Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 02, 1897, Image 2

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    $&. &'
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I? i f
"' mEK
' mm!
. '
Ff esh bulk olives
Heinz bulk mustard;
v " j
Bulk!8 sweet pickles
Bulk chow chow.
Fresh walnuts
Fresh almonds.
124 State Street,
Daily Capital Jouni;
The opposition to the Uupubllcan
party In till city has nomltntod a
city ticket, for treasurer and al'Jer
mcn. It Is composed of representative
business men. For alderman two
Democrats, two ullycr Republicans
are nominated. For treasurer they
have put np an tincomproinlhlng Pop
ulist. The nominees were all pronounced
antl-maclilne men In the presidents 1
election and m liave no alllllatlon or
connection with the Republican or
ganization. IT elected they will bo
entirely free from control or Influ
ence by any faction or any
political machine. They have
adopted tic name "Citizen's
Union," as expressive of a more than
a mere partisan organlzaaion. Thj
Citizen's Union has no mud to throw
at any other nominations that may
bo made at the Republican prlmlarlcs
or by other citizens but believes it Is
the duty of citizens who favor good
government and a city administration
responsible to the people to support
the Citizen's Union ticket. They
believe In an opposition party In our
city, county and state affairs that will
hold the majority In power to a strict
accountability as the only means, to
sccute reforms and economy In public
A Cincinnati Enquirer patiou says:
"I bought a scoop fchovel the other
day, and was Informed that the
price had advanced 10 cents. I asked
If this Increased price was on account
of the Dlugly tariff. The merchant
replied: 'I persume so, In $j. measure.'
On my way home 1 was puzzled to
know who got the 10 cents. I ask
the Enqul.cr to help to solve the
problem. It Is a 'Eu-eka' shovel, and
the old price was 75 cents and now 85
Answer: It Is very certain that
your 10 cents did not go Into tho Fed
eral Treabiiry, because lt was of
American manufacture, and dutlct
arc imposed upon Imported articles
Ityis the product of a largo corpora
tion. .The theory of a tariff is that
duties should bo levied covering the
difference In tho labor cost ol produc
tion abroad and at home, or, In other
words, to protect American working
man from competition with the
cheaper labor of other countries
That Is Hie fascinating theory; the
practice is to Inurcaso the profits of
cre.it corporations. Your 10 cents
found lis way Into tho Eureka treas
ury;, ami as a general rule tho wago of
labor Is roduced and tho worker does
not get a rent of tho 10 cents paid by
tho consumer. When and where did
ourpatron over know of tin advance In
wapbs In consequence of an Inerciihcil
dutyY A (jut In waged Is almost cer
tain to folio;;. A10 the lobbies of
cotircss"crowded with manufactur
ers, their agents and attorneys, Im
portuning congress for an Increase of
duties, so that they can piy their op
eratives larger salaries?
Aro the great corponi Im.s ani
mated by phllantroplc motives 5" Aro
they anxious to have their tollers bet
ter housed, bolter fed, better clothed,
and arc they ready to uiuku pilgrim
ages to Wusnlngton, Incurring groat
expense, tn have tho duties Increased
tor tho benefit of labor ? If wages aro
ever advanced or a cut prevented, It
lias been becauso labor unions havo
been organized to assert their rights.
Our correspondent says ho Is a Repub
lican and has favored protection, Ha
thinks It possible that ho has bien
wrong, and his rcllectlonsoatlio scoop
shovel havo unsettled his mind
the 10 cents went Into tho National
Treasury to boiiscd In paying current
expenses, or pouslons, or deserving
rmy veterans, ho would not com-
plalu; but ho cannot traco lilscnforccil
contribution U) tho public Treasury,
or Into th pocket of u poorly paid la
borer; If ho could, ho would xtlll vote
tha Republican, ticket,
g If oxery maunvould ludulgo u ro-
Jictlons, taking for his tlieino some
mall Item In hs daily cxporlonco,
there would t8 more Intelligent vot-
In a case lately decided ly the V
S. Court of Appviils, Hie dltcntli.
opinion of Judjje Caldwell is uttiutt
Injr considerable attention and can
IrJtf much cotnctiiiit. TheJudire liel
In effect, thai the boycott uiicUtrlK
were legitimate means for a l.iborln
man to employ for the proU-ctlon
Ills rights and that their pnipluyiii'-i
only became Illegal when there w
an attempt to enforce a boycott o
strike by Intimidation, vln'eii
and trespass Without kiinwlng t
facts of the case, tills priuclplesrl Ik
mas Hie true rule to apply. Th
1. boring man has alright to(irgani7.
