Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 12, 1897, Image 4

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    .' I
Fur storm' Collars
Rolls of Marlon Coiinty Being
Cash Store HolvCrSOIl's Cash Store
New Line of
Ladies' Underwear J
ior 25c a garment and up,
New Fur Trimming,
White and black tlilbct, Russian
seal, mink, curly lamb, etc.
Plaited Moussclolrcdo solr, new
dotted yelling, new fancy ribbons.
New Gimps
New Frogs.
New Braids,
New Bindings
Chatelaine Bags,
J J.Dfllrymple & 60.
As Usual Until After State
Board Meets,
Men's Onderutear.
Wo liavo Just received something
fine In men's underwear and are now
ablo to glvo you some genuine bar
gains. Vo liavo one lino of fine fleece
lined balbrlggan, tho regular price of
which is 81.G0 a suit our prlc.o Is CO
cents a garment. Another line of
heavy Derby ribbed at 45 cents a gar
ment; the usual price is 31.25 to $1.50
a suit. Wo have a line of all wool
goods that are sold everywhere at 81.00
to $2.25 a suit. Our price Is 80 cents a
garment. We have a few broken lines
that wo are closing out atlcss than
Osburn's Racket Store
We aro still giving away that most
Interesting book "The Lost Shackle,
or Seven Years Wit i tho Indians,"
on tho purchase of $2 worth of goods,
at The Fair Store. You can't afford
to miss raiding It, or will send to any
address post paid on receipt of 25c.
O. P. Dauney.
221 Commercial street, Salem.
Kelkabkd, The local police olllccri
late Thursday evening arrcstt d a tnnii
who gave the name of CHrk, on sus
picion of having been implicated In
the recent Illllsboro burglaries. The
Washington county otllcials were
no tilled but this morning notified
Chief of Police Dllley that they did
not care for the prisoner. Clark was
released this morning but u charge of
peddling without a licenswas lodged
against him nnd to which he plead
guilty. Jlclng without money, he was
ordered to leave town Immedlatly,
which he did.
Tub Wuathbu. Tho forecast today
Is as follews: Thursday night and Fri
day rains. Temperature cooler.
Goes to Seattle. Mr. R. Par
gctcr, who has been operating tho R.
P. Dolce, dairy, has gone out of the
business and J. W. Leo takes the
place and will operate tho dairy for
Mr. Bolce. Mr. Pargcter has made a
largo clrclo of friends since his stay
at Salem, who wish him success In
any business he may enter. Mr. Par
gcter will remove his family to Seat
tle, where ho will enter somo kind of
Marlon county taxpayers arc Inter
ested In the assessment of their
property foj 181)7. As a general thing
Marion county suffer a raise of from
10 to 30 percent on her valuation at
the hands of the state board.
Of late years there has been a great
delay In the preparation of the assess
ment rolls, Marlon county's roll gen
erally getting before the state board
of tax equalizers about the time they
The state board of equalization
meets on the first Tuesday In Decem
ber. The rolls should bo perfect then.
The law requires the nssesor to re
port the assessment rolls to the
county court about tho 1st of Sep
tember for examination. Last year
It was Mulshed In the latter part of
Djtuibjr and went into the clerk's
hands too Lite to be copied In time for
the use of the state board.
The law gives the clerk (sec. 2788)
forty days to make a eel titled copy
for the UK! of the secretary of slate.
The county clerk this year Is trying
1 'i get a move on and, under the law of
P03, says it Is the duty of the asses
sor to return to the clerk the rolls by
September 1. The clerk was blamed
lust year for the delay but says he
will not be responsible this) ear If
the rolls are not out on time. He de
manded, the rolls of the assessor yes
terday and put a night force on of
ope reader, Launcclot Shaw, and two
writers, Win. Uabcock and Miss
Last year tho state board raised
personal property 2-3 per cent, but the
raise was Ignored by the county
authorities. Tho assessor says the
rolls will probably bo completed, as
far as iilsolllco Is concerned by tne
time the state board meats, the first
Tuesday In December. The rolls fori
I8U7 have not yet been before the
county court.
