Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 03, 1897, Image 1

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KU, fr
VOL, 8
Goods Well Bought Are Half Sold'
is an old saying applicable to the
New York
Raoket !
A Charcoal Dealer Tries
Kill His Family.
They buy for casli, therefore Ret their goods at the
lowest prices, then they mark them at the clr.seJt cash
prollt. That Is why they -can sell the best line of
black clay worsted and other suits, of the best make,
for men and boys at racket prices the
An Unsuccessful Attempt to Rob a
Pessenger Train.
line of boots and shoes, hosiery and
all aires. Hats and caps of excellent
Rubber boots and shoes, mackintoshes, laundrled and
unlaundrled shirts, and work shirts in wool -.and
cotton, notions of all kinds,lacecurtains,llncn damask,
ctash towels, etc.. all on the same range of profits,
alvay low. Call and examine their stock. Money
always saved. County and city warrants taken for
JSC Cfand Christmas Cift Sale A.
ms s g
". . 'I . SSVW
wcC J t .vv
From now on until New Years we will place on
our entire Ptnck of clothing at prices that
Defies Competition.
Positively no reserve, every suit In the store at re
duced prices. This is your opportunity, do not wait
but come and investigate and satisfy yourself that
tills is a bona lide offer.
Mackintoshes at Cost
New Tliis Morning,
Children's 3-plcce suits at
fore for same article.
prices never heard of be-
Milfoiid, Del., Dec. 3.-Salvagc
Bldcrback, a charcoal-burner, at
tnt.ini.wltr kill his family. lie said
to his wife:
1 have Just learned how to use the
kind of a sword the Cubans use. Now
I Want all of you to stand up."
The mother and four children arose
and Bdcrback tied their hands with
a rope, which he fastened to the raf
ters. Obtaining a corn-knife from an
adjoining room, he commenced cut
ting his family, enfllctlng some dread
ful wounds. Before he could com
plete his work, his son came In. Bid
erback seized a musket and disap
peared. The villagers threaten to
lynch him. The condition of Mrs.
Blderback and the children is serious.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec 3. A special
to the Post-Dispatch from San An
tonio. Tex., savs: "Advices were re
ceived here of an attempt to hold up
and rob a passcuger train on the Mex
ican National railroad near Monterey,
by nine masked and well-armed Mex
icans. The passengers made resist
ance, and the outlaws were unsuccess
ful. They arc being pursued by sol
diers, and If captured will be shot.
edged with petitions for pardon
from men and women. Mrs. Nobles
will hang for the killing of her hus
band soon unless the bill becomes a
law. ,h
The bill will not aid her negro ac
complice, Ous Humbles, who -Is ;con
fincd at Macon with her. l
Mental Aberration
Tohonto, Dec. 2. I?cY- William
Bates, rector of the Anglcan church
at Thornhlll, was arraigned in the po
lice court on the chargo of having
"shoplifted" two dozen lead pencils
four books, a hair brush and a
tity of stationary. The clergyman
wore a lone cloak and the police al
lege that ho was caught secreting ar
ticles which he had not bought un
this garment.
Mr. Bates Is a graduate from Ca
bridge and one of the most scholarly
men In the chnrch. Ills friends state
that he has been somewhat eccentric
for some yeara, and If guilty, ho com
mitted the act in a fit of mental abcr-
A Triple Tragedy.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 3. A specia
to the Post-Dispatch from Binning
ham. Ala., says a report amies from
China Does Not Propose to
Bow to Germany.
Emperor Will Forfeit
Crown Before Yielding.
London, Dec. 3. A Special dispatch
from Shanghai announces that the
emperor of China lias declared that he
would rather forfeit his crown than
agree to the condltionsdcnianded by
Germany as redress for the murder of
the two German missionaries, Nccs
and Hcnie, and the destruction of
Germau property In the province oi
Shan Tung.
Admiral Dcldrach, the German
commander of Klo Chou Buy, the
dispatch further states, has pro-
Warrens that John Singley, a wealthy'J claimed martial law in the district
120 State street,
fi Eikk v U 1 v kSn f m fcS
Art Silks,
Figured Sateens,
suitable for cushions and pillows,
Silk Lace, Chenilles,
Embroidery Silks,
Aics-rencs, Furs and Fur Tiimmlngs. Fiogs Braids, Silk
Ornaments, Ladles' Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., ever shown in
Salem, are now being slaughtered at the great bankrupt sale,
corner of Stale md Oimmrrcial streets. Every article in tills
huue rcdurca to a bargain, and money savers call and be
Corner State and Commercial sts Salem, Or,
jswaswsmHswsMssrM imms
7 ffiiHfciRui - I
hA Good
to remember in the
purchase oi hards
warcis that quality
should never be
sacrificed for price,
Low prices with us
mean no sacrifice
of excellence. Any
one who buys of us
will certify to this
Salem, Or,
Arsenic Found.
