Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 26, 1897, Image 1

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    r-Wf. wvmumyqp?K,Yw
New York Racket
Carries a good quality of goods in all lines,
NO. 33C
Rough Experience of Return
ing Klondikers.
The "Star 5 Star" Line of Shoes!
and boots of .,11 sizes, and grades, from tlc Brown Shoo
Company Is unsurpassed, and all prices low.
Henry W. King & Co.'s line of clothing for men, boys and
youths arc of the best quality, for the price at which they
arc sold, and their stock of wool and cotton hosiery, under
wear, hats for n,en ,,nd boys, table linens, towels, crash,
satchels, handkerchiefs, ties, etc., all sold at racket prices.
Call and sayc money.
Three Times TIipv r nt
Food-Rescued by Indians,
; .
Lssarvars sjgsjKSygsjs msmsws msstmyaysaax. '
SEATTLE, Oct. 2G. Onlu Mm mnMO(
cliancc and the lucky discovery of the
half hidden trail by one or their
number, saved six members of a party,
headed by P. L. and Julius Trlppe,
from a horrible death by starvation
On tlln n.'lltnn f -..II l. i ...
9 Call and saye money. Zl The TuTeSSTXo
' Trlppe brothers, formerly of Chicago,
II t- ,t Z a"d included Charles will, nt
Whatcom; Charles G. Dutr.is. n mi.
from Juneau; John Fry, of this city;
""uuiies, oi woodsmann. and a
.prospector livinir at Fort. Wmnmo
rniln.. ,,. rv " .. ----.
..mi icuuuiiihj! on seiKirk prepared
their outfits for the long and arduous
journey over the Dalton trail.
A week after leaving the Yukon
river they encountered a deadly Alas
kan blizzard. The trail was covered
with snow and they lost their bear
ings. Their provisions ran out, and
after groping for three days throueh
a blinding snowstorm, they were
finally rescued by Indians and taken
to Dalton's trading post, where they
were given food.
Arriving Daily.
Wc have today a better black clay for
than we have ever been able to offer before, Our blue
brown ulsters at
1 $775
are great values, Overcoats from
J $3,50 to $18,00,
Boys' and men's mackintoshes for
. $2,50 and $3,00.
Full double texture makes us headquarters for this
Very extra long black slickers, quality
Fedora hats in all shades,
! 7Kn. a Sim $2, $2.50, $3,
Our underwear department is complete,
Iron bottom trunks from $2 up,'
To buy of us is to save money for yourself,
Boom at Dyei.
Dyea, Alaska, Oct. 13 pcrsteamor
Farallon to Seattle, Oct 20. Town
site boomers have struck Dyea in
force. A townsite was recently sur
veyed, and the location of lots began
immediately. Lots were being lo
cated and jumped all day Tuesday,
and several- tragedies were narrowly
averted. The narrow valley between
the Dyea water front, clear aboye
llealy Wilson's trading post.a mile
distant, is filled with tents and shaeds
of all descriptions.
The cause of all this activity Is the
anticipated rush over the Chllkoot
pass this winter and next spring. A
wharf Is being constructed at Dyea,
the Interested parties, It Is understood
being Chicago capitalists.
In addition to this, it Is expected
that a cable road will be cons-tructed
over the summit of Chllkoot pass.
The wlic for the tramway Is now at
Finnegan's point and Sheep Camp.
It is stated that goods will be trans
ported from Dyea to Lake Linde
inann at a rate i uuo will' not exceed
12 cents a pound.
Sifton On the Trail.
Victoria, B. 0., Oct. 20. Hon.
Sifton, minister of the Interior, has
started in over the Lyea trail, with
Major Walsh, administrator of the
Klondike district, the mounted police
and other officials. Sifton will return
by Skaguay trail If he gets through.
No Food.
Victoria, Oct. 20. Miners who
came on the Farallon from Dyea and
who left Dawson City about 40 days
ago, say that the day before they left
Hansen, one of tho managers of the
Alaska Commercial Company, arrived
In a conoo and told of the abandon
ment of the efforts to get food up the
river. Fully 400 miners at once made
preparations to start out over the
trails, but the citizens' committee re
fused to allow them sufficient pro
visions for the journey, so, save those
who had already started, all will have
to remain and share In tho privations
at Dawbons.
