& i V ir VV ft ill ! Is! IL. mi ? i flunt Jamlma PanoaKe Flour for ihk pclkioiw breakfast food is here and wc hare Pure Buckwheat Flour ' Aunt Jamiriia Pancake Flour, Heckers' SelfvRising Flour, and several kinds of maple syrup to cat them witti, H, G, SONNEMANN; Grocer 124 State Street, Daily Capital Journal BV HOITH5R BROTHBR8, MONDAY, NOV. 15. '897. EDITORIAL. Tor tbcory that Is called dead, bi metallism Is a vital power, Ifwcarc tojudgo from tlic excited editorials In tlio gold press and tho appropria tion of $1,000 by tho Sound Money LcaRue to bo expended In Oregon. On naming his Infant, Richard Folsom, an exchange says: One Grover Cleveland lua century sail that a submissive nation could stand. Tho new Salem board of trade Is not taklnt? cord wood or cabbago on Stock subscriptions. Tho elopement of .Robert Lin coln's daughter merely Indicates that tho courso of true love still Insists on running otherwise than smoothly. If our flag Is absent from all foreign ports, wo console ourselves with tho satisfaction of knowing that with government aid wo have manu factured thousands of American rail road millionaires. It Is not loud talk makes an effec tive board or trade but nuiot work of tho rlglit sort. Tho trl-wcckly New York World has a news column called "Tlio-Wcck Abroad" contains an excellent sum mary of foreign news. A number of our subscribers have availed themselves of our oiler to supply "The Gentleman Farmer" for 75 cents a year. It Is a llrst-class family monthly. warra t scalper, and the people have n& protection whatever. Those who Indulge In the self-flattery that they are Sound Money people, and that nil nryanltesaro repudla'ors If not anar chists, oualit not to expect Bry.m men to endorse their method of hnnl llng public funds. The Journal Is proud of Salem business men, and at the bright man ner In which they arc reprcsintcd In our advertising columns. Our readers arc requested to look up the oilers of Jouiinal advertisers. They will And bargains In every line, and any family who will watch our columns closely can save money on their supplies. Commercially Salem Is the Queen city of tho Willamette valley. Her banks arc sound, her mills arc run ning, her merchants carry heavy stocks and employ modern methods. It Is a pleasure to do business with an Intelligent trader who knows what good wares are, and who will not take advantage of buyers who trust In his honesty. Tho modern theory of business has been widely adopted at Salem, Quick sales at prices plainly stated, fair margins and squaro dealing un a cash basis satisfies average Americans best, be they buyers or sellers. All such decrvo to bo successful and prosperous, tron urcfgtvlng the people the best state, county and city administration and floundering of which they arc capable. It majvboLliat the Union Silver party Ipr Oregon ,that sup ported Bryan would not be capable of doing better. But could thydoany worse ? Not easily, Wc would ask any fair minded, Intelligent Republi can, whether Salem city, Marlon county or the state of Oregon lias had crcdltablo financial management, honest administration, and econom ical government ? Is there not a dis position to throw overboard the Re- Merit Tho Pes Moines Dally Evening News enters upon tho 10th -year with tho largeht evening circulation In Iowa. There Is a legitimate llcfd for evening Journalism and tho news seems to occupy It fully in the capital of llawkoycdom. Marlon county taxpayers aro bled badly enough the way tho assessor's ofllco Is worked the joar round for all there is in it, without suffering heavy raises because tho rolls aro not completed on time. Squlro Farrar as tho now momber of the State Tlax board from Marlon county, will havo a hard enough time to stem tho an nual raid on Marlon and Multnomah county taxpayors, without having a dolaycd roll place him entirely at tho inorcv of tho combine. Spain Ins changed her tactics, but not her purpose, in dealing with the Cutan problem. Tho Spaniards have no Intention of