per sample. SS?- Paraffin handles, aa per sample. 300 Pipes and Stems, Shaker, as per sam ple. 1 doz. Wash Boards, Red Cross, as per sample. 10 doz. Combs, dressing, as per sample 12 doz. Iron Handle Knives, as per aamn pie. 5 dOZ. Dust Pans, ns nor umnlA 2 doz. Granite Iron Wash Pans, as per sample. 2 doz. Granite Iron Pitchers, 1 gal,, aa per sample. 1 doz. Tnpa Measures, ns per sample. 3 doz. Shoe Blacking, Mason's, as per sample. 2 doz. Bath nrlck, as per sample. 1 doz. Stove Polish, Rising Sun. 12 doz. papers Carpet Tacks, 8 oz. 150 lbs Axle Grease. BRUSHES AND BnOOMS. ?."0ZN0, l best broom, as per sample. 3 doz. Dust Brushes, 7 II., as per sample. 5 doz. Scrub Brushes, as per sum pis, , , VINKOAR. y .100 gal. Pure Cider Vlnegnr. 40 grs., bidder to submit sample. , 8 STROP. 3000 gals. Syrup, bidder to submit sam- M BOOTS AND SHOES. . M pre. 1-ndleH' Shoes; size, 3-4, 4-20, 6-25. 6-2G. 7-16, 8-6, us per sample. . 2 VI"; Mvn'B Boots; size 6-, 7-6, 8-20, 9-22, 10-6, as per sample. DRIED PRUNES. 6000 lbs. Dried Prunes; bidder to submit sample. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. nninn Aimr.Bg 4M0 lbs. Dried Apples; bidder to submit . . nnilJD PEACHES. 1000 lbs. Dried Peaches; bidder to submit sample. .. BEANS. taw ids. uoans, wo. 1 Navy, as per STATIONERY. 4 gross Falcon Pens D. 2 gross London Incandescent No. 4. M. Jacobs. 2 gross Olllott's No. 401. 2 gross Olllott's No. COI. E, F. Double Elastic. 2 gross Load Pencils. Dickens, No. 1010. 6 qts. Black, Ink, Stafford's or San ford's. DRUGS. 2 lbs. Fluid Ext. Nucls Vom. P. D. & Co. 1 lb. Fluid Ext. Colombo, P. D, & Co. W gal. Witch Hazel Dlst E., P. D. & Co. 1 lb. Fluid Sanegu for syrup. P. D. & Co. tf lb. fluid Bay Laurel (Cone.) P. p. & Co. 609 Pll. Iron Carb. (Blaud's). P, n, & Co, 1 doz. Cascarn Cordial. P. D. t Co. 6 gal. Cone. Water of Ammonia, In glass container. Mall. 10 lbs. Acid Carbolic (Gold Lablc). Mall. 2 oz. Resorcln. Mall. 60 lbs. Glycerine Pure. Colgate & Co. 50 lbs. Salts, Epsom. 60 lbs. Flax Seed Meal. 60 lbs. Vaseline. Cheseborough'a. , 35 lbs. Chloral Hydrate (Cryst). Bcher Ingy a. lbs. Potassium Bromide (Gran.) Mall. Vt lb. Iodoform. Herf, ft F. J4 ib. Acid Oxallp. ' doe. lbs. Milk of Magnesia. C. II. Phillips. Phiuf's E'"' COd L,Ver OU laree) C "' J4 doz. lis. Antiseptic Soap. Johnson's, 1 doz. Syrinses, No. 1. Davidson's. 1 doz. Syringes, No. 2. Davidson's 4 doz. Piasters Porous. Allcock's. .1 . doz. Bromo-Seltzer (small). Emen son's, ' U doz, Eromo-3eltzer (large), Emer son's. U dog. Vln Toulqui Marlanl. I doz. Llaterine. Lambert. 1 (Joz. Cilycoisone, 1 Ib. hot. Marchands. COMPRESSED TRITURATE. 1000 Migraine No. 2. J. W. & Bro. 1000 flodll Salicylate, 6 gr. J. W, & Bro. 1000 Salol. 5 gr J. W. & Bro. ' 600 Calomel, gr. J. W. & Hro. 600 Calomel, U gr. J, W. & Bro. 600 Morphia Sulph., U gr. J. W. & Bro. 600 Morphia Sulnh.. gr. J. W, & Bro. 100 Cocaine Muriate. Ti r. J. W, $ Bro, 1 Ib. Antiseptic Tablet. J, W, A Veo. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLET, 400 Hypo. Tab. No. 45. J, W. A Bro. 400 Hypo. Tab. No. t. J. W. & Bro. 200 Hypo. Tub. No, 61. J. W. & Bro. 1 Kilo, Add Boric Ia Squlbbs. ,1 Kilo. Acid Tartarlo Po. Squibb. ttrt Oramnxu Add Sallayllc, Po. Hqulbbs. 2 Kilo. Fi-rrl Pyrophosphate. Squlbbs. 4 Kilo. Soda et 1'otas Tart Bqulbba. 1 Kilo. Potass. Acetate, Squlbbs. 