Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 06, 1897, Image 3

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All other work in proportion.
Our work is all warranted, we
stil! hove a few bargains left of
the Martin stock must be sold.
Call and see,
All work warrantor!.
Soao.id daor :iort!i of postolflco.
Delicate and Lasting.
A larrrc assortment and low
Ipriccs rule at Frys Drug Store,
Local Neu)s.
Caught in the Act.
A business ni.in on Commercial
street lias been missing his San Fran
cisco paper for a number of mornings
nnd particularly on Sunday mornings,
when the sneak-thlef decided to take
advantage or the unsuspecting sub
scriber while he was enjoying his
1 Sunday morning nap." The sub
scriber referred to stood the thing as
hong as he could, and yesterday morn-
ling concluded to accitnln who the
thief was. Concealing himself In Ills
place of business he waited for the
paper carrier to arrive. lint a row
f movements elapsed after the depart
ure of the carrier, when a young man
fput In an appearance, removed the pa
mper f row the door and started down
ctho street. The Indignant subscriber
hailed the thief and compelled him to
replace the paper where ho found it.
Iho man reluctantly did as he was
ordered much to his humiliation, and
Sneaked off down tho street. There
Is no excuse for such ! unprincipled
thieves as tho-o who will deprive a
subscriber of his paper.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
vith local applications, as they
eannot reacli the seat of the
disease. Catarrli is a blood
or constitutional disease, and
In order to cure it you must taice in
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrli Cure
Js not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians
Jn this country ror years, ana is a reg
ular prescription. It Is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purlliers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The
Derfect combination of the two In
gredients is what produces such
jvonueriui resuns in curing ciiuirru.
Send for testimony, free.
V. (jr. (JIIENEY, & UO.,
Prop?., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
li ca
iNew Repair Shop. Louis Klbelo
I Las opened a shop in the Salem Gun
store, where he Is prepared to do all
kinds of repairing, such as bicycles,
light machinery, electrical appliances,
etc. Satisfaction guaranteed, 30-tf
For Infants and Children.
1 51s ho-
f llKlln
tm r r nr- ro
Xm - - ' ""!
Altona and Ramonn
leaves for Portland daily, ex
cept Sunday at7 145 a. tr
Quid: time, regular nei
vice and low rates.
Dock between ! 'ate
and Court streets.
Aeent, Jalcm
Real, organic heart dlscaso is In
C m v T curable; butnot one case In a hundred
S tTfii ftlM T I of heart trouble, Is organic.
VII 1 J CI 1 Tlie closc relation between heart
Jr trouble and poor digestion is because
a.. both organs are controlled by brandies
100 Court st,
Just around the corner.
Drop In with an order and be served
In the best style.
c ore in the market to buy
Dried Prunes,
Dried Apples,
Green Apples
Wntohmaker, Jeweler and Optlc'nn
Baker City has a cocked hat club.
Court Is in session in Dallas this
A party of ten Albany people have
started for Alaska.
Ice In the ponds near The Dalles is
hard enough Tor skating.
The gross yaluation of Lane county
for 1897 is $7,09!),433, with $707,500 111
The dog poisoner has been abroad In
Milwaukie. All tho dogs thus far
poisoned are good bird dogs.
Charles Rowe, of Oregon City, was
arrested today atSpringwatcr.chargcd
with the seduction of a yo'ing girl
Albert and Ed Geiscr brought in
i7.ron Tlmritfav the result of 27 days'
mnnt. Mm Rnnanzu mine, of Baker
There arc three tickets In the field
in Albanv. Tho Republican mayor
nonitneo Is II. J. Hopkins; Democrat,
C. O. Burkhart; Prohibition, J. W.
A. A. Baker, of the Dalles, a civil
engineer, fell off ""of a bridge and
struck nn his head, fatally injuring
him. Ho fell but 5 feet.
A Judgement in favor of the state
of Oregon and against Baker county
has been recorded in Baker City, and
a tax levy will have to be made to
raise tho amount of the Judgment,
During the last two months Charles
Holloway has shipped from Browns
ville, to outside markets, 1150 turkeys
650 chickens, 71 geese and 95 ducks,
making a total of about 15,000 pounds
or poultry shipped by Mr. Holloway.