granting real auton omy to tho unhappy Islandjand If they havo such Intention now, It Is born of necessity, and would yanlsh when tholr purpose Is gained. Spain's avowed chnngo of policy is an adroit move to trick t ho Wash ington government Into further In action. While Hip Spanish ministry Is making profuse declarations of conciliation and reform, It is signifi cant that Blanco's manifestoes breathe the harsh spirit of unreleut- lngwar. War Is necessarily spoliation, and every Cuban who has taken up arms against Spain Is technically guilty of that olTencc. In the same way it will bo found that any Spanish schomo of autonomy wl'.l be adroitly provided with a loophole which would enable Spain to rule with tho samo old Iron hand, once tho Insurrection was broken. It can fcarcoly bo thought that tho president and our state department will permit themselves to bo deceived by Buch gauzy diplomacy. nooas Sarsaparilla I tho best In fact the On Trai Stood Purifier. (, ,, i-t.fi cure nausea. Indigestion, MOOd S FlllS biliousness. 23 cents. X STl . X M Mado and Merit JUlnUJta tbeeonflderiee of therxirok-ISod,flariprIlIa. ffa medicine cures you when sick; If It makes wonderful cares everyw here, then beyond all question thatmediclnepowesses merit. Made That 1 Just the truth about Hood's Bar MporUlsv Wo know It poetesses merit because It cures, not onoe or twice or a hundred times, but In thousands and , , . , I IUUUMUU, Ul lBVS. HV JUJUt, 1 UUICO, du oi ican staio oiuc ais. uuru aim jiu- aosoiuteir. cermanenuv. wnen au omen eald, who have sought to comply with M" to do any good whatever. W. repeat the party pledges of 1894,'to Introduce business methods and stop stealing? If these are facts, as wc believe they arc, and as the people are begin ning to sco them, how futile to threaten the people that Oregon may become a silver state! Have the cities of Washington ceased to grow 03 cause that state went Into the hands of the silver people? Tlioy arc flourish ing today. Has the credit of Marion county suffered because we nave a Bryan silver man for treasurer? Ko. lie deals openly with the people and is an object lesson as a model ol flcal. We believe lie will never dis grace his ofllco by making It a side show for isoine bank or warrant walplng firm, and at the end of ills term will not require his bondsmen to put up coin for his deficits. Can the people of Salem, or of tho state ever expect an honest financial man agement from a Republican treasury olllclal elected by the machine now in control of the Oregon Republican party? A great many good honest tax-pay ers are beglning to doubt It. The cry that Oregon may become a silver state In June 1803 will not deter the people from demanding honest administra tion, progress and reform, and they are not going to get very much of that article at the hands of any but the Sil ver party. Are the Republicans go ing to correct, -condemn and punish their own defaulters, wrongdoers and corruptlonlsts? "Where shall they be gin? It is out of tho question. They show a disposition rather to throw cold water on those who will not stand In with Jobbery and ring rule. But It will take moro than the fear that Oregon may become a silver state to gain tho confidence of tho people for tho Oregon Republican machine. I am not an advocate of a long state platform. I am willing thatHhc figl t bo made upon the Initiative, referen dum and imperative mandate, which must come through anew constitu tion, as no amendment has everyct run the gauntlet of two legislatures. Please show up tho "forty visionary theories" and oblige, Yours truly, F. A. Myers. The Journal's editorial referred to was a protest against long plat forms in general. The people are tired of meaningless platform bun combe Tho national platforms of 1890 would All quite a large book, and while the Bryan platform defeated Bryan, the McKlnley platform nearly defeated McKlnley, and will defeat him before he Is through witli it. A few fundamental principles that the people can understand and that the party going into power can live up to are better than any number of "prin ciples" in the abstract. The Union Silver party In Oregon should not con sider oyer thrac propositions. 