Sandoval, 111., Dec. 3. This little
town is in the throes of a sensation
thas threatens to disrupt the com
munity. The man who caused tills
is Dr. George Rice, a prominent
physician of Marlon county.
Mrs. Rice died last August, and
long continued rumors culminated in
the exhumation of the body at the in
vestigation of the Metropolitan In
surance Company, of New York, In
which she was insured In her hus
band's favor for $20 000. She was a
sister of his lirst wife, who died eight
years ago.
Dr. Rice Is medical examiner of the
Metropolitan Company here. The
company sent Its agents "to Investi
gate the death, and ordered the body
exhumed. Dr. Rice was greatly op
posed, but finally consented, and the
body was exhumed and portions of
the internal organs taken out and
sent to St. Louis for examination.
The Metropolitan Company's agents
now make the announcement that ar
senic has been discovered.
Georgia Justice Exemplified,
Atlanta, Dec. 3. Through the in
strumentality of Governor Atkinson,
Representative Byer will Introduce a
bill In the house providing that un
less n Jury so stipulate no woman
shali ever bo hanged In Georgia. The
bill was framed to relieve the governor
of the responsibility In the Elizabeth
Noble case, as since the supremo
court of the United States refused to
interfere in her behalf, he has been
farmer, was called from his home by
a negro named Bill Scott. Singley
was struck on the head and his throat
cut. The negro went Into the house
where he called Mrs. Singley, cutting
her head almost oil and also Dallas
Singley, a 10-year-old son. lie then
robbed the house of $700. A posse is
searching for the negro.
Affairs at Tacoma.
Tacoma, Wash., Dec 3. The chief
of police will ask the city council to
Increase the poljce force, on account
of the largely Increased criminal ele
ment in the city, owing to the Alaska
Evictions have commenced on the
'Nigger tract," the long-contested
title having been settled. The
squatters arc using the dsputy sher
iffs pretty roughly, but no trouble Is
Probably a Murderer,
Colorado Springs, Colo., Dec. 3,
Evidence seems to show that 'Shirley
D. Chamberlain, alias George Dran
held the police of this city under a
charge of forgery, Is probably the
murderer of Herbert Kay, who was
killed on Pike's Peak on the 10th of
last August.andalsp of Louis Schmidt
a crippled tailor, whoso decomposed
body was found in a small cabin in
this city on September 0.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 3. According
to a leport submitted to Governor
Ilolcom by the Investigation com
mittee, cx-Superlntendent J. II. Mal
lacu, of the state reform school at
Kcrney, is short in ills accounts $10,
Chicaoo, Dec. 3. The grand Jury
lias indicted Merry, Smith and Hlckey
fur the murder of Mrs Merry.
After Black Jack's Gang.
Phoenix, Ariz., Dcc.3. A posse of
United States marshals has 'eft Bis-
bee for Mexico in pursuit of the Black
Jack Jobbers. Marshal Scott and
Ri'vmai marshals and Mr. Dodge, of
Wells, Fargo & Co., arc here, A
courier is expected from Fronteras
when further particulars will be
Down They Go !
Our underwear sale has suceeded beyond our most
jsaugine expectations, We are going to continue it, j
At the same time wc have cut the price of our inv &
I -. --t f ..mUvnllC- M?
50c ones reduced to... '. ,. . . .25c
75c ones reduced to 50c
SI tones reduced to 75c
$1,25 ones reduced to ' ' ' ' . .85c
S1.50 ones reduced to 95c
'JIOOtiEtl NINrii STORE, m
299 Commercial st,
around Xiao Chou. China, the dls
patch conclude, asks that her dispute
with Germany be submitted to arbi
trators appointed by Holland and Bel
More Rioting at Prague.
Prague, Dec. 3. Rioting was re
sumed when the stores and houses In
two streets of the old town were pil
laged. Seven battalions of Infantry
and two squadrons of cavalry wcro
called out to disperse the mob, Five
additional battalions of infantry have
arrived here.
The burgomclstcr and municipal
councillors today submitted to the
governor complaints against German
students In connection with the re
cent disturbances. The governor re
plied that the utmost vigor would bo
exercised to re-establish order and
protect property.
