flMMhMfcatafcMM I h I a Ml J PanoaKe Flour. aaaBaw,aaawMMawkMaaaa " r The NMoa far this pclicious narc Pure Buckwheat Flour, Aunt Jamima Pancake Flour, Heckers' SelivRising Flour, and several kinds of maple syrup to cat them with, 124 State Street, Daily Capital Journal BV HOfBR BROTHBH8, SATURDAY, NOV. 12, I897. JOURNAL. "X-RAYS." Marion county as defendant was knocked clear out of that Injunction warrant suit but tho attorneys who tried to appear aro probably still fur nishing free ndvlco to the rounty court. Tho wittiest crnck Chlof Elk Jack D'Arcy got, off tho other night was when he called up Senator l'utterson and asked If there wcro any more of the Mitchell piisli In tlie house. Can a pcrMin borrow 975 at 0 per edit, without security In tho city of New York, nrovlded that person can show that'heor she Is a member of a r.liiircli.n worker In tho Sunday school and has the nanio of being an honest Christian? Tho aboyc appeared In the New York World, signed "Honor," and Is answered In tho heading: ,Not In New York." Major Jlodgkln gels that volume, on how to hold up a legislature, thrown at him cvpry mice In a while. Governor Lord omitted to mention Home really Important reasons for grutlludo In his Thanksgiving mes sage. Tho people should be: Thankful Tor tho splendid work of the last Oregon legislature Thankful for tho high moral char acter of McKliiley's federal appoint ments In Oregon. Thankful for knowing Just how much money there Is In tho state treasury Thankful for the supremo court pruilttlng them ti pay Interest for rto years on their taxes already paid. Thankful that Republican stato and federal officials leave any places In the.publlc service not occupied by tholr relations. Thunkful that not over three fourths of tho state school land fund loaned to polltlcans Is uncollcct ablc. Thunkful that there aro any Re publicans left In Oregon who are hot tndcr tho Mltchcll-Mcllrldo hypno tism, It would bo loo bad It tho Marlon county tax rolls should bo completed on time. Marlon's valuation might not be raised ten to thirty per cent by tho stato board nnd tho big tax, payers would not get a year's time to pay their taxes In. State street couldn't well bo dirtier, though some of the other streets are. Tho I'opullstB In this slate need now have no fear. Nearly every Re publican paper In tho stnto Is advis ing the Populists FREE. Industrial Ilerald. Well, great scottl Mr. URen Is not the only man whoso advice Is worth a d n. A wicked Gourmand says of THE governor's message: "In substance it Is a reminder that tho 1 1 mo for turkoy. eating bus arrived, and tlioso who can beg or buy 0110 of tho Juicy birds should Join hands at tho festive board and take t,n cargo." Congressman Ellis is trying hard toTlyal Ex Senator Mitchell as a star Hopper In tho political arena. Roto burg Review Y'hlst, dear boy; that's all tho rage and only tho approved way gain otllco at tho hands of the dear people. They can't bo dealt with openly. They aro not coniputcnt to stand It. Whatever may bo said of Carter Harrison, ho can pick a winner. Tho Victory of Tammany in Now York, has enlarged tho Harrison boom for '00. , your house if you wish, time, "work or uiouey ueerled. Instead, about half asjtiuch time, work and &vote to keeping lllnnllCT Washing tl VM ftlftl .Powder. vmd for cleaning purposes is the secret of clean, scat housft-keepinof never being lair- riadaad worried. Sold every where. Made only by THE N. K, MJflA,NK COMPANY, lUk, &" Mtt'VMtT to, m.-.Tm. , I, .& breakfast food is here, and wc (lllllllli! H, G, SONNEMANN,. Grocer, At Denvrr last week, before the members of tho Junior gymnasium class of tho Y. M. C. A., Ifrofessor Haskell chloroformed and vivisected a cat. Tho occurence has occasioned a great deal of adverse comment. Private Secretary Dunnlway had better look out; ho lulcctcda whole lot of sense and scholarly English Into his spcach ut the Elk's rlut the other night, Such conduct will not be passed unnoticed, Til Ford novor worked so hard In his life as ho did to prove Cherrlngton had lied in saying lie was serving free gratis as attorney for the echoo board. Ills clients never get any such Impression, and as ho seemed to Imvc knocked the whole mai.damus mill In to a cocked hat the school board and tho people ol the