to boycott, or quit work, where he
deem:) such acts necessary to protei 1
his rights, or to oppo c any uuju-t
exactions of his cmplojer, If In select
ing thcc means of defense he doi
not put himself in opposition to tl'
business Interests of u community, or
disturb the public peace. There is a
doctrine of public policy which may
come in operation In cases of this
kind, but the same doctrine is much
more strongly applicable as against
trusts, which are more dangerous to
tho business Interests of the com
It Is In commit ting acts of trespass
Up'n the person or property of others
to enforce a boycott or maintain
a strike, that the working man passes
the limit of law and order, and makes
tho employment of these weapons un
lawful and wrong. It Is Important,
that he should understand this dis
tinction and observe lb. When the
strike shall bo conducted without
disturbance f tho public peace, 01
trespass upon tho rights and property,
Or personal 111 erty of the employer,
there will bo no legitimate ground
for Issuing a writ of Injunction, or ex
cuso for Its employment, lfourwork
Inmcn, when they declare a strike,
will conduct It pctceably and avoid
all acts of violence and intimidation,
they will put themselves In a position
that will always command sympathy
and respect, and go a (groat ways to
removo tho ground which furnishes
an excuse for Issuing a writ of In
junction, or for what Is called 'gov
ernment by Injunction.'
The financial question was not set
tled In the last campaign, as it was
thought by many people of high-rated
political sagacity. It bids fair now
to be the uppermost and absorbing
topic during the ensuing session of
Congress, and an endless debate may
be expected. Tho president undoubt
edly will glyo tho subject tudro than
ordinary attention In his message,
and such is the temper of tho public
mind, it will be apt to take preced
ence over all other matters under de
bate. Tho tluanclal question Is of
such vital Importance to tho business
interiinl of tho country, that It must
lis dealt with at onco 11 ml with wls
diirfi. No Juggling with lb will bo
telerated: a man must be for 10 to 1,
Independent of any other nation, or
tie must be for tho goldbug theory.
Men who hayo tried to straddle the
question and run with both sides
havo all been stranded on tho way
and politically shipwrecked. Tho
gold men and tho silver men both de
spise tho 'trimmer,' and know that ho
Is without sincerity, and dishonest to
the core. Neither will havo any
thing lodu with him, for they know
ho Is neither fit for leadership, nor to
1111 tho ranks, when the fight comes
ou, as It screly will In the near fut
ure Hence wo may expect from our
congressmen who understand tho
temper of our people, Immediate
ucthiii on the financial question, al
though tho annexation of Hawaii and
tho Cuban eiubrogllo will furnish In
teresting themes for eloquonco and
Town Ruined.
WMNU'tu, Dec. l.A. largo portion
uf the business center of tho town of
I'pCurborry, Manitoba, was destroyed by
lire. The loss Is oyer $50,000.
Those Painful Boils
Completely Cured by Taking Hood's
"I wm troubled with eruption and
imall bolls on my body and face, and
Irienua advised rue to try Hood 'a Banttpa
rllla. I procured ilx bottle and began
taklug the medicine. When I bad taken
quo bottle Iu greatly Improved, and
alter taking five bottle I wu completely
cured." OAnLDBAL,Lngell Valley, Ore,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
J tlia txit-li) fact the One True Blood Purifier.
H4 ' nm curt U ijtr III. ceuu.
Motal Worth $3,650 Taken
From the furnaces.
Number of Inventions Which Have
Attracted Attention.
Chicago Record. Nov. 25:
Five thnuand pounds of dark, blu
l"h metnl, assaying, according to the
teport of Messrs. Jnxon and Kayres at
the National Metallurgical company's
illlcei, $.1,050 worth of gold, has , been
taken frni t lie furnaces of the gold
makT at Lowe avenue and 39th strci t
and l!s in the workshop of the big red
building ready fo be converted Into
pure yellow metal.