The Salem Journal boasts that
Sal-.m Is paying 3 cents more for wheat
than Albany. In the early part or
the season It was boasting the other
way. Albany Democrat. The
Journal is always on the asceend
ancy. Richard
boro, aged
day after
four weeks.
Beamish, sr of Ilills-
80, years died Thurs-
an Illness of about
Deceased was a Canadian,
andhadlived herelOyears. A widow
and two sons and three daughters sur
vive him. no will be burried tomor
row In the I. O. F. F. cemetery.
Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Cure. The
best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly.
One million bellies sold last year. 40 closes
for 25 cts. Sold by D. J . Fry.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Take
lets. All druggists refund the money
if It fails to cure. 25c. The genuine
has L. B.Q. on each tablet.
What Dr. A. E. Slater Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gen's: From my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing the ef.
feet ol your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced
Consumption, 1 am prepared to say it is the
most remarkable Remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It ha certainly
saved many from Consumption. Sold by D.
J. Fry
Hon. W. F. Matlock, late of Eu
gene, vrtw-ls now at Skaguay, Alaska,
writes to II011. J. D. Matlock, .of Eu
gene, trial in coiupa.iy wnu a inr.
Smith, late of Portland, they have
purchased property and will erect a
brewery at that place, expecting to
have It running by January 1, lWi.
ne says that they will store 300 tons
of Ico for the summer's use, aim
thinks that place Is bound 10 be a
good city.
Some Facts Regarding the Rapid I crease
of Heart Troubles.
Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look for the
Heart troubles, at least among
American business life, it Is more
often the result of weak stomachs, of
poor digestion.
01 me same great neryes, .uie sympa
thetic and pneutuogastrlc.
In another way, also the heart Is
affected by that form of poor diges
tion, which causes gas and fermenta
tion from half digested food; there is
a feeling of oppression and heaviness
In the chest caused by pressure of the
distended stomach on the heart and
lungs; interfering with their actien:
hence arises palpitation and short
Poor digestion also poisons the
blood, makes It thin and watery,
which Irritates and weakens the
The most sensible treatment for
heart troubles is to improve the di
gestion and to Insuro the prompt us
simllation of food.
This can be done by tho regular use
afters meals, of soma safe, pleasant
auu euecuve digestive preparation,
llko Stuart's Dysnensla Tablets. which
may bo found at most drug stoics and
which contain valuable, harmless
digestive elements, In.a pleasant, con
venient form.
It Is safe to say that the regular,
persistent use of Stuart's Pjipepsla
uaoiats ax meat time win cure any
cer of stomach.
Full sized packages of the tablets
sold by druggists at 50 cents.
Little book on stomach trouole
U I . - '
Filo Their Answer for Pugh
& Gray,
no interest in the suit.
Another Step in the Warrant
Injunction Case.
Pugh & Gray, who wcro made par
tics defendant In the conrthouse Im
provement warrant caso Instituted by
G. W. Hunsaker, have tiled their an
swer to the second amended com
plaint. A general denial of tho al
legations Is made and for a further
and separate answer they (through
Carson & Fleming, their attorneys;
"Flrst-That on or about the "th of
May, 1S07, Marlon county and these
defendants entered into a certain
agreement wherein and whereby
these defendants agreed to furnish all
material anil perform all labor ic-
quired in altering the stairs in the
county court house of sald county
and making certain n-palrsand alter
ations in the ollkcs of the clerk and
sheriff in said court house, according
to certain plans and specifications,
and to liayo said work completed en
or before the term of the circuit court
of said county then ensuing, and said
county agreed to pty to defendants
therefore the sum or $1084.85.