4 Kilo. Potass. Iodide (Oran.) Squlbbs, iVI 'ri. fliiinhnnal. TlflVAF. . ' U fr. ABtOtamala (A. stj Chen. Co. ea, AsMfcisnis TaWsK. t gr. Citess. Sil . Ovtaks .Mehg IB I w. MM, t, t lbs. OM Lemod fDnpfex) L(w VlKlb S lbs. OH ONI (buiit). V msl H lb. Oil WtnttUIMM. LM 1 lb. Vanilla, Beaa 8 M. leaf, U2" 1 gross Visit Phtt oval 8 ei. ff. r. Inch 3 gtd. W. T7 Cor. ' 4 dos. Medietas Glass (Ptieala) Me. t. W. T. it Co. , . 2 dos Ointment Pots, 4 c. (Phea-ta) Ns. 685. W. T. ft CO. . . 10 lbs. Absorbont Cotton, K . , B, Lee Co. . . 2 lbs. Absorbent Cotton, 2 os. J. B. Lee Co. 2 lbs. Absorbent Cotton, 1 oz. J. E. L M dox. Water Bottles Kubber (Flannel) No. J, 3-quart, J. K. Lee Co. 2 one yard roll Surgeon's Istagas. Plasters (black). J. H, Lee Co. 12 each elbows U. K. 1W aad 2 Inch. riiunuinu, 12 each bushings, UxK and lxl lack. i pacKaga Dross safety chain No. L 1. gross hose washers K inch. 100 ft. each and 2 tech black HP. 360 ft Cf 1 lach Mack ie. 36 Jenkins valve discs Inch. 24 brass screw boltB for Columbus ik couplings. . 2 Whistle valves VA Inch finished. 1 Enterprise Gas Soldering and Plumb ers' stove. . .. .. TINNING. 10 sheeU No. 24 R. O. black sheet Iroa ..il.8"8 No- M galvanized shcrt lroa 30x9S 6 she! No. 20 galvanized sheet Iron 3UX9S. 6 sheets No. 30x96. 18 galvanized sheet Iron 60 bushels charcoal. 100 lbs. solder V4 snd'H. ,t 2 boxes Ij X. menlo redlpped rcoflng tin 1 bundle 63 lbs. of No. 7 bright wire. ,1000 each tinned rivets 1V4 lb., 2 lb., 2U lo., and 3 lb. . .L ItARDWARE. . 100 lbs. each Burden' horse 'shoes, medi um. No, 2, hind. No. 3 hind. No. 4 hind, and No. 6 hind. 60 lb. each Burden steril horse s'loes medium No. 2 hind. No. 2 front No. J hind. No. 3 front. No. 4 hind and No. 4 front. 60 ft each toe steel x4 and & Inch. ti10 & ?a?n 2f tairn . H. H. H. Ti and 1 Inch. 5 lbs. each of Capwall horse shoe nails No. 6, No. 6. No. 7 and No. 8. 400 ft of V4 Inch round Norway Iron. 100 ft each of 6-16. , 7-16, tf and t.,., iuuhu nvrnov iruu .iw ,. eacn or hxh. Wxfti and x2 Inches 100 ft each of xH. Ux. xt UxlU. 4XJH and M Inches flat Norway Iron jwu lus. DiacKsmun s coai, (UKe sampie.i 60 each Norway, carriage bolts Uxl, J4?,1''. ...HH- HxS, Mx3H. l3x4 6-16x1 1, S-163CZ. XlfixS, 6-lfix4, B-lCxsl 7il iv s?'i Txa. .7' ana xo incn ,U5 Ut lm Pfteh ttra in1t ft.lfiviu an l.vUC , v.. . ... Huu 7t7 100 tire rivets and burrs Ux3V Norway. 10 lbs, each cut; washers H and Inch, 6 fiat bastard files' 12 inch. 6 Hnt mill bastard nies 12 Inch. 3 half round 'bastard files 12 Inch. 2 each fiat mill nics 4, . 8. and 10 Inch. J full side lac leather (like sample). 300 ft. manllla rope inch In dlam. 1 gross No., 108 bright wire screw evei. ,. fncJ? S!M?ilHK gouges i. , 1, Hi and 1H Inch Butfchers,' or as good. Samples may be seen at the commis sary of the asylum. Goods must be In accordance with simples, nnd b- In orlt Irial packages, when possible. Other things being equal, articles of Oregon production or manufacture will be riven preference. Delivery of supplies will be required within fifteen daysr notice of ae centanee of bid. PJnrn bid must Include' all the Items and totals In full, with thft exception of nour, meat and tlsh. Vouch er will not be Issued until the bidder hns completed his contract, A copy of the advertisement must accompany each bid, and the name of tho class of supplies