Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 11, 1897, Image 2

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It Is CompleteJM
Viif.aL. A?r-
- and
For the holiday trade,
tSce our largo line of Glass and Clilnawarc. Water t.ct. a specially
Vacs by the hundred at prices way down.
H, G, SONNEMANN; Grocer,
124 State Street,
Daily Capital Journal.
The annual state teachers associa
tion will meet In Portland some tlaio
In December.
About $500 tforth of tfoods were
stolen from the store ofjF.W. Gorman
at Yaqulna last Saturday night.
' Emma A. Mclirldc has been ap
pointed postmistress at Edtlyvllle,
Or., vJco Simon P. Conroy, resinned.
The county treasurer of Yamhill
county (n his monthly statement
shows a balance on hand of $24,800,08.
AH of the JO pulents, who were se
riously sick from eating headcheese
and sausage, at Corvalll? arc recover
ing. Tho trial of Gus Wochlln, who Is
being tried for the mu;der of John 1).
Lcdrlck of Hlllsboro's piogrcsslng
Dr. II. W. Kclloirg of tlio Ohio con
ference will preach the dedicatory ser
mon at tile M. E. Church In MoMlnn
vllloon Dec. II).
Mr. "V. It. Smith, who was shot In
tholeg when Curley Coolidge was
killed Is at his homo In Sllverton. lie
Is yet on crutches but fast recovering.
George Anderson, of Uoseburg cap
tured while fleeing from a house
which ho Intended burglarizing, was
sentenced to one year In tho peniten
tiary. Tl'o Lane c ititity rock crushor Is at
work near Goshen, whero rock Is be
ing crushed to repair the now Uamas
swale. About 800 feet of new road
will b? built.
The hlgest bidder for making the
now Induces to tho real estate records
or Uentou county was $2,500, while
the lowest was $370, The county fur
nishes tho books for tho work.
II. A.- Poor, and Phil Ilcckloy, of
Southern Oregon, arc pasturing 14,000
head of sheep on tho Elgin placo,
thieo miles below Uorvallls. The
sheep were driven from Douglas
Tho following uow olllcals wcro
elected In Tillamoek: Mayor B. L.
Eddy; recorder, O. N. Drowj council
men, J. E. Tuttlo, P. Mcintosh, O. P.
Knudfuii, II. G. Davis and Frank Mc
Cormuck; marshal, O. W. Clements;
treasurer, Howard Carey.
Residents of JWallaowa county re
port a run of salmon which began
within tho last week. A run of sal
man this lato In tho season Is very
unusnl In that county. Tho fish aro
large and havo deep red sides, and
have other unusual characteristics.
They are headed for Wallowa lakejand
aro very plentiful.
The Venezuela Boundary.
ISkw Yokic, Dee. 10. A tribune
special from Washington says:
Tho British and Venezuelan agents
aro hurrying to completion their
briefs, which must bo presented, with
ull evidences and arguments, by Feb
ruary 11 next U tho arbitrators on the
boundary dispute.
Thu tribunal, which Is considered
fully organised, though its members
have not met each other, will not as
hoiublti toy receive tho briefs, but It
has bcn arranged by correspondence
to hold sessions in Paris, beginning
next July, and tho hopo is expressed
of being able to arrivo at 11 satisfac
tory dcelsl'in before the arbitrators
are compelled to adjourn for their
other duties uext Soptcmbor.
Tho members aro M. F. G. Demar
tens, tho Russian authorty on Inter
national law, who Is president; Chief
.Tustlco Fuller and Justice Brewer, of
tho United States; and lllron Hers
obeli and Sir Richard Pcn-Collln,uf
Great Britain.
On or before Fcbuary 1 1 copies of
thft brjpfs and evidence will bo deliv
ered to each of these judges and to
thoX'cnts nt tth tho disputing gov
ernments, who will then havo until
May 4 to submit briefs In robuttul,
which will constitute the flual docu
ments in tho case.
