Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 12, 1897, Image 2

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    ., M-Mm-r-r-J,M,,Maw
k ii
- 4
: Pancake Flour.
The season for this pclicious breakfast food is ;hercj iahd! wc
have UhJUU,
.Pure Buckwheat Flour,
Aunt Jamima Pancake Floury r , ,rf .,:,
Heckers' SelivRising Flour, "
and several kinds of maple syrup to cat them with,
H, G, SONNEMANN, Grocer!
124 State Street,
Daily Capital Journal
FRIDAY, NOV. is, I897.
Afowyearsngo tlio United States
coast and geodetic survey made n
series of six months observations on
tlio Yukon river, not far from tlio
Klondike. As tticso observations ex
tended from October to April, tliclr
records afford a rcllublo test of the
winter cllmato which may bo ex
pected by persons going Into that
country. Tlio average temperature
for October was 33 above zero; for
November, 8 above zero; December, 11
below zero; January, 17 below zero;
February, 15 below zero; March, 0
above zere: and April, 20 above zero.
For JC8 sdaya tho temperature re
mained below tlio freezing point.
The lowest temperatures registered
during the winter were; November, 32
bclowzcro; December, 17 below zero;
January, 59 below zero; February, 55
below zero; March, 15 below zero; and
Aprll, 20 below zero. Tho greatest
continuous cold occurred In February,
whon the averago for live days was 47
below zoro,
' In tlio'Klondlko region, in midwin
ter, the mm risen from 5::t0 to 10 a. in,,
and sets from 1 to 3 p. In. In Juno
the dun rises about 1:30 In the morn
ing, and sets about !) p. ,in giving
abuut20 hours of daylight and four
hours' of twilight,
Writing with refcronco to theso records,-Professor
Willis L.Moore, chief
of the weather bureau, says:
"Alaska Is a land of striking con
trasts, both In cllmato and topography,
When tho sun shines, tho atmosphere
Is remarkably clear, tlioscoclooiTccts
aromagnlllclcnt, all nature seems to
bo In holiday attire. Hut tliosccno
may chango very quickly; Tho sky be
comes overcast, tho winds tncrcaso In
force, rains begin to fall, tho over
greens sigh ominously, and utter des
olation and loneliness prevail."
Some Idea of tho size of AlaBka may
bo formed when It Is known that It
contains an area of 677,390 square
miles. This Is more than twlco tho
area of Texas, Twclvostutcs UiobIzo
of Pennsylvania could bo carved out
of tho Territory of Alaska, with
enough left over to mako a stato illko
South Carolina.
As The Journal predicted, Mr,
Scqtt, editor of tho Oregonlan, makes
an editorial correction of his state
ment that Mayor Taggart of Indian
npolls Is not a silver man:
"In October last tho Oregonlan
stated that Thomas Taggurt, who
had been ro elected mayor of Indian
apolis, was not a frco-sllvorlst. It
had tho statement from an Indiana
mail, who professed to know. Hut u
man named Scaburg, of Ilwaco, Wash
wroto to Taggart to find out, and
Taggart answers that ho Is a sliver
limn and supported llryau. Tlio Ore
gonlau regrets Its unintentional error,
not because it lsa matter of great
lmpprtanco wbother Taggart Is a
sllverlet or not, but because It wishes
always to be accurate In Its state
that arc not very robust nd" a
warming, building and fat-forming
food something to be used for two
or t&ree months In the fall that
tfcey may not suffer from cold.
ftCad-Livcr Oil wk Hypof&oc
pMUc of Lime and Sad supplies
wgiHr what Hiey wft. They
fM. tMvty grow stamg aad be
weX att winter on tfefe splendid food
fcwtfc. Nearly att of, mem become
vary food of It. Far adult who
ar not rtey wrong, a
cow of tmtwwnt with
the EmuhsW for' a couole
of iwwlk 1m tkc fall wiU
9m tfuHH-tfcravgh the
white in Ww4-elM con
Hfefn Ask your doctor
about this.
U tit SCOTT'S FmilklaA. Sm lK.1 flu
M mmtttmi UK, M4 ln.es.
