Si" "tm. 4 DAILY CAPITAL ..Af &.. M SS "l"i"iiJf SAIiEM, OltEGOJCT, JTBIDAY, NOVETtfBER 5JG 185)7., VOL.. h NO. 156, T .... v, I mil pi '" 'Goods Well Bought Are Half is an old saying applicable to the New York Sold' Rdl.MIt I They buy for cash, therefore got tlielr Roods at the lowest prices, then they mnrk them at the closest csish profit. That Is why they can sell the best lino of black day worsted and other suits, of the best make, for men und boys at racket prices tho HORRIBLE TRAGEDY The Crime of a . Indian Drunken wound. lie was taken back to the res ervation and locked up. THREE LIVES ARE SACRAFICED, a Star - 5 - Star" line of boots and shoes, hosiery and underwear for all ages. Hats and caps of excellent quality, Rubber boots and shoes, mackintoshes, laundrled and unlaundrlcd shlrtR, and work shirts In wool iand cotton, notions of all kinds.lacccurtalns.llnen damask, ciash towels, etc.. all on the Kime range of profits, ulway low. Call and examine their stock. Money always saved. County and city warrants taken for foods, B. T. BARNES. Other Criminal Matters A Record, Black 2 ft N066SS1U1 9 To be comfortable on thesn cold, wet must of necessity $ have a good overcoat, or mackintosh. We havejthem In boys, youths, and mens, and it will stand you in hand to see them be- fore you make a purchase, Our overcoat for $3.60 will keep you comfortable and would be a good value at $5. $5 buys a heavy wool, Oxford mixed coat. Our $7.50 Blue Kersey coat Is a surprise. $ 810 takes a Beaver coat that Is a standing advertisement. It is equal to the best in style flnlsh and make up. J. A thing or beauty is a Joy for eyer. This Is more than true of our $12.50 Clays, Worsted Chevolt, and blue black beaver coats, and you could make no better use of $12.50 than to Inyest them In one of these coats. We have In beys', youths' and men's and it will be a surprise when you hayc examined them, and hear the price. j MuGKilltt: 9 . . Tins we guarantee to uc ' We have some snaps In this line. ', 82 50 A black Paris cloth cape coat for $2.50, as good as any $3 coat In the market. $2.25 Buys a boys' mack; same as above. $3.75 We have a few of our regular $0 boys' coat left, which will ,j0 at $3.75. . We also have a linoof cape and box coats at$5, $5.50, $7,50 to $12.50 We call special attention to our raotornien'scoat at $5, and $5.50 J Diack all wool Tricot cape ooat, which are exceptional vaiues, G. W. JOHNSON & Co. j 120 State street. Duluth, Nov. 20. IVord has reached here of a shocking Indian murder that took place on tho Fond du Lac reservation, -10 miles north of licie. Achinncwa half-breed named John Anamasan, left the reservation secral days ago and went to the town jf Cloauet Late Tuesday lie returned crazed with liquor, and in a lit of drunken rage attached his wife who was about to ghc birth to a child. He dragged the woman from her bed and threw her on the floor, where he beat her into a state of unconscious ness. The brutal treatment caused premature labor, and wliilc actually receiving the blows from her husband tlie woman gave birth to the child. About the time Auamasin had lin is'ied his work another Indian named Peterson happened to bo passing tho house, and hearing the noise lie broke Into the room and attempted to pro tect the prostrate woman. Anamasln seized a club and turned his attention to Peterson, who made an effort to get out, but before he could do so it Is said Anamasln knocked him down and lit erally pounded his head Into a pulp. lie then took the body atid threw It into a creek near by, and returning to the house saturated the llooruf the room In which his wife and child lay with kerosene and applied the match. Then, with the evident intenlon of covering up the act, he closed and locked the door and left the house. A number of neighboring Indians by this time became aware that some thing was wrong, and breaking Into the house got the woman and child but, but the" rcscucrs,b'arely escaped I with their lives. Both Mrs. Anama- m0Qy demanded by tho govembntof JT,. n.wl tlist -1,11,1 A'nA lmlf nn 1, - I AUHtfia J?lll 111JU UMU VUUU UIV.U I1U1I UU IIVU1 later. A squad-of Indian police started