All morning the furna.'c artificial,
reproduction In a rednced way, t-ajs
R. O llri.-c, the Inventor, of a volcano
mil winch ft Is claimed generates
xvltlilu lis fiery coie the heat, of a
Veiuylm, roared away merrily, their
oxygon-fed flames, enwrapping the
Ittt le oblong blocks of the goldmaker's
vmiposiilon until they glowed with a
steady white heat, leaving an elfcct
upon the cjes not much unlike that
left from an enforced gazing upon the
dazzling glare of the sun.
Mr. Brlcc, who meets all dubious
questionings as to the quality of his
yellow product with a quiet little
smile of Mjemlng amusement was yery
busy. TIsitors to the .vorks wee not
admitted today, and those who on
previous days have been welcomed
and Bllown through the big barn l'ke
structure with tits long rows of
glowing furnaces and weird vacancy
of raftered loft above, were compelled
to stand without, shiver In tho cold
breeze and cast speculative glances?
through the dark, shut'ered window?,
whence the occasional glimpse of the
llrllt faces of the workman could be
"I don't know about this hero gold
business,'1 said one sandy haire 1
qulzzlcaloyed skeptic, dressed in a
suit of blue overalls and pulling with
11 self-satlllcd expression at a short
ltMiuiiir, black-looking clay plpo.
'I didn't get turouh tho factory like
some uf the boys, but It don'tsccm ter
me natural. 1 remember, too, tht-t
there's been lots of chicaner) about
this very same work ever since old
Tubal Cain, Instead of sticking to his
Iron work, thought he'd experiment
in the gold Industry, spilled a pot of
slack oyer three lingers and a thumb
and discovered nothing but a brassy
expression on his face. "Thcnthere a
tew years back there was ihat fellow
who claimed to have discovered a pro
cess of refining sugar by electricity,
Capitalists were interested and sank
$75,000 In his scheme. At a practical
test which was made before the men
of money, one of the planks In one of
the vats was discovered to ljave a
ktiot 1 1 It, An Immediate howl was
raised by the Inventor, who had tho
offensive board taken out and a per
fect one substituted. Tills had a
great effect upon the minds of the In
vestors. The sugar came pouring
from the machine, which was situa
ted on the floor above and was being
watched by agents of the Investors,
and fell Into tho electric baths of the
vats. The Investors wers convinced,
yoted the money and tho Inventor
taking It skipped out. It was aftor
ward discovered that thowlto of the
Inventor had been shoveling refined
sugar Into a shuto which ran beneath
tho flooring and emptied into the ma-
chlnoata point between the celling
of tho first floor and tho floor of tho
"Then, again, ' continued tho skep
tic, stroking a scant growth of chin
whisker, "there was II. II. Hoi mes.
IIo Invented a machlno for the
making of gas. Ills product was a
most excellent gas. No 0110 could
deny It. Rut It took tho gas com
panies a long tlmo to locato the en
ormous leakage of their main and
when they did they stlmulataneously
discovered Holmes' gas-making ma
chine. Then, too, I remember a fel
low hcrea short whllo ago, down tn
Mtxtco, claimed to have discovered a
method of making gold. IIo made
his out of clay aud sold about $40,000
worth of his product to tho banks
there. It was gold all right, and
good gold at that, but ho mado
nothing out of his process, iitft took
about $11,000 worth ot tho yallow
metal to salt his pay dirt with, tho
extra thousand being lost in tho
shuflloas his machlno wont through
Its operations." ...
Despite thccroaklngsof thin com
ineutator, however, tho sounds ot the
goldmaklng continued In merry strain
from within aud It Is t.ald tn such an
extent has Interest grown In tho
neighborhood that If It continues
long every ono In tho vicinity will be
confiscating lo wa, boiler ant
attempting to convert all thq vagrant
ashen In the adjacent heaps' Into the
precious metal.
. i
Restore full, regular action
of tho bowtls, do not Irri
tate or Inflame, but leave
II th. delicate dlimllT. or-
fcanum In pmt condition.
Ttt Uim. M rri.
Preptrtd only by a I. Hood A Ox, Lowe I J, Mim.
