-A Mm4MbJM!llJBUaaA' 'L '13 mmEm , 45 - tsortw- -vf. "f tiiiT rni 1 'in i ' - i niiTiiii-i nM tj 1 1 ir i Siii m twSawHi ii . ,3S faWaj' aM limited number of dainty little these flMusb (Dapee Trimmed with Conoy nnd Jcta fzi 20-inch lengths, very styl ish, good valuo, only $5. OAsn STORE. f HOLVERSON'S j cash STORE. lOO Pieces New dress goods just re ceived to be placed on sale 15, 16 2-3, 20, 55, 30, 40, 50 and 60c per yard, Our line of silks is the largest in Marion county, rang ing from 40c upward, i New Leather belts at 25c each, Hair nets at 5al0c each, Chatelaine bags, 50c each, Leather purses at 35c each New line of Fancy Fans, A BOARD OF TRADE. Of People Who Pay for a Good Thing Because They Like It. Three-hundred and forty-two new subscriptions to tlio Daily nnd Wkeicly Journal up to Oct. 20tli and still t)ic list Is growing. Advertisers arc asked to Inspect our subscription list, wlilcli nro open to the public. For character of the readers, and paying ability us custo mers, tliey are llrst class urcgonlans, NEW SUHSCRIl'TIONS. James Hayes, Sublimity. Walter Delot.g, Salem. J. B.Gibson, Freestone. Oil. Win. Downing, Lacomb, Or. T. T. Geer, Maclcay. L. I). IIutTman, Salem. I C. Baker. San Francisco. G. W. Hutisaker. Turner J no. J. Bartlctt, Salem, C. G. Schramm, Salem. u. Simmons, Salem. T. K. Simpson, Tekoa, Wn O. II. Fay, Salem. J. Donaldson, Salem. C. W. LaGrange, Salem. ucideck'er, balem J. J. Dalpynipl? & Co. J. A. Iluscy. Turner. Win. Bagley, Portland. P. II. Healcy, Wallowa. Jos. Weaver, Wallowa. A. Wade, Wallowa. D. Bartlctt, Joseph. L. M. Rccdcr. Aumsvillc. J. A. Ilussey, Turner. J. II. Glazner, Turner. Ojburn's Racket Store The Proof, In our last advertisment we said we carried good goals. We now ask you to look in our north window and see our display of chate laine bas, pocket books, purses, horn and Japanese shell hair pins and side combs, Fancy dressinc combs in celluloid, amber anl clear shell leather belts with buckles and in the laiest fai, the cinch belt. We ask a comparison of quality as well a? price on these goods with any similar goods in town. We know the quality is hist class and prices extremely low. Osburn's Racket Store, Next door to Albert's bank. REMEMBER. most Wi nro. still i?l vlnt? awav that Interesting book. "The Lost Shackle, or Seven Years With the Indians," on the purchase of $2 worth of goods, at The Fair Store. You can't afford to miss reading it or will send to any address post paid on receipt of 25c. O. P. Daijney, 274 Commercial street, Salem. PERSONALS. 13T For local matter nee third page. G.Stolzwasa Portland visitor to day P. II. D'Arcy returned today from Eugene. Mrs. Z. F. Moody Is visiting friends In Portland. Judge Geo. II. Burnett returned to dayjfrom Albany. Dr. J. M. Kceno went to Portland this afternoon. Mrs. W, II. Abrams Is visiting rela tives In Eugene. O. P. Dabney, of the "Fair" store, was In Albany today. Thos. Pomeroy returned to his home at Mehama today. D. E. Kenworthy, the Albany lunch counter man, is in the city. Mrs. A. N. Bush was the guest of Portland friends Wednesday. Misses Lou and Leona Illrsch spent the day with friends In Portland. Bagster 2 Bibles d A now and complete line J just received at : : , : H I lMi.l.Aj.MM m 1 l -euruui ii t m i Bookstore '' Editor Train, of the Albany Her ald, returned home this morning. Attorney Webster Holmes went to Portland this afternoon on legal busi ness. Mr?. G. M. Beeler returned this morning from a business visit at Eoseburg. Itcv. DavenDort, D. D canio down from Lebanon this afternoon and is the guest of G. A. Rockwell. Chas. L. Cosper, of Lincoln, Neb., and F. S. Smith, of Rathdrum, Idaho, are registered at Hotel Salem. L. T. Reynolds, state horticultural commissioner, went to Woodburn "to day to Inspect some nurseries Mrs. Ellis Ilaslam and Miss Dora Eastburn, left today via Yaquina, for an extended visit at San Francisco. Congressman T. II. Tongue, of Hillsboro, was in the city today, hav ing business before the supreme court. Miss Eura Clark returned to Port land today, having attended the Clark-Royal wedding last evening, being a sister of the bride. Mrs. -R. A. Kirk returned today from a visit atSt. Paul. She was ac companied by -her sister, Miss Smith, and also Miss Kirk, a sister to Mr. Kirk, who will spend several days Jin this :clty. Rev. E. J. Thoinpron .vho will par ticipate in the Installation ceremon ies at the Presbyteri-in church, came down from Corvallls this afternoon and will be the guest of J. A. Van Eaton and family while In the city. Hon. T. W. Davenport, who has been examining the farming lands in the mountainous portions of New York state, writes to friends here that some of their best farms would not be accepted as a gift by the aver age webfooter. Enough rocks are picked np off the land to build the fences. Thirty or forty head of sheep almost keep one family, the lleece un der the present tariff yielding about $1 each annually and a good fat lamb turned in for mutton brings four or live dollars In the great city of New York. BUSINESS MEN'S MEETING. Preliminary Organization to Report A Plan. E. n, Flagg was called to the chair, and Walter Lyon served as secretary at the Salem business men's meeting at the City Hall Wednesday. J.O. Bjzarth moved appointment of a committee of three to draft a form of organization. Carried and J. O. Bozorth, Wni. M. Clieringtcn and H. D. Patton were named. J. II. Fletcher and E. n. Flagg made brelf addresses for the promo tion of the enterprise. J. G. Wright, Dan J.Fry and others spoke in behalf of the petition in fa vor of Yaquina bay, now circulating In this city, and the following resolu tion was carried: "Reselved, That it is the sense of the Salem Chamber of Commerce ,that the Oregon delegation in congress urge upon the secretary of war the importance of prosecuting the contin uous work of Improving the Yanuna harbor in accordance with the act of congress authorizing him to make contracts therefor not to exceed $1, 000.000." The meeting adjourned for one week to hear the report on organizati on. YEW PARK BURGLARY. McAtee & Smith's Grocery Store Enteted Some Time Wednesday Night. The grocery store of McAttce & Smith, on South Twelfth street In Yew Park was entered by parties iasu night. An cntcrance was gained by forcing the front door open. Tlio till was rilled of a number of English and American pennies and a small quant ity of plug and smoking tobaccos va carried away. ThobUrghry Is supposed to have been the work of tramps, a largo number of the hobo clement having been seen in that vicinity during the past week. i At an early houi this morning momhersnf thn Prnseott family and also Earl Race heard dlsturbancs that were probably occasioned by the thieves breaking Into the store. . 1,n.--.-- T'- fi -If'-i -""irnft ii.i.iTiTT fti..fl. i if ..... ... . 1ArSTKrtrcniirir9irrwr , ii 39ggBggsi!g2 mts FRIDAY and SATURDAY T 'O A New Business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Baldcrston, late of Rossland, B. C, have decided to settle in Salem and engage in the furniture and un dertaking business. They arc prepar ing to open up in the Turner block, and will be ready for 0biminess early next month. They will find Salem a more satlsfactry place to liyo and do do business than their late home In the mining regions. SPECIAL DRESS GOODS ! All the latest effects and colorings, 5 We have received late shipments of all the new dcirablc fabrics, and offer them at OU1V Ml AWUUIUU JJriWCS J tliis Last Chance 1 The end of our special watch sale oc curs on Saturday of this week, Now Is The Time to get a good ladies or gents gold filled watch from $8 up. Solid gold from $i8up. JOHN Q. BARR 118 State St. Reed's Opera House, PATTON BROS., Malingers. Phono 59. One Performance Only, m Whist ! The Old Folks Whist club (whose proceedings are strictly forbidden to appear in the newspa pers,) held their regular weekly meet ing at the home of State Treasurer and Mrs. Phil Metschan. The guests of the evening not members of the club were: Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Ilodg kin, Dr. and Mrs. Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Grlmth, Supt. and Mrs. D. A. Paine The llrst prizes of the evening went to Mrs. Olive England and J. D. Sutherland. Second prizes sometimes called booby,)went to Mrs. iVlliiamsoii aim Mayor uicharuson. Ouuuon Wuatiiek. "This Is Cali fornia weather" remarked a young lady this morning to an old Oregon lan. "Oh no" was the reply "This is Oregon weather." Oregon against tho world for Ideal weather. Bargains in Underwear, 25o EACH Ladles' rlbbed.'gray Uccced wnlL'lit and well 11 nl shed. 25o EACH Children's white merino shirts cotton shirts and drawers. Good and drawers. A good article at a low price. 