'Second That immediately after
said agreement had been made these
defendants entered upon the perform
ance of their part thereof, and shortly
thereafter it was ascertained by said
county and these defendants that In
order to protect said court house from
threatened injury by reason of certain
defects made In the original construc
tion of said building it would be nec
essary to furnish material and per.
form labor far in excess of
the amount required under said agree
ment, and thereupon said agreement
was modllicd and varied by a certain
contract then made between the said
county and these defendants whereby
these defendants agreed to furnish all
material and perform all necessary la
bor in the alterations in said offices of
clerk and sheriff and In the olllccs
also of the recorder assessor, surveyor
and grand jury and repairing the said
defects in the original construction of
said court house to the satisfaction of
said county, and in consideration
thereof, said county, agreed to pay to
these defendants the reasonable value
of the work done and material furn
ished by these defendants.
"Third That there defendantsduly
performed said contract upon their
part, and the reasonable value of tho
work done and material furnished by
said defendants in the performance of
said contract, is the sum of $22-12.05
"Fourth That Inpayment of said
county on the 12th of June, 1807,
caused two warrants aggregating said
sum to bo Issued in favor of these
dsfendants, and the last mentioned
warrants are the same warrants de
scribed In the second amended com
plaint and tho agreements mentioned
in the answer aro the same pretended
agreements set forth in said com.
"Fifth That bald warrants were
on said day were purchased by one T.
K. Ford from D. V. Elilen, county
clerk of Marion county, and said
Elilen on said day paid these defend
ants tho cash warrants at their full
facuyaluc and he delivered said war
rants to said Ford and Ford was then
and Is new a resident and Inhabitant
of the city of Salem' said county, and
in the said purchase said Ford repre
sented that he was agent for one E.
E. Wild, and Wild now resides at
Sauta Anna, Anna, Ual.
"Sixth That these defendants
hayc not had any time since the 12th
of June, 1807, and have not any right,
title or. interest in or to said war
rants, and these defendants hayc not
any interest !n this suit."
Salem Grange Officers.
Tills pioneer organization of farm
ers maintains itself against tho stress
of years and the wear of time.
Tho December session was held Sat
urday at the hall In State Insurance
block. The attendance was large and
allhccmcd imbued with the spirit that
caused things to moove along in good
The morning session was devoted to
a broad and absorbing discussion of
"single tax" theories as expounded by
the late Henry George, when all par
took of ono of the grange's old fash
ioned dinncrr.
The afternoon hour was taken up
with the annual election of otllccrs,
Tho result of tills function Is noted as
Master, T. L. Davidson.
Overseer, I. M. Wagner.
Lecturer, Mrs. J$ella Fletcher.
Stoward, II. O. Fletcher.
Assistant steward, A. D. Pettyjohn.
Chaplain, Mrs. Emly A. flolsc,
Treasurer, George II. Crolsan.
Secretary, Mrs. R. II. Leabo.
Gate Keeper, Lewis Savage.
Pomona, Coloma Pettyjohn.
Elora, Mrs. Lizzie Walt.
Ceres, Mrs. MJnerva Savago.
Lady assistant steward,
Pherno Strong.
The ofilcers will be Installed at the
next regular meeting, on i3a.tu.rd.ay,
January J, 1898, unless by reason of Its
being New Year's day, the business is
deferred until Saturday, the 8U1 of
that month. It will bo done by
Worthy State Master William M.
Ililleary, of Turner, assisted by Past
Master R. P. Boise, Br,
Choice Early Grapes.
I have strong j four year-old grape
vlres.of best early varieties will bear
net year, Both blue and white
gripes grown-on these vines', took all
the premiums at tlip atato fair.
. ' E.nowu
Salem, Ore,
Salemhnsa poet InN. J. Judah.
Ho has had a poem In the two local
papers of this city. Ho should now
write a poem for tho X Ray .Iouiwai,
and get acputatlun all overthe state,
Why shouldn't the clcrksor the last
legislature be paid? They did Just us
much work as In any previous legisla
ture, and Justus hard.
The Daily Jouknai wishes Its
patrons to understand thatu soon
as the present rush "of advertising Is
over It will bo reduced to Its old sac
It is too large now to bo supplied by
mail at 2o cents a month.
Albany Demecrat: A' great distur
bance In Salem, upon investigation
was fouud to be a young man named
Holt trying to run oue or Prof. Her
itage'.s chromatic scales. Tills Is a
(Jhemawa Indian boy's oke.