after Anamasln, and caught him about daybreak on the Cloquet road. He siiowcd considerable light and In formed the police that they could not have him alive, thereupon one of tho police lired at him, Inflicting a slight Legislation For Alaska. Washington, Noy. 20 The presi dent, in his message, will recommend speedy legislation to Insure tticubcst possible govcrmant for Alaska.! He will point out the d 1 111 cul Lies which the people living there arc under,! and will urge that something bo done to protect tho property of the govern ment. He will allude to the fact'that tho government is losing largo pums because there Is no way of protecting timber from Indiscriminate ust. A better system of permits for the' tut ting and Inspection of timber, not only for tho mineral states of the West, but also for Alaska, has Icon presented to the president, and he will endeavor to have leglflniion speedily enacted for the bettcr,jro tcction of tiic forests. f In Spotted Hawk's Behalf. Washington, Nov. 20 The killing of a herdsmen, named Hoover. In Montana, which caussd Intense ex citement and led to hasty action by the government to avoid an Indian outbreak, was recalled by a re quest which Secretary Blss recehed from the Indian Eights' Association. The latter desires to secuc funds to pay the expenses of an appeal to Mon tana supreme court in tlii case of the Indian boy, Spotted hawk, con demned to death for Hooer's murdsr. Agent Stouch, of Vongue river agency, believes an lnrilcent pcrnei: has been condemned ,riie associa tion asks for some actionto stay pro ceedings and secure an appeal. Secre tary Bliss, however, had already taken steps for securir' the boy's rights on information previously re ceived. THOUSANDS ARE SICK The Spanish Soldiers in Cuba Suffer for Food. FORTS USED FOR HOSPITALS, Unable to buy Their Own Food for Want of Money. Turkey's ApologyA Vienna, Nov. 20. Dispiches re ceived from Merslna, Asia Mhor, an nounce that, as a result of lie deci sion of the Turkish goverrjicnt to grant demands of Austria f redress In nnn2annnnni sf Mi -.'.. ttt bUUnvUt,UkU Ul IIJU Heir Brazzafolll, the treatment of agcrj of the Austrian -Lloyd Steamship bompan; at that point, and the subseiuentjli sults complained of by the Austrian consul there. The nag of Austin was duly eajutoa lvrsina voattxdiy by tiioTurklsh guns, with all t&oera. New Yokic. Nov. 20 A dlsDatnh to tho Herald from Havana says: Deplorable as the condition of the concontrados may be, Spain's first duty is clearly to relievo thojmffer Ings of her troops. The loyal sodiers aro In as serious a plight as a major ity or the concontrados. The lattet have one advantage; they may beg and receive charity. To begin with, tin Spanish soldiers have drawn nn pa. for many months, and consequent! Luc)' uic not aoie to uuy anything on their own account In the small townf In which they are stationed. Then, too, the credit of tho troops has been in most Instances exhausted, the shopkeepers refusing to deliver more goods until they are paid what Is due to them. All the soldiers have to rely upon in the way of food and clothing is what Is supplied by the commis sariat department, and that depart ment Is corrupt. When General Blanco, in an inter view four days afterhlsarrlval, stated that he would do his utmost to better the condition of the private soldier, ne was sincere, but It was Impossible for to reallzo what a state tho soldiers were In. To learn tills ho must per sonally inspect the country districts. Tho reports of officers arc calculated to deceive the captain-general. All that General Blanco has to judge by are reports from hlsofflclals, and oven these, despite all attempts at conceal ment, are appalling. In Havana the conditions arc not so bad. But If the captain-general was to go tp the coun try he would see soldiers lying by the "..fid, la um,,M ,fl,1 ,.. i-rfc, Tamany's Gift to the Cubani. New York, Noy. 20. Thomas Es trada Palnia, who represents the Cuban revolutionary government in this city, has had his attention called to Richard Crokcr's statement that the $20,000 turned over to Palma by Tammany was gathered in the confid ence that it