-.,-. ..
ments. Mr. Scaborg publishes Tug
gart's letter to himself, -jnd abundant
Vituperation and scurrility of his own
directed against the Oregonlan. after
tho mannor of tho whole race of
wordy and shallow silver fanatics."
Tho people arc getting their eyes
opened to the fact that the suit to
compel Secretary of Stale Klncald to
audit bills and Issuo warrants was
only a scheme of the warrant specula
tors to tax the people of Oregon 8 per
cent for two years on their own state
taxes already paid and collected. The
real promoters of the suit were Morse
& Whitehead, a Pad lie coast tlrm who
deal In stato and county warrants.
Of course, they will bring no suit to
compel the treasurer toenail thc-war-rcnts.
Tho Tammany machine wing
of the supremo court would declare
that unconstitutional. The people
have not yet got through with that
part of the supreme court.
Senator McBrldo has telegraphed
that ho has had the war departments
determination about the building of a
lock In tho Yamhill river revcrscd.and
that the lock will now bo built as
planned by tho engineering depart
ment and the appropriations will bo
expended according to tho act of con
Now why can't tho Oregon delega
tion get the work started at Yaquina
Pay? Tho government has invested
tlirco millions there and yet tho war
department practically orders work
abandoned. Yet Yaquina Bay Is the
competing freight harbor that saves
each year to thopcoplo of wostorn Or
egon and even Portland hundreds of
thousands of dollars In freight.
Thk Weekly Journal Is rapidly
gaining In circulation. It is an eight
page paper, hascntorcd upon Its eighth
volume, and contains the most com
plete collection of news uf nny $1.
Weuicly published In Oregon.
The coming city election should
force an lssuo over tho management
of Salem city finances. Under former
administration warrants were at par,
only 8 mills tax was levied and ex
penses were kept below receipts,
Now 10 mills tax Is levied, Insuranco
taxes and other taxes arc Increased,
higher priced olllcers are employed,
yet all city paper draws 8 per centand
warrants are shaved all tho year
around. The $5,000 duo from nn In
solvent bank Is not collected and
probably will not bo. In tho coming
chango of council and election of a
new city treasurer tlio Swallord
bondsmen will probably slip out.
Tho suggestion that a llryau man be
put up and elected treasurer on a citi
zen's ticket Is meeting with consider
able favor. It Is certain that tho
Republican machlno has no Intention
of putting Salem city finances In order
and iia Republican deserves to bo
eleotcd treasurer.
New Youic, Nov. 12. A dispatch
to tho Herald from Havana says:
Correspondence Just received from
tho Herald's correspondent In Puerto
Prlnclpo states that an open mutiny
of Spanish soldlors ocourcd there ro
ceutly, Tho mutiny developed Into
a conflict In tho streets between tho
commanding olllcers ami tho troops,
Tho soldiers mutiued because rations
were Insufficient and thoy could got
uo pay,
Rich Gold Strike.
Deahwoop, S. D., Nov. 12. At a
depth of 150 feet In the new workings
of tho Hawkeyo uiiqukPlutn gulch,
two miles from Dead wood, 11 body of
free milling gold ore has been struck,
vrUlch showed an assay value of 91,050
In gold.
Cloakmakcrs Out,
Kkw Yomc, Nov. 12. Three hun
dred cloakmakcrs InFrccdman Broth
ers' shop struck by order of tho
Brotherhood of cloakmakcrs. Yester
day 1500 operatives In outside shops
supporting Frcodman Brothers went
on a strike.
Htranded Steamer Floated,
Glasgow, Nov, 12. Tlio anchor
lino Ktcauier, which wont lulioreat
tho entrance tn the Firth of Clyde,
proves to be the Pcrulu, from Liver
pool to UIubcow. A anticipated she
was floated at tuldulght.and proceeded
to bertLMtluatlon,
iiinii, J (I
The Guldcnsuppe and Luct
gert Trialsr
-m "Ma
Is No
More. a Question Luetgert
Case Thrown Up,
Nmv York, Nov. 12 District 'At
torney William J. Youngs and W. F.