Lot Pearce made a good run, con
sidering that he had to carry tho dead
weight or A. P. A Ism. No business
or public man can carry that load as
It has developed in Salem.
Eugene Register: Our attention Is
called to tlie fact that of six speakers
chos.cn for the great U. of O. debate
tonight only one is a woman, while
Willamette has two women contest
ants for places for the same occasion,
whether this reflects upon tho ambi
tion of the women of the U. of O., or
the men of Willamette, is a specula
tion. The Eugene EyenlngGuard also has
the enlargement fiver. It Isn't en
largement of the heart, because there
ain't anything blggerhearted In Or
egon than tho Campbell boys and
their little paper.
A hopefnl sign Salem has more
clubs of a literary character than
ever before.
A man run a paper for years on tho
policy of treating contemporaries as
though they did not exist. Later ho
started a paper and his contempora
ries didn't notice him.
M. W. Hunt and his Mends didn't
do anything to Mr. Cherrington in the
first wardl
Can an oiUccr draw his salary le
gally when he has not performed his
sworn duty ? Lakevlew Rustler.
Gov. Fletcher is Informed that we
don't need him as a living wall to dc
fend against any assault from Senator
Patterson, Wo know lie I a Spartan
and all that; but we will try and run
the X Ray shop without him as a
body guard. When we need help
we'll call on AdJutantGcncral Tuttle,
O. K. G.
The Eastern Observer likes the X
Ray Jouhnal bo well that It has
changed Itself Into the Dally Morning
Observer so as to give us a daily dish
of Curry Instead of a .veekly,
Did Cherrlngtou put ono of his
deadly allldavits Into the first ward
campaign Saturday ?
Capt. Hunt was solidly opposed by
tho Cherrington A. P. A. faction in
tho first ward.
Cherrington didn't know it was
loaded. He didn't use any allldavits
in tho first ward Saturday, but It
"went off" Just the same.
It's a cold day In Salem when Rev.
Grannis can't llnd.somcbody to roast,
Between the saloon, gambling dens,
state fair, and nickle-In-tlie-slot ma
chine, members of his congregation
aro assured of an Interesting "pre
lude" to his Sunday evening sermon.
He should add an X-Ray column und
maku the show complete.
The twelve electlou Judges In the
four Salem 'wards were all Republi
cans today except G. G. Van Wagner.
More courtesy should bo shown to tlie
opposition party in this respect. Of
course, so pure a man us Tom Tow u
send on ono of the Boards went u long
ways to ensure a square count.
H. a.
The nlckle-ln-tlie-slot machines
were thoroughly advertised by Rev.
Grannis Sunday evening.
Mks. Willman, Piono and organ
studio over First National hank, fi-tf
Chinook ealmou belly at Stei tier's
market. tf
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does It.
Mrs.Clias. Ia Point, a well-known resident
of Denver, prai-.es this wonderful remedy.
Her tostlmouy thotitd convlnco all as to tho
voitli of tlie now Heart Cure and Hestora
yvo Nervine. Her latter datod Uept-UtU,
r-44. f UUU4 bl IUUUWH.
- nil 1
Mas. La Pol v;, fUj? Humboldt Bt.
"Typhoid fever left mo with heart trouble
of the moat fcertous nature. Nothlnc the
doctors gare had any effect, I had Mvoro
pains In the heart, and waaunnhlo to lie on
inr Jcf t side for wore than three minutes a
fume. Mr heart seemed to tnlssJjeaU, and
had smoVicrlnjr siMlis, in which It seemed
rery breath would be my last. Wo accl
dautly caw an advertisement of
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
and Beatoratlre Kerrlne. and purchased a
bottle pt each. AUdrtaUugthn remedies a
week, I could bo IKUsd in a chair and sit up
an hour, und Inacuort time I was able to
do light Housework. 1 shall be eversraUif pi
toyou for your wonderful medicines. Truly
they saved my Utp.
Dr. Miles rUartOnrols sold on a poaltlM
guarantee that the tint bottle will IbeneM.
