DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. T SALEM, OREGON, JFIUDAY, DECEMBER 10, I87. TtO.M VOL, 8 " u - .in "Star - fi - Star" KEPT ONLY Neu) York Racket For rneu, women and children;: urc thebest in the market. Clothing Of best quality Mackintoshes For men and boys; the prices will surprise you Underwear Fedora And other styles overalls, jackets, frarn Call and save money. E. T. Do not fail to take Christmas Now is Your Tin You need clothing, we need money. We have got our prlcee down to a point that we defy competition. Don't matter whether it is a "bankrupt store" racket store or any other kind of a store, they arc not in it with us. Wo are the people and are located at 120 State street, G. W. JOHNSON & Co. 120 State rue Neatesi and Lanrcst Art Silks, -. Figured Sateens, suitable for cushions and pillows, Silk Lace, Chenilles, Embroidery Silks, Arescenc, Furs and Fur Tiiniuiings, Frogs Braids, Bilk Ornaments, Ladles' Handkerchiefs, etc., etc , ever 6hovn In Salem, are now being slaughtered at the great bankrupt sale, corner of State and Commercial streets. Every article in this house rcducea to a bargain, and money savers call and be convinced. BANKRUPT STORE, Corner State and Commercial sts Salem, Or, wswswtatsMs&sSMSMa wars i BY THE i (or the prices. Of all grades for men, women and children; a One line especially for children. of hats for men and boys; also caps duck coats, Of bet quality, at low prices and notions of all kinds All the above sold at original racket prices. BARNES. advantage of our Gift Sale ! street. NjrsVNSNM A Good Point! m to remember in the purchase oi hard ware.is that quality should never be sacrificed for price, Low prices with us mean no sacrifice of excellence. Any one who buys of us will certify to this fact GRAY BROS. Salem, Or, . FAMILY MURDERED, Negro the Perpetrator of the Deed POSSE IN PURSUIT OF VILLAIN. Mrs. Emma Schumacker Murdered foi Her Money. Wesson, Miss, Dec. 10. One of the most atrocious murders on record in tho South, was .committed last night in Simpson county, this state, twenty miles from here, Brown Smith, a farmer, and a son of cx-Rcprcscn -tativo Edward Smith, left his family at his home in the country to go to town for shopping purposes, thinking of no possible danger for them. When he returned, he found his wife and rive children lying in their own blood and apparently murdered. An alarm was raised immediately and the entire neighborhood turned out to hunt for the perpetrator of tho foul bloody crime. There being no tele graph connection, details of the mur der come In slowly, but it is reported that one of tho little girls, suppostd to have been dead has revived euough to tell what she knew of tho occur rences. She said she knows the man who committed the deed; that it was a negro, and described him. A posse is now on the track of the murderer and there Is great probabil ity that lie will bo apprehended before morning and but little doubt of his meeting speedy Justice when caught, without waiting for the formallticsot court, Mrs. Smith and tho other four chil dren arc dead. The sheriff's of Lincln aad Copiah counties haye gone to the scene of tho murder, each with a pack of trained blood hound-). Killed for Her Money. Kansas City. Dec. 10. Mrs. Emma Schumacker, a keeper of a grocrey btore at Eighteenth and Campbell streets, was fatally shot by robbers, who demanded the cash In her money drawer. BIG LIBTTBR. From Santa old SNOWY LAND, Dec, 7, 1897. TO THE FAIR STORE, 274 Commercial st Salem, On Dear Sir i As it is now time to start with my reindeers on the long Christmas journey for all the good girls and boys, anxious to visit you and make quarters at THE FAIR STORE, for I have been advised that you have the most complete line of Christmas goods in that beautiful Willamette Valley, also that your prices are very low on everything, Yours for Christmas Toys and everything, SANTA CLAUS, P, S, I know that your nice toys will afford the children more pleasure in one day'and gray than many articles whichjlast 365 days, t f. Xfi533S-w m j N( Y to UMBRELLAS. Down TheyO Go ! CitJttnAitTinf calp has Q? , w j saupine expectations, wc ire ) At the same time we have cut the price of our inv( ?mense stock of umbrelbv c 50c