uulm iMJunwn ii t lift, n tm&dmmim - ... UlttftfeliMial MB O " r E BUnb Ifcan Is a poor man and poor a blind man. Is,, for'tho, forhierjeoth no man and the latter no man sees. Do 0 C ? If so DON'T PUT OFF Wearing spectacles when you notlceiyour eyes faUlnp-. Spectacles preserve tho eyes If youRct therein, kind. A pair, of spectacles fitted to your eyes by us will last longer, Rive more. comfort than a dozen pairs of cheap ones. Optlc9 is (Tur specialty, and( we. ' guarantee every pair to give satisfaction or money refunded. Our advice Is free. , CHAS, H, HINGES, P, R, 2d door north of postoffice, Salem, Or, Expert Optician, Local Neu)s. A Novel Scheme. Under the di rectorship of JIlss Kelllhcr, the Pa cific coast Is to be advertised In the east and In Europe by steroptlcan views and an Interesting explanation. Go to Unity church Saturday night nd learn how It Is proposed to ndver tlso California, Oregon and Washington. Cheap TnAVEL. For 25 cents one can visit all the most beautiful places in California nnd Arizona and not leave Salem. At Unity chnrch on Saturday nlirht, under the charming conductor, Mls Kelllhcr. The audi ence will see two hundred of the most charming scenes on the coast. May Not Play.- News comes from Stanford univcrsiey that Chester Murphy.thc celebrated football player, is suffering from a carbuncle on the left foot that may preclude the prob ability of his participating in an) further games this season. Farmers And all classes of busi ness men arc found at our restaurant daily and all have words of praise for our 15 cent meals. They are un equalled. George Bros. Competition Is the life of trade liut the 5 cent Cuban Planter cigar made at 100 State street makes it es pecially Interesting for all other 5 cent cigars In the market. Try one. A New Diuectoky. The Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Company will Issuj a new directory for Salem and vicinity about December 1, when W. II. Daucey, the new manager will take charge of the office. Bids on a Dwelling. Bids were opened Wednesday after noon for a new dwelling, to be built by Eugene Brcyman on Church street on the lot just north of Mr. Brey man's residence. The bids were as follews: Young & ; Robinson $I,C30 it. lily l.oa) C Van Palton 1,470 A.Olinger&Son 1,380 J no. Gray I,82o Erb& Southwick 1,475 Examination Notice. Notice is hereby given that the reg ular quarterly examination for teach er' certificates for Marion county will be held at Salem, beginning at 1 p. m. Wednesday. Nov. 10, 1807. G. W. Jones, School Supt. Marion County. 11 2-td-w-d To Cure a ColdJinUne Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. y.jS'hirv' J35ESSSE 1 O.C.T.Co's STEAMERS Altona and Ramona leaves for Portland daily, ex cept Sunday at 7a. i Quick time, regular ser vice and low rates.' Dock stween State and Cou. . streets. M. P. BALDWIN, Acent.l Salem SB J4'Vo6A. JAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Articles of Incorporation Are Filed and Drawn Up. Geo. P.IIuhes,of thc'corhniittee on incorporation, reported articles for a commercial organzatlon,of a chamber of commerce, to be conducted as such bodies are usual'y organized, with a capital stock of$30b, or 00 shares at $5 a share, one-half to be paid Up. On motion this feature was agreed t", by tilling In the blanks as above. Mr. Hughes moved that a commit tee bo appointed, on membership, of three, to consist of C. P. Bishopi n. G. Sonnemann and F. II. Anson. Car ried Au adjournment was taken uiitll Monday night, November 15. The committee to solicit members are at work today and arc meeting with good success. "Know all by these presents, that we George P. Hughes, J. II. Albert and James M. Kyle do hereby make, sign and execute the following-articles of Incorporation of Ehcfsalcm Chamber of Commerce, for the uses arid pur poses herein set forth. "Artfcle I. The name .of this cor poration and by-wiilcli It .shall be known is the 'Salem Chamber of Com merce,' and its duration shall be un limited. "Article II. The enterprise, busi ness pursuit and occupation In which tills corporation proposes to engage is to conduct a chamber of commerce in accordance with the methods In vogue usually In the management of cham bers of commerce and boards of trade, some of-the object? being the acquisi tion and dissemination of commercial and economic information and to se cure to its members the benefits of co-operation lni the furtherance of their legitimate pursuits, In the de velopment of the resources of the city of Salem and state of Oregon and the fostering of their 'commerce and In dustries. "Article III. The principal office and place of business of this corpora tion shall be at Salem, in Marion county, in t'.ie tate of Oregon. "Artlcki IV. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be 300 dollars-, niid,the amountof each share of such capital stock shall be 5 dollars." JOURNAL "X-RAYS," Old Indian John was a young roan when the first while men landed on Chemekcte - bottoms, and he knows all the old pioneers from the stand point of an Indian's keen insight Into character. He stood chatting In Jargon with one who came among the early mlssloncrs, when a prominent Oregon politician passed by. "You know him, John ?" "Yes, me know him. Illin Slwash." Salem should be subjected to the outrage of it Bryan city treasurer who would be so outrageously honest as not to steal. . . Life In Salem would lose all Inter est to a certain class of pollttcans If all the Salem city money couldn't be run through the milking process of a rake-off on city warrants. The only way to put warrants to par and keep them there Is to elect some man cityi treasurer who stands on a sound financial platform of common honesty - -a Bryan man. A great deal of stuff that people ctll thought, and It gets into print too, Is merely food for thought and the more you feed on It the .nearer you come starving. There Is a great deal In politics that is respectable if not succeisful. There's Seth Low of New York.for I n- stance. ' The Republican party of New York City Is In this predicament: It pre ferred to slaughter the welfare of Greater New York to slaughtering the machine. Tills means that Plait Is to renominate McKinley. With Mark Hanna alive and Piatt's machine Intact, McKinley is all right for the 1000nomlnatlon. THE. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Notes on hducation by an Oregon Teacher. From "X-Ilays on Public Schools," written by' Prof. Louis Banco, of Drain, Normal school. Price 25c The educational standard must bo raised. People must become more ap preciative of the earnest teacher's labor. . Tho wages for the rank and file of public school teachers, averages less j than those of skilled mccl'itnics. 1 ' It Is an easy matter for any boy or , girl to become a teacher, which fact ' tends to drive older and more ex perienced educators from tho Held. 1 I Tli? one time avocation of "wMd-1 ing the birch" has now grown Into a recognized profession, Itecltatlon ' hearing cao no longer bo an honoiahlo I substitute for teaching. That one has acquired a knowledge of the common school texts, and has been made the recipient of a teach r'" license, docs not by atiyi means I in pi that lie Is a teacher. . ififTir i clUllR Iz D 'Z 1 n 1 f insl DEALER IN h : GROCERIES: Paints Oils Window Glass Var nish, and tbo most complete, stock of Brushes of all kinds in the state Artists materials, lime; bain oe raont and shingles; and tho finest quality of grass seed. a Grocery I 100 Court st. Headquarters for FRESH GOODS CLEAN GOODS PURE GOODS FULL WEIGHT GOODS and positively no POOR GOODS. JOHNSON & BUTCHART. ASK YOUR OROCER FOR Salem Special Bread made from it too't tho First Premium at the Stato Fa'r. We all feel proud of our home brand, Salem Flouring Mills, We are in the market to Buy Dried Prunes, Dried Apples, Green Apples, Potatoes, Onions, OREGON FRUiT k PRODUCE CO Republican City Politics. Tile otllces of four aldermen and a city treasurer are to be filled by elec tion the llrst Monday In December. The present occupants are all Re publicans. Salem city elections aredueon Mon day December Oth. An alderman from each of the four wards, is to be voted for In succession to Messrs. E. S. Lamport, Thos. Holiuan, Lee Mo Cicw and Frederick A. Legg, respec tively; and also, a city treasurer, to succeed 'Andrew A. Lee who Is filling the unexpired term of E. J. Swafford, resigned, The-city Republican central com mittee Is without a regular chairman, Harvey S. Jordan, who