Counsel for Venezuela, cx-mlnlstor
Scruggs, declares that tho task under
taken by thp commission appointed
by President Cleveland, pspcelally tho
Investigations by Professor Burr In
tho Dutch archives, havo proven in
valuable and wiipt away ull doubt as
to tho btrcnuth of Vonciuel's conten
tion. JCx-Gavciior John Whlteaker, of
Shkciiu, hUlTorotl a euyoro stroko of
lyU and Ills friends ,aro much
Jurmed. Iliscullro rlglittsldu Is af
fected, and lie has no power of spoech.
MwMt Suffering Exrln4 n4 Atr-
i ti fim.
DAYS CniCMC, 6K.-"I wu badly
p&OBod ltk poUon Mk last summer
ad I could uat get rid It, tistll I took
Vktw bottle) ol Uoo4's fcwMpftrllla to
ywtf my blood, I kava ound Ileod'a
lawn i arm to bo tWa Umi blood purifying
- wiathliia tkt I bave ever tried. It Klvwi
a aakia it? 4 MkM tuta blood."
' ItaUtmiuK Cuixxx,
Big Pension Bill Reported
From Committee,
THE BILL CARRIES$141,263,890
The House Passed the Bill With
out Amendment.
Washington, Dec, 11. Tho houw
passed the pension appropriation bll
without amendment and adjourned
until Monday. The amendments off
crcd by Democrats to correct alleged
existing abuses were ruled out on the
point of order that thoy were now
As passed, the bill reached $141,203,
8S0. Tho debaie covered a wide langt
It touched not only tho question of
our pension policy, but that of civil
service reform and tho receipts and
expenditures of tho treasury under the
Dlngley law.
On the latter question Dlngley
mado an Important statement, In
which he expressed tho opinion that
tho receipts would equal the expendi
tures before tho close of the present
Ussalyear, nnd predicted a surplus of
810,000,000 next year.
The delegation of four native ITu
wallans, who have been In Washing
ton for the past few days, called on
tho (state department and .were
admitted to an Interview with Secre
tary Sherman. Tho Interview lasted
only a lew minutes. They presented
a memorial represented to bo In be
half of 20,000 native Ilawallans pro
testing against annexation.
The attorney-general directed
United States Attorney Footc, at
San Francisco, to tilo a bill In equity
against the Coal Dealers' Association
of California for violation of tho anti
trust law of 1890.
It Is said the association Is com
posed of retail dealers ofSanFranclsco
and has for Its object tho full local
control of tho coal business Tho
constitution and bylaws whlcn haye
been under examination -for some
time In tho department of justico arc
said to disclose ; tho fact that tho
membors aro being held under severe
penalties not to sell coal at a less
price than Is tlxcd by tho association
and to otherwise observe all of Its
Wholesale dealers In Washington,
Oregon and British Columbia are said
to havo entered Into an agreement
with tho association, on whom nny
violation of tho rules, Including the
sale of coal under tho card rates re
ported to them, would bo punished by
an Increase in tho wholesale rato to
to such offenders, of $2 per ton, or re
fusal to sell to them except at prices
charged consumers.
It was stated In reliable quirtors
about tho house that Secretary Gage
had mado his purposo known not to
embody his financial views In ono
comprehcnslvo bill, but to cover special
subjects in a number nf special bills,
some of which would go beforo tho
house committee on banking and cur
rency and others before the coramlttco
on ways and means,
Tho houso committee on interstate
and forclgu commerco has sot Satur-day.Dccembo-
)8, for hearing tho antl
scalping bill.
Tho attorney-general has taken
steps looking to tho postponement of
tho sale of tho Kansas Pad lie. As
soon as ho received u copy of tho sen
ate resolution ho tolegraphcd Its sub
stanco to Special Colonel Iloudley, at
Now York, with a request that ho pie
paroatoneo a motion, nsklng for n
postponement until about Fouriiarj
15. Tho attorney -general today ex
pressed no doubt that a postponement
would bo granted by the court on the
showing tho government would be
aulo to iunko.
San Fkancisco, Dee 11. -Harvey
Allonder, of San Jose, was hanged at
San Quontln penitentiary for tho
mutdprof Miss Wallborga Flclncrand
Tltmnzl Crosettl, on August 0, 1800
While the murderer's neck was
broken by tho drop of six feet, life
was not pronounced extinct until
thirteen minutes later,
AUendor was exceedingly nervous,
and when the nooso was adjusted tot
tered to such an extent that It was
necessary to support him. Ho made
no statement. Tho execution was
witnessed by thlrty-tlvo newspipor
uion and actors.