be Inscribed on the envelope. Auditing! of ficers are prohibited from confirming "ac counts of purchnse when the advertise-, ment does not contain a full description of the articles to be purchased. Each bidder wll be require fo furnish -with his bid a certified ctreck In nn amount equal to ten per cent of his bid (save that for flour the check Is to be for 3300, for meat 3250, for fish 375), payable to the order of the noard to be returned In case his "bid H rejected or his proposal complied with. The right to reject any and nil bids Is re served. Bids will be opcrte at thegov rnor's orftce at 2:30 o'olock p. m., Tues day, January 4- 1898. WM. P. LORD H. R. XINCAIb. PHIL. METSCHAN. Board of Trustees p. 8. I. A. NOW IS THE. TIME TO BUY HI BARR & PEHEL are headquarters "for them. and all work connected with tho business PLUMBERS, AND TINNERS, 214 Commercial at "The Light of the Work), OK ODR SAVIOR IN ART" Cost over $100,000 to p.uullsh. Con tains nearly 2W fulUpaijo encravings of our Baylor, by tho jrrfeat' masters1. Every picture Is reproduced from some famous painting. Agents are talcing from turco to twenty orders per day. Tbe book Is so beautiful that when peopjo pco It they want It. Tho Hermitage, PradoJ UHIzI, Plttt' . Vatlcan.Natlonal of London.Natronal of Berlin, Belylderc and other cele brated European Kallejlca haye placed their greatest and rarest treasures at our disposal that tllcy might be-' en graved for this superb work. ''FIRST GLANCE AT THE PICTURE BROUGHT ' TEARS TO MY EYES" says one. "Cleared $160 Urst weqk'a work wjth tho book,' says another. "Some high grade man or woman should secure the agency here at once, says every editor, t'aa 8506 can soon b? mado taking orders for it." Nearly $10,000 expended on new plates for edition coming front press Also a man or woman of good church standing can sccuro position of Man agor and Correspondent of this terri tory, to devoto all his tlrao to eniplpy ing and drilling agents and .cor responding with torn. Address for full particulars A. P. T. ELDER Publisher, 278 Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111. d 12 01m SPRAY YOUR TREES. Now ii lbs tune to have oar little family orch&ri put in good shape and made prxjf tgalnjt Insect!. San Jo scale, woolly aphis and fungus removed, acd trees made healthy by scientific methods. Advice free. Apply to Hichards c Sllpjy, 201 Iligrrjtrtet, Salem. - "Honest John" Truss, , Cures 60 Ph Cst. A new tiussonn new principle, No back ureuure; Dr. Stc' J ug Store, agent fx Salem Oi. d&nria a 3 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IN TIIE UNITED STATES. A book.of two Mimini nscescoaUftilng a catalogve pibout.sic tbousnd newse a pen' be ng all, tbat m credited by the AiMricM Newspaper Dif tory (December edition for 1897) with hhrnjc icguUr jmtef of 1,000 copies or mm, Al icpeiite Stale maps 'cf mcK ad wety State In the Am ricnn Uu'on, rambtf ely th-va towns ciil) Ipwlitu ;c 'ssueJ neyipaaeta liavlnpTjior thna I i0 (Ifcukulan. 'IMc bcuk (iitueU Decqnhvr 15, lSs7)wHt,W teat postage paid, tq any sJJhm. ok MGtiat tlptm dollar, A04rsTacGed P. KewK Swath. log Co. Iq Spru:e ht., Kew Ycrk. I if, Mr tunc vwmvt. J.rll&MAtia r vr uiiiauut m avut vr 1 :'i MM nr HM ) PUMPS; I ' f 1 I I 1.1 I jV UauiiUi.1 V ffVf m4 m ml - MTttf tf4M Griisiaina. -abpvv'h -VA o - -.!. ,A I