Tho delinquent roll for 1890 has no
penalty added. Notices hayo been
sen' this week to all delinquents, but
the order to advertise tho list has not
been made.
' Dr. J. R. Reader, of Ashland, has
been appointed by Gov". Lord a deto
nate to the national prison congress,
Austin, Texas.
Mr. Isaac Swctt, of Portland, re
ceived a notarial commission today.
Gov. Lord today appointed Geo. T.
Myers, of Portland, and Marshall J.
Kinney, of Artorla, as delegates to a
national fishery congress to bo held at
Tampa, Fla.. January, 10, 1893,
It is learned that the controversy of
a number of Portland people over the
question as to whom the supposed
$400, reward for the arrest of the train
robbers Geo. Jackon and Chas. Wil
liams has been practically settled by
the governor stating that he has not
offered the reward. It seems that a
Mrs. Hamilton first claimed that un
der a certain statute she was entitled
to $000 for hiving given (correct
Information which lead to the arrest
and conviction of tho O. R. & N.
train robbers referred to.
Later on Chief of Police P. J. JJarry
and detective Palric Malicr and Joseph
Riley all of Portland, who actually
made the arrest acting under the ad
vice and Information given by Mrs.
Hamilton, field their application for
$000. The application of the three
parties making arrest is roporled to
have been In good legal form and sup
ported by necessary affidavits and
other papers showing that they ac
tually maue arrest and that toe met
were actually convicted ana .en
tenccd to long terms In the peniten
An Investigation was then undo to
see whether Gov. Lord had ever of
fered the reward. No proclamation
or other record of such offer could be
found. The secretary of state then
refused to draw a warrant for tho
$000 and the state of Oregon was Just
six hundred dollars ahead.
How the people of Oregon do enjuy
paying $80,000 ii year Interest or. I heir
own inline !
The new "bike" ordinance at Eu
gene allows doctors and officers to ride
on tho sidewalks. All others must
lako the road. How Is that for "class
legislation ?"
flrynn represents the peopje.
The Hryan party Is the people's
The people can get no reforms but
through the Hryan party.
Who Can Tell?
Tc following question Is asked by
a JutMiNAL subscriber. Who can
answer It? "Who can tell the ludlan
sport the name of which commences
with S K It? The three blanks
represent letters to be supplied.
1 , j Gitiv4:iir ntorhl. we
m To every purchaser of S5 or over at our counters ttom Mcmuy - i -tg
y v will give a very pretty
Glass, Salt and Pepper Set
Consisting of 4 pieces,
an ornament to any table. In addition to this libcrabl offer we
are selling goods at bed-rock,
Capes and Jackets
Probate Court.
As gardlan of the person and estate
of Cameron Pendleton, a minor, G,
M. Settlemler today filed an account
with the county clerk showing the
receipts to have been $309 and the
disbursements $149.05 lnaylng a bal
aece on hand of $153.95..
G. It. Goln. T. A. Cooper and U. G.
Holt, as appialscrs of the estate of
Lulu and Katio Junes, minors, today
tiled their Inventory of the estate with
County Clerk Ehlen. Tha valve of
eacu girrs propercy is tne same
Of Interest to Subscribers.
The cheap ad. column, "Wanted,
etc.," has now a splendid position on
the inside local and social news page.
City subscribers who receive the
paiier by pony carrier are requested to
put up a coveted box, high enough
and mi located that the boy can put
the papers In without rolling It up.
It U much nicer to read and easier to
Our readers are requested to bring
In notices of religion-., fraternal and
wcliil gatherings and personals about
their families, friends and visitors.
The htmic and social news or Oregon
N given a large space dally and espec
ially Saturday.
The Jouhval. lalxirs to make ad
vertisements piolltable, and Is solici
tor to haycevery legitmate business
succeed. Change your ads, often and
put In what the people are Interested
In. PeoDle hunt for "live" ads.
Our real estate deparenient brings
many inquiries from Intending buyers
and sellers, and while we are not In
the real estate business, all corres
pondence Is cheerfully forwarded.