Howe, counsel for Martin Thome,
hcle a cosultatlon last night to ascer
tain when tho Thornc trlrl would be
brought to an end.
"Since you have decided not to
cn.sexainiiic our wl'.necss who wen;
put on the stand to establish the fact
that the body at the morgue is that
of William Guldcnsuppe," said Mr.
Youngs, "I should say that wb might
close the cae by the end of this week.
How long will ll take you to put In
your defunse, Mr. Howe ?" "Less than
a day," replied Mr. Howe. "That is
all tho time I want. Put I don't
want to finish tho case this week. I
think that will be time enough."
"Arc you sure that It will not take
you more than ono day to mit In your
sldcof the case?" asked Mr Young In
"That's all" replied Mr. Howe. "It
may take you a week to examine all
tho witnesses for the prosecution, but
It will take me les than one day to
convince the jury that Martin Thornc
Is Innocent. Why, the testimony of
Mrs. Nackhas more than strength
ened our case. Wc admit that the
body at the morgue Is that of Wil
liam Guldcnsuppe; wc admit that
Guldcnsuppe was killed, but wo shall
nrovc to thin court and Jury that It
was Mrs. Nack who killed him."
"Posh! bosht" said Mr. Youngs.
"Thorno will be convicted,"
"Not at all," replied the lawyer.
"Mrs. Nack admitted on the witness
stand that she lured Guldcnsuppe to
Woodslldc; that -slic bought the oil
cloth before tho man was dead, and
wcjhavc found the pistol with which
she did the killing."
"How Is that" asked Mr. Youngs.
"Why, "'answered Howe, "sho killed
lilm with Guldeiisuppc's own pistol.
It was the pistol tlio detectives found
at her house, tho same pistol she
Identified in court today. Just watch
us. Tlio Jury Is with us and I can as
sure you' that Martin Thorno will bo
Mrs. Nack's Confession,
New Yomc, Nov. 12.- Itoy. It. P.
II. Mills, pastor of the First Presby
terian church of Ilavcnswood, L. I.,
to whom It IS alleged Mrs. Nack made
her confession, says ho did not at
tempt to work on tho woman's feelings
nshas been alleged, Mr. Mills said
that during his first visit to the Jail
Mrs. Nack ridiculed his religion, but
that he kept on preaching In tho Jail
Sunday last he took as his text
"Those who claim him, yet I will
trust." 'During the sermon Mr. Mills
said that he noticed that Mrs. Nack
was greatly agitated and was crying,
and when ho had finished, ho says,
she-same to him and told him that
she wanted to confess tho murder.
Mr. Mills says that he told her that
ho did not care to hoar the confession,
but told lior to pray. Sho got down
on her knees and prayed and later sho
told him that tho prayer had greatly
relieved her and that a great load had
been lifted from her mud, He then
lefl her without hearing the confes
sion, He says that on Tuesday Mrs. Nack
sent for him, and that when hoarrlvcd
at tho Jail alio uoufessed the crimo to
him In nil Its details.
Heart Trouble Quickly Cured,
A Oottvluclnc Testimonial.
Uu Eli Kuht.
"For 19 yaara I sutTvrod from heart trou
ble. During that time I waa treated by
flvo different physicians. All ot thorn
Claimed that I could not X curat I was
Croatly troubl(l with shortne ot broath,
palpltatlun ami polo in tlio aide. It I bo
came excited, or exerted mytelf la tho toast,
tho pain In my side bocama very sovere. At
time It wowed a though twjiej vtr shoot
no(Arxutf)tiy(U Sometime la the month
ot November it, I cwatnontod taking
and slnco then I havo Improved steadily,
I can uovr sleep on, toy l(t sldo, something I
had never been able to da before, I can
walk without being fatigued, and am tn
mucfc t(Ur htoii than fver txur, I would
recommend all tuttcrers from heart trouble
to try Dr. MIW luvaluabla remedy without
delay " MIS3 ELLA. UORTZ,
SU Wright BU, Milwaukee. WU.