1. Free coinage and national cur rency. 2. The people to have the referen dum on all general legislation. 3. Common honesty and economical administration. Ed. Jouiinal. STATE NEWS. One hundred men bhould bo em ployed all this month cleaning tho Salem streets and ulloys for winter Of all the monoy raised by taxa tion In this city the luboror gats but little and that In discounted warrants. It is a matter of publlo Interest that tho young men of tho Y. M.O A. debating club utSulom should dis cuss the question of making nomi nations for ofllco by direct .vuto of tho people. Tho young men will thul -that thoy havo taken up u llo ques tion. Tho nominating powi-r miw ex ercised by tho political muchiiies in large cities Is subjected to great abuse and Is tho greatest obsiaclo to real self-government by tho people. There can bo nu responsibility to tho pcoplo by their alleged representatives In legislative halls when tho represen tative doesn't fceWie owes his position V) tho people. a . ..... ...ja Tho Bryan patty at Salem should put up a silver candidate, (or city treasurer on a citizens ticket. Tut: Journal believes that tlw Interest oOiouest administration, the rcitor tvtloR of city credit and to bring (clty iwrraaU to par, requires that tho JkyaM forces pf this city put up a can- ., .1 ?'.... . . 41.- pr.liy treasurer a mo kwni etiuatlw Hrst Monday In Pec Tbe Republican city eunren- Uq will ptKtoubtedly be controlled by tbtMtt rwa?wsibln for the deplorable jMhH&q of city Jljiance It will v ttfia RWlcaucau'dldaUj who, U s4it4,..wl! coHtlnue tho prmut , wrier which vuUtundlng l ik collected, under which 01 Hs7 pis)r I dlcotiut4d by the Commercial circles aro still excited over tho order of Secretary of War Alger establishing tho military res, crvntlon for ono hundred miles around St. Michaels. Tho "reservation" Is as free as air, with no restrictions to tho North American Transportation and Trading compaty. The Tiicoma Lcdgor sees no reason to chango Its views from thoo ex pressed at tho outset, that tho order establishing a military resorvo Is cal culated to glye au uuduo advautauo to ono company, already established, and to lmposo almost prohibitory re strictions upon all others, to guard n private monopoly by fedoral bayonots, Secrotary Alger Is entitled to be lief for his assertion that tho depart motit hus no desire to show favors, but tho fact remains that undor tho order, of which tho efforts of the two great cities and the appeal of the governor of one state havo not been ablo to so euro tho slightest modification, favor is shown to tho company which has its business already established within tlio sacred limits, and thercfuro Is not affected by tho order except In a bene ficial manner. The protests of tho leading Repub lican papers seem to have no effect. Mr, Alger Is himself a millionaire monopolist and why should ho desist? A POPULIST WRITES. Salum. On, Nov. 11. Editor Jeuiinal: In Tuesday's Jouiinal I lead an editorial giving tho Populist party a dresssng down because they havo principles and put them in their plntfurm. You say that Populists who still Imagine that they want to stand on a platform as long as the Declaration of Indepen dence had better make up their minds to go It alone. I have a copy of tho Populist state platform of 1800 and also ono of the Republican platform of the same year before me, and llnd the Republican platform to be nearly twice as long us tho Populist plat form. 1 presume you voted the Re publican state ticket, in which case you must have stood on a platform containing eighty visionary theories, which have since proved not to be so vlslonnry but a dread reality, to the sorrow of tho taxpayers of Oregon The Populist party, long before there were any so called reform forces, was advocating tho free coinage of silver, tho government Issue of paper mot.cy, tho abolition of the national banking system and tho referendum for which they were called era nks by the very fellows who aro now trying to mako their platform, ,Wc have forced tlicso reforms to the front, and the "silver forces'' havo accepted them. If you had been shipping green fruit cast, as many people liavo, ut an ac tual loss, you would nrobably think that tho government ownership of railroads Is not a vl simiary theory. (1m a sBJsssPjEyA it v. ' .'