The Journal wrote up the hypno
tic window show for Prol. McEwan
simply as a matter of local news.
He has had full houses ever since.
At grrat reductions,
We arc very desirous of closing out our remaining stock and arc
bffcring them at cut prices,
Lower than the lowest, Get our prices before purchasing,
Blankets and Quilts
In endless variety and all grades, We will save you money in this line,
Dress Goods
Wc arc always showingnovcl ics, Call and
(U New goods arrive daily in this department
sec our prises before buying'
Itov. J Mucllhaupt went to Crab
tree this morning.
Miss Llla Terrell Is visiting In Me
hatna for a few days '
Mrs W. C. Hawloy and children re
turned today from Albany.
David Scott left this afternoon for
Vancouver, Jl. O., wlicro ho will join
his parents.
Peter Illlcy, of Albany, was In the
city today, enrouto to Gcrvals to at
tend tho funeral of his brother-in-law
which will bo hold Saturday.
Prof. R. A. Heritage und Prof. Ed
ward B. Fleck, of tho W. U. musical
college, went to Coryallls this morn
ing where they will glvo a musical re
cital this evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. II. Titus, of
Lawson. Mo, aro In tho city, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Finch.
They arc looking over tho country
and thinking of locating here.
Editor J. II. Fletcher of the Inde
pendent, went to Jefferson today
whero ho will deliver a lecture this
evening on "Tilling the Soil," He
was accompanied by his son Alfred
Miss Katharine and Richard Par
ker, her brother, left last night for
Salt Lake City. Miss Parker for sev
crai monms uas ucco employed as
typo writer in the ofllce of City Re
corder Edes and goes to Utah In search
of better health.
Mr.aud Mrs. iTltua, of Missouri,
arevlUllngR. II. Finch and family
on East State street. They will prob
ably mako their future homo In Salem.
Mr. Titus Is a thrifty young business
man, and would bo a good acquisition
to our city.
Wkatiikr Signals. Mr. Anderson
has been recently engaged by the
Friedman -Bankrupt store, and will
hereafter keep posted In front of that
placo tho latest forecasts, signals and
charts of the weather. Dlrcctcommu
nlcatlon Is had with the government
signal service, and theso reports will
bo tho best there is, free to the
A Popular Tjiino. TJie local
Chamber of Commcrco Is moving
along quite nicely and will proyc n
popular organization, but It can not
become- moro popular than the old,
and rcllablo grocery firm of Dranson
&Co. Their goods defo successful
Slate, county and city orders taken
at the market price for goods at the
New York Racket. 2d-lw
Easily Found. Although re
nioovcd from Its old stand, Strong's
restaurant Is easily found by Its many
patrons. They all appreciate the
meals served there and arc land In
their praise of the management and
the courteous and conscientious treat
ment accorded them.
You can alwaysgetbarglns In cloth
ing, boots and shoes and rubber goods
at tho New York Racket. Call and
sec them. 2d lw.
salmon belly
at Stelncr's
Take a Minutk For careful
thoughtful consideration before buy-
log a cigar. Yu want an aitl.lo that
wlll.giyo perfect satisfaction at a
reasonable expenditure, Try the 10
cent La Corona.
Yarn or all goods at last yiara
prices at tho New York Racket.
Another big line of those cotton
47c up.
Fine assortment of stamped dollies,
splashers, tray-scarfs, etc etc.
7c up.
Lines of children's wool union suits.
65c up,
Rubber shoes, eta, at lowest racket
prices, same as all tho rest of m
3c Tablets in Abundance,
Wiggins' Bazaar,
307 Commercial Street.
Stock Going Rapidly In the Salem Cham
ber of Commerce.
Tho committee on soliciting stock
subscriptions for the Salem Chamber
of Commerce are working hard to. get
the sixty shares of stock taken.
This forenoon the committee, com
posed of C. P. Bishop, II. G. Sonne-
mann and F. It. Anson hud secured
two-thirds of th? stock subscriptions
at $5 each, ;all paid up. They were
still hard ut It this afternoon and
hopeful raising the entire sixty shares.