Tr. Mlloallsart Cnroli told on a pAsltlra
ruarauloo thai the Art buttle will Veuettb
AirdruKgUusoIUtatU, bottles lortt. or
Dr. AWm' Hurt Cw 3
Induced by the uso of coca, opiate or nar
cotic compounds Is bad, decidedly bad.
They undermine health and shatter the
constitution and the patient Is steadily
growing Into a worse condition often
resulting In the Jerrlblo slavery and
misery ot the cocaine and opium habit.
Bleep Induced by the use of Hood's Sana-
parllla docs not perhaps come ns quickly,
bnt It cornea more sorely and more per
manently through nature'a great restor
ing and rejuvenating channel purified,
vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds
tho nerves with life-giving energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from tho very foundation of all health
and lifo the" blood pure, rich, rod blood.
Is tlio One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. $1
t-r,t- r!ii- curellverllls.easjrtotake,
nOOCl S 1JII1S eaiy to operate, ascents.
Seriously III.
New York, Nor. 12 The trial of
Martin Thorno may be discontinued
for an Indefinite period, owing to the
Illness of Juror Larson. When court
adjourned, doctors who axamlned the
Juror thought he was only suffering
from slight stomach trouble, at d
would be able to attend court. It was
discovered that Larson was affected
with appendlctls, and his condition Is
so serious that physicians attending
him will not allow him to leave his
Captala Mothvcn brought Thorne
Into the court room. The prisoner
was looking none tho worse for his
ordeal of yesterday. Judge Smith en
tered a few minutes latcrand District
Attorney Young Informed him of the
scriout condition of Juror Larson, and
with the consent of tho lawyers on
both sides, Judge Smith adjourned
court until today.
Threw Up the Case.
Chicago, Nov. 12. At the confer
ence held between Attorney Phalen
and Adolph L. Luetgert, tho sausage
maker, the latrcr uavc to his attorney
the original letter of withdrawal re
ceived from ex-Judge Vincent and a
copy of his reply to the same. The
letter follow.
"Cijicago,Nov, 10. Adolph L.
Luetgert. Dear Sir Confirming our
conversation of today, 1 desire to say
that, without reference to any other
reasons, It seems to mo the radical
differences of opinion between us In
regard to the proper method and man
ner of conducting your second trial
mako It Imperative for me to with
draw from your case, and hence I -express
the desire to do so. The request
Is, of course, no surprise to you, and
I will be obliged to .you If you will
confirm In writing what you said to
mo about it.
Yours truly,
William A. Vincent."
"CincAao, Nov. 10. Hon. W. A.
Vincent. Dear Sir Your letter an
nouncing your withdrawal from my
case is at mind, and In rcnly permit
mo to say that 1 regret very much to
have you go. With my acceptance of
your determination to withdraw, I
extend you my heartfelt thanks for
your able and faithful services ren
dered In my behalf during ihe trial
Just closed. Respectfully,
"ApolvhL. Leutqekt."-
"It Is not true thqb there was a dis
pute between Lcutgrct and Judge
Vlnclnt," said Attorney Phalen,
"There were no hard feelings and no
loud talk. Of course there was al
ways more or less disagreement as to
details, and this latter fact, In con
nection with the fact that Judge Vln
cent's private business has been al
lowed to sutler too long Is the cause of
the withdrawal."
George Memorial Fund,
New Yokk, Nov, 12 W.J. Bayan
has contributed $1000 to tho Henry
GcorgeJ memorial fund. lie tele
graphed that It gavohlm great pleas
ure to add his namo to tho subscrlr
tlon roll. Many of tho subscrlntlons
liavocomo In from children. It has
been Jdcclded to mako the Henry
George Memorial fund a popular one.
That all may do so, a popular sub
scrlptlon ot ten cents has been tlxed.
Detective Kills a Preacher.
Columiiia. S. C, Nov. 12. Detcc
tivo Nowhcad, of tho stati force, look
ing after violations of tho whiskey
law, shot and killed Itcv. J. W. Tur
ner, a llaptlst preacher, on suspicion.