At 11 o'clock, Mr. Drlce retired, u-.-
accompanied, through the door of a
largo room built In the factory, which
Is labelled "compounding room." A
few moments later a grinding, crash
ing hotd proclaimed that, be was at
work v Ith the mixcrand soon through
u llltielron niaclilnc.runnlng through
one side of the room, came pouring
tho plastic composition. This was
cut Into three small blocks by assist
ants and placed In the furnace as de
scribed. Mr. Brlcc expects to make $30,OCO
worth of gold a week when ho gets
intogood working order, but does not
anticipate that this will have an ap
preciate effect upon the money stand
ards of the world for some time to
come. About this he docs not worry,
howcvcr.but goesabout ills operations
In a calm, business-like way.as though
the discovery of a method of making
gold were, while hot an every day oc
currence, a commercial operation only
and not an event turning topsy-turvy
the established Ideas of the world for
thousands of years.
Mr. Rricc carries In his pocket a
small lump of the metal of his own
manufacture, which he states con
tains $68 worth of gold The material
of which It was manufactured cost a
little more than as many cents.
Chemists of tho city have taken
much interest In Rrice's alleged dis
covery, but none of tliem seems to be
lying awake nights over the startling
"I do not care to express any direct
opinion upon the alleged discovery,"
said W. Hoskins, the Clilcago assayer.
'Why, I could go Into my laboratory
and make gold under your very eyes
which would satisfy you and would
prove to be the genuine metal. You
would ncyer sec the substitution af
the precious metal during the process.
Consequently, before passing an opin
ion on the value of Mr Brlce's discov
ery t should prefer to watch tho pro
cess from end to end.
"My deduction from the peiusal ot
a rough description of tho pruoess
would be that I can see no inherent
probabilities or possibility In there
being any gold produced by that
method. The transformation of oxjdo
of autlmony, after pressing Into brick
lets and subjecting these to v:ry high
temperature, seems to be theesseutlal
featuie of the process, but I can see
no inherent possibility of gold being
thus pioduced. The latter part of
the Brlcc method seems to be a modi
fication of tho well-known processes
of scorlficatlon and cupillatlou.
"It would require a furnace rad
ically different f'om those in present
use to sustain a 5,000-degree tempeia
ture during tlTc length of tunc speci
fied by the discqvprcr, The state
ment made that the furnaces have a
capacity of 10,000 tons per day, each
ton yielding $3,0S0, is obllvously In
correct and absurd. That means an
output ot moie than $20,000,000 worth
of gold dally. If that wouldn't settle
the silver question 1 don't know wljat
"Brlcc states t)at he has entered
Into 11 contract by which the Bank of
England Will take his output, That
Is quite unnecessary, as arrangements
can easily be made to haudle his en
tiro product for cash right in Chicago
at less expense than the transporta
tion charges, to London, If the traps
mutation of metals is ever realized lb
will have been accomplished as mosb
greab dUcovcrlei nro, us a result of
slow, laborious and patient research
by skilled scientists."
Out of Existence,
Seat-TLB, Dec. I, At midnight,
tho Oregon Improvement Company
passed nut of existence, and tho re
organized company, and the new
name of J'aelliu Coast Company, suc
ceeded It. G. J. Smith, wtio was re
ceived of the old company, Is man
ager of tho new.
Russia's Gold Coinage.
St. PKTKitsnuita, Dee. 1. An Im
perial ukasci!ssued(orderfi that coinage
and Issuo of flve-roublo gold pieces,
ciiual In valtio to one-third of the Im
perial; which weighs 12." 2 grammes,
POO lino.
Thanksgiving Bargains
New Paper. Shell Almonds, New Walnuts,
riour ,
rqnoy glnoa citron, per pound .
Fancy glaca empt peel, per lb;
Fauoy glace orange peel, per lb
Choloo cleaned currants . ,
$1 05
Old P. O,
Newest, Bris:hte8t,Best.
The Tennsssee Strawberry, Tested st iWew two years. Prolific bearer, fine hear'
kharcd, lulfiht scarlet red beiries, very early. Clusters j;rovr on medium short stems, out ol
dinger of iu,t when blooming. Kb, strong plants, delivered at lids office or sent to any
address at f I per loo. lust the berry that has been wanted in Oiecon. Sweeter, earlier
land laicer thin Wilson. Uich colored all over
growers ihouia not be wtlnout UUI berry W Wr
nest nrltui. Address E, llofer, Salem, Or.J
STATfc. Nfe.WS.
flood ki.iiig 13 reported over ut La
A Hood llivui nun claims to have
dug UtiipiuM from one hill.