district will not kick at Ills not serving free. Mr Cherrlngton Is still engaged in Ills task of directing city and county politics. It Is a happy soul that never knows when It's knocked "but. THE MARKETS. Portland, Nov. 13, Wheat valley, 78c: Walla Walla, 73c Flour Portland, ,.15 Superfine, 2.40 per bbl Oats White, 33(34. Hay Good, 913.50 per Ion. uopi B(H3c 01 a crop v7C Wool. .Valley, I4l6c; Hasten) Oregon 7 12c. Millstufls,.I!ran, 14.00; short 15.50. Poultry-ChlckenH, mixed 1.502.50 broilcri, 2.oo50 turkeys, live 11 Eggs.. Oregon, aiic per doz. Hides., creen, salted 60 IbscVaSMc; under Colbs 8c; sheep pelts, lo7c 'allow yMTfi. On!on& 8o 1 per c. llutter. . Jiostdairy,.2535ifancy creamery 45a 50c per roll. Cheese .njc. Potatoes, 40c per sack, Dried FruiC Apples, evaporated, bleached 46Jio; unbleached 3c4cJ vrunei 4c(auc. Applei 253300 box. Hogs Heavy, 4.50 Voal large 4 y,s c jer lo. Mutton - rVcathers 2.50; drsssed.mut ton,5 spring lambs Sq per lb. UeeC Steers 3.; cows 2.25. tressed 4$. Cured Meats Jfams loiclofc bacon ii Lard-,ln palls, By,c. SALEM MARKET . Wheat,-6& ' Oats 30c. Apples ,25c. Hay.. Haled, cleat, 9. Flour,. In wholesale Ion. 4.10: letatl 4.4o;bran,bulk I2iI3shoru,!4ai5; chop feed 1400 Poultry. Chicken, 5 turkay, , VealDtened. 45. " Hogs., Dressed, 5. live Cattle.. 22. Sheep.. Live, 2c lb , Spring lambs, 2c. Wool.. Meat, 12c. Hop.. Best, ioi3c Kegs. 25c trade. Farm Smoked Meats llacoi, 8J,c; 1mm lie; shoulders, 7, 9c. Potato! 20c trade. Dried Frul'- Apples, evaporated bleached 5(6ci unbleached 4c5c Pruacfc 4ac Uutter Dairy I2and5ic cream;ry2o ana 25c. If a small bottle of Shaker Dices the Cordial does you no good, don't luy a largo ono. "Proyc all things; hold fast that which Is good.'- It's not good for everybody, only for the thin, pale, lefc, weak and weary. For thoo who aro starving for want of digested food. For thoso who cannot get fat or strong, because their stomachs do not work as they ought to. These arc the people, millions of them, whom Shaker Digestive Cordial will cure. Food makos strength, inuocle, brain, blood, energy after it 1 dlgosted. If not dlgosted, it will do you no good at all. Shaker Dlgestlvo Cordial helps your stomach to digest your food and cures inuigcstion permanently. When you've tried 11 small bottle, you can tell. uoltl by druggists. Trial bottlo 10 cents. Stop that Cugh t Take warning I miyf lead lo Consumption. A 25c, bottle o Shiloh's Cure may save jour lite. Sold by D To Cure a Cold In One Day Tuko Laxatlvo llromo (juinlno Tab let. All druggists rotund the money If It falls to euro. "rc. Chinook market. ealmon belly at Stelncr's tr, it to be. No extra money as you now it half clean. rWMtJiMt. ImMiHwi. , iftjij NEWS. There have been 2uj new buildings built? at iufur year. residence tljB past Tho stono work on the foundation of tho Lane county court house Is all finished. Mr. II. C. Perkins of Grants Pass, has been appointed deputy mineral surveyor of Oregon. The seventh annual meeting of tho Epworlh League, Portland district, Is In session at Hillsboro. , '. A new load Is to be built leading Into the Bohemia mining district, It v- III be known as the Sharp's Creek road. Original pensions have been granted Edward Rice, Newport; John Butey, Roseburg, and A bcrt G. King, Grant's Pass. Several elk were seen In the vicinity of Emigrant Springs, In Umatilla county, recently, but as It was .closed, season, they were 1 ot molested. There ate eight surviving soldiers of the war of 1812. Three of them arc each more than 1(0 years old. Ilosca Brown of Giant's Pass, Or., 105 years old, is one of them. The IIIup mountains arc full ol mow. The hut, snow storm there lasted from Saturday noon, until S ('clock p. m. Monday. Nearly two feet at Wilbur and there was IS Inches tt Emlgiunt Springs, Tuesday. The Oervals city council organized by re-electing Hon. Mi'Klnley Mitch ell, president. The city did not levy 1 tax last year, but the olllclal reports s':ow there Is on hand over $200 moro than lust year at this time. James Mooney, of Gervals, aged 47, died Thursday morning, of pneu monia and dropsy. Ho left a widow ind four children. He was a mem ber of the A. O. U. W. The funeral will be held Saturday. Poultry fanciers of Lane and Linn counties arc requested to meet at the court hou-e in