Martial law has been proclaimed
here as well as In the municipal dis
tricts of Karolcncmthal, the Seikow,
Wonbcrg and Smichow, as a result of
the riots.
Guldensupp'n Mjtulated Rsmilns.
New York. Dec 3. Now that there
Is no longer any mystery concerning
the death of William Guldensuppc.for
whom Martin Thorn will bo sen
tenced to execution, the horrible
fragments of the body may be hur
ried. The trunk,legs and arms of the
man, which wero found in three par
cels, have been kept in plcklo at the
morgue In readiness tone produced In
court, if needed during the trial. The
confessions of the prisoners made the
Identification f the remains unnecessary.
Guldcnsuppi was a member of a
German benovolent society, and It la
said that this organization lias re
quested that, the remains be turned
over to It for Interment. The coroner
will refer the request to Attorney
Youngs, who will probably recom
mend that It be granted.
Provisions Cannot Be Carried Overland
To Dawson.
Chicago, Dec. 3. G. Yr. Bushncll
of the North American Transporta
tion Company, says that tho plans to
send a relief expedition to the Klon
dike arosuro to como to naught. Ic
will be Impossible, ho sayn, to carry
overland enough provisions to satisfy
6000 men, no matter how well equipped
the expedition may be. The only two
practicable methods of traveling over
that territory in winter are by means
of dogs or reindeer, but it Is a well-
known fact that dogs can haul no
more on a long Journey than their own
food. Tho trained reindeer are so
scarce that to rely on these for the
expedition is out of the question.
Mr, Bushncll docs not think, though
that the miners are In nny danger of
starving. It is known that a few of
them may have to livo for a short
time on half rations, but he says that
will boTall.
Another Letter From Dawson.
San Francisco, Dec. 3. Edgar L.
Straus?, of this city, n member of tho
Pacific stock exchange, has received a
letter from his brother-In-law, James
W. Monlson, who Is now at Dawson
City, which confirms tho news of the
scarcity of fo d on the Klondike,
lie says:
"The steamer Bella arrived, bring
ing about 80 tons of provisions, but
still that will not bo sufficient. The
authorities have posted notices advis
ing all persons not supplied with a
year's provision to go to Circle City
or Fort Yukon, where provisions aro
to bo had. Tho stores are closed.
Tho cargo of tho Bella won't begin
to fill half tho orders."
The amount of provisions taken to
Dawson on too Wearo is placed at
68 tons.
Must Comply With the Law.
Chicago, Dec. 3. John Atkinson,
tho famous boncsottcr from London,
may have a short career in Chicago.
Tho state board of health has warned
him ho must comply with tho law
regulating medical practice in Illi
nois. Tho law requires that a phy
sician shall have a diploma from a
college- recognized by tho board or
shall pass an examination by the
"I have been permitted to practice
In Now York, London and Parle, "said
Mr. Atkinson-, "and I had no notice
f such interference here."
Counsel has been engaged by At
kinson, and he lias applied to Gover
nor Tanner requesting htm to have
state board suspend action.
States and Peru
Not Only Lovering. But His
Decision By Gage.
Washington, Dc.' 3. The secre
tary of the treasury decided that tho
Netherlauds'government pays bounty
on raw -and refined sugars exported
from that country and thence, under
tho now tariff act, all sugars from
tho Netherlands entering thc'.TJnlted
States arc subject to a discriminating
duty equal to the export bounty
paid Tho exact rate of this counter
vailing duty has not yet bcn de
finitely .ascertained, but it Is said
that It will approximate 40 cents per
100 pounds on raw sugar and a slight
advance on those figures on refined.
It is known that tho sccictary has
also comn to tho conclusion that 'tne
Belgian government pays an export
bounty on sugar, and a decree to this
effect may bo expected In a short
The additional duties will apply
from September 22 last.
The amount of raw sugar Imported
from tho Netherlands during tho last
year was over 88,000,000 pounds, of
which about 25,600,000 was not aboyc
No. 10 Dutch standard, and 62,700,000
above that number. Tho sugar im
ports fauiu Belgium during tho last
year aggregat ed over 123.000.C0O pounds
of which noarly 121,000,000 was below
No. 16.
Made a Safe Lsadkfr.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec, TV
filibustering steamer DatiaOetf ar
rived in port this afternoon, after
having landed another expedlttos hi
Cuba. The Dauntless left .here No
vember 19 for Savannah with the
Schooner Jennie Thomas In tow.
The schooner was towce to Savan
nah, where the Drunt less parted frow
her, and she had not been heard from
until her arrival here. It was report
ed that the schooner carried a cargo
of arms and ammunition from Thew
asport, and that the transfer was
made en route to Savannah.