The Rtd tfov mine or H.iker count)
brought Into U.ikerCIt) jM.j.ixh Juts
Laura E. Andre has been appointed
postmaster at Unll Run, Or., vice E.
, urainnuu, resigned.
Six thousand dollars worth ol Ben
ton county property will be sold for
18U0 tuxes, on December 20.
The 24th of next January will be
thcsmi-ent nulal of the discovery of
goldon the l'aclllc Coast by Marshall.
There were $25,885 worth of riew
mortgages tiled In Washington
county against $33,024 released during
The Bakdr-Canyon Telephone Com-1
pany now Iihs the long-distance line
between Baker City and the Grant 1
county, lu working order.
The uncollected accounts of L. E.
Bain of Albany, amounting to $12,
000, were Mild at public auction in
Albany last Saturday for $250.
Earl Wisdom and J. L. Ash, of Ba
ker city, ex-policemen, were found
guilty and lined $500 and $50, respect
ively, of obe day's Incarceration for
Game Warden Clias. M. KKsenger,
of Eugene, swore out a complaint
against J B. rtopkins, a lumberman
of that place for dumping sawdust In
the river.
Weston, Oregon is in ne.d or a new
flouring mill. Two have nlrcady been
burned there. Two business men of
that town are about to venture In a
89,000 plant. The plant will have 175
barrel capacity.
It Is said that the next grand Jury
In Curry county, will not meet until
September tiext. If this is the case,
It is apt to be a long time before the
Van Pelts will have to answer the
charge of killing A. Coolldge.
Jack Donald a sheepherder now lan
guishes in jail because he assaulted a
Chinese a few days ago, near Monu
ment, and came near beating him to
death, he was bound over to appear
before the grand Jury lu $2000 bonds,
which he fail to furnish.
County Clerk Dixon, of Clackamas
couuty, collected and turned Into the
treasury, during November, fees
amounting to $240,55, being $11.55 less
than for the same month last yoar;
and Recorder Lewelllng turned over
fees to the amount of $102.80, Icing
$40.75 more than for November, 1890.
The treasurer of Benton county has
Issued a call for warrants. He has on
Hand $5000, obtained by tho therltf
from tho collection of delinquent
taxes last month, of which $3J00 is
available for redemption of warrants.
The call Includes all warrauts out
standing up to and Including Ostober
5, 1894.
Receiver Galloway's report of thu
Oregon City land office business for
November shows that 10 hotuesteiid
entries were mude and 4U llnul homo
stead proofs; that 813.25 was received
from cash sales and $001.11 in fees and
commissions, yielding tho full maxi
mum salary for the uioiith for both
icnister and receiver.
The cilse of J. E. Davis et al , rep
resenting the citizens' committee,
agalns the city or Eugene, to vacate
the public square, came up for hear
ing at the October term of court, and
was taken under advisement on a de
murrer to tho amended complaint.
J udgu Fullerlun Monday handed down
his decesion overruling the demurrer.
Tit battles by cea or land, the trien of
strongtst bodies and clearest brains are
the ones wh win. In the battles of busi
ness life thi rouilict is none the less
fierce and deadly, and the strong are
In the pursuit of wenltb many a man
hues health loses the power to enjoy
wealth. It Is not necessary. Few men
ever die of hard work. A man may work
as hard as he pleases if only lie sleeps
well, eats well, digests well, Good diges
tion is the key to the whole problem.
Good digestlou brings sound, restful
steep, keeps the appetite good and the
blood pure.
Good digestion is secured alwavs and
surely by the judicious use of Dr. Pierce's
uouien aieuicai uiscovery. it is a ner
feet remedy tor all digestive troubles, aud
beyond that is the greatest blood purifier
and nerve strengthener ever solo. For
over thirty years it has gone on its merci
ful healing mission bringing back life,
and hope, and happiness, after all else
had failed. Thousands have testified to
Its marvelous efficacy. Druggists sell it.