ones reduced to 75c ones reduced to SI Wes reduced to 51,25 ones reduced to. $1,50 ones reduced to. 1299 Commercial st f & Respite. ' Prrrsnona, Dec. 10. Tho execution ofitlie ncgroe, Phillip 11 ill, which was set for yesterday, has been postponed Indefinitely. Falling to hear favora bly from Governor Hastings unon tho application of Hill's mother for a res pite, his attorneys took out a jwrlt of error to the s-uprcnie court, ana upon advice of tho counsel that thcjnppcal acts as a supersedeas, Sheriff Lo wry postponed the execution. Thejwrltof error is returnable October 1, next. Hill was convicted of the murder of George Lawrence, a railroad laborer. Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, Dec. 10. Not slno Au gust, 1801, has any mouth's delivery of wheat bold as high as December did on Thursday. It roo from S1.0H, at the opening, to $1.09,but in a very curious fashion. It had many many a bakward slide, but In the end it rested at $1.07, a not Inconsiderable Improvement of 01 cents for the day. January was a good second, winding up with a gain of 3 cents. May was less demonstrative In its bullishness. It advanced 11 cents per bushel. Other grain and provi sion markets were more or less influ enced by the advanco in wheat. Wheat was very nervous at the start. The shorts were evidently alarmed at tho announcement that thctull clique had made arrange ments to ship by rail all wheat de livered them on December contracts and also made advantageous storage contracts in tho East, The conse quence was there was a host of buy ing at odds for December, at the opening, mostly of moderate lots, It is true, but they had tho same effect on the already strained market as if they were millions. There was no wheat for sale. December closed Vcdnesday nt. ini.no l-t.hut tho onenlng bidsThurs- day ranged all the way from $1.01 1-2 to $1.04. TU13 precipiuiu:u u iiuwubv scramble among the shorts, not In December alone, but in January and May wheat also. Before wheat came out $1.05 was offered for December. Then came a lull which lasted for an hour. The brokers operating for the bull clique attempted to stem the tide, but pro bably from 200,000 to 250,000 bushels were taken before the reaction occur, red, December declined to $1.01 1-2 but by 11:45 had again risen to $1.05. Then came tho storm. Within five minutes, and amid a whirl of excite ment, December was bid to $1.08. It reacted with a Jerk to $1.00 1-2 then up again without a stop to $1.00, t?ie highest price bid for wheat in t.ils market in six years. to gather up a fine lot of toys and for the older people I am arrangements to have my head- prevent more hairs from turning SANTA CLAUS, i taire&AeA kevondi'oiir rmostrflrx ,:..: . S5 gowg w .wuuuus u vn,- Up t ..t "Oc 75c ,85c .95c a mOUEft WAxl STOftE SPAIN'S CUBA POLICY Sagasta's Policy Too Slow for Suffering Cuba. INSTITUTION 0FCUBAN REFORM Spain's Autonomy Decrees on the Way. New York, Dec. 10, Home rule for Cuba; for Spain soverenlty; for the United States reciprocity. The pro gram is defined. If carried out it might insure years of tranquallty and prosperity to the Antilles, says tho correspondent of tho Tribune lo Ilayana. Until tho first point is set tled the lot one is necessarily In choate. It does not form part of Hip public discussion of autonomy. Only thoughtful men who are looking be yond the politics or today, tuakti It ;i cardinal feature in the Cuban polio of the futnre. Except for the fall In sugar. It contended by thoughtful men that the abuses of Spanish colonial mitt government would have been nndureu until corrected. In prosperity the weight of corrupt and oppressive ad ministration did not seem to bear mi heavily. In adversity it became un bearable. With conccslona from Spain which promise to give Cuba Its own government, the economic con ditions again become prominent, and commercial relations with tho United States are the basis nf all these plans for Improvement, A wide gulf must first bo bridged with autonomy before force can bo given to these Ideas. Tho gulf may never be spanned, because support at either end by Spanish partisans and Cuban revolutionists are wanting, yet the suggestion of reciprocity Is sig nificant of the future relations of the Island to tho