would be used for the best possible purpose. Mr. Palmd confirmed this statement, and ndded: "We did not ask for money to buy munitions of war. We have all the guns and ammunition necessary. Tammany turned the $20,000 over to me as tho representative of tho rev olutionary government to help the hungry and sick and wounded among the Cuban patriots. It will bo used for that purpose and no other." Lawsuit. , Nov. 20 Constable A Bold Raid. Havana, Nov. 20. A few insur gents raided the Casa Blanca, 'within rifle shot of Blanco's palace on Sun- nay morning. They stayed almost two hours ai.d looted u store within a tones throw or Cabanas tho rortress Thoy camped hi broad daylight within i-qu irter of a mile and In full sight f the big floating dock, and evaded the .squadrons of cavalry and double line of rort garrisons In going back to the country, Meanwhile another part of tlte same force raided Cojl mar. near Guauaboca. At midday bjth forces uoLed and readied camp in sarcty. It was the most daring raid of tho war. The point reached In navana was a largo vlllago resting under the walls of Cabanas on the edge of tho harbor just across from the harbor. Although thero aro no guards In the place .itself, between it uuu i ne country is a district four miles broad which Is filled with troops. Tho rebels fired a volley ui:ross ino narrow strip of water at Blanco's palace and retreated amidst a tremendous fusllado. Some Spanish officers aro likely to bo 'degraded In consequenco of tho raids, The attack on Casa Blanca was made by Brigadier-General Cardenas and 50 rebels. Thoy entered tho town shortly before midnight on horseback, and at) the end of an hour each man led out of town a horse with one extra head appropriated, laden with cloth Imr.proWslous.slIvorpIatAflndiiionny In a Topeka. Kan Bert Lucas seryed attachment papers on the stage properties supposed to belong to Corinncs B. Kimball, the actress. The suit was brought on complaint of Corlnno's managers' It leu & Meader, who allege a violation of contract on her part. Corlnno alleges that their statements are raise and says they owe her over $G000 In back salary. When tho officer, with six deputies, aprcared on the stage, ho was met by Corlnnc's musical director, Clarence Bodgcrson, who showed them a bill of sale for the property.ln his name.from Corinne. Under this new complica tion, mo onicer refused to held the property without an Indemnity bond of $5,000 from Rich & Meader. This they did not give, and the olliccrs re leased the property. The suit still stands. WEAKENING Tone of Produce Market. Potato Market I mproylng- Prutm Are Very Weak. Found Home Again, HiLLSHono. 'Jr. Nov. 20. Word was received that John Bergcr and William Lousignont, Jr., reported as having Perished In the Nenalem mountains, uuu luucucn vcrnonla, after being lost nine days. They were without food thrco days, but luckily found u deserted cabin, In which were sonic provisions, otherwise perhaps they would have perished. The abatement v. ku Mjicro siorn; in which they were caught mado traveling through tho wilderness possible, and allowed them to find their wny out by way of Rockcrcck.both men reached Vcrnonla In an almost exhausted condition. In Revolt. Constantinople, Nov. 25. con sequence of the reyolt of Albanns'of the district of Lopk and Dkova, northeast of Scutari, largo bos of Bulgarian and Servian troopliavo been ordered to proceed to the )saf fected district. that are In reality nothing hni. i.nol Rnrnm n,.. i . . ... ,. "l ""' "niujr sent two volleys Pitals, and in most of the small towns across the narrow harbor entrance at he would experience difficulty In -get- the palace, then coollv wt. Getting Evidence. Berlin, Nov. 20 -Tho Frankfort Zoltung says that the family of Cap tain Dreyfus, now Imprisoned on the Islo of Syabele, oiT tho coast of French Guiana, on tho charge of having sold French secret military Information to a foreign government, have en-raifod Sir Gcome Lewis M.n .. iii London lawyer, to discover, If possible tho author of the momorandumof the evidence on which Dreyfus was con victed. Sir George Lewis s said to hayc got on tho track of tho Conito Fsterhazy through an American lady, who, through a porter at tho German embassy in Paris, learned that tho uerman olllcials talked of tho Injus 1,00 ot tho conviction of Droyf us. - Governorship of Crete. rtwnr TXT "T.. nn .. "", uy.