I)o not be deceived Into taking a sub
stitute. Mid to be "just as good."
Foul breath, dull eyes, llstlessne&a, aallc
o avoid or
nq iiuiin:
Ktt rm of
tlnntlnn I:
All are due toconstinatlou. and con-
, anlrelleli Tliry are not a temporary palliative,
supaiinn u pmntniiycuren dv ut I'terce a 1'teas-
pui a pentutiieni cure, ainny w-ouicn consnpa'
Dentutnent cure. Mnnv
lion reuietllek must be continued forever once
tney are tUnnl Tit' 'Ptlletji" cure perma
nently. They never gripe UrurslMi tell Ihcm.
Capo cod cranberries, per qt .
4-Crowu raisins, 3 lbs for
Sultana seedless raisins 3 lbs
Condensed mince meat, 3 pkgs.
Maple yrvP, "trictlp pure, per gal i;00
and better flavor than bharplew. Market
paten, ocioui now u s wuiy ,,ui
for Infants and Children.
The Pac-simile Signature of
Appears on Every Wrapper.
Salem Blectric 1R.
F R, ANSON, Receiver,
Commencing Nov, 2, 1897, and until further ordered
electric cars leave Hotel Willamcttcas follows
FOR PENITENTIARY, via Etato Heuse:
630 a. m., 7 a. m.and every 30 minutes thereafter until 10:15 P m And
at 11:30 p. m. to Twenty-first street only.
FOR S. P. Co. DEPOT, via State Heuse:
6:45 a m- i.'40 " m- i-'4 P m and 8.-05, P m-
FOR INSANE ASYLUM, Transfer to Garden Read:
6.3o a m., 640 n, m., 7 a. m. and every 20 minutes thereafter, until 10
p. m. and ataII p. m.
6:40 a. m., 7 a. m. ind every 20 minutes thereafter until, lo p. m. and
at 10.-40 p. m.
7 a. m., 7.-30 a. m., and every 3ominutcs thereafter, u itil I" p. m. and 11
p.m., from State Insurance buiidm g
6:30 a. m., 7 a m., and yery 30 minutes thereafter, until 10 p. m. and KV30
p in, from Court house only. ,
This time table is based on railroad or Standard Pacific time,
clock is usually 2 to 5 minutes slower.
On Sundays, a'l cars, except depot, start at 8 a. m.
Last cars at night leave a follews:
For Inane Asylum Themtketa strert and Garden Road, immediately after
close of performance at opera house and also at II p. m. from Hotel Willamette.
For South Salem, 10:40 p. m. from Hotel Willamette cr al 1045 p., m. from
opera house when any attraction there holding l-.te.
For State ttreet to Twenty first street, n.3op m., from Hotel Willamette.
For Morningside, 11 p. m., from State Insuiance buildirg.
For Fair Grounds and North Salem, io.-3o p m , from Court house corner.
Bargains in
254 Commercial
tCWc are agents for first
Canadian Paeific Railway,
2600 acie grain and s'.ock farm three miles
from railroad runiny water, good rprings
aad fair buildings. This is the best bargain in
the Willamette valley. Price only $6.50 per
332 acres, two and one-hall n.iles northwest
of Amity 24oacres under cultivation ; all
fenced; 2 houses and 2 barns; 'amtly orchard;
level Ian running water Piice (28.C0 per
600 acres.- adieininc: Marion station a fine
stock farm 90 acres under cultivation first
class family orchard good house; 2 good
barns springs and running water all for $12
per acre.
320 acres,- 3 miles ncrlh of Scio, 2 miles
from bhelburg nt the crosr I g of tho O C &
ERR and bi'UR. iw acres in cultivation;
good house and barn; all under fence! family
erchard: good springs and running water.Price
loo acres 4 miles southwest of Turner.- 10
acres in cultivatien: 30 acres in pasture cood
houss and barn 3 springs; 7 acres of prunes J
71 h ne.half mile fiom Minto, 20 acres
in cu t ' n good house and barn; runing
watir 1 31300.
20 acic- i.ie land 3 miles south.' all in
ood cult."ionfor $750.
TO TRADE.-320 acres inUmatilla county
for improved Salem pioperty.