All dniKEUU Militant, e bottles tor is. or
t win intent, prcnaia on receipt 01 n
Bf mo uc. tiues moaicai m , kml
Dr. Miles' Heart Cwe r&S
..ri y 5',3'3M3iSi
rwi iv-2-c.w,uu.i, 1 r
Result of the Primrles.
As a result of tho Republican pri
maries held In this city Saturday
nftcrn-ion, the candidates for
alderman arc: First Ward, M.
W.IIuntsStoiud Ward, E. M. Lu
Fore; Tlil.fJ Ward, Leo McOrcw;
Fourth Ward, Fred Legir. Tho result
In tho First Ward was M. W. Hunt
42; Lot L. Pearce 32, 74 votes bcloR
cast. E M. La Foro had no Appor
tion In the Second Ward. Of the 89
votes polled there, Mr. La Fore re
ceived 8.1, .1. Q. Wilson fi nnd Blank 1.
Lee McGrew, the present Incumbent
from tho Third Ward, was successful
in tti.i. Ward, whero 133 votes
wcrecat. Of that number Mr. Mc
Grew received 82, Thos. Sims 50 and
C. H. Lane 1. Fred Legg got the al
derunnlc nomination fromtho Fourth
Ward Of tho 127 votes polled In that
ward Mr. Legg received 77 and C. II.
Lane f0.
Shi'oh'? CtHumpllon Cure cures when
olhnrs fail, li U the leading couch cure
and no home Slmu'd be wl'hout it. Plpasant
to Uke and goes right to the spot. Sold by
D.J. Fry.
To Cure a Cold in one day
Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlno Tab-
mulcts, ah druggists rcruna tne
money If It falls to cure. 25c. 10-14-0m
Karl's Clover Root Tea Is a pleasant laxa
tive Regulates the bowls, punfl s to
blood. Clears the complexion, Easy the
make an.l pleasant to take'. 25 centi soldby
D. J. x'rv.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlnp Tab
lets., All druggists refund the money
If It fails to cure. 25c. The geculn
litis L. B Q. on each tablet.
Ladies, Take the Uest If vou are troubled
with Conization, Sallow skin and a Tired
eeling, take Karls Clorei Tea. It is pleasant
take. Sold by D. J. Fry. -
Painta, Oils Window Gins Var
nish, and tbe moat complete stock
of Brushes of all kind in the state
Artists materials, lime; hair; ce
ment and shingles; and the finest
quality of grass seed.
Now today advertisements lour lines
or less in this column inserted three
times for 25 eta., SO cts. a weok, $1
per month. All over four lines at
same rate.
WANTED-A-By 6IdEstablUhed House
1 1 till Grade Man or Woman, good Cluiich
standing, willing to learn our business then
to act as Manager and State Correspondent
here. Salary J900. Enclose sellNaddres
ted envelope to A. T. Elder, General
Manager, Box X, care Daily Journal.
b 12 6 im
LOST. ,One right hand gauntlet glove.
Sealskin back. Leave at Tounal office
and get te'ward. 12 4 3t
FOR RENT. Farm S miles South of
r balem. 30 acres, improved. 8 acre or
chard. 10 acres in pasture and timber.
Address, L. M Perry, liberty Ore. 1 2 4 31
FOUND. 'A purse containing a small
amount of change. Owner can have same
by proving property and paying for this
notice. 12 3 3t
"WANTED ,--A roll-top uk. C. Marsb,
OS High street. Apply ..,, 12 3 311
MILCH COW.One good Jeuey milch
cowforsalo. J. M. Wallace, City hall.
3 31
WILL THE PAKTY (Jiving Ihe name
of Gwine that had a suit of clothes dyed
nt the Salem St am flying and Cleaning
Works, return the vest and get the right
one W. A. NcHon. 13 3'
TCTtrADE.,- A tot in Pleasant Home Ad
diiion, Salem, fur a span of work horses.