--:u. xiie n an of Wmi Tho Salem produce market for shipment Is weakening on stone points. The great staple of dried iruiL crops is very weak. The best Italian prunes here only 31c; .French 2f, and almost no de mand. The O. F. & p. Co., i,ave orders for several cars but the price bid Is so low they cannot pick them up. potatoes FinMEn. Theshlplng demand for spuds Ig increasing. Sacks aro furnished and some choice lots have been bought as high as 20c. The buyers offer from 16 to 18 cents and complain that tho crop Is rough and unovn, and has to bo watched very close to not cause losses. Freight -- -..ow, ujr tuo xaquina route, is 22 cents per hundred, and 'Frlscoquo- iui.iii..a ror uregon Uurbanks from 50 to 80 cents per cwt. THE WHEAT MAlirarr Jumped up 4 cents this week and 14 quoted 8J at, Salem to day. Tho qujtatlon at Albany Thursday was 07 cents, 3 rents lower than Salem. OTIIElt PltODUCE Dried apples are in demimrl nt. a t 5 cents. Onions arc firm at $1.25 per ... opines ocing a., toco cents and are still advancing. POLICE COURT NEWS. are A Number of Evil-Doers Arrainrd Be fore Recorder Ede. Annio Webster, a local deml-mode. was nrrcstcd early Thursday morning for assault und battciyon "Pauline," another member of tho soiled dove fraternity and deposited $20 cash ball for her appearance at 1 p. m. today when her case was continued until Saturday. Norn Sam, of Salem Chinntsiwn f,v day paid a tine for assault and battery on tho person of another celestial, J. Butler and A. J. mil, members of the Gypsy troup, encamped In North Salem, wcro arrested Thursday upon complaint of Mat Palbirt, of Ilayes. villc, charging them with the larceny ofabuguy wheel. They were arraigned before Recorder Edes this morning and plead not guilty. They will bo given a trial at 10 a. 1,1. Saturday. Butler is a brother of the man i. was arrested several weeks ago as a result of tho story of Pearl Boyd. W D. Rogers Is tinrlnr mnn w j. for his annearanco In nniin ttt wo 7 f0rn f "1Cn a 8,Z frIeDd'a "0US0 ,nS'd0 ' " PWCra t0 "'"' Ool IS a: er a ?f ? ' ? tff 5 that would be able to march five and took supper, All this was under natlwof Luxemborg, bZ. ff S"nd ta'ta" on tl10 P0"on of miles and then bo In ,nHi.i ... m, .,., ... ... , .- . K' ovcrnor-gen- his two months old inf,. tt t l 53355K? Jv37vS?07 xiiT WCSTDTZZ.r.T AT C2 A T TB - - -- - m , - 1 1 .bum- v -OR m vJU, C fe s ) The Neatest. and Largest LINES OR Art Silks, Figured Sateens, suitable for cushions and pillows Silk Lace, Chenilles, Embroidery Silks, Arescencs, Furs and Fur Trimmings, Frogs Braids, Silk Ornament, Ladles' Handkerchiefs, etc, etc., ever shown In Salem, are now being slaughtered at the great bankrupt sale, corner of State and Commercial streets. Every article in this house reduced to a bargain, and money savers call and be convinced. BANKRUPT STORE, Corner State and Commercial sts Salem, Or, $ fii2 ff m - np fm I m m HP T I Y TV nfMIin Ffl T 'ffl m 1 AJ I 1 1 U 111 LIU m JSl 'Wl n w m BIBBH H V J m i 1 1 f 1 luu 1 1 1 1 m 1 m mi i m at the m p tyl ilfooleo MillStori w w 1 1 ( ihuus anu men Do in a condition to tackle an ordinary band of rebels. The whole country along the road from Artemisa to Ilayana is in ruins except a few small patches where to- , baco is being planted under the. fmn 1 n-- of the forts. In further proof of the assertions regarding the condition of the Span ish troops the Herald correspondent has received the following copy of an ofllclal telegram from the milltarv commander In the Claga do Avllla: "Very seilous conditions in this town (garrison). No bread, no Hour, absolutely. Three thousand sick in hospital without nrnvlslnns wimt.,... besides the garrison it.RMr. win. greatest urgency must bo sent Hour One S3 line now for $1,50 per suit SOne $2 line now $1,10, 5fli SSJThe best values ever offered, to W 6Hj299 Commercial st, m H00 xx ST0R 13 3 ffi m w 0 sjBvWArsaHvawsvflN Sw ,4- n ;yU y vbJ3M J l