Senor Solus, the Spanish vice-consul
stated that he was satisfied that such
was not the case, and an indignant
denial of such an accusation came
from Captain Young, master of the
schooner, at Savanah. The Daunt
less Is said to have landed a largo
cargo, Including a 12-pnucd Hotch
klssgun. A large quanity of qui
nine was also landed for the insurgents.
Another Crop of French Duels,
Nkw Yokk, Dec. 3 A dispatch to
the Herald from Paris says:
It will be a wonder if tho Dreyfus
Ejterhazy affair Is not productive of a
crop of dueli. Several of the Paris
papers are lighting one against the
other, like the Kilkenny cats, and per
sonalities arc flying around broadcast.
The editor of one publishing com
pany has called the editor of a morn
ing journal all manner of names, and
has cyen suggested that the latter is
not entitled to the name he bears.
This has caused thb publication of a
certificate of birth by the editor of
themornl ig paper, whereat thc.cven
ing paper return i to tho charge by
asking the morning paper editor how
he served Ills country In 1870.
Eiiillc Kola has been dragged Into
the quarrels. Ho contrli uted an ar
ticle to Figaro, arguing that if Drey
fus' relations have formed a syndicate
to secure newspaper support they
were only doing what they had a per
fect right to do. The journal above
referred to now asks how much Zola
received for the article.
Hats caps suspenders underware of
all grades at the New York Racket at
low prices. 3 2d Iw
Schilling's Best baking pow
der is good for
i You.
2 Grocer.
3 Us.
Doesn't hurt any. Does us
all good.
A ScblUiur & Conpigjr
Sin Fuucftcu
Indians Again at Large.
Craio. Colo , vlu RIHle.Colo., Dec. 3.
D. P, Thompson, who lives In tho
western part of Routt county, near
the scene of tho recent fight between
Utcs and game wardens, arrived In
town, and gave the startling informa
tion that the Indians were again in.
vading that section. Mr. Thompson
says that although he has not seen
them, ho has heard the shooting, and
on Douglass mountain he has seen
tho moccasin tracks and the tracks of
tho ponies.
Themallcarrlcr, whoso route lays
between Maybell and Lily Park, re
ports having seen Indian tracks near
tho roadl Residents of Brown's Park
also report haying seen Indians and
say they are evidently killing game,
as they heard a great deal of shooting.
Pierce Storms In England,
London, Dec, 3. Fierce storms
again broke out over the coasts of
England last night, and tho scenes
recorded during the early part of the
week aro recurring. Ileavy hall,
snow and rain storms accompanied
the gales. The Dover and Calais
channel soryico is temporarily sus
pended. Ucvcral vessels are reported
o have been wrecked on Goodwin
sands. A number of vessels were
wrecked off tho Norfolk coast, and the
fury of the storm on the Kentish sea
board was unexcmpled. Ileavy snows
have fallen In several parts of France,
Sweeping Reprimand.
Washington, Dec. 2. Tho Judgc-adyocato-general
of tho array,Gcneral
Lleber now has tho Lovering case In
hand, and Is preparing a reprimand,
which will bo administered to Cap
tain Lovering In conformity with tho
sentence of the court martial.
It is said at the war department
that the president and Secretary Al
ger are dltsatlsfled with tho leniency
shown by the court In this case, and
the reprimand will bo bo.lti sweeping
terms as to amount to a scvero con
demnation of those otllccrs of tho
army, who have shown uy words or
deeds their approval of Lovering'
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Broino Qulninu Take
lets. All drugglvts refund tho money
if It falls to cure. 25c. Tho genuine
has L. B.Q. on each tablet. CD
Boats Ordered by Russia.
Washington Dec. 3 Tho nayy
department has received Information
that Russia Is-abuut to .become pos
sessed" of two new torpedoj boats that
will be easily the fastest war-craft In
tho world, being capablo of tho speed
of 38 knots per hour, with every prob
ability of making 40 knots an hour
when pressed. This great speed de
mands much greater power than can
be supplied by ordinary engines, so
that tliQ boats will bo driven by steam
turbines, having four scperate
shafts, with three screw propellorson
each shaft. Tho contract for tho
three boats has already boon placed
with an English firm. Tho high speed
required Is based upon tho perform
ance of the little Turblna, which has
run at the rutc of nearly 40 miles an
Laid Before the President.
Washington, Dec. 2. Berkeley
Blach, secretary of tne Cuban League
was granted un uudlcnco by
President McKlnley, t" whom ho pre
sented an extended nrgument In bo
hair of the Cuban insurgents.