Ucllcvlllo Miner
St. Lows, Dec 10 Tho Belloyllle
miners hold 11 meeting and agreed
to stand by the HDiInutlold
scale. A number of delegates to the
national cojlmlncnr convention in
Oblo were appointed,
i re
Knock at the Gates of Cuba's
Spanish Soldiers Sally Fourth to
Meet the Enemy.
New York, Dec. 11 A dispatch
to the World from Havana says:
An important battle Is expected
hourly . Tho insnrgents have planned
the most formldaolo demonstration
against. Havana, of the year. General
Parrados has started from this clt
with a strong column of troops to
meet the Insurgents. Senor Canale
Jas, the confidential agent of the
Spanish, went with him to ascertain
he real conditions In Havana prov
ince General Rodriguez with the com
bined Cuban forces under Junn Dcl
tndo Ladarczand Rafael Zcckardlnas,
Is encamped about 20 miles south of
hero. Ho has fully 1000 men, who are
well armed and is said to hac a
llolchklss rapid-fire cannon.
Einlllo Consalo has hanged Antonio
Rlyera and a negro named Osman.
They went to Consalo from Blanco
with money and a proposition to lay
down his arms and accept autonomy.
.V note was pinned on the breasts of
r.hc hanged men announcing that any
inc coming on a similar mission
would mccta like fate.
Pitiable It True.
New York, Dec, 11. The Journal
and Advertiser say i;
Weyler's policy of .extermination,
which he called reconccntratlon, has
resulted In an enoimous Influx of
Cubans IntJ New York, Hundreds
if not thousands of ihcm arc dying of
hunger hero. Tho number of these
refugees is variously estimated from
12,000 to 20,000. Perhaps the great
majority aro absolutely without
means. There are men and women
among them who.wero worth thous
ands of dollars before the war began,
but are now penniless. Some of these
aro working as waiters, porters or
Emillo Agramontc, president of the
Marti Charity Association, -says that
many of them have actually died
from starvation, and that tho ma
jority have perfcrred to live quietly
In misery rather than let their des
ecrate wants be known to those who
could help thorn, but who have in the
past known them to be peoplo of
wealth, Influence and rcllncment,
Burned Alive.
New York. Dec. 11 A Herald
dispatch from Madrid sajs:
A storm of indignation has been
provoked hero by news of tortures In
flicted by tho Cuban rebels upon In
habitants of Gulsa, whero women and
children aio alleged to havo been
bound and burnt alive. Tho -details
aro given by tho Imparclal, a paper
by no means favorablo to tho (present
government's policy, and tho news Is
now officially continued. Ono of the
ministers says that as far as known at
present tho only crime the unfortu
nato creatures appear to have been
guilty of Is that they fa voted tho ac
ceptance of autonomy.
Explosive Bullets Used.
Havana, Dec. 11. Latest reports
of tno lato light In Plnar del Rio
province show tho Spanish loss was
more than claimed, Tho dead or
wounded Include one colonel, one
major, soyen captains, cloven subordi
nate oUIcors and 74 privates. Most of
tho wounded will die. The rebel loss
was 14. Tho rebels used explosive
De Lome's Enemies,
New York, Dec. 11.- Tho Spanish
colony in this city has been divided
by a petition sent to Madrid at .the
time of the assassination of Premier
Canovas, ticking for thu appointment
of a successor to Souor de Lome. Ac
cording to tho World the petition was
drawn so as to attack Senor do Lome
without mentioning his name, and
among the 40 prominent Spaniards
who signed It were several friends of
tho minister who did not see any at
tack upon him In tho apparently
harmless recommendation. The re-
It UVei nerve to face an enraced bull and
flaunt In hl face the color that be hates. It
1 a foolish and reckless thine for any man
to do, but thousand upon thousands of men
and women are daily facing a peril before
which the bull fighter' danger fades into
insignificance. The bull fighter is armed,
trained, and fully prepared for his battle.