25c A SUIT -Children's gray rltbcd cotton union suits, not many left. 35c EACH Ladles' ribbed, lleeced cotton shirts and drawers, extra heavy, color ecru. 50c EAOIILadlcs lieayy ribbed cotton lleeced shirts and drawers, colors whlto and gray. ei.00 EACII Ladles' and men's all wool shirts and drawors,' colors white and Social at Shaw. A surprise party was given to Mr. B. Ilefliebower and family, Friday evening, October 22, 1897. It was given for tho purpose of making them n farowoll vlelt. Tlioro wore about 75 persons in attendance of both old and young. The evening was very pleasantly passed with music games and talking. Supper was served at 12 o'clock, which consisted of the yery best of cakes, pies and chicken, which all ate very hearty of. At about 2 o'clock, al took their departure for home. Bidding this family good bye which has been with us for six years will be a sad parting to all. They camo here from Kansas in 1891, and have resided here till the present time, when In a few days will leave for Ft, Collins, Col. To Wed. County Clerk L. V Ehlen today issued marriage licenses as fol fel fol eows: Geo N. Sroat and Lizzio Van Wagner, C. J. Arnold and Anna L. Edmunson. This makes a total of thirty one such licenses Issued for this month. Try Schllllns'w nest tea and baking powder, America's Favorite Comodlan, Digby BellA Presents the New Comedy. "Tto? floosier Doctor." 'Ala- By Augustus Thomas, author of bama," "Mizzouri" Company of 25 Artists, J? PRICES. First 9 rows $1 00 Balance lower iloor 75 First row gallery 1 00 Balance 50 Seats now on sale. Free Excursion TO- PORTLAND gray. f,0o BAon-: tan. Mcu'e heavy ribbed cotton shirts and drawers, colors gray and DOo EAOII Men's heavy softcamel'a hair shirts and drawers. Great yaluo. MELBA UNION SUITS Best made a ful lllno from 50c to $2.00 a suit. Willis Bros. & Co. 302 Commercial street. The cash dry goodi and klioe house, AcenU' Standard patterns best andjiheapest, Iu order to enable our numerous friends and customers to pay us a visit and examine our new store, with its entirely new stock, we have concluded to give them an opportunity of doing so free of cost, Our plan is this: Every one visiting our slore from Marion county, who makes a purchase amounting to twenty dollars or more and presenting a copy of this id, will have his railroad fare from his railroad station, including Salem tnd all points north, refunded by us. I'o assure those who are not acquainted with our house be beg leav? to say that we have but ONB PRIOB and that the lowest. All oui goods are marked in plain figure!. Our stock is entirely new and has been carefully selected by our Mr. WnSell ing, nnd we sell only at POPULAR PRICES. Moyer Clothing Co. BEN SELLING, Manager ng iff! m Third end Oak Sts, 14c - very pretty line of raised effects, in green and purple, and red and black. 45c nkky line of heavy ' raised effects, in all the late shades, A bargain at 75c, 39c nc smaN checks, Pretty children's wear, 25c or a nc a wo3' imported serges, a 1 1 shades, serges, 37c, For a line of 5(Mnch, du wool storm in black and navy. 25c, For a line of 42'inch, cnangcabie serges, in several colorings, 45c, Fot a Knc of 54inch all wool ladies' cloth, in all shades, very heavy, BLACK DRESS GOODS-vWe arc showing an exceptionally strong line in plain and brocades from 20c to $2.00 per yard, which we will also sell at reductions dur ing this sale, PATTERN SUITSIn fine goods arc also included, It will pay you to investigate the bargains we arc offering at our ever popular specials, 257 Commercial st Cc'micf55cir)e(5i55fis "t -? JwiMii'-ZSViV'2 Telephone 112, &Ea&aaS&3&&g2 ' PROFIT AND LO -:e: tv tjr I v n i r W& ' " m m r-. ate playing a game of "seesaw" in every m business, Satisfied customers will send the "prof it" up? displeased patrons will put "loss" hopelessly in the ascendancy, A, B, Steinbach Co's, clothes are the only readymade garments we know of which satisfy at once the artistic sense, the physical needs and a modest purse, Our profit comes in ever increasing n sales, As surely as ''the night follows the day" so surely does one customer send us another, And why ? We will refund your money if you are dissatisfied CHAS. S. RIELY, Manager " uLM0m PRICE HATTERS a CLOlW M ZZZZ-x .nnmiBM