On tho way over tho Dalton trail,
which In many places runs along the
Yukon's bank, Fries' party met many
boats bound down. He estimated
that about 300 boats arc going down
the river with from four to seven
men each. Tho Fries party was the
last to leave Dawson. At Five Finger
rapids they fell in with a party headed
by Kay Stuart, ofvNcwYork, which
left live days before, and caught up
with the party made up of John Fry,
F. L. and J. Trlppe and C. Holden, of
New York, with an Indian gnlde.
The party ran short of food and for
lour days none naa any rood save an
owl which they shot and some soup
made from a rawhide strap which
they were using In packing their
The Farallion brought down about
$20,000 In gold.
Tragedy at Tagish,
Seattle, Oct. 20. The passengers
of the Farallon, which arrived here
from Alaska, bring the news of a
murder commited near Lake Tagish
October 1. Two men from Seattle,
raised Henderson and Peterson, quar
reled over a trivial matter and Hen
derson, after stabbing Peterson with
a bowle knife several times, drew a re
volver and beat his victim's head Into
a jelly. Peterson died soon after.
Henderson was arrested and bound
to a tree for 10 days until the arrival
of tho Canadian mounted police, who
took him to Dawson for trial.
County Treasurer Brown Re
ceipts for More Taxes.
Other News Items Gathered at Ma
This morning Sheriff F. T. Wright
man made a payment of 1890 taxes,
aggregating $15,140.10, to County
Treasurer G. L. Brown, to be credited
to the following runds:
Polls $ 137 00
City or Salem 1,701 40
City of Woodburn 112 35
City of Stayton 1 67
No 24 $ 1.013 15
Mo 103 lfU 07
No 4 45 73
No 5 15 40
No 11 8 01
No 17 2 35
No 21 240
No 25 8 00
No32 804
No 57 2 02
No 89 20
No 113 4 38
No 118 0 71
No 97 0 48
State, County and State
school 11,107 87
died Intestate, leaving property of tho
valuo of $0,000. Warros Simmons was
appointed administrator. Ho re
cently Ulcd a petition for an order
authorizing him to dispose of 100 acres
belonging to tho estate that certain
indetbedness might bo paid. One
Item of tho Indebtedness Is $1,900 pre
sented by tho administrator, himself.
Today was tho day set for hearing
of tho petition. Mre.Mlnnlo Simmons
and thrcoof tho minor heirs, through
their attorney Tilmon Ford, appeared
in court today to contest tho claim of
the administrator and also to defeat
tho motion for an order to sell the real
property of the estate Tho admin
istrator Is represented by Attorney II.
J. Bigger. Tho caso began this morn
ing before Judge G. P. Terrell sitting
as probate court, and will hardly bo
concluded before Wednesday afternoon.
Will Try to Throw Off the
Spanish Yoke,
Conspirators Hope to Utterly Crush
Marin's Army
G. W. JOHNSON & Co jKaK6!
120 State street,
$" ! 35
Corner State and Commercial Sts.
tt :w-
Thc greatest
chance of a lifetime for persons to secu:c
Bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Men's Furnishing Goods.
nothing to give away
SrtfeSSSl - tnde bargains we arc giving
.. t l-.4Ailnc "
Wn linro nn "lenders," "liu ""'"
h ana eve
Farallon at Seattle.
Seattle, Oct. 20j The steamer Na
varro arrlmffrom Su".M Ichncls. She
left there October 10, one day beforo
the Humboldt, and consequently
brings no late news. She brought 30
nassenuers who failed to reach the
Klondike, and who wero utterly dis
gusted with themselves that they ex
acted a promise from tho captain
not to give out their names. A ma
jority of them went to Alaska on the
steamer North Fork from San Fran
cisco. B. N. Bunch, of Medford, fell Oct.
25 on Sterling creek and his right leg
was broken below the knee. He and
another own a mine in that section,
and had just completed arrangements
to begin woik today. Mr. Bunch took
a pan of dirt and started to the creek
to wash It. He tripped on a small
stick lying across the path and fell.
He was brought to Medfora on a lum
ber wagon, a distance of 14 miles, ar
riving here late at night, when tho
fracture was reduced, and he is now
resting easy. Mr. Bunch Is over CO
years old, which makes the accident
all the more serious.
tended purchasers can reuuu DCU -r
of the baigalns and you;wlll surely
Buy none but Salem mills make,
IYou can get the best at lowest prices at
1 299 Commercial st, $
I J--LjjJi.iTr'vnVwyv' vflTC-TrrTT? TTtTTTtJTt fVt ' Vt'Ti?!