Turner was driving to this city, and
was commanded by tho detcctlvo to
halt. He did not halt promptly and
was shot ,Tho detective has lied to
escape being llnuhed.
fatal Result of a (Quarrel,
GLKNDivK,;Mont Nov. 12. Thomas
Wilson, residing near a ranch two
miles north ot this city, was shot and
Instantly killed yesterday morning by
Antlrow liruwn, a neighbor. Tho
shooting resulted from a quarrel bo
tweou tho two men over tho cutting
of timber.
Derailed and Burned,
Looisvnj.K, Ky., Nov. 12. A pas
senger train 011 the Louisville, llend
orsoti fi SU Louis mail, was u n.l ,
nnd entlrrly cotiMimed hy Uro at 4
this morning, nlno miles from Louis
ville. No lives wero Unit, am so far
as knowo uo ono was seriously la
Jurvd, Tho los. will lie heavy.
A largo wildcat vu killed a few
miles mil from Arlington, by Joe irbr
who knocked tho aulmafoff' a clc--
phono polo Willi a rock, aud out Its
throat wltll a Juck-kplfe,
Eugene Is haying an art loan exhi
bition. People are surprised atttic
fine display.
A tram load of hogs and cattle were
shipped from Hcpncr Wednesday to
Seattle, Wn.
TTfc corner stone of the new Kpl"
copal church or the Redeemer was
laid at Pendleton latt Tuesday.
Two carloads of fine work mules
were loaded at Arlington, Wednesday.
They will bo shipped to Memphis,
The long-expected resignation of
Zoeth Houseras sheriff of Umatilla
county was tiled with the county clerk
In Pendleton, Monday.
Edmund D. Judklns aged about 75
years, or .Eugene aiea tveanasnuy.
neleaysonedaughtcr and two sons
besides numerous relellves.
A site has been cho-en for a G rman
Lutheran church in Mcdfoid. The J
building will be 21x30 feet, and work I
on It will be commenced soon.
II. B. Miller has ready for shipment
over 40 carloads of Oregon apples,
in valley points which will go to
eastern and Mountain stites.
J. B. Iluntly, who lives near La
Grande, trapped a cinnamon bear In
his orchard that weighs 200 pounds.
The bear wss stealing apples.
A pension has bem granted Wood
bury Whlttcmore, of Portlond; Rich
ard D. Pclque, Pertland: and increase
to Jeremiah Doherty, The Dalles,
Mrs. F. B. Blackley, died at her
homo en the McKlnzle, on November
9. 1897. Aged 76 years, 10 months
and 20 days. Came to Oregon In 35.
A suit has been filed In the circuit
court at Illllsboro by Charles P.
Bacon agatnst J. W. and W. S. Law
yer for $100 damages and possession of
235 acres of land.
Tho city marshal and night watch
man, at Coryallls, had a fight, the
latter claiming that the marshal
stood In with the thugs in the city.
The marshal whlpncd the night
watchman qulto severely,
Mr. A. S. Bennett has filed a suit
for damages against the Oregon Short
Line railroad for $20,000 Injury done
his wife, and his wife also sues for
$30,000 for the helpless condition she
is now In.
The town council of Klamath
Falls has reduced the salary of the
marshal to $20 per month. The treas
urers report showed a balance of $31 80
on the treasury and $102.50 worth of
warrants outstanding.
The Inland Telephone Company has
a large force of men at work, at IIcp-
pner putting In poles. The work of
otrlnging wire has begun and the line
will bo pushed forward as fast as pos
sible to Arlington.
Irvine Patton, colored, and Nate
Nolan, both of Cornollus, were ar
raigned before Justice. Hicks of Illlls
boro charged with haying forcibly
taken $175 from Isaac. Allen at Cor
nelius on the 0th Inst.
Mrs. Zoeth nouser, wife of
States Marshal Houser, of Pendleton,
suffered a stroke of paralysis at an
early hour this morning. Her right
side Is eircctcd, and she Is unable to
speak. Her condition is regarded as
serious, but tho attending physician
has hopes of her recovery.