.vi""i-' y XiySwJUii .ktoatSBSSBsr birdlv 4lfSBBBBBBBBBB. to The young mothei knows what do w 1th her firs' baby Ultls inarrt nmr.n ilnvfl tvtth little lues, or the duties of matrimony and maternity They approach motherhood with considerable fear They have teamed in a yKue way mat me bad pain and dancer Vewof them hao been told that these thtntra are rf thf. nnst. Pain and danger are no longer necessary. By the regular use of Dr. Vietce'a 1'avortte Prescrip tion during; the expectant period safety, comfort ami health ate assured for both mother and child. Dr Tierce's favorite Prescription is foi the cure of alt diseases distinctly feminine, and for the invifroratiou of already healthy organs in time of unusual strain. It pro. motes reeuUrily and telle es periodical pains and discomforts. It has saved the lives of thousands of women, as their oyra testimony proves Talcn from among thou sands like it is this letter which tells what one woman has experienced i W R. Mlcolpi.Km of KooUl.CUyCo , Ars writes- WebcUrvelntheinedtsoriJr Hem's (mily mclumts. My wife wss troubled with female wrskncu o4 two bottles of tlr l'letce'i ! tlte, fit m Mlali-M ,h :!. ..,..,.. - Favorite ITtaatption lorrthtr with the Golden MeJItaV Discovery cute! her During the pe- r wuc coniiouea ine uk Uii It would bo too bad It Oregon were to become a "silver state" like Wash ington, where Mate taxes bavo been reduced, state warrant aro at a pre mlum, and legislative expenses and unnrnnrlnllnn uprft rpitnrcd 'npfirlv 41 ' i tkfclol EeUattari tnvwlleranllnura thutnfl one-third Oiegou politicians could, tiSff3; &?$$ fc?TCT5 uevorstand that, but the people would I iSXCaV ".SKEW not shed learn to havo Just such a '7nuSffS!lWXSSA il.i40udmlnWt.red and kent un for W . :!? t0.1? .uy- . ? about ten )cur until the producer gut caught up with the, tax-gatherer aid vvitrrunt'Scalpur. It way U that Republican of Ore- much ai , hut the coll, he it hearty an J stout and Pttlty as picture - pretty because she Is htaUliy.aiut wt very muchbUrac Dr.rierw s fciu- iir raniKiuca i h we keep Dr Item's G Meaicai ptMovery, the ' Favorite rroerlt.1 ana we 'relicts- in our home and use them. We Vr Kttt, t ltaw tihvaiclan lata mv fLmlfi luj nj it Ns Mr sf swiMf have been ruarried taost tKree cajiva a Lincoln county liad 42.),979 of out standing warrants on October 1. On October 1st, Gilliam county had $21,201 In warrants outstanding. N. D. Elliott lias purchased a half Interest in the weekly Newberg Graphic. A carload of Oregon apples have been shipped from The Dalles to Waco, Texas. The pupils of the Jacksonville pub 116 schools arc raising a fund for a school library. Dixon McDonald has been appointed postmaster at Ulggs.'Or., vlco Lucius Clark, resigned. Wm. RenshavY of Eugene, charged with belling liquor to a minor was found guilty by a jury and lined $25. The city of Ashland has liquidated $11200 of Us city debt this year in addition to paying current expenses. Stock In Uaker county Is reported to bo In excellent condition, and the loss this winter promises to be unusually light. L. D. Forrest has filed a suit In the circuit court, at Eugene, against J. C. Goodule for $2200, on account of a timber deal. Between seven and eight hundred cords of wood have been shipped from Rrown'sspur, Polk cjunty, to Port land this year. Wild geese arc, it is said, plentiful near Arlington, on the Columbia river, and hunters have been having Ono sport. J. Keeney, who Isjlstonc blind re cently walked alone from near May vllle, In