United States. Tho Cubans who declare the rev olution must goon until Independence is won haye theories of their own. One of these Is that broader and more stable reciprocity will be secured to the United Stats if it treats with the Cuban republic instead of with a colony of Spain. This Is their an swer. It should not be understood that the representatives of tho Spanish cabinet in Cuba are coucerning them selves with these matters of economy. It is tho men of theories who are do ing that. Captain-General Blanco has too much Immediate work to look so far ahead. To undo what Weyler has done in maladministration is a huge task in Itself. Something of this labor has been accomplished In ad minlstratlve offices, but this has little bearing on the main question. The places are filled by. men who are In sympathy with the government, and who will loyally help to carry out Its plana. These aro the details. More Impor tant is the reorganization of tho po litical panics. The Madrid corres pondents or Havana papers describe tho Sagusta ministry as in tho enjoy ment of Its honeymoon. Insurgent Proclamation, New York, Dec. 10. A proclma tion signed by the Cuban military and civil leaders in Havana province, protesting against the autonomy of fcred by Spain, was recently issued as reported by the corresoondent of the Associated Press. Tho proclamation In full Is as 'follews: 'Cubans: Arter all her efforts to subdue us by force of arms, have proved in vain, Spain offers autonomy to tho Cuban people. Sho expects to Induce us to submit anew to her rule under her pretended terms of peace. Spain's pretension is useless. The tlaie Is already past to think of such compromise and transactions. Opposed to them in an Insurmount able manner arc the dignity and man ifest destiny of our country, tho out rages Inflicted upon our families, the torrents of Cuban blood that havo been shed, the lives of so many in nocent human beings who haye suc cumbed to oppression, the sacred memory of our heroes, who hayo died in defense of their nativo soil and all other sorts of sacrifices wo have made in behalf of our Independence, "To obtain this wo have again taken up arms, and wo are determined to continue unhesitatingly In tho task of redeeming our country until we at tain tho success which Is nearat hand. Wc shall not flinch In our effort, nor is it possible that we shall bo forsaken by the God of Justice In our sacred undertaking. "Let tho world at largo ho aware that this is our unalterable purpose our only aspiration, our supremo ideal; to which we have consecrated our lives, our property, present welfare, and, In short, our all. "Let ail the world know our full de termination to carry on this struggle, day after day, while the 8papsh, flag $20002 Maybe you von't like Schil ling1 f Best toa and baking powder. Maybe you will. Money- back if you don't. A SMillBt Cwapur feM rrutcuca vat floats oyer our beloved country. Let everybody know thatour watchword Is Independence or death. "Cubans, long live Cuba, free and Independent I" Cubans Enter Calmanera. Havana, Dec. 10. It was officially announced from Spanish headquarters that a group of rebels have cntared Calmanera, near Guanatanamo, "fuvorcd by the treason cf an officer." Calmanera Is a portof Guantanamo Madrid, Dec. 10. Iniparclal takes It for granted tho government will make'preparations to meet t'o inter vention threatened by President Mc lvlnley, adding that If a new loan for reorganization of tho navy Is lloated It Is sure to succeed, and says the re sponsibility of tho government Is enormous If it rails to profit by the opportunity offered to place the country In a position toderend Its In terests. El Globe confirms the reports that tho government is now making pre parations tj meet tho Intervention. The Logan Trial. Dallas, Polk county, Dec. 10. The trail of A. Logan, Indicted for the niuider of K. Sylvester, or Lebanon, at a hop-yard near Indopcndance, on September 14. Iai,, Is In.urogiess be fore Circuit Judge Geo. II. Uurnett. A Jury wus obtained with vt little tUlficully and the Introduction of evi dence begun. Tho Hue of evidence to bo shown by the state is that Logan struck Syl vester with a hop-pole on tho head while he (Sylvester) was lookiug to the