Addrc II Journal office, 12-3 3t
WANTED Reliable young man, or
woman. Stead employment, for right
party. Dcrr Hfo'n. 118 State street, Salem,
WANTED Reliable young man. or
woman. Steady employment, 'for right
parly. IJarr liio'i. 1 18 State street, Salem,
Oregon. 12.1-jm
ographcr and typwriter. All classes of
work handled with dispatch. Office in
day block, with Sherman, Condlt & Park,
Srlem, Telephone 14. 11 26 im(
ROOM TO HENT-Nicely furnished
100ms, near state I ouse, for gentlemen.
Terms reasonable. Inquire at 276 State
VETERINARY - W, Uog, Veterinary
Surgeon 'ias removed his office from the
Fakhlor. Stable to Huflman't Stable, back
of the WHUmcttc Hotel, Salem, u-lo.lm
FOR RENT.r-CJood office room on
floorjighted and heated, rates low.
at fouinal office.
RIGHT IN TOWN.Any one wanting
drain tile In small r large quantities can get
them right here in town. Call at Journal
offioc tf
Sevcral thousand rooted cuttings of genuine
Suedtwater grants (l per hundred. Also
several hundred gallons of grape juice.
Sold very Jow, Stephen Limbeck, near
Durbin red barn, 13231!
"The Light of the World
Cost over 8100.000 to publish. Con
tains nearly 200 full-page engravings
ofourBavIor, by tho great iriostera.
Every picture Is reproduced from some
famous paintings. Agents are taking
from thrco to twenty orders per day.
The book s so beautiful that when
people see It thoy want it. The
llcrmltage, PradoJ Ufllzl. PJttll
Vatlcan,NatIonal of ffOndon. National
of Hcrlln, JiclYidcro and other cele
brated European galleries have placed
their greatest and rarest treasures At
our disposal that they mlfjht be pr.
graved for thlB superb work. T?insT
EYES" says one. "Cleared tJ60 first
week's work with tho book," says
another. 'Some high grade man or
woman should secure the agency hero
at once, says every editor, "as 1500
can soon be made taking orders for
it." Nearly 810,000 expepded on new
plates for edition coming from press.
Also a man or woman of good church
standing can secure position of Man
ager and Correspondent of this terrl-
tory, to devote all his time to employ
ing anu (inning agents ana cor
responding with them. Address for
full particulars A. P. T. ELDER,
Publisher, 278 Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, 111. d 120 1m
1 john mm
! B
They All
'Thcro are fads
mcdlcino as well ns
other things," said a busy
drncttlst, "but tho most
remarkable thbg about Hood's Barsa
parllla is that customers who try other
remedies all cone back to Hood's, and
Ibis is why the enormous sales of this
great medicine MPS keep up and
continue the 1 whoto your
round, steady J m a clock.
"Why h itT" "O, simply bewuso
Hood's Sarsaparllla has moro real cuta
tlvo merit than any tnedlolno I oversold."
This Is of dally occurrence In almost
every drag store. Hood's Sarsaparllla
has cured more sickness, and made rooro
happiness through restoration to health
than any other medicine.
Is tho standard the One True Blood rnrlflcr.'
r ,, rtft are tlie only pills to take
HOOd S PlIIS wlilt lln.'Sarwimrlll-
Up To Date Service
A Great many Pacific Coast people,
when contemplating a trip er.pt and
when bringing friends west, know
very little about the interior line, nnd
the object of this article Is to afford
reliable Information.
In the llrst place for good time mid
service, select a route via St. Paul
and Minneapolis, because tho lines
that way are continuous under ono
system without any chango of cars,
and every man from peanut agent up
Is a courteous, reliable nnd cxpeii
need officer, ready to aid und protect
you In every emergency nnd capable
of making you feel at homo and com
fortable (luring the long joarney.
Then see that your ticket reads via
the Wisconsnn Central Llnei brcau33
that thoroughfare affords rt 'Icily llrst
claw service, nnd '.lie mails nn Its
dining carsfAlwiys i'aRjn:ib'c In
price) are equalled ly rev. iirrH-xrollcd
by none. Goo. S. Batty, Vu jUnrk
dt., Purtljnil, Or.li. (li'nrnsl Agent
for this company uiid will sliccrrully
rurt.lsh you 11 neat 1 nd bandycalcDder
and full Informiitltn on the subject of
transportation, If uldiessed or called
upon, and any Jigon will upon appli
cation, sell you a ticket over the Wis
consin Con' nil Lines. tf
Call for County Warrants.