Gilliam county, to Condon, a distance of "0 miles. Four llrst grade, two second grade and four third grado certificates were issued at Kircst Grove at tho last quarterly examination. Three hundred and forty-soven bales were sold ut 12 cents und over, and 300 bales at prices ranging from 7 to 10 cents, at Dallas last week. Tho second Northern Pacific barge arrived at Astoila from Kalatna,' Saturday, with another lot of cars for tho Astoria & Columbia River rail road, Mrs, Rhoda Angus, of Cottage Grove, whllo eurouto to California becamo violently Insane and was handed over by the conductor to local authorities at Chlco. Tho quarterly teacher's cxamlna tlon closed at Dallas, Friday. There wqro only fouri applicants for county ccrtitlcatcs, all of whom failed. One applicant for a state certificate was successful, Flvo carloads of Angora goats from Idaho wore shipped west from La Grande, last Thursday. It Is stated that tho goats will be wintered at Pendleton, and that they will be usee) In the Alaska country next year, Klamath county Indians were la Med ford trading last week. They came In gtcater numbers this year than usual, and their purses yvere longc, mid tilled to tho neck. Of family purchased four silk dresse. Travel across tho Cascade iiloua tains, ou both tho MqKonslo and Middle Fork roads, has ceased for t,he winter. Parties, who came Inoverthe MoKcnsle ro-itt recently report froai unotasarou feet of snow near the summit. II, II, Wlnsjow, on Tuesday, in ijherldan, Yamhill county, sold Ills hops, about 0$ pounds, for 121 cents per pouud. uuo samo nay Messrs, Foster and Fennel consigned GOOC pounds, each re(vjBfnJTdT8ee vwrtuiif The Goodell Refrlnr-ator company, of Eugene, hand tied about 20 tons uf apples In the cannery company's drier. Tiie company exix'ftw t con tinue the work n long usapplis can be procured, which VM probably be for Mime weeks yet. The Coltniblii Southern Railway company f.a established Its t hit press company, and will huiullf all express matter over Its line, in con nectlop with the Pacific Exprc com pany. Alltxprees for Wasco Is billed to Biggs, lu caro of the Columbia Southern Express company S. A.Gardlnler made o sale of nine carloads of Grand Rounde apples to the Deseret Commercial company, or I Ogden, Utah, In La Grande, last t rl day.The sale was made on telegraphic orders from the Ogden firm, and the fruit is to be packed at La Grande. Sheriff Juhnson, Friday found under the walk near the foundation of the new courthouse, In Eugene, a key to the old Defiance fafe, which had been lu the sheriff's office for many years, and whlcn lias of late j ears been sup plemented by one larger and more modern. The key has a brass handle and steel blade, and isabout one Inch wide. It his been lost for jcars. A report of a very rich strike in Lane county ha created considerable excitement In Eugene. A miner who brought In some very rich ore and who claims there was a great abun dance of It, came In, left samples, got more grub and put right back to lo cate and stake ins claim ucrorcie would tell where It was. J. Miller, of Shcdds. In Llnncounty, has what he culls an eycrgrcen IrMi potato, which, he bays, Is not affected by the frost. This variety, while bearing an underground potato, like other and common knids,lhnsa po tato aboe the ground on the joints of the vines. Mr. Miller will Investigate this new potato, and propogatc it. Two men with their faces blacker-cd entered a saloon near the depot, at Roseburg, at 1 o'clock .Saturday morn ing and compelled D. W. Stephens.the bartender, at the point of revolvers, to "dig up." One man went through the till while the other covered Stephens. They gt about 312 In sil ver, overlooking some small change. "Only the Best'1 Should be your motto when you need a medicine. Do not be induced to take any substitute when you call for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Experience has proved it to bo the bet. It is an honest medicine, pose.sing actual and unequalled merit. Re wlbe and profit by tlie experience of other people, Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to op erate. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures when othnrs fail, It is the leading couch, cure and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by D.J. Fry. jifSll for Infants and Children. The Fac-simile Signature of Appears on Every Wrapper. 0.R.&N. !i ea Y" i "- srery J-eUcUM "W" OASTOrtlA. lialb Sl (SHUTS of Karl's Clover Root Tea is a ploasant laxa. tive. Regulates the bowls, purifies the blood. Clears the comolexion, Easy to make and pleasant to take. 2$ cents sold by D. J. f'ry. Chinook salmon belly at Stelncr's market. tf Cure that Cough with hhiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. bold by 1J, J . fry. EAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Bargains in Business and Real Estate for Home Seekers. TO THE EAST GIVEEf 1HE CHniLfc OF Two Transcontinental Roul63. Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul ard Den. yx, Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastern cities. For full details call on or address BOISE & DARKER. agents, Salsm, Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Tortland San Francisco, Steamers leave Alnsworth dock, Portlano, QCtobtro, 14, 9. 24, 2Q November 3, 8, 13,18,23, Fare Cabin, SS; steerage, $2.50 W1LI.AMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND SALEM ROUTE-,8Uamer Ruth!for Portland Monday, Wednesday anci Friday at 10 a.lm . For Conallls, Tuesday, Thursday and baturday at 6:45 P- " Passengers given transfers to electric line at Oregon City if dosirtd, making it ioibl to reach Portland at I p. m. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or the East. Connections mado at Portland itb all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on (J. M Powers agent, foot Trade street. B W. H. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full detahs call on or address G. M. POWERS Foot of Trade St. Local Agent A FEW FACTS Lands and town lots wero never so low in price as at present. The advanco in f.rras has begun in the eastern states and will be gin to be felt here before 189S. Many people who want to own a home in the country 01 in some town ore looking (or location. TV bring together home seekers and 'hoe having property to sell we have decided to open a real estate department where our subscribers can list their property with lowest cash prico and a brief descripf' 3 1 and inquirers will be directed to the owrcr. There will be no ex pense beyond the r je ol The Daily Jour nal, at $3 a year, u ti actual expense tor co. respjndenc: and pi jtcge. Read over the following lists: CITY PROPERTY. Four blocks from Lincoln school bouse, fine resiitecce half-block in Salem with pi Wile e of enclosing half of street, city water fine fruit trees, jf sold within three months for $300. A bargain as it commands beauti (ul view, BUSINESS PROPERTY Hardware store and stock and 20 acres of land at good town in Douglas county, to trade for farm property in Linn county. Barbershop, two chairs and four baths, paying business complete equipment, three year lease at low rent, $500 HOTEL PROPERTY. Twenty room hotel and barn lots, store building, postofTice and blacksmith shop, 290 acie, (8000. Same hotel and ten acres, $5000. Hotel with room for forty people feed stables and out buildings $2,500. FARM PROPERTY Unimproved land near Seal Rocks 24 0 acres. Forty acres 5 miles from Newport mos'ly cl.ar and bottom land, $800. highly acres neir Elk City, 20 acres culti vated, good buildings and orchard, 11500. One hundred and sixty acies 4jJmiles from Newport on county road , td acits clear, 3 houses, trout stream and small fruit, $2000. Eighty acres at Pioneer, on vanuinairiver. quary opened, orchard houe and bottom lauu, win leave 01 easy icims. Fruit tiact of $y ac cs on Bocne Slough, Lincoln county SJ50 Pioneer farm of 91 acres, Morrison, Lincoln coun v. pood lmrjrovi ments. $2,500. One hundred 1 nd sixty acres, three fourths