The thousands who stand face to face with
thst dread and insidious foe, consumption,
are but illy equipped for the struggle. The
man or woman who would successfully with
stand the inroads of the deadly germs of
consumption needs to have arteries bound
ing with the rich, ted, life - giving blood
of health. I)r rlerce'a Golden Medical
Discovery U without an equal as a blood,
maker aud flesh builder It cleauses and
strengthens the lungs and cures 98 per cent,
of all cases of consumption.
Ulu Lucy KtoeOlir, of Armada, Mich , writes
"When I was about eight years of age I had in
rUmtuatton of the lungs, and from that time up I
was sick nnrty all the time and had a doctor
nearly all the time. I would take cold so easily It
would go right to my lungs At the age uf nlue
Ittu I was very bad there was pain in ra lungs,
lickliug in roy throat and ray throat was studded
with ulcers, t acre was hoarseness and partial stp-
Srrstion or voice, and difficulty of breathing, I
octorcd with ou of our bt physicians and he
said he could not help me and just prescribed cod
lircr oil and told ray mother I could not lite looser
than three mouth. 1 kept getting weaker mry
day, when at last a friend asked me why I did not
try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dltonery, I
thought there was 10 use, no more help for me as
consumption was iu our UuUy My ulher and
also my alsti died with it, but after taking
the first bottle I scented to feel better My appetite
was better aud t kept right ou taking it, with a
bottle of the ' Pellets ' once In a while uulil 1 felt
real well Before taking it, I welched one hun
dred and tea pounds, alter taking it, oat hundred
Hi tMny. I bare net had a con h taU winter,"
y L tfff
suit Is ft bitterness among'thc factions
almost as strong as this hatred of tho
Cubans. Tho petition says:
"Kor Spain to succeed In her rela
tions with the (Tolled States sho must
havo In Washington a reprcscnatlye
of ability and firmness, whoso heart
will beat with tho pulsations of our
mother country, and with a head bal
anced U baso all his diplomatic rcla
tlonson an Indlsputablo right, and
not allow tho right to bo curtailed in
the least by unrounded demands or
unjust pretensions from the opposing
The enemies of de Lome are said to
be Senor Canclcjas and A. Taltavulla.
Tncy charge the mlnltcr with lack of
foresight and weakness with permit
ting Americans to havo a voice In
Spanish affairs and with bowing to
the senate. These opponents arc led
by Zeraus, formerly ylcc-presldent of
tho Spanish exchange.
Six Days Wheel Race.
New Youk, Dec. 11. Tho great
six days bicycle race at Madison
Square Garden has narrowed Itself
down to fifteen riders. Miller still
retains a lead of nearly ono hundred
miles over Rice, the Wllkesbarre
miner. At midnight he was some
thing like 235 miles ahead or the
worlds record and with twenty-four
hours to spare. He had covered the
distance up to within a fjw miles or
the great record which was made by
Hale last year, 1W0. The great sur
prise or tho night was the retire
ment of Rlylcrrc, the Frenchman,
who, while not helloed to be actually
out of his mind, Is in a pitiable phy
sical condition and is under the care
of physicians.
Like most of the others Rlvleree
has given evidence during the contest
or partially losing his mind. The
awful strain from the first day or
riding has, In a measure, mentally
unbalanced him and this afternoon
he leaped rrom his wheel.and made
an assault on an imaginary roc In one
of the boxes swearing and Jabbering
In his native tongue. His trainers
rushed to him and put .him on his
wheel, but after making a few more
laps ho repeated the performance with
more Insane rage than ho had at first
demonstrated. The result was that
Rlylerec had to be taken from tho
track to return no more.
Another who has quit is Moore, no
had a bad rail during the afternoon.
While going at a high rate of speed
he crashed into a rail and cut himself
badly. Ho was carried off the track
almost unconscious. Tho shock was
too great for his debilitated condition
and Moore will be seen no more in the
race. But Miller, the wonderful spec
imen of physical strength, still plods
along. Ho has ground out moro miles
Inaglycn time on a wheel than any
man has over before, no has sub
sisted under the most telling strain,
with less sleep than was thought pos
ssblo by any man, and an examina
tion or him by surgeons disclosed the
fact that his condition was normal
and with the exception of muscu'ar
soreness and a blight dcadness of the
limbs he was In excellent condition
and will be able to continue to the end
without much danger of collapse.