Tho subscribers aro all well known
Salem business men who have every
thing at stake In this county.
C. P. lllshop, Woolen Mill store.
II G.Sonncman, grocer.
F. It, Anson, electric car Co.
E. P. McCornack, banker
I. L. Patterson, grocer,
J. II. Albert, banker.
S. A. Rlggs, capitalist
J. J. Dalrymple, drygoods
G. W. Johnson, clothier.
S. W. Thompson Jeweler.
A. N. Moores lumbar.
Capital Journal.
Patton llros.
Gray llros. hardware.
E. A. Pierce, physician.
F. T. Wrlghtuian, sheriff.
Geo. P. Hughes, grocer.
Geo. F. Rogers, state hinder,
Jefferson Meyers, rcalestatc,
J. 11. T. Tuthlll.
0. D. Gubrlclsuu.
Thomas, Watt & Co., brokers.
13. II. Flagg, printer.
Statesman Pub. Co.
G. I. Stahl & Co., real estate.
S. M. Stock Si Co., dry goods, r
E. S. Lamport, saddler. ; .
It. M. Wade & Co., hardware.
Duren & Hamilton, furniture.
Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co.
E. T. Barnes, racket store
T. Holverson, dry goods.
F. 5. Derby, roal estate.
TC. F. Parkhurst, Insurance.
J. M. Kyle, fruit and produce
A. B. Stelnbach & Co., clothing,
J. M. Wallace, water works.
McCrow Sc Steusloff, butchers.
Ilozorth Bros., Insurance.
Jos, Meyers & Son, drygoods.
Wcstacott Si Irwin, restaurant.
T. L. Davidson, capitalist.
What Dr. A. E. Salter Says.
Buffalo, N. V. Gen s: .From my perc
ional knowledge, gained in observing the ef
fect of jour hlnlolrs Cure in cases of advanced
Con.umption, lam prepared to say it is the
most remarkable Remedy that has ever been
Jrought lo my attention. It has certainly
aved many from Consumption. Sold by D.
I ry.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet
breath secured with Shiloh's Catarro tltemed v
sold on a guarantee. Nasal injec or free
Sold by D. J. Fry.
Call For County Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all warrants pre
sented prior to Nov. 0 1890, and In
terest will cease on tho same from
the date of this notice.
Dated Nov. 3, 1897.
G. L. Brown.
11 3 lwd&w. County Treasurer.
He Not Deceived! A Couch. I.llorscncss or
Croup aro not to be trifled with. A dose in
time ofSliilo's Curo will save vou much
rouble. Sold by 1). J. Fry.
WANTED.-1-A younc man to serve an ap.
prenticeship as watchmaker and jjwelerer
or student in optics. Reference lequheil.
Inquire at C. II. Hinges', 30S Commercial
street. 11 12 6t
FREoCOTT. Thursday, Nov. 11,
1897. at the family home on Mill
street, Salem, to Mr. aud Mrs. A.
W. Prescott, a daughter.
Funeiial. Samuel Fletcher, nf
McCoy arrived in the city this morn
ing from Los Angeles, to be present
at the funeral of hW wife, which was
held at the family home this after;
noon at 1 o'clyck- Mr. und Mrs. M.
L. Chamberlain and Chas. Weller rela
tives of deceased were among those
from Salem who attended the funeral.
Commercial st
Telepone No, 112
i"N -0trN t P!50rV
State ofOhio, City op Toledo, ) ..
Lucas County, i88
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
lie is the senior partner of the lirm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the Citv of Toledo. County and State
aforesaid, and that said lirm will pay '
the sum bf one hundred dollars for
each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's (
caiarrn uure.
F. J. Cheney.
Swopn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, thlsGth day of De
cember, A. D. 1890.
A. W. Gleason,
Seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally and acts directly on the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
tSTSoldbyDruggists, "5c.
Winter Sboee
Are the proper thing, We
have an immense stock on
See our men's heavy sole, box calf, at $3,50- It's a corker.
Also ladies', in button or lace, $2,50,
i-j2i nd
k 4-
X P. 3.