Total $15,140 10
Thii makes (Iftcon paymonts of
1890 taxes, aggregating $103,007.38, of
taxes colected by Sheriff Wrlghtman
since March 1st i897. Subtracting
tills grand totol from $187,100.20, the
total tax leaves delinquent taxes to
tho amount of $23,492.82. Sheriff
Wrlghtman will submit a report to
the county couit when it convenes on
Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, and attho samo
lime will make another payment of
tax money Into the county treasury.
The llnal payment will In all proba
bility reduce tho amount or delinquent
taxes to about 820,000. Tax money
continues to be received, a great part
of which comes through the mall.
Hofer & Zorn, of Champoeg, were
among those receiving tax receipt to
day. Their receipt Indicated a tax
payment of- $810.30.
Deputy Sheriff "W. L. Jones returned
home late Monday evening from Ocean
Park, Tillamook county. Ho was ac
companied by Mrs. Tldwel", whom ho
subpoencd as an Important witness to
appear ut the trial of Win. Sherwood,
whose examination on tho charge of
larceny from a dwelling will bo held
before Justice II. A. Johnson Wednes
day forenoon. Mr. Jones reports a
very hard trip, tho recent rains mak
ing some sections of tho mountain
road almost impassable.
Word was today received by dfllclals
In the county clerk otllce, from Dep
uty County Clerk F. A. Turner, who
with his family has been spending
several weeks with old acquaintances
In north-eastern Iowa. Mr. Turner
will leave on the return trip tonight
and will probably reach Salem Satur
day evening or Sunday.
"The Pendleton Shoo Store Co." of
this city today Hied articles of Incor
poration with County Clerk L. V.
The Incorporations arc: O. Kt
Krausse, J. W. Lewis and J. R.
The capital stook Is $U000 and con
sists of CO shares or $50 each. Tho
principal ollicc of tho company will bo
at Salem, but It will carry on business
Ut Pendleton.
County Treasurer G. L. Brown re
turned Monday afternoon from a ten
dajK vacation ycry pleasantly spent
In St, i) Un and vicinity.
to wed,
W. J. Jones and Minnie Fuller re.
ouiyid u marriage llconso today from
County Clerk h. V. 15hlcn.
This, afternoon a marrlago llccnso
was Issued to Orr Royal und Emma
K. Cl.irk.
Kirly last fcprlng Asa B. Simmons,
lluitfs liesl baking pow
st'Ji baking powder as
.voulil aslc ns to make if
n '.new the facts.
M ti
'it w
i ruacl
Serious Accident Happens At the Oregon
City Locks This Morning.
Special to Tho Jeurnal:
Orecjon City, Oct. 20. This morn
ing about 11:45 a. in. a serious and
fatal accident happened near tho
Portland gcnoral electric Company's
station B, In which two inon lost,
their lives and four, wero moro or less
seriously Injured.
Tho men wero working In a dam be
low tho wooden wall of tho locks and
wero hemmed In on all sides by high
wuiis when a portion of a largo fed
Hume, which was used to supply tho
iocks with additional water In sum
mer, gave way. throwing heavy tim
bers and an enormous amount of wa
ter upon tho men.
Tho hole In which they wero In,
filled rapidly with water, and two of
tho men were drowned beforo assist
ance could bo rendered. Ono man was
very seriously. If not fatally, Injured
by falling timber.
Thirteen Perished.
Point Arena, (Jul., Oct. 20. Tho
little steamer Alcazar, which was dis
patched to tho rescue of tho wrecked
schooner Casper, on Saturday, re
turned to her moorings and reported
having recn nothing or tho supposed
survivors of tho disaster. It was re
ported that she was seen to pick up
two of the crow of tho Ill-fated CaB
per, but It transpires that she only
picked up somo of tho wreckage. It
Is now known that thirteen mon per
ished on Saunders' reof.
Qirl In Trouble
Butte, Mont., Oct. 20. A young
woman who gayo her name as Maude
bouthwlck was picked up on I the
street, by tho police, oho was wan
dering aimlessly about and had long
been without food and Bhcltcr. Sho
said she had boon deserted by her hus
band, to whom sho was recently mar
ried at Portland, but she rofuscs to
give his name except to say that ho Is
a commercial traveler. Her parents
sho says, removed from Portland to
Oakland, Cal.
Superintendent Moicorn has every
thing ready to start up tho Sanger
mine, In Union county. Tho pumps
have been kept busy In tho mines for
somo time reducing tho quantities of
water that had filled the many tun
nels, drifts and stops up tho mine, so
the property could bo operated, and,
although thoro is much water In the
lower tunnels, work can be carried on
In the upper works. Tho resumption
of tho work will give employment to
a largo force of men.