vn 1 Ar& The Thanksgiving SeasonZ Sivtnld cmptliaslte to yo necessity of haying kitchen knives and a Carving Knife, It U not tho only time oE year you need them, but the time you need them Wc have Genuine Wosteii earring sets at eurpri-j low prices. Other waif proportion. asked for October 28 and send cash to buy supplies. No credit." i-tt Malanzas. Clnnfnmrna nn,l l ' .nwu, M..U (1, fact nearly all the towns credit to the troops has been refused, und tcle-l k'uiiib Biiuuur io me aoovo are pour ing In to the palace dally. If this lasts much longer the troops will surely mutiny, and especially If relief Is firut afforded to the concetrados. Such Is the condition of affairs In the Spanish army which General Blanco has to contend with. It is hardly to be wondered at that he feels Incensed at the way In which ho has been deceived by the Spanish olliccrs. Stories of tho bufferings of tho concentrados have been so frequently published that there Is little that is now to tell. However much in earn est General Blanco may be, It will bo weeks before ha mn nrtnnt jp any visible change. The officers In y tho country aro opposed to his nollcv. and will dally ..with Ills order. If Spain has not exterminated tho con contrados, she has cut across tho island a wound that will take genera tions to heal. Tho children's children oi mo uuoans within the concentra tion zones today will bear tho marks physically and mentally, of the exist ing misery. the guns of Cabanas and Moro. It is learned from an inside source that the object ofthorobels was to release General Ruiz Rivera, and hang a citizen named Fumlro, who is Known as a spy. They failed In the tlr-it object only because of some mis conceptions of the appointed tlmo on tho part of confederates within the prison with whom arrangements had been made to admit them Into the fortress. Fumiro managed to cscapo across the harbor. Tho whole affair was well planned. uencrai Cardenas came In tho early evening with two columns along the ocasnore, and at 10 o'clock tho men followed. They first visited Cabanus. When they saw that tho arrangemen cral of Crete, was a failure. Earthquake. BucHAitEST, Nov. 20.-Thcro were two severe earthnimi ai,nni,. t 4 . UU1n3, yU aamago was done. fPr,.- .-, r , " """ . -Lt. -.u,u..uuu j. u. i-'reoiand are bondsmen. his had failed, the rebels went nftor Fu- A SERIOUS CHARGE. W.D. Rogers Accused of Shamefully Beating His a Months Old Child W. D. Rogers, a local photographer. Willi nrrnoln.1 l.l . . '"l"'l'! i " morning by the po- ice ofllccrs on tho charge of beating bs twomonthsoldchlld,.such inform- atlon having been preferred against SuTtoSf '"' brot"er-"--' nu.k Rogorsand his wlfn inPn ...., hnvo boon residing with Mrs Koffowi mother, Mrs. Sutton at the tmi cf 2.1'! (81trect-Keccnily tw C'.Ihl which Is but a little num, n,..n months of age, has been nuif. rm.i and It Is alleged, Rogers has several times very shamefully and brutally beaten the child. Thursday evening ho father again severely p-nlshed vuu IIIIUI1L. Lin Cnvnrllw ,. , .'w...Lrr m, mlro. He fled across tho imrhnrnn,i tlio rebels did not dare to follow. Then die rebels went to Casa de Ios Frallcs, the priest's house, where they took Mllnlrntn n11.. tj - ...u..wu, Buyer piuK) ana money. ' ' a nuan la lnnn -. .. I i - -...-..; ia .ua,, LO owro castle, causeu Mr. Button to xiic priests made a great outcry, but nrrest tins morning, no soldiers came. Then tho rebels sacked the store of Fumiro, securing some gold. Thoy also looted other stores. Workinir as n nm,ui which cause Rogers About City Politics. There Is some talk among Repabll cans intnricfni in i. ,.?. VJ"U" there being an issue made over restor ing ex-Policeman Gamble. a i?3 r, Moo"cs' l8t w"rd; O. N. Aahby, 2d; E. B. 1'hllbrook, 3d, and J"lnuKli0H4tl,;Gco.O.mnihani, clialrman; cmstltutcs tho Republli cane ty committee. The committee . T..mB,iy aeciued to nominate A. A. Lee for city treasurer and hold no city convention. Thcra will be no hlng to attend to the primaries, but to nominate a candidate for Alderman, in tliol'ourth wurd.tlimo win .k "bly be no opposition at tho prlniar to Alderman Legg. In tho Third, Tom Sims