TO TRADE.. .1S5 aeres on the Alsea for
city o( SalenTproperty, improved or unim-
Forty acres 5 miles from Ne wport , mostly
clear and bottom land, $800.
One hundred and sixty aeres 4jijmiies from
Newport on county road , 14 acres clear, 3
houses, trout stream and small fruit, f2ooo.
Eighty acres at Pioneer, on 'Yaquina river,
quary opened, orchard, house and bottom
land, will lease 01 easy terms.
Fruit tiact ofy acres on lloone blough,
Lincoln county $350
I have used
Piso's Cure
for Consumption, and can
recommend it above all others
for Coughs and Colds.
It is selling like hot cakes.
MiiNHnnn RFsmRFn
euarmteed to cure all nerrous dUcmiti. Men Weak. X morr ivfr
Brain Power. Headache, WakrlulntM.lort Ma-jSSc. SlSS'SSfif
.ion.. Nerronsne. .U rfrmlna, Jo., of & U.Jutoj&fer
either ex caused by ew-extrtton, ySuthfut mwiVr. .tveus of
Al 44 WWM llUVL UllLU r,l- ..-.i.. .
ifuurtuml by the Peau licdlcliietSVlri.. Pnaci "
mzOo.,UUtributin(ti;tnti. ThirduaYmhttJSi ,oJ
For sle b D,
Tho town
Real Estate !
Street, Salem, Or.
- class insurance companies
Pioneer farm of 91 acre?, Morrison,
Lincoln counly. good improvments.- $2,500.
One hundred and sixty acres, three fourths
ot a mile from Pioneer btnch land, $600
One hundred and sixty acres on Beaver
creek, Lincoln county, $600.
Five acres al Mill Four, Lincoln county,
A fine tesidence properly inside, ctieap,
call for prices.
House anl 3 acres of ground in subuibs of
city ctieap, 5700.
A good new house of 9 rooms for $1000,
$130 cash, balance 18. per month.
House a-d lot in Yew Park at a bargain at
List your house and farm for rent or for tale
With us.
We sell tickets on theC.nadian Pacific rail
road at $5.00 to $7.00 less to eastern points,
Four blocks from Lincoln school house,
fine residecce half-block in Salem with
pilvile e of enclosing half of street, city water
line fruit trees, if sold within three months
for $300. A bargain as'tt commands beauti
lul view,
Hardware store and stock and 20 acres of
land at good town in Douglas county, to
trade for farm property in Linn county.
Barbershop, two chairs and four baths,
paying business complete equipment, i"e
year lease at low rent, $500
House am' lot, Newpoit near Presbyterian
church, $900
Two lots ith cne ana one-half story I ouse,
cleared, good well, Newport,
J 600
One lot, cne and and one.half stcrv house
not finished within, $225. '
Fourteen lots, two story home' fenced,
largs uuitgardm. 11300.
GUSTAV FALK, Druggist,
Winton Place, Ohio.
August 31, 1897.
My ulDcr Dr. lVma'a
?w nre i'i:is.
J, FRY, Salem,
a -Af Af. &a
TO HIE KAST Gl.Etf THE Cl'f.tu,
Two 1 ranscontinenhl
Via Spokane Minneapolis st Paul and btn.
ver Omaha and Kangas City. Low utt, lc
eastern cities.
For full details call on or address
agents, Salem, Oregon,
Portland San Francisco.
Si earners leave Ainsworth dock, Fottlani
October 9, 14, 19. 4 9 November 3. j'
13,18,23.28. ),e'
Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, $2.50
Ruth Tor 1'oitland Monday, WedneB, ay and
Friday at 10 a. m. For Cortallis, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 4 p. m. Sleami
Elmore for Por.Iand T uesday, Thuuday ,. i
Saturday at 6:45 a. m. ' Bna
Transftrs lo street car line at Oregon Cil
if the'steamers are delayed there. RnJ
ton, California or the east. Connect!,,,,
made at I'ort'and with all rail, ccean ana
river Hi e. Call on G
M. Power-
foot Tr, de street
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, 6r
The 15urllnKton,s"St.Paui-ClilcuB0
Limited' Is the niost bcatlful, ttie
lllOSt COStlV. tlln IllOSt lilTllrlniiOml,.
ever placed In service 011 any railroad
In any country. New from end to
end. Lighted by electricity, Heated
uv attain. iMi extra lares,
Leaves St. Paul 8.0,", p. m. Jtandard
ami compartment slenni-rs. iMmi..
oar nininir car. Uulfet smoker.