ol armle fnm I'inncer btnch land, $600 One hurdred and sixty acres on Beaer creek. Lincoln conntv. $600. Five acres al Mill Four, Lincoln county, $150. - IOSVN PROPERTY House and lot, Newport near Presbyterian church, $900. v Three w&ter front lots, Newport, $800, Seal Rocks, 240 lots. One lot, level, Seal Rocks, $500 One lot south Newport, $125. Two lots with one and one-half story house, fensed and cleared, yood well, Newport, $600 One lot, one and and one half story house, not finished within, $225. Fourteen lots, two story house, fenced, large fruit garden. $1300. K you have property for sa)e write to the undersigned, giving description and price. If a buyer can be found in the country, for what you have to sell this paper will reach him Three routes east: 1. Via St. Paul. 2. Vra Billings, Most. 3. Via Denver. Take No. I if you want to ride en tho finest train in the world. No. 2 if you want to save time. No. 3 if you want to see the most magnificent scenery on the globe. A. C. SHELDON, Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF.THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:00 P M 8:30 PM 7.-45 A M Lv. Lv, Ar. , .Portland. ..Ar ...Satem ....Lv San Frnncisco.Lv (9130 AM J7VIO AM (SJOOPM il Ktauoni station s, HfWsey, Above trains stop at all principal bet. Portland and balem, turner, Tflrrson. Alhnnv. Tamrent. Shedds Tlarrislmrtr. function Citv. Eucene, Cresftve; Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and aUista tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSELBJtO MAIL, r DAILY. ,. Portland ..Salem 8:30 a m 1 Lv lloo A mJ-Lv Tor Infants and Children. Tbi he- si . it n CT7 Newest BrightestBest. Be Not Deceivedl A Couph, Horseness or Croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time ofShilo's Cure will save you mu h rouble. Sold by D. J. Try. O.A-,X"C:EtX..., n fu sions afg-utort ti Tho Tennessee Strawberry, Tested Jat Salem two years. Prolific bearer, fine heart shaped, bright scarlet Ted berries very early. Clusters grow on medium short stems, out o( danger of tost when blooming. Fine, strong plants, delivered at this office or sent to any address at $ 1 per 100, Just the berry that has been wanted in Oiegon. Sweeter, earlier ana laiger man Wilson, mgti colored all over and better flavor than bharpless. Market growers should not be without this berry in their patch. Set out now and get an early crop nYt snrinir. Address E."Ilofer, Salem, Or. UMMMHIMaMIMHMIMaHMMHMMnilMMMHMMaM If tn !ucaaK The chemical department of the ex perlment station at the Oregon iiRrl cultnral college practically finished tlio work of analyzing sucar beets. Tlio last lot was from La Grande. Fifty samples from there were ana lyzed during the season, all of which showed lilgli percentages of sugar and purity. Tho last lot analyzed consisted of 20 samples, which gave the following results, the llrst tigurcs refering to sugar and tlio second to purity: 18.0, 01; 10.0, 88; 18.4, 01; 10.0, 04; 20.0, 01; 18.2, 00; 10.0, 00; 15.0, 02; 17.0, 04; 17.5, 82; 13.3, 88; 15.2, 80; 20 0, 01; 20.0, 03; 18.1, 01; 17.5, 83; 15,8, 72; 13.3, 80; 14.0, 80. Seven Months With Fevers! Wonderful It ceo very of Health. 1 " Mr. Ralnl'd ranld und marvelous nwnvflro (ram u more skaloton to liU normal weight, SitPpouiids, was surely tIiou!lsf Iwttof tho grandest stroiirftli-gHIn;; anil bulldlnfj-up modlcluo overprouiicvU, namely. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. IssssssssBnMPIS. gggsssEsBwlmlssV I BWDSLsSSSBSBSsW'vCiEBSSsk wifi HBHTsfi $$& jfSA I VBppiijiBF Ar 1 4,3o p M Lv J 2 oo.T U 5.-20 P Ml Ar Roseburg.. Lv (730A M Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN TORTLAND ANU CORVALLIS. Mail tiains daily except bunday. Portland 730 A M I 1215 PM( Lv. Ar. . .Corvallis. Ar .Lv I 550 P M ) 105 PM with At Albany and Corvallis connect trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. EXI-RKS3 TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.J A M A M 450 P M 1 73O P M 8:30 I'll) Lv . . . . Portland . . 