Pleads Guilty.- Itoss McCormlck
was arraigned berore Recorder Edes
today on threo separate charges, viz:
assault and battery, breaking a glass
In a business house and assaulting un
officer. He plead guilty to all three
charges and will be sentenced at 10
a. in. Wednesday.
A Chanow. The Salem Soda
y"j orks have been traded by 1. J. Prlco
to W. K. Whlto for u Yamhill county
farm. Mr.Prlce will take up funning
while Mr. White has moved his fam
ily from Shcrldun to Salem, and will
conduct the Soda business.
SoMETiiiNp Foil NoTniNa Is not
our motto. We. serve the best IS cent
meal to bo had In the city. Our meals
glyo perfect satisfaction, a fact that
Is self evident from the crowds that
visit our restaurant dally, George
Motion for Judgment. Motion
for judgment on pleadings In favor of
defendant was filed In the circuit
court, In the case of J. B. Nye vs, A.
I. Wagner.
Call for County WarranU,
Notice Is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay ll warrants pre
sented prior to Sept. 1st 1890. and in
terest will ccaBe on the same from tho
date of this notice.
Dated Oct. 20 1897.
O. L. Brown,
1,0 20 1, wd&w, County Treasurer.
New York, Oct. 20. Tho Herald
says: Porto Rlcans of this city aro
talking about another uprising In
Spain's minor colony In tho West
Indies. They throw out dark hints
about an expedition that Is dally ex
pected to land, and talk with confi
dence of being ;ablo to sweep Captain
General Marin and COOO Spanish regu
lars into the sea. The Spanish volun
teers, who number nbout 7000 on tho
Island, aro not taken Into consider
ation; but aro dismissed by tho plot
ters as men who uovcr light.
Several Porto Rlcans havo arrived
In the city within tho last week with
news from the island that has been
tied up by tho Ures of revolution
among the exiles who are here. They
dcclaro that Porto Rice will not accept
autonomy, and that an uprising will
take placo beforo Spain has an oppor
tunity to Inagurato tho proposed ic
forms. The revolutionary junta of
which Dr. J. Julio Henna Is tho head,
which has been Inactlvo slnco tho
abortlvo attempt of March 24, has
been aroused by the news from tho
Meetings have been held messengers
dispatched and an air of mystery as
sumed by those who aro Interested In
tho project of wresting Porto Rice
from tho grip of Spain. It Is even
hinted that tho mysterious schooner
Silver Heels, which was supposed to
have left this port a week ago with
war material for tho Cuban Insurgents
may not bo bound for Cuba ut all, but
may bo next heard from in Torto Rl
can waters.
Much Importance Is attached to the
dopurturo ofJoso iDavlla, a wealthy
merchaut and coffee planter of
Juana, Port Rice, who has been In this
city for six months, nnd who disap
peared tho day beforo tho Sllvor Heels
sailed. Rumor places him on tho
schooner, and is to tho effect that ho
has gone to tho Jamaica to lit up an
expedition. It Is said Davlla will bo
joined In Juana by Rolg, who is do
scribed as tho hero of tho Yanco up
rising of last March.
It is said tho services of a Cuban in
surgent with tho rank of major-general
and two Santo Domingo generals
havo been secured for the coming rev
olution, und that aid will bo obtained
from Ilaytl and San Domingo, as well
as from this country.
Dr. Henna, the head of the Junta,
declines to talk.
Ono of tho Porto RIcan residents
of this city said that ho received a
letter from tho Island stating that
the Spanish authorities have resorted
to the "Componto'' method of treat
ing their political prisoners. Tho
letter states that Senors Matos Hor
nier, Gulllcmo, Belasco and Toraas
Currou havo been subjected to tho
treatment, which Is tho same that Is
ullcgcd to have resulted In tho death
of Dr. Ruiz in Havana.
The punishment was Indicted, It Is
alleged for tho purpose of forcing , tho
prisoners to tell where a quantity of
ammunition hud been burled, but tho
men rcfuscdto give- any Information.
Word was received that Manuel
Catulu, who wus sent to Porto Rice
with messages from tho junta and
for whom tho authoratlcs wero look
ing, had succeeded In making his
cseapo to Huytl.
Hoy ml aiakci the food pure.
whoUtoaie and dtllclouM
AfceJuty fur
ovu ujqno rowcta CO.. hi IODIC.
But come and Becure gome
bo pleased,
iSsra- "" -