side and theieby produced a compound fracture of tho skull causing concus sion of the brain and producing a clot of b lood on each side of tho head. The defense admits that Sylvc'ster struck on the back of the head by Lo gan, but It was not sufficient to pro duce death, that the fatal blow was received on Sylvester's cheek from a person other than Logan. From the state's witnesses exam ined so far it has been proyen that Lo gan struck Sylvester from behind, while his (Sylycstcr) faco was turned to the side Dr.L. M. Jones, of Lebanon, was on the stand as an expert witness, and he produced tho skull of Sylvester, and, by careful explanation, showed there were three fractures on tho side of tho skull which caused concussion of the brain. In his opinion tbeso fractures could not havo been caused by a flstbut by some heavy Instrument. At tho conclusion of Dr, Jones' tes timony the court adjourned until o o'clock today. Tho defendant, Logan, whilo In tho court room, surrounded by his at torneys, appears quite calm and docs not scorn to realize tho enormity of the crime of which he is charged. Largest Policy Ever-Iisued. New York, Dec. 10. Tho largest Ufo Insuraaco policy over Issued has been written in this city, calling for 1,000,000 Insurance upon tho life of George W. Vanderbllt. Tho policy Is known as a 20-payment llfo contract, and provides for a premium of $35,000 a year. After Mr. Vanderbllt has paid that sum yearly for 20 years tho payments cease and the principal be comes duo at his death. The next largest polioy over written Is said to haye been for 100,000 ($500, 000), entered Into by an English com pany, which reinsured much of the risk In other concerns. Tho largest transaction of an American company, it is said, took placo a few years ago when $500,000 or Insurance was Issued upon tho lives or five members of tho 6a mo family. Mrs. Fitzslmmons. Consents, Milwaukee, Dec. 10. It Is almost it certainty now that Fltzlmmons and Coibett will meet In tho roped arena again. Tills fact waa gained by a reprcsentathc or the Evening Wisconsin, arter un Interview with Mrs. Fltz6ltninons, now In this city. Berore the contest last March Fitz slmmons promised ho would never enter the ring again without her con sent. In reply to a question, as to whether sho would give llijr oonsont, Mrs Fltzslmmons repllcd: "I will say, I don't caro to stand in my husband's way, and If he thinks ho had better give Corbett another chance, I may change my mind, but until I do, there Is no prospect of the two men meeting." TODAY'S MARKET. Pftitmr A rr Tin. (1 Wltnnt. vnllno '"IVTr'.Ti r:v ... "-'' iui 7ec: watia waua,iajc. Flour Portland, $4; Si I Superfine, $2.25 tier Dm, Oats-Whlto 3435c. Hay Good, $12(13 per ton. Hops BCaiic; old crop 4(gc. Wool-Valley, 1410c; Eastern Oregon, 12c. Mlllstull Bran,$17; shorts, $17. Poultry-Chickens, mlxcd,$l,762.50; turkeys, live, 010c. Eggs Oregon, 25o per doz. Hides Green, salted 00 lbs. 77c. under 00 lbs,Gj(37c8heop pelts,1016c, Onions 80fe$l per c Butter Best dairy, 3040c; fancy reauiery, 50o55c a roll. Potatoes, 35c45c per sack. Apples 25(3300 a box. Hogs Heavy, $1.60. a Mutton Weathers $3 dressed, Co. Beef Utccra, $3; cow8,t2.25; dressed, 4(26J. BALEH MARKET. Wheat-07c, . Oats, 30c. Apples, 30c In trade. Hay Balcd.Icheat. $l10. Flour In wholesale lots, $3.80) re all $4.20. Poultry Chicken, 45c; Hogs drefscd, Cc. Live cattle-22J. Sheen Live, 2c a lb. Woof Best, 12c. Hops-Best 1013o. Kggg- sao casti. Farm smoked meats Bacon, 81s; ham, lie; shoulder, 71(Jjflc. Potatoes 20c trado. Butter Dairy 12i15c: creamery. 20to25c. v ' IN SOUTH AMERICA. Amapo Arbitration Treaty With France Ratified. Rio de Janerio, Dec. 10. Tho Brazllllan senate has approved tho Amapo treaty of arbitration with France. The treaty provides tLat all Imuudary disputes between tho two governments be submitted to a com mittee for settlement. Tho treaty met with considerable opposition in tho senate. It will be ratified by con gress next February, and Immediately afterwards the Brazilian and French commissioners will bo appointed. The senate has refused to approve the measure providing for a muni clpalloauof 0,000,000 pounds ror Rio Janerio. Count Antonelll has arrived in Rio Janerio, and has called on tho minis