Rice, who is the second man in the
contest, though nearly a hundred!
The Dying Day
finds many a weary woman's work undone many
a task but just begun. This need not be. When
work crowds the day, shorten the work don't
lengthen the day.
,fk9 vt smrw MMS
used for cleaning, keeps your work a day ahead of
tiine keeps you young. Cleans everything. Sold
everywhere. Made only by
St Louis, CMcsno. KcYri., t ten, Phi'-'c'tlplita, San Francisco.
aBMHHKfisaxsHMKrire w"w-
It Brings Perfect Manhood to All I
The Greatest Discovery of the Famous
Physicians' Institute,
(SrUratultously, gladly sent to all men who need Itnnd who will nrlto for it.
A largo percentage of tho men of today aro sadly In need of the right
Kinii of medical treatment for the weakness peculiar to men. Many cases are
aue to early lces, others to excesses, while many of the cases are due to
X,Brw? NNOrry and General neryous debility. It matters not, however,
wn.it tho causa may lmo been. U10 fact still renmlna that thy all require
proper medical attention IMMEDIATELY.
Write us nt once, giving a description of your case, and wo will preparr
ft?0?.1,0 ?' treatment specially adapted to your condition, and SEND
11 TO lOU ABSOLUTELY VtlKV, In plain sealed package. We can glvo
full strength, development and tono to overy portion ad organ of the body,
stop all drains and losses, and restoro you to rEUPDCT MANHOOD. Fall
ure la impossible with our method. Wo have thousands of testimonials
from nil over the. world.
rhjslclans Institute. Chicage: IJLANCHARD, Wash, March Is, iS6.
Dear birs. I have nearly nnlshed my course of treatment and find
myself a different man. I cannot And words enough to praise and ex
press the deep graUtude I feel towards you. Your treatment Is simply won
Uerful. I am perfectly cured, and thank you a hundred times nnd will
help you nil I possibly can. May dod bless you and your work.
. , , . . , Yours truly, C. E. P.
Physicians' Institute, Chicage: LOTEX, La.. June 19, 1S96.
My Dear Friends. I'loase aceept my thanks for the kindness you havo
n "1" Losse llavo entirely stopped and vigor has returned. I am
all OKI nm better than I have bn for 15 years. I do not feel like the
some man. All my friends when they meet me say, "What have you been
doing? Never saw a man come out like you."
. . . . . Ever your friend, M. P C
Phjslclans' Institute: HAVANA. N. D Jan. 29. 1S95.
Gentlomen, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for the result of
my treatment. During the last two weeks that I took your treatment tho
Improvement was remarkable I have had no emissions or other symptoms
slnco taking your medicine My friends are all surprised at Ihe improve
ment In my general appearance. Hoping that you may ever prosper, I re-m,n-
Yours 6lncerely
Hundreds of similar letters are now on file In our business ofllce, and
all are bonu fide cxpreenlons of permanently curod men. Do not delay
writing to us, md remomber that we are not only a responsible Institu
tion In every way, but oura la the largest medical institute in America thai
makes a specialty or SEXUAL AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Inclose 6 cents
for postag an medicine, which is always plainly sealed.
Ctpt2WfX"ODloTeapl, CHICAGO, ILL.
miles behind the leader, Is standing
by his colors with dogged determina
ting Hale, with plenty of sleep com
paratively speaking, has the best np-
pcarance of any man on tho circle.
Tho score at 12:15 o'clock a. m. was as
rollews: Miller, 1832; Rice, 1702;
Schlnner, 1770; Rlvleree, 1770; Hale
1637; Waller, 1C08.
San Francisco, Dec. 11. Michael
Furcell, a bollcr-makcr, was making
somo repairs Inside the smokestack ol
the steamer Wellington at the Fol
som street wharf, when fires were
carelessly started below him. Ho was
strapped In a chair suspended forty
feet rrom the dampers below. It was
Impossible to go up and to go down
without assistance meant being
roasted alive.