The argument was in the form of a
potltinn, Spain, It Is declared, has
lost Cuba, to farad tho presentlpop-
ulatlon Is concerned, but If she bo
permitted to continue tho work
of extermination of noncombat
ants, they may possibly reconquer and
dcpnpulatothc Island. Autonomy is
pronounced a foolish dream. Spain
clearly offers It to uppcaso tho United
States and to gain time.
President McKlnley promised to
give tho argument . careful consider
ation. Trial of C'ptaln Carter,
Washington, Dec. 3. The secre
tary of war today ordered a court
murtlal for the trial of Captain O. M.
Carter, engineer corps, on the charge
of unofllclal conduct In disbursing
government fund) for iho Savannah
river and harbor. Tho court will
meet in Savannah. In order to ayold
any possible unjust criticism, it Is
arranged that tho court be equally di
vided between graduates of tho mili
tary academy and officers appointed
from civil lire.
Patronizing Home,
Washington, Dec. 3. A policy of
using, wherever possible, American,
made goods in tho supplies of tho pos
tal service is announced In a letter
addressed today by First Assistant
Postmaster-General Heath to M.
Lewis, superintendent of the division
oi postoffico supplier".
Washington, Dee. 3. Tho presi
dent appointed Blanche K. Bruce, of
Mississippi, register of tho treasury.
Jlruco represented Mississippi In tho
United States sonato In reconstruc
tion days, end IsonooMhobest.known
negro Republicans or tho country, He,
was register of tho treasury under
Spanish Account.
Havana, Dec. 3. In an engage
ment which took place In the prov
ince of Plnar del Rlti between insur
gents under General Ducassl and the
Spanish troops under General Ber
nal. the former, according to the
official Spanish report, lost over 100
men killed. Several of the Spaniards
wcro wounded by the explosion of
bombs thrown by tho insurgents.
The Spanish .forces at Jatibonlca
del Norte, province of Santa Clara,
have i had engagements with insur
gents nndcr Gonzales. The latter,
tho official report says, lost 10 men
killed, and tho Spanish had one of
ficer killed and 14 wounded.
It Is announced from the palaco
that 40 prisoners hayo been rpleascd
at Manzanlllo, nndtthat50 persons In
prison at Sanctl Splritut have been
tipoka-e Offers Relief.
Spokane, Wash.", Dec. 3, The Spo
kanco chambea of commerce will offer
tho war department several carloads
of provisions for lho Klondike suffer
ers to be sent over the Inland routo
f romrthis city, The following itele
gram was sent yesterday" to tho
Canadian Pacific railway.
The chamber of commerco of Sp
kane, desiring to nld in every way
posslblo tho suffering miners of tho
Klondike, propose to donate to tho
war department provisions to bo sent
over the Telegraph trail, .from Ash
croft to Tcslln lake. Will you Join
with us in furnishing free transpor
tation over your lines ?
"E. D. Olmsted, President.
Tho distance from Spokane to Daw
son by this routo is 1600 miles. It is
1200 miles to Tcskln lake, the true
source of tho Yukon, and thence to
Dawson is COO miles over navigable
lakes and rivers. For naif tho dis
tance from Spokane to Tcslln lake a
wagon -road is already In use. Tho re
malnlng halt is over the trail built by
tho Western Union Tclcgradh Com
pany and since used by tho Hudson's
Bay Company.
A large number or experienced
miners will go over this island routo
in the spring. They will buy pack
horses hero und pack through to Tes
lin lake. Thcro soino or them will
branch off tj tho now discoveries on
the Steward, Polly and Laird. Others
will sell their horses and dropdown
tho river to Dawson.
Washington, Dee. 3. The navy
department lias finally accepted the
gunboat Vlcsburg, built at tho Bath
Iron Works, Maine.
State op Ohio, City op Toledo, J c
Lucas County, i 68
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is tho senior partner of the firs of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business is
the City or Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
tho sum or one hundred dollars for
each and every caso of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by tho use cf Hall's
Catarrh Curo
F. J. Chkkky.
HvYQ'n to before mo and subscribed
in my presence, tills Oth day Toff-December,
A. D. 1800,
A. W. Glkasoh.
Seat Notary PuWle.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 'J takes Inter
nally and acts direr j on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sretew.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolede, O.
OrSoldbyDr ueghte,76
Royal Bakti tb (sod pm,
wbtMa uH 4tMeVr.
KU IAMN4 IWWftM 0.. M0 MM,