1 . Ar Lr. . . .McMinnville Lv Ar Independence Lv 825 YS-S ) 4:5 AM Direct connectibns at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Alo JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtained from W. VV. SKINNER, Ticket Ajont, Salem. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, G. F. & P. A. Portland J II. Bawd. "Gentlemen- I nUh to express to you ray fratltuda (or the Brvt frood that lr. Vl' ArrvOi has douo tor me, I was UVcn slelt with typhoid fovcr and I laid In bed for seven months. After cettlnir over the (over 1 was tlilu. nervous and tired, and did nut riwaln my liV strength. 1 tried several proprietary luedlfltivs, and finally, attar bavins bvu reduced In weight tclao pounds. I began rryiutf jiuir ATrvlns, and at Old Klne Cole Was a merrie old soul And he knew a thing or two; For he chewed Piper Hcidsieck all his life, And so did his subjects, too. "Lssis'ges and! B&Uep" The New Five-Cent Piece of PIPER HEIDSIECK PLUG TOBACCO 3 (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) 5 ONE TRIAL MAKES A LIFE-LONG CUSTOMER. W$&U&IjP' fj7i&Susfb OREGON CENTRAL .AND Eastern R. li Company YAQU1NA I1AV ROLTE." Connecting nt Yaovina .llay widi the Sa Francisco & Vaquina IJay Steamship Co, STEAMER "tARALLON," Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Ccos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisce: Cabin, Jo; steerage, $5; to Coos Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6; to Humbold Bay, cabin J8; round trip, good 60 days, $l6i RIVER DIVISION Jueamer Albany" between Portland and Co.-vallis, through without lay-over. Leaves Salem 10:45 a. m. Tnesdays, Tnursdays and Batuidays leaves Portland, Yamhill street dock, 6;oo a, m. Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or J. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. 0000 Itecan to Imiiroro. Was Anally ttMitlv i CTirvti skiiu louay i c tor lu all mv Ufa. This Is my normal weight, tut I lev 9s lucuu iu ncisnw Eouth Bend. Ind. av 1 call ur I never felt brl lu all toy life, and weigh 770 pounds. ettrvt and laeasu,ro J II IUIRD. on a rcHltln Dr. MU' Nervlno la sold on a mmIUto jruarauiod that tho Dm Uittlo ylu twuoflu UdruUU tell Haiti, 6 bottle forts, or )stor aud Fennel consigned' 00001 u ut. muc MUic oi, Uli&n, lot. W-?"1 mnxninnn "nroTnnrn r isirBis mHinuuj nroiunnj T!".ww.i' ruaracteca to cure all nervous diseases, Saab tirai This tXnottif aslfrsX Nuo Uaahooo, g Pcaa'a Pllh. 4tiful rtatdr lraln Fewer. Headache. Wakrluuca. Lot Uuhn. 'ikt'-t?. ' sions. McrrouStms. all drains, loss at oowrr In r..-:. ?7Tf"; either sex. caased by ovcrxcrtsu, vouthfal errors, carcsslisfusa of tobacco, oplaia or stimulant, which fea4 to lB4rmli,Con,umptlouor Jcsamtr.CaaU tarried la vest pocket. i.o pr but fv tjTW mall PmaiX Circular lree. SoU by aUdrurrUs. ilkforlt'lVeooithCT. ilanufactured by the Pcau Medicine t5x, Pans. Fraw. Lane.DT Urui Co., dlstributins tts. Third and VasthW SlTvo luST.oZ For sale by D.FRY.Mw. Northern Pacific Railway. runs; Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dinino- Cars louristSleeoinCarb ToSt. Paul, JMinneapolis, Duluth, rtrco 'rana forks, Crookston, Wmniueg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chiwo, Washington, Philadelphia, Nw orlc. Boston, and all Points East and South For information, time cards, 'njaos ant tickets, call on or Vrite THOMAS, WATT & C0 C- AGENTS.E a55, Commercial srreet, Salem Ot M D. Charlton, At,J Oen'l. Passg Agent MorrUon street comerfThird Portlsnd, Or. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAHLCTS POSmVELY CUES JkLL fTffHI fHtfrtsiisi f.ilf.i- U.n n ei lmp"T.fi'iaMrttsrd MJl ZZJiZT-. iMtri-fiiPr? "aw 37 iir.;rrv-Vi w. . sun j tnu w iw iisuuT m (U4 or Vs lUlj rUL ft a man Ur stadr.biulnaw or nTuTlu. UU.U UmiVTUi; vZTZmlSmSKZ YmglJZ tjtand.8ct.aCiia TtMauSSSi JaUVlit kit."Siffii: ,h. ,"?ol?,1 Ala JraWrtiTTnS? r!?SiCJi,.luo",'dsn,t U1 con ion. Wm rltiTi of ttual th bmu. rriMtOcuu rti TSStTS AJAX REMEDY CO.. TijfcJfojS Fw wlMt5lwi,0f.vD. FRY WPr k JSr. tct1- U -