Dense volumes of hot smoke began
sailing up tho stack , while Purccll
shouted loudly for help The heat in
creased every moment until the boller
makcr's clothing caught Ore. He
beat on the pipe with all his might,
and sboutcd for fully ten minutes
before his helper on the outside,
Martin Philpot, realized his plight
and rescued him just as the rope sup
porting him was catching on fire.
Purcell lies at home in a critical
New Yoric, -Dec. 11. It was
learned that one of the biggest rob
beries In tho history of the New York
postolllce occurred on November 0.
The amount Inyolycd is said to bo In
the neighborhood of $100,000, and was
takent from the registered letters In
tho railway mall service on that sec
tion of the Central Railroad of New
Jersey known as the New York, Som
ervlllc and Eastern branch.
On November 9th, it is stated, two
packages containing $30,000 were taken
now long the defalcations had gone
on before, has not been ascertained.
Major Charles F. Lewis, of the Phila
delphia branch of the government
secret service, was in this city today
investigating the robbery, which has
been kept a secret until now, by the
postal authorities.
Mrs. McKinley's Condition,
Canton, Dec. 11. Atfli o'clock last
night Mrs. McKiniey was yery weak,
and her relatives do not expect her to
survive through the night.
Friday marked the ninth day of
tho sickness of Mrs. McKliilcy since
she was stricken with paralysis. Dur
ing these nino days sho has taken but
little nourishment and during that
period has been conscious only a few
times. The case lias been pronounced
by tho attending physician as a very
remarkable one. Several visits were
made by Dr. Phillips, and at each one
it was reported that there was clear
indications that thopatlent had be
come decidedly weaker. President
McKiniey was almost constant In his
vigil yesterday.
Call for County Warrants.
Notice Is here given that I have
rntirin mi imnri t.n nnvnll wariantsnre-
sented prior to January 12, 1897 and
intrr-st, will cease on the same froi
the date of this notice
Dated Dec. 10, 1897.
jja G. L. Ilrown,?? ,
1210J1 wdMw uouniy 'J.reasurer.u
"Hvr' '" nvwvff'wjrassanms?.wwma
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannie, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now nj? xj-zT- on ev6ry
bear the facsimile signature of (zti&x76&444t wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have aways bought, nf '&?, sT" on inB
and has tho signature of (astfflcUcAMC wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
oept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
President. . -
March 8, 1897. Q?tLt4&&M-rti,j.
Salem Blectric 1R.
F R, ANSON, Receiver,
Commencing Nov. 2, 1897, and until further ordered
electric cars leave Hotel "Willamette as folio wsj
FOR PENITENTIARY, via State Heuse:
6:30 a. m., 7 a. in. and every 30 minutes thereafter until 10:15 p.m. And
at 11:30 p. m. to Twenty first street only.
TOR S. P. Co. IjEPOT, via State House:
645 a. m., 1040 a. m , 140 p. m. and 805, p. m.
FOR INSANE ASYLUM, Transfer to Garden Read:
630 a. m., 640 a. m., 7 a. m. and every 20 minutes thereafter, until 10
p. m. and at.ll p. m.
6:40 a. m., 7 a. m, nd every 20 minutes thereafter until, 10 p. m. and
at 1040 p. m.
7 a, m., 730 a. m., and every 3oJminutes thereafter, until 10 p. m. and 11
p. m., from State Insurance building
6:30 a. m,, 7 a. m., and eyery 30 minutes thereafter, until 10 p. m. and 1030
p. m., from Court house only.
This time table is based on railroad or Standard Pacific time. Tho town
clock is usually 2 to 5 minutes slower.
On Sundays, all cars, except depot, start at 8 a. m.
Last cars at night leave as follews:
For Insane Asylum Chemeketa stret and Garden Road, immediately after
close of performance at opera house and also at II p. m. from Hotel Willamette.
For South Salem, 10:40 p. m, from Hotel Willamette cr at 1045 P- m- from
opera house when any attraction there holding lite.
For State street to Twenty hrst street, 1130 p m., from Hotel Willamette.
For Morningside, II p. m., from State Insuiance building.