LicKuisuboiucesoi connecting lines.
Oen'l Agent, Portland, Or.
Southern Pacific Co
6:0O 1' M 1
8:30 PltV
7.-4S A M )
Lv. . "Portland. ,.Ar
(9:30 AM
710 A M
( 8.-00 p m
Lv....batem ....Lv
Ar. San Francisco. Lv
Above trains stop at all principal stauoni
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion
Jefierson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey,
Ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
CotUge Grove, Dram, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
) 1
. . Portland-. Ar
. Salem.... Lv
..Roseburg.. Lv
i 2 oo.-P M
( 7.'3Q A M
5.-20 p ml Ar.
Pullman buffet sleeper and second-cUsa
sleeping cars attached to all through trains
Mail tiains daily except Sunday.
730 AMI Lv.... Portland
ArlS. -501
, .Lvf 1. 'oS 1
1215 Pit) Ar....
At Albany
Corvallis connect with
trains of the O
C & E. Ry
4,-So r
7.'3 P
8:30 r
Ml Lv.... Portland.... Ar) 825 a m
m Lr. . . .McMinnville Lv 550 a m
m) Ar Independence Lv) 450 a m
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
Sailing dates on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and
LULU and AUSPRALLIA, can be obtained
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent,
R. KOEDLER, Manager.
C. II. MARKHA1V5. G. F. &P. A. Portland-
Eastern R. H. Company
Connecting at Yaooina Hay with the s'a
Francisco & Yaquina Jlay Steamship Co.
Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San
Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad
and Hambolt Bay.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Willamette alley
and California,
Fare from Albany or points west to Sat
Francisco; Cabin, J8; steerage, 6.
Round trip, good 60 dajs. $lj
To Coos Bay cabir. 8; steerage 6.
To Humboldt Bay aad Port Orford, cabin
1 10; steerage $8.
ueamer '-Albany" letneen Portland and
Co.-vallis, through witeout lay-over. Leaving
Corvalhs6:3o a. m. Tuesdays, Tnursdays and
oundays leaves Portland, Yamhill street
dock, 6.-oo a.m. Mondavi, Wednesdays and
Fridays. '
J. C. MAYO, Supt. RiveFDivisIon.
,. Ccrvallis, Or
C. G. COKER. Agent, Salem.
Northern Pacific
;; Railway.
Pullman Sleeping Cars.
Elegant Dinln" Cars
Tourist SleeoirF&Carb
T&fCSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, i-rgo
Grand Forks, Crookston, Winnlneg,
Helena and Butte.
To Chfojo, Washington, Philadelphia. N
York. Boston, and all Points 2
LEast and South
For information, time cards, V ""
tickets, call on or icrite
AGENTS,.'. , f. ,
sts Commercial sneet. Salem ut.r
M D. Charlton, Asst. Oen'l. Passg Agent
Morrison street coiner Thitd Portland, Or,
ajax TAnurrsPoarnvELx cum
en. impoiwcr, tlcl;la J.. fTrf
brAtmuuaothrK2wuM m "?.
cmIiu Tnmu ouUIAu and wrll
tulur.14.1 VitAkir la oLl arSOBOS. M
tiWYlf t.FMn, lnu.il, bbJ flanJ.D PtiOB U
f.C n .. an fn..!,!. lin.lnMl AT mMXlMt
I USM in tin,, Thim n. tiuw. imEdUM l"itfr
uat tod ettKU . CV 11B xn oU othriiU. "
tittup). h.n. th. ceaut. AJix !rhlM-S,
1 haeara4 thouund. uid will cuts ma., M
t " J ,UMMU M VUKt Ibiuvfu - -
or ruacd iIlb r
U p&kmssm (foil
1 nouT. Pzlca fiu cuta
fall trttktivttt) for $3-
XAV'"3ffi?xvFzr- "-esw;.s
........ - ...w. vu. (Uaw
I For Sale at Salem Or- jv FNi FRY
1 x-S2l
hi 1
1 TjSl
J-Jlit- AmlJlL-