tcr for foreign affairs. He Is a special envoy sent by Italy to settle the questions arising out of the recent antl Italian riot. Affairs in Peru, Lima, Peru, Dec. 10. President Picrola has vetoed tho measure rec ently passed by congress legalizing non-Catholic marriages In Peru, and providing for the registration of such manlagcs. He gives ns his reason the fact that the bill only authorized the rcglstra tlon of foreigners without providing for natlvcborn Peruvians, descended rrom Protestants who hold to the re ligion or their fathers. The presi dent's action has called fourth much adverse criticism. Iththo exception of the official organs the press Is bitterly opposed to tho president's project to refund the home debt, They denounce tho plan as one calculated to rob tho cred itors of Peru and assert that it Is dis honest. It Is doubtful If the plan will be sanctioned by congress. An Uprising Iminent. St. Petersuurq, Dec. 10. Throughout Russian Asia thcro is general unrest among tho Moslems. It Is attributed to the reports of tho Turkish victories oyer the "great Greek empire," which hayo spread through the length and breadth of tho continent. The authorities rear that tho brigandago recently prac ticed In tho Caucasus is almost solely against tho government officials, and tho unprecedented phenomenon- or brigands dlsplayin hostllityg toward Armenians has becoruo manifest. The situations Is so serious that a conforenco or Cancasion governors has been convoked to concert measures or pacification Travelers in Central Asia report an extraordinary ferment among the Moslems to different races. They aic sinking their mutual animosities and declaring that they aro first for tho Mohammedans, with tho sultan as their common chief. It Is evident that the slightest pre text would sulfico to brine; about an uprising and plunge Russia Into tho samo sea of trouble as India. Germany Will Evacuate, London, Dec. 10. A dispatch from Peking says that the tsung-ll-yamen telegraphed tho viceroy of tho province of Pc-chl II, north ortho provlnco of Shan Tung, that China, having com plied with her demands, Germany undertakes to evacuate Klao Chou at a date to bo fixed hereafter, and will receive instead as u coaling station the Sam-Suh inlet, in the proyince of Foo Xicn, over against tho Island of Formosa. London, Dec, 10. Tho Timed, com mentlngedltorlally on thochangs of Kluo-Chau for Sam-Suh, says: "Germany, spontaneously or other wise, hits shown defcrenco to tho wishes or Russia, and Franco and Kngland may have something to say to tho creation or a great German naval station at Sam-Suh.'1 Brave Portland Girl. Victoria, B. C, Dee. 10. Through the courogo and promptltudo of Lily Baldwin n Portland girl, a lire was sayed here under sensational circum stances. There had been an explosion of gosollno in the oil tent factory of Tryon & Co., and the entire premises wcro soon blazing On the upper floor was tho American lodging house, proprietress, Mrs Fox, wus 111 in bed. In tho confusl'iu she was forgotten until the Portland glil, a' lodger, re membered her. She tan upstairs and carried down the landlady, who by that time was unconscious from suffo cation, Both escaped with slight burns nlthoiigh their danger was Im minent. Fast Time. Denver. Dec.in. Jtspuullcan spec ial froinClieycnnesuysa record-break- inir fast run was mado by tho Union Pacific eastbound fast mall between Cheyenno and North Platte. Tho train, wh ch.was run as thoBccona section of tho eastbound No. 2, made tho run between Tipton and Wamsut tcr at tho rato of 73 tulles an hour. FromChoycnne to Sydney, a distance 102 miles, tho running time was 07 minutes. From Bodney to North Platte, 114 miles, tho tlmowasin minutes, being the fastest run in tho history of tho road. Wfre-NaU Trut, New York, Dee. 10. Another meeting of manufacturers of wire nalli was held at tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel, In furtherance of a plan to con solidate the Interests throughout the country. J. P. Morgan Si Co , are said to bo behind the government, and, according to current reports, mo Interest Involved nggr.egate $50,000,- 000. OASTOniA. 