. Notice Is here given that I hayc
funds on hand to pay all warrants pre
sented prior to January 1,1807 and in
terest will cease on tho same from the
date of this notice.
Dated Dee. 2, 1897
O. L.-Brown,
12 2 1 wd&w County Treasurer.
The Oentleman Fak-meii. This
is a handsome illustrated monthly
magazine for farmers and all classes.
It is edited by practical men, and
flney illustrated. Tho price is only
a dollar a year, and it should be in
every rural homo. The Journal has
made arrangements to club this moso
dcsireable periodical at the low price
of 75 cents. Sample coplco can bt
een at this 0 nice, tf
Farm l
ImpIemeDfs f
? and Vehicles,
"Exclusive valley house for McCormick
Uiuders and Mowers. Buffalo Pitts Engines
and Thiashers, Spike. IDisk. and Snrlne
Tooth Harrows, Ji hn Deere Steel and
Chilkd l'lows. Repairs lor Ul the forego
Oregon Airtight
X $3,50 to $6 50.-
Only full line of this home
Stoves set up and repaired "promptly,
Tinners and Stovedealers, 140 State at
axe beadmiarers, for them.
and all work oonneotecl
with the tmajfWM.
214 Commercial st
T, B, Thomas Tuthill,
Analytical Chemist
and Assa) er.
Ofloe with Salem Gas Light Co., or
No 4 Cbemeketa street P, O.Box X
Salem, Oregon. Prompt ore
samples. General analytical work diw
Hotel Sal?m.
Only Fit st Class House In the City. Rates
reasonable. nmpt renms in connection
Can to aU trains and public buildings pass
the door. Come State and High streets.
..ChaMiD floiise..
I Just the spot for Commercial ttavei, first
class in all points, reduced rates. Convenient
or street cars to all directions. House sup
plied with best well water In the city.. 216
Church Btrtct, Salem, Or.
MRS. CHATW1N, Pi op,
Hot meals served ficm Sa.ni. to midnight.
German cooking.
Wilh'Bach & Nadstancch S25 Commercial
latf Prop.
Corner Kerry and Mlierty streets
Telephone 172
Newest rigs and fcbest horses
always In readincu.
fy Coast or mountain parties t specialty.
-- 7 14 tf
Proprlotor of "THE JCLUB"
Livery and
t Feed Stables
Corner of Liberty arid Ferry streets.
Best slnole and double rigs in the city.
Telephone No. 24. 11 18 tf
State street, near railroad 1 Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meats in town, a 3E
Wolz Miescke,
Dealers in all kinds of fresh salt and smoked
me ts. Lard In bulk, 9c a lb. Cheapest market
in town . We make It a Specialty to keep all
kind of Sausage on hand. Try us.
Just Reopened.
Brown & Son, ofthe East Salem meat mar
ket, have enlarged and refitted their shop and
will be pleased to see all ot their old patrons
and the rett of the community. Orders taken
and delivered. Parents sending chlldron
may depend on having their orders con
scientiously filled. "Mil
Your market chickens, turkeys, ducks,
geese and eggs, highest cashprice paid.
we sell thorough bred poultry and eggs,
( oultry supplies, lice killer, and bone meal.
0 Wf
I have just fitted out a utudio
proper, nnd am prepared to teaoU
tho piano or organ to olilldrencv
odulta. My method for children
is tlie uoweBt and best. A cer.
tiilcatd granted from the 'West,
tern Couaervetory, whose inter
state system I reprosent Stu
dio over First National bank and
at 376 Church st.
of America,
Tho OrlKlnal Order of Woodcraft.
An organization at ttio members by
tlie members and for tlio members.
Its territory is conllned to tho north
west states out of winch all cltlca of
200,000 population aro exoiuded.