2G3 Commercial at.
Now Is the
This stcck rnuat be sold out tc make room for my
Holiday Books. Notice my show window.
ill rrrj sirs rxiz zxzi r
Stoves and Tinware !
Aluminum aud Granitewaro,
Points and Oils, nud Dynamite
248 Commercial st, SALEM, OREGON
How flbodf an
Overcoat op
Mackintosh ?
Free Excursion
A Snap in Underwear , , f
menf 'SndalMet!rU " draWCr"' worth "N0"' on,y H a ar'
Those 4(Mnch Novelties , , ,
l Iff" firesa goods ut 25 cents a yard aro tho finest In town for tho price,
bell ng vrell too. Comoonlf you want u good selection. Wo liavo a beauti
ful lloo of dress goods at-all prices up to i.25u yard.
Rain Protectors ,
Our bargains In i umbrellas and uiacklnUwhes mako tho people talk,
have a full lino of girls' mackintoshes, doublo texture, dotachablo capes.
Dry Feet
i..i ArS t0lnA ,n our r.uuii!ew and rubber boots. A bg lino of rubber goods at
Wp.kwlwfor-cash.-airlng your shoo repairing to u. llcst work at
wsc prices wjk
December Patterns t
Awl fashion sheet now In. Call aud get
JfattofM ar tho bait and cheapest,
i t
your choice.
romivie bros, &. oo.
Canvass telescope and leather satch
clatthe"evv Yorc Racket. 2d-lw.
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is heioby given that there
are funds on hand applicable to the
Saytuenls all warrants uf the city of
alem, endorsed un or Iwfore April 20,
181K1, drawn unou tho general fund
Pleaso present raid warrants for pay
ment at Ladd & flush bank, as Inter
ested on same will cease from the date
of this notice.
A. A. Luk,
City Treasurer.
Saloni, JJqv. 10, S97. Jut
Karl' Clover Kool Tct, lor Cuortlpatioa
it's the licit and if after uilng (it you don't
tay to, , return the package ami get your
money. Sold by D, J, Fry.
Examination Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that tho reg
ular quarterly examination for teach
ers' certificates for Marlon county will
bo held at Salem, beginning at 1 p. ui.
Wednesday. Nov. 10, 1607.
Q. W. Jones,
School KupU Marlon County.
11 2-W-w-d
To Cute a Cold.m Uno Day
Take Laxative Uroino Qulnluo Tab
lets. All druggists refund tho money
if it falls to cure. Hie.
In order to enable our bumerou fritadi and customers to'pay us a visit
and examine our new store, with Its entirely new stock, we bare concluded
to give them an opportunity of doing o bee of cost. Our plan is thisi
, Every one visiting our store from Marion county, who males a purchase
amounting to twenty dollars or more and presenting a copy of this ad, will
have his railrcad fare from his railroad station. Including Salem and all
poiuu nrth, refunded by us.
To assure these who are not acquainted with our bouse be beg leave to say
that we hare but
and that the lowest. Alt oai e.cods are marked In plain figures. Our
stock Is entirely new and has been carefully selected by our Mr. lien Sell
tng, and we sell only atVQPOLAR TRICES,
Moyer Clothing Co.
1$ :j-
1 t ''', ."-Vii .... I A TJt 1 Un
Wi S. HLcryiertED 1000 B
i 5EL
Syr 7v
Ay? A
cm A i
$ J Jill
M L Jr and up,
m Vfnr
Sa? OoprrUMIWrbr
I CHAS, S. RIELY, Manager f
IvN alssslB
Wc start at $2.50 for boys', and S3 for men's
Wchave better grades that are guaranteed
$6 io $16.50.
Very busy in this department, Wc mention overcoats when
ever we can, We're fixed to please every want, and new goods
goods coming in every day. Prices
$8, $io. $12,50, $15, $18, $20
Also Full Line of Bike Capes.
Just the thing for these rainy days.
tt Cowwarplnl irtreit.
Thocflharyifl)o4uaahoe house.
Third atv.0v.kSt,