For Fair Grounds and North Salem, to30 p in., from Court house corner.
Bargains in
254 Commercial
SWWc arc agents for Canadian Pacific Railway.
2600 acre grain and slock farm three miles
from railroad runini; water, good rprings
aad fair buildings. This is the btst bargain in
the Willamette valley. Price onlj $6.50 per
332 acres, two and one-hallrrlles northwest
of Amity. 24o;acres under cultivation; all
fenced; 2 houses and 2 barns; farmly orchard;
Nevd 1 1 running water. Pi ice 28. 00 per
, . . - t:;tn If.rTnn ctntlnn ti lin.
OQO flt 5 JiltUUlln; .u..w.. .-...j .,..w
stock ftm o acres under cultivation first
class lamiiv orcnaiu k" ii, kmh
barns spniigs. and running water all for $12,
per acre.
320 acres 3 miles norm 01 acio, 2 mues
from Shelburg at the crosr'ng of the OC4
E R R and b P K K. 150 acres in cultivatien:
good house and barn; all under fence! family
erchard: good springs and running water.rrice
100 acres 4 miles southwest of Turner; 10
acres in cultivation; 30 acres in pasture good
houss and barn 3 spnngs; 7 acres of prunes.
71 acres one-half mile ficm Minto, so acres
sro fllce la City null..
Irrlcatlon Hours 0 to 8 a. m and fi
toO In thoeycnlDL'.
All Irrigation bills for tho sutumer
will be duo and payable tho 1st of
Street 6prjnkllntf through lawn hoso
positively prohloluid.t
No deduction for irrigation during
absence unless water Is cut oil the
cntlro premises,
No ullowance made for part of sea
son as nipre water Is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn than judicious
use for tlio entire season.
iSalem Water Co.
lltf IllvtfJ f n pa.
lrrlt&llon. df (ilrr.t(..u
ol niuigui BumlrutA
rinlt tad not ALrt
IrtuEuniCwrt'C-iCo. " r pouonuut.
Sraia b? Bi-anUU,
ur cnt in pUlo wrpp,t
rwt pit pia. iM
Sata Water Co.
'Real Estate !
Street, Salem, Or.
in cultivation good house and 'barn; Irunlng
water. Price $1300
20 acres of fine land 3 miles south all in
ood cultivation for $750.
TO TRADE.-o acres inUmatilla county
for improved i-alem property.
TO TRADE.-.185 aeres. on the Alsea for
city ol Salem property, improved or unim
A fine lesUencc property inside, cheap,
call for prices.
House ani 3 acres of ground in subuibs of
city cheap, $700,
A good new house of 9 rooms for $1000.
$150 cash, balance $8, per month.
House and lot in Yew Park at a bargain at
List your hou;e and farm for rent or for (ale
with us.
We sell ticVels on theCinadian "Pacific rail
road at $5.00 to $7.00 less to eastern points,
Four blocks from Lincoln school house,
fine reWecce half.block in Salem with
piivile e of enclosing half of street, city rrater
fine fruit trees, if sold within three months
for $300, A bargain ss it commands beautl
lul view.
of America.
The Original Order of Vooderaft.
An organlzatl' n rf tl.c members by
the member nt il f. r the members.
Its territory is ctititined to the north
west states out of which all cities of
200,000 population are excluded.
Highest numbers of assessments in
any one yeaT has been eleven. Cost of
Insurance at age 40 has never exceeded
15.50 per year. Record for 1897, 270,
000 members and ten assessments.
Average age 33 years. Amount of In
surance In force 000,000,000. For
more deflnate Information see small
folders or apply to
VY. E. Dockson,
Deouey Ilead Consul, with Derby &
Co., 251 Commercial street, Salem,
Oregon. " -
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis at Taul and Den.
ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to
eastern cities.
For full details call on or address
agents, SaUm, Oregon,
Tortland San Francisco.
Steamers leave Alnsworth dock, Portland,
October 9, Mi 9, 24t s9 November 3, 8,
13, 18.23. 28.
Fare Cabin, S?; steerage, $2.50.
Ruth for Portland Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at to a. m For Corvallis, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 4 p. m. Steamer
Elmore for Tor land Tuesday, Thursday an(j
Saturday it 6:43 a.m.