The special committee appointed to
Investigate the prices charged for
water by the Corvalls Water Co,
made his repoit to the city council
Monday night. The report says the
water rates are too high, and recom
mends that, In case the company re
fuses to reduoo them, nu ordinance bo
passed by the council, regulating them
for the futuro.
Word has reached Long Creek that
on andaftor July 1, 1898, there will
bo a dally mall service between Long
Creek and Pendleton. Active efforts
have been made for several months
past to secure the establishment of
this service. Heretofore the only
outlet for mall matter from Long
Creek has been by way Heppner,
and It required a day and a half for a
letter to come or go to cither point.
Monday evening, In The Dalles, a
lot of little boys, who had been watch
ing the men blasting on the railroad,
concluded they would do u little blast
ing. They bought some powder, and
mado a mine, loaded it with powder.
It did not explode as they desired and
Theodore Prlnz, about 8 years old,
thought he would hasten it, as he got
to the mine M12 powder went oil, the
full force of tho charge striking him
in the face. His oyolashes and hair
woro singed, and the skin on his face
badly burned. It Is thought his eye
sight has not been Injured.
Two spirits stand by
y uauy-s cradle
;oou spirit arid a
Lfoou and bad
aitinir for him at
ins very start lu life.
Which will get him?
t lie aiicei ot cheertul
ness and health or the
evil spint of mtsfort'
une ami disease?
The mother who
brings bcr baby into
tne worm under un
favorable conditions,
almost Hands mm ovei
to misfortune. She
ought to be strong and
well herself -when the
baby comes. Circum
stances are not always
lavorauie 10 tuts, nut
Dr. Pierce'i Favorite
Prescription will help
her every time. It
Kives strewrth and
tone and elasticity to
uie maternal organs
nnd tnmver Ami 3,a1
Hy to the nerve-centres. Taken early
Wnlle the baby is expected It completely
relieves motherhood of its unnatural
dangers apd excessive pain, and makes
It the ioy and comfort that it ought to be.
It is the only remedy that can be abso
lutely reljed on o cure "female com-
la a letter to Dr. Merce. Mrs. Emma Cromlcr,
or Antnoitun, Hcndrnou Co.. Ky , writes- "Be
fore leJtlnr your ' Fvorlle rmcrlMton 1 h4
mUcarrledjwIc. tnd lncc Uklur ft have riven
birth to a fine healthy boy who U the prl3e of
m houKbou. Dcidelhl my monthly periods
uwd to be accompanied with terrible Mat aud
uaeaiiaea and crmtupa, and your medicine cured
that. I can truthfully ur that on iwtt a.
'faMtit yreacriptign ' 5l4 roe more pjod tan
our family physician did in i moalhaT"
Por chronic luno and throat affections
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
marvelously successful remed
uru 9.H per 1
will cure
wn wi per cent. 01 an cases 01
tion If taken in time. It is the most
wonderful blood-nuker and flesh-builder
in the world.
U euro where doctors
a, r
p.W PpUtv,
for Infants and Children.
The Eac-simile Signature of
Appears on Every Wrapper.
Bargains in Business and RealJEstate for
Home Seekers,
Lands and town lots wero never so low in
price as at present. The advanco in firms
has begun in the eastern states and will be
gin to be felt here before 1S9S. Many people
who want to own a home in the country or
in some town ore looking lor location. To
brinj together home seekers and 'hose having
property to sell we have decided to open a
real estate department where our subscribers
can list their properly with lowest cash price
and a brief descript'oi and inquirers will be
directed to the owrcr. There will be no ex
pense beyond the y je ol The Daily Jour
nal, at $3 a year, ujd actual expense lor cor
respondence and Fiutcgc.
Head over the following lists:
Four blocks from Lincoln school house,
fine residecce half.block in Salem with
piivile e of enclosing half of street, city water
fine fruit trees, if sold within three months
for S300. A bargain as it commands beauti
lul view.