3&2?Hf$8Sr "HP- THE GERMAN REICHSTAG. Government's Opposition to StaaAwd OH Company BERLrN, Dec. 10. Tho minister of the interior, Count Poeadowsfcl, re plying to an inquiry regarding the In tentions of tho government with the view of thwarting the Standard Oil Company from monopolizing the Ger man market, said the government wm aiding the competition of German spirits or wlno against petroleum. There was hope that the efforts being mado to Improve tho spirit lamp would shortly bo successful. Tho mlnlst-erof railroads, continued Count Posadowskt, had entered a cer tain decision awarding tho reduction nf freight rates on Russian petroleum. Moreover, an Increase In the customs duty on American petroleum was be ing considered. In conclusion, Count Posadowskl said that tho government, if necessary, will proceed ruthlessly ujalnst tho abuso complained of in connection with tho Standard Oil Company, and would adopt widely the measure he bad Indicated. The Haytian Incident. Paris, Dec. 10. The Temps, com menting day on the settlement or the Haytl-Gcrman trouble, says: President Sam ana his colleagues imagined that the convenient and elastic Monroe doctrine .would apply to their case. This little calculation was wrong. The United States was not anxious to tdvertlsc or extend theirsolldarlty to new states. On the other hand, the least renroach which can bo urged ogalnst a policy or VYasilincton is not tnkfnrr Inrn n-. counMhc relative strength or nations. America does not wish to embroil Itself with Germany merely for the beaux ytux or the black republic. Couuty Court Work Tho court this morning visited the county poor farm, and report that Mr. High, tho present superintendent, is making some good Improvements and giving the best of satisfaction. They aUo visited North Mill creek In company with Chairman Parkhursfc of tho city street committee, and found several bad washes from high water. Tho bridge on IHgh street was condemned as unsafe, and or dered closed. A communication was rccelyed from tho stato board of equalization asking the court on what basis or valuation Marlon county property had been as sessed. Tho court replied that Judg ing from sales mado slnco the assess ment, tho property was listed at very nearly Its cash value. Chinese Exclusion. Washington, Dec. 10. Tho solic itor of tho treasury has rendered an opinion In which ho holds that Chi nese who failed to register under the act of November 3, 1803, arc not law fully In this country, although they may have registered under the act of May 2, 1892. In an opinion by Attorney-General McKcnna today, It Is held that Chlncso who hayo been ex cluded from the United States by col lectors nf customs may bo summarily excluded without processor law In case a second entrance Is attempted. Alaska Monastery. Baltimore, Dec, 10. Very Rev. J. B. Rene, of the order of Jesuits, per fect apostallc of Alaska, was in the city where ho lectured berore a body of students, Dr. Reno's mission here isto establish a monastery In tho In terior of Alaska, and to develop the cattle-raising and tanning possibili ties of tho country, In which he has great faith. In Favor of Federation. Peoria, 111., Dec. 10. The vote of tho Brotherhood of Locomotlvo Fire men and Railway Trainmen on tho question of federation of tho orders Is practically unanimous In favor of fed cratron. Serious Accident, Yesterday afternoon, between tho hours of 3 and 4 o'clock, while Mr. Loran and Lczell Bernard wero at tempting to tow In a log from tho main part of tho river, where tho wa ter ran qulto swift, and berore thoy had the log under full control It took, u turn shooting down the channel with great rapidity. Tho log struck the end of tho boat that tho. two brothers wero In, and knocking the rear end of the boat entirely out, thus sinking tho boat In an Instant. They succeeded In clinging to the log.where It lodged on a pile or floating debris. The gentlemen wcro rescued by a man that was standing on the bank or tho river. Important Notice. Silver Bell Circle No, 43 W, O. W. will give an entertainment and ua5k6v Supprau State Insurance Hall tomorrow Bight. Tho drawing ror tho fine lace hand kerchief will take placo Immediately after tho program you may be tho winner. Chinook ealmoa belly at Btelaet's market, tt Rajral mkn tb Uo4 put. :.:i I. 0M MU0MfKJ inlM, fll ' 'i hS mi m ,vat