was cli sen for that position, having changed his residence to Seattle. This vacancy can be filled by mem bers of the committee, numely: Ross E. Moores, first ward; E. L' Phllbrook, second ward; George U. Asliby, third ward, and J. Frank Hughes, fourth ward. They can select Mr. Jordan's successor to serve until the city 1 e publican convention names the new committee throughout. The Republican primaries are to be called duting the last ten days of the present month, and the convention In the lirst days of December. Tho names ol the aldermen whose terms expire are being mentioned for re-election, though several of the gen tlemen declarp they will not run. It is sometimes hard to decide what to believe about a matter. It has been reported by good authority that the city dog-catcher -has never fed the dogs in his charge and that Is the reason they howl continually. If this U the case, the Salem Humane society should look after the authorities. A Salem man bought a dog lit the pound the other day and says he was the fattest dog lie ever saw and that the city pound master feeds them well. A state Institution and an Infirmary for defunct politicians ought to bo two different things. Salem Is to have a solid board of trade that will be a source of pride to the city. It will not be a pass-the-hat affair either. W 1 1.1 t!ii .traveling advcrtlsln solicitor, solicits your card to hang up where people will stand and make fun of It, tell him you are 11 it soft in the upper story or born 1 the small of the moon. He wilt understand that you advertise In newspapers. If you have never been hypnotized and had red hot needles ru.i through your flesh, now Is your ciiance. To think or enduring life without such Inestimable blcsslngsN Y hy, It is simply Horribly to think what would happen If a Bryan city treasurer were elected, who would put Salem finances on an honest basis and make the mayor's bank put up. BORN. Teaching requires a greater expen diture of nervous energy, receive less thanks and is more beggarly remuner ated than any other occupation In which skilled workers are required today. There Is altogether too much ma chinery In the ordinary public school Pupils become entangled among Its various complications, losing sight of the real advantages of tho more prac tical methods of Instruction. Trying to cram an Indefinite qnan tlty of text-book matter Into the mind of a pupil, without his know ledge and favorable acceptance of Its object and effect, is as dangerous to the child's own good, as it Isubsuid In its method. WANTED, ETC. New today advertisements four lines or less in this column inserted three times for 25 cti, SO ctt. a week, $1 per month. All over four lines at samo rate LO3T-0n Slate sircet beiwetiT High"" arid Church, Wednesday evening, Nov. lo, an umbrella. Finder please leave at Dear liom's liH.k tlote 1 1-1 r-3t. At llarrilt & Lawrence n 3-tf FRESH KRAUT, lorner grociry. VETERINARY - W. Lone. Veterinary ; -ufReOn J'las romi.vecl hit fficc from the r.isluor dtaMe to Huftiniin's Stable, back 01 me vwiibniciie uoiei, ruutm. n-io.im SS State of Ohio, City of Tolkdo, 1 Lucas County, f. '. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior parther'of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business In the Citv or Toledo, County and State nforesald, and l hat said lirni will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case or Catarrh that cannot, be cured by the use or Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. Cheney. Sworn to before 1110 and subscribed in my presence, thisOth day of De cember, A. D. 1800. A. W. Gleason. Seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ofi'the system. Send for testimonials free. "F." J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. OrSoldby Druggists, 75c. The Gentleman FAiuiEO.--ThI is a handsome illustrated monthly magazine for farmers and all classes. It is edited by practical men, and finely Illustrated. The price Is only a dollar.avear. and it should be in everyrruralJiome. T113 Journal has iiiauu uiiuiiKuuiuuu) uj cruu tuis muttb desireableperlodical at tho low price of 75 cents. Sample copies can be seen at this office, tf Dreadfully Nervous. Gents I was dreadfully nsrvou and for relief look your Karl's Clover ItootTea. It qaielrd my nenei and itrtngtbroe my' whole'Neryuu Syitetn. I wm troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel, trouble. Your Tc ooo clearued my sy stem to thor oughly that I rapidly regained health and strength Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by D. J, Fry. WELCH. At the family home, in Soutli Salem, on Wednesday, No vember 10. 