Hardware store and stock and 20 acres of
land at good town in Douglas county, lo
trade for larm property in Linn county
Nnrbershop, two chairs and four baths,
pnying business complete equipment, three
year lease at low rent, $500
Twenty room hotel and barn lots, store
building, postoflice and blacksmith shoo, 200
acres, $8000.
Same hotel and ten acres, $5000.
,1 Hotel with room for fortv neonle feed
muui unu uur Duuaings $2,500.
Unimproved land near Seal Rods 24o
Old Kintr Cole
Was a merrie old soul
And he knew a thing or two;
For he chewed Piper Heidsieck all his life,
And so did his subjects, too.
Lsger andf Better"
The New Pive-Cent Piece of
Newest, BrishtestBest.
u J?6,!? n.nesiee,btlw.b.erTJ,'PT"tJ.J''Sle two years. Prolific Uartr. fine heart
shaped, bright scarlet red berrieMvery early. Clusters grow on medium .hort Items 'out ol
danger of jou when blooming Fine, strong plants, delivered at ll.i. office or n to Lv
address at t per 100. Just the berry that has been wanted in O.egon. SwtereXr
and larger than W.Uon Hih colored all over and better flavor than ShaS Mket
growers should not be without this berry in their patch. Set out now and cet wTearlt r
nt ntfn.j. Address E. llofcr. Salem. Or
m,,M ,a -..,.., iMnLr.? jyiT " ldeiful remed
Eramro-w-erT uSSwUrtSSS MsSSSc. VSf
awns, Kerrousncas all drains, loss oTpower U Cerai. ? OrC,.?!?;
For uli by D, J, FRY, Mtm.J
Forty acres 5 miles from Newport mostly
clear and bottom land, $800.
Eighty acres near Elk City, 20 acres culti
vated, good buildings and orchard, M500.
One hundred and sixty acres 4milcs from
Newport on county road , 14 acres clear, 3
hoUMrs, trout stream and small fruit, J2000.
Eighty acres at I'ioncer, on Yaquina river.
quary opened, orchard, house and bottom
land, will lease 01 easy (emu.
fruit tract of 4 acies on ltoone Slough,
Lincoln county S350
Pioneer farm of 91 acres, Morrison,
Lincoln counly, good improv ments. $2,500.
One hundred and sixt; actes, thrre fourths
ol a mile from Pioneer btnch land, $600
One hundred and sixty acres on Beaver
creek, Lincoln county, tooo.
Five acres at Mill Four, Lincoln county,
ifo. - .
House and lot, Ncwportjnear Presbyterian
church, $900.
Three wftler front lots, Newport, $800,
Seal Rocks, 240 lots.
One lot, level, Seal Kocks.Jsoo
One lot south Newport, $125.
Two lots with one and one-half story house,
fensed and cleared, good well, Newport,
One lot, one and and one-half story house,
not finished within, $225.
Fourteen lots, two story house, fenced,
large fruit garden. 1300.
II you have property for sale write to the
undersigned, giving description and price.
If a buyer can be found in the ccuntrv for
what you have to sell this paper ivill reach
E. HOFER, Salem, Or.
- s r
Yellow Strvm ,,,.
Two Transcontinenh
Via Spokane Minneapolis atPanl and ben.
vr Omaha and Kansas City. Low ratei m
eastern cities.
For full details can cn;or auaress
aeenti, Salsm, Oregon,
Portland San Francisco,
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock, Poitlanr,
October 9, 14. 24, 29 November 3, 8, m
18, 22, 28.
Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, $2.50.
Ruth and Gypsy leave Salem for Portland
daily except Sunday, at 6 a, m. Returning
leave Portland daily at 6 a.m., except Sunday,
Passengers given transfers to electric line
at Oregon City if dosind, making it posible
to reach Portland nt I p. m.
Round trip tickets to all points
in Oregon, Washington, CnlifomU or tte
East. Connections made at Portland win
all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on t). M
Powers agent, foot Trade street.
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or.
For full detahs call on or address
Foot o.f Trade st. Local A qent
Southern Pacific Co
b:oo V Ml Lv... 'Portland.