HlKlicst numbers of assessments tn
any ono year lias been eleven. Cost of
Insurance at ago 40 lias neycr exceeded
$5.60 ner ycur. Record for 1897. 270.-
000 members and ton assessments.
Averaco auo 35 years. Amount of in
suranoo in force 000,000,000. For
more dednato information bco Btnall
folders or apply to
V7. E. DOCKSQtf,
Depuey Head Consul, with Perb &
Co., 254 Commercial street, Safe hi,
UVHH ' l
Salem later Co.
aKTOniceinCity Hull..
Irrigation hours 0 to 8 8. nand5
too in thceyenlntr.
All irrigation bills for the summer
will be duo and payable tho 1st ot
Bircet sprinkling thioughlawn hose
positively prohibited.
No deduction for Irrigation during
absence unless water Is cut or! the
cntlro premises,
Ufa ullowanco made for part of tea
son as more water Is needed to briuK
out a neglected lawn than Judicious
use for the entire season.
- Balkm Wateb Co.
O. M. niAQK
Corner', Salem, Or. PartM Mri
operations at 6dert fees m tmj toaMtnM
fa efucWtl reyt.
Money to Loarj,
Wa are prepared to make leant t a Xm
rate of Interest. Money fcmtnfced, en p
proved application, wltScmt delay, StMe '
county and city warrants becbt.
to-4 im d&w 270 CoBHHercta4 K
Tn larta nntl mviaII mianttotML a a
b-uealo. Incrake of Sofer Broa.
Journal Salem. Or. d&wtf
ail Commercial st., Salem Or
ty Suits its upwards, l'anttt pwadf'.
Makes a spMalty of fine repair work, SrJi
Thomas clock, etc. ate, Commercial Stit
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains. Bag.
cage and express to all parts or the, eity
Prompt semce. Telephone No. 70.
224 Commercial street. Det quality and
no middle man's profits.
Family Wino and Liquor Store
R& loved from 102 State to 109 Commercia
Bottled goods of the best quality.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in orices
Skirts, plain , ...loccsts
(Jnner drawers Stoiocertt-
Under shirts 5 to loeepu
Socks, per pair , 3 cents
Handkerchiofs 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs OeenH
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen
and othev work In proportion.
Flannels -f d other work in
telhgently -washed by hand)
CoL T, Olmsted Prop
Hygienic Sliidy
Teaches us not to use adulterated food,
Remembsr we use no coloring for ev.
glucose for sugar nor grease for lard ia oar
pastry, Everything the best at the
Home Bakery;
Insurance block.
Eduterd tf . Tillson
Teacher of
Statt Insurance building.
No more Cofiln Monopllesln Salem.
256 Commercial street,
Ilaa Just added a full and completo
lino of Collins, Caskets, Itobcs and
everything protalnlng to tho under
taking business. Embalming a
specialty. Heeds no recommondatlon
as ho has practiced his profession in
Salctn for 15 years and that will speak
foritsolf, I also carry a full line of
furniture, carpets, wallpaper, mould
ings. Prices to flt tho hard times.
Call and' bo convinced. Phono at
storo No, 103, at houo No. 04.
"Honest John "
Cures 50 Per Ct.
A new.truu on a new
principle. No back
pressure. Dr Stent's
Oru Store, agent fx
Solem Or,
dSwu 3 3m
Notice is hereby glr that Jt will net be
responsible for tutf dUs contracted on my
account, unlwa contracted by myself I
person, naked at Salem, Ofsgoa, tMt
Nwretaber 19, 1897,
lost 4w EUBEN IKS.
and UaUwsUa Repair AM
tar'l'o arrive thU weelc-tafe stack ma
bf-clUk sjWpohsfs
Holman block, aaS liimty tf.
Dm (MN
dlcli&iatf. li
iirlutiuut m
at Ml uaaua
ralutMct. (Ad MS $
or mI la Ma
.m, or s
4SBBY Iilul4.ll. V
aVBV IIuiiimM
fSjf m u www.
S J. rrvvtau iMita.
frSl tittEMal fttWtftuO.