1807, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Welch, a daughter. MARRIED. M'NARY STOLZ, At the' bride's home. No 555 Commercial street. at 8:30 p. nij Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1897, Miss Ella NcNary to Walter T. Stolz, Rev, C. B. Hacon, of the First Baptist church officiating. The rooms 6f the NcNary home were beaulirully' decorated with ger alnums, carnations, palms and Ivy Roses, emilax and chrysanthemums formed the decorations In the dining room. The wedding cermony was wit nessed by about forty or the Imiue ato relatives und Intimate friends of the principals. The bride was ac companied by her brother Chas. L. McNury, by whom she was given away and supported by Miss Lenor Kay as bridesmaid. Mr. Stolz was supported by Harry Olingcr as best man. Following tho cermony congratu lations were extended the newly wed ed couple after which a wedding sup per was' discussed, -Mr. und Mrs Stolz have begun house keeping at No 102 center street, where they will be "at home" after the25th Inst. A child K natuially, a living think ing, practical being, requiring und demanding living thinking practical teaching; and to confine his spontane ous energies to the baro page of the text, which, under such circumstances must soon become uninteresting, if not repulsive. When these common trainers of children become the instruments through which they will be taught who and what they are, their posi tion in, and relation to the world of life about them, with lcs text bank machinery and various other complex school room complications, we shall have better schools, better work and better products. We have throe classes of teachers always represented lu. the teaching world, viz: Those who make the work a "stepping stone" to something better, young people who begin with good Intentions, but through mar riage, poor health or s.irne other un forsecn event or cjmlitlon, soon tlrop the work to take It up no more, and those and remain permanently in the profession. Call for Warrant. Notice is hereby given that there aie funds on hand applicable fo the Daymen is all warrants of the citv of Salem, endorsed on or before April 29 jbuu, aruwn upon me general niod. riease present said warrants for nav- ment at usiaa x isusu oanic, as inter ested on same will cease from the date of this notice. A. A. Lee, City Treasurer. Salem, Nov. 10, 1897. lot HOUSE FOR RENT. A good five roorr cottage on CAr line neur Nor'h Salem chool Half acic in fruit ami an acre in cultivr.tion water plenty Mr llatlie Gar elton, I8lh and Cliem-kela st 9Jt. H FOR SALF-1 int or trade, at acres o land. 6 milcH muiIi of i'a'em, Marion county, small liou.-e, )cung orchard, about about fi,c oc ci in cultivation, balance timlxr. Call in J.J Hartlelt.J. M. rjiieV dflice, Salem. I t-c, (it) FOR RENT. -G. A ufiice room on ground lloor.li('lile.t nml Iu3ted,ratesl..w Inquire at i unal c (Tier. t RIOHT IN ""TOWN... Any one wanting drain Hie in smill rtargequnnti tescan ge (h 111 r ,! Iwr in town Call at Journal olfioe 1' Salem 0lectrto1R$. F R, ANSON, Receiver, Commencing Nov. 2, 1897, and. until further ordered electric cars leave Hotel Willamette as follows rOR PENITENTIARY, via State Houaei 6.-30 a. m., 7 a. m.and every 30 mlnutei thereafter until tons P.m. And at Ittjop. m. to Twenty-fim Urcetcnly. FOR 8. P. Co, LEPOT, via State Houses 6145 a m., io.'ho a. m., i.'4o p. m. and 8.-oS, p. m. FOR INSANE A8VI.XJM, Transfer to Garden Roadi , . m., 7 a. m. and every so minutes thereafter, nntil 10 n BUSINESS CAT? 6.'jo a. m., 6,a4o a. m.and atjtt p. m. P FOR SOUTH SALEM: 6:40 t. m., at lo.'40 p. m. 7 a. m. tnd every 4o minutes thereafter ur.ill, 10 pi m. and SemiTropic California Winter Scenes in tho Central and Southern Portions of tho State. Jl LECTURE ! AND Stcrcopticon Exhibition. Stop that Cugli 1 Take warning It nuyf lead 10 Consumption. A 25c, bottle n Shiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by D J. Fry To Cure a Cold in, One Day Take Laxative Bromo Ouinlno 'Tab lets. All druggists refund the nionoy If It rails to cure. ,,rc At Unity church, November 13, 7:30 p. m. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Oross icceipts fpr benefit or church'. The lecture by the distinguished elocutionist und dramatic reader. MISS IIKL13N KELLEIIER. Is an elaborate and interesting treatise on tho beautiful and wonderful in California witb tipoulul attention to its famous winter resorts. The illustrations comprise 200 realistic scenes projected on u screen SOfeetMiuarc. Tlicdlhsolylnir-vlew limelight ster- opticon used in tills exhibition N the lamest ;ind most powerful on the Pacific coast. Itepropuclnir scenes sur prisingly true to nature CARS LEAVE M, E, CHURCH ON STATE STREET FOR MORNINGSIDE: 7 m 7-'30 . m. nd every 30 ml lutes thereafter, until 10 p. m. and II P. m , from State Intu'ance bui ding. FOR FAIR GROUNDS: 6:30 a. m., 7 a. m., and eyery 30 minutes thereafter, until 10 p. m. and 10.M0 p. ra , from Court hou.eonly. . "I his time table ii bated on railroad or Sandard Pac'fic lime. The town clock Is usually a to 5 mlnut.s s'ower. On Sunday, all cars, except depot, sliri at 8 a. m. NOTICE TO THEATRE OOERS: Lat cars at night leave as follews: For tmane Asylum and ('arden U,oad, II p. m , from Hotel Willamette and Fur Suth Salem, 10:40 p.m. or from opera house at I0.M5 p. m. when anv aitrn, lion tl eie. ' For State trcet loTwen-y firt street, II.3op. m., from Hotel Willamette. ror M,armneidea 11 p. m., fr in. Mate lnsutance buildirg For Fair Groun.lt and No-lh Sa' m. Ip.'3q p m , from Court house corner. O. H. mAOK Benttet, Srnceesser to Dr. J. M. Keene, old While Comer, Salem, Or. parties desiring superio operations at moderate fees In any branch aic in especial request. Money to Loan, 10-4 imd&w i low ap-i 1 to city warrants boueht. fcUlSJS f UAKKEK, wa are prepared to male loan at rate of Interest, Money fuinlshed, on preyed application, wltiout delay. Stated VWMMIJ 4IU 270 Commercial st Drain Tiling. Xa largo and small quan titles, at a great tme.atu. Inquire of Hofer Bros care urnal Salem. Or. d&wtf C: H. LANK, MKRCHANTTAILOR LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. WSHIOI STABLE. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. t P- 7 "t ft) t ?siJiHL-dMZ"Tr:-' ii i.w 1 Largest and, best equipped livery and feed establishment at Salem, liest service at living prices. Feed sheds and carral tq accomodate fann ers as low as any. E. E. GOODING. " Prop, Telephone No. J6. W, J, HUFFMAN, WILLAMETTE Reed's Opera House, FATTON BROS , Leasees mid Manager , Commencing Monday, Nov. O. Fricos of Admission 25c, 35o and 50c. '.1 z. &vm. Is n etirr VMV'tt He Not Deceived 1 A Coup h, Ilorscness cr Croup aro not to be trifled with, A dose in time ofShilo's Cure will save you mil li roubl.', Hold by D. J. Fry. Mns. Wiltjjak. Plono and oriran fctudlo over First National bamY, 5-tf His Hands Were Tied. "Our little boy broke out with ec Mtna. We were obliged to tie his hands to keep him from scratching and he suffered everything. We began ulvini; him Hood's Sarsanarllla and In a short lime his face healed. He took five or six bottles und has not had u sick day since." Olney Soucle, Plon eervllle, Idaho. Hood's nils are the only pills to take with Hood's Barsaparllla. Easy and yet cfllcient. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarro t lie rued y sold on a guarantee. Nasal ioiec or free Sold by D.J. Fry. Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all warrants pre sented prior to Nov. 6 1800, and In terest will cease on the same from the date of this notice. Dated Nov. 3, 1897. G. L. Hkown. U3 1nd&w. County Trcasuier. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo. N. V. Gen's: JVora my perc serial knowledge, gained in observing the ef fect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases ol advanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it Is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been Jrought to my attention. It has certainly aved many from Consumption. Sold by D. . Fry. O.lH'X'OXlXUsV. 