(9130 AM
7:iO A M
( 8:00 P M
H:3o PMf iiv. . . .satem
74S A M ) Ar. San Francisco Lv
Above trains stc p at all principal station!
bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Maricn
Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Ilalsey,
Ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Rnscburg to Aihiand, inclusive.
S30 a M I Lv. .
1100 a m Lv..
520 nil Ar..
i 2 oo.T tl
(7.'3oa m
Pullman buflet sleeper and second-class
sleeping cars attached to all through trains
Mail tlains daily except Sunday.
730 a M I Lv. . . . Portland.. At TT'So'p M
1215 p M I Ar. . . .Corvallis. . .Lv ) 105 P M
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains ot the O. C & E. Ry.
4.5 P
730 P M V
8:30 P M )
Lv.. ..Portland. ...Arl 825 A M
Lr .. McMinnville LvJ-550 a m
Ar Independence Lv) 4:50 A M
Direct connections at San Francisco with
Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail
steamship lints for JAPAN AND CHINA.
aaiing (talis on application
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and
LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtained
from V. W. SKINNER, Ticket Aent,
R. KOEHLER. Manacer.
C. II. MARKIIAM, G. F. &P. A. Portland
Eastern Fi. ii Company i
Connecting nt Yafvina 15ay with the Sa
Francisco & Yaquina Hay Steamship Co,
3ails from Yanuina cverv 8 ilas fur Km
Francisco, Coos l!ay, l'oit Orfoi5, TV.nidh'
and Ilnmbolt Hay.
Pcssengtr accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the 'Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to Sab
Francisce: Cabin, I9; steerage, $5; to Coos
Bay and Port Orford, cabin i6; to fiumbold
Ray, cabin f8; round trip, good 60 days, $i6t
'l.-eamer Albany" between Portland and
Co.vallis, through without lay-over. Leaves
Salem 10:45 a- ln. Tuesdays, Tnursdays and
aaturaays leaves I'onlrml, Yamhill street
dock, 6.'Ooa. m. Sundnvi.L 'Vedntkdas and
EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Ot
J. C. MAYO, Supt. Rivet Division.
Northern Pacific
Pullman Sleeping Cars
Elegant Dinin Car.?
Tourist SleeDin Crj
Tof,St. Paul, JMinneapoiis, Duiuth. r-..
ittuu iuixs, v.rooKston, Winn
Helena and liutte
To Chiwo, Washington, Philadelphia, .N-
va.i. t7.. , ,, .. . r '
"" ioiiuu, ana ail mint
East and South
(i For tnformaticn. time flJ. w..n3 ...
tickets, call on or v-rite
365 Comrn'rcial srreet. Salem Or ,
M D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Paisi Arem
Morrison street corner Third l'ortlanrl. Or.
?,ly .tllree traIn9 K tlie world
iTn. y "'comparison with the Bur
n? al Su iaul CUIcuro Limited.,'
ijS ,D EuroPei two east of Chicago.
Hone west. So beautiful, so luxurious,
coatly a t rain lias nover before been
SAUo ,sPPsal of the travellnir public
of the Northwest.
Leaves St. Paul 8:03 p. m. Arrives
LUIcauo 9:25 a, m. Standard and com
partment sleepers. Dining car. Buf
fet Rinnl-nr. 'ri,.l-n,o .1 ? r.
nectlDB lines. A. C. Sheldon, general
agent, Portland, OreRen. ZZ.
Gen'l Agent. Portland, Or.
ol ji,miuniuu-Falllns B;
orr. lmpotoe7,SIplMiiii.ln , nw
fcj Abiusaod ottar ImoM ui lodU
cntlou TAtv vuUi.li ami tunlt,
ntxon Lort Vlullti ia old or roans. ttA
ft a msa lur UaJj, buU or ntnUn
JKfi.t i8" .PSMs rn oU Dthtrt traTla
kjkMearadtboausiUaiid wUl can sen. W lt
SJSJi JtTIl" a0""'?" to ran la wci -"
lili IFlfiil
Fef MlMtSalwn.Of-bvD.JiFRY4