Eugene, Saturday, Nov- imbcr20,atl o'clock p. in., for the pur pose of organizing 11 poultry associa tion, and to further arrange for a poultry show to bo held later on. Frank Sklpton, a livery stable keeper, of Albany, drove a team to Beuna Vista, carrying a passenger. While thore, one of his horses kicked him, breaking his left leg above the knee, The passenger drove the team back, bringing Mr, Sklpton to his homo before the fracture was reduced. Lon Moore, Fisher & Watklns' slaughterer, of Eugene, has a team of nine good sized dogs, which he has been training for three weeks, to work slnglo tile and draw good sued loads. Hejwlll continue to train them until early spring, when he will ship them to Skaguay and uo ton? to pull sleds over tlie mountains into tlie Klon dike country. Two of tlie team havo already doveloped Into great pullers. Two occupants In the Lane county Jal a man and a .wprijan have re vived a childhood acquaintance. The woman Is confined In a woman's cell, but by going Into the corridors the two prisoners are enabled to converse with each other. Both of them wont to tho same school In childhood back cast, and this Is the first timo they havo met since that time, Tho following star soivlco changes have been niado In Oregen: On the route from Salem to Lowlsburg, tho olllcoof Switzerland, between Fruit land and Wlllard. is to bo supplied without change In tho distance. The postmasters at Seaside and Aiders will bo permitted to deliver mall to tho carrier one hour In advance of the schedule time, -providing no connec tions are broken or complaints nre made. J. Schwartz of Portland, has In yentcd and obtained a patent for a potato-digging machine which he claims discounts tho Albany digger, niado by Ulacklaw and Frank Bros. Mr. Schwartz says his machlno can dig, pick and sack from 1000 to 1200 bushels In ono day, requiring tho services of only two men and two uorscs. .Moreover, it assorts tlie po tatoes, putting the large ones In ono sack and the small ones in another. Tho controller of tlie currency has declared a dividend of UJ per cent on claims against the National Bank ot Pendtlcton, being an intcrestdlvldcnd covering 8 por cent Interest on nil proyod claims from the date of fall ure, May 15, 1831, to June 30, 1807. Tho full principal was pain In previous dividends ulthuut assessments of stockholders. This Is tho tlrst bank on the coast which closed Its doors in 1891 to pay claims In full, although othors resorted lo heavy assessments The docket for tho November term of circuit court, of Washington county which begins November 22, contains 147 civil actions, nnd 13 stale casscs. Of t'.ie 13 stato cases, three are for rape, three for selling liquor to tulnors and one for murder. Of the 147 civil actlous, 37 aro for foreclosure, 31 actions for money, 17 continuations, 10 assignments, 13 to quiet title, 11 for damages, 10 divorces, 0 appeals from lower courts, 3 replevins, l for partition, 1 disbarment, 1 equity and 1 Injunction. Sixty of the actions havo been brought since the July term. To Cure Catanb. Do nut depend upon snuff., Inhal ants or other local applications. Catarrh Is a contltutlonal disease, mill can bo successfully treated only by mentis of a constitutional remedy IIku Hood's Sarsunarlllu, which thor oughly purities the blood and removes tho scrofulous inlnts which causa catarrh. Tho great number of testi monials from tho&o who havo been cured of catarrh by Hood's Sawapar lltuprovo tho unequalled power of this luedlcluo to conquer this dlscuse. If troubled with catarrh give Hood's Sircaparilla a fair trial at once, " m 1 i. 11 Catarrh CuieJ. A clear head and iwctt breath secured withhlilloViCttarrotlteiucdy told on a guaiantie. Masai lojec or hc Sold by 1) J. Ky. Call For County Warrants. Notlco Is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all warrants pro Minted prior to Kuv. 0 Ib'JO, and In terest will coaso on tho name from tho dalo of this notice. Dated Nov. 3, 1807, O. L. Hhown. 113 1 vtd&w. County Treasurer, Trr BcbllUntV Mt Im isJ feafcUf powfer STATE HWMMMMlMMhHIinH BQSTQNTOEAT PREACHER The Rev, J, B, Brady, Take The Rev. James Uoyd Brady, pastor of thi peopjp's Temple, in Hoston, presides over tho destinies of the largest Methodist church in the country.