3&tW$rars Karl'; Ciuver Root Tea, lor CunstipaiiQi it's the llest and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and yd. ) our money. Sold by D. J. Fry. 1 '; Up i'o Date Service. A Great many Pacific Coast people, when contemplating a trip cast and when bringing friends west, know very little about tho Interior line, and the object of this article is to afford reliable Information, In the lirst place for good time und service, select a route via St. Paul and Minneapolis, because the lines mat way ars continuous under oriel system without uny change or cms. I ana every man rrom peanut agent up Is a courteous, reliable and experl- , need oilicer, ready to aid and protect ypu iti rvery emergency anu-capaoio, of makipg you reel at home and com rnrtabie'diiring the long Journey. ' Then see that your ticket reads wla the Wlsconson Central Lines because that thoroughfare affords strictly first clas service, and the meals on Its dining cars (Always reasonable lit price) are equalled by rew and excelled by none. Geo. S. flatty, 210 Ktark St., Portland, Or.,Ij General Agent ror this company and will cheerfully fun.ish you a neat and handy calender t. and run information on ttiebiiujectof transportation, ir addressed or called upon, and any agent will upon appli cation, sell you a ticket over the Wis consin Central Lines. tf The Great McEwan Company, Headed by tho Peer of all Mind Readers and Hypnotists Prof. P. H. McEwan. UffflT Ml ! V jfllbueic I have just fitted out n studio proper, and am prepared to tea oh the piano or organ to ohlldrencv adults. My method for children is the newest and best. A cer tlflcntd granted from tho West terp Conservatory, whose Inter state system I represent Stu dio over First National bank and at 37G Church st. MRS. PRANK VvILIiMAN. , E M, CR0ISAN, DEALER IN Farm iERpIenRenfs ! and Vehicles, Exclusive valley house for McCormick Hind n.t Muwiis, DuRitto ritta engines and Thrashers, Spike, Disk, and Spring Tooth Harrows, Jihn Deere Steel and Chilled Plows. Repairs fcr l!1 the forego-ing. at I Commercial tySults in upwards. St., Salem Or Tanul c?wands'.J T. H HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makesaspwialty of fine repair work, Seti Thomas clock. etc.. a5 Commercial Street JAS. RADEK. CAPITAL ELMER WHITE. CITY Express and Transfer COMPANY,1 Meets all mall and passenger trains. Bag gige and express to all parts of the! city Prompt service. Telephone Nol 70. JUST OPENED ! Frank W. Durbin, FEED OF ALL KINDS. 2J4 Commercial street. Beat quality and no middle man's profits. 'AT THE OLD P0ST0FFICE. A. DAGENY, Family Wino and Liquor Store Re. toyed from 102 State to 109 Commcrcia stre.it. Bottled goods of the best quality. Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut In prices on the fc llowingi Sb.rU, plain iocentt Unaer drawers 5 to loceptl Under shirts 5 to 10 cents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 conti Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and othei work in proportion. Flannels v d other work in", tclligently washed by hand Col, J, Olmsted Prop Corner Ferry and '.iberty streets Telephone 172 Newest' rig9 and best horses aiwajs (n readinerj fyCoaBt or mountain parties a specialty, 7 '4 if GREAT HEATERS I Oregon Airtight Stovee 1 11 cniertiilninont for the people. The wonder of the Niutecntli cent ur.v. Vividly rcallrtlc, wonderful !n exe cution A n endless clmln of novel feutures. See Hie human woodpile. See the bicycle race. See- the balloon aecnslon. tee tho liypnntlc Saturday. Saturday matlnrc, adults i1) cents, children lOcentH, to any part of the house. MEATS AND POULTRY. G.S. PII1IGII! NEW MARKET. State itreet, near ruilroad. Frcthest and hot meats, My patrons say I keep the test meats in ton. a j 3C $3.50 to $6 50..3C nygieoic Sffldy I Teaches us not to use adulterated food, Kemcmber we use no coloring for eggs, glucose for sugar nor grease for lard in our pastry, Everything the best at the Home Bakery Insurance block. Only full line of this manufacture, home Btovos act I Northwest . -I h 'Nurseries. 1 MIX Xrimlnnnl.. nA T7fnll CH) ft tf v! fell m Choice Early Grapes. I have strong four year old urapc vlnes.of best early varieties, will bear next year,' Both blue and white grapes grown on these vines took all the premiums at the stste fair. l E.IIofkii. Salem, Ore. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. ?4-&vm bet rtnr .Fcr Constipation take, KarlgV Clover Roof Tea, the great Wood rurifar. Cures Head ache. Nmcusriess. Eruptions on the face. and makes the head clear ai a.bell.y SoM by iij " Wliolonalo nnd Retail. j rgc Mok .f fruit trees and shrubbery. Alt stock free from pests nnd dUeasct. Trees to trade jS .reipoiinble jneiiwanled to act ns 3;ejn irecs jueuve eu tree in .-ulrm. Address 7 T. D. IONES Salem. Or." " 1'ioprieior. Wine for catalotrue.io 2Tlmd&w Wt m i J. A. ROTAN 256 Commercial street, Have just received a full line of carpets and wall paper, Oak suites, room mouldings, For the next sixty !days -wc will offer special .bargain. Wm MARKET WOLZ & MIESCKE, Props Dcalara In'all kinds of frh snd salt mea's Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meat in he own. Try them. 171 Commercial st. Just Reopened, Iliown & Son, of.lhe East Salem meat mar kel, have enlarged and refilled their shop and will be pleased 10 see all of their old patrons ami the reit of the community. Orders taken ami delivered. Parents sending children may depend on having iWit orders con sciintinusly filled. "Mil up and ropnired promptly, BTBINBn & BL03SEn, Tinners and Stovodealers, 140 State at WE vv-ANT x Your market chickens, turkeys, ducks, gechc and eggs, highest cashprice paid. REMEMBER We sell thorough bred poultry and eggs poultry supplies, lice killer, and bone meal, OREGON POULTRY & SUPPLY CO. 114 COURT ST BALEM OR. HOTELS AND BOARDINO. Sty Free L?cUir?s to women al 3130 p. m. Jt W, C. T. U. rooms on rndayaept. 10, ept. 24, Oct. 72, no v. 5, and Nov. 19, by Mrs. v. V. Alford, manager Viavi Co., 340 Liberty street, Salem. fit fu- tlBill rlrutaii (f C&tfBBSt Ism vr)w. Hotel Sai?nt. M. rBHKBLIi, Prop- Only First Class House In the City. npie : bull Rates Car to al public buildings pats Ihe door. Corner Slate and High streets. Salem, Ore. ..Chalu)in flofose,, Flrt-clt private; hotel. Hoard and room fllofj.5,0 day, keduoed rates by the week, House supplied with best well water In the city, To doon south of tint M. E. church. lltt NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY " PUIfS - BARR ti PETZEL aro headquarters for them and Jnll work connected witb the business. PLUMBERS AND TINNEHS, 214 Commercial st Edward W.TillsoD Teacup of Piano. State Insurance building, If B, Thomas Tutliill, Analytical Chemist and Assayer, Ottoe with Salem OasLight Co., or Ko 4 ChemeUeta street P. O, Box X Salsra, Oregon, Prompt returns on ore samples, General analytical work.d&w oil em water Co. ttrOfllce In City Hall. Xrrluatlon imurx 0 tc 8 a. m, und f too In tho evening. All Irrigation bills ror the summer will be duo und pnyiible the Ut of July, Htreet sprinkling thmuuli Inwn hose positively prohibited. No deduction for Irrlu'itlnu during absence unlcsa water Ih cutoff the entire iiremUca, No ullowaneo tuudo for part of sen 600 mi more water h needed to brloi onta i:ei(leotd lawn tlian Judicious UN) for the entirowjawiti. H.Ul Yatcii f-'o. PHONE 30. Ring Item up when in want of cement, lime, plaster, hair, sand, gravel and all kinds of building materials, of best quality and at the lowest price Coal and sawed wosd (all lengths) promptly delivered. All kinds of hauling dene. - D. S. UEWILEY : CO. Successors to Salem Imp. Co , Front and ChemeU-ta. WOOD WANTED. Highest maiket pilce paid for cood Woo in wcik. Ulacksmiih and wagon work at lli lowe.t figurci HERSCHHACII A: SMITH, loo Chcmvltta liee WANTED APPLES. We will pay cash for apples for dry ins purposes. Call at onco at tho office of tho " OREGON LAND CO. Tlogn Block. Baleaj, Or. BICYCLE aud Umbrella Repair IB hop. L. E, OABCKBR, l5rTonc Ibis v,ceV-arge Mock lirrlla sup lloliinn block. lira- 3X8 Ulwiiv si. tl'IIKaW itiir la 1 Uidlli. H sbbbV iiaaKnbfll ft! 91r ' gMcienim.o.fH v it. ii.i. r fcvfl CURE YBURSELFJ Dm Ilia H fur unnatulal uiliartfiM, lMHiiuit!yn, irrimiiuii ur uicvrnuon ucuu uitiuiiratiM. aktf, aii'l liul ulrlq. ut I'l ..au Mkuzlvi. Tali hECHliCilCo. ut poiwjjittuj. kCisemstn ttatd t ur wnt lu t'Ulu Hfi 1. mitr", lrtiia,I II u.-. cr a IwuIm. u.Va. tlrniH- tu.t vu ruit. 'fcMrXNc frt'pIJ,tm 11 , 1$ , ! I "t !V mn 1 $a M i T$ . tafc