Transfers to street car line at Oregon City
if the steamers are delayed there. Round
trip tickets to all points in Oregon. Washing,
ton, California or the east. Connecting
made at Port'and with all rail, ocean and
river lines. Call on G. M. Powers, agent,
foot Trade street.
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, O).
Tho lino that holds the world's
record for long distance fast running.
The line that runs the fastest train
In the west. The line that runs tho
llnest train In the world. The line to
take when jou go cast.
Three routes east via Denver, St.
F.tul and Billings, Mont. Ticktts at
olllces of connecting lines.
Gen'l Arent, Portland, Or.
Southern Pacific Co
6:00 r M) Lv...;Portland. ,.Ar
8:30 rMLv. ...Satein ...,Lv
745 AM) Ar. San Francisco. Lv
9:30 A M
7.MO A M
800 r m
Above trains step at all principal station
bet, Portland nnd Salem, Turner, Marion
Jeflerson, Albiny Tangent, Shedds, Ilalsey,
Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
Cottage Grove, Dram, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
830 A Ml Lv..
IIOOA ilV Lv..
5.-20 r m) Ar..
I 2 00r M
( 730 A M
Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class
sleeping cars attached to all through trains
Mail tiains daily except Sunday.
730 AMI Lv.
Portland.. Ar CWPM
t2I5 PM Ar... .Corvallis. ..Lvf 105 pm
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of the O. C. & E. Ry.
d.'O P M 1 Lv
. Portland.... Ar
) 825 A M
-5.-5oa m
) 450 A M
730 P m y ur.
.McMinnville Lv
8:30 Pit) Ar 1 independence Lv
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
bailing dates on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and
LULU and AUbi KALLIA, can be obtain;-!
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
C. H. MARKHAM. G. F. & P. A. Portland-
Eastern R. R. Company
Connecting nt Yaq jina Hay with the Sa
Francisco S: Yaquina Bay Steamship Co.
Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San
Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad
and Ilumbolt Bay.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to Ban
Francisco; Cabin, tS; steerage, $6.
Round trip, good 60 days, 117
To Coos liay cabin 18; steerage t6.
To Humboldt Bay aad Port Orford, cabin
(10; steerage $8.
-earner 'Albanv" between Portland and
Covaliis, through witeout lay-over. Leaving
Corvallis 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays, Tnursdays and
oundays leaves Portland, Yamhill street
dock, 600 a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and
J, C. MAYO, Supt. R1verD1visic.ru
Ccrvallis, Or
C. G. COKER. Agent, Salem.
Northern Pacific
Pullman Sleeping Cars
levant Dinin Cars
Tourist Sleeoin- Car&
To'tSt, Paul, Minneapolis, Dululh, 'rtigo
Grand Forks, Crooksion, Winnipeg,
Helena and Butte,
To ChiTO, Washington, Philadelphia. N
York. Boston, and all Point!
East and South
For information, time cards, jnaps "
tickets, call on or K-rite
2tC Commercial crrrf. llprn I)
U D,. Char'ton, Asst. Gen'l. Passg Agent
Mormon street coiner third Portland, Or.
JLUit JSrrrww JJtj Failing M
ij JLboatt aaa oiImmt tcww &n4 JndU
cmtiofc. 3 Key iHJklu and iwiWk
rtetot Lot iuLtj ia cm or jooou, aa j
titasaafartiitlr,Dufliiter m&rriaj.
KfltAnl Inilnilff Btm1 nvtH ri r.t ln i
Ukeolo time. Tli.i, n. Uxtira ImiredUl luw
maul and act Cv HE w Tn aU other taU. Ia
lasioa bating tho tannine AJuc TaUet. Thar
fcTicirJ thoouajj uJ wUI euro loo. t ira
lotlllra vrrlusn mutrtntea to all act a cura In aacU caaa '
or relund tba mcucj. Irica BO canu tr cacaaa-a. 9'
Unaakara Hull traatreaat) tot C3. 60 Br laSCla
W.W'; SITS ;'.p I 'le Circular tnr-
For Sale at Salem Or. bv 0 J 8
- va mu-V