testlio nomlnutlon with McGrew, In the first, the iimniimiinn . .,.. Itepubllcar, primary, lies between Lot Iearcc and Capt. M. w. Ilunt.and be twcenJohn Gray and W-J. D'Arcy on the oilier side of tho fenco. will con-Alderman "uKers was arraigned before City TciwilVl T?l, .1.1 . v.vj rV ... '" ",orn'"Kand plead not, gul ty whereupon his trial was set for 10 a. m. Saturday. nia bonds wcro placed at $100 which hn t,,l nn innii nn nan Ai. .a i nunni n.iti. ir - .m , v.., i...uniainvuiy OUipoSt I " mni li. i. ATOVer and J. L. Bccurinir snvnrnl Iw.runa I n.Liauu us Hiirnr Salem, Or, NjrsVNMrJvsMvsv,jr4rsNjravvflN $200f Schilling's Best baking pow der is so good that wc can't make it better. Let somebody else make a better Jf they can I ASchlUIlir&ream.n 8H I'rinclKo nr -. o securing several horses For two hours they enjoyed them selves, then rode to the harbor and fired two volleys at the palace. This aroused the Spaniards for the tlmo, but by the time troops turned out the rebels had gone. The author itles made every effort to suppress the details of the raid, though an oillclal report admitted that six rebels en tered tho town. The rebels approached and llrcd upon Mariana last night. Thero was great excitement. Tho volunteers were called out, and with tho troops returned the rebels fire: Tho resi dents wero panic-stricken and locked themselves in their houses. Tho rebels dldjnot succeed In entering the town. Tho lines have been strength ened all about Havana. Correspondence received from the east states that General Clopjcz Is massing men near Sagua, and Is pro- I'uiiue vuiuuiwi wexuwaru tostriko a potent blow before congress meets. Unusual activity or tlm rnhia i re ported from all nuaiters, The Span lards aro also making preparations for yet each avoids tho rceianu as suret es. nnfn. t Ing bonds, Rogers BKnflcd a wn ' ncss to pay ,i a,,m unCimu ne Edes would not cntertafri such a proposition. Ulinnl,! T . "rat ,. " . , ,"BBra uo UIILy ol tho lu- rnn,l "V 'U'U Ulallty Wtll Whlclll.O I. A Great Treat. I Salem theatergoers havo a treat In ?!."" V' " '" U' ct)Kagcment of tho "faoutl. Borore the War" company for next Tuesday tho Reed. IHs company consists of fifty people, wbouuvel in their own special car iho tioopo Is playing before crowded ouses, at Portland, every night this vcek, standliig room l,in. D ""um. Tho original and plaintive melodies, ..liaructcrist.c of the natlvo Lthoplan, can alone bo heard and ap predated by an audleuco when given by descendants of that race. ti. n" thQtra.n,.rM8am0W,1I b0 Bllown S"rcg?,ntrrap,aiyan(,e-erytl.lng LI ' m tUo. ".1.un '8 K"". "e Is 'nU that tho company will Ik ac- r "'" "",u "' penalty of the ",K" " uK"Henuanco at Salem. law. in oaso the charge is unjust III IS VI ! JJ opportunity New 7" to prove his Innocence at his trial. SHE FOOLED THEM. Pearl Boyd. Has Returned to TheWand- derlng LIfo ot a Gypsy. Pearl Boyd, wuo created so much excitement in this city several weeks 6 nco by a story of her alleged abduc- "-', """" mi ino camp of Gypsies In North Salem from whom Ho ran away. Again Is ths deception of thlsclass of Individuals Illustrated. Following her oucanu rm. n, APDolntetl TnI. J. IlUlltly, Loni! Ro'inli. -M-' T Simpson, Portland John II. Cradle- bang h Tho Dalles; W. W. Brlggs, niJ ,W!. J b' Coke' ManbBeld Walter Slno air. Ooniiiiin ' 'Slnolnir, Coqulllo. Koyal maki the fod pure. "'twBi ana ohcmi., action, but as yet each ti. k! ' r", unu ,n WHat manner ll, biow l5,at. ', co,alnf "III fall can, not be predicted, but It Is moro surely coming than autonomy, oiiowing nor oscano from Mm "ypy camp uio girl was provided wltti a temporary home at tho resi dence of Mrs. 13. M. Yandervort. r.n Church street, A (ow days later a ouimvhj m jwnuaueni Hume was provided fur the girl with a IVrtiand family, to whloh place sliu was sent on tliu river stciimor. She remained at her metropolitan homo until a few bliurt veek(j a,;p when sho ran uwuy and I uovy with tliu iiilserablo Mid Indolent people, wjlli whom she came to this oily, ' KojralmakM the fod pure, Jft ttbolesoma and oHctaC,li i B5IAL : kiftf n I m MtCMPMinaWiaHjaBjBjaiyJaagagaBHgaa-aalMb H "5 Jr 1 V