- Big, candid, Scotch-Irishman that he is, Dr. Brady has built up tho Temple financially and numerically, and today he is the pastor of a flock of 1700. Dr. Brady devotes himself with un flagging courage toanythingheundcr takes. Tlie chief characteristic of his ministry lias been progress, In number, financial condition and mora nnd spiritual grow tli. He Is a man of plain, but vigorous words. So much has been ?aid and written about Dr, "Brady his work, ills progressive methods, ills eloquence and his power as a minister, that the following let ter from him will be convincing and helpful to many persons besides the largo number who arc every Sunday Inllunnccd for good by his powerful preaching. Ho wrltesi Boston, Sept. 27, 1807. Talno's celery compound, If widely and wisely used, would relleye ner vousness, soothe restlessness, reduce sickness, strengthen tho body, Invig orate tho mind, and add years of hap piness to J'fe. Janhh Bovu Brady, l'astor People's Temple. The man or woman who does not take time to get well will sooner or later haeto take time to be ill. FikstOamk at Alhany. The first of tho scries of four games of Indoor baseball recently arranged forb-tween Co. P., O.N. Q., of Albany and I lie local Y. M.O. A., will tako place at Albany on Thanksgiving night. A communication to that effect was re ceived Friday afternoon by A. Dlsquo from Uipt. M. D. Phillips of the Al bany team The local team expects to go lo Albany on tho 11 o'clock Uo'mburg mail on Thanksgiving day returning on the overland Friday morning. The members of tho team will meet next week for regular and thorough practice preparatory to meeting tho Albany boys. Statu ovOiuo, City of.Toxedo, 1 uuw lUUKTY, I 1 rank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is tho senior partner of tho ilrni of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said tfrm will pay the sum ot ono hundred dollars for each and evory case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Cure. ., ... F. J- Chunky. bworn to before 1110 and subscribed In my prcenec, thlsCth day of .De cember, A. D. 1800. A. W, Olkson, ocai Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Curu Is taken Inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free. -JiJ.S?,,.r;NKY00" Toledo, o. WboldbyDruggUU, 75c. "Wherever Mlssi Kel'.lkcr has ghen her lecture on SemUTropIcal Call, fornla, all havo been loud In Its praise Those well able to Judge are enthusi astic not niily over the U-w iut out the ehxiuoueo of the Uclurer. 1 IleKot IXfccivodl A Cou, 1 ),il.u,enci. v.iuu)jia ihh iu i muni ftiw. a dust in tine 019(1110 lure win ie ou muili rouble, Sold by D. J. Fry. Fcr Constipation ttlte Kaity Ctover Hoot Tea, the treat, Ulood Purifier. Cures Head, ache, Nmousness, Eruptions, on the (ace, aod makes the tcad clear aa a Ull. Sold by U.J. Fry- 2& f f -(: ,- V.S " stalls jtST yifj "m D; D Advises His Paine's Celery Compound; Many live under the needless Inflic tion of indigestion, nervousness, con stipation and general weakness, and endure the consequent loss of health without considering how easily the cause of this illness might be rame- Needful nerve and tissue nourish ment is at the bottom of all perma nent building up of the health. Palne's celery compound looks out for the Insidious weakening of the nervous system through malnutrition. It gives a healthy tone to the stom ach, increases the blood supply, quiets and equalizes Irritated nerve action and promptly feeds the tissues when the bodily vigor Is at Its lowest ebb, and should n-it be further taxed. Tlie only cure, therefore, for rheu matism, neuralgia or general debility that Is lasting in Its good efTects mnst rest on a radical cleansing of the blocd and.a building up of the nervous tissues. All this Is best done by Palno's celery compound, because this remarkable remedy begins at the be glnging, wherever there Isdisease.and establishes the health firmly and be yond any fear of falling back. The worn-nut person who cannot sleep should take Palne's celery com pound. It Is folly to Imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained, Nothing undermines health and energy like the loss or sJeep. The nervous system suffers as much from lark of nourishment. Botli may bo supplied and a healthy con Up i'o Date Service. A Great many Pacltic Coast people, when conteumlatliiL' a trio etui, nnri when bringing friends west, know very little about the Interior line, and tho object of this article Is to afford reliable Information. In the tirst nlace for irootl time and service, select a route via St. Paul and Minneapolis, because the lines that way are continuous undor ono system without any change of cars, and every man from peanut agent tin Ha courteous, reliable and exnerl- , need officer, ready to aid and protect you In avory emergency and capable of making you feel nt home and com- tollable during the long Journoy. Then see that your ticket reads via tho Wlsconson Central Lines becauso that thoroughfare affords strlctlv first, class service, nnd tho meals on Its dining cars (Always reasonable In price) are equalled by lew and excelled by none. Geo. S. Hatty, 240 Stark St., Portland, Or., is Geticral Agcn t for this company and will cheerfully furr.lsh you a neat and handy calender and full Information on tho subject of iniusporiaiitua, 11 uuurcseo or caueu upon, and any agent will upon appli cation, sell you a ticket over tho Wis consin ucti'.rat Liines. if The I1ENTI.KMAN Faumeii . Thl Is a hundsomo Illustrated monthly magazine for farmers and all classes. It is edited by practical men, and finely illustrated. The prlco Is only a dollar a year, and it should be In ovory rural home. The Jouhmai, has made arrangements to club this most aesircaoio periodical at 1110. low prico of 75 cents. Sample copies can bo seen at this oQlce, tf Dreadfully Nervous. Cknts-I was dreadfully uenou and for relief took your Karl's Clorer RootTea, It quieted my nenes and strcngthene my whole Nervous System. 1 was troubled uith . onitliMtioo. Kidney and Dowel trouble. u.i'(c., torn cleamed my system so thor- m,.ii' 1l.1t I rapidly retained health and strength Mrs.h.A hweet, Hartl.rd,Conn. Sold hv DJ. try. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. ftr ttcjttz n u?i ji wiiiinn tnwi Many Parishioners to dition insured by using Painc's celery compound. The stay and stall of sound health is well nourished and well regulated nerves. Sufferers from sleeplessness, ncryous dyspepsia or headache may be sure that every reservoir of nerve force has been tupped and exhausted by work, worry, too little sleep, or faulty nourishment, -because of poor digestion and assimilation. As soon as such signs of nervous exhaustion are noticed, shaky hands, broken sleep, poor appetite, wasting diseases, neuralgia or dyspepsia, take advant age of the remarkable restorat ivo and regulating action of Paine's celery compound. iSc'vous disorders increase in aort of compound ratio. It Is a thousand times easier to put a stop to nervous debility in its earlier stages than later on to correct nerve and brain oxhaus. tlon, that may bo complicated by heart, kidney or some other organic trouble. Palne's celery compound must not be confounded with any of tho plaus ible sounding, but really temporary makeshifts, whoso cures arc never permanent nor thorough-going, and only bring deferred hopes that make the heart sick. Paine's celery com pound Is the greatest ncrvo and brain lnvlgoratorand most reliable b!ood puriUer tho world has ever been blessed with. Choice Early Crapes. I have strong four year old grape vlues.of best early varieties, will bear next year, Both blue and white grapes grown on these vines took all 1110 premiums at ttio stste rair. E. HopEit. Salem, Ore. W -u Dr. A. E. Salter Says, liui Y, Gen's; .From my perc wmal 1. 1 , gained in observing the ef fect ol ,v.i. h s Cure in cases of advanced ConsumptU i am prepared to say it is the most remarkauie Remedy that has ever been Jroughtto my attention. It has certainly nved many from Consumption, bold by D . Fry. Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS Pullman Sleopin' Cars Eleo-anti'Dininf,r Cars Tourist Slenoinc Carts ToSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Vargo 'Jrand Forks, Crookston, Winnineg, Helena and Uutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chiwo, Washington, Philadelphia, N York. Boston, and all Points East and South For information, time cards, mips'jssU tickets, call on or vrito THOMAS, WATT & CO, AGENTS?; 165 Commercial srreet, Salem Or? it D. Charlton, Asst, Oen'l. Passg Agent Morrison street cornerft"rdrd Portland. Or. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS rosnTVELT COBS jk 1.1 .tw jhjmhm-ralliajt Ham. bj AtOss Mill ottv iwon tt ItiltV la ell orltJTLl PI a matt (or Uall.tMulaMa or nurlu. ..JTTTEi'JiTS! J.fl., "JrMi. U ! in i 4tM 1! will isunHiUi AVM.I tU atua feaiia tba Kaaalna AJax wa i.w IW.HK), aaa ear yoa. iMatk Ut ! at Saton. Or, bv D.J, FRY REAL ESTATE Bargains in A FliW FACTS Lands and town lots were nerer so low in price as at present. The advance in firms has leun in the eastern states and will be gin to be felt here before 189!). Many people who want to own a home in the country or in some town are looking for location. To brin.- together home seekers and those having property to sell we have decided to open a real estate department where our subsenbers c n list their progeny vim iuwci. . i,.. and a brief desert pt land inquirers will be directed to the owrer. There will be no ex- rv.nM.Wond ther :e ol Hie uaily jour nal, at 3 a year, uid actual expense for cor respondence nnd fulege. Kead over the following lists: CITY PROPERTY. Four blocks from Lincoln schocl house, 6ne residecce half.block in Salem with piivile e of enclosing half of street, city water line fruit trees. If sold within three months for $300. A bargain as it commands beauti ful view, BUSINESS PROPERTY Hardware store and stock and 20 acres of land at good town in Douglas county, to trade for larm property in Linn county. Barbershop, two chairs and four baths, paying business, complete equipment, three yesr lease at low rent, 500 HOTEL PROPERTY. Twenty room hotel and barn lots, store building, postoffice and blacksmith shop, 290 acres, &ooo. ftame hotel and ten acres, $5000. Hotel with room for forty people feed stables and out buildings $2,500. FARM PROPERTY Unimproved land near Seal Rocks 24o acres. I have used Piso's Cure for Consumption, and can j recommend it above all others iy"' for Coughs and Colds. It is selling like hot cakes. k m CUBE ETCpMSUKPlTa?-.C53 Newest, ! BsztamrridSB V jJV Tho TennessieStr..wberry,yTestedj;nt Salem two jears. ProlificJ'bearer, fine hrarr shaped, bright scarlet red berries.lvery early. Clusters glow on medium short stems, out of danger of tost when blooming. Fine, strong plants, de.iiercd at this office or ser t to any address at $1 pernoo. Just the beny that has been wanted in Oiepon. Sweeter, earlier and larger than Wilson. High colored all over and tetter flavor than Sharpless. Market growers should not be without this berry in their patch. Set out now'and get an early crop next rrin. Address E. Ilofer, Salem, Or. MANHOOD RESTORED guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak ruiory, Loss of Brain Power, Headache, Wake lulness, Lost Maihoob, ht'.y Emis sions, Nerrousnesi, all drains, loss of power irr General. Orgaus or cither sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, ex- sive use of iodscco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Co Insanity, Can be carried Id. Circular Free. Manufactured by the Peau Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., 1 For sale by D. J, FRY. Salem,! EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OFvTHE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY. 6:00 P Ml Lv...;i'ortland. ,.Ar 8:30 PMVLv....Sateia ,...Iv 7 .'45 AM) Ar. San Francisco. Lv (9:30 J7.-IO 8:00 A M 10 A M 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal stationr bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion Jeflcrson, Albany, Tangent. Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta. lions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSE11URO MAIL, r-DAILY. DV30AM) Lv. . IIOO A u Lv.. 520 F Ml Ar.. .Portland ..Ar .Salem.... Lv .Roseburg.. Lv (4.'3pm 1 2 oo;p It (7.-3QAM lullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail turns daily except Sunday. 730 ami L,v....rortiana.. Arl 550PM I S.-So l I '-'OS 1 1215 pm Ar CorvaUis...LY At Albany and Corvalhs connect with trains ot tne u. u. K. Ry. EXPRESS TRAIN 1U1LY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 450 P 7.30 P 8:30 P M Lv. MLr m) Ar ,.. Portland.... Ar) 0V25 a m ..McMinnville Lv 550 a m Independence Lv) 4.'5o a m Direct connections at San Francisco unlri Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for 1APAN AND CHINA balling dates on application ... j - -..-. .!-. , Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONO LULU and AUSTRALUA, can be obtained from Y. V. SKINNER, Ticket Arent, Salem. . K. KOEDLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. G. F. 4 P. A. Portland OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R, R. Company IYAQUINA BAY ROUTE.: -.Connecting at Yaqina Uay with the Sa IConnectini fnnctsco Yaquina llay 8teamshi pCo. iSTEAMER 'FAKALLON,,, JJails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bar. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette ralley and California. ' Fare from Albany or points vest to Ban FnuKtscoi Cabin, I9; steerage, $.5; to Coos uaj ano i-ort uriord, cable 6: to Humbold Bay, cabin S; round trip, good 60 days, U RIVER DIVISION ..earner Albany" between Portland and Cbrrallis, through without lay-orcr. Leaves fcalern I05a. m. Tuesdays, Tnursdayt and Uatuidays leaves Portland, Yamhill street dock, 6.-00 a, m. Sunday sj Wednesdays and Friday. EDWIN STONE, MaMger. Carallii, Or LC,UAYQ4Spt.Wm Division, DEPARTMENT. Business and Real Estate for Home Seekers. m Forty acres 5 miles from Newport mostly clear and bottom land, $800. Eighty acres near Elk City. 20 acres culti vated, good buildings and crc urd, 1500. One hundred and sixty acres 41, miles Irorn Newport on county road , U acres clear, 3 houses, trout stream and small fruit, $2000. Eighty acres at Pioneer, on Yaquina tivcr, quary opened, orchard, house nnd bottom land, will lease 01 easy terms. Fruit tiact of 4 acres on Boone Slough, Lincoln county,- $350 Pioneer farm of 91 acres, Morrison, Lincoln county, good improvements.- $2,500. One hundred nd sixty acres, three fourths of amile from Pioneer btnch land, $6oa One hundred and sixty acres on Beaver creek, Lincoln county, $600. Five acres at Mill Four, Lincoln county, TOWN PROPERTY House and lot, Newport uear ,1'resbyteiian church, $900. Three wler front lots, Newport, $Soo. Seal Rocks, 240 lot. One lot, level. Seal Kock,$500j One lot south Newport, $125. oryl fensed aod cleared, good well, 6oo Newpoit, One lut, enc and and onchalf story house, not finished wiihin, S225. Fourteen lots, two story house, fenced, largs fuiitgaidtn. i3oo. If you have property for sale write to the undersigned, giving description and price. If a buyer can be found in the country for w hat you have to sell this paper vill reach h m GUSTAV FALK, Druggist, Winton Place, Ohio. August 31, 1897. JIT uslnc Mr. Prftu'a Yf-llunr Sene IM'Ih. This Xnileiful rrinrd .iinptlon or In Test pocket, ii.ooncrbix. 61 5, by mail iiioothtr ane-Dawi i..ud, Or Soldbyalldruirrists. Ask for it: t Medlrln c . i..na iNmnn- TO THE EAST GIE.lf 111b CIIOH fc OF Two l ranscontinent tl Rouica. Via Spokane Minneapolis M Paul srd 1 "li ver Omaha and Kansas City, Low ratts v eastern cities. For full details call on or address BOISE & BARKER agents, Salem. Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock, Pcrtl.ir.r ,. October 9, 14, 24, 29 November 3, S, 13. 18, 23, 28. Fare Cabin, $?; steerage, $2.50. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-Steamcis Ruth and Gjpsy leave Salem for Portland daily except Sunday, at 6 a. m. Returning leave Portland daily at 6 am. .except Sunday. jaucugers given iransiers 10 eioctrlc line at Oreg egon City if desired, making It potsibU ch Portland nt I p. m. to reach Round trip tickets to all joints uickuu niuiungion, iainomu or trs! East. Connections made at Portland vi& all rail, ocean and river lircs, Call on (J M . Powers agent, foot Trade street. W. H. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full details call on or address v t fT G. M. POWERS Foot of Trade St. Local Cent. l,Only tlirce trains lc the world worthy of comparison with the Bur lington's "St. Paul Chicago Limited.,' One In Europe; two cast of Chicago. ione west, bo beautiful, so luxurious, so costly a train has never before been at the disposal of the traveling public of the Northwest. Leaves Kt. Pnnl R fU n ,n. A-,l,.u Chicago 05 a. m. Standard and corn- pnrnent sleepers. Dining car. Buf fet smoker. Tickets at ofllces of con necting lines. A. O. HliPldnn conn ml agent, rortland, Oregen. : ; A, C4 SHELDON. ,...1 Gen'l Agent